98.43% Evil Saiyan / Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Lazarus.

章節 63: Chapter 63: Lazarus.

Rettas… No, a shadow watched. She watched as Rettas stood tall. As her aura, her evil ki burst out. It stank of blood. It felt like being in the presence of a viscous beast. It terrified her.

Yet… As she stared at it. She couldn't help but notice something. Especially when Rettas cried out. Her words were like a hammered nail to her heart.

"This ki isn't tainted. No, it is sanctified in the blood of my ancestors. IT CARRIES THE WILL OF ALL SAIYAN!"

Even as a spirit. A soul attached to her body now inhabited by another. She wept. She saw. She felt it. Standing behind Rettas. She could see them. The spirits of Saiyan's. Grizzled and hardened. Each of them at her back. Watching over her. Supporting her.

She told herself, this was fine. She told herself that this was what she wanted.

She still remembered that fateful day.

After having begged for one more chance. She had walked down that familiar walkway to her attack pod. Hands clenched. Holding in tears. She knew, she couldn't do it. She would never be praised. Never amount to anything.

Unusually, this day was different. The walkway was empty. Quiet. Dark. Wary she slowed to a stop. Her eyes catching something in the darkness.

"Who goes there!" She cried out. Mustering her ki. Only for a strange man to come out. Attired in a suit and holding a suitcase. Square glasses on his face. She didn't say anything. Every instinct in her body screamed as she saw the man give her a small smile.

"Rettas. I presume." He said with a tip of his fedora. She didn't speak. She didn't dare. Something told her this man was beyond her. "Ah, silent, are we? No matter. Rather, I have heard that you just took up a new mission. Isn't that right?"

He didn't respond immediately, so in the end she nodded.

"Wonderful. Now, I understand you have your reasons, but Rettas… you will die on this mission." She felt her stomach drop at those words. His words that sounded so true. No, she knew it was true. She barely survived her last mission.

"And?" She spoke her first words. His smile widening to expose sharp teeth.

"And, I have a proposition for you." It should have alarmed her, but… she had nowhere else to go.

"Explain." She said as commandingly as she could. The man merely chuckled.

"Well, you see… I have a client that needs something done. Specifically, this client needs your body for their wish."

She should have been terrified. Yet, all she could think and say was, "Aren't their better choices?" After all, she was a failure.

"I suppose. However… I chose you for a reason." His words made her heart throb in pain. She wanted to believe he was lying, but… why would he? Why lie to her? A failure? She went quiet. drowning in her own self-loathing.

"Specifically, because the client has a particular need only you can fulfill." She tuned back in but didn't speak. She let him continue. "See, unlike you, this client of mine has the will and ability to grow stronger. But they lack something important."

She blinked. And spoke. "And that would be?" Something compelled her. She didn't know what, but… she felt a strange pull. Like something was about to happen that she wouldn't regret.

"Purpose. This agent of mine could have asked for countless things, but she had to be difficult and ask me for a purpose." Despite that, he laughed. "Now, seeing as how I am one hell of an agent, I aim to please as many parties as possible. I prefer that everyone walks away as a winner, and nobody a loser. Which is why I am making an offer to you. In exchange for your body, what would you wish for?"

What… would she wish for? Power… no… even if she had power, what would it matter? Respect? No. Family? She thought of her own absent family. No. Perhaps, a few years ago she would have agreed for the chance to meet her parents, but now? Now she was just about done with it all.

She couldn't do it anymore. The killing. The murder. If anything, dying on the mission would have been a blessing. And hearing it from this man? This unfamiliar man? It only drove home what she already knew.

That she was a failure.

Perhaps she could wish to be a winner. To have all she wants, but… that wasn't what she really wants.

Oddly, not once did she consider him to be lying. But… she was okay with that. Why would anyone pay attention to trash like her? If she was being tricked, what would it matter?

If anything, no… perhaps she did have a wish. Over the years. She had a few instances to wander around. Usually while her Attack Ball was being fixed up and her gear fixed. She had often asked a question.

What did it mean to be a Saiyan?

The replies were many. Varied. And yet, none felt right to her.

A weapon. A killer. A warrior. Strong. Mighty. Powerful.

Such questions hardly felt… impressive to her. Even stories of the legendary super Saiyan only emphasized their strength and power. Was that all Saiyan's were? Killers? Monsters?

She could wish right now to be born as something else. But… She wanted to know. To see. She looked at the man. His smile having never left his face.

"I want to know… what a true Saiyan is."

The man laughed. It wasn't a mocking one. She knew since so many mocked her. It was a different kind of laugh. Of joy.

"I knew I chose right! Very well, I shall show you a true Saiyan. In exchange, when the time comes, you must provide a purpose to my client. Understood? And, knowing the both of you. I think it'll turn out just fine…

Ah, but first. Before we seal the deal, so to speak. I must warn you. I will be attaching your soul to your body. That way you can witness my client at work. If by some chance they fail to live up to your expectations, then unfortunately I am not able to revive you or undo what I have done. At best, I can only make sure you die and have a good reincarnation.

So… will you still take the deal?"

She smiled.

"I'm already dead anyway. So, yes…"

"Wonderful." He extended his hand. They shook. "The deal is sealed."

And darkness. So, she watched. She witnessed. Her every atrocity. Her every deed.

At first, she felt mollified. Aware that all Saiyan were nothing more then beasts. Monsters. Yet… Even then, as she saw Rettas fight. Confronting her opponents fearlessly. She wondered if that was all there was, or something more. She watched. She waited.

When she first felt the Evil Ki, she recoiled. It terrified her. Further confirming her own beliefs. Yet, when faced with adversity. When meeting people. She realized something.

Rettas was a beast. A beast that was true to herself. She walked. Even when it seemed there was no way forward, she continued. Struggled with her own thoughts and insecurities. Her own fear.

She watched. She anticipated. Then she had called out to her, called her sister. She had entrusted her life to her, despite never conversing with her. Now though…

Staring at the evil ki coming from her. The curling tendril that approached her. She didn't flinch back. She didn't recoil in disgust. She met it with her own hand. And… she stared. Once more tears filled her eyes. Under the smell fo blood and death. Under it all lay a figure. Scored in wounds and scars. A visage stuck in a fearsome grin. And yet. He looked at her.

His hand approached and touched her head. She felt safe. Protected. A sentiment carried through time. A singular purpose. To protect. To pave the way for their people. Yet, under that scary visage. Was not a villain. Not a Monster.

It was like a father protecting their child. Covered in wounds. Bleeding and terrifying. On sight, he looked like an enemy. Misunderstood. Forced away. Treated as the enemy. She cried and fell into the figures arms. The warm arms comforted her. Assuring her.

You are no failure.

Rettas didn't know, but the shadow had access to everything. Her memories. Her dreams. Her past. She knew the person inhabiting her body inside and out. She had read everything about her. Checked over the strange references. Watched the shows, read the books she had read.

She understood what had happened. Or likely what may have happened. Evil Saiyan's had been warriors. They sought to protect their people. To forge a place for them to live in peace. They had been successful. Building a utopia for their people. Only… when they returned.

They had been deemed villains. Having forgotten what they did for them. The Saiyan's banded together. They fought back and slew the Evil Saiyan's. But they did not sit idle. They fought back. To their dismay, they killed those they sought to protect. Destroying the future they had helped build.

At the end of it all. They stood over the remnants of their world. Their species nearly extinct. They did what they had to. Found them a new, safer world to inhabit. And left. Expunging all knowledge of Evil Saiyan's and Super Saiyan's. Only leaving legends behind.

They wished for their people to grow without having to fight. Without having to go to war. How they must roll in their graves knowing that they had immediately gone back into familiar roles. Fighting, killing… And worse, for another empire. And eventually, killed…

It was sad. Depressing. Yet, as she saw Rettas standing opposite. Baring her teeth. She understood. She also… lamented. She now knew what a true Saiyan was. She now wished… despite knowing it could never be true… That she could truly call Rettas her sister… Her elder sister.

And so, the shadow huddled into itself. Falling deeper into the darkness. Far too deep for anyone to reach. Waiting for that moment when she was needed. It was the least she could do. It was what she wanted to do…

And so, she watched. She waited…


Outisde. The pair, The Good Doctor and Rettas stared at one another. The air between them crackled as their ki met and repulsed each other.

Nothing else was spoken as they clashed. Fist met fist. Bone crackled, and in the blink of an eye numerous blows were exchanged. The pair were forced back. Rettas breathed. Wounds along her arms hissing and smoked as the evil ki healed her wounds. Whereas the Good Doctor was batting away the evil ki sticking to his body. Melting at his skin.

I felt powerful… No doubt about that. Like an old classic muscle car engine given a full overhaul. My evil ki was rumbling. Countless cells inside my body were churning out more of it as it was expended. I now had a healing factor and my body's durability had been boosted. So much so, that I now could go blow for blow with the fake before me.

I felt an inexhaustible strength filling me. Only, the ki itself was odd. Different from what I was used to. It was oddly… chunky. Is a word. It didn't flow like the old ki did. More like, a smoothie. I couldn't bring it forward to make any signature moves or destructo discs. I was literally stuck smacking my enemy.

Not that I had much time to think.

We clashed again. Fist meeting fist. My new tail whipped out and grabbed his other arm as he reeled back to continue pounding me. I pulled him off balance. My fist digs into his gut. Before he could muster any strength, I shifted closer. Letting his arm go, I kicked him in the leg. He tries to grab me with his other arm. Only for me to step back and bat it aside with my tail.

I let the ki fill my hand in an approximation of a ki blast.

"IMPACT!" I cried out, slamming my palm into his chest. The small red-black orb explodes on contact. The force rocking through me and blowing back the Good Doctor. I don't chase as I take the moment to run through my ki and check the damage my hit inflicted.

The smoke clears. The good doctor stands. His chest where I hit was scorched and bubbling. The evil ki hissed and spat. He grunted.

"I underestimated you, it seems." Another monologue? "Very well, then… Since it has come to this. I will give it my all!"

His energy explodes out. Pushing back my own ki. His hair doesn't change color or anything as he flexes. And as soon as he finishes, he charges, faster this time, but his movements were notably poor. I brush aside his fist. Hammering my own into his chest with minimal effect.

He kicks out as I shift and block. A grab is aborted by a slap of my enhanced tail. My new tail had good reach. It was larger and made for a good bludgeon. Each slap echoed out with a crack of displaced air. With the grab stopped, I once more went for a punch. Impacting with little effect.

No, I needed some more oomph. I considered if I could. And an idea hits me as another punch sails over my head. I focus my ki on my arm. Feeling it pulse and glow.

"DRIVER!" I declare, naming my ability. My arm cracks out. This time indenting in. The telltale sound of something cracking echoes out. And for the first time I see him falter. Bloody spittle flies from his lips. I grin. A feral smile meeting his own widened eyes.

"DAMNATION!" He cried out as I followed up with another and another. Each blow crackling with power. The ki burning and melting away his skin. I felt my ki hum with approval as I beat into him like a living sandbag.

Realizing he can't beat me in range he bursts back. I try to follow and immediately realize an issue. He's too fast. I extend a hand. An idea hitting me. No, forcing its way into my mind. So far, my ki has responded to my desire. I's semi-solid in some cases. Could I!? COULD I!? DARE I!

I dare.

"TENTACLE!" I could almost feel my ancestor's facepalm as my evil ki roiled and whipped out, forming a red hazy tentacle… TENTACLE! It wrapped around the Good Doctor's limb. Arresting his momentum.

"GET OVER HERE!" I exclaimed and pulled with all I had, mentally speaking. Pulling him out and driving him to the floor. I don't let him recover as I pounce. My smaller frame pressed him down as I introduced my fist to his face over and over.

"Show some cojones Good Doctor! Quit running like a little bitch!" I exclaim as I keep punching. His face slowly bloodies and re-arranged. He, at first, punches me to get me off. But I take the hits and grin back. Even losing a few teeth in the process. Realizing he can't scare me off, he bitch slaps me, and uses the chance to fly off. Before I can retaliate for the clear disrespect, he cries out.

A massive ki blast comes straight for me. I cross my arms. Willing my ki forward like a shield. The blast hits. My ki burns away until I feel the energy scorching my skin… and it fades before it can destroy me.

"How… HOW!" He exclaimed. I could almost smell the fight leaving him.

"Stop sounding like a wuss, Good Doctor. I got some good 'ol knuckle sandwiches for ya."

Funnily, the moment I step forward. He flinches. In that moment, the air stilled. He froze. His aura vanished. Only to come back even greater than before. Suppressing my own ki.

"I AM LAZARUS! THE IMMORTL ROACH!" He loudly declared, for some reason. "I will not be belittled by a monkey!" He exclaimed again, and this time. I felt it. The air around him changed. The Evil ki swirled uncertainly around me.

He stood on the ground. Both of us on each end of the ruined room. I understood. This was the real thing. The air between us crackled. And… we advanced. A single step. Our feet impacted the floor at the same instant. A single flash. In a breath the air exploded.

Instinct took hold. My training with master kept me in the game. Blows were deflected and counters made. He was aiming to truly kill. His eyes slowly went blank as he fought. Giving into his rage. Every blow rocked my body. Every strike had me coughing up blood.

I gave as good as I got. But I could feel his energy slowly spiking. His power growing. Even then… I grinned wildly. I welcomed the blows. Goading him with cackling laughs. He screamed and roared as he swung. His rage consuming him.

Then, it happened. His arm expanded just a little. Hair growing along his body. The mask set on his face burst off. He was transforming. He couldn't control the beast inside. He was losing control and at that moment his body began to disintegrate. For a brief moment. Sanity came back.

I could tell he was trying to flee. To do something unfortunate, but… He couldn't beat the beast. That sanity faded with a bestial roar as the monkey took hold. The transformation happened faster, and the mistakes became clear. Skin was malformed, the hair in patches. Teeth missing.

By the end of the transformation a mostly skinless monkey stood before me. blood leaking from its frame as its hodge podge of cells fought and devoured each other. It was obvious. It wasn't long for this world. I heard a final cry from both man and beast. Then, only the beast was left.

It was cramped in the room. It was large, but not Oozaru large. Fire and plasma were breathed out. Chasing me as bloody limbs batted at me like a toddler would a fly. My ki screamed out to me. Encouraging me. Not like I needed it.

"Impact!" I hit an encroaching hand. Blood and bone splattering about. The thing cries as its hand is blown to pieces. I follow-up. Bursting forward with all I have, driving an impact into one of its legs. The limb exploding under the force. It wasn't long for this world.

Blood leaked from it. It's body dissolving under my evil ki. But, it was a mercy to the young ape. Death was the only cure to its affliction. So, I would give it a proper Saiyan's death. Death in battle. A few more hits, more chunks of meat gone. The Oozaru realizing it was near death gathered energy in its maw.

I didn't flee. I gathered my energy in my hands as it charged. I needed a cool name… Something fancy. The energy gathered into a spherical red-black ball of energy. Red and black lightning crackled within.

"Double Impact!" I exclaim and thrust the ball forward. Meeting the monkey's own blast. I fell to my knees. Lethargy taking me as I watched my orb of death push forward against the tide of energy. As I watched it soldier on…

My monkey brain had a thought. Should… I be standing so close to the explosion? No… No I should not be so close to the explosion.

Unfortunately. I realized too late. The orb hit. On contact with the monkey, it pressed in. Paused. Then, vanished. Sucking in the air and expanding out. Vaporizing the monkey. Blasting me back to the wall with enough force that I black out for a brief moment.

I take a moment to get my bearing. Take in the sight. A huge gaping hole was in front of me. The entire thing was a smoldering crater. I work my way out and stretch. I feel my Evil ki slowly replenishing. I look over it all and sigh.

It was a fairly good fight at least. Ignoring the first part where I was being a dumbass. I take my time getting back to the ship. I enter and my evil ki shudders. Tendrils reach out to the clones. I watch as they flow into their bodies and they twitch in response. A strange ping echoes from the consoles.

I check them…

Can't read'em… I stare at the lines of techno babble. The unfamiliar words and shrug. Doc will know what to do… I go to the bridge of the craft and get ready for liftoff. I had an idea what to do… As I did, I sighed. Lamenting the loss of my Attack Ball… But it was for a good cause. I wished it well…

Wait… I stop. I look around. Am… I an idiot? I am… I get ready to head out to get my Attack Ball when an alarm echoes out.


"MOTHERFUCKER!" I exclaim. I try to check the time. it would be close too close... I bolt out, not daring to think a second more. Pushing myself to go faster as I haphazardly grab my ship and head back. I barely manage to get out of the hangar and just barely far enough before it explodes. Numerous monitors flash and beep. And yet... it somehow continues onward.

"FUCK YES!" I exclaim happily and give a big middle finger to the now dead Lazarus. Now, to get back to the ship... hopefully.



Elsewhere, a secret facility hidden away in the universe. A pod hissed and clacked. Liquid drained with a glug-glug-glug. As it finished. It slid open to reveal its contents. A man sized roach. The Good Doctor. Lazarus, the Immortal Roach.

"That damn monkey!" He exclaimed in anger. The lost resources and opportunity were too much, couldn't she just die! No, why did he have to talk and talk!

No matter… No matter… He had enough data. He would do better. Make a stronger body this time. Next time he would be even more. Yes… He just needed too…

He froze. He hadn't noticed them in his rant. Soldiers were standing opposite him. White armor. Dressed like knights wielding blades and guns. At the front a figure he knew all too well.

"Seer…" His voice was laced with worry.

"Lazarus." The man said. He was tall. Imposingly tall. Skin like marble, black hair. Devilishly handsome. Wearing a resplendent black feathered robe. The Seer took his time to look over the various lab equipment. The pods filled with still forming clones. "I assume this means you met our intruder?"

"I… yes I have." Despite himself, his voice stuttered.

"And you died then?"

His callous words had Lazarus fuming. Any fear he had fled as anger took hold. "What do you think!?" He recoiled when he saw the man smile. The bubbling fury cooled.

"Wonderful… now, what is it you plan to do?"

His mind blanked at the Seer's words. He wanted to question them, but he already knew he was on a thin line. He had, after all, failed his mission. " I plan to redouble my efforts to clone the Saiyan's properly." He explained. However, the smile the Seer gave him made his heart leap.

"And… is that truly all?"

"Of course!" He chirped out. The Seer sighed.

"It was a good thing I did come here then. After all, I can't have you messing up the plan."

His mind stopped. He couldn't understand what he meant. Uncaring for that, the Seer continued.

"I gave you an opportunity Lazarus. To claim what you seek. All you had to do was commit. That body of yours, had you fully committed instead of relying on your cloning to save you, well, you would have easily killed the Saiyan."

He didn't believe him, but before he could voice that thought. The Seer had appeared before him. A single finger on his head. Knowledge flooded in. He fell to his knees. The image before him. The moment imprinted.

He had thought he'd unlocked the true power of the Saiyan. He'd thought the whole hair color change was merely wrong. He thought the green hair was the real version. No, there was more beyond it. Hearing the Seer step back, he stood hurriedly.

"Seer! I promise, I can do it! Next time for sure?" He sighed. And when he turned, he saw derision in his eyes.

"Really now? You? A filthy coward like you?" His blood ran cold. "I stacked the deck in your favor Lazarus. I gave you the chance to sink or swim and I can't have you making another clone like that. Not with how things will work out."

More images played out. Showing the countless possibilities. And in all of them… there was no Lazarus.

"I can't have you mucking up the board Lazarus. Not now. You should have just let yourself die."

Lazarus froze. No. That ice gave way to boiling lava.

"You think you can determine my life and death!? I have many more bases! I am immortal!" The Seer scoffed.

"I've already had those bases destroyed. Why else do you think you appeared here of all places?"

Lazarus took a moment to consider those words. He looked over his base again. This was… No… it… it was his childhood base. A place he kept secret. A place nobody would ever find. His final resort. And… he was here…

"So, goodbye Lazarus. Be sure to show some spine before you die." He walked away. Leaving Lazarus to stare. Guns were raised.

Faced with death, he did only one thing.

"FUCK YOU! You think I don't know the truth Mo-" He never got to finish. Guns shot him down. Eviscerating him.

The Seer, stood.

"A good final showing. I'll be sure to keep your memory alive, Lazarus…" And so, he left. His eyes paused on a clone. The young Saiyan within. Another puzzle to be had, but for now… he had a meeting to attend to.


A dark room. A single chamber with a large table. Figures sat amongst it, a single seat left empty.

"The Doctor is dead." One of them spoke. The head of the table spoke after a moment of silence.

"It matters little, we received his data on the Saiyan, and we have the capability to continue his work."

A round of affirmations followed, but…

"We can't simply be allowing this criminal to run free after killing one of us!" A shadow spoke, Abyss. He quivered in rage, and despite his harsh words many did agree with the sentiment.

"He was the weakest of us, not even a god. His talents were the only thing of note, but he is replaceable. However… you are right Abyss. Do as you will." The head spoke.

Abyss quivered and fell to their knees. "I will bring them to justice!" and left. A moment passed. Only sure he wouldn't be back someone spoke.

"Is that wise? Abyss is barely a god, more half a one. Can he even handle her?"

The head shifted in their seat. "Yes, should he win, I believe he will ascend. Should he die, it will help us evaluate the true threat of these Saiyan, and the help they may provide."

"But, we're essentially spoon feeding her power at this rate. What if she keeps meeting whatever we throw at her."

The head didn't berate the speaking shadow. Instead, they sighed. "If they do, perhaps the situation would be far less dire."

A silence descended. Worried glances were passed around.

"The barrier? It holds?"

"For now, yes. However, we don't know for how much longer. The appearance of the Saiyan is a warning like no other. More will come, if not Saiyan's, than beings from other universes. We must prepare." The head let that settle and fill the room before facing another shadow.

"How does CHET fare?"

The figure shifted. "The loss of the elite force is a hard blow to my empire. Made worse by the ineptitude of my own child on the throne."

Sighs filled the room.

"Very Well, we need DEPP to prepare a full assault on RON, release the information on Operation Pheonix Fall."

Another figure nodded. The head turned to a figure sitting next to them. "And how does the Guild fare?"

"The failed assassination cost us the best that we had, however, it will allow us to fill their positions with loyalists. All is going accordingly."

"Good. Sect masters." The head addressed a trio. "Continue preparations as planned." They cupped their hands and bowed.

At this point another figure stood up. "And what of RON? Losing a world so soon and so many people… what of us? We've taken the most damage here."

The head considered. "The doctor's data has been forwarded to his apprentice. After all, we already know you have them in your employ. Have him simply do his work perfecting your weapon. I am certain you already have a suitable subject lined up?"

"How did you… never mind, of course you know. Very well. And of the tournament? Continue as planned or?"

"The war will officially start after the tournament. It can also act as bait, should the Saiyan manage to beat Abyss."

"You sound strangely certain that she will."

The grand emperor spoke.

The head folded his hands together and spoke carefully.

"I have a feeling, is all."

None of them questioned the head's insight. None of them felt bad for Abyss either.

"Now, onto more important things." The council still had more to iron out. However, as they chatted… The Seer at the head of the table mused.

Curiosity settling in. 'How far can she go?' He asked himself. He was curious to see. Even if it would be better for her die.



In the near future. Shortly after killing Lazarus and the destruction of the station.


"You, Rettas the Super Saiyan are charged with Piracy, murder and genocide of the highest order. What is your plea?"

Rettas blinked confused. Her eyes taking in her surroundings. She was just on the ship flying back to the Pirate Baron base set aside for them and now… she appears to be in a court room of sorts. Her ki isn't moving. She can't even sense it. The cuffs she was wearing were likely the cause.

She was wearing prisoner attire. Guards flanked her.

"Well?" She looked back up to the judge. Wiggled her toes. She really had only one thing to say.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE MY DAMN BOOTS!" She yelled as she charged forward.


End of Book 2…

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