38.12% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 69: Chapter 69: The Clouds of War

章節 69: Chapter 69: The Clouds of War

Naval Headquarters, Marineford. The center of justice on the seas is now a hub of frantic activity, as the largest naval force gathers in response to an unprecedented summons.

Warships from various branches of the Grand Line and even the New World converged on the Naval Headquarters, a testament to the gravity of the situation. Generals, radiating an aura of immense power and battle-hardened from countless skirmishes, disembarked from their vessels, their coats emblazoned with the kanji for "justice."

These generals, the elite of Naval Headquarters, assembled from all corners of the sea. Despite the reunion with colleagues they hadn't seen in ages, there was no joy on their faces—only a grim determination. The summons order had called them all back, a signal of something dire.

The summons dictated that all Naval Headquarters generals not engaged in the most critical tasks—those already in combat and unable to withdraw—must return to the headquarters immediately. This directive brought the full might of the Marine force to Marineford, creating an atmosphere of tense anticipation.

The reception guards, tasked with directing the arriving generals, could hardly contain their awe and fear as they felt the palpable menace emanating from these seasoned warriors. Naval Headquarters, typically a place of order and discipline, now thrummed with the chaotic energy of impending conflict.

"Look at those warships!" one guard exclaimed in horror as colossal vessels approached.

"Boom!" The sound reverberated as giant Vice Admirals, each tens of meters tall, stepped onto the port, their presence so imposing that some weaker guards fell to the ground in fright.

"Even the giant Vice Admirals have gathered here?" another guard muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

The unprecedented mobilization of Naval Headquarters' strength indicated the severity of the situation. The sheer number of generals assembling suggested that the usual garrison strength was insufficient to handle the crisis. The only events that typically warranted such a gathering were the World Summit or a major conflict—and this was clearly not during the World Summit.

As the generals converged, their faces set in grim determination, a single thought dominated their minds: war. The impending conflict loomed large, threatening to sweep across the seas and engulf the world in chaos. The full mobilization of Marineford signaled the start of a battle that could reshape the balance of power across the globe.

Looking at their colleagues, the generals knew that they stood on the brink of a monumental clash, one that would test their resolve and the very principles they fought to uphold.

The air was tense and charged as warships from the Grand Line and the New World converged on the heart of naval justice. High-ranking officers, marked by battle scars and clad in coats emblazoned with "Justice," disembarked with grim faces. These elite generals, the backbone of the Marine force, were responding to a summons order that called them back from across the seas.

Amid the gathered officers, Smoker, recently promoted to Rear Admiral, exhaled a puff of smoke and glanced at Hina, who wore a stern expression.

"What an exaggerated call, Hina. Even the giant Vice Admirals are here," Smoker remarked, his mood darkening as he watched the colossal figures being directed to special quarters.

Hina, lighting a cigarette, responded solemnly, "The matter involves the highest level. The little information I have is classified, but it's related to the fifth emperor on the sea. The whole sea is rioting because of him."

Smoker clenched his fists at the mention of Portgas D. Ace, and the thought of the 'Fallen Swordsman' Tashigi, who had joined the Entei Pirates, deepened his gloom. As he walked into headquarters, his expression was one of resolve.

Inside, a Commodore urged a tall figure beside him, "Admiral, everyone is waiting for you inside. We'd better hurry."

With a leisurely pace, Kizaru, the Admiral of Headquarters known for his Logia Sparkling Fruit abilities, replied, "It's so scary. A summons order was issued. Something really big must have happened."

When Kizaru finally entered the conference room, Sengoku, seated as the Fleet Admiral, greeted him with a stern voice, "Kizaru! It's too slow. Did it take you so long to come from Mariejois?"

Sengoku sat at the head, with Aokiji and Akainu occupying two of the three seats below him. The remaining seat, clearly for Kizaru, stood empty. The room was filled with Vice Admirals, including Tsuru, the Chief of Staff, and the Marine Hero, Garp.

Kizaru, after a slow stroll, took his place, causing a ripple of tension among the assembled officers. It was rare for all three Admirals to be present simultaneously, signaling the seriousness of the situation.

Sengoku addressed the room, his voice grave, "I think you all have some guesses as to why you are summoned here. The Red Hair Pirates and Kaido of the Beasts are headed to the first half of the Grand Line."

The shock among the Vice Admirals was palpable. Two of the Four Emperors moving towards the same area in the first half of the Grand Line was unprecedented. Sengoku continued, "Their target is the fifth emperor, Portgas D. Ace, and his Entei Pirates."

The revelation caused an uproar. The Entei Pirates, led by Ace, had gained notoriety, particularly after the Enies Lobby incident where Ace's power was fully displayed. His crew included formidable figures like Sand Crocodile, a former Shichibukai.

With three of the most powerful forces converging, the potential for conflict was immense. The Vice Admirals, many of whom had faced Ace's strength firsthand, knew the gravity of the situation. Ace's abilities, combined with his formidable crew, made him a force comparable to any of the Four Emperors.

Momousagi and others who had previously battled Ace bore the marks of that encounter. They knew too well the extent of his power, and the prospect of a direct confrontation was daunting.

Sengoku's voice cut through the room's tension, "We must prepare for war. All available forces are to be mobilized. The sea is on the brink of a conflict that could reshape the world. We cannot afford to falter."

As the high-ranking officers braced themselves for the impending clash, the full might of Naval Headquarters stood ready, unified against the rising tide of chaos.

But after that fateful day, Momousagi made a shocking discovery. Deep within her heart, she realized she had yielded to Portgas D. Ace. More precisely, she had surrendered to his Conqueror's Haki. Despite her sister Tsuru's attempts to cleanse her mind using her Wash-Wash Fruit ability, the influence of Ace's Haki persisted.

This was unprecedented. Others impacted by Ace's Haki, such as Tea Dolphin, Huo Shaoshan, and Flying Squirrel, didn't experience the same lingering effect. It puzzled her. During the Haki's impact, she remembered Ace uttering the words "please obey me." However, even with such words, the usual outcome of Conqueror's Haki was mere unconsciousness. But this time, the effect was far more insidious.

In moments of introspection, Momousagi found herself simulating scenarios where Ace commanded her, and disturbingly, she felt an inclination to comply, even if they were trivial commands. This was a serious problem. The terrifying realization dawned that Ace's Haki had influenced her behavior. Her pretty face filled with unease, she thought, Portgas D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki has a problem!

In a meeting room filled with tension, Kizaru spoke slowly, "It's so scary when three emperors meet. What terrible things will happen?" Despite his usual nonchalance, there was a flicker of solemnity in his eyes.

Akainu, ever the militant, huffed, "It would be best if the three of them die together, so the sea can be quieter."

Aokiji chimed in, "A war in the first half is no joke. Don't forget, the Entei Pirates are heading to the Sabaody Archipelago." His words sent a chill through the room. The Sabaody Archipelago, the gateway to the New World, was close to Naval Headquarters and under the watchful eyes of the Celestial Dragons. A battle there involving the Four Emperors would be catastrophic.

Sengoku, standing up with a stern face, stated, "If Kaido, Red Hair, and Flame Emperor start a war in the Sabaody Archipelago, we at Naval Headquarters cannot escape involvement." Even as the Marine Marshal, Sengoku knew some battles were unavoidable. Protecting the Celestial Dragons meant the Marines would have no choice but to intervene.

Issuing commands swiftly, Sengoku ordered, "Intelligence department, pay close attention to the movements of the Entei Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, and Kaido of the Beasts. Issue a summons to the Shichibukai, and tell them if they don't want to lose their titles, they must come to Mariejois. Kizaru, prepare our science unit for deployment."

This was a direct nod to the demands of the Five Elders. Facing three emperors was an immense pressure, and the Marine needed every possible advantage. The air grew even more tense as the Vice Admirals, their expressions solemn, realized the gravity of the situation.

Garp sat with his head lowered, concealing his expression. Aokiji maintained a cold demeanor, though his eyes reflected inner conflict. Akainu's eyes blazed with fierce determination, while Kizaru's typical cynicism was replaced by a deep seriousness.

"Justice will prevail!" Sengoku's voice boomed.

"Justice will prevail!" echoed the Vice Admirals in unison, their resolve hardening.

Naval Headquarters was mobilizing for war. The call for the Seven Warlords of the Sea was issued, and the second of the three great powers on the sea was preparing to confront the three emperors: Kaido of the Beasts, Red-Haired Shanks, and the fifth emperor, Flame Emperor Portgas D. Ace.

As the Entei Pirates sailed into darker waters, the sea braced for a conflict that could reshape its very core.

The Devil's Triangle

The Devil's Triangle, also known as the Dark Sea, is perpetually shrouded in dark, gloomy clouds, devoid of sunlight or clear direction. Navigating this treacherous region is challenging, even with a record pointer. Each year, hundreds of ships vanish here, as it is a crucial passage on the Grand Line.

"It's really spooky, the Devil's Triangle," Nami murmured, peering at the record pointer in her hand while gazing into the pitch-black sea where visibility was near zero.

"There are still places like this in the blue sea," Conis and Laki remarked, their curiosity piqued as they looked into the dark abyss.

Laki extended her right hand, igniting the Suzaku flames. "No, it can't be completely penetrated. It's such a magical sea area," she observed, noting how the flames barely affected the darkness.

"Even the Observation Haki, amplified by the Thunder Fruit, is somewhat hindered. Can this fog block some Devil Fruit powers?" Nami questioned, lightning flickering from her right hand as she navigated through the labyrinthine mist.

Ace smiled and said, "It is a natural wonder of the Grand Line after all."

"I heard that there are ghosts in this sea area," Robin mentioned, her lips curling into a slight smile.

"Hey?! Ghosts!" The girls shivered, their strength momentarily overshadowed by their fear of the supernatural.

"That's just a legend," Nami retorted with a nervous smile.

"Really? But I've heard that some people have actually seen ghosts here. If you encounter one, will it tear you to pieces?" Robin teased, running her right hand over her lips.

Ace chuckled, glancing at Nami, Vivi, and Kaya, who were clinging to him. Vivi and Kaya each held one of his arms, their heads resting nervously on his shoulders, while Nami hung onto his back, her face full of fear.

"Don't say such horrible things so calmly, Robin!" Nami exclaimed, clutching Ace tightly.

"Sorry, sorry," Robin laughed, though her apology was far from sincere.

"Really, how can there be such a thing as a ghost? And Nami, you're so strong yet so timid," Nojiko teased her sister.

Suddenly, an eerie laugh echoed through the gloomy sea. "Yohohoho~ Yohohoho~" Nojiko's expression turned stiff.

"Don't make such scary noises on purpose, Ace," Nami stammered.

"You're on my back, and I didn't make a sound," Ace said amusedly. "Don't you know?"

"No, it's not Ace, that, that's..." Nami's voice trailed off as she turned her head slowly.

The girls turned to see a dilapidated pirate ship emerging from the fog, accompanied by a melodious song.

"Yo ho ho ho~ Yo ho ho ho~ Send Bink's Sake to you~ Like the sea breeze, you can do whatever you want~ Ride the wind and break the waves~"

Conis' eyes widened. "Is someone singing?"

Ace's eyes flickered with recognition. It was Brook.

"On the other side of the sea!~ The sunset is also noisy~ The song of birds~ Draw a circle in the air~"

As the pirate ship approached, they saw a skeleton with an afro sitting elegantly at a tattered wooden table, sipping black tea and singing "Binks Sake."

The girls stared in disbelief. A singing skeleton?!

"Yohohoho, I'm so happy to encounter a new pirate ship," Brook laughed his signature laugh.

"Hey! Skeleton ghost!!!" Nami screamed, her body emitting lightning in fear.

"Boom!" The lightning struck Brook, who let out a bone-rattling joke. "Evil, the Devil Fruit ability really numbed me to the bone, even though I only have a handful of bones left."

"Bring him some milk," Ace said, chuckling at Brook's state. Nami's attack, though not powerful, had shattered several of Brook's bones due to the Thunder Fruit's overwhelming power.

The girls, recovering from their initial shock, realized that Brook was no ghost but likely affected by a Devil Fruit ability.

Ace poured a bottle of milk into Brook's mouth. As the milk was consumed, Brook's bones quickly mended. Ace wasn't surprised; He knew luffy could perform similar remarkable feats like Brook when fed milk.

"Ah! I'm alive! Thank you so much. I haven't had such fresh milk in a long time, yo ho ho ho," Brook exclaimed, standing up and bowing politely. His polite demeanor made Nami feel slightly embarrassed.

"That's right, about the ghost you mentioned? Where is it? I've lived here for years and never seen a ghost," Brook looked around nervously.

Suddenly, Brook realized all eyes were on him. "The skeleton ghost you're talking about couldn't be me, right?" he pointed at himself in shock. The girls' mouths twitched slightly at the sight of this happy-go-lucky skeleton. The initial gloominess was now replaced by amusement.

"My name is Brook. I'm a musician. Nice to meet you, yo ho ho ho," Brook introduced himself with a gentlemanly salute, resisting his usual habit of making flirtatious remarks to beautiful ladies. The memory of the lightning strike served as a deterrent.

"Brook? That name sounds familiar," Nami mused.

"Brook? Could it be Brook from the Rumbar Pirates?" Kaya exclaimed, her eyes widening.

"Why? How do you know about the Rumbar Pirates?" Brook asked urgently.

"My teacher, Crocus, told us, and also about Laboon," Kaya replied, causing Brook's bones to tremble.

"Laboon? Have you seen Laboon? Is he okay?" Brook's excitement made his bones shake.

"Of course, Laboon has grown as big as an island and is waiting for you at Twin Capes, Brook," Ace said, patting Brook's shoulder bone with a smile. "He tried to knock down the Red Line to get to you, but we stopped him. He's healthy and well," Kaya added with a smile.

"It's great, it's really great!" Brook said, tears streaming down his face as he remembered the little whale. His Rumbar Pirates had been wiped out in the Devil's Triangle over forty years ago, and he had been alone ever since.

"It's great that Laboon is still alive and well," Brook said, unable to stop his tears. "Thank you for telling me this news. Today is the happiest day of my life," he added, looking skyward with a tear-stained skull face.

Knowing Brook's identity, the girls felt moved rather than frightened. Laboon's waiting had not been in vain.

"I really want to see Laboon again, but I can't leave here," Brook said, looking down sadly.

"Huh? Can't leave? Why not?" The girls asked, noticing something strange about Brook's feet.

"Why don't you have a shadow?" Nami exclaimed.

"Yes, I can't appear in the sun without a shadow. My shadow was taken away by a terrible guy," Brook explained, clenching his fist bones.

"One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a shadow fruit user, 'Moonlight' Moria, right?" Ace said calmly.

"Hey? Shichibukai? There's a Shichibukai in this sea area?" Vivi asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

"Shadow Fruit, that's the Devil Fruit you mentioned, Ace," Kaya said excitedly.

At that moment, the Merry appeared in front of them. "Ghost, ghost!" Brook cried out, frightened by the ship's sudden appearance.

"This is my ship spirit, Merry," Ace introduced with a smile. "Hello, I'm Merry," the ship spirit greeted, raising her little hand cutely.

"Really, it scared me to death, even though I only have a handful of bones left, yo ho ho ho," Brook joked, relieved.

"Ace, you said that if we get the Shadow Fruit, Merry can fight with us," Kaya reminded him excitedly.

"Yes, Merry can temporarily leave the ship under my influence, but it doesn't last long. With the Shadow Fruit, Merry can use its power to become the most special Ship Spirit," Ace explained, laughing. The Shadow Fruit would allow Merry's shadow to separate from the hull, enabling her to move freely.

"Get rid of Moria and obtain the Shadow Fruit for Merry," Ace declared. The girls, full of fighting spirit, nodded in agreement. Merry, too, was excited about the prospect of fighting alongside her friends.

Ace had other plans for Moria as well. He intended to obtain the Paramecia Transparent Fruit for Tashigi, enabling her to become a Swordsman in the Shadows. This would compensate for her physical limitations and greatly increase her threat level. Additionally, he had his eyes on the Black Sword Shusui from Wanokuni, knowing Tashigi would love this famous blade. Moria's treasure trove held many valuable items, making the mission even more enticing.

Ace's eyes gleamed with a strange color as he looked at the girls. The Transparent Fruit had its own unique uses, and he couldn't wait to see its potential realized.

The Mission to Find Moria

"Ace, why do your eyes look so strange?" Kaya asked curiously. The other girls also noticed Ace's expression, feeling he was thinking about something unusual.

"Nothing," Ace replied, shaking off their concerns. "Let's go, Brook. Take us to find Moria."

Brook looked at Ace blankly. "Why? That person is very scary. He has an army of zombies under his command. I didn't even see his face and couldn't even defeat his zombies."

Despite wanting to reclaim his shadow, Brook didn't want to risk the safety of Ace and his friends, who knew Laboon.

"Moria is just a Shichibukai. Our captain is a man who can defeat even a Marine Admiral," Robin said, pursing her red lips.

"Marine Admiral?!" Brook exclaimed, covering his head in disbelief. The Marine Admirals were known as the strongest combat force under the World Government. Brook had heard of them but had never encountered anyone of that caliber.

Under Brook's guidance, the Merry headed towards Moria's location, Thriller Bark.

Moria's Realm

At Thriller Bark, Moria lounged in the shadows. His hair, resembling green onions, crowned his demonic appearance. Two horns protruded from his forehead, and cross-shaped sutures ran from his head to his neck. Dressed in a shirt with a bat-shaped collar and Gothic attire, Moria revealed his fanged grin.

"Hehehehe, they want me to evacuate?" Moria scoffed. "Just a brat who recently set sail. The idiots from the World Government want me, Moria, to evacuate? A brat Comparable with the Four Emperors? Ridiculous! Would the Four Emperors take such a brat seriously?" Moria laughed loudly, pride evident in his voice. He was the man who had challenged Kaido!

"Lord Moria!" A panicked voice called out as a woman dressed in Gothic Lolita, as delicate as a Barbie doll, floated in.

"What's the matter, Perona? Is it those Marine idiots again, trying make me avoid Portgas D. Ace?" Moria asked arrogantly. "Tell them I am the great pirate 'Moonlight' Moria. He is just a newcomer who has been out for a year. If he dares to come, I will make him a zombie. Hehehehe."

Perona, still floating, responded, "No, it's not! This time, it's Marine's summons! They are summoning all the Shichibukai to rush to Mariejois. The Four Emperors Red-Haired Shanks and Kaido are rushing to the first half of the Grand Line! Their target is the fifth emperor of the sea, Portgas D. Ace! Marine said that there was going to be a war and asked us to come to Mariejois quickly."

Perona's words froze Moria's smile. "Shanks? Kaido? Coming to the first half of the Grand Line? For that kid, Portgas D. Ace?"

Moria's horrified expression turned to cold sweat. It seemed that Portgas D. Ace, according to the World Government, was approaching the Devil's Triangle. Would he come after Moria next? Or worse, would he bring Kaido with him?

Moria's forehead was drenched in cold sweat as the reality of the situation sank in.

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