3.86% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 10: Pain in the Rims

章節 10: Pain in the Rims

I don't own star wars


So… fun fact about the Hutt I worked for, Torga. He had a complicated relationship with his siblings… He liked his sister Tulba well enough but his older brother Tuuba was another story. All hutt crime families had their own rules and regulations when it came to business and theirs was one of the rarer ones that actually frowned upon killing each other when it came to who would inherit their mother's empire.

I have yet to meet the infamous Babayaga but I also had no desire to do so. Apparently, she was a combination of all three of her children. So much so that she didn't play favorites when it came to their 'squabbling' about how Tulba cleverly bought out her older brother Tuuba's men. Or how Torga outdid his sister's most recent accomplishment when it came to business. Or how Tuuba would send assassins after Torga. She adamantly refused to interfere as hutt tradition dictated how their arguments would naturally play out.

Torga ruled his business with respect and to some odd extent, kindness. Had a good head for business and in my humble opinion a fine selection of quality workers, but in the end, his patience for waiting for the right moment to strike and preference to hire none but the best, again in my humble opinion, showed clearly in the vastness of his own cut of the family pie as it were. His group was the smallest of the three.

Tuuba's head for business was a little more in line with an Imperial-aligned hutt. He ruled through fear, and cruelty seeing his workers and slaves as little more than toys to play with as he saw fit. He had a massive business empire that grew strong on four planets; Tattooine, Nar Shaddaa, Nal Hutta, and most recently Dantooine. But he had little talent for spotting quality workers, if he had a better eye, then maybe Torga would be long dead. He didn't really believe in a steady paycheck for his workers preferring to pay on results, which was normal and fine after all but it made his men desperate to succeed no matter what and that created a certain scenario that just tended to not work.

Tulba was an even balance between the two, which was coincidental because she was the 'middle child' of the hutt triplets. She had kept her lucrative business ideas to Nar Shaddaa and because of that her empire was like a fortress… but unfortunately, like her brother Tuuba she preferred the lesser stock when it came to worker selection, tending to focus on what she needed at the time. For instance, you need bounty hunters? She'll find a pair of guys who were good trackers but essentially worthless when it came to other tasks: like Bassier and Assface. You need someone to perform in a holo-girl vid? She'll find you a rodian with a big (for a rodian) dick who had no real self-control. So on and so forth.

But what they all had in common was their mother's love for gambling; betting on the silliest of things with the most elaborate of consequences with each other at every possible opportunity. It beat Tuuba trying to send ineffective assassins at Torga at least…

Which is how I ended up on the floor on a hutt planet in the outer rims… face bleeding, the crowd cheering, and a gamorrean brawler triumphantly raising his hands as the audience viewed the brutal bloodshed before them. I got to my feet slowly just as the bell of the round rang out. I cringed painfully as the ringing echoed in my head as we went to each other's respective corners.

Torga and Tuuba had made a bet… I didn't fucking know at the time what it was, but essentially it couldn't be decided fairly so they had gone to Tulba to settle it. Unable to accurately decide without bias she had supplied them a solution, an antiquated trial by combat, the brothers would each provide a champion and last one standing in the ring would win… while of course, she would rake in the profits from the fight. I thought it was a contest of skill. That was what Yura told me when she came into our ship with the offer from Torga and they had signed me up before I fully realized the implication…

I sat in the chair cringing as the crowd chanted loudly. Yura and my corner man, a nice enough weequay trainer quickly tended to me. Out of the corner of my eye, the one that wasn't swollen, I could see Milky and Short-round. Milky had her hands on the edge of the concrete wall that topped the fight pit I was in… it was horribly cracked and her unnatural strength crushed it between her fingers. A part of me soared a little happily as I realized how worried she was about me… and a part of me regretted it.

The ring girls suddenly erupted into light from the massive holo-disks over the ring. There were five; a massive one in the center and several smaller ones. Several attractive sentients in bikinis appeared on the disks dancing erotically as 'Round 3' shimmered above them with a two-minute countdown. The largest holo-disk had a twi'lek with enhanced breasts so big they made Milky's look like a dwarf planet in comparison. She danced and wiggled amateurishly for the crowd who cheered louder at her appearance, apparently, she was Torga's new 'it girl' in the holo-girl vids, Twi'light Moons or something…

I mean yeah, her tits were big but I haven't seen her perform. Briefly, Milky's attention frowned as she also watched the red-skinned girl shake her expensive money makers, More concerned with making them jiggle than moving the rest of her body more erotically. As I said she was amateurish… my eyes then went up to the hutt box to see Torga, Tuuba and Tulba. Tuuba looked like a fatter and slimier version of his young brother without the vibro-scar and with expensive jewelry gracing his fat folds. Tulba was surprisingly skinny for a hutt, she also wore jewelry but probably with more of a design to look nice than to look rich. Quickly however I began turning my angry expression back to Yura who stood in front of me giving me advice.

"Okay… okay this looks a little bad…" she said, eyeing the gamorrean brawler in his corner being tended to by another pair of gamorreans. He was clearly a professional brawler and probably an enforcer for Tuuba's gang. His torso had more muscle than fat and if his face wasn't that of a pig man it probably would've been quite appealing in the physical department.

"…Bad doesn't begin to describe it." I flinched lightly as my corner man dabbed my eye with some disinfectant. "And just because there are two of you now doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you so easily…" I said as my eyes quickly refocused and she gave me a cute little nervous smile. But I was still angry with her regardless of her cuteness. "Seriously Yura, have I ever given you the impression that I could brawl like some echani?"

"I thought maybe your imperial training could help…" she said a little sheepishly giving me a shrug.

"They taught me to shoot. If you can call it that." I said, "And my sisters gave me some pointers in close combat but nothing to take on a professional…"

Yura turned to watch the gamorrean spit water on the concrete. "Okay. Okay listen I've been watching him."

Surprisingly she struck her echani combat stance, or at least one that I had seen on vids, "He favors his left, and after you took that fall in the last round he probably thinks you'll go down easily."

"He's probably right…" I mumbled, staring at her skeptically.

"Okay, but you can work with that. This isn't a boxing match it's a brawl. Gamorreans don't kick, their legs are too stumpy, you need to use that more, keeping your distance. And go for his head and gut" She said knowledgeably, she actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about.

"How do you…" I began as the thirty-second mark rang.

"So keep your right arm up!" she interrupted slapping her arm, "When he comes at you with that haymaker opening, turn into the fist to throw him of balance…" ten seconds, "Turn and kick you got it!?" she shouted as the crowd roared and the bell rang…

I'll do my best…

The gamorrean shoved his corner men away and stomped determinedly towards me. I sighed and did the same… stomping his foot he came at me with the haymaker with surprising speed, showing his crooked pig teeth as he grinned. I kept my arm up as if crashed against in and turn…

Expecting more of a resistance, the gamorrean stumbled and didn't even see my foot come up to crash against his head. The crowd erupted in delight but even still I heard Milky, Short-round and Torga cheer the loudest. The gamorrean stumbled away from the blow and I pressed my advantage, charging and leaping in the air I dive kicked at him catching him in the gut and sending him squealing and rolling backward as the crowd erupted again.

He scrambled back to his feet and swung at me again, leaned away and thrust my leg out as his fist passed by my face and his momentum pushed him into my foot. He stumbled back at the unexpected blow and I charged forwards once more, grabbing his head I slammed my knee into his pig nose and for the first time in the fight, he went down… The crowd roared its approval. Milky leaping up and down excitedly pulled a few eyes as her well-recognized breasts bounced enticingly up and down in her shirt.

I wasn't going to showboat, not yet as I watched him slowly rise back to his feet, this was only the first round of my comeback, I knew I had a long fight ahead. Gamorreans were known for their stubborn tenacity and their hard heads and this one was a professional brawler…

Two rounds later he looked just like I did. After round three I dominated round four, but then I fucked up, and he got frustrated and full on tackled me into the wall… Gamorreans might not kick but they certainly curb-stomped. viciously beating me as I tried to protect my head with my arms. The bruising I suffered now was prominent, with skin matching the color of Yura's… She looked regretfully at my arms, clearly just as upset as Milky, although not nearly as angry, at my current state.

"I'm sorry…" she said finally as Twi'light Moons 'danced' or more accurately bounced her massive tits in place on the holo-disk as it said Round 6 above her head. "I'm sorry. I should have checked with you first…

I stared at her, still not really ready to forgive her no matter how regretful (and adorable) she looked. It was the look she gave me when I took a vibro-knife to the leg on my first serious fuck up; yeah I got a really cool scar out of it but it hurt like a lightsaber wound. The pain at the thought of her losing me while I bled out was clear on her face as she tried to stem the bleeding, clearly blaming herself for what happened even though I assured her it wasn't her fault. But the difference is now this was her fault, she had offered me up without even checking with me.

"…I'm not ready to accept your apology yet…" I said, as the gamorrean filled with frustration at being pummeled by a human shoved away his corner man more than ready to fight again. "…I don't even know if I can win now, my arms are so bashed up."

"How about some incentive?" she asked hopefully, smiling while trying to lighten the mood.

"Seriously?" I laughed, "What possible incentive is there? The only one that profits from this is the hutts… Tulba especially."

"I don't know!" she said nervously, the hurt breaking her usual casual expression, "What do you want me to do? I'll do anything…"

Time seemed to slow as my brain went haywire at the magic word… Anything? My brain suddenly looked up towards Twi'light Moons still doing what she called 'dancing'… then my mind wandered to Milky as it connected the two holo-girls together. Before she met me and we entered our complicated/not complicated relationship, Milky was primarily known for one thing as a holo-girl.

"I want your ass if I win…" I said firmly and my weequay corner man looked at Yura with a surprisingly new interest in the conversation, before looking back at me and nodding his approval.

Thanks nameless weequay corner man.

"What?!" she asked surprised, her hands suddenly pressing reflexively onto her shapely rear. We had never done anal; I had never really had an interest. I mean I DID have an interest, and I probably could've done it with Milky anytime I wanted… but I preferred vaginal. It was a personal high and I loved cumming inside them, especially Milky, considering it was something reserved only for me. And when you have something just for you that's all you could really want.

"Can't you…" she fidgeted slightly as the thirty-second mark rang out, "…Don't you have Milky if you want that?" holy shit, she was nervous, suddenly my mind focused, my drive and instinct returned while my dick hardened in anticipation. I was fueled now by desire.

"This isn't about Milky, it's about you." I said firmly, I wanted to desperately hear her promise, "I want your ass if I win. I want to be deep inside It." the weequay looking between us turned to Yura silently, and gave her a thumbs up as if he fully agreed with the idea.

"Shut up!" she shouted at him, "Fine!" she said to me suddenly twitching slightly at ten seconds, "I'll give you anal if you win."

The weequay slapped my shoulder congratulating me and left the arena with her. The gamorrean stomped towards me trying to intimidate me again and reeled his fist back. I quickly closed the distance, grabbed his surprised face and slammed my forehead into his nose, hearing and feeling it crack under the blow.

The crowd cheered as I laid into him with new incentivized vigor. Knees, elbows, shins, kicks and fists I pummeled ignoring my own pain into the dazed porcine man as he took the blows with brutal complacency… Finally, blissfully, I stopped. He stood there on his feet, unmoving…

It took me half a second as the crowd slowly erupted into noise to realize he was unconscious. I raised my hands and roared as Milky and Short-round danced together and soaked in the crowd's noise… but then my body gave out, the beatings I received and the adrenaline wearing off I grabbed the closet thing I could to remain standing and unfortunately it was the gamorrean…

…I'm not proud to admit it… but it was embarrassing as I fell back and he fell on top of my leg doing the most damage he had done to me that night. He broke it… I screamed, and I passed out…


I have learned working with Aiden that Milky is not someone you want angry with you regardless of how cute it made her face look. As she patiently watched Aiden in our personal Kolto tank on the ship she glared at me disapprovingly like a scolding mother… I have to admit it was just a little more awkward since I have been face deep in her tasty pussy recently. She had acquired a particular kink since Aiden had eaten her out.

"Words cannot begin to describe how mad I am at you…" she said coldly, arms pressed under her breasts crossly as if trying to look imposing but it only managed to make her succulent tits more tempting.

"Look I'm sorry alright! But it's not as bad as when he was stabbed…" I replied lamely, I know I was just trying to justify it but it wasn't working, even for me.

"No, its worse…" Milky hissed crossly, then implication at the words very accurate. "Because this is actually your fault!" she added angrily, and I looked away not meeting her eyes…The hierarchy on the ship was an odd thing… she had joined after me and Short-round but she took to the role of 'Aiden's girlfriend' more prominently than I did…

After all, I was committed to the role of his slave.

So it was a little awkward that I considered her the second in command when Aiden was out of commission… it was even weirder when I considered other unmentionable things even more prominently.

"Yura you can't just write this off…" she said sadly, "Look at him, he's a wreck! It's going to take hours for the Kolto to fix him up and we don't have the money right now to replace it."

"Torga said he'd cover the kolto…" I said softly, "…He just came into a lot of money after all.

"Force damn it Yura, you need to bear some responsibly for this!" she shouted angrily, getting in my face… I knew she could break me like a twig, but she didn't know I needed to ask her something.

"…Milky how did you prepare your butt for anal when you were a holo-girl?" I asked, successfully derailing her anger and replacing it with startled surprise.

"Fucking what?" she asked suddenly, unsure of what I said as I fidgeted in place.

"Anal…" I said taking a deep nervous breath, "…what did you do to prep for it?"

She stared at me her mouth agape, "… You're thinking about fucking… while he's in the tank?" she asked in disgusted indignation.

"…Well I sort of… promised him anal.. if he won…" I said not meeting her eyes, "…I haven't done it before…" I added honestly, even in Torga's brothel what the girls say goes... abuse was not tolerated, and if we didn't want to do something we didn't do it. Simple as that.

She watched me just as surprised as before but now, slowly… disturbingly even her mouth stretched into that predatory grin that she sometimes made on the job; the one that was as equally hot as it was scary. "You're an anal virgin?" she asked with some delighted pleasure. "…Well Yura never mind then about the lecture… you'll be punished soon enough…"

Hours and hours later… I paced in 'our' room, dressed in Milky's pink bathrobe. He would be coming in soon, in more ways than one. Milky could be very cruel when she wanted to be, making my soon-to-be new experience as uncomfortable as possible. This might be to get Aiden to forgive me, but if I wanted Milky's forgiveness and help… I apparently had to do it without lube…

And honestly… it was a fair, if not cruel trade. Having an angry Milky was bad for everyone, especially me…

She had told me that an enema would be a hygienic and polite thing to have first and assisted me with it. I won't go into the details. Then she had shoved one of her many, many toys slowly into my ass and told me to keep it in there all day. Or at least normally I would but I had less than half that time. It would help me adjust in advance for Aiden… She had set up the security camera to record, apparently intending to add it to our collection of amateur vids. Aiden's bedroom camera was the only one on the ship to have ultra definition thanks to Short-round who I personally believed watched the recordings sometimes while he was working.

We had the ship to ourselves now, Milky had gone to visit friends from her old studio and Short-round had gone scavenging; with explicit instructions to make sure everything he brought back was good and 'dead'. Short story, tell you later. Aiden will be here soon, he should have recovered fully in the kolto by now.

I fidgeted, nervously watching the door as his footsteps echoed towards it… I quivered and grabbing the camera remote I set it to record just as the door slid open.

He seem just a little surprised to see me, as if the brutal beating hours ago hadn't even occurred. "…Hey Yura…" he said. "What are you…?"

I dropped the robe… I let him look at me. He had seen me naked so many times before, I have lost count but… every time was the first time with him. I loved the look on his face as he admired me… appreciated me as if a fresh reminder. And suddenly the idea that he was going to take everything I had left to give him, wasn't so bad.

"Fuck.." he said suddenly, as the memories of why exactly I was here came flooding back to him and I saw him harden in the tight swimshorts we had put him in before getting him in the tank.

"Yes that's the plan…" I said suddenly, giving him a smile that belied my nervousness. "The winner gets his prize. Come here."

He approached me, placed hand on my breast and he kissed me… I loved that the most about Aiden he was always so gentle at first. I've had clients and lovers that 'whammed and bammed' quickly and left without so much as a thank you… but Aiden. He always loved me first before he fucked me…

I turned and placed my hands on the bed, showing him the tiny black anal plug I still had in my ass. He stared at me admiringly, I know my ass wasn't nearly as big or bouncy as Milky's but he still loved looking at it. I felt his hands caress me gently as his fingers flowed up my soaked pussy, pulling away a string of wetness that again belied my nervousness. His fingers tapped lightly on the plug, and I quivered. "It's okay…" I said, bracing myself as he hesitated, "It's okay take it out." I should have clarified, that fucker knew how to tease.

Slowly he pulled, and the plug was coned-shaped and round at the tip, so as he pulled it out is slowly stretched my ass open until there was a soft 'pop'. My ass hole gaped slightly, as if gasping for air… I was the same, it had felt good. He sniffed the plug hesitantly as if accurately excepting it to stink. But thanks to Milky's enema mixture it didn't.

"…Smells like vanilla…" he said pleasantly surprised. Tossing the plug away and staring at my ass hole winking at him.

Breathing heavily I gave him a soft smile over my shoulder, "Milky helped with that…"

"Really? I expected her to be too upset with you to do anything for a while…" My smile faded as he looked around, "Do we have any lube?" he asked, "I figured this is your first time and I don't want it to hurt…"

I fucking loved Aiden…

"…Yeah about that…" I said slowly, my smile fading, "…The price of getting Milky's help… was I had to do this without lube." He looked at me skeptically, "Along with recording it…" I said gesturing to the camera, "And telling you this is my punishment, and that no matter what you need to make me take it…" and sincerely I added "…I'm sorry I got you into that fight…"

He stared at me, and softly he shrugged accepting his lot, gently slapping my ass as he got to his feet and began caressing my cheeks, slowly spreading them wider as if molding dough. "Well luckily for me you're going to make it up to me… aren't you slave?" he then slapped my other cheek, harder this time.

It was time to play. I smiled warmly at him as my role came to a head. "Oh yes master... please take everything I can give…" my hands tightened around the bed sheets as I felt the head of his cock press against my asshole.

"Ready slave?" he asked, as dominating as he was commanding.

"Yes master…" I said begging, "Please fuck my tight ass hole…"

He went in slow but I wish it had been quicker… I screamed as the foreign object was shoved up a place that it was not designed to go. When did he get so big?! How thick was that butt plug to have done nothing to help his entrance. Instinctively I tried to crawl away, but like a good little soldier that he was, he followed Milky's orders to make sure I took everything. He pressed me down hard onto the bed preventing my escape as my arms flailed uselessly on the sheets trying to get away.

"So tight." He said, putting his full weight onto my back and gripping my left tit, using it to hold onto me as he slowly pulled back. "You're so fucking tight slave…" he said as I screamed with each thrust, nibbling gently at my lekku; one of my favorite things he did during sex. He knew the anal hurt, I knew he cared. He didn't want it to hurt he wanted to enjoy something with me that we hadn't before so he was trying to make it as enjoyable as possible… but we both had roles to play, proof to make, and Milky to satisfy. Neither of us wanted her angry…

"You like it?" he asked casually, "You want some more slave? You feel so fucking good…"

'Are you okay? Do You want me to stop? You feel so fucking good.' was what he was really saying, and I loved him for it, even if I wasn't going to tell him that on purpose. But I was determined. Determined to let him enjoy himself, determined to accept my punishment, and determined to make sure Milky didn't kill me when she got back.

"Yes master I want more!" I whimpered in pain and squealed and frustration as he slowly moved. "Go faster master take everything!"

And I felt everything. He gripped me in a tight armbar headlock while still squeezing my breasts as he increased his thrusting, breathing arousingly into my '*ears.'

*female twi'leks don't have ears but hearing organs, ears sounds better though, so work with me

…It was painful, it burned horribly and I was rubbed raw, I kept yelping in more pain and pleasure as Aiden finally possessed all of me. I felt him quiver as he thrust, he was going to cum. He was going to cum in my ass and claim all of my body. He pulled away, placing both hands on my shoulders and rapidly moving like I was bucking tauntaun…

By the Force it hurt so bad… but it felt so good… not just pleasure, there was very little of that but the fact that I had given him everything sent a large amount of wetness to my pussy…

"Take it slave." He said with the air of an Imperial commander, sticking to the role as my owner.

"Yes master!" I whimpered/yelled, "Plant your seed!" he slammed fully into my ass, stretching it to its maximum capacity as I screamed into the bedsheets and quivered slightly as load after load of his plentiful seed shot eagerly towards a womb that didn't exist.

Force it felt so good. Even if I didn't have my usual mind-blowing orgasm that he gave me I still felt a minor one… glad to see my body still responded to him even in the horrible pain.

"Fuck that feels so good." He said, breathing heavily and looking towards the camera, "Milky..." he said teasingly with a smile, pulling his cock gently out and letting it rest flaccidly on my butt cheeks,"You better forgive her or your next…" he said slapping my ass in satisfaction as I giggled. He then realized that Milky will probably like the idea of him giving her anal if she didn't forgive me. "Without lube I mean…" he added lamely to the camera. "I'll do it without lube."He grabbed the remote and stopped the recording, and leaned down on top of me as he kissed me. "…Did it hurt bad?"

"It hurt a fucking lot…" I told him, but I entrapped his lips again, shoving my tongue into his mouth, "…But I could afford to bear a fraction of your pain at least…" I added in between our kisses…

"Hmm." He moaned agreeing. I felt him harden against me again, by the force he was so quick on the recovery.

"…Do you want more?" I asked hesitatingly, a part of me didn't want him to say yes…

But more of me disagreed with that part…

"I'll always want more of you…" he replied, slipping his fingers into my soaking pussy, causing me to gasp, "But you know what? it doesn't have to hurt the second time around… come with me I have an idea…" he pulled me from the bed and placed me against the wall opening his dresser and pulling out some of Milky fur conditioner. It was tears free so at least it wouldn't burn…

He fiddled with the cap as he began using my own natural pussy lubricant to slide into and open my ass… it was so much different than without lube… it was suddenly felt like a second pussy. "Whoops!" he laughed as his cum slipped out of me and onto his fingers, instead of flicking it away however he held the mixture up to my mouth. "…Want a taste?" he asked expectantly.

He didn't demand it… but I knew he wanted me too…

My tongue obediently wrapped around his cum and pussy juice-drenched fingers and I greedily consumed our taste. Vanilla and pears… adorable… I didn't look away from him, I was expecting more perverted demands as I licked him gently clean while feeling him apply Milky's improvised lube to my hole.

"More?" he asked pressing his hard throbbing dick against my hole.

"More." I confirmed, fully ready to give him what he wanted. He took it regardless…

The second time was better, the lube helped a lot, and now more concerned with my pleasure rather than my punishment he began playing with my pussy, squeezing my breasts, and nibbling my lekku. The pain was drowned away as the stimulation overwhelmed it like a wave on Manaan… I screamed my usual scream of pleasure as I came, twitching on my tip toes as he kept thrusting upwards into me.

Oh Force. Now I knew how Milky felt in her vids, it was all real. It all felt amazing. My mouth opened as I kept gasping for more release, and Aiden kept providing. He was always amazing, I always felt satisfied with him even when I gave him head. I would never tell him this of course, he was young and impressionable… but he is the best I've ever, and will ever have.

"Cumming again…" he said finally as my fifth orgasm hit, "Fuck Yura, cum harder your ass feels so good when you do. It's like a vibrating vice around my dick."

"Make me cum again." I said playfully defiant, staring madly up at the ceiling as my sixth and final orgasm rose. "Make me damn it!"

He did. We did… and I almost collapsed to the ground my legs simply gave out beneath me and my hands slipped down the wall unable to grab anything. Tenderly Aiden caught me and gently took me to the bed, before sliding next to me and embracing me.

"…Do you forgive me now?" I asked him… I wasn't being playful… I really wanted to know.

He kissed my forehead as he snuggled comfortably against my lekku. "Yeah… but it wasn't so much of a punishment near the end there was it?"

Hmm…" I mumbled contentedly, "…Maybe Milky will have some idea's…"

We slowly drifted off to sleep…


Hours later Milky returned and not bothering to wake us first she slipped a holo-disk into a projector. "Seriously?" I mumbled as the loud holo-girl jazz theme blasted around the room. We had just had our weekly movie night and had watched an action vid as loud as we could and didn't fix the volume apparently.

Twi'light Moons appeared on the screen walking 'seductively' towards it, rubbing her massive balloon tits… In all seriousness, twi'leks could have big tits. But nobody needed them that big if you were a good one. Slowly the preview scenes of her working flashed by on the vid and Milky pointed at them, "They're bad right? It's not just me? The other girls don't agree with me."

It was true, she kept looking at the camera rather than the dick or actor, destroying the illusion that she was there to entertain. But she looked more like she wanted attention as if to say 'look at me I'm sexy and you know it.' Personally, I didn't get off on it but I had Milky Way as a bed partner and roommate so I was biased.

"Do we need to do this right now?" I asked as Aiden slowly sat up after waking.

"Why is that bimbo on my screen?" he asked blearily, "… It's reserved for us or Milky only…" he added with a small chuckle.

"Yes, we're doing this right now!" Milky hissed answering my question, gripping her t-shirt and pulling it above her head letting her breasts bounce free and causing Aiden's 'morning' wood to twitch harder.

Oh fuck she was angry… and horny… she was Horngry… that was never good for us. Sort off; I hope you know what I mean.

"Because I'm pissed!" she confirmed my thoughts as she shimmied her short-shorts to the floor, "And I'm horny! and I want my slutty twi'lek lover's mouth on my pussy and our 'boyfriend's' dick in my ass right fucking now!" and as if to prove she was the better holo-girl; Regardless of her current status or her need to prove herself to us. She once again demonstrated why she was the most popular 'it' holo-girl in years…

Well… there was nothing like the original now is there?

End of Chapter

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