Dylan's gaze swept over the throng of employees, their angry voices ringing in his ears. But his resolve didn't waver. "Enough!" he roared, raising his hands to command their attention.
Everyone stopped shouting and looked at him keenly, waiting for him to speak.
"Shouting and standing here like this will solve nothing," Dylan declared. "If you have grievances, we'll address them. But this chaos ends now. Let's sit and talk."
He stepped forward and added fiercely, "Choose your representatives—three of them—and come to the conference hall in thirty minutes. We'll discuss your complaints and demands. But let me be clear—this is your only chance to handle this matter professionally. If this protest continues, I won't hesitate to terminate every one of you standing here. And trust me, you'll find it near impossible to secure a job in this city after walking out of this company under such circumstances."