32.3% My Hero Academia: God / Chapter 21: Plus Ultra

章節 21: Plus Ultra

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- Headman, why can't you stop smiling? - Kendo noticed my smiling face as we flew.

- Oh, nothing important. - I said ambiguously, while enjoying the soft asses of my classmates that sat on my shoulders. By the way, Tsuyu's ass and tits will be bigger than Kendo's with her trim figure.

- Don't believe him Itsuka-chan, Akira's a pervert. - Asui ratted me out right away.

- That was hurtful, froggy. - I said with feigned offence. - Well yeah, it's true, when you have such cuties on your shoulders, it's hard to remain a decent guy.

- Ahhhh...that's it. - Kendo was embarrassed by my sincerity.

Directly towards the entrance, there was a thunderstorm zone, simulating urban conditions in rainy weather, inside a special dome. As I flew through it, I saw Tokoyami and Koji there, but they were fine, they had safely escaped the villains and were on their way to the same place we were. I didn't fly to the centre of U.S.J on purpose, as my clone is there now, and things there smell like a backwards place.

Soon, we arrived at the centre entrance, where I smoothly lowered the girls to the ground.

- Akira! - Mina, who for some reason still hadn't run off with Ochako, ran up to me and gave me a hug. - I was worried about you!

- Are you guys hurt? - Uraraka asked us, also quite worried about us.

- Don't worry Ochako-chan, we're fine. - Asui replied.

- Why haven't you guys evacuated yet? - I asked the obvious question to Mina still hugging me...and Uraraka looked at her with a little jealousy.

- I sent Iida to get help, since the network is down right now, and with his quirk it's not hard to get help. - Thirteen came over, with Sero and Sato. - We were helped to fight off Kurogiri, a certain vigilante and went to Sotrigolova's aid. I wanted to evacuate the students, but no one wanted to leave the others in trouble. - A heavy sigh was heard from beneath the spacesuit.

- That's right, we can't leave our friends in distress, headman! - said Sero, at Sato's nod.

- I agree with you, Sero, but of all of us, only I can move fast, so I'll fly to help the others. - I suggested this course of action.

- We want to help too! - Kendo said, to the nods of the others, and Mina squeezed me even tighter in her arms.

- Don't even think about it, I'm not letting you go anywhere. - Thirteen said at once.

- I didn't ask for anyone else's opinion. This isn't a drill or competition, and you sensei don't have half the combat skills due to your line of work, so I, as the headmaster, can't abandon my classmates. - I unhooked Mina from me and took flight.

The closest zones to the entrance were the thunderstorm zone and the ruins zone, replicating the activities in the ruined city...in general it was more intact until the Almighty started fighting that ugly thing here. Since I had already checked out the first zone on the approach, I headed for the ruins.

On the approach, I saw Bakugou and Kirishima also heading for the entrance, taking out the second-rate villains.

- Hey guys, can I help you? - I flew up to them directly.

- Oh, you're here? - Kirishima was surprised, punching another villain in the face. Kirishima fights well, by the way, not a professional fighter, but he has some fighting skills. - I saw you get sucked into the talking fog, but I didn't think you'd end up here.

- What the fuck are you doing here?! - Bakugou started bullying me right away.

- I've come to help those who, like me, have been sucked into the teleporter, and please tone it down, Miss 'I'm number one'. - I made an inverted comma gesture. - Grab onto me, I'll transport you to the main entrance.

- Oh, great. Thanks man, or else we'd-' Kirishima didn't finish as he was immediately interrupted.

- Fuck you and your help! - she refused in an extremely polite manner. - If you want to help someone, go help the other weaklings, I don't need your help!

- Why does she always get so worked up when she starts talking to you? - Eijiro asked, because when she's with him, she's usually calmer.

- The hell she knows, and I've had enough of talking to the rude girl. Kirishima, go in the same direction I came from, that way you'll get out the fastest...and make sure Bakugou behaves with more restraint, not like a period bitch.

- You smarmy scum! - Bakugou grinned viciously at me, and a couple of small explosions appeared threateningly from her hands.

- Bye-bye bitch. - I waved at her and flew on.

Next, I flew over the collapse zone, well, and there was also not without incident. Only Todoroki was transported there, but she coped perfectly well there herself, having chained all the villains in ice...and began to extract information from them...yes, in general, she obviously didn't need my help.

The next zone was a mountain zone, in it simulation of mountain operations, including rescues. Already on the approach, I saw Yaoyorozu, Kyoku and Kaminari, and they were now being cornered by the villains. Yaoyorozu was fighting off the enemies with a steel pole and was using it quite well, plus Jiro was helping her by stunning the enemies, but Kaminari was doing nothing at all, and would have hidden behind the girls' backs.

- Look, I can't help you here. I can only cover myself with electricity, but I have no control over the process, if I use a quirk, you'll be affected too. Right now, you can't count on me, I'm counting on you. - Denki's excuse is that...well, he's an idiot and doesn't know how to use his quirk properly.

- Idiot, you should have added some quirk gear to your costume. - Jiro said, and she was right, because Kaminari was dressed stylishly, with embroidered zips on his clothes, but absolutely nothing to help him in battle.

- Backup has arrived. - I landed on the ground between the guys and the bad guys. - Time to take out the trash. - I attacked the henchman and hit him in the head with the back of my sword...and I must have caused a concussion, because I hit him so hard that the poor guy was instantly swept away in the direction of another henchman and knocked down by the carcass, from which both of them ploughed their faces into the ground.

I didn't have any trouble with the others either, no one could keep up with my speed, and they were street scum, hardly any of them could fight properly, so I didn't even have to use a quirk.

- Nobody got hurt? - I asked, knocking out my last opponent with a fist to the jaw.

- Thank you, headman, you came just in time. - Momo thanked me sincerely.

- Yes, you helped us a lot, unlike one useless. - Jiro subtly hinted at Kaminari, who was looking at me with his mouth wide open.

- Well, Kaminari, you disappoint me with your stupidity. You have such a powerful quirk and yet you don't know how to use it at all. - I said what I thought of him. Seriously, if he was even a little bit smarter, he would probably be one of the strongest students in Yuei, and then maybe in the whole world...but fate seems to have decided otherwise.

- That's a bit harsh on your classmate, don't you think? - said a bald freak that literally came out of the ground and grabbed Denki.

- Shit!' shouted Kaminari. - Hide! Disorderly charge of 1,300,000 volts! - he grabbed the villain by the hands that grabbed him and released from his body Kaminari, a huge amount of electricity that so could have hit me and the girls if I hadn't put a barrier in front of us in time.

- I'd hate to kill someone with a similar quirk to mine. - said the completely unharmed freak, apparently just like Kaminari has the ability to manipulate electricity, so he easily survived this attack. - Better drop your weapon boy. I don't know what your particular quirk is, but I think it has something to do with the sword. Do as I say or I'll kill him. - To illustrate his words, he put his hand to Kaminari's dumbfounded face from using the quirk, which began to spark with small lightning bolts.

- Wrong conclusion. - I shot him right in his nasty face with laser beams from my eyes.

- Aah!' he yelled, releasing Kaminari from my hands and grabbing his face. Since he can manipulate electricity, that is, energy, it makes sense that energy attacks on him are several times weaker than on normal scum, my eye beams didn't burn him through...but it still hurt. And while he was screaming and grabbing his laser-burned face, I grabbed his head and drove his face into the ground, finally knocking him unconscious.

- Hey Kaminari, are you okay? - I asked him.

- Huh? N-n-normal...' lying on the ground, he showed two thumbs, with the same dumb face. I put my hand to his forehead and channelled life energy through it, bringing Kaminari to a more or less acceptable state. - I feel better. - He was surprised.

- You can heal as well? - Kyouka asked as she sat down, a little tired from fighting off Shigaraki's minions.

- How does it work? - Yaoyorozu asked.

- Well, in the human body, there is also a lot of energy that the body usually spends on healing wounds, so it's called vital energy. It's more like the ki and qi techniques in martial arts, so it's something similar to what I use to regenerate quickly, and I can treat others in the same way.

- Headman, I never cease to be amazed at your intellectual skills. - Yaoyorozu looked at me with interest, and praise from such a pretty girl, I'm clearly enjoying it. - What's that? - She looked towards the centre of U.S.J, where a powerful air wave had just come from.

- Something incredible. - I also looked over to the other side, and there was something incredible going on.


- Sotrigolova, distract the white-haired freak and I'll help the Almighty.

- You're not very smart, revealing your plan so easily in front of the enemy could cost you your life. - Shigaraki said in a monotone. Suddenly, a purple portal appeared beside him, transforming into Kurogiri. - ''Kurogiri, how is our mission going? Have you killed Thirteen and the students yet?

- Shigaraki Tomura, unfortunately I was interrupted by that person. - Kurogiri turned his gaze to me. - He attacked me and knocked me out in flight. While I was unconscious, someone should have left the building by now.

- ...Kurogiri, you... - Shigaraki shook violently and then started scratching his neck with his nails. - If you can't fulfil your part of the plan, then why are you even needed...how are we going to be able to kill the Peace Symbol if a mob of professional heroes rush in here....If, you weren't our escape route, I would have killed you by now.

- Haha, it doesn't look like you have everything under control, eh Shigaraki? - I said sarcastically in the guise of Tengu, causing Shigaraki to glare at me with the clear intention of killing me. - In the end, it was you who turned out to be the idiot. Did you really expect to win?

- I'm not sure he's in an adequate state. - Sotrigolova's prepared for a fight. - Working with a vigilante was not in my plans, but this situation could use some help.

- Kurogiri. - He commanded his henchman, who immediately tried to open a portal beneath me and pull me into it.

I was faster, however, and moved behind his back, if he had one at all, and repeated my twisting kick that sent him flying into the sky.

- Take care of the psycho, Sotrigolova! - I shouted to him and flew towards the Almighty, who I still hadn't let go of Nomu.

I must say that this mutant Nomu, really strong, because the Almighty's hands calmly lift tonnes of earth, and he still does not release his grip. I've fought Hood once before and he looks a lot like this Nomu, perhaps his weak point, judging by the brains sticking out, is his head. I accumulated a large amount of plasma in both hands and stabilised it with pseudo-matter, compacting it and making it even more destructive.

- Double Heavenly Fang! - I fired two compressed beams at Nomu's head, this attack emphasises piercing rather than destruction, and its highly compressed version should increase its piercing ability. This attack worked properly, causing the enemy to claw away from the Almighty and howl. The Almighty bounced back to me at a safe distance, holding his wounded side with his hand.

- You are Tengu, am I right? The one who saved many lives in the Tokyo Tower attack a couple of years ago? I don't know how you got here, but I thank you for your help, young hero. - the Almighty thanked me, coughing up some blood into his fist. I can't heal his wound, as I am a clone of photonic energy, I don't have a bit of life energy in me, and it is dangerous to heal other people with photonic energy, if they are not predisposed to this type of energy, as I am.

- It's too early to thank me, the beast is not yet defeated. - I prepared for battle, and I was right. - Almighty, try to hit him in the head, that's his weak spot.

Nomu recovered too quickly from my blow and attacked the Almighty, ignoring me completely. The Almighty made a dash towards Nomu, during which he crossed his arms in front of him, and then, at the moment of the blow, separated them, thus making two chopping attacks.

- Carolina Smash!' he shouted the name of his move, named after the state of Carolina. An ordinary man would have been torn in two by such a blow, but Nomu didn't even move, but everything behind him was shattered by the two air sickles that appeared from the Almighty's attack.

- Detroit Smash!' he struck the monster's face with a swing as powerful as the last one. Again, it had no effect on Noma.

The Almighty switched to hand-to-hand combat, and while he exchanged blows with Nomu, I helped him from the air, attacking him with lasers, trying to target his weak spot, but even so the creature did not fall, but continued to fight with the Almighty, and I think I understood what was going on. From the blows, he was not even moving from the place, and all because of the fact that in addition to the huge strength and regeneration, he also has absorption of kinetic energy, or impact energy, which cushions the entire body from damage, but even so, he must have a limit of absorption.

While me and Almighty tried to overpower this monster, Aizawa took over Shigaraki, and he was doing well so far. Not knowing what the enemy's quirk was, he immediately blocked it to gain an advantage in battle.

But Aizawa's quirk, also has limitations, this quirk erasing only works until he blinks, and people need to blink. Shigaraki realised this too, and caught him just in time as he was about to deliver an elbow strike to his chest. Shigaraki grabbed his elbow, and his skin suddenly crumbled off of it like glass, exposing his muscles. Hmm, he seems to have a molecular decay type quirk, meaning anything he touches, be it animate or inanimate object will crumble like stone.

Good thing at least Aizawa was able to unhook him from himself, or he'd turn into a puddle of blood and guts. Anyway, Shigaraki wasn't much of a fighter, so it was no surprise that Aizawa was able to shove him off with a powerful leg kick.

- He took so many of my punches and he didn't care. - said the Almighty, grabbing his arm and throwing him a hundred metres away from him.

- In addition to its immense strength and regeneration, it absorbs the force of the blow, which is why your attacks don't damage it. But it has to have an absorption limit, too. - I explained.

- I see your point, so to defeat him, I'll have to use more than a hundred per cent of my potential. - The Almighty understood me.

In an instant, the Almighty's energy surged around him, and in the next spurt, he reached double-digit Mach speeds, meaning that even I, with my speed, could barely see his movements. In a spurt, he immediately hit Noma, and didn't stop hitting him with all his might until gradually the monster began to miss attacks. The Almighty was also wounded, Nomu hit him a couple of times in his wounded side, but that didn't stop the hero from ramming him at full speed, knocking down trees in the process.

Without stopping, the Almighty made a powerful uppercut, throwing Nomu into the sky, jumped up after him and sent him back down with a punch, and then landed back on him, as if he was playing with him like a ping-pong ball.

- HEY VILLAIN, DID YOU EVER HEAR THOSE WORDS? - The Almighty concentrated a huge amount of energy in his right fist. - GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA! - With a straight right lunge, the Almighty struck Nomu with such force that he simply flew out of the U.S.J, breaking through the dome, plus the impact raised a huge air wave that knocked everyone in the vicinity off their feet.

It's hard to admit, but the Almighty is stronger than me. I think he could have handled Nomu without me, except it would have been harder. I couldn't have handled that monster, and it was lucky for me and everyone else that the Almighty came to class today.

- No! That's impossible, it wasn't supposed to end this way! - Shigaraki shouted hysterically. - Master lied, you haven't weakened in the slightest, even our comrade Nomu couldn't overpower you!

- Shigaraki Tomura, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. - Kurogiri formed again and captured the white-haired man in a misty teleport. Apparently, my last attack didn't knock him out again.

- Mark my words, Almighty. Sooner or later, you will die. And when you do, everyone will realise what a hypocrite you really are, just like all heroes. - Shigaraki threw a threat before disappearing.

- He's gone. - Aizawa stated, holding his injured elbow.

- Well, now that the head bastard's gone, I'll take my leave. I was glad to see what the Symbol of Peace can do in battle. - I waved goodbye and moved into the domain, leaving the two heroes wondering where I'd gone.

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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