28.23% "From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko" / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Shadows on the Horizon

章節 24: Chapter 24: Shadows on the Horizon

The uneasy truce that had settled over Rimuru was starting to crack. The city's population, once unified in their common cause of survival and rebuilding, had begun to fracture along old lines—nobles and commoners, citizens and refugees, old guard and new blood. Lucan's influence, while not as overwhelming as it had been, was still a persistent force, and Padrino knew that he had to act swiftly to ensure the stability of his kingdom.

But the external threats could no longer be ignored. Word had come from the north: the rogue warlords who had taken over the former territories of Galdros were mobilizing, and their intent was clear. Rimuru was the last bastion of stability in the region, and its wealth and growing influence had made it a target. Mercenary bands, raiders, and Galdros loyalists were massing along the borders, preparing for what could only be described as a full-scale invasion.

In the war room, the atmosphere was tense as Padrino, Marko, Hinata, and the rest of the council studied the latest intelligence reports. The council had grown in both size and complexity, with representatives from the various factions within Rimuru. Lady Elara, after her tentative agreement to align with Padrino, now sat at the table, her sharp gaze taking in every detail.

Marko was the first to speak. "The northern warlords aren't organized in any meaningful way, but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous. Their strength lies in their unpredictability. They won't follow conventional battle tactics—they'll hit us where we're weakest, at our supply lines, trade routes, and any unprotected outposts."

"We can't spread our forces too thin," Padrino said, his brow furrowed in thought. "If we try to defend everything, we'll end up defending nothing."

Hinata, always the voice of reason, leaned forward. "Then we need to focus on what matters most: Rimuru itself and the key points that ensure the city's survival. The warlords are after resources and control. If we can disrupt their supply chains, we can delay their advance. We might even be able to pit them against each other."

Padrino nodded. "Divide and conquer."

Lady Elara cleared her throat, drawing the room's attention. "While you deal with the external threat, we cannot ignore the internal unrest. Lucan's supporters grow bolder by the day. They won't wait for the warlords to arrive—they'll use the chaos to further their own agenda."

Her words were met with silence for a moment, and Padrino couldn't help but acknowledge the truth of them. Rimuru was facing a war on two fronts: one from the outside and one from within.

"Then we need to take preemptive action," Padrino said, his voice steady. "Marko, you'll lead the forces against the warlords. Use hit-and-run tactics. Don't engage them directly unless you're certain of victory. Hinata, you'll work with our scouts and spies to disrupt their plans from within. Find out if any of these warlords have personal grudges or rivalries we can exploit."

Hinata nodded, already formulating a plan in her mind.

Padrino turned his gaze to Lady Elara. "As for Lucan, we need to weaken his base of support. The refugees respect you, Elara. If you stand firmly with us, it will send a clear message to them."

Elara smiled slightly, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I'll do what I can. But Lucan is cunning. He's already planted the idea that I've been bought off by the crown."

"Then we need to give them something real to believe in," Padrino said, determination hardening his voice. "We'll focus on rebuilding the city, not just for the nobles or the original citizens, but for everyone. Public works, new housing, fair distribution of resources. If we can show that we're committed to a better future for all of Rimuru's people, it will undermine Lucan's claims."

Elara inclined her head, though there was still a shadow of doubt in her expression. "I hope you're right."

The next few weeks saw Rimuru preparing for war. Marko's forces were mobilized, carefully trained and equipped for the guerilla-style tactics that would be needed to hold off the northern warlords. Scouts were sent north to monitor enemy movements, and Padrino personally oversaw the fortification of Rimuru's defenses.

In the meantime, Hinata and a small group of trusted allies worked behind the scenes to destabilize the warlords' fragile alliances. She moved like a shadow, never staying in one place too long, quietly sowing dissent among the mercenaries and petty rulers who sought to invade Rimuru. Rumors spread of betrayals, missing supplies, and broken promises. It wasn't long before infighting began to break out among the northern factions, delaying their march southward.

Inside the city, Lady Elara made good on her promise to weaken Lucan's influence. She used her connections with the refugees to provide aid and support where Lucan had failed, focusing on those most vulnerable and ensuring that the promises made by the council were kept. Slowly, the tide of public opinion began to shift. Where once Lucan had seemed like a savior, now he appeared more and more like an opportunist.

But Lucan was not one to be easily defeated. As Padrino had feared, he used the growing external threat as a rallying cry, urging his followers to rise up against the council before it was too late. He claimed that Padrino was selling out Rimuru's future to foreign interests, that the warlords would be welcomed as allies rather than fought as enemies.

It was a dangerous narrative, and it gained traction among those who felt they had been left behind by Rimuru's rapid growth. Discontent simmered just beneath the surface, and it was only a matter of time before it boiled over.

One evening, as the sun dipped low over the city, casting long shadows over the streets, Padrino stood on the walls of Rimuru, looking out over the horizon. The warlords had not yet made their move, but they would soon. And when they did, Rimuru would be tested in ways it had never been before.

Marko approached, his expression grim. "The northern forces are gathering. Our scouts report that they've begun to consolidate their armies. It won't be long now."

Padrino nodded, his jaw tightening. "We're ready."

Marko hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "And Lucan?"

Padrino turned his gaze back to the city below. "He'll make his move soon, too. He's waiting for the right moment—when we're at our most vulnerable."

Marko clenched his fists. "We should have taken him out when we had the chance."

"We can't risk turning him into a martyr," Padrino said. "But if he pushes too far, we'll have no choice."

There was a heavy silence between them as they watched the sun finally sink below the horizon, leaving only darkness in its wake.

The storm was coming. And Padrino knew that the battles to come would determine the future of Rimuru—not just against the warlords, but against the shadows within the city itself.

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