28.94% Reborn as Rogue prince / Chapter 11: Alysanne

章節 11: Alysanne

Daemon could only stare into the corner of the room, it was the only thing the imposter had set his eyes upon. A dark corner of the room, just within his vision was the bed where Gael was lying in. His grandmother was being held in his arms; sobbing into his shoulder and holding him tight as his puppeteer whispered smoothing words to her.

"I know… I know…." He kept repeating to her. "I'm sorry, Grandmother, I'm so sorry." Every so often Alysanne would cry out in pain as the Imposter rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"Why… why again?" she wept "What did she do? What have we done to deserve this?" she gripped at his side tightly "Why? Why?" her words turned to cries as she buried her head into him, muffling her anguish.

You know why… he tried to tell himself, not knowing whether the creature that controlled his body could listen to him You know exactly why!

If Daemon could strike himself, if only he could take control of just one arm, he would exact punishment on the utter failure of a man that held him captive.

This is your fault! This is all your fault! You knew! You knew this would happen and yet you were too much of a coward, too indecisive and too much of a weakling!

For what must have been hours he berated the imposter again and again, Daemon burned with a fury that no doubt must have been causing him pain.

"Ah…" he mumbled, a confirmation of the agony Daemon was inflicting. Through the rage and anger Daemon could feel the other's sadness, their own anguish and their own guilt.

You believe yourself to be a failure? Good!

Daemon eyes moved over from the corner and towards the bed; the sight of his aunt Gael, the dainty and shy girl he had known growing up, who hid behind his grandmother's skirts so often now lay dead as silent sisters prepared her body; changing her clothes into a dress fitting of a princess of House Targaryen.

He felt the imposter begin to choke up once more at the sight as the tears welled in his eyes, his hands holding his grandmother tighter. "I know… I know…" he kept saying, each word becoming more and more like a mumble as he rocked his grandmother back and forth in his arms like a child.

Hours… we were late only by mere hours…

This. This was the one thing we could agree on, the one thing. And you failed at it!

He wanted nothing more than to throw every silent sister out of the room and then throw himself off of the balcony. Yet he could only stare and watch as they wrapped Gael's body and do their blessings on her.

It must have been some hours before they had left the room, each time the imposter urged Alysanne to leave the room she would only weep that she could not leave Gael.

"If only I was there!" she cried "How could I have not seen it? The grief one experiences from their child's passing, I should have known!"

"You could not have known this would happen." He assured her.

But you did.

"It's not your fault, please do not blame yourself."

It's your fault, you're the one to blame, not her.

When night had fallen on Dragonstone and Gael's body was taken to another room for further preparation did they finally leave. They both retreated to her own quarters where she lay in bed with Daemon, holding him as she had done when he was a child. A tray of food was left for them on her dresser table, left untouched as their grief drained them of their appetite.

His grandmother seemed to have calm down slightly, resting her head on shoulder "Thank you." He told him "Thank you for being here, Daemon. Gods know I do not want to be alone now, I can not be without family, not after losing another one."

The imposter held her closer "I'm here."

"How can the Gods be so cruel? To take another one of my children? They even tried to take you! What more do they want from me?" her own sadness giving way to a fury that mirrored Daemon's. "They have taken a grandson and a daughter from me! I ask you Daemon, how much more can they take?"

"I will not be going to the Gods anytime soon, I promise you."

Can you even promise that?

"Please Daemon, I can not survive another loss in our family." The heart that was no longer Daemon broke along with him at those words, knowing that her end would not be long too.

The imposter moved slightly "I must use the privy grandmother, I promise I will return quickly." He said to her, Alysanne looked at him with almost pleading eyes before nodding her head. He moved from the bed and towards the door, opening it he saw the Kingsguard staying watch by the door "Keep watch of her ser." The imposter ordered, the knight.

"Yes, my Prince."

The puppeteer walked down the hallway, with each step he could feel each step getting heavier and heavier, slower and slower. Daemon felt his hand touch his mouth as it tried to silence a sob. His eyes spotted an empty room, the imposter quickly rushed in and shut the door.

His back slid against the door as he sat against it, his hands covering his face as he wept into his hands. "I'm sorry." Mumbled to himself "I'm so sorry, Gael, please forgive me." He sat there repeating those words "Please forgive me."

Through his own grief, anger and pain, Daemon whether this imposter was asking for forgive from his now deceased aunt, his grandmother, myself or to Daemon himself.

If it's redemption you seek, you shall only find blame with me!

The imposter clutched at his chest yet did not fight back against Daemon this time, instead he let Daemon run rampant within him as the imposter covered his mouth, muffling their pain and grief from those outside.

It must have been a few minutes before he stood up and walked towards the dresser table in the room, a bowl of water left out with a cloth nearby. The imposter looked at himself in the mirror and Daemon could see his pitiful reflection; his hair looked dishevelled, his eyes red and cheeks wet with tears.

Daemon now hated him for adding embarrassment towards his own grief and anger. Daemon struck again at him and still the imposter refused to banish him and just bared the pain. "I know you hate me." The puppeteer said "I hate myself too, do what you want, I can't fight right now." He washed his face with the water and cloth while he tried to recompose himself before going back to Alysanne.

And Daemon held back. For now. 

Ravens had been sent to King's Landing and Driftmark and over the next few days only those who were part of House Targeryen or Rhaenys immediate family were invited to a private funeral.

It had been Baelon who arrived first on dragon back, falling into the arms of Alysanne, as she had done with Daemon, as he mourned the loss of another sister. "Mother, forgive me, If I had only fought harder, if I had only just argued with father more-"

"Do not blame yourself, Baelon." She stoked his head as she embraced him "There was nothing you could have done."

Imposter, you could have done something!

The imposter shut his eyes and focused on Daemon yet did not push him away.

Say something!

"Father…" the imposter spoke.

"My boy…" Baelon reached over to Daemon and held him close as he held his mother.

"I love you both so much." Alysanne said, trying to bury herself within the embrace of her son and grandson. "Promise me, that I shall not outlive you both, that I won't outlive our family."

"Nothings shall happen to us, I promise." The imposter mumbled.

You liar.

"Viserys, Aemma and Rhaenyra will be here soon, they might have already docked at the harbour." Baelon said "No doubt Rhaenys and Corlys along with their children shall be close behind."

"And your father?" Alysanne asked.

"He will be on the next galley after Viserys." Baelon said sheepishly.

She shook her head "His family continues to die around him yet that cur can think only of the throne." She said, marching back into the keep, a servant helping her.

Baelon sighed deeply "Are you well, Daemon?"

"I am well, father." The imposter spoke "Grandmother has been as strong as she could be."

"It never gets easier." Baelon lamented "You have been taking care of her?" The imposter nodded "Thank you, Daemon, I am proud of you." Daemon struck at the imposter's chest once more, causing him only to grimace "Is the pain back?" Baelon gripped his shoulder.

"Yes, I need only a moment." Daemon felt himself being pushed back into the darkness, just close to the edge before it consumed him. Just allowing the puppeteer to gather himself.

"I will need to a take charge of funeral arrangements." Baelon said, wiping his eyes of his tears "Go to your grandmother." The imposter nodded his head before rushing off to her.

He traversed the halls and rooms of Dragonstone; the fool seem to stop every so often and look around, Daemon could almost feel the puppeteer reaching into his memories as if to try and find a way around the ancient Targaryen stronghold, stopping every so often to ask a servant where Alysanne had gone to.

Daemon would have shivered with disgust if he could as the imposter climbed the steps to the high floor of the Stone Drum keep, the Kingsguard opening the door for him, laying his eyes on the painted table.

There his grandmother sat at the table facing the open balcony and watching the clouds pass within a grey sky. "Grandmother?" he called out to her. Alysanne turned her head and looked over her shoulder towards Daemon and smiled, she turned her chair to face him before patting her hand down on the chair next to her.

That is the painted table, the table which the conqueror plotted his campaign! A glorified scribe, the son of a lowly scholar and a carpenter should not look upon the table let alone be seated at it!

"My dear grandson." Alysanne took one of Daemon hands into one hand and brushed his cheek with her other. "You and your brother have grown so much, and yet I still hold the memories of your youth, do you remember how your father scolded you and Viserys for leaving your toys on this table?" the imposter smiled and Daemon wanted to weep. "I had to chastise him myself saying 'They have only done as you had once done at their age.'" The imposter laughed politely. "Daemon" she spoke weakly "Please forgive this old woman for her mistakes, I had only tried to do right by you but never considered what you wanted when I arranged your marriage to Lady Rhea."

Daemon could feel the imposter grip Alysanne hand soft by firmly "Never apologise." He told her "You did do right by me, I acted only as a petulant child." Daemon struck at his chest and the imposter pushed him away "When this is done I will return to Runestone and my lady-wife, I shall do right by her and you, I swear it, I will make you proud."


"I am already proud of you, Daemon." Alysanne said "But thank you for easing an old woman's heart." Daemon was about to stab at his heart when door to the staircase opened, stepping in was Viserys alongside Aemma and Rhaenyra. Alysanne stood up and opened her arms "Viserys, Aemma…" she called to them. They both quickly approached her and allowed her to embrace them both while she planted kisses on their cheeks.

Daemon could feel the sorrow of his captor; both Aemma and Viserys had lost a parent so soon in their lives, both of whom were Alysanne's children.

"Grandmother, we all mourn the loss of Gael, she was a sweet and gentle woman." Viserys said.

"Thank you, Viserys." Alysanne spoke "The Stanger has been cruel to us; they have taken my daughters and your mothers from you." She looked at both of them "Promise me you shall not outlive me, I could not bare it."

"We promise, grandmother." Aemma said.

Alysanne looked down onto the small Rhaenyra "May I?" she asked, Aemma gently handed Rhaenyra to Alysanne and held her close "Oh sweet babe, at least the Gods have granted us some mercy as to allow you to not know the grief of this day."

Viserys looked over to him, the imposter nodding his head at his brother, in his head he knew the bastard wanted to tell Viserys that he understood.

You understand nothing!

In the afternoon came the Velaryons' grand galley docking at the harbour, it's sails displaying proudly the colours of their house. Almost all of those left within House Targaryen had come to greet them with the exception of Vaegon who stayed at the Citadel and still his grandfather, who likely had not yet left King's Landing.

Alysanne stood at the head of the group to greet them, as Rhaenys and her family walked onto the dock. The harsh sea air blowing against them. They were all dressed in black this time, not the bright sea green colours of Velaryons.

You all looked so proud just a few days ago! Where is it now!

Daemon wanted to yell at them, tell them that they had a part to play in her death if only they had not stalled him. Yet he did not feel that same anger with the imposter.

Do you even have the bravery to feel angry? The sense to feel fury at them?

The imposter bowed his head in shame, he directed what anger he felt at himself.

"Your Grace." Corlys said, bowing his head, both Rhaenys and the children followed his example "We grieve the loss of another member of your house."

"Thank you, Lord Corlys." Alysanne said, she looked to Rhaenys and the children "Rhaenys, will you not embrace your grandmother?" Rhaenys walked towards her as the two wrapped their arms around each other before Alysanne focused her attention to Laena and Laenor. "Sweet children, how are you?" she knelt down to embrace them.

"We are well, your grace." Laena spoke and Laenor nodded his head, she placed a kiss on both their heads before standing up.

"Has his Grace arrived?" Corlys asked.

"My father will be here soon, there was still matters in the capital to attend to." Baelon said, Alysanne shook her head, clearly she no longer cared to hide her displeasure on the matter, there was only one day left before the funeral procession.

"May the winds be kind when he begins his travels." Corlys said, his eyes looked upon Daemon standing beside his father.

"Thank you, Lord Corlys." Baelon stretched out his arm which Corlys shook "Come, let us show you to your apartments for the night."

Both Laena and Laenor scurried up to Daemon and hugged his legs "Uncle Daemon." They both exclaimed "Can you tell us more stories?"

"Children!" Rhaenys commanded angrily "Where are you manners? Is that how you address a Prince? In front of the Queen?" It was enough to make even Viserys lean back as if to avoid the scolding.

Daemon raise his hand "It is fine, Princess Rhaenys." The imposter told his cousin; he knelt down, the children clearly scared "Another time, I promise." He kissed them both on the crowns of their heads and embraced them. They quickly followed their father with Rhaenys behind them "Rhaenys." The imposter whispered to her "They're just children, do not chastise them… please."

You dare…

Rhaenys scowled at him "Do not presume to tell me how to raise my own, cousin." Before marching off. Daemon wanted to laugh at Rhaenys putting this imposter in his place.

Who are you to tell a princess of House Targeryen how to raise her children?

"Oh shut up." His captor mouthed silently as he banished Daemon back into the void.

When Daemon returned, his vision was greeted to the banners of house Targeryen fluttering in the wind, a body lying upon the top of the pyre with a white cloth draped over it and a Septon speaking at the front.

"We thank the mother for giving life to her even if only for but a moment." The septon spoke "And we ask the stranger to guide her soul to the other world where she will be reunited with those she has lost and one day reunited with us."

How long… how long was I gone for? How long have you locked me away?!

Daemon gripped at the imposter's heart, trying to cause as much pain as possible, he could feel the scowl on his face "No." his captor mouthed, once more he felt dark hands drag him towards the abyss, he fought hard to remain there. "Either behave or miss Gael's funeral." He was freed from the edge and in that moment Daemon swallowed his pride, however bitter it tasted.

"May the blessings of the Seven come down to her and all of us in this difficult time." The septon spoke.

The imposter looked around, allowing Daemon to see; Jaehaerys was finally here, standing beside Alysanne and Baelon with Viserys, Aemma and Rhaenyra behind them, Kingsguards flanked on either side of them. With Silverwing perched upon a boulder, looking down at them.

And nearby was Corlys and Rhaenys with Laena and Laenor standing in front of them, being held closely.

"And may the father above judge Gael justly." The septon closed his book, bowed his head and moved from the pyre.

For a moment there was naught but the wind and distance cry of wild dragons

"Dracarys." Alysanne commanded, her voice wavering against the wind.

Silverwing stretched out its neck and opened its mouth, a torrent of fire bathed the pyre. A roaring flame of yellow and orange as the dark rock of the Dragonmount and the grey sky.

"I'm sorry Gael… please forgive me." The imposter whispered.

It is far more than just her blood on your hands…

Daemon thought of his sons Aegon and Viserys, he thought of his daughters Baela and Rhaena; all who might never be born, for him this was their funeral pyre too.

The day after the funeral was the day; the day the finally day the imposter had promised to Daemon's grandfather that he would return to that Bronze Bitch.

Daemon felt the scales of Caraxes against his hand, in his own heart he wanted nothing more than to ride Caraxes as he had done, to feel his scales against his own touch and see the world through his eyes and not as a prisoner of this lowly scribe. 

His puppeteer checked his belt, pulling at Darksister and then kneeling down to check the sacks of food he had been given. "Looks like enough to get me to Gulltown at least, I can restock from there." He walked back into the keep leaving Caraxes and the supplies.

Inside the imposter seem to touch everything; the walls, the chairs, the tables. Truly it was maddening!

Two members of the Kingsguard stood watch outside the door to Alysanne's apartment "Prince Daemon" they bowed to him before opening the door. He stepped inside to see Alysanne sat upon a chair holding Rhaenyra, fire burning in the hearth as Viserys and Aemma spent time with Rhaenys with Laenor and Laena.

"Your Grace." He said "I thought I should say goodbye, before I make the journey to Runestone."

Both Laena and Laenor ran up towards him, bowed their heads "Safe travels, Prince Daemon."

He smiled, knelt down and embraced them both "You can still call me uncle Daemon." He whispered to them before ruffling their hair. "Forgive me for not telling you a story, I promise I shall tell you an Epic when I return."

 He walked towards Rhaenys who stood up to greet him "Safe travels, my Prince."

"Thank you, Princess, give my regards to your lord-Husband."

Viserys walked towards him and caught him in a tight embrace "Farwell brother, we shall meet again soon."

"Of course."

"Good, be good." Viserys jested.

"When am I ever not?" Viserys laughed and patted him on the back.

Aemma waited before Viserys "Be safe, Daemon." She whispered to him as she held him.

"I will." He placed a chaste kiss on his head before turning to his grandmother. "Your Grace." He knelt down beside her.

"Be well, Daemon." Alysanne said "And above all be happy, that is all I ask from you." She kissed Daemon on one cheek and rubbed her thumb on the other as she looked at him, as if committing his image to memory.

Grandmother… can you see me?

"I'll see you soon, little one." He said looking at a sleeping Rhaenyra. He stood and walked towards the door, waving at them one last time. He then walked up to the floor of the painted table up the stairs, seeing more Kingsguard by the door "I wish to see my father and his Grace before I leave." The two looked at each other.

"Let him through!" came a call from the other side. The kingsguard opened the door and the imposter stepped in. He saw his grandfather and his father standing on opposite sides of the painted table.

"Prince Daemon." Jaehaerys spoke.

"Your Grace, I thought I should tell you I'm leaving for Runestone now."

"Ah yes, good." Jaehaerys said "You have done me proud Daemon, carrying out your duties as a prince of our house." he nodded his head as he finished.

Daemon wished he could scowl at that moment.

"Father." He said, bowing his head.

"Let me see you off, my son." Baelon said, walking towards him and placing his arm around his shoulder. They both walked down the stairs and through the halls of Dragonstone "Have you said goodbye to your brother?" Baelon asked, he nodded "Do you have everything you need." He nodded again. Caraxes sat waiting as dragonkeepers loaded the sacks of supplies to Daemon's saddle. "Safe travels, my son." Baelon embraced him tightly.

Tell him.

He felt tears well up in his eyes as he held his father tighter.

Tell him!

Daemon could feel his breathing grow staggered and his lip quiver.

He's going to die! Tell him! Stop him!

Daemon was now pleading to his captor, if he could he would have fallen to his knees begging.

Save him! Please!

"I'm sorry." he mouthed.

"What was it Daemon?" Baelon pulled back to see him crying "Is something the matter?"

"I… I…" he struggled to form the words "I… I- I will miss you, father." He spoke.

Baelon wiped away his tears "I will miss you too, Daemon." He told him with a smile "Visit when you can." He held him in the embrace for a little bit longer. Daemon wished it could be for forever.

When all was said and done, the imposter climbed upon Caraxes "Sōvēs!" he commanded "Forward!" the imposter allowed Daemon one more look at his father, waving at him from the platform, his image shrinking before him as he flew further and further away.

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