Princess Elara of Eldoria is a quiet and reserved young woman living in the shadow of her powerful father, King Alaric, and her ambitious brother, Prince Tristan. Eldoria is a prosperous kingdom, known for its peace and its strong military, which has kept neighboring forces at bay. But there is a shadow growing over the kingdom, a looming war that threatens to tear everything apart.
King Alaric, in a bid to secure peace, arranges a marriage between Elara and the prince of a neighboring kingdom, Aeloria. Elara is heartbroken, as she has always dreamed of living a life of freedom. On the night before her engagement, she overhears a secret meeting. It is revealed that her brother Tristan, power-hungry and envious of the throne, has struck a deal with dark forces to usurp their father and plunge the kingdom into war.
Fearing for her life and the future of Eldoria, Elara decides to flee. Disguising herself as a commoner, she runs away from the palace, leaving behind the life of luxury and stepping into the unknown.
寫檢討作者 Maxrev