50.57% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 131: Date Night:Nike

章節 131: Date Night:Nike

I don't own Star wars.

"I DEMAND PRETTY GIRLS!!!" Rattletrap suddenly shouted, dropping from the kitchen ceiling onto the table posing dramatically as we made our way to Nar Shaddaa.

"Well, that might be insulting…" Seis mumbled, picking up traces of her morning, maybe evening, meal. Hard to tell in space. She then glared at the Jawa, before looking at Killa who seemed non-plus. "Should we be insulted?" Killa just shrugged moving her bowl of cereal further away from Rattletrap's feet.

"…Let me try again." Rattletrap said distractedly, shooting a grapnel on his wrist up into the ceiling vent and flying upwards. Waiting a moment, before dropping again. "I DEMAND PRETTY GIRLS!!!... who my bro isn't dating…"

"Ah… alright, I get it now." Seis noted, trying very hard not to burst out laughing.

"Rattletrap, what are you doing?" I asked, joining them in the kitchen leaving X-E to pilot us to Nar Shaddaa.

"I've been waiting for months! And I think it's finally time for Nike to introduce me to some pretty girls!" he declared as Nike watched him absently. Then crossing his arms childishly, he added. "It's only fair."

Nike rolled her eyes but looked pleasantly humored. "Fine… You're lucky we're going to Nar Shaddaa… I know a couple of girls." Rattletrap rattled in place before shooting back up into the ceiling.

"I'm going to go make myself pretty!" he shrieked, echoing around the ship as his laughter carried.

I scratched my head as I looked at her, "Really?"

"Well our pet bounty hunters are going to-" Seis and Killa glared at her but she continued unabated, "-cash in a few bounties. I figured I could go and visit a few friends." Then added with a smile, "You're welcome to come along Roland."

I had mentioned what Newt had said to appreciate my female crewmembers, and her threat of physical harm… and I guess this was Nike's way of getting her night in. "Well… I guess so. We really shouldn't have anyone go alone… who knows if that freaky Vargoss isn't still on Nar Shaddaa."

"Exactly! And X-E can keep an eye on Casanova…" she said, pointing to the ceiling and taking my arm. "Now…" she cooed, leading me away from rather surly-looking Killa and Seis, "…Should I dress in something nice?"

Turns out something nice was a very tasteful and shimmering white gown that made her look like a princess… and I was okay with that. It was striking against her fur, and tight on her body giving nothing to the imagination. As for the rest of us. Barradowwa, the only one among us I was confident could go it alone, stayed on the ship as Killa and Seis went off to do… bounty hunter things. Rattletrap, with a bowtie, and a very calm looking X-E walked with us for a while until we came to what looked like a massive film studio.

I adjusted my monkey suit from the Grack job as Rattletrap 'rattled' in place excitedly. "Pretty girls, pretty girls, pretty girls!" he cheered happily under his breath as Nike reached into her purse and pulled a com.

It rung for a moment when a cheery, "Hi Nike!" came from the other end.

"Dolly I'm here, can you come out?"

As we waited the door to the studio slid open and… quite frankly, the most… bimbo, and that's the best way I could describe her, looking woman walked out. Wearing a short skirt and a tight pink shirt that clung to her skin tightly as if it was a part of her, her large buoyant chest pushing it out but still managing to bounce even in the skin-tight clothing. "Hi!" she waved sweetly, approached Nike and hugged her tightly. "Nike! It's so nice to see you! Usila's here to! Should I get her?"

"No. It's fine Dolly…" then taking my arm and grinning, "I'm on a date."

"Hi!" Dolly shouted happily to me, immediately wrapping me in a soft, warm, hug… okay. She felt and smelled really nice and I would quite happily let her hug me forever. But thankfully before I could declare that she let me go. "I'm Dolly! I'm Nike's friend." She smiled prettily at me.

"Now. Dolly." Nike interrupted with a smile, turning her bouncy friend to Rattletrap. "This is Rattletrap…"

Before Rattletrap could... Rattletrap… he was suddenly swept up in a hug as Dolly squealed, "AW!!!" she cooed cheerily, "He's so cute!" if I could be seduced with just a hug, Rattletrap was done for… he practically melted in her arms as little hearts seemed to appear and pop over his head. "I could just hug him forever!" Honestly, I expected X-E to be possessive of Rattletrap. She often was, but she stood quietly watching as Dolly gently hugged Rattletrap to her chest. Completely unbothered.

"So. Dolly." Nike smiled at her friend, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Do me a favor and show Rattletrap around? Maybe give him some attention?"

"Okay!" Dolly cheered happily, taking X-E's hand and pulling her along.

"Bye bro…" Rattletrap smiled blissfully over Dolly's shoulder, before rubbing his face between her breasts. She apparently wasn't bothered in the least. "See you back at the ship."

"Enjoy your evening Captain." X-E added, "I will protect Master Rattletrap while you are gone." And as Nike took my arm and turned me away, the studio doors closed behind them.

"…That… felt odd. Is he going to be okay?" I asked as Nike led me down an alleyway full of fancy restaurants.

"He wanted pretty girls I got him pretty girls…" Nike said, "Besides X-E is with him, and I told Dolly not to let anyone go too far… he's not so much in a holo-girl studio, as a host club right now."

"…I do feel kinda bad that we… you know… had to pay Dolly to do it." I added as Nike seemed to consider places to eat.

"What? Oh. No Dolly's doing it for free… she LOVES people." She said with a smile, "Dolly doesn't have a greedy bone in her body. She's the kind of person who If she says she likes you then she likes you, she's going to have as much fun as Rattletrap is." Then finding a huge hotel/casino called the Golden Nova she pointed, "How about here? This place looks nice…"

"Whatever you want." I said, seeing her smile as she dragged me in. I couldn't help but smile either… it was nice. Just the two of us.

It took us a bit to find a table, but as we sat down and had dinner… well it was nice to have a break. We laughed, and talked… it was a date and honestly, I expected to be needing to shoot a blaster at any moment… however the second I put the credits down to pay for the rather well-priced food…

We were interrupted. Four perfectly identical black armored Mandalorians approached us. One had a broad white circle painted around his neck, on his shoulders and chest like a loop. "…Firemane? Roland Firemane?" he said, his visor turning to Nike. "And Nike Nyx?" he took the credits from the table and handed them to me. "…Your bill has been taken care of … the owner would like to meet with you."

Nike stood next to me, but I could tell they weren't being hostile. Yet. "Whose… the owner?" I asked hesitantly as he gestured to a private curtained-off room.

"Come. She wants to see you." He said politely, but I could tell that politeness would be gone in an instant. We were led by the group towards the curtain, the other occupants of the building seemed completely uninterested in the two people being escorted by black armored Mandalorians. It must be a common thing around here. The leader held the curtain open just barely and I went in first, Nike's hand tight around mine for some semblance of comfort.

The private room was large and flanked by more mandalorians and a table filled with food. And at the head of it was a grotesquely large aged female hutt, with a shine to her leathery skin that seemed more massage oil than slime and she was covered with literally thousands of credits worth of jewelry and silks, she was smoking on a hookah pipe and eating with surprisingly well-practiced table manners and oversized utensils. She looked up at me and Nike. "Sit." She said firmly in huttese, gesturing to the sets next to the table with her fork. "Please, I insist."

Nike and I sat down next to her as she continued to politely eat, then she eyed me. "Roland. Firemane." She said slowly, stretching up a little as she looked me over, "…You are the spitting image of your father." As she said it, a familiar, pink woman entered, dressed in a business suit and looking very professional. Although the suit did look like it was made to accentuate her curves. She draped an arm on one of the unperturbed mandalorians and watched us curiously as the hutt spoke again.

"My son tells me you are competent." She said firmly, and it was then I realized who I was talking to.

Babayaga. Matriarch of the Hutt Triplets: Tuuba, Tulba, and Torga. Even I've heard of her… everyone has heard of her.

"I… like to think so." I said as Nike clutched my hand tightly…

Then she laughed, it wasn't dark or menacing but almost motherly in noise. The rest of the mandalorians a half dozen in total, began to laugh as well. Lacroix however merely smile and shook her head. "Well. Son of Firemane I have a job for you… and as you delivered Grack to me, I am offering you first dibs."

"O-kay…" I said, knowing full well that I couldn't refuse.

"What is it?" Nike asked, trying to keep her calm. Babayaga's large imposing eyes leveled on Nike who shivered and leaned against me.

"A pirate captain that used to be in my employ has greatly insulted me, he's taking orders from another underworld queen…" she said slowly, "Captain Fraroq Claw of the Silver Shark. I want him dead and his hand brought to me if possible."

"His hand?" I asked surprised as Nike elbowed me. "Not his head?"

"His hand…" Babayaga replied with a knowing grin. "Fraroq Claw is aptly named, he has a cybernetic hand…" she said, gesturing to her left, "On his left hand, a claw… I want to put it in my trophy case."

"Okay…" I said slowly, "But… why us?"

She began to darkly chuckle, this time the mandalorians didn't join in. "Because your family amuses me…" she said smugly and cryptically. She snapped her fingers as the leader Mandalorian approached, handing her a key card that she promptly handed to us. "I insist you enjoy the Golden Nova's suites. And your bill will be taken care of… think of it as a down payment." She waved us away, and we were pulled carefully to our feet. "Lacroix show them to their room please. One of the good ones…"

We were led to the curtain, before she added. "And Roland. I do hope you're as good at entertaining me as well as your father was…" she said, chuckling again as the pink skinned assassin led us away.

It was an awkward elevator ride, Lacroix stood imposingly before us. Staring at the door as Nike pressed her body against me, hugging me as the exhaustion that was Babayaga drained away. She did have this sort of fear radiating aura about her… it took all I had not to pee myself.

"So." Lacroix suddenly said, looking over her shoulder coyly at us. "…You're my nephew." She said suddenly, and I blinked at her, unsure of what she met. "Aiden's my half-brother." She said, a little bitterly, "…I should've known… the hair was a dead giveaway!" she added smiling.

"I… what?" I asked as the elevator dinged and she stepped aside letting us pass into what was apparently a foyer.

She smiled, "Well… my dad was his dad." She said smugly, "So that makes you my nephew…" she leaned forward and looked me up at down, eyeing me like a hungry animal. "…I don't suppose you got a bit more Zeltron in you than your dad?"

"No." Nike said firmly, as the pheromones hit me. Was she trying to seduce me? I'm her nephew! "He doesn't, thank you." She said, opening the door and dragging me inside.

"Shame." Lacroix said as the elevator slowly closed, "I love that color."

Nike shut the door as we looked around the spacious suite, the couch was as big as our kitchen, with a huge holo-screen on the wall, in fact it might have been the wall. The bed was big enough to hole the entire crew of the ship comfortable, and the bathroom might have doubled as a swimming pool sized jacuzzi. Which Nike promptly began to fill, the dozens of faucets surrounding the tub activating at once… and strip out of her dress, revealing that she wore NOTHING underneath it.

"Damn that Zeltorn." She moaned softly, leaning over the tube as it fills and trembling, "…Pheromone using bitch…"

"Nike?" I asked hesitantly, gently rubbing her fur as she shivered and… purred… oh no.

She turned and began stripping me, kissing me as she purred loudly, again and again as I soon became naked and ready. "Mmmn…" she moaned, kissing me, "…She got me all riled up… why do you have to be so damn pretty?"

"She's my aunt… half-aunt… apparently WHOA!" she pulled us into the tub with a splash, smiling at me as she swam quickly away. Again. This tub was huge. I broke the surface spluttering as I finished with a smile, "So… you know. Kinda weird that she finds me 'pretty'…"

She stood up, and I froze, her black and white body sleek and shimmering with water as it came up to her midthighs, she flung out her long-wet hair slowly, squeezing it to get the water to drip down her body. And smiled at me… "…what was I saying?" I asked, completely struck dumb by how gorgeous she was.

"Hmmm… something about…" she teased, carefully walking towards me. Leaning forwards and whispering, "Catching me."

"…I don't think that was it." I smiled as she dropped back into the water with a splash, letting her body float lazily for a moment.

"No. That was definitely it." She said coyly, slowly moving away. "You see. You need to catch me. To play with me…" she said giggling and quickly splashing away before my mind could register what she was asking me.

"Oh no!" she laughed with false drama, "Whatever will he do once he gets a hold of me!" she cried, rather like an actor reading their lines for the first time. I swam around the water after her, she was laughing and giggling the whole time as I finally got a grip on her ankle and pulled her back onto my lap. The water apparently had automatically turned off once it was full enough, and the jacuzzi jets immediately activated. "Oh no…" she purred sweetly, activating my own buttons, "Whatever will he do with me?"

I laughed and pulled her lips to mine as my dick throbbed eagerly to be inside her. she purred into my mouth, her tongue scraping lovingly against mine as she slowly pulled away. "You know…" she whispered, "You're ruining the game by being so romantic…"

"I caught you…" I said catching on, "So that means I can do what I want with my prize right?" I teased, kissing her again as I sat her on my lap, my cock firmly pressed between her silky furry thighs as she squeezed it against her pussy lips.

"Hmm… I guess so…" she said coyly reaching down and stroking my cockhead with her fingers. "But this is just round one… I expect you to be more… domineering in round two."

I lifted her gently in the water and slipped her slowly down my eager length as she gasped lovingly. Her pussy tight and warm around me as I kissed her breasts, collarbone, and neck. "…Well… let's see how tired you are after round one." I teased as she giggled, purring as my cock throbbed at the noise, eager to really begin.

"Challenge accepted." She giggled and began to bounce on my lap.

No mater how many times I buried myself inside her, it felt just as amazing as the first. Her chest bounced, her ass quivered, her mouth panting and gasping in pleasure as she enjoyed herself as much as I was enjoying her. Gone were the days when she insisted I put it into her ass,although she still insisted I have a go each time. Nowadays she would eagerly take my cock into her tight welcoming womanhood. Squeezing and caressing my cock as she reached her own climax, screaming as she pulled me to her lips and shivered erotically on me, her body trembling in my hands as she rode the orgasm and my length.

I let her rest only for a moment, I was eager for my own release, I squeezed her big, soft, furry rear under the water and lifted her slowly up and down, then I thrust up into her as I pulled her down. She leaned back, her chest bouncing as she threw her head back and let me watch her, arms limp at her side as I moved her rhythmically on me. Her firm ass broke the surface with each lovingly and long stroke of her pussy.

"I'm going to cum. I'm cumming Nike." I declared as she leaned forward, panting and gasping as her body trembled, "I'm cumming inside you…" I growled possessively as I tried to hold it for just a little longer, feeling her body was as close as mine. But she leaned forward, kissed me, and purred…

Like the revving of an engine I erupted to life as we forced our hips together: I pulled her down, she pushed. She gasped into my mouth and moaned as her pussy lovingly gulped up every last drop of my cum, not a drop escaped her tight embrace as she lowly, sensitively, moved her hips up and down in careful strokes, pulling the last drops of my load out as she lifted completely off me. Standing proudly before me as she rubbed her furry, muscular stomach.

She smiled lovingly at me, "… it's so warm…" she cooed, then with a Cheshire grin she added, "Catch me if you can Roland." She leaped from the tub, leaving me only moments to recover before I climbed out and chased after her. "Round two!" she cheered, naked and unashamed as I chased after her into the apartment.

She scrambled over the couch, completely naked as we played an elaborate game of tag. Scrambling wildly as her like animals in the wild… until I finally trapped her against the wall. Panting and breathing heavily as I gazed into her red eyes as she smiled back.

"You caught me again…" she teased with a smile, "Whatever are you going to do with me?"

I gazed longingly at her body for a moment, before kissing her gently and whispering, "…What do you want." Be taking her hips in my hand and turning her around her big, beautiful rear on display as I slowly spread apart her cheeks. She whimpered excitedly, shaking her rear in my hands as I gently pressed my length between her cheeks, rubbing it briefly between them her soft furry, flesh I pushed into her tight rear hole.

"Ah… give it to me…" she moaned, as I reached around and gripped her chest, pulling her body back and down my length as she gasped. I held her tightly, pulling out and pushing back in. "MMMn" she bit her lower lip as her body trembled, "Fuck me. Fuck my ass." She pleaded, wrapping a hand around my head and pulling me on. Looking into my eyes as she licked her lips hungrily. I kissed her, moaning into her mouth as my free hand rubbed her pussy, she shivered wildly as her orgasm grey, her ass tightening warmly around me, pulling me in deeper as she quickly orgasmed.

"Roland. Roland!" she moaned, chanting my name as I kept thrusting, looking into my eyes, "Cum inside me. I want every drop inside me." He pressed her hand against the wall, pushing her ass out as I kept thrusting into her, her bouncy cheeks jiggling with each audible smack of our hips. "Cum Cum Cum!!" she pleaded, screaming as she came again.

"Nike!" I roared, shoving deep into her as I pressed her orgasming body against the wall, lifting her from the floor as I throbbed deep inside her.

"Yes! Fuck!!!" she shrieked, collapsing onto me as she spasmed and I stumbled back onto the couch, "Fuck it feels so good…" she rubbed her toned stomach, moaning as she lay on top of me, gyrating slightly as her satisfied slippery as squeezed me lovingly. She turned on my cock, I was still deep in her ass as she leaned back, letting me view her body. I slid my hands up and down her hips, pulling her to my lips again.

"… You're amazing." I praised, kissing her as she stroked my hair, we moaned into each other as her ass gently squeezed me. But carefully lifted her off my dick, letting her sit on my lap as I kept petting her, stroking her… putting my ear to her chest as she giggled, and purred. Feeling my cock shoot to attention, slapping against her ass. "Nike?"

"Mmn?" she chuckled, kissing me gently as she rubbed my chest.

"…Will you dance for me?" I asked as she looked at me rather surprised. But smiled, getting off of me and brushing her lips against mine as she turned and stepped onto the low table before the couch, her ass suddenly shaking and jiggling before me as she shook and gyrated her hips. Her hands slowly raised in the air as she jerked her hips from side to side, shaking her ass before my eyes as she put her skills as a stripper to work. I memorized every inch, every curve of her body as she turned in place, shook her hips, and bounced her ass, she owned the meager stage provided for it… and it didn't take long for me to break.

She had bent over, hands on her knees as she shook her ass up and down for me, gyrating her hips as she moved it in a circle. Then I caught it in my hands and she stopped as I stroked her furry cheeks, giving one a kiss, and another a smack as I lifted her from the table as she laughed, I spread her legs wide and lowered her dripping pussy onto my length… and I rode her with newfound strength, lifting and dropping her body as she leaned back onto me and caressed her big furry breasts, moaning my name as we released our built up urges.

She laughed wildly as she tightened on me, her legs clenching as I dropped onto the couch, holding her hips as I thrust up wildly into her. Her body quaked wonderfully with each rapid thrust. We screamed like animals… and we came. She collapsed onto me as her pussy squeezed the last drops of seed from me. I held her tightly to me, arms wrapped tightly around her stomach as I filled her. she rested her hands on me, gently caressing my arms as she caught her breath.

"… It's official…" she moaned softly, closing her eyes as she lay on top of me. "…I love you… you're stuck with me forever." She giggled, and I joined her, kissing her cheeks as I listened to her purr… but I was so exhausted not even her magical chest hums could get me going again. We basked in the afterglow for a moment, then I stroked her long silky hair…

"I love you too…"

"I know." she said immediately, smiling as she kissed me. "…Now come on. We got to get out of here… it's too fancy for me." She mumbled, gently slipping off of me as I stood up with her, holding her hand as I pulled her back to me and kissed her. "Roland…" she laughed, kissing me back as she tried to escape and get her clothes. "Come on… let me…" she laughed, "Let me get dressed!"

"You were okay running around naked a minute ago…" I pleaded, kissing her again.

"But now we're trying to leave!" she giggled, slipping her tongue into my mouth. "Besides… we need to get Rattletrap."

I sighed, and reluctantly let her go as we redressed. We returned the room key to the front desk. And before we knew it we were walking back home. Passing the film studio first for Rattletrap…

However. Strangely. After Nike called Dolly out, Rattletrap was carried out of the film studio joined by a half-dozen other actresses of various races waving him off before saying in a united, loving tone.

"Byeeee Rattletrap…" they cooed, a couple blowing kisses as a busty green togruta added. "Come back soon!"

He waved to the girls as Dolly swept him up into a tight hug and kissed the top of his hood. He melted in her arms again as she said almost hopefully. "You visit me next time you're on Nar Shaddaa okay?" she poked his nose playfully as he giggled stupidly.

"…Okay…" he said blissfully as she put him down.

"It was lovely to meet you Dolly." X-E said, bowing politely as Dolly returned the bow. Her massive breasts wobbling majestically. We watched as Rattletrap and X-E started to head back, Rattletrap practically skipping joyfully as he went.

"What did you do with him?" I asked amazed as Dolly and Nike hugged.

"That's just Dolly." Nike said with a dismissive shrug. "See you around Dolly." She said as they kissed each other's cheeks

Dolly waved us happily off, before turning and heading back into the studio with the rest of the girls, who looked surprisingly disappointed as Rattletrap got further and further away. "…I have so many questions…" I mumbled, walking Nike back to the ship. But she smiled mysteriously at me and purred as she rested her head on my shoulder. "…Eh… another time…" I said, following Rattletrap and X-E up the ramp.

End of Chapter.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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