7.33% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 19: Aggressor Arc Part 1: Blind from Rage

章節 19: Aggressor Arc Part 1: Blind from Rage

I don't own star wars

The plot thickens… or hardens… anyway there's only a semblance of a sex scene.

I sat there watching. The groans of the young men on the screen went unrestrained as they thrust into the beautiful woman in the middle of them all.

"Ma'am! You feel so good!"

"Shit! Watch your load asshole you got it on my helmet!"

"It's not my fault her mouth feels so fucking amazing!"

"Shut the fuck up…" came the familiar seductive voice, "If I wanted you to talk I would tell you to fucking talk!"

My eye twitched with rage, she was within her right to do whatever she pleased, but not on my damn ship.

"Ma'am can we take off the helmets?" there was a distinct mumbling sound; she had another of the trooper's dicks in her mouth. "Hey take your dick out of her mouth I can't understand her."

The trooper with his dick in her mouth grunted as he shot his release. "Fuck off! It's not my fault you're on the bottom!"

"Ah man you got it on my helmet again!" came another trooper's voice. She spat the semen in her mouth onto his helmet, below her "Awe what the fuck?!"

"SHUT UP!" she yelled angrily at all of them, "Shut the fuck up! No. You can't take off your helmets. No, you weren't allowed to nut in my mouth. And you! Shut the FUCK UP and keep fucking me!"

"Yes Ma'am…" they all replied nervously, but unfortunately her frustration only managed to soften them.

"Gods fucking damn it! FUCK!" she screamed angrily, shoving the troopers away, "You three! Get over here and fuck me!" another group of troopers hesitantly surrounded her as she took one in her mouth and began stroking the other two in her skilled hands. She was apparently very talented at it, but the troopers seemed more terrified than pleasured.

I continued to watch the recording for only a few more moments. Aiden I suppose sometimes had a point about Aliens. Sometimes they were… arousing to look at and watch. But this wasn't about how arousing they could be or were, this is about what she was doing on my ship as if I wouldn't notice.

Muting the image I made a holo-call. Patiently waiting as the signal was sent across the galaxy…

Soon the screen focused and my sister Kavilla appeared. She smiled her greeting to me, "Tolara. Good to see you. What is this about?" before I could answer, her face suddenly turned serious. "Is it about Aiden? Is he alright?"

I waved the question away, "Yes. He's fine, I've been informed he's on vacation on Spira, which incidentally brings me to the subject of my call…"

Kavilla raised an eyebrow as she studiously watched my face, "…Do you... want to go on vacation?"

"No." I said firmly, internally I did but I probably wouldn't admit it out loud, "…This call concerns Cipher 10…"

"Our Cipher?" she asked confused, her eyes narrowing concerned, "What about her?"

I sent my sister the recording.

My sister turned it on and watched it off-screen. "By the emperor!" her eyes widened in utter astonishment "I thought only holo-girls could bend like that!" she looked at me shocked, "What the hell is she thinking?!"

"That's the problem. She has become… fidgety."

"Fidgety?!" my sister replied, tilting her head slightly as another trooper screamed his release. "She's screwing the entire barrack room!"

"Only the rookies, about six of them…"

"Rookies? Why rookies?" she asked surprised.

"Does it matter?"

"…Maybe? It just seems like an odd thing to… you know what? She's getting gangbanged it probably doesn't really matter." she stared intently at the video and suddenly I felt that I needed to get her attention back again. Honestly, I was starting to wonder if Aiden subtly got his… 'interests' from us.

"Stamina of youth maybe?" I said suddenly and Kavilla shot back to attention to realize that I was watching her intently, "She has been acting odd since she reported Aiden being on Spira. And she has been a lot more… snappy, as a result."

Kavilla, still staring at our Cipher positively degrading herself on screen, frowned suddenly in thought as she just realized something, I recognized the look on our face, a certain form of clarity. "…Does it occur to you watching this that she doesn't seem to enjoy it?"

"No. I didn't notice she wasn't enjoying it." I replied briskly, looking at my own open video of her. I didn't notice at first but she did look increasingly frustrated as the troopers released themselves all over her face. "I was more concerned with how this will look."

"Tolara, I legitimately think you need to speak with her." Kavilla replied, looking at me. "Order her to talk if you have to, she can't go around exhausting your barrack recruits… no matter how good she seems to be at it." she tilted her head again and raised an eyebrow as another trooper declared his release.

"No kidding." I replied softly, "I just wanted your opinion on how to phrase it.

"Try' what the hell is wrong with you' I think you'll have a winner. Or maybe 'how did entertaining the troops feel'…" She looked off-screen, as I heard her door open, "I have to go Tolara, pirates near the rim."

"For the Empire, Kavilla." I said.

"For the Empire, Tolara." She replied with a smile, signing off. I stared at the blank screen, after a moment I took a chance and sent a call to Cipher 10.

Suddenly a very frustrated and naked Cipher 10 glared at me from the screen. "What?!" she roared angrily, her nostrils flaring with stress as she saw my face.

I glared at her, but she remained angry, apparently unable to control herself, "We need to talk." I replied firmly, expressing coolly my authority over her.

"…Fine." She hissed, after a moment of thought, "When?" she walked over to her suit, bending over and presenting herself to me as she pulled it quickly up her curvaceous body.

"Now. Cipher 10." I replied angrily, closing the call abruptly. I walked to my chair behind my desk and sat down, waiting intensely for her to arrive.

I don't know how she slammed a pneumatic door but she did, she entered my office and glared at me, "…What?" she said finally, apparently more agitated than I was.

"What is wrong with you?" I said finally, glaring at her.

"What do you mean?" she replied huffily, pacing in front of the chair facing me. "I'm fine!"

"You are not fine!" I hissed indignantly, turning the screen to face her and playing the video. The grunts and groans of the troopers held her attention only for a moment and she began pacing again. "What is the meaning of this?!" I shouted as the current group shot their semen upon her. "Have you become an amateur holo-girl? Do we not pay you enough?"

She glared angrily at it, watching herself as load after a load of sperm coated her succulent blue body. Then she apparently came to a decision on something and surprisingly she marched around my desk, opening my right-hand drawer where I kept my blaster. Removing my sidearm and tossing it accurately onto the chair in front of my desk, before walking back around and facing me: her back straight and a determined look across her lovely features.

"…Is your brother a force user?" she asked suddenly, completely serious. She was suddenly a true Cipher again.

"What? No!" I replied horrified, she was asking if we kept him from the sith lords, all force users were to be indoctrinated at birth by the darths, "We were all tested, we are not force users!" I glared at her, "Why would you ask that?"

"Has he had any gene-mods?" she asked another question from nowhere. I was not enjoying this conversation.

"No!" as I ground my teeth together coldly, my anger building, "What is this about Cipher 10?"

"Does he take any brain-altering drugs?"

"Cipher 10!" I shouted over her questioning, "What are you asking me? What are you getting at?!"

She took a deep breath, not looking away from me. After a few seconds, she slowly released it, seeming to calm down. She stared at me, and her features soften as if what she was going to say next hurt her. "…I slept with your brother and now I don't feel… good… with anyone else."

…I don't think the room could've gotten any colder if we were on Hoth and the windows were open in a blizzard.

Absolutely subconsciously, I yanked my side-arm drawer back open while glaring at her, quickly trying to find the side-arm that I knew internally wasn't there. She held up the blaster from the chair as if to remind me but still I searched for a blaster, willing it to be there.

"What?" I hissed the word filled with so much venom the air suddenly seemed toxic. "You slept with my brother?"

"I don't feel good anymore. I slept with a handful of men trying to prove myself wrong but it won't work." She ran a hand desperately through her short blue hair as she paced, "On Spira after I saw him with his women… I got antsy. I picked up a lunkhead but I didn't feel a thing! Then I tried a couple of younger men, one after the other, and then at the same time and I barely got off even with the arousal of getting caught! And the reason I got off was because your brother almost caught me!"

"There I was, two men, hardly out of the academy, penetrating me like I was a loose whore. But even with their eagerness and youth I just didn't feel anything, I was about to give up when Aiden entered the bathroom… he told them to sync up and I tightened considerably, suddenly I felt something again as I imagined that they were both him, taking me as he wanted, and using me…"

She took a breath as she blushed prominently at the memory. She stared at me, suddenly completely serious as well as apologetic, "…I think there's something off about your brother."

My hand thumped hard in my drawer trying to will a blaster there, but the universe just wasn't obeying my wishes. "You slept with my brother-" I repeated angrily, I don't know why that was far more prominent than the fact that she was imagining him 'using' her. "-when I specifically told you not to!?"

"I had every intention to not do!" she replied abruptly, not looking at me as she paced across my floor "Not to sleep with him, I mean, but to respect your wishes! But… but he saved my life on Hoth! Or at least was willing to sacrifice it for me!"

"He what!?" I roared at her, hearing an audible crack in my drawer as I slapped it so hard in my search that it dented the bottom of the drawer "That was not in your report!"

"Because you would have had a fit!" she replied, "Like now! He… he jumped on a wampa so I could escape! And then when we killed it and I took him back to my ship, I fixed him up… we kissed…" she suddenly blushed, her mind off somewhere back on Hoth. "…I just… I just kissed him and suddenly it was all I wanted and we were on the bed and…"

"Enough!" I roared, my mind suddenly functioning more on rage than ever as I ripped the drawer out of my desk letting it crash against the back wall and reached inside the opening. Grabbing my hidden stun blaster (on the occasion somebody knew where I kept my obvious one) and aiming at her.

"Shit!" she hissed in shock before diving behind the chair as I fired the stun blasts at her. "Tolara, that's not funny!" she shouted behind the chair, "I couldn't control myself around him!"

"Hold still and let me vent!" I replied, firing into the chair and imagining she was in it, all semblance of my imperial officer nature left far behind. "You're lucky this is a stun blaster!"

"Why do you even have a hidden stun blaster hidden behind the regular one!?" she shouted angrily

"Because I would want to torture the person who took my regular one!" I replied angrily as the battery quickly drained on the tiny stunner. But still, I continued to pull the trigger as the chair began smoking.

After a moment of silence, she looked over the chair's back, "…Are you done?"

I glared at her, hurling the stun blaster at her and letting it bounce on the floor, "Damn it Newt!" I shouted her 'real' name, an incredible breach of protocol. "Force damn it! This… this is a serious breach of my trust!"

"It's not like I stole your boyfriend again!" she replied angrily, "That guy was an asshole and he came onto me! Your brother is different! He is very sweet, he's funny, and he's attentive…"

"Shut! Up! Newt!" I roared at her, more furious than I'd ever been. "You-you're a Cipher Agent, Newt you screw with people's heads and feelings!" she looked away, a little hurt, she wouldn't meet my eyes. "My brother is screwed up as it is!" I began pacing angrily, unable to control myself, "He doesn't need some… some secret agent tramp to mess with him further!"

"That's not fair Tolara." She replied firmly, glaring at me coldly "…That's not fair and it's uncalled for."

"It's not supposed to be fair!" I roared at her, "He might think that my sister and I never noticed but mother screwed him up. We swore that we would never let him be manipulated or used politically by anyone."

"I am not using him!" she roared back at me, but as we stood in silence she added, "For politics at any rate!"

"Force damn it Newt!" I hissed at her. "He's a romantic! He craves love, and attention, he wants to be something other than the unwanted Son of Altora Kane! I told you he gets attached too easily! What the fuck-" I began shaking my hands, desperately trying not to strangle her, "-do you think will happen when my mother finally decides to place the hit on him if she finds out about this!? Who the fuck do you think she'll order to kill him? Hm?" I glared at her as the look of horrific realization hit her face. "Who do you think!? The sisters who love him, a random assassin, or the Cipher Agent, fucking him in his bed?"

"I would never…" she began, firmly, devotedly; for one glorious moment, I could feel and even appreciate the pure attraction she felt for Aiden. Deep down I could tell she really did mean it… But I cut her off immediately, in my mind I was saving her life.

"If you finish that sentence… it's treason…" I said firmly, warning her, desperately telling her not to finish it. A Cipher agent refusing a Moff's orders, she would've been shot before she finished the thought.

She bit her lip, stopping herself and quickly saying a different sentence, "I would never… lick a wet wookie…"

We stood there for a moment, glaring at each other. She was my oldest friend who wasn't related to me, but now she severely put my darling little brother in danger and that was simply something I could not abide. But regardless, I began to chuckle.

"Pff… 'wet wookie'." I said, giggling slightly, unable to contain myself.

She smiled, before beginning to laugh herself. Then we broke out laughing at the sheer silliness of it all. For one glorious moment, we were friends again, we were back at the academy once more… but I was still just so mad at her.

"…Was my brother really worth it?" I asked, and I couldn't really believe I was asking the next question, "Was he really that good?"

She watched my face for a moment, unsure what to say but she took another deep breath, "It's not that he was mind-blowing, or amazing… he just, he made me feel alive, like he appreciated me, like I was the center of his whole galaxy. Its… it's an odd feeling for me to have." She looked away, trying to find the words as her hands rotated in the air, "…I've had lots of sex before, but it always felt empty or a means to an end on the job. But with him, it was just… more." She looked at me, absolutely heartbroken. "Tolara I didn't mean for it to happen, it just did. I had every intention of not pushing with your brother… it's why I asked all those questions, I just suddenly found myself doing it. I thought there might be something off about him."

"…Could it be maybe that you actually just… liked him?" I asked softly, looking curiously into her ruby eyes.

She went rigid, her eyes widening in shock. Apparently the thought just never really occurred to her, as an agent she wore dozens of masks, sometimes forgetting herself… it wouldn't have been so hard to think that a true emotion or feeling would've pushed through. "I-no. I didn't think that, I-"

I held up a hand… I had heard enough, "…Newt. Until further notice I don't want to see you." I said simply, "Go to the Deterrent with Kavilla… I just." I turned away from her, "…I don't want to end up shooting you in anger."

She was silent for a very long time, "Yes ma'am." She said flatly before turning on her feet and heading towards my door. I didn't hear it open. "…Are we going to be okay Tolara?" she asked hesitantly, looking at me with utter regret.

…I didn't want end years of loyalty and friendship over this, not even for my brother. True loyalty in the empire was so poorly found with the sheer amount of ambition flowing from Imperials it was rare to find someone that really watched your back. Newt was that woman for me…

"… Both of us need to think about my brother. Because if you've endangered him Newt: I will never forgive you." She still hadn't left yet, and I sighed, "…Give me time Newt, show to me that you won't put a blaster round in his chest. And I imagine one day we could even be laughing about this with him…"

Slowly, she saluted, but she seemed just a little more hopeful as she spoke, "Yes ma'am." and the door opened with a soft hiss before closing behind her.

I wanted to forgive her. I wanted to believe her. But the amount of concern I held for my brother was unfathomable, only my loyalty to the empire equaled my loyalty to my siblings. But I would always pick my family if given the choice. I am not a fool; mother would always pick the empire and her ambition over us, especially Aiden. Throw us away to the grind of the war and the politicking. Certainly, Kavilla and I were useful tools for that ambition, but…

I rubbed my eyes, wiping away the tears that threatened to flow… this was an awful turn of events. I essentially banished Cipher 10 until I stopped having a fucking hissy fit, it shouldn't bother me as much as it did. They were both fully grown sentients, they could do as they wished, but I wasn't thinking about that. I was a sister trying to protect her brother from one of the most powerful political Moffs in the Empire; she had connections to Darths, for force sake. Now I was deaf and blind to everything outside my ship. I wasn't going to like it but I would have to apologize to her…

It's a shame I didn't do it quickly enough.

End of Chapter

Oh snap.

For the record, if you hadn't figured it out, Cipher 10 was in the bathroom stall in chapter 19, although Darren Esca, and Miri (from Party of Five) would also have been accepted.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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