42.85% Shadow Slave: Prince of Darkness / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Power

章節 12: Chapter 12 Power


What is Suffering ?

A question that has been on my mind for a while.

People say that Suffering or pain in a broad sense, may be an experience of harm or threat to an individual by another individual. 

Suffering can be classified in two form, physical and mental.

Physical Suffering hurt a lot as we felt the pain in our body but it only last for a while, it did leave some unpleasant scar, as a reminder but these scar can be heal overtime some take a lot of time, but in the end they still can be healed. But for people who have gone through that pain, from them the only thing that matter is that the pain is finally over.

Mental Suffering is different from physical suffering as it's hurt the mentally of a one and the pain also touch the very soul of a person, a mentally of one can be very fragile and unlike Physical Suffering it don't last for a while, it last for about life time and sometime the trauma or pain can also be taken to the afterlife. For the person going thought this pain only want to kill him/her self as it is the only last resort to end their suffering.


What if someone were to go through both of them, what would his/her condition will become, would he/she become a broken doll or would he/she try to fight with all their might to break free from this suffering.

A child born from a powerful family, money, status and power he has everything which would make him the target of others jealously and envy. But unknown to the others the child life was anything but luxury, from the day he was born he was caged in a dark room where he didn't get to see the light nor did he have any parental affection.

In this family the child was beaten, tortured, humiliated and rape in a very young age. From his childhood to his teen life, he has gone through so much of these things that he has lost himself somewhere and the only source of his love was also taken away from him, now he is nothing but empty shell of his former self, just forced to live the life he want to end.

This is the story of my life, Raizel Dark Solomon but others like call me.

Prince of Darkness











Opening my eyes i found myself in a dark place, staring at the darkness with no memories of how i got here.

i look down at myself and saw nothing but a black mass covering my whole body, from top to bottom.

'Just..... what is happing ?'

i could still feel my hands and other body parts, but what is this black mass surrounding my body.

I tried to touch it only to go pass it.






As if a realization stuck me.

'Who am i again?' somehow i can't seems to remember myself, it is as if i have lost my memory.

'But how is this possible.' i don't remember doing anything.....wait i remember .... Ah... i still don't remember anything ?

'Did someone erase my memories.' a conclusion i come up within seconds, then again if he/she wanted to erase my memories, they would have done it in a way so that i wouldn't have been able to come up with this thought.

Then again if they really did erase my memories. 

'Why they bring me here.' i thought while looking around the dark space, it was literally dark, almost like someone forget to turn on the lights.

'What is their motive behind this.' i thought trying to guess their objective but strangely nothing comes to mind.

And on the top of it all, why am i so clam about this whole situation, shouldn't i be panicking right now, like a normal.... a normal what ?.

'What is normal again and..... why does feeling so..... empty.' Strangely i feel so empty and loss, it's like i use to have something and it was just taken away from me, and i wasn't able to stop them. 


Suddenly in front of my eyes, i saw what appears to be a... Book ?

'.....What?' the book was floating in this dark space without any support.

'I don't even know what is going on anymore'

First, i am in a dark space. 

Second, some black mass is surrounding my body, 

Third, i am so clam about this whole situation 

And finally this unknown book.

'Should i pick it up.' i thought as a look at the book but i don't know if it is save to pick up some random book and strangely before i know it my hand has already grab the book.

' !!! Whatt!!? ' it's like my body move on it own. 

Looking at the book, i saw it was plain black in colour, and a name was written on it with bold letter.

"Shadow slave" i said out loud, my cold or emotionless voice seems to be echo throughout this dark place.

'An interesting name for a Book.' i mean this book look so ordinary but this name held a familiarly that i couldn't help but think that i have heard this name somewhere before.

'But exactly where, i can't seems to remember.'

'Maybe this can help me understand about my situation more better.'

With these thought i started reading it, without even knowing how much time has passed.










1 month later

Staring at the ceiling which was filled with red rose like patten, creating one of the most beautiful design, it seems like the one who designed this ceiling know what he was going. 

But i was not admiring the ceiling, since their was a lot of thoughts inside my mind right now.

'Did she..... did she really.... mean it ?' i was thinking about the conversation i had with my mother.

In this conversation, i have came to know about a shocking truth, the things my mother did to me in during my childhood and the reason for her doing it.

'Was..... that really..... all because of this.' i thought while staring at the runes in front me.


Name: Raizel Dark Solomon

True Name: - Prince of Darkness

Rank: Sleeper

Dark heart: 1/--

Dark essence:950/2000 

Memories: - Null

Echoes: -

Attributes: (Broken string), (Costume change), (Cold-hearted), (Dark), (Dreamspawn), (Elementokinesis), (Eyes of truth), (Genius), (Immortally), (Prince of Noble), (Soul protection), (Superhuman)

Aspect Rank: ---

{Aspect name: Child of Darkness}

Aspect description:(Child of a powerful race, born of a Royal blood, has everything he could have, but at the same time have not, and it's seems like his destiny is filled with twist and turns, with the power he posses, he will ether he will become the destroyer or the savior.)

{Innate ability: Dark absorption} 

{Aspect ability: Illusion Manipulation} 

{Aspect ability: Telekinesis}

Aspect Legacy: Legacy of Dark

Description: (Child of darkness, who belong to the most powerful race in the universe, born of a Royal blood, possessed a power of Darkness, one of the laws of the universe, a power which isn't something that can be conquered and learned by anyone, but you child of Darkness have achieve the impossible.)

Legacy Power:

Power of Dark Heart: Completion rate 40%

Power of.....: Unearned.

Power of.....: Unearned.

Power of.....: Unearned.

Power of.....: Unearned.

Power of.....: Unearned

Power of.....: Unearned

Looking at my attributes i know that they were powerful and way more useful, then any memory, even the rank of my aspect can't be defined in any way, it is as if my potential is limitless and can't be defined in anyways.

And the abilities i have gotten are also not to be look down upon, if used right i could literally killed any being under a Master rank. 

'If it just like she said, that the torture i have gone through in my childhood was all to get this, some powerful attributes and a limitless potential.' if it so then i don't really know, whether to feel glad or sad, since i can't even feel any from of emotions now.

Everything in front of me look so grey, devoted of life, in this one month my thoughts are of like this.

'What is my purpose ?'

'Why was i born ?'

'What's the point in living ?'

'Why am i not even dead ?'

'Why can only women bleed and men don't.'

Because of these thought i have even started to cut myself in my hands multiples time and sometime i was even stop by my mother. Who in return would tear my clothes and fuck me until i was unconscious, she told me this is only way to stop my self from self harming me.

But to be honest i stop doing that since all of those cuts healed so quickly, i even tried to kill myself once, since i didn't find any meaning in my life at that time, but i was disappointed that now i can't even die.

'Immortally is truly a curse.' i thought, while focusing on the runes in front of me.

The runes then started changing, the texts were floating, merging and creating new words.

Within few seconds, this process finally stop, and i stare at the new runes before me.


(Broken string)

Attribute description: You have cut the strings of fate that binds you, but be warn that those who defy fate will never receives a good end.

{Costume change

Attribute Description: You are able to create any type of clothes, you can imagine. 

(Aether required)


Attribute Description: You heart is cold as ice, making you unable to feel emotions like others, you lack sympathy making you merciless. 


Attribute Description: You have a natural and highest affinity for darkness, only those who are born in darkness have it.


Attribute description: You are born of two worlds, belonging to both, but welcomed in neither. Your soul exists on the edge between nightmare and reality.


Attribute Description: You are granted the advance control over the elements around you. (Aether required)

(Eyes of truth)

Attribute Description: You can now see the ugliness of this world, and also the things that are not meant to be seen.


Attribute Description: You have an Extraordinary memory to memories everything and a talent to learn things within seconds. 


Attribute Description: Some spend their whole life trying to achieve it, While some as you call it a curse.

{Prince of Nobles]

Attribute description: An ancient and powerful race that possess great strength, speed and various abilities related to Darkness. They were the most beautiful creature and the most deadliest. You are the Prince of the Nobles which gives you the authority to commend them at will.

(Soul protection)

Attribute description: Your soul is well protected, from any harm and mental attack, no one can look into your soul without your permission.


Attribute description: In the ancient era their were only a few who were physically and mentally stronger then other by 10 time.


After reading through all attribute, i can say that all of them are without a doubt powerful then any aspect i have read, and some of them could even be an aspect themselves. 

Specially this attribute which is more useful. 

(Costume change) with this attribute, i don't have to be worried about my clothing situation in dream realm. 

From what i have search online is that normal humans are willing to sell their entire fortune just for a single piece of Armor, since no one want to wander in the dream realm naked and defenseless, and i am talking about those common folks like the ordinary people who were one day started showing the symptoms of nightmares.

Their is also one thing i have notice, like i can only used Aether to create the clothes.

'It seems like the spell knows that i posses Aether yet it isn't showing it.' i mean their is also some other things changed like for soul cores i have dark heart, and i can create infinite number of them too.

'Is it because i am not a human ?' i mean this could be a the possibility, then again their can also be another meaning, that i have a limitless potential.

'Well whatever it's not like i can get my answer.'

Their are also other attributes like (Cold-hearted), (Dark), (Genius), (Immortally), (Superhuman), which i honestly don't even need to read out loud to understand what they do.

Cold-hearted basically means that my heart is cold as ice, which can't be melt, dark means that i have highest affinity with darkness, genius mean that i am a talented individual and i can learn anything i want under seconds or even minutes, last but not least.

'immortally' an attribute i don't like, it means that i am an immortal and can't die. 

'Just like my mother.' this attribute can also heals my wounds, no matter how life threating they are, they all heals under seconds.

Then their are some another attributes which i honestly like.

(Broken sting), (Elementokinesis), (Eyes of truth), (Prince of Noble), (Dreamspawn)

Broken string means that i am not bounded by the fate unlike those people, but the only problem is that words written at the end of the sentences.

'Those who defy fate will never receives a good end.' it mean that fate will try to end me by sending other after me or will try to get in my way, which is honestly not good for my future goals.

'I will see what i can do.' since it hasn't tried anything right now, then i can't be certain on how to deal with it.

Elementokinesis an attribute which let me control all the elements, a powerful attribute if i say so but the problem it required a lot of Aether and concentration, the second problem is not to worry unlike the first one.

At first when i has unlock my Aether i had use it often since it was something interesting to do, but soon i got tired of it and stop doing it.

My Aether would increased day by day by 0.01 percent which was not enough.

So i decided to ask mother, who told me just to use it everyday and empty it because it will not only increase the Aether but all my Aether reserves.

So i have been using my Aether everyday after that and the progress has also increased from 0.01 to o.1

'But it is still not enough.' i mean i can only use this attribute Elementokinesis for one hour before my Aether is depleted, the same is also with (Costume change), if i want to add details to any clothes like the designed and some enchantments like protection against cold, protection against heat and so on....

'It take up a lot of Aether and time too.' and i have also created a lot of clothes too in this month.

Anyways back to the attributes

(Eyes of truth), (Prince of Noble), (Dreamspawn)

Eyes of truth mean that it let me see the ugliness of the world, like i can detect any lie and loop hole, and some secrets can also not be hidden from my eyes.

Prince of Noble means that i have the absolute control over my race meaning i can command anyone from my race expect for a few people, to do my work.

But right now i can't used this attribute as their is no one to command, and yes i can't command my mother since she is from those few people.

Dreamspawn an attribute which is the same as her it means that people who are born in dream realm have the attribute Dreamspawn but in her case she was born from a hollow mother.

'I wonder how she is doing.' i mean i didn't get the chance to meet her after that incident.

Anyways yeah that's all i have.

Then comes my aspect which is.

'Child of Darkness.' and reading the descriptions of this attribute i don't think it is anything but good.

I could understand the words like 'powerful race', 'born of a Royal blood', 'has everything he could have' but what does it mean that my destiny is filled with twist and turns, and also the part where i will become ether the destroyer or the savior.

'is it a warning that something will be happening in the future, and i will the big reason for that change.' if it is so then i need to find more information about it, and preparer as much as possible.

And i even have unlocked my aspect legacy which only some rare people are able to do.

But my aspect legacy which is {Legacy of Dark} is a bit different from other, unlike his i don't have to perform some shadow dances, and unlike her i don't have to learn any knowledge.

Darkness is often associated with evilness and ruthlessness, so to complete my dark heart, all i need to do was some evil work, like killing someone and torturing someone.

I was only able to find out about this after i killed that maid who was smiling at me when my mother was scolding me.

After killing her the dark heart went up by 1%, seeing this i did not only kill her but also fucked her dead body, to see how far it would went up, and surprising it went up directly 5%.

So after that i started doing all kind of acts that would be consider evil, and my target was ofcource the servants and the prisoners.

Their was also one time when i eat a live person.

'She tasted really good, but it a pity.....'

Yeah a pity that i didn't have chilly sauce at that time or else her taste would have been a lot more better.

But yeah after me torturing all the servants, some of them killed themselves by suiciding or jumping off the roof of the castle, while some of them died by my hands.

And now the castle doesn't have any servants, because of this my mother has decided to punish me by locking me up in my room for a week.

'So i am pretty much locked up.' well at least i was able to get my dark heart up by 40%, which is honestly good. 

'Then their is my memory.'

I then summoned up my only memory, black particles started gathering in my right hand index finger, taking a shape of a ring.

The ring was pitch black in colour and the top of it was a shinning red diamond.

'Looks good i guess.' i wasn't the type to look at the appearance, for me as long as the memory was useful, appearance doesn't matter.

i then quickly summoned it's runes.



Memory: {Null].

Memory Rank: Transcendent

Memory Description: {In the old era, their was a man named @A%#@ he was the fasted and the smarted thief, he has stolen so many priceless treasures of Gods, but he met his end at the hands of his most beloved .]

Memory Tier: II

Memory Type: tool

Memory Enchantment: {Void Walk}, {storage space}

Enchantment: {Void Walk}

Enchantment Description: User is able to teleport to the place it has seen. The more the distance the more it will consume essence.

Enchantment: {Void space}

Enchantment Description: The ring can only store non-living things, and has a storage capacity of 10,000 cubic meter space, time is stop inside the ring.



'A Transcendent rank memory'

Transcendent rank memory were rare and hard to found, even some master may not have any transcendent rank memory, and whenever a transcendent memories appears in the market or in auction house, it will be taken immediately. 

'But for me it's pretty common.' i mean from what i know, we have atleast thousands memories of transcendent rank in our storage space, and some of them are just gathering nothing but dust.

But rather then the rank, my focused was on the enchantments.

'Hmm i don't think anyone can see the enchantments descriptions of the memories.' from what i have read in that book is that peoples needs to find out the what the enchantments does as the spell doesn't explain what a memory does.

'Yet i am able to see, something others can't, is it because of the attribute (Eyes of truth) ?' since it's description says that i can see things other can't and other can't see the Enchantment of the memory if they don't have any aspect or attribute related to it.

After this new discovery i started reading the description of the memory.

'The name of the man is not mention' it is said that he was one of the greatest thief in his era as non could catch him, and the fact that he even stole the treasures of the Gods.

'That man sure has some guts.' i mean their are only a few who would try to make a gods their enemy.

'A pity he lost he was killed.' in the memory it is written that he lost his life at the hands of his beloved, which means that either he was betrayed or was on the verge of death that he asked his beloved to kill him, to end his suffering.

'Since the descriptions doesn't explain everything.'

My gaze then landed on the enchantments and it's description. 

'Well now this is something good.' i mean the enchantments were pretty good and way more useful.

'The first one means that i can teleport at any place i have seen.' and with this i can even sneak up behind someone and they won't even know what has killed them.

'With this i can even let other think that my aspect is of a teleportation type.' i mean it will be better to hide my aspect, and use it has a trump card. Since most people would not even believe it.

'Seconds one is that i can store any type of non living thing' with this memory i don't have to be worried carrying and making food, since the time in the ring will stop, then i can just store them in the storage space.

'Who would have thought that i can get such a useful memory in my first nightmare.' i mean i did get a lot of memories in my first nightmare, but some of them got destroyed and some i had too forcefully destroy, since their were a lot of enemy after me and to kill them i needed to used the forbidden method, which require a memory.

'Well atleast i was able to save this memory.' i mean i should be glad with what i have.

Anyways that was pretty much of the memory.

Suddenly i started feeling some changes that were happing in my chest area and between my legs.

'Is it that time already.'

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