One day before...
Neo and his two subordinates, Robin and Yuki, sat huddled together in the dimly lit van parked across from the private hospital. They had been watching the building for hours now, waiting for any sign of suspicious activity.
"So far we haven't seen anything out of the ordinary," Robin said quietly as he peered through a pair of high-powered binoculars. "Just doctors and nurses coming in and out."
Yuki nodded in agreement while typing away on her laptop. "I've hacked into their mainframe but there's nothing unusual in their patient records or staff schedules."
Neo frowned thoughtfully as he studied a blueprint of the hospital spread out before them on the dashboard. "There must be something we're missing... The intel was too specific to ignore."
I deeply regret this chapter and the mistakes made. This chapter was written during a time when I was busy at funeral home. It contains spoilers from future chapters that were not intended to be revealed yet. While I wish I could change all of it, some readers have already seen it. Please forgive me for this mistake and know that I will address it properly in a future chapter, although it may take some time to arrive.