Tang Fei and Tang Xi Yu went over to the garden and hid in a corner, and before Tang Xi Yu could say a single more word, Tang Fei stretched her arms and gave her a thorough beating, trying to move her limbs and see if her moves were still there.
She plucked some vegetable leaves and shoved them inside Tang Xi Yu's mouth to stop her from making a lot of noise. You could see that horrified look on her face. She hadn't expected Tang Fei would treat her like this! She was shocked and couldn't even produce any sounds to call for help.
"I'm not that stupid that I can be easily used and instigated by you! Do you think Huo Ting Cheng would like you? You hate his kids, what makes you think he would like such a scheming bitch? I will teach you a good reason!" ' a good reason for the original Tang Fei who committed suicide because of your instigations.' She completed the statement in her heart, but her hands and feet didn't stop working.
She gave her heavy blows; you could hear bones breaking and getting crashed; Tang Xi Yu was defeated! She couldn't even guard herself against Tang Fei's brutality.
"So, you want me to kill them, and then the blame falls on me while I'm in prison, you come over to the mansion to comfort and console my husband? What a stupid bitch! I will show you today!" Tang Fei was infuriated and gave her a thorough beating.
She broke both of her legs and hands; once Tang Xi Yu fell unconscious, she walked to the other corner and got the huge trolley dustbin that was empty.
She dragged it over and stacked her inside before finding some garbage from the other dustbin, filling it up and completely covering her up before closing the lid so that no one would recognize there was a human left inside.
Tang Fei wasn't bothered by the fact that she would kill her; this woman deserved it! This wasn't the beginning of Tang Fei's misery, Tang Xi Yu has done so many wicked things towards the original Tang Fei. This was karma coming back to bite, and even if she killed her, she knew Huo Ting Cheng wouldn't let anything happen to her.
As much as she didn't know much about this husband of hers, one thing was certain about him, he held immense powers that no one dared to challenge him.
The exercise took just ten minutes and Huo Ting Cheng had watched her from the beginning to the end and even heard that audio. Finally, he relaxed, knowing she hadn't betrayed their kids.
He doesn't recall Tang Fei being that ruthless and proficient in her martial arts but at least, she hadn't betrayed the kids. Her moves were precise and lethal. Maybe he didn't know much about her, and it was time he learned.
Tang Fei let her eyes roam around the place, checking out if someone was watching over her; she didn't see any guards around and hadn't thought that that corner she thought could be a dark spot actually had a CCTV camera installed there.
She softly giggled before dragging the dustbin over to the pavement that would rotate her around the house over to the front pavement that would lead them over to the main entrance gate.
The kids were still standing there in the kitchen while they silently cried without making any noises. They were so fragile and heartbroken not knowing what to do.
"What are you doing standing there? Come over and let's drag this dustbin over to the gate; it's full; we need to dump this garbage before it starts to stink and spread this bad odor all over the compound!" She hadn't thought that they were this fragile and her joking words could have hurt them.
They wiped their tears away and rushed over to her, holding onto her dress, feeling nervous and afraid of getting abandoned. They gazed to the back and couldn't see that woman who came over and took their mommy over to the garden to chat. They wondered where she could have gone, but the good thing, their Mother didn't abandon them.
Rebirth; I choose to love you for an Eternity my dear
"Mommy, you don't have to work this hard! We have plenty of people who can take care of the garbage bin for us." They also held the handles assisting their mother to drag it through the pavement. They could tell it was too heavy and their mother must be strong to drag this thing all by herself.
"It's okay, we can do these chores once in a while, you know! We need to exercise our limbs and move our bodies as much as we can. Let's say it's another simple form of exercising." She softly spoke up, gazing at the three adorable kids who were doing everything possible to ease her worries.
"But mommy, don't you think it's too heavy for a normal full garbage bin? This can't be normal momma!" Huo Zhihao immediately doubted, feeling the heaviness of the dustbin as its wheels heavily rolled through the pavement.
Before she could say anything, Huo Ting Cheng suddenly showed up at the intersection of the pavement way, she hadn't expected to see him standing there and was facing in their direction. Was he expecting to see her there?
"Weren't you working?" She profusely blushed. She was getting caught red-handed and didn't know how to explain these awkward situations. She had just knocked someone out and even cruelly stacked her in the dustbin.
How could Sixth Master Huo believe that she was still Tang Fei, the weak and lazy girl he had married? How could he believe it was that timid but stubborn woman he had married? Today, she had committed so many wrongs that almost gave her away.
She bowed her head, gazing at the pavement floor, feeling guilty and, at the same time, hiding her obvious actions from him.
"Daddy, Mommy just wants to take the garbage bin over to the entrance gate as it has begun to produce some odor, she doesn't plan on running away! It's an exercise we are doing!" Huo Zhihao was the first one to speak up for his mother.
He didn't want his father to falsely accuse their mother, wronging her for nothing! She wasn't doing anything wrong at the moment. She just wanted to take the dustbin out of the compound, and actually, Tang Fei hadn't thought that this newly acquired husband of hers would probably think like that, and that's the reason he showed up at the intersection.
Huo Ting Cheng immediately understood his son was standing up to his mother. He didn't care what she did to them, but to them, she would always be their mother and yearn for motherly love.
"Yes, Daddy, I don't think there's anything wrong with taking the dustbin out of the compound and dumping this garbage out into that track!" Huo Minghao seconded, also bowing her head and gazing at the pavement.
They wanted to protect their mother even though they felt guilty for lying to their father! If she truly did have plans of escaping by using the dustbin, then they would tag along. They didn't want to be left behind.
"I didn't plan on running away, I just want to leave this dustbin at the entrance gate for the garbage vehicle to collect!" She hurriedly nodded her head, siding with her kids, but some heavy, groaning voice sounded from the dustbin.
Everyone gazed over to the dustbin; Tang Fei froze for a minute, keeping her head bowed with anger! She should have shut her completely! Did this woman have to produce sounds now at this moment?
"You don't have to do that!" He squinted his eyes gazing at the kids and their mother's bowed heads while drawing circles on the pavement with their feet. Their little actions were in sync, and no one would doubt they were their mother's kids.
"You know, we can just watch the garbage bin overflow! We can do it by ourselves!" She knew Huo Ting Cheng still doubted her and maybe thought she was using the dustbin to try and escape.
'Tsk, how can a garbage bin overflow when they cleared yesterday? Every day the guards clear the dustbins; there is no way you can smell a rotten odor!' he inwardly snickered.
Rebirth; I choose to love you for an Eternity my dear