Juliet excitedly went down the stairs, but she missed a step and fell down the stairs.
It hurt so much that she cried out, "Damien..."
I peeked down the stairway. With the illumination of the fire, I saw that the emergency exit from this floor would lead us straight to the first floor. "Where did you get fire?" I asked loudly.
"The elevator caught on fire after it dropped down. I picked up some construction waste and lit it up."
Damien was quite intelligent. He knew it would be dangerous to remain in the dark, so he lit up the construction waste.
"If we had known earlier, we should've gone down with the elevator," Eason mumbled under his breath.
"But our survival instincts would make us exit the elevator. It's because we weren't sure if we'd all fall to our deaths in the elevator," I said.
I began walking downstairs. With the fire on the first floor, my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness around me.