25% The Dark Prince and Golden Lioness / Chapter 3: Return of the Dragonrider

章節 3: Return of the Dragonrider


Daemon has dinner with his family, finds an old friend and helps his uncle.

Red Keep 300 AC.



After having lunch with Tyrion and Myrcella and finding that she took after her uncle in terms of wit and intelligence, while certainly after her mother in terms of looks. Daemon told them he'd speak to them later and decided to take a walk around Kings Landing something he had only done once or twice in his life. Barristan tried to talk him out of it and he almost succeeded but it was hours until the family dinner and Daemon knew he'd get into far more trouble if he hung around the Red Keep.


While he was well dressed, apart from his swords on his back he looked no wealthier than any of the people he passed, they walked to the Street of Steel and he found the wares disappointing. In Qohor he had seen better quality work and Yi Ti put them to shame. They walked down the street passing through the Street of Silk and Daemon at least took comfort that the woman here worked by their own choice and weren't slaves.


"Are you hungry Barristan?" he asked as the knight had declined lunch.

"I could eat, Daemon." Barristan said warmly.

"I don't know anywhere good any recommendations?"

"I know just the place."


Daemon followed as Barristan led him to a large tavern just behind the Street of Silk they entered and found while it was busy there was plenty of room, after being escorted to a table he ordered a meal for the knight while also getting some drinks. He sat quietly until Barristan was finished eating just sipping his wine and looking around the room, he sat with his back to the wall and took his swords off his shoulder laying them beside him, just in case.


"You didn't approve of earlier Barristan" he asked as Barristan finished and took a drink.

"You were too harsh Daemon, you won, you could have left it at that." Barristan said.

"I could have, but had I then either that fool or another of Aegon's idiot friends would push their luck next time, perhaps even more than one, now Aegon will think of some other way to get his fun at my expense."

"You think your brother put him up to it?"

"He did." Daemon said and Barristan nodded.

"You know he's Arthur's kin?"

"I know, hopefully Arthur will take it easy on me tomorrow." Daemon said with a chuckle.

"He won't be bothered about Ser Gerold, more about what you said." Barristan said reproachfully.

"I'll apologize, it seems my tongue has loosened far more than I expected."

"It has, though that isn't a bad thing." Barristan said and he laughed with the knight.


After paying for the meal and strolling back to the Red Keep Daemon decided to take a bath before heading to his families private quarters for dinner. After undressing he lay in the bath and soaked, he washed and began to get dressed putting his chain back around his neck, the red ruby feeling cool against his hot skin. He was wearing his best outfit, one which his grandmother still considered beneath him and so had ordered numerous new ones to be made, which she would no doubt bring with her when she arrived.


Daemon couldn't help but smile just thinking on his grandmother, all the years away she was always the one thought that could make him feel better no matter what his circumstances were,. He had wanted so often to come back to see her but Lyanax refused to take him until now and he couldn't leave her behind. He closed his eyes and reached out to see where the dragon was, he recognized the pillars right away, she always loved the ruined city 'I shall see you soon my friend' he sent the thought to her as he left the room.


"Ser Arthur you're not joining us?" he asked as he saw the knight walk down the corridor.

"No not tonight my prince, I shall see you on the morrow."

"Of course Ser, I look forward to it."

"As do I my prince." Arthur said walking away a small smirk on his usually stoic face.


Daemon arrived at the doors and was let in by Ser Oswell, the Bat shaking his head at his outfit.


"It's the best I own Ser." he said and Oswell laughed.

"You'll be the most poorly dressed of all of them."

"Then nothings changed." Daemon said as he entered.


They were already sitting when he entered, his father and Elia at the top of the table with Aegon facing his mother, then Rhaenys and Viserys were facing each other followed by Daenerys facing an empty chair which he assumed to be his. Beside him would be sitting Prince Oberyn's paramour with the prince opposite facing her and then the prince's daughters. He took his seat, it had been a long time since he ate with his family.


"I heard you had some fun in the sparring yard my prince." Oberyn said before the meal had even begun and Daemon looked at his eyes as they danced with mirth.

"I encountered a fool Prince Oberyn they're always fun." Daemon said as wine was poured into his glass.

"Which fool?" Daenerys asked.

"The nightstar, or whatever he was called."

"Darkstar." Aegon said looking at him angrily.

"Yes that was it, he of the night. I suppose he is now anyway, I'd never show my face in the day if I fought like him." Daemon said and only Daenerys laughed.

"You beat him?" Rhaenys asked.

"Sister, you could beat him." Daemon said and this time a few more people laughed.

"Ser Gerold's reputation as a great swordsman is well earned brother." Aegon said.

"His reputation far exceeds his talent brother." Daemon said with a chuckle.

"Enough, we'll have no more talk of spars." his father said and Daemon nodded.

"As you say father." Aegon said.


Daemon ate well and noticed how Oberyn and his girls looked at him especially the blond one, Tynee or whatever her name was, it was when the desert came that he felt it, the ruby suddenly growing warm. He bent down and picked up the peach pie and leaned forward to eat it, before putting it back down and turning around to hand the plate back to one of the servants.


"It seems off, perhaps you should throw it out, wouldn't want anyone getting sick would we." he said as he looked around the table, the blond deliberately not making eye contact.


As the pie was removed he thought how this was funny, he had assumed his family wished to speak to him and that was what this dinner was about and yet he'd barely been spoken too, not that he minded he had no wish to speak of his past and certainly wasn't going to speak on his future. But just when he thought he'd get out of here without doing either it began.


"So where did you go nephew?" Viserys asked.

"As I said Essos and further."

"Further?" his aunt asked.

"I traveled to Yi Ti and Ibben, to the Thousand Islands, to Asshai and beyond."

"You traveled to Asshai?" Oberyn said with a snort.

"I did, it was ehmm, interesting." Daemon said closing his eyes as the shadows began to move.

"How did you get to those places, even with how long you were gone the travel should take even more years than you spent away." Rhaenys said looking directly at him.

"Time is but grains of sand on a beach sister, I've walked the beach itself." Daemon said and his father looked at him while Aegon snorted this time "Something to say brother?"

"I say you're full of shit." Aegon said.

"As always I bow to your superior wisdom brother." Daemon said and bowed mockingly.

"Enough you are brothers act like it." this time it was Elia who raised her voice and Daemon looked at her apologetically.

"I am sorry my queen, it seems my time away has done little for my manners." Daemon said and smiled genuinely at her.

"That's quite all right Daemon you were not the only one who forgot their manners." she said looking to Aegon.

"My apologies mother." his brother said.

"Why did you leave?" Daemon turned to see one of Obeyrn's daughter's looking at him as the room hushed.

"I wished to find my grandmother, when I couldn't find her here I went to travel to Dorne." Daemon said and noticed everyone looking to him now so he continued.

"I however had no idea of how ships actually worked, for me it was simple I got on the ship it took me where I was supposed to go, apparently that's not how they really work at all. "he said as Elia and Daenerys and Oberyn's daughter laughed.

"No it's not my prince, so where did you end up?" the girl asked.


"What happened then?" His father asked

"A story for another time perhaps, if you'll forgive me I find myself tired." Daemon said and stood to be excused he walked to his father and bid him good night and then he took a knee and reached over to take Elia's hand.

"My queen, it is good to see you so well." he said smiling as he kissed her hand and left.




He had been called to Rhaegar's solar not long after the dinner had ended and told some of what Daemon had said, Volantis, Ashhai, could it be true, Daemon never was one for tall tales, but this seemed different. So after sleeping well he walked to the small cove and began to warm up, only stopping when he heard the footsteps. Daemon was dressed in his other clothes, his fighting clothes Arthur assumed, though he had seen the armor and he knew the prince would prefer to fight in that.





He watched as he limbered up and then took his swords off his back, placing the smaller one on the ground he unsheathed the blade, a bastard sword the dark steel filled with the unmistakable pattern of Valyrian steel. Where he had got the blades was just one of the many questions Arthur had for the boy, he raised Dawn and was glad to see the blade still seemed to captivate Daemon just as it had when he was a small boy.


"Shall we Ser?"

"We shall."


They started slowly, almost trying to remember each others rhythm, the blades, testing, Dawn's reach against Daemon's sword's quickness, the sound as the blades clashed unlike anything he'd heard. They began to move quickly, Daemon was far quicker than he imagined and Arthur needed to work to keep up with him, he moved to dodge a quick strike from the left. He noticed that Daemon seemed to use more spins and feints, more twists and turns of the blade and they were unlike any Arthur had faced.


They then began to really move, thrust, parry dodge, a high arc from the left by Daemon deflected into a quick riposte from Arthur. Dawns extra weight and power forcing Daemon back only for Arthur to almost fall into a trap when he overextended. The end came after a flurry of strikes from Daemon, each one seemingly quicker than the last, as Daemon leaned in for a strike, Arthur pushed forward catching him off guard. Daemon stumbled and by the time he got his footing back Dawn was at his neck.


"I yield Ser." Daemon said with a large smile and Arthur removed his sword and walked to the water jug, filling out two mugs he carried then back and handed one to Daemon.

"You've gotten a lot better."

"So have you Arthur."

"Were did you learn those moves Daemon?"

"Some on the road to Yi Ti, some while there, but mostly in Volantis."

"Who taught you?"

"What jealous that it was not only Barristan and yourself." Daemon said laughing.

"No just interested."

"It was a red priest, Thoros of Myr, my friend." Daemon said sadly.

"Thoros, he came here a few years ago, he's a drunk Daemon." Arthur said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Thoros is here truly, where Arthur?" Daemon asked his voice full of excitement.

"You should find him in one of the Ale houses I reckon, he normally stays there until the tourneys begin and he uses that flaming sword of his." Arthur said and watched as look of fondness appeared on Daemon's face.

"I need to find him, forgive me Arthur." Daemon said grabbing his things.

"What's so important about Thoros, Daemon?"

"If it were not for him I would be dead Arthur, I owe him my life." Daemon said as he ran off towards the city.


Arthur was torn between heading back to the Red Keep to begin his shift or following after the prince, in the end he thought that Rhaegar would appreciate this more and so he chased after Daemon.




She woke up from the sweetest dream, and as she looked own at her almost naked body she could almost see the benefits of what she dreamt about, her nipples were stiff and hard and she brushed her fingers over them feeling the tingle between her legs. Before she could do anymore though she heard the door being knocked on and so quickly covered herself.


"Come in." she said shakily as the door opened.

"Myrcella my dear you should be up already, we have much to do today." her mother said as she began to grab her dresses out of the wardrobe.

"Mother please, I can dress myself." she said annoyed.

"Of course you can my love, I was just helping, we'll need some new dresses for you these are far too plain, you must look your best Myrcella."

"Why mother?" Myrcella asked already knowing what would be said.

"This prince is different he has been to far off places, seen exotic ladies to catch his eye and win his heart you need to be more exotic than they." her mother said before tutting disapprovingly as she held up her small clothes.


Myrcella lay back in the bed, if lunch was anything to go by she may have already caught the prince's eye he had certainly caught hers, so much so that she was already having dreams of him. Dreams she would have liked to take to their conclusion if her mother had not interrupted, she sighed as she got up from the bed. In the end her mother left her a bright yellow dress, gold to go with her golden hair, the servants arrived and her maid helped her dress and she left to break her fast.


"Ah good morning niece and don't you look beautiful this morn." her uncle said as he smiled at her.

"Good morning uncle, no Joffrey this morning." She asked as she sat and her uncle laughed.

"No we've been fortunate and it seems your brother has decided to break his fast elsewhere, though given how he complained of the prince last night, I'd say he's with Aegon somewhere."

"He complained about Aegon?" she asked surprised.

"Not that prince niece, no our friend Daemon."

"Why Daemon did nothing wrong." she said defensively forcing a smile from her uncle.

"Indeed he did not, but you know Aegon's pride."

"Men." she said laughing as he mother came in to join them.

"What about men my love?"

"They can be so stupid." she said taking a piece of toast as her uncle ate his burned bacon with a smirk on his face.

"Indeed which is why they need a clever woman beside them to save them from themselves." her mother said and Tyrion snorted.

"You don't think woman clever uncle." she aid raising her eyebrow.

"I think I'm sitting with two of the cleverest so no niece I think woman are very clever."

"Then what were you disagreeing with." her mother asked.

"That the men we had been discussing wouldn't know a clever woman if they met one." Myrcella said and Tyrion smiled and gave her a nod.

"Perhaps Prince Daemon is different." her mother said and Myrcella couldn't help but smile, he was she knew it already, he was very different.


After breaking their fast they headed to the throne room, court would be abuzz with tales of the Dark Prince and Myrcella found herself eager to hear them all. Though she was more eager to see the man for herself, the reality of him was so much better than her dream version, the real prince could touch or be touched she thought as she felt her breathing quicken.




Thoros was here, for more than three years he had searched for him, hoped beyond hope he'd find him again, but even the Red Priests wouldn't tell him where he had gone and so he had cut his ties with them. Let them find their promised prince somewhere else, if they wouldn't tell him where his friend was then he didn't need and wouldn't accept their help. So he had looked alone, searched any city he was in, asked questions spent gold and nothing, he had almost gone to the Iron Bank but in the end the price they would demand would be far too high.


So to find out he was here, in this city all along, Daemon felt his heart race, his mind filled with images, swords clashing, tales told at night, warm days walking through streets laughing as Thoros entertained him. His friend had always liked his drink but was never a drunk and Daemon worried what had made him one now. Both of them had seen and lived terrible things, but what was it that had broken him? what had he gone through since last they saw each other?.


"It seems I'm needed elsewhere for a few moons my prince and so we must part." Thoros said.

"How long?"

"Four moons at the most, be careful my friend."

"You too."


Fucking Benerro and his power games, he had cursed the man when he found out the truth had even helped Kinvara overthrow him which was more than easy to do since the Fiery Hand was his and not the priests. But then Kinvara had refused to tell him where Thoros was, it was not R'hllor's will she had said and Daemon had left before his rage took control. As he checked the Ale houses he tried not to let the feelings come back, he closed his eyes and calmed his spirit and then in the last house he saw him.


"Thoros." he said looking at his friend.

"You are not real, begone shadow." Thoros said when he heard him and began shifting back in his seat.

"Throros it's me, it's Daemon."

"It can't be, you were lost, I failed you, begone leave me, begone."


Daemon put his hand on his friends shoulder and felt him twitch before he looked at him and reached his own hand out to touch his, to feel his arm and his face.


"My prince it is really you?" Thoros said his eyes full of hope.

"It is my friend," he said embracing the man.


When Arthur arrived he had him help Thoros to his room, he paid the serving girl to bring cold water and run a tub, which they then dumped him into the red priest coughing and spluttering as he was covered by water. Daemon picked up a pail and emptied even more cold water over his head until finally they helped him out and he could see Thoros was already looked a bit better.


"My prince how?"

"A long story my friend, now get some sleep, I'll come visit on the morrow and eat something will you."

"I will, I will." Thoros said smiling.


Daemon patted him on the shoulder and nodded before he and Arthur left, walking up to the owner of the tavern he ordered food to be sent up and told the man to refuse him drink until Daemon returned. When the owner complained he handed him a gold dragon and knew he'd bought his cooperation, he and Arthur left and waked back to the Red Keep, Daemon feeling lighter than ever. Though this only lasted until the arrived to see Ser Barristan run towards him.


"You must come my prince, your uncle, he's in the Throne Room"


"Your uncle Benjen, there's problems in the North, Iron Born," Barristan said and they ran inside.




He had been over a moon on the road, from Winterfell to White Harbor, finding a trip to Maidenpool the first ship he could gain passage on as the North's own ships may be needed and were busy being refitted. Traveling so hard from there he had almost killed his horse, he, Alyn and Jory Cassel, the Smalljon and Dacey Mormont all the North could spare for his trip though still he feared it would be wasted as they held no love for the North here.


But as they entered the Red Keep he tried to keep his heart steady, the news was dire and the war would have begun before any of them made it back to the North, but he needed to gain their support and so would bite his tongue. His companions too would swallow any insult, their pride not so important when the North was in so much danger, they were made to wait before being allowed enter the Throne Room and then made to give up their weapons.


Closing his eyes he entered the room where his father and brother had met their end. He looked to see the king sitting on his throne and he swallowed his disgust. This man had claimed to love his sister and yet had failed her son, his nephew's loss he placed firmly at his feet, but today was not the day for such thoughts, Instead he walked and when they reached the center of the room he took a knee and bowed before looking to the king.


"Your grace I come on behalf of my brother the Warden of the North and I seek your aid."

"Arise Lord Benjen, men and women of the north." Rhaegar said his voice loud "How may we aid you"

"We are under attack your grace, an Iron Born fleet has been prepared in secret and is to attack."

"A fleet you say, we have heard none such words." Jon Connington said dismissively.

"I speak the truth my lord, why you've not heard of it I know not." Benjen said wanting to tear the smug look off the man's face.

"So you would have us aid the North, send our armies to fight your war." Oberyn said and Benjen sighed.

"Should the North fall then it won't only be our war, or do you think Balon Greyjoy will be content with two kingdoms?." he said almost losing his temper.

"What you ask is not as easy as you would believe Lord Benjen, my vassals do not wish to aid the North, this has been made clear, they feel you've brought this on yourselves." Rhaegar said to nods before holding up his hand.

"However I am not unsympathetic and so I shall send a force of a thousand of mine own men to help you in this time of need." Rhaegar said and Benjen felt the anger of his companions behind him.

"We shouldn't send them any men, they're traitors the lot of them." Aegon said moving towards and glaring angrily at Benjen.

"Traitors, traitors are we." Dacey shouted moving forward.

"Enough quiet." Rhaegar shouted as the room hushed.

"I shall answer my kins call in it's time of need." a voice said from behind him.


Benjen turned and almost fell to the ground at who he saw, his hair was longer but his smile was the same, as he saw him he walked towards him and reached out his arm to his.


"Hello uncle." Daemon said and Benjen embraced his lost nephew with tears in his eyes.

"How? He asked.

"Long story." Daemon said back.


Benjen heard the whispers around the room, he heard the noises as people shuffled.


"My son you have only returned and I do not have the army to send north." Rhaegar said.

"I won't need any army father."

"Daemon I don't understand?" Benjen said and his nephew just smiled.

"I'll explain later, I'll go talk to my father, you and your friends need to rest, you can count on me uncle, rest please."

"Aye, I will, we'll talk then?"

"We will."




Once things had settled down in the throne room, Daemon was quickly called into the small council chambers, he was surprised he had thought given how his brother and father had looked at him that this would be done privately. As he entered he saw that his father did not look happy, not just at him but Aegon too, beside him Jon Connington was looking at him with a look he knew all to well, so he winked causing the man to almost fall of his seat.


"What were you thinking?" his father said.

"I wanted to help, it seemed I was not the only one." Daemon said.

"So you decided to take it upon yourself to offer aid, you are a prince of the realm, should you go into battle I would be forced to send a suitable force to protect you."

"You should be sending a suitable force to aid the North regardless." Daemon said looking directly at his father.

"My prince you've been away for so long, the politics of the situation are delicate." Jon Connington said.

"Are they indeed, the way I see it foolish men have counseled that we allow the largest kingdom to suffer, why? To pay back some perceived disloyalty." he said looking at Aegon "To atone for some long ago defeat?" He looked to Jon Connington who squirmed "Or to fuel their own agendas?" he said looking to Oberyn and Mace Tyrell.

"Son." his father said with a sigh but Daemon didn't allow him to continue.

"No father, I won't stand by while my kin are in danger, while they suffer. I would have expected more from the men who are sworn to protect the realm, but since you all shall not live up to your responsibilities, then I will live up to mine." he said turning to leave the room.

"You will not leave again without permission Daemon." his father said angrily.


Daemon turned to see the looks he was receiving, his father was furious he could see that, Aegon sat with a smug smile and Oberyn watched him almost as intently as Varys was, as for Mace, he just looked lost his head turning to anyone for guidance.


"Very well, I await your command father." Daemon said.

"We shall provide aid to the north, I'll raise the troops and we shall organize some of the fleet to help."

"But father?" Aegon said until Rhaegar silenced him with a look.

"You son will not however be going." his father said.

"I'm sorry father, on that I must insist, she won't be happy if I don't go now." Daemon said.

"She, who?" his father asked.

"You'll see, she'll be here by the morn, I'd say it would be best to meet her in the open. You may want to bring some of your lords and ladies to the Dragonpit." Daemon said and saw Marywn look at him with interest "Now if I may be excused?" he asked and his father looked at him and nodded.


After leaving the chambers he met Ser Barristan and headed towards the Maidenvault after being told that was where his uncle and the northerners had been sent. As he arrived he heard his name be called and turned to see Tyrion, Myrcella and an older blond who must be her mother walking towards him.


"My prince may I introduce my sister Lady Cersei Lannister, my niece you already know.".

"My lady." Daemon said taking her offered hand and placing a kiss on it.

"My prince." Cersei replied a smile on her face.

"Lady Myrcella a pleasure." he said then kissing her offered hand.

"My prince, is it true the realm is to go to war?" Tyrion asked and Daemon looked at him and nodded.

"It seems the Iron Born wish to start with the north, so I shall be heading there immediately to aide my family." Daemon said noticing the sad look Myrcella gave him "I expect to be back within the moon." he added and saw the stunned look on their faces.

"Daemon, that's impossible, it'll take you more than a moon to get there." Tyrion said and he smiled softly at the dwarf much preferring to be addressed simply.

"Perhaps, I shall be saying my goodbyes tomorrow at the dragon pit, I invite you all to join my family as my guests." Daemon said.

"It'd be an honor my prince." Cersei said.

"I'm afraid I must go see my uncle, Tyrion, Lady Cersei, Lady Myrcella I apologize for cutting this visit short. I hope to see much more of you when I return." he said and looked at Myrcella who smiled as she blushed.


He arrived at the rooms his uncle and companions were given, the guards briefly stopping him until they saw Barristan and after knocking he entered the room.


"Daemon." Benjen said embracing him.


"Care to tell me that long story now?"

"I'm afraid it'll have to be another time and certainly another place, the walls here have ears Uncle." he whispered and his uncle nodded.

"Have you convinced them?"

"I have, but it won't happen uncle, they'll not send men no matter what they say, had they allowed me to lead then you'd get your army, but as it is they wish to keep me here and they'll stall and stall."

"Do they not care about the North?" Dacey asked her voice raised.

"My lady, politics, this is all politics. They care for what they care for today and tomorrow it will be something different that holds their interest."

"So what now?" the Smalljon asked.

"I shall head North on the morrow." Daemon said.

"And then they'll send the army?" Dacey asked.

"Oh we won't need an army. Rest tonight uncle, I'll send someone for you in the morning, to escort you to the Dragonpit. You can leave directly after." Daemon said and embraced his uncle before turning to leave.

"Daemon I don't understand?" Benjen said.

"You will uncle, on the morrow."


After speaking to his uncle he went with Barristan to see Thoros his friend was doing better but he'd need to clean himself up and get back into shape, so Daemon told him to do so, that he'd see him within the moon. He paid the tavern owner for Thoros's room and board and after going back to his own room and writing a letter to his grandmother, he accompanied Barristan to grab his armor.


"Daemon your grandmother won't be pleased with you leaving before she arrives."

"I know Barristan, but it needs to be done, give her this when she arrives, it explains it all, this letter and what you'll see in the dragon pit should put her mind at ease."

"What will I see?"

"Why a dragon of course." Daemon said and Barristan looked to see if he was making a joke.


The Next Morning.


Waking up he dressed quickly and walked to the kitchens, he grabbed some food for the journey and headed back to his room, putting his armor on without a squire was something he was quite used to but still time consuming. Once he was done he called Ser Barristan and asked him to escort his uncle to the Dragon put, which agreed to after some objections. When the knight left he closed his eyes and waited, Lyanax would be here within the next couple of hours, so he tied his swords on his shoulder and left the room walking to join with his family and the Lannisters to head to the Dragonpit.


When he entered the private room he saw his father speaking to Arthur beside him Elia, Rhaenys and Daenerys stood silently, while Aegon spoke to Viserys, Jon Connington and the rest of the small council stood around the room. He saw Tyrion with Cersei and Myrcella and smiled before walking to his father.


"Care to tell us what this is all about son?"

"We should leave father, you won't want to miss her."


His father looked at him before nodding and they left the room, walking down to waiting carriages and saddled horses, he mounted one and they began to ride, Ser Arthur riding beside him. As they rode though the city, Daemon saw the people cheer and wave, despite everything his family was still popular it seemed, it didn't take them long to reach the Dragonpit and he was pleased to see so many people there. His uncle and his companions were standing to the left and after dismounting he walked over to make sure they were well.


"Is that Valyrian steel?" his uncle asked touching his armor.

"It is, don't ask." Daemon said with a smirk.

"Long story?"

"Long story." he replied and they both laughed.


He felt her then in his head, she was close, he needed to be ready.


"Uncle what you're about to see, don't fear her, she won't harm anyone I care for." Daemon said and before his uncle could reply he walked to his family.

"What are we waiting for brother, a dragon." Aegon said with a laugh.

"When you see her brother, try not piss your britches remember you're a prince." Daemon said as he nodded to his father and walked to the center of the pit.

"My lords, my ladies, be not afraid, keep to your seats and you shall be safe." Daemon said loudly as the noise began.


He heard it then, the beating of her wings, the thrum as she flew though the air, followed by the gasps as people looked up, then came the shouts of "Dragon." as people looked on in awe. He looked to see his father staring at the sky as the Black Dragon flew closer, Marywn looking up with a large smile on his face. He saw Aegon and Viserys shaking their heads while Rhaenys and Oberyn looked at him the anger on their faces clear.


Daenerys was smiling looking for once like the little girl she had been, he turned to see Tyrion standing with his mouth open, while Cersei just looked at the sky. Surprisingly though Myrcella was looking at him and so he smiled before winking feeling a flutter in his chest when she cheekily winked back. He walked over to his uncle as Lyanax drew closer, patting him on the shoulder he turned to his companions seeing Dacey and the Smalljon smiling like loons.


"You think the North would like help from a dragon uncle?" he joked.

"Aye I do, this, you can, you can fly it?"

"Her uncle, Lyanax, named for my mother." Daemon said and his uncle closed his eyes and nodded.


When the dragon turned her head to him he looked to Ser Barristan before nodding and then he walked to her, feeling the warmth of her scales with his hand, he put the helm on and closed his eyes, "Ready for a trip." he whispered and felt her joy fill him completely. Climbing on her back he held onto her horns, before turning to look at the assembled lords and ladies as they looked and pointed, this would be talked about for moons he thought, good.


"Sōvegon Lyanax." he said as the dragon took to the sky.


Daemon arrives north, while we take a closer look at those in Kings Landing and a trip to the past. Sorry was not updating a long time be busy with work all my other books will resume back to weekly update also check out my new Star War/Harry Potter crosssover Female Sith Harry! The Three Fates of Darth Gladiolus

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C3
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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