Daniel picked the frame from the desk and stared at the picture of one of the best memories of his life. Ryan's friendship was one of the best things that happened to him, and he would never regret it—not even when he fired him for no good reason.
A knock at the door caught his attention and he turned to look. "Come in," he affirmed, and Kimberly pushed the door open before she stepped into the room.
"Mr. Evan!" she greeted, her voice laced with guilt. One could hear her blaming herself for all of this.
"Mr. Evan?" Daniel raised a brow in sternness before breaking into a smile. "Until now, in this company, I was just Daniel to you. And now suddenly, you call me with such respect?" He paused briefly, then continued with a light chuckle, "...have you gotten something wrong? I haven't been promoted —rather, I have been fired. Usually, people honor someone like this when they have been elevated to the position of power, not when they are being shown the door."