He actually didn't expect that Tang Fei would change, she was very patient with them.
_ _ _ _
"Sixth Master Huo, do we need to alert her parents?" Huo Qi was surprised by Tang Fei's actions, if Tang Shi Shi doesn't get over to the hospital soon enough, she would have to get her legs and arms amputated due to bacterial infection.
"Just notify them to find her at the garbage site!" He strode back to the study room. The damage that girl received was enough to traumatize her forever, and the good thing was that she came over in a taxi so they could deny that they hadn't seen her.
"All right..." They went back to the study room as Huo Qi called the Tang family and notified them of where they could find their daughter.
Being in a better-relaxed mood, he began working on the paperwork that was on the table, the files that had been thrown onto the floor were swept and dumped into a dustbin, and the project initiators would have to come up with another proposal, he was just an investor, he could invest or not, it all depended with his mood.
_ _ _ _ _
Sooner, Tang Fei was done preparing food; she didn't cook much, so she served it over to the plates and placed them on a tray before strolling over to the study room. The door was closed, and she could only use her feet to knock as her hands were occupied.
Huo Qi got up and opened the door, surprised to see it was Tang Fei, "Yes, Missus..." He gazed at the food on the tray; it did look delicious, but at the same time, he worried if she had drugged the food.
"Here, you can have that!" She dumped the tray onto his arms before returning to the kitchen, served more food onto their plates, and settled down at the countertop stools to eat.
_ _ _ _
"Do you think she drugged this food?" Secretary Li wasn't gonna believe she had turned a new leaf! What if she was doing this by taking a step back before giving them a final blow?
"It's okay, you actually don't have to eat! Bring that tray over here!" Even if his kids lied to him, they couldn't watch their mother poison him, they would have notified him.
Huo Qi placed the tray on the desk, Huo Ting Cheng picked up one plate and began eating! The noodles were delicious combined with the beef cubes and vegetables.
Seeing how he was busy eating and enjoying the meal, they hurriedly picked up the other plates and began eating before Huo Ting Cheng was done with his share as he would have picked up another plate to continue eating.
_ _ _ _ _
After they were done eating, they cleaned their hands leaving the dirty dishes inside the sink for the servants to take care of it.
Now, she didn't know what else to do, maybe sleeping, but with the kids, it was impossible to have a peaceful sleep without disturbances!
"Have you done your homework? Are your uniforms ready?" She inquired while getting them down from the stools and strolled into the sitting area.
"Yeah, we did our homework; our uniforms are ready and cleaned up; you don't have to worry!" They merrily responded, seeing she was taking an interest in their lives; they hoped she would continue like this!
"Oh! I think we don't have anything else to do then apart from loitering inside the house!" She slightly felt frustrated; being locked up in the mansion was really boring for someone like her, but again, she felt peaceful; she didn't need to do anything to earn money. She didn't have to work hard, she just needed to live and be there as their Mother, nothing else.
"Mommy, let's watch a movie! We do have a huge home theater room on the top floor, we can do that! We haven't watched a movie with you!" Huo Zhihao immediately suggested, this room was created for them but they rarely went there.
"Okay then..." They held her hand and dragged her over to the elevator. They pressed the button, and the doors clicked open; they got inside before the door closed and took them over to the fifth floor, where the home theater room was positioned.
Rebirth; I choose to love you for an Eternity my dear
They alighted and walked through the hallway over to the home theater room entrance door; they opened the door and got inside, it was too dark, and since they knew where the switches were, Huo Minghao switched the lights on.
They went over and occupied their seats as Huo Zhihao got the remote and switched the huge screen on, but Tang Fei was suddenly attracted to that PS5 that was on the tiny coffee table just beneath the huge screen.
She got off the couch and went over to the front, "Let me check out what's in this PS5!" Her previous life was all about missions; she never got time to live like a normal human, but she had a chance and time to explore life.
"Let me connect for you momma!" Huo Zhihao immediately got down to business, and it was now displaying the games it contained, before Huo Zhihao could ask her what she wanted to play, Tang Fei chose something.
"Pick that assassin Creed assembly! I wanna play that!" She picked up the console, and the kids also did the same with headsets too; after settling down, they began to play; even though they didn't know how it was being played, they took that time to learn how to navigate.
"Momma, let's form a team of our own! It's better since we know each other, we can also form a lethal team to complete the available missions together and earn points together." Huo Minghao suggested they create their own character and persona. This was a good place to let go of their emotions.
"Gaming ain't good for kids, your father would blame me for spoiling you all!" She didn't want to have problems with that man; if they wanted to do that, then they needed to consult that man and have his permission.
"Don't worry Momma, we will talk to him!" They began playing and concentrating after switching the lights off that were affecting them.
_ _ _ _ _
Huo Ting Cheng, who was done with his food, got notified that the kids and his wife were inside the home theater room; he didn't want to check on what they were up to as he thought it was probably better to give her some benefit of the doubt.
"Let's go to the Moon's pavilion!" He got up with the files leaving the mansion. They also picked up the files before exiting. They walked through the pavement into the fields, in no time, Tang Fei and the kids could hear heavy rumbles of a chopper flying away.
"It seems Daddy is going out to inspect some projects!" Huo Zhihao knew his father had little to no social life; if he ain't working, he was at home accompanying them.
"Let's play then, add that volume, I wanna hear iron swords clash against each other." This was the thrill and Huo Zhihao did exactly that.
Learning step by step how to handle their roles after creating their little images, they began taking missions that were low-level and couldn't earn them much, but they wanted to understand their roles and how to wield the available swords.
After playing for a long time, they fell asleep, and the screen shut itself down. The entire room was dark.
_ _ _ _ _
It was raining outside so heavily! Huo Ting Cheng was back, and the umbrella he was using was passed over to Huo Qi to place it somewhere to drip the water off.
He got into a small room where they normally placed the dirty shoes; he removed them before leaving them there.
The lights hadn't been turned on in the sitting area; he frowned, wondering where they could be. He walked over to the kitchen, and it was the maid's cooking; it was around 8 in the evening.
He turned around and took the stairs over to the first floor; he didn't get into his bedroom but went over to the kids to check on them. He opened the door and walked in switching the dim lights on but the kids weren't on the bed and neither on the couch.
Rebirth; I choose to love you for an Eternity my dear