53.84% My Hero Academia: God / Chapter 35: Outside the Law

章節 35: Outside the Law

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Before taking Blur's carcass on my shoulder, I tentatively removed all of his edged weapons and tied him up.

Finding some hero in the city, wasn't hard, considering the streets are in total shambles right now, with all available heroes fighting Nomu.

These Nomu are different from the one in U.S.J., they are much weaker and slower, and their wounds don't regenerate. As I said earlier, in terms of strength, they are equal to C-rank villains, but for the low-grade heroes here, they are very dangerous. The first one had wings, the second one was just tall with long limbs and two pairs of eyes, and the last one was a big boogeyman with a missing upper jaw and eyes. They also all differed in colour.

No idea why Shigaraki had launched these low quality Nomu into the city, it wasn't like the last time...perhaps he had a beef with Blur and decided not to bother sending a Nomu after him?

As I pondered the possible motives of the enemy, I didn't notice the winged Nomu that had hit me in the air, which dropped Chisome, but I wasn't flying high.

- Where did you lose your eye, you ugly bastard? - I shot the freak with an enhanced charge, blowing his head up. I asked a rhetorical question, because I already knew who took his eye, it was Prospector...speaking of him.

- Damn lawbreaker...and with him the unconscious Hero Killer, lucky me today. - said the Prospector, near where I had landed...and at the same time, Nomu's corpse. By the way, Shoko was with him, she decided to train with him, because only he can help her get used to her fire essence better than anyone else.

- But I don't. When I saw your disgusting face, my good mood vanished.

- Blur's badly wounded and immobilised, the vigilante must have hurt him. - the Prospector completely ignored me. - Shoko, watch carefully as I deal with the perpetrator. Watch and remember. - he instructed his daughter and moved towards me.

- Come here, it'll be easier for me to beat your face in, hothead. - I also moved towards him.

The Prospector created a spear of fire in his hand, which he had recently used to take away Noma's eye, and threw it at me, aiming for my torso.

I had no trouble moving away from the spear, but the Prospector took advantage of it, coming as close to me as he could, immediately grabbing my left arm, intending to break it, but my legs were free, so I swung my left, straight at his knee, making him stagger, because I'm not weak, and without hesitation, threw the gun in the air and caught it with my free hand, pointing it at the Prospector, making him let go of my hand and retreat a few metres.

- And who caught who? - I said to him with a sneer.

- You can't escape anyway, the police and heroes will be here soon. You're trapped. Surrender while you still can. - he suggested, with a wry look on his face.

- Pfft, ha ha ha. Me? Surrender to you? A loser who spent his whole life trying to keep up with the Almighty! - I laughed loudly, causing the veins in Prospector's forehead to swell. I know how to piss people off. Shoko gave me a suspicious look, as if I reminded her of someone else.

- Fiery Fist: Fire Burn! - The furious Prospector shouted loudly, gathering a clot of flame in his hand and made a direct strike with his hand, which shot a direct beam of fire straight at me.

- Heaven's Rupture! - I extended my arm forward and powered it up with light, delivering a vertical, straight palm strike that sent out a slash of light that sliced the Prospector's attack in half, causing it to dissipate.

- What?!' the Prospector was surprised at how easily I dispelled his fire beam...and surprised not only at that, but also at the fact that I repeated his recent trick of throwing a light spear at him, forcing him to concentrate on dodging, and then closing in on him and bringing the gun in front of his face. The Prospector covered himself with both hands, powering them with flames, forming a sort of fire shield.

- I got him! - I proclaimed, instantly going behind him, firing a medium plasma blast that didn't hurt Angie, but knocked him down, which I took advantage of by hitting him in the jaw with a swinging punch. I tried to contain the power of the blow so it wouldn't kill him, and it did, and Prospector was unconscious, sprawled out on the pavement.

The Prospector is not a weak hero, but here in this area, I had a number of advantages over him. I can move easily in tight spaces and fight well, plus I have a lot of firepower, but Angie can't use large-scale flame attacks near residential buildings without hitting them, because almost all of his moves have a large attack radius.

- Get away from him! - Shoko threw a fireball at me, which I easily dodged.

- Oh, I'd already forgotten about you. Did your father show you how to catch criminals? - I smirked, crossing my arms.

- ...How do you know he's my father? - She asked, clearly suspecting me of something.

- Hehe, I know everything about the top ranking heroes, from who their relatives are to what they eat and who they sleep with. - I lightly hinted to Shoko about her intimacy with a suspicious guy.

- You'd better get out of here, he wasn't lying, help will be here soon. - She replied, realising that she would definitely lose in a fight, since her dad couldn't defeat me.

- All right, I'll let you go, and I wouldn't offend such a pretty girl. - I complimented her, which earned me another suspicious look.

- You...sound almost like someone close to me. - She said it right, squinting her eyes.

- A nice man, with good taste and humour. - I flattered myself. And Shoko wasn't lying, a group of heroes jumped out from around the corner, two of whom picked up the unconscious body of the Prospector, and the rest surrounded me, shielding Shoko.

- It's the Tengu vigilante! - One of the heroes recognised me.

- He attacked the Prospector! Maybe he's with Blur, and he's trying to get him back! - the girl in the tight spandex, judging by the surroundings.

- No, actually, it wasn't quite that... - Shoko didn't finish, as the previously named Blur broke free of his restraints with a hidden knife and attacked the nearest hero, inflicting a deep cut on his shoulder.

- Aah!' he recoiled, clutching his wounded shoulder.

- Fakes...all fakes. - The Blur began to speak in a half-awake state. - ...And the criminals that waste their energies indiscriminately...all of them will receive my punishment ha-ah. All this...for the good. A better world!

- And you don't seem to think you're going to settle down, liar. - I turned around and was about to attack him, but stopped as Chisome's blindfold fell off, revealing his ugly, noseless, Ghoul-like face.

- Fakes, mere fakes...must be destroyed...stain...only bloodstains will remain. The word 'hero' will be restored! - he took a step forward, making everyone but me recoil, at this point Chisome had really startled people, even Shoko was startled, landing on her heel.

- Go! And fight me impostors! - he proclaimed, emitting bloodlust from all sides. - The only one who will be allowed to kill me...the Almighty!

Well, in a way, that nutcase is right. The system of heroes and villains has long been rotten and needs to be solved somehow, but Chisome's actions do not solve anything, but only create more problems, I learnt more about his biography when he entered the academy for heroes, but quickly became disillusioned with the 'heroes'...in fact, that's the problem. He became obsessed with an ideal that never really existed. Toshinori is certainly a great hero, but...he's just as human as everyone else, and Chisome is convinced of the opposite, and went insane and became a serial killer.

- Fakes this, heroes that, just shut up already. You're annoying. - I instantly got close to Blur and grabbed his head and once again smashed his face into the pavement. I hope he's out for a long time now. - Nobody gave you the right to kill people, no matter if they are greedy for money or fame, they are all people, they have relatives and friends. YOU. UNDERSTAND. HOW MUCH. PAIN. YOU. TO THEM. BROUGHT. - With each word, I slammed his face into the pavement again, breaking his arms and legs while all the heroes watched in silence, as frightened by my cruelty as Blur was. Man, he got me a little dirty with his blood.

Blur's body may have been modified, but it's unlikely that he'll be able to move his neck, considering that I've broken almost every bone in his arms and legs, and I'm not even talking about his face, which has been turned into meat. He'll probably be permanently disabled. Blur and I are alike in some ways, we are both outlaws, and we both do what we think is right, but I, unlike Blur, am more discerning about people, and can understand the value of human life, while Chisome doesn't care. I don't think it's overkill to maim him, he deserved it for all those who died and suffered from him, including Iida's brother. Let him thank me for not killing him, though I wish I had.

- What you sow is what you reap...the hell with you, you're not my problem anymore. - I tossed the broken carcass and took off, ignoring the screams of the heroes, heading straight for the tower where my familiar malefactor was huddled.

- What a reunion, Shigaraki Tomura. You haven't changed, you're just as ugly as ever. - I greeted Shigaraki together with Kurogiri, who was watching from afar.

- You've ruined everything again. - Shigaraki tensed up as he glared at me, and I could tell from his eyes that he wanted me dead. - We have to report to the teacher, Kurogiri retreat. - he commanded his subordinate.

- Go on, get out of here, you pissy little pussy. Once I've dealt with your teacher, you'll be next in line. - he defiantly chased him away with a gesture of his hand.

- I'll kill you! - He threatened me and teleported away.

- That was too easy. - I said, and checked my wristband to see what the spy robots were doing. What kind of spy robots? I recently made a couple of miniature controlled robots with a camera and speakers to better spy on my targets, because drones can't spy on buildings because of the noise they make. But these little tricksters are silent, the first batch of them I launched in Detnerath to gather more information. And while I was distracting Shigaraki, the little spies got to him without him noticing. Now I can find out about their base, how many Nomu they have, where the Whimsy Thief is, and more information about his associates.

Speaking of accomplices, I'm still convinced that there's a rat in Yuei, so I've also scattered my spies around the school to keep an eye on every classroom, teacher, and room that isn't well covered by security cameras.

The situation at Hosu attracted more attention than I'd bargained for. Blur and Tengu were the centre of attention, and the fact that it all started with Nomu's attack was tactfully forgotten.

It was because one of the civilians had filmed Chisome's rant and how I had maimed him. Everyone reacted instantly, politicians, media, the public, heroes and even the criminal elements were in an uproar. On the internet people were divided into two camps, the majority, those who supported me, that Blur was a psycho and got what he deserved, and the others exalted Chisome, really considering him the herald of a new decent world...but nobody mentioned that this world will be built on blood and corpses. Eh people, the more I listen, the more I realise how far I have become from human understanding. The idea is as follows: humanity has entered a new era of superhumans, it's time for them to deny the past squabbles, and start moving forward to a bright future, forward to development...but no, people continue to tread on the ground because of the established system of 'good is good, and evil is evil', and this is not to mention the multiple cases of persecution and harassment of people, with unflattering quirks. At some point, you realise that all this cacophony like the Blur, the League, the Thief quirks come about because of human error.

Okay, I'm done. If people don't want to change, then I'm gonna have to drag them into a brighter future. I'll start by eliminating the main problem at the moment, 'Teacher' Shigaraki. Then we can get on with the rest of our business.

By the way, I'm officially wanted by the police as a criminal for disrupting public order and unlawful use of violence. I've been charged with aiding and abetting crimes, murder charges without evidence. Heh, looks like I've really pissed off the commission, now that I'm officially a 'villain.'

But I don't care, the commission can't do anything to me, they can't send the Almighty, they won't track me down, and as the skirmish with Prospector showed, nobody can defeat me, except for hero number 1. I wonder if they'll send an assassin after me, or if they'll think of not doing it...it's not politics, they'll definitely send one, maybe even a dozen.


Soon our internship with Itsuka will have to come to an end, which the chocolate rabbit is not happy about, but I assured her that I will still visit her from time to time and satisfy her sexual hunger, so that my bunny, do not worry, I forgot about her.

Miruko also noticed that Itsuka hasn't been trying to contact her directly lately, she's been ignoring me since she started her internship.

- I don't think we should have started this whole peeping thing. - Rumi told me once when Itsuka went to the locker room to wash and change.

- Oh don't give me that, you were the one who said, 'It's great to fuck when someone's watching us.' - I quoted what the rabbit said to me. Rumi and I do debauchery in my domain, but more often than not we do it before and after training and every time Itsuka watches us, and recently she decided to masturbate while staring at me grilling Rumi.

- That's right, I always get so turned on by that. - Rumi jumped on top of me and rubbed her sweat-wet body against me. - But I feel sorry for Itsuka, she hardly talks to us, it makes me sad. - The rabbit lowered her ears. After I slept with Rumi, she's much kinder and more docile than before. It's hard to call it love, more like attraction, but we're fine, especially since Rumi is horny almost every day and doesn't get tired unless we have sex for at least two or three hours.

- I have an idea...' I suggested something, whispering directly into Rumi's bunny ear, and a few seconds later Rumi's face broke into a predatory smile.

- Do you think it's a good idea? - I asked, truthfully, judging by her smile, she didn't mind.

- Just a great one. Go for it. - I put her down and chased her towards the changing room, slapping her buttock.


- Hey Itsuka, mind if I join you? - Kendo nodded, trying not to look at her. - Good. - Rumi began to undress as well, leaving her in a tank top and panties, just like the redhead.

Itsuka tried not to look, but she couldn't help staring at Rumi and remembering what Miruko and I were doing.

- What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? - Rumi asked her as she was about to take off her top.

- I-I-I-I...nothing. - Kendo looked away again.

- Is it because you were spying on me and Akira? - Rumi suddenly asked, shocking her.

- Y-Y-Y-You-know-what!? - the redhead exclaimed, stammering.

- Yeah, of course we both knew. It was so awesome, I've never felt so turned on by being watched. - Usagiyama smirked, slowly approaching the redhead, causing her to back away until her back was against the locker. - Did you enjoy masturbating while watching us? - Rumi asked, pressing her breasts against Itsuka's and taking her by the armpits.

- Miruko-sensei?! - said a still shocked Itsuka, not knowing what to do.

- What a slim girl you are, and you have muscles. I can see why Akira likes you. - The dark-skinned rabbit snickered and bit Itsuka's nipple, right through her tank top, eliciting a moan from her lips.

- S-sensei...' she moaned as Rumi trivialised her body.

- I'm certainly not a girl person, but corrupting you is pretty good. I'm even a little turned on. - She tilted Itsuka over, making her lean against the bench, and stroked the redhead's pussy through her panties, sticking her tongue out. - You're all wet, I think we can do without foreplay, right Akira?

- Akira-ra?! - Itsuka turned her head and saw me enter the locker room completely naked...and with my cock standing up.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C35
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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