16.66% Raundon (BL) / Chapter 2: Search

章節 2: Search

Monday. Another week starting with heavy raining. This autumn couldn't decide should it rain or should it shine, since the weather felt very changing, even more than usually at this time of the year. The heavy rain meant their PE class would be kept inside the schools sport hall. Not that it was necessary a bad thing. But if there were any other classes from different grades having PE at the same time, it will be cramped.

"Told you," Jaxen states when he steps in the sport hall with his two classmates. There were even more people Jaxen had afraid of to be. Both boy and girl groups. "Well, they must have lined our places. But we can't play soccer here. What Sifu said? We will have?"

"Is the teach even in here yet?" Milo asks, tying his hair out from his eyes, leaving the back of his light hair free. "Looks like Lucifer is here. PE for the freshmen and sophomores..," then he takes his arm around the other boys shoulder. "If we'll go against them, you better not fright them too much, Teddynator."

"Shut up. And what's with that nickname??" Ted tsihs and waves guys hand away from his shoulder. "If someone then shouldn't Jake be called so! Terminator!" young man points his finger toward the spot where Jaxen had just stood a few seconds ago. Now guy was already heading toward the PE teacher who was with his students.

"Jake is called a Devil. We all should have good nicknames."

"You don't have one.."

Milo thinks a second. "Jake calls me a Finnish bastard..?"

"Lucifer!" not minding his friends chatting, Jaxen shamelessly calls their teachers unwanted nickname out loud.

"It's Louis Ferris!" Lucifer turns around and meets his old student with an annoyed look on his face.

Ignoring this young teachers reguest, Jaxen looks around him. "Have you seen Sifu?"

"He is not coming today. You guys didn't get the note? He left you guys do some exercise on your own. The back area is all yours."

"You kidding me?" Jaxen sighs and turns his eyes toward his friends who were walking behind him. "Wanna ditch?"

"You are not allowed to 'ditch', Jake. You leave the area, it's a mark. Absence," Lucifer points out smiling, using the name whit what Jaxen was commonly known in the school. Then man turns his own back, keeps talking to his students who were about to set the net to play some badminton.

Jaxen glances him once, then starts to move toward their area on the back of the hall. "You heard him. There is, what, fiveteen of us. Should we split up?" like from an old habit, Jaxen was taking a role of their new teacher of the moment. And the others went with it. Why not, Jaxen was known to be very athletic. Like, in the middle school he was the captain of their football team. In his first and half of the second year in high school he was the most talented newcomer. But because of this one setback happened, him breaking his left femur just around the start of the season, he had to give up on playing. After all, he wasn't so into it anyway, so that setback didn't really impact him that much. There were plenty of people with more motivation toward that sport than he did. More like, it motivated him work even more after recovering from that.

Not just that Jaxen was good at sport and hard working even outside the school, he was also very responsible and has this Leader aura around him who you could easily lean on to. But if he has something to say, he wasn't afraid to say it. Even if his words were sometimes too much others to handle. That's where he gets his confusing nickname, Devil.

They split their class in half, other side went to the gym and the rest stay here in the hall, playing basketball. Jaxen and Milo were one of them staying. After the first hour, Jaxen and Milo take their spot from the side to have their first break. While drinking some water to quench their thirst, Milo started to pay attention to the group of girls, giggling and talking with some guys on the other side of the area. One of the girls, a red haired beauty, was the one Milo was looking at.

Jaxen noticed his staring and follows it, recognizing the girl. "Is the cheat one of those guys she's talking with?" he asks quietly. The red haired girl was called, Alishia. Not more than a week ago she was still Milos girlfriend. But get caught of cheating him. To make it even excruciating, Alishia decided to act like she hadn't done a thing, cut their ties totally and start ignoring Milo and all of their mutual friends.

"No. But I wouldn't be so surprised if there were more. That black haired guy on her left, I heard he's a player," Milo tsihs and drinks some more water, trying to move his eyes away. "If that's how she has turned out then so be it. But it still pisses me off."

That 'guy on the left' looked very familiar to Jaxen. Without first believing his eyes, he has to take a better look. Yeah. That's the drunker. But instead of looking wasted and half-dead this version really was outstanding. That smile could definitely make any girl fall. "Kazuro.. something?" he mumbles out loud, trying to remember the rest. His mother did mention the full name.

"Oh, yeah. Kaz Hallen or something," Milo remembers then. "From second year. The other guy with him is called Daren. They might be friends with the cheat, I have seen them around. Guess they are all the same.."

"Probably," Jaxen agrees. He could easily imagine what kind of person that drunker was. To have an actual fake IDs in order to go in the clubs and have yourself so wasted you end up falling sleep on the street, yeah that sound quite fitting. Saying he was polite and nice, Jaxens mother must have just fallen under his spell, since he was indeed quite good looking. A womanizer. Got the whole package.

For some reason, during the week, Jaxen start spotting this guy around their school daily. It was probably because he now knew his face and name. Before he was just a student among the others. But the more Jaxen spot him the more he found himself searching him under his eyes.

And that was starting to feel really annoying! Sure, according to Jaxens standards, Kaz was good looking. Has the right build. The way that guy was smiling to girls who surprisingly often hang around him was god damn attractive. And this was what really pissed Jaxen off! He has definitely let himself under the same freaking spell than his mother.

Jaxen should stop this nonsense and get laid or something, to break this spell on him. He normally wasn't the kind of person who let himself be this influenced by anyone, at least not some womanizer who probably doesn't even remember a thing about meeting with him or has no single drop of change even being into guys!

This was definitely his mothers fault, who suddenly started to talk about the guy and wonder how the drunk kid might be doing. And when Jaxen admit he did see him in the school, his mother was all over him about it. Asking stupid questions. Being as annoying as always. Because of that, Jaxen was in this mess. Trying to clear his head clean from these thoughts.

"What's happening in there?" Milo asks, pointing Jaxens head with his fingers. Poking. "You have been staring toward nothing the last five minutes or so. Something at work? Is it Luna? You are doing too many jobs, let me warn you. Have some free time once in a while." They were now sitting in their classroom, on a break still, waiting their class to start. As being usually very sharp, Milo had noticed his friends tired mood.

"Nouh, I probably just need to get laid," Jaxen clears out loud while stretching his shoulders. "I have no idea what is going on in my mind anymore.."

Milo laughs. "What, even a cold heart like you are aware you have urges?" he leans his hands on Jaxens school desk. "I am always available for some horizontal mambo.."

"Ew ew ew.. You are nasty," Jaxen tsihs back. There was no way he would ever go so desperate to touch his best friend. "Definitely not my type."

"What!? I am hot! Have you seen my face? Or my abs? Best parkour athlete in the city!"

"Yeah, but you are an idiot..," he keeps smirking, saying that sarcasticly. Actually his friend here could be called as one of those blessed with brain, but his personality was simple just too much.

And taking that as a compliment, Milo gives a wide smile, getting back to the main topic. "Thanks. So what is it?"

"My mother is an idiot too.."

"Thank god we all idiots are blessed with good looks. Maybe I could try to date Luna. She is hot," Milo wonders then. "I could be a great step father. Here, try to call me 'Daddy" once."

"How we became friends again? There is no way I'm friends with this idiot..," Jaxen sighs deeply out and bangs his head on the desk.

"Milo!" someone calls from the doorway, trying to search her target under her eyes. Jaxen raises his head back up. This blonde girl immediately waves her hand after finding who she was looking for and rushingly heads toward them. "Milo! There you are!"

"What is it, Nila? I'm busy clearing this guys hormons," Milo greets the girl showing a V mark with his fingers.

"There is a rumor around Alishia break up with you because you were abusing..," Nila clears quietly. She was from the same class as Alishia was, but has been good friends with both Milo and Jaxen since middle school. She definitely knew her friends, knowing such couldn't possible be true. "And some guys were talking how they would give you a visit or something."

"WHAT?!" Milo yells out loud. "No she didn't! NOW WHATTA HELL IS WRONG WITH HER..?!"

Because Milo who usually could stay calm in what ever situation seem to finally lost it, Jaxen has to step in. "Calm down. Anyone who knows you knows you are not that kind of a guy," he hastens to calm his friend while standing up. "Is she still around? I go talk to her."

"Jake! This has nothing to do with you!" Milo tsihs and gets up too. "I am the one who is going there."

"Just calm down already. If there really is someone there planning to pay you a visit, it's better I go first. She doesn't talk to you, right?" showing a relaxing mood out, Jaxen could make Milo more calmer. And finally Milo lets out a deep sigh and sits back down. When this guy asks something from you, you didn't wanna talk back. Jaxen didn't talk for nothing. It might actually be better if Milo doesn't show up there himself. When he really hasn't done a thing wrong here. "I'll be right back," Jaxen adds. And after suring Milo would stay still, he leaves.

- - - -

But like Jaxen could act as calm as he asked his friend to be. Jaxen himself was so pissed off after hearing such a shitting about his friend. Still he tried to do this best to behave. It would be a waste of time to fight over something what some lunatic was making out just for her own fun.

Nila stays behind on the doorway while Jaxen calmly walks in the classroom. This was a break time, so there was some time still before classes were about to start again. Almost the whole class seem to be already in. Jaxen could see Alishia sitting at her desk, hiding her teary eyes under her palms. There were two guys and some girls around her, comforting her.

Yes, Jaxen was here because of her. Not because of that hot guy who Jaxen could immediately notice sitting on the back of the room, using his phone, ignoring the drama happening in the middle of the room. Damn, this drunker was from the same class than Alishia and Nila?

"You know you have to report him," one of the guys points out, sounding very irritated.

"But if he..," was all the girl in the middle could cry out. Making the others around her even more defending over her.

Damn, that girl was a nuisance.. Jaxen calmly walks closer, draging a chair with him from the first unused desk he saw, making so much noise that if there still was someone who hasn't notice him yet, definitely notice him now. He walks toward Alishia, moves the desk in front of Alishias desk away with his foot, making himself some room to set his chair down. Then he sits down, leaning his hands on Alishias desk, calmly staring the girl in front of him, who looked back, looking very confused.

"HEY WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" the guy behind Alishia steps next to Jaxen, moving his hand toward him.

"I dare you," Jaxen says calmly, raising his voice just a little to make his point. He was still staring Alishia. "You lay a finger on me, you will find it inside your ass."

Alishia raises her hand, to stop the guy. "It's okay. Jake is... fine. It's okay.."

"It's not okay, Alishia," Jaxen sighs. "Really, girl, abusing? What next? You start talking shit it eventually comes back to you. Give up. You guys broke up already. What you get out of this?"

"No, he really -" "Alishia! You cut this now! You understand! Before you both get seriously hurt!" Jaxen raises his voice now. "If you are doing this to get some pity on you, congratulations, you did it! I feel sorry for you.."

"Hey! That's enough!" the guy couldn't take it anymore and steps closer.

"No, that was pretty much all I wanted to say," Jaxen gets up, moving his eyes on the guy who hesitates and takes a step back. Jaxen stares him a few second more, waiting, then back to Alishia. "Stop acting like a kid. Your friends here are all trying to take your side and comfort you, while you are lying to them. Using their kindness. When they will figure it out, you will be left alone. So fix your mistakes." He calmly moves the desk back to its original place, takes a hold of the back of his chair and glances Alishia one more time. "Next time.. no, there won't be next time."

He moves his eyes on the people standing around, all looking at him, confused, some even looking very irritated. "Spread this rumour. That guy is innocent. You lay a finger on him, you know where you will find it." After putting the chair back where he get it from, he makes his leave.

The silence fell on the class room. Until the bell on the wall rings once to note students get ready, next class was about to start at any minute now.

The guy who has took the most of the action here turns his asking eyes on Alishia. "Alishia..?" Girl doesn't move his eyes from her desk. She kept her silent. "What is the meaning of this?" No answer. Before anyone else could speak out, their teacher walks in, noting loudly people to take their seats and zip it.

"Who was that guy?" Daren asks from the others. He was the other guy standing behind Alishia when all of a sudden this random guy showed up.

"That's Jake Clandon. The Devil from the class 3-D," someone whispers from the side. "I think he is friends with Alishias ex.."


Asked so loudly stunt the whole room and everyone turn to look at the black haired guy sitting on the back of the room. Even the teacher has freezed. "Excuse me?" she asks confusedly.

Kaz didn't mean to talk so loudly. He gets up and bows. "S-sorry..," he apologizes quietly and sits back down. And after seconds of calm, teacher turns back, starting her class.

"What was that now..?" Daren whispers when their teacher let it sly and keeps explaining todays area.

"Sorry.. Did you say Clandon?" Kaz wanted to clear he heard it right. The guy on their right nods.

"Yeah, Jake Clandon."

Kaz sighs and leans back. Clandon. That has to be the same guy. This past week Kaz has tried to find the person who had helped him out. He thought guy would be younger than him since he has such a young mother. But he's actually older by a year? And wasn't so strong looking and big as Kaz had imagined, he looked shorter than him! How the hell that guy could carry him around?! But his attitude was strong. A little scary even..

Well, he might not be the same person. There might be other Clandons around. But however Kaz was thinking the situation just now, he has to give a credit, that entrée was god damn cool. If they were the same guy, he was quite unique. You don't see things like that everyday, or even once in a life time. No, Kaz was starting to hope they were the same guy. If someone could just pick a sleeping guy from the street and give him a save place to sleep, without asking anything back afterwards, it has to be someone who also supports his friends like this, standing for them without a doubt, like.

Damn if this Clandon and that Clandon were the same, this guy was so cool. Kaz should definitely go and ask, so he could apologize properly from the guy himself. And thank him.

- - - -

Going near that guy might not be so simple after all. Kaz was now listening his friend getting all fired up from wanting to beat this 'Jake' so badly he 'can't stand anymore'. After that the other guy would be next.

"Carlos, did you even ask Alishia if what that guy said was true or not?" Kaz normally didn't meddle others businesses like this. But since that cool guy was involved, he couldn't help being interested. What Jake said about her, and seeing how Alishia was now ignoring everyone, made it pretty clear to Kaz his words were more truthful. "She might have been angry and talk out of her mouth. It might be really better to leave this here. Didn't Daren say so too?"

"She doesn't want to talk! Because she is scared!" Carlos yells.

"And if you are wrong and she actually has talked shit all this time and you beat the wrong guy, you think thats fair to her if she decides to come clear?" Kaz points out, being actually quite proud of how easily and surely he could talk. It's because he was so sure what the real situation was. There was no way those guys were wrong here. It was Alishia. "Just, wait and talk with her."

"I know what she really wants to say. If she is scared to speak I will be her voice!" guy tsihs, giving Kaz an angry glance. After that he leaves the class room.

- - - -

"They did what?" Milo asks unbelieving what he just heard. Jaxen and Ted were both sitting at their desks, taking their time to slowly head out, since the school was over already. But now all of them were looking at the person standing on the doorway. Feeling damn confused.

"Jaxen Clandon. Please follow me to the principals office," the women teacher calmly orders, showing with a hand move Jaxen to follow.

- - - -

Jaxen opens the door and closes it properly behind him, raising his eyes to Milo who's been sitting in the waiting room, waiting his friend getting out from the hearing. Milo stands fastly up, stays still waiting. Jaxen sighs and shows a smile out. "One week," he clears. All these different feelings were rolling in his mind, still he tried to keep his calm.

"One week? One week?!"

Jaxen walks pass Milo, tapping his shoulder. "That's nothing. One week suspended from threaten, that's quite minor."

"But you didn't do shit!" Milo walks behind Jaxen, who grabs his bag from the bench with him and heads out of the waiting room.

"Someone reported me so they had to act, you know," young man states back. "I did yell to a girl and made her cry. If they let me just go, that would give a wrong message. I'm fine."

"Oh yes you are always fine. Fucking fine! I didn't ask you to go and get yourself suspended!"

"Just shut it already. I will have more time to work now. I should actually thank the one reporting me.."

"That is one way to look at it..," third voice suddenly speaks near them. Jaxen turns to look at the black haired guy who was standing on the doorway, also heading toward the lounge to leave.

Now this sudden meeting Jaxen definitely couldn't predict. Nor was he ready to see the real think from this close distance. Damn, was the drunker originally really that handsome..? No, more importantly why he was talking to them all of a sudden? "You.."

But the other didn't feel as puzzled. Kaz was intently eyeing the young man who has stopped his steps a little further from him, the other guy next him. Since they stop so far, Kaz takes a few steps closer. This guy just recognized him, right? Yeah, he was definitely the same guy.

"You are that..?" Milo talks out then, since Jaxen was currently clearly in some kind of silent mode, which wasn't normal at all. Wasn't this the player guy Milo has heard about??

"Me? I'm from the rival team, kinda," Kaz smiles and turns his look back to Jaxen. Raising his left hand on the level Jaxens top of the head was. "From distance you looked more shorter. But aren't we, like, almost the same height? Makes since."

"Makes.. since?" How does that makes since? Anything of this doesn't make since! Why this guy is speaking to him so informally?! No, what he meant by saying 'from distance'??

"Jake, you actually knew this guy?" Milo asks while poking Jaxens shoulder, woking him up from his trance.

"No? Not technically?" that was all Jaxen could create out of his mouth.

"Ah, apparently I spend the night in his room last saturday and had dinner with his mother," Kaz shows his wide smile, even bowing a little. "I'm Kazuro Hallen. Nice to meet you." Young man was looking very excited, with his wide happy smile.

"Spend the night..?" Milo repeats, staring the guy eyes wide open.

"Yeah, that was about how it went..," Jaxen sighs and finally closes his eyes, holding his forehead to clear his mind. This guy had already figured him out? And just now after Jaxen himself was planning to keep his distance because of the spell his stupid mother had infect on him.

"And you must be Alishias ex," Kaz continues, not leaving Milo hanging. "This guy made quite a speech today. The drama after the class was quite a lot." He looks at Jaxen, meeting with his eyes. "You got suspended? From that? If you want I can help gather people to talk you clean. The whole class saw it. I think what you said was just what she deserved. Me and my friend are trying to talk some sense to Carlos. You know, the one you saw earlier, the current guy she's with?"

"There is a lot of talk..," Milo states suddenly, still very confused where this guy came from.

"There is..," Jaxen agrees. This constant talking kind of ruined his friendly charm. Young man was very pushing-like. What a pity. "Thanks, but I don't need a backup here. I'm fine."

"You sure? Carlos was stating out loud he would beat you up. Both of you."

Now that threat only pushs Jaxens normal character out and he gets a hold of his dazing mind. "Oh, he can always try. If he dares."

Wow, this sudden angry glance from the older guy made him look so stunning just now. Like 'you think I give a damn, bring it on' - kind of look. So cool. But it was soon gone because Kaz had actually just taken a step even closer, eyeing Jaxen from very very near distance. And that was too much Jaxen to take.

"The hell you do!" Jaxen takes a step behind, blushing. Man was way too close now!

"You know you look damn handsome when you act that cool," Kaz just speaks out his mind. Adoring the other. "Like a bad boy character. You must be popular with girls."

Jaxen was but didn't really have a use of that. Since he has always played on the other side. Maybe that was his charm. Since he would never even make a move toward girls. "Don't know about that.."

"You know, I'm out of this conversation. Was he your one-night stand?? Lunas?" Milo has to ask after hearing all that mess, pointing both of the guys. "What is this between you.."

"Milo, please, spare me from this..," Jaxen lets out one of the deepest sighs ever.

"One-night stand?" Kaz just casually wonders out loud Milos question.

"I was wrong? Yo, the guy you are trying to make sound like a womanizer is playing in the other team," Milo clears, like it was clear as a day. "He is into guys."

Kaz looks back to Jaxen, who just calmly stares back the younger. It wasn't that Jaxen was hiding it, instead he was pretty open about it when brought up. Maybe this conversation would even help Jaxen to get over his shallow crush toward this guy. This womanizer might start avoid him from now on. And that would be the best.

"You are?" Kaz asks then, without actually even showing any difference in his already adoring stare. "Then.. are you taken?"

What kind of word changing this even was..? "No..," now what the hell. Jaxen wasn't so sure anymore was this whole situation just turning even weirder right now.

The smile on this young mans face went even more wider. Even his eyes seem to smile. "Then I have a change, right? Go out with me," Kaz suddenly drops the bomb.

The silence was what came next. The look on Jaxens face must be the most confused look ever. This wasn't a real conversation, right? He was dreaming. This very moment made Jaxen plan to never look at this guys face again so he wouldn't start to act like an idiot and go with this nonsense. That handsome face might indeed suck him in if he wasn't careful, sweet talk him in the most craziest suggestion ever.

Finally Jaxen holds his palm toward the guy. "I refuse."

"Why you refused?!" was what Milo was now yelling. Being as abashed as Jaxen, but seriously, even he would go out with that guy.

"Why? I think I am quite good package all in all," Kaz doesn't give up, but only keep his smile on, moving his head a little, like showing even cuter pose.

Yep. This guy was a player. Shamelessly trying to use all his good looking efforts to get what he want. "Look. That smile of yours is as fake as your IDs were, 'Kim Miller'," Jaxen finally tsihs mockingly out. "Cute face but probably just full of lies. Who ever will buy that must be very desperate to have you." Kaz doesn't lose his smile. But he clearly looked a little surprised by now. "I'm not going with your game. If you are just curious going out with a guy, there are plenty with the same interest. You can find them in the bar too, you know," older guy lets his anger mood speak for himself. "If that was all, shoo." To make his feelings clear, Jaxen simple turns his back to the guy and starts heading toward the exit.

Milo was staring Jaxens leave, abashed how cooly his friend actually could talk when he gets seriously mad. He turns to look at the younger guy, who hasn't drop his eyes on Jaxens back. But his smile was indeed gone. "If you plan to still approach him you must be a big masochist," Milo hums. Then walks after Jaxen. "Give up."

Kaz doesn't move. He was still standing still. Thinking. Damn, that yell was quite a turn on..

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