68.23% "From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko" / Chapter 58: Chapter 58: The Edge of the Knife

章節 58: Chapter 58: The Edge of the Knife

The tension in the kingdom of Rimuru was palpable as Padrino's investigation into the traitors advanced. Zaric's arrival had added another layer of uncertainty, but there was no turning back now. The council's moves had to be precise, like a blade cutting through deception without tearing apart the fragile fabric holding the kingdom together.

Padrino walked through the quiet halls of the royal palace, his thoughts heavy with the weight of his next decisions. The days were filled with planning, and the nights were restless with visions of betrayal and war. His enemies weren't just outside Rimuru's walls anymore—they were within. The walls of trust were crumbling.

He entered his private chamber, where Hinata and Marko were already waiting for him. The air was thick with the seriousness of their conversation.

"We've decoded more of the intercepted messages," Hinata began, her voice low but urgent. She spread the scrolls across the table. "The coded phrases 'the council' and 'the fall of Rimuru' were mentioned more frequently than before. And we finally traced one of the messages—back to the household of Lord Bravius."

Padrino's face tightened. "Bravius… He's been too silent, too compliant during all of this. If he's our traitor, this could explain everything."

Marko nodded, his brow furrowed. "It would fit. Bravius has always been ambitious, but we had no reason to suspect him—until now."

"But we can't act hastily," Padrino cautioned. "If we accuse him without solid proof, we risk a rebellion. His house still holds power in the region, and his support is critical to the morale of the nobles."

"Then we gather that proof," Hinata said firmly. "We need to move before he makes his next play. There's no telling what Galdros has planned with his help."

Padrino nodded, knowing what had to be done. "We'll set a trap."

The Feast of Loyalty

The trap would be laid at the upcoming Feast of Loyalty—a grand celebration of Rimuru's sovereignty, where nobles from across the kingdom would gather. Bravius would be there, as would Zaric. It would be the perfect opportunity to test the loyalty of both.

Days later, as the great hall of the palace filled with the sounds of laughter, music, and the clinking of goblets, Padrino sat at the head of the long banquet table. He watched the faces of his guests with careful eyes, knowing that any one of them could be the conspirator he sought. Bravius was seated near the front, smiling and engaging in conversation with nearby nobles, but Padrino could see the calculating look in his eyes.

Marko leaned in from his side. "Everything's in place. The guards know to keep an eye on Bravius, and our spies are ready to intercept any suspicious communication."

Padrino nodded, his gaze sweeping the room. "Let's see how this plays out."

As the evening wore on, Zaric arrived, slipping into the hall with little fanfare. He wasn't a welcome guest by many, but his presence was tolerated under the guise of diplomacy. Padrino had kept him under watch since their first meeting, and tonight, his role would be crucial.

As the feast progressed, Zaric approached Padrino, bowing slightly before taking a seat near the throne. "Your Majesty, may I have a word?"

Padrino nodded, gesturing for him to speak quietly.

Zaric leaned closer, his expression serious. "I have received word from my contacts. The rogue elements in Galdros are planning something—something big. If they succeed, your kingdom will face a full invasion. But there's more. The traitor within Rimuru is ready to make his move. I believe it will happen tonight."

Padrino's eyes darkened. "Do you know who it is?"

Zaric hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Bravius. My sources confirm that he's been in contact with the Galdrosian rebels for months. His ambition to take your throne is well known among the enemies of both our kingdoms."

Padrino's fists tightened on the armrests of his throne. "If this is true, then tonight will be his last night as a free man."

Zaric glanced around the room, his voice low. "Be careful, Your Majesty. Bravius is no fool. He has allies, and if you make a move against him too soon, the backlash could be devastating."

Padrino nodded, already forming a plan in his mind. "Leave the handling of Bravius to me. But I need you to keep an eye on your own people, Zaric. If any of them try to interfere, deal with them swiftly."

A Dangerous Game

As the feast wore on, Padrino's plan slowly began to unfold. He made subtle glances toward Bravius, watching as the noble became more restless. The weight of the coming confrontation hung in the air like a storm cloud.

Marko, Hinata, and Vincent discreetly took their positions around the hall, ready to act at Padrino's signal. They had prepared for every possible outcome—whether Bravius tried to flee, fight, or deny the accusations.

The moment came during a lull in the conversation, as Padrino stood and raised his goblet. "My lords and ladies, I would like to propose a toast—to loyalty."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to the king.

Padrino's voice was calm but commanding as he continued. "Loyalty is the foundation upon which this kingdom is built. Without it, we are nothing but fractured stones in a broken wall. And so, it is with great disappointment that I must speak of treachery tonight."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room as Padrino's eyes locked onto Bravius. "Lord Bravius, you have been found guilty of conspiring with our enemies. You have plotted with Galdros to bring down Rimuru from within."

Bravius's face twisted into a mask of shock and fury. "This is an outrage! I have done no such thing!"

Padrino raised his hand, silencing the room. "We have intercepted communications between you and Galdros. The proof is undeniable. You will answer for your crimes."

Bravius's eyes darted around the room, searching for allies. Some of the nobles shifted uncomfortably, but none dared to speak up in his defense. His hand drifted toward the sword at his side, but before he could draw it, Marko and Vincent were upon him, their weapons drawn.

"You will not leave this hall alive if you resist," Marko warned, his voice cold.

For a moment, it looked as though Bravius might fight, but then his shoulders slumped in defeat. He knew there was no escape.

"I did what I had to for the good of the kingdom," Bravius spat, his voice laced with bitterness. "Your rule is weak, Padrino. You're nothing but a puppet, and Rimuru will fall because of it."

Padrino stepped forward, his gaze icy. "You betrayed your people for power, Bravius. And for that, you will die."

With a nod from Padrino, the guards seized Bravius and dragged him from the hall. The nobles watched in stunned silence, the weight of the evening's events sinking in.

Padrino turned back to his council, his voice steady. "Let this be a lesson to all. Rimuru will stand united, or it will not stand at all."

Hinata2 Hinata2

Hello Readers! I would like to ask for your opinion about the story and also wanna know if you have any suggestion.

Your comments is a huge help for me to develop the story and also to create a much more interactive story in the future!

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  • 世界背景

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