21.95% Roshidere : Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian / Chapter 18: It’s a promise

章節 18: It’s a promise

"Alisa Kujou."


Alisa turned around in response to someone calling her name during lunch the next day.

Standing behind her was a girl with perfectly straight, almost shoulder-length black hair who

gave off an intellectual vibe. Alisa didn't recognize the voice when she first heard it…and

she didn't recognize the girl's face, either, but she could tell she was in the same grade due to

the color of the ribbon she was wearing. And yet despite having never met before, the gaze

behind the girl's glasses wasn't the least bit friendly.

"…What?" Alisa responded, her guard up.

"I'm Sayaka Taniyama from Class F. I know this is sudden, and I apologize for that,

but do you have a moment to talk?" the girl asked in a sharp tone as she firmly resettled

her glasses. She gestured with her eyes to the inner court outside the hallway. While her

words were polite, there wasstill nothing friendly about the way she wasspeaking. Normally,

Alisa would ask what exactly she wanted, but there was something about the girl's name that

sounded familiar to her, and she furrowed her brow.

Sayaka Taniyama…? Isn't that the name of the girl who fought against Yuki in the

election in middle school?

Alisa had heard all about her the other day from Masachika, especially about how she

was a candidate Alisa had to watch out for other than Yuki. Sayaka Taniyama—she was

the daughter of the CEO of Taniyama Heavy Industries, one of the leading shipbuilding

companies in the country, so she came from an extremely wealthy family, making her one of

the elites at Seiren Academy. Sayaka herself was incredibly talented as well. Her test scores

were always within the top ten in her grade, and she worked as the class officer every year,

so all the teachers knew her. What was most impressive, however, was how she'd defeated

the candidates for president and vice president from Class 3 at the debate in middle school.

She crushed more rivals in the race than anyone else, including Yuki. That was why she was

the candidate Masachika was most worried about other than his sister.

And that person, a future potential rival, was asking Alisa to meet her outside to talk.

There was no way she could say no.


"Thank you very much," Sayaka replied without a hint of gratitude in her voice before

walking into the inner court from the edge of the hallway. Alisa followed after Sayaka, and

they stopped underneath a large tree in the middle of the courtyard.

"First, I would like to confirm one thing: Do you really plan on running with Kuze in

the election?"

"…Yes. Why?" Alisa said, although she wondered where Sayaka had heard that. A

furrow appeared in Sayaka's brow, and she continued with obvious malice in her voice:

"How sleazy of you. Are you not ashamed of yourself?"

"…Excuse me?"

Alisa was more dumbfounded than angry by the sudden insult hurled at her.

"You stole him away because you knew Yuki wanted to run with him. Were you trying

to provoke her? What you did was low, even as a joke."

"E-excuse me?!"

Alisa couldn't take the verbal abuse any longer, though.

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing! Who do you think you are anyway? You

don't even know me!"

Alisa's shouting gathered the eyes of the students in the surrounding buildings, so she

fell silent. Sayaka, on the other hand, continued indifferently as though she didn't care in

the least:

"If anything, I should be angry with you for trying to tarnish our academy's sacred

election when you are not serious about this."

"What? You make it sound like I used some cheap trick to get Kuze on my side."

"Are you claiming you didn't? I do not know what you did, but there is only one reason

you would pick an imbecile like that to be your partner: to provoke Yuki."


"Alya? Sayaka?"

Alisa turned around to find Masachika rushing over from the hallway after hearing them

arguing. He stood in between them, looking back and forth at them with a worried, alarmed


"What's going on?" he asked Alisa.

"I don't know. She suddenly told me she wanted to talk, then she started accusing me

of stealing you from Yuki."

"The hell? Where'd that come from?" Masachika asked as he curiously shifted his gaze

to Sayaka. "Uh… Sayaka? I don't know where you heard that, but running with Alya was

my decision. She didn't steal me from anyone."

Sayaka frowned sternly, then slowly adjusted her glasses and replied:

"I find that hard to believe. What would make an imbecile like you want to run with a

transfer student?"

"'Imbecile'? …Yeah, I guess I can't deny that, but it was still my decision. There were

no dirty tricks involved. I already told Yuki, and she'sfine with it, too. Whatever you thought

happened didn't. It's all in your mind. So do you think you could apologize to Alya for the

rude things you said?"

Masachika was trying to solve the situation as peacefully as possible until he suddenly

felt a wave of rage coming from Sayaka, who looked at him darkly, and he gulped.

"I see… So you are the one who needs to be punished," Sayaka grunted in a low voice

before stomping over and glaring right up at him. Her eyes were terrifying, brimming with

malice and resentment, and Masachika instinctively stepped back.

"Kuze, I challenge you to a debate."


A clamoring crowd gathered and watched from a distance after Sayaka made her

declaration, and Masachika knew exactly how they felt.

"In regard to what we will debate… 'Should we include teacher evaluations when

accepting new members into the student council?' How does that sound?"

"Hold on! Are you being serious?"

"Do you honestly believe I would joke about this? People like you do not belong in the

race…or the student council, for that matter. Of course, you aren't going to run away from a

debate, right? You are a member of the student council for the time being, after all."

Masachika was puzzled and could not process the sudden turn of events, but her eyes

made it clear that she was serious about crushing him at the debate, and he knew if he wanted

to do anything about it, he was going to have to beat her.

"All right. But first, I need details on—"

"Not so fast," Alisa interrupted sharply. "The debate is for presidential candidates to

argue their issues, so I would appreciate it if you didn't make decisions without me."

She shot Sayaka a piercing glare, but Sayaka herself didn't even glance in Alisa's

direction as she dismissively replied:

"Stay out of this. I am not interested in candidates whose grades are their only redeeming


"Excuse me?! Look at me when you talk to me!"

Alisa forced herself in between Sayaka and Masachika, then got right in Sayaka's face.

"We are a team. If you plan on defeating Kuze, then you are going to have to get through

me first!" Alisa snapped. Sayaka stared back at her, clearly annoyed, and quietly sputtered:

"I was simply offering you a chance to run away so you could keep your dignity…"

She then lifted her chin with scorn and continued in a deep, cold tone:

"Very well. I will crush both of you at the debate. People like you two do not deserve

to run."

The surrounding students were buzzing with confusion and excitement as rumors of this

year's debate spread like wildfire throughout the school before the day was out.

"Sigh… I was sure there wasn't even going to be a debate this semester."

After school in the student council room, Touya was looking uneasily at an application

from Sayaka in hand.

"I'm sorry. It's right before exam week, too…," Masachika said apologetically.

"It's not your fault she challenged you… Sorry. I was just complaining to myself. I

wasn't trying to blame you."

Touya waved his hand at Masachika while lowering his gaze once more at the


"Hmm… We really can't refuse to debate with all the rumors going around, but this

topic is…"

"Yeah, she obviously chose it because of me."

"Right… I guess so…"

It was the topic Sayaka had brought up during lunch: Should we include teacher

evaluations when accepting new members into the student council? In other words, Should

we make teacher recommendations mandatory for joining the student council?

Touya drew his eyebrows together, since her real reason for choosing this topic was

evident. Masachika, on the other hand, simply shrugged and casually remarked:

"I doubt many teachers know who I am, and if they do, they don't have a good impression

of me, so if this bill passes, I'm going to have to quit the student council."

"Not necessarily. Even if everyone votes to adopt the bill, that doesn't mean the school

itself will use it… Are you really going to do this debate, though? Because I honestly don't

see how it would benefit you at all."

"It would benefit us," Alisa clearly stated. Touya turned to her with a look of deep

interest, but the burning flames of battle in her eyes made him shrink back. "Defeating her

would improve my chances of becoming the next student council president. In fact, if I run

away now, then I will have no chance of defeating her during the race."

"O-oh… You really think so?"

"Plus, she insulted both Kuze and me, so I am not going to be satisfied until she takes

back what she said and apologizes to us."

Masachika, who was quietly burning with rage, forced a smile and added:

"Anyway, it's not all bad. The debate gives us a little exposure before the closing

ceremony and provides a chance to appeal to the students while declaring our candidacy."

"Well, as long as you two are okay with this…"

Touya half-heartedly nodded at Masachika while checking the schedule.

"Hmm… It is too close to exam week… I know it's a little sudden, but how about having

the debate this Friday after school?"

"I'm fine with that."

"Me too."

"Perfect. All right, how about we make the announcement today?"

"President, allow me to make the flyer."

"Suou, are you sure?"

"Yes, leave it to me."

Yuki agreeably smiled and nodded from the office table, then shifted in her seat so she

was facing Masachika and Alisa.

"Masachika, Alya, good luck."


"Thank you very much."

"How does everyone feel about exempting them from their tasks until after the debate?

They are going to be extremely busy preparing for it, after all," Yuki suggested as she looked

around the room at the other members. Everyone immediately agreed.

"Sure. ♪ Why not?"

"I'm fine with that, too."

"As you wish, Lady Yuki."

"Yeah, good idea. Kuze, Little Kujou, you two focus on the debate. We'll take care of

things here."

"What? We can't just leave you guys with all this work. You're already busy enough."

"And things will be a lot busier for me if this bill passes, which is why I need you two to

prevent that. There's nothing to feel guilty about," Touya said humorously. Masachika and

Alisa lowered their heads, grateful for his generosity.

"All right. Thanks a lot. Really."

"Thank you very much. We won't let you down."

Masachika and Alisa retired from the student council room after expressing their


"All right, then. Want to head back to our classroom and discuss strategy?"


"…Anyway, that's probably how Sayaka's going to argue, judging by her past


"All right…"

"So how would you counter her if this was her argument?"

Masachika and Alisa faced each other across the desk in an empty room after school

and discussed strategy.

"…And I think that's what I'd base my counterargument around."

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. Very persuasive. We should still probably sort out and

summarize the main points, though."

They were using a copy of the application submitted to Touya to predict and prepare

for Sayaka's argument. The practice even helped Alisa gradually cool off, since she'd still

been pretty irritated by what Sayaka had said earlier, and eventually, she was able to calmly

analyze Sayaka's behavior.

"Hey, Kuze."


"Are you and Taniyama…on bad terms?"

"Not really. I mean, I don't think we are… We worked reasonably well together and

treated each other with respect when we were in the student council in middle school, at the

very least."


"She usually doesn't talk like that, just so you know. Like, honestly…I've never seen

her be so rude before."

He drooped and gave a slightly resigned shrug, causing Alisa's heart to skip a beat. This

was the first time she had seen Masachika, who usually goofed around all the time without a

worry in the world, show weakness. Unlike Alisa, Masachika had been insulted by someone

he knew. There was no way it wouldn't hurt his feelings, regardless of how unreasonable

Sayaka was being.



"Oh, uh…"

Alisa wanted to say something to herseemingly worn-out classmate, butshe didn't know

what. She had never tried to cheer someone up before, and she didn't know what Masachika

and Sayaka's relationship was like, so she felt that whatever she said would sound shallow.

"…Why did Taniyama do that, I wonder?"

A completely different question ended up coming out of her mouth in the end, and she

despised herself for not being able to think of a single thing to say to make her partner feel

better. Oblivious to her struggles, however, Masachika placed a hand on his chin and looked


"Hmm… I was wondering about it for a while, but maybe she's under the impression that

I'm only doing this because I get off on the idea of messing with the election orsomething…"


"I mean, I'm only guessing, of course. But after you told me everything she said, she

made it sound like she thought we weren't serious about the election."

"Why would she think that in the first place, though?"

"Yeah… She even said your good grades were your only redeeming feature, too… But,

well, I guess if you looked at this objectively, you're still kind of new here and don't have

any major accomplishments in the student council. Plus, you don't have the connections that

Sayaka has, either…"

Alisa watched Masachika mumbling quickly, and she confidently grunted.

"I can't deny that, but what about you, Mr. Goes Straight Home After School?"

"Yeah, and that's also why she probably thought we weren't serious about running for

the student council presidency. Because she takes it very seriously."

"You really think that's all?"

Because Sayaka's anger was not normal for someone who was only mad at people for

not taking a student council election seriously. Alisa grimaced as she recalled the insults

hurled at her, but Masachika immediately spoke up to calm her.

"I know. I get why you're annoyed, but relax."

"I don't see how you can be so calm after what she said."

"I guess…it's because I know how she normally is, so I know I must have done

something really bad for her to get that angry."

His eyebrows drooped over his frail smile.

"Let's pretend that you did do something. Thatstill isn't enough reason to insultsomeone

like she did. You might be a slacker who doesn't take school seriously enough, but you don't

deserve to be treated that way," she protested in a low voice and furrowed her brow.

That was when Masachika finally realized she was getting mad on his behalf, and he

started to blush slightly. Nevertheless, he didn't want her to get any angrier than she already

was, so he smiled and tried to smooth things out.

"Yeah… I used to be Yuki's partner, so Sayaka probably can't fathom why I would run

with someone else, since Yuki is heavily favored to win. So I don't blame her for thinking

I'm just messing around."

"But that's still—"

Ridiculous was what Alisa was going to say before she suddenly realized that this had

all happened because she decided to run with Masachika. She also realized that this was not

going to be the only clapback to them running together, either.

It was obvious when she actually thought about it. His original partner was Yuki, and she

and Ayano were his childhood friends. Even though Masachika hadn't mentioned anything,

something must have happened between them. Unlike Alisa, who was always alone,

Masachika had probably made countless sacrifices so he could run with her.


And once she realized this, Alisa became very frightened. Masachika had taken her hand

as an equal, but the price he'd paid was far from equal. What could she give him? How could

she repay him? What in the world could she do when she couldn't even stand on her own

two feet without his support?

"Alya? What's wrong?" Masachika asked, worried as to why Alisa had suddenly fallen

silent. Her breathing seemed shallow, and her face had turned pale. "Are you okay? If you're

feeling sick, then…"

"I'm fine. I'm not feeling sick, okay?"

"If you say so…"

Still, she didn't look too good. Nevertheless, they had already come up with a basic

strategy, so Masachika decided to call it a day…when Alisa suddenly spoke up with a

somewhat troubled look on her face.

"Kuze… Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Huh? Where'd that come from?"


He tilted his head quizzically at her sudden proposal, but Alisa didn't say another word.

She only quietly gazed at him.

"Hmm… Something I want you to do, huh?"

Sensing that she didn't want him to ask any more questions, Masachika scratched his

head while racking his brain for a few moments.

"Oh, how about you make a funny face?"

"Be serious."


But Masachika wasn't the kind of person who could act serious when the mood was as

heavy as this. It was also in his nature to say something absurd to lighten the mood when the

person he was talking to had such a grave look on their face.

"Uh… Okay. How about you hold me gently, whisper words of love into my ear, and

smother me with your overflowing womanly affections?" Masachika said with a flirty smirk.

Alisa's eyebrows jumped up, so he braced himself for the incoming slap because he was sure

she'd be at her wit's end.



And that was why he was taken aback by how she actually responded. He sat in mute

amazement while Alisa got out of her chair with a rattle and walked around the desk before

stopping by his side.

"Wait, wait, wait. Mmmnnng."

As she gazed down at him with those deep blue eyes, he grunted meaningless noises and

scooted his chair away from her.

"Wait, wait, wait. I was kidding, okay?"

He raised both hands over his shoulders as if to surrender and tried to stop Alisa, who

was actually holding her arms out wide. She then frowned slightly before lowering them.

But Masachika's relief was fleeting…because she briskly slipped behind him, throwing her

arms around his shoulder before he could so much as blink.


The feeling of skin as smooth as silk brushed against his neck. The sensation of

something soft pressed against his back. Masachika immediately jumped and squealed, but

Alisa didn't seem to care in the least. She raised her left hand and awkwardly yet ever so

gently caressed his cheek.


He was so nervous that he screamed in falsetto, but he was worried about what would

happen if he ran away, so there was nothing he could do. Nevertheless, that still didn't mean

he could simply surrender himself to Alisa's embrace, and he began to nervously tremble in

place. She gently rubbed her cheek against his while whispering into his ear:

"<I'm sorry. Thank you.>"

But he had no idea why he was being apologized to or what he was being thanked for.

Along with those words, Alisa's right arm, wrapped around his shoulder and chest, suddenly

tightened. Masachika's eyes were wide in disbelief.



She didn't reply, but he felt almost as if she was relying on him—as if she was clinging

on to him for support. Masachika let his body go limp in her arms. Alisa slid her left hand

down his neck and wrapped her left arm around his shoulders before crossing her right arm

over it.

"<Don't leave me…!>"

There was a wistful note in her whisper, and Masachika felt like someone had just

grabbed his heart. His chest painfully tightened as the burning emotions swelled inside. He

was moved enough to wrap one hand around hers while his other gently stroked her head.

"Alya. We're going to win. Not even Sayaka can get in our way. I will not let anyone

interfere with the promise I made to you," he clearly declared to Alisa while facing forward,

as if he were engraving his determination into his own soul. Silence followed for a few

moments until Alisa suddenly albeit faintly moved.

"…Kuze. You're hurting me."

"Oh. S-sorry."

He let go of her in a panic, realizing that he had unconsciously tightened his arms. Alisa

slowly moved away from him as well before speaking in a slightly teasing manner.

"If this was all it took to motivate you, then I should have done it sooner."

He turned his head up at Alisa to find her smugly looking down at him, acting like her

usual princess-like self. Masachika was relieved, and his lips curled into a devilish smirk.

"Who wouldn't feel pumped up after being embraced by the famous Princess Alya?"

"Don't call me 'princess.'"

Masachika was met with a limp karate chop to the head, and his teasing smile grew. He

stood and moved his desk back to its original position.

"Anyway, it's late. How about we call it a day?"


They began to casually walk down the hallway side by side after leaving the classroom

as if nothing had happened.

You're going down, Sayaka…even if that means hurting you again. I am going to keep

my promise to Alya.

To this day, he could still bitterly remember seeing Sayaka cry after he and Yuki had

defeated her in the middle school election, despite not being that serious about it. And yet,

even if this meant he would be responsible for making her cry again, he wasn't going to

hesitate. He was going to go at her with everything he had. And he was going to prove

how serious he was—how serious they were—with the hope that he could save her heart, a

prisoner of her anger, even if only a little.

Anyway…I did something quite embarrassing again, huh?

He recalled his actions from a few moments ago and bitterly smirked. This is one of

those things you remember later in the shower and cringe, he thought. But he had no choice.

He'd reacted impulsively, just like when he had extended a hand to Alisa that day.

All of a sudden, a certain realization flashed in the back of Masachika's mind.

Oh… So that's why I chose Alya…

He suddenly thought back to Ayano's question the other day and stopped at the top of

the staircase. He'd said he didn't know why he chose Alisa, and he honestly still wasn't 100

percent sure now. But that sensation that drove him to want to do something—that was why

he chose Alisa. That feeling, similar to a strong desire to protect, was surely…

Yeah… It's not love. Just as I thought.

But if it wasn't love…then…


Alisa, who seemed to be thinking about something herself, stopped halfway down the

staircase and looked back up at Masachika. She creased her eyes as the setting sun peeked

in through the window from behind him. Masachika smiled wistfully but still affectionately

at her, then softly whispered:

I won't leave


He would be there for her until the day he fulfilled his promise.

"Huh?" Alisa gave a skeptical grunt, holding her left hand over her eyes like a visor.

"Don't worry about it."

Masachika walked down the stairs until he was by her side again, but by that time, his

smile from a moment ago was already tucked away, only in his memories.

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