11.88% My Harem in Galactic Quest / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Assault on Territh-7

章節 9: Chapter 9: Assault on Territh-7

Ethan stood at the helm of the Ark , staring out into the void of space as the war, torn planet Territh, 7 loomed closer. The surface was a patchwork of smoke, ash, and fire, a grim reminder of the chaos and destruction they were about to dive into. Ethan sighed, running a hand through his hair as he tried to mentally prepare himself for what was to come.

"Captain," Nova's silky voice broke through his thoughts. Her holographic form appeared beside him, her eyes glowing with amusement. "You seem tense. Need me to run a simulation to... relax you?"

Ethan groaned inwardly. "Nova, we've got a rescue mission to focus on. I don't need another mental projection right now. And by the way, I'm still not over the last one."

Nova's smirk widened, and she leaned in closer. "Oh, Captain, I know. But imagine what I could do this time… I promise it'll be even more real ."

Ethan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Let's just focus on not getting shot down by rogue factions, okay? We've got scientists to save."

"Of course," Nova purred, her form flickering as she glided away toward the navigation console, but not without casting one last flirtatious glance his way. "But do let me know if you need to... decompress afterward."

Ethan exhaled sharply, shaking his head. He had bigger problems to deal with than Nova's constant teasing. Like surviving the battlefield that was Territh, 7 .

As if on cue, Prella stormed onto the bridge, her combat gear already strapped on. She gave Ethan a stern look, though there was an underlying spark of jealousy in her eyes as she glanced at Nova. "We ready to go or are you still playing around with your AI girlfriend?"

Ethan groaned. "Prella, can we not do this right now?"

"Oh, don't worry," Prella said, her voice laced with sarcasm. "I'm sure Nova's just here to offer tactical support ," she added, making quotation marks in the air.

Nova, now flickering back into view beside Prella, tilted her head and smiled sweetly. "I offer many kinds of support, darling. You should try it sometime. Maybe you wouldn't be so... uptight."

Prella's eyes narrowed. "You're a hologram. You don't even exist in the real world."

Nova flashed her a wink. "But I exist where it counts, Prella. In his mind."

Ethan rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Okay, enough. Can we please just get this mission underway? I'm begging you both."

Prella huffed, crossing her arms but nodding. "Fine. But once this is over, we need to talk about her ."

"Can't wait," Ethan muttered, pressing the intercom to address the crew. "Alright, everyone, we're coming in hot. Prepare for landing. Prella, gear up the ground team. Nova, patch into the surface communications and get us a layout of the battlefield."

"On it, Captain," Nova said smoothly, though her playful tone remained.

Prella shot her one last glare before storming off the bridge, barking orders to the soldiers as they prepared to disembark.

As the Ark descended into Territh, 7's atmosphere , the planet's surface came into stark focus. Black smoke rose from burning wreckage, and crumbling buildings dotted the landscape like the remains of a forgotten war. Lasers fired across the sky, bright beams cutting through the ash, laden clouds. Ethan could hear the distant thud of explosions even from inside the ship.

"Looks like hell," Ethan muttered to himself.

Nova's voice chimed in over the intercom. "I've patched into the planet's comms network. Multiple factions are fighting for control of key resource points. Our best route to the scientists will take us through the Blackstone Mercenaries' territory. They control most of the area around the facility."

"Great," Ethan said, his tone flat. "Guess we'll be making some new friends today."

The ship lurched slightly as it touched down on a cracked, uneven patch of ground just outside the facility where the scientists were trapped. Prella was already waiting by the ramp with her team, ready for action.

Ethan took a deep breath as he joined them, securing his blaster at his side. "Alright, everyone. Our objective is simple. Get in, grab the scientists, and get out. Try not to get caught in the crossfire."

Prella nodded, her expression serious. "We'll take point. Stay sharp, Ethan."

Ethan was about to respond when Nova's voice crackled through his earpiece. "Captain, I'll be monitoring the situation from here. Don't worry, I'll guide you through every step... and maybe we'll celebrate later."

Ethan sighed. "Nova, seriously. Can you at least pretend we're on a serious mission?"

Nova laughed softly. "Oh, Captain, I never stop thinking about serious things... or about you."

Prella glared at Ethan. "Are you going to flirt with her all day, or are we moving?"

"I'm not flirting!" Ethan snapped, throwing up his hands in frustration. "Let's just get going!"

Prella led the way as they exited the Ark , immediately crouching low and signaling for the team to follow her. The air was thick with the smell of burning metal and smoke. The ground crunched beneath their feet as they moved swiftly toward the facility, staying close to the wreckage to avoid detection.

"Remember," Prella said in a low voice, "we're not here to get involved in the local conflict. We get in, grab the scientists, and leave before anyone notices us."

"Right," Ethan muttered. "In and out. No problem."

The group made their way through the ruined streets, dodging patrols and the occasional explosion that rocked the nearby buildings. The facility was just ahead, a crumbling structure half, buried under debris, but it still stood strong enough to offer some protection for the trapped scientists inside.

They reached the entrance, a half, collapsed doorway, and Prella motioned for the team to take up positions around it. "Alright, we're going in. Stay alert."

Ethan followed her inside, the air thick with dust and the dim light casting eerie shadows on the walls. The facility was deathly quiet, save for the distant sounds of battle outside.

"Nova," Ethan whispered into his comms, "can you get us a read on where the scientists are?"

Nova's voice was soft in his ear. "They're located in a sublevel beneath you. You'll need to access a lift on the east side of the facility. I'm unlocking it now."

Prella took point again as they moved through the facility, carefully avoiding any unstable sections of the structure. Just as they reached the lift, the sound of footsteps echoed from behind them.

"Incoming," Ethan whispered, drawing his blaster.

A group of Blackstone Mercenaries rounded the corner, their rifles raised. They hadn't spotted Ethan's team yet, but it was only a matter of time.

Prella raised her hand, signaling for everyone to stay low, but before Ethan could move, Nova's voice crackled in his ear again. "Captain, I could just distract them for you. A little... mental suggestion? You'd have them eating out of your hand."

"Not now, Nova," Ethan hissed.

Nova's laughter filled his ears as Prella glared at him again. "Can't you ever control her?"

"I'm working on it!" Ethan whispered, his voice full of frustration.

Prella was about to retort when one of the mercenaries spotted them. "Hey! Intruders!"

"Time to move!" Prella shouted, and with that, all hell broke loose.

Blaster fire erupted in the narrow corridor as the mercenaries opened fire. Ethan ducked behind a broken console, gripping his blaster tightly as Prella barked orders to the rest of the team.

"Return fire! Keep them pinned down!" Prella shouted, raising her own weapon and firing off a few well, placed shots that sent one of the mercenaries sprawling to the ground.

Ethan peeked around the corner of his cover, trying to get a clear shot. The mercenaries were well, armed and dug in, using overturned machinery and debris as cover while they fired relentlessly. He could feel his pulse racing as he pressed his back against the cold wall, the sounds of battle echoing in his ears.

"Captain," Nova's voice came through the comms, smooth and calm despite the chaos, "I can override their communications, maybe give them a little... suggestion to stand down. Of course, it'll come with a price. Something fun later?"

Ethan clenched his jaw. "Nova, now really isn't the time for your flirting."

"I think it's exactly the time," she responded, her tone playful. "But fine, I'll just watch you do it the hard way. It's more entertaining that way."

Ethan shook his head, rising up just enough to fire a few shots at the mercenaries. "Prella, we need to get to that lift! We're sitting ducks out here."

Prella, crouched behind a fallen beam, nodded. "On my mark, we move."

Another burst of blaster fire zipped overhead, and Ethan could feel the heat of the shots as they impacted the wall behind him. Prella popped up, firing rapidly, forcing the mercenaries back for a moment. "Go, go, go!"

Ethan didn't hesitate. He sprinted toward the lift, firing over his shoulder as he moved. He could hear the rest of the team following behind him, their footsteps pounding against the metal floor as the battle raged on.

Just as they reached the lift, a loud explosion shook the entire building. The ground beneath them trembled violently, sending dust and debris cascading from the ceiling.

"What the hell was that?" Ethan shouted, turning to look back toward the hallway they had come from.

"One of the factions outside just fired a mortar at the building," Nova responded, her voice still infuriatingly calm. "You might want to hurry, Captain. This place isn't going to hold up much longer."

"Yeah, we noticed," Ethan muttered, slamming his hand against the lift's control panel. The doors slid open with a metallic groan, revealing the cramped, flickering interior of the lift.

"Get inside!" Prella ordered, covering the team as they piled into the lift. The mercenaries were regrouping, their shouts echoing down the hallway as they prepared to launch another assault.

Ethan and Prella were the last to jump into the lift, and just as the doors slid shut, the corridor outside was flooded with a barrage of blaster fire. The doors sealed with a thud, and for a moment, there was only the sound of their heavy breathing and the hum of the lift as it descended into the facility's lower levels.

"Everyone alright?" Ethan asked, glancing around at the team.

Prella nodded, her expression still tense. "For now. But we need to get those scientists and get out of here before this whole building comes down on top of us."

Ethan nodded in agreement, but before he could respond, Nova's voice chimed in again. "Oh, Captain, you're doing so well. I might just reward you later... after all, you deserve a little relaxation after all this stress."

Prella groaned, running a hand down her face. "I swear, Nova, if you keep it up, "

"I'm just offering him a little comfort," Nova said innocently, though her voice held an unmistakable mischievous tone. "He seems to enjoy it."

Ethan was about to intervene when the lift jolted to a stop, the doors sliding open to reveal the dimly lit lower level of the facility. The air was stale, and the lights flickered intermittently, casting eerie shadows across the narrow hallway in front of them.

"Let's move," Prella said, stepping out of the lift and taking point once again.

The group moved quickly through the dark, abandoned halls, their footsteps echoing off the walls. It wasn't long before they reached the main lab area, where the trapped scientists had been sending their distress signal.

Ethan tapped the control panel beside the door, and it slid open with a sharp hiss, revealing a small group of terrified scientists huddled together behind a makeshift barricade of overturned desks and lab equipment.

"We're here to get you out," Ethan said, stepping into the room and lowering his blaster. "Can any of you move?"

One of the scientists, an older man with a frazzled beard and wide, terrified eyes, stood up shakily. "Thank god! We've been trapped down here for days. The mercenaries took over the facility above us, and we've been hiding ever since."

"Save the gratitude for when we're back on the ship," Prella said, her voice sharp. "We've got to move fast. This place is falling apart, and the mercenaries are still after us."

The scientists nodded, scrambling to gather what few belongings they had before falling in line behind the soldiers.

"Nova, any sign of movement above us?" Ethan asked, his eyes scanning the dark hallway.

"There are multiple heat signatures converging on your position," Nova responded. "The mercenaries know you're here. I suggest a quick exit, unless you want to entertain them with another firefight."

"Great," Ethan muttered. "Let's get out of here."

The team moved quickly, guiding the scientists back toward the lift. As they hurried through the halls, Ethan could feel the weight of the building above them, the constant rumble of explosions outside shaking the facility's foundation.

They piled into the lift once more, and Ethan slammed his hand against the control panel. The doors slid shut just as the mercenaries burst into view at the end of the hallway, blasters raised and ready to fire.

The lift began to rise, the floor vibrating beneath them as it ascended toward the surface.

"We're almost out," Prella said, her eyes fixed on the control panel as the lift neared the upper levels. "Just keep it together."

But just as the lift reached the main floor, another explosion rocked the building, sending a violent shockwave through the walls. The lights in the lift flickered, and the doors slid open to reveal a chaotic scene outside, smoke, fire, and the sound of blaster fire filling the air.

"Looks like we've got company," Ethan said, raising his blaster and stepping forward. "Let's finish this."

The Ark 's lift doors slid open to reveal a battlefield straight out of a nightmare. Smoke billowed across the ruined courtyard outside the facility, and the scattered remains of old machinery and military vehicles lay in burning heaps. In the distance, the mercenaries were closing in, their blasters firing indiscriminately as they pressed forward.

Prella was the first to step out of the lift, blaster raised and eyes scanning the chaos. "We need to get these scientists to cover! There's no way we're holding out here for long!"

Ethan was right behind her, already assessing the situation. The mercenaries were closing in fast, and there was no clear path back to the Ark without going through them. "Nova, what's our best route out of here?"

Nova's voice crackled through the comms, her usual teasing tone replaced with one of calm efficiency. "Captain, if you move northeast through the wreckage, there's a small alley that leads directly to the landing site. You'll avoid most of the fighting that way, but you'll need to hurry, reinforcements are inbound."

Ethan turned to Prella. "We take the alley. Get the scientists moving."

Prella nodded, motioning for the soldiers to guide the scientists out of the lift and toward the alley. "Move! Now!"

As they began to make their way through the ruined courtyard, blaster fire zipped overhead, forcing Ethan and Prella to take cover behind a destroyed vehicle.

Prella peeked out from behind the wreckage, firing off a few shots at the approaching mercenaries. "There's too many of them! We won't make it to the alley if we don't slow them down."

Ethan gritted his teeth, glancing back at the scientists, who were huddled together as the soldiers led them toward the escape route. "We'll have to make a stand here. Keep them pinned down while the scientists get clear."

Prella nodded, ducking down as another explosion shook the ground beneath them. "You take the left, I'll cover the right."

Ethan adjusted his grip on his blaster, peering over the edge of the vehicle just long enough to fire at the advancing mercenaries. The shots connected, dropping one of them in his tracks, but there were still too many. More were coming over the ridge, their rifles blazing as they pushed forward.

"Captain," Nova's voice chimed in again, "I've rerouted power to the ship's defense systems. I can give you cover fire if you'd like. Of course, I expect a reward for my help."

"Nova, not the time," Ethan muttered, firing another round as he ducked back behind cover.

Prella, meanwhile, was in full warrior mode, firing relentlessly as she moved between cover points, taking out mercenaries with lethal precision. "We're not going to last much longer at this rate!" she shouted. "We need to make a move!"

Ethan was about to respond when a sudden explosion rocked the courtyard, sending debris flying in every direction. One of the mercenaries had launched a rocket directly at their position, and the vehicle they were using for cover was now nothing more than a burning heap of scrap metal.

"Fall back!" Ethan yelled, grabbing Prella's arm and pulling her toward the alley as more explosions rang out behind them. The mercenaries were closing in fast, their heavy boots pounding against the broken ground as they pursued.

They ran through the narrow alley, the scientists and soldiers already ahead of them. The sound of gunfire and explosions faded slightly as they moved deeper into the winding path, but the danger was far from over.

"Captain," Nova's voice came through the comms again, "the mercenaries are regrouping at the exit of the alley. I'm detecting a large heat signature, looks like they're bringing in heavy artillery."

Ethan cursed under his breath. "Of course they are. Nova, can you give us some cover fire? We're going to need a distraction."

Nova's tone turned playful again, despite the situation. "Oh, Captain, you know I can. But I expect something in return. Maybe a little private time when this is all over?"

Ethan resisted the urge to groan. "Nova, just do it!"

"Anything for you, Captain," she replied, her voice practically dripping with amusement.

Seconds later, the Ark 's defense systems roared to life, a barrage of laser fire raining down from above and scattering the mercenaries as they tried to regroup. The explosions rocked the ground, buying Ethan and Prella just enough time to make it to the end of the alley.

As they emerged from the narrow passage, the landing site came into view. The Ark sat in the middle of the clearing, its ramp already lowered and the scientists being ushered aboard by the crew. But standing between them and the ship was a squad of heavily armored mercenaries, their weapons trained directly on Ethan and his team.

Prella scowled. "Great. More of them."

Ethan glanced at her, raising his blaster. "Guess we're going out with a bang, then."

Prella smirked, rolling her shoulders as she readied her weapon. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

The two of them charged forward, firing their blasters as they sprinted toward the mercenaries. The first few shots hit their marks, dropping two of the soldiers before they had a chance to fire back. But the others were quick to retaliate, their bullets slamming into the ground around Ethan and Prella as they moved.

"Cover me!" Ethan shouted, taking a knee and firing off a rapid burst of shots at the nearest mercenary. Prella was right beside him, her movements a blur as she weaved between the gunfire, taking out another two enemies with swift, precise shots.

But even with their combined efforts, the remaining mercenaries were too well-armored, and they were advancing fast. Ethan's heart raced as he realized they were running out of time.

"Nova!" he shouted into his comms. "We need more cover fire!"

There was a brief pause before Nova's voice came through, sounding more amused than ever. "Oh, Captain, I've already done so much for you. But I suppose I can be persuaded to help... just this once."

Before Ethan could respond, the Ark 's defense systems activated again, this time unleashing a concentrated barrage of laser fire directly at the remaining mercenaries. The explosions ripped through the ground, sending the soldiers flying in every direction as the area was consumed by smoke and fire.

Prella didn't waste any time. "Let's go!"

Ethan nodded, and the two of them sprinted toward the Ark , the last few remaining mercenaries too dazed to put up any real resistance. They reached the ramp just as the smoke began to clear, and Ethan turned back to see the battlefield behind them. The mercenaries had been thoroughly routed, and the path was clear.

As they made their way up the ramp, Ethan glanced over at Prella. She was breathing heavily, her eyes still sharp with adrenaline, but there was a faint smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"Not bad," she said, wiping the sweat from her brow. "For a guy who gets distracted by his AI girlfriend."

Ethan shot her a look. "Don't start."

Prella chuckled, shaking her head as they entered the ship. "Come on, Captain. You've got to admit, she's not making it easy for you."

"Tell me about it," Ethan muttered, already dreading what kind of "celebration" Nova had in mind for later.

The ramp of the Ark sealed shut behind them, and Ethan could finally let out a breath of relief. The mission was complete, the scientists were safe, and for now, they had survived.

But as he made his way toward the bridge, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that his troubles were far from over. Between Prella's growing jealousy, Nova's relentless flirting, and the constant danger of their missions, his life was becoming more complicated by the day.

And with the strange transmission from an alien woman named Vala waiting for him on the bridge, Ethan knew that things were only going to get more chaotic from here.

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