"Why do you hate me? It is not my fault that I have all of these," Xin Yi explained to him, his brows furrowed as he stared at him, hoping to make him see reason. He would never have thought he could be hated because of his skills and his family.
"I have given you the reason as to why I despise you, you are so, I do not know how to put it," Fu Ji glared at him.
He was well aware of the fact that what he was doing might put him in grave danger but he could not care less.
Xin Yi had been a thorn in his flesh and he would love to eliminate this thorn and what better way to do it now that he was drunk and vulnerable.
Xin Yi could feel the malevolence emanating from Fu Ji, despite being drunk and he stealthily took two steps backwards.
"Whatever you are planning, I suggest you stop whatever you are planning, it won't be good if you carry on with it," Xin Yi tried to warn him but Fu Ji was not willing to listen.
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