44.44% Kampf / Chapter 16: The Selection, The Training, and The Emergency Inspection

章節 16: The Selection, The Training, and The Emergency Inspection


If you are curious, that's the sound of an artillery shell flying overhead and exploding midair. 





Numerous gunshots and artilleries can be heard continuously. 



Our MC is currently firing an AVH-5 unto the skies in order to repel any incoming artillery shell. He is also continually giving out orders so that no artillery shell lands near them. 

This is so different than the manga!!! This is definitely more intense!!! In addition with the artillery barrage, an occasional Panzerfaust rocket is also fired from different angles by my fucking Imperial Guards nonetheless!

"Felix! Thou shall not remove thy focus on the skies."


"Your highness, it is improper for you to say curse words."




Both Tanya and Carl are in front of the group, while Goldy is flying overhead.

Currently, Tanya is flexing her huge mana reserves so that the artillery can have a lock on her mana signature.

Carl on the other hand is also flexing his mana reserve with a lesser intensity than Tanya's. 

"Now, now, Felix. Focus, there are still 20 hours remaining on the 36 hour artillery barrage."

"SHIT! Hey! Left wing! Increase the intensity and accuracy of your firing! The shells are being intercepted just 10 meters in front of us!"


Now, you may be wondering why Felix is in this situation. In order to answer that, we must go back to 2 months prior.


It was a sunny yet cold day in the Empire today. 

It has been 2 days since Tanya received the numerous applications from the regional armies. 

Felix is currently strolling the military building where Tanya's office is situated. 

Once he reached the hall leading to Tanya's room, he saw Visha at the door of Tanya's office. 

Visha saluted the prince.

"Your highness!"

"At ease, is Tanya inside?"


Captain Degurechaff said that no matter who it was, I need to tell them that the Captain is outside at the moment and invite them inside... I also need to knock on the door 3 times..

"No, your highness. The Captain is currently doing some tasks outside... Another officer is currently doing her task.."

"I see, then I should just return later."

As Felix turned around and started to walk towards the end of the hallway, Visha stopped him.

"Your highness! Captain Degurechaff said, through the orb, that you can just wait for her inside the room..."

"Hmm? Alright, I'll wait for her."

Visha knocked 3 times at the door, secretly, in order to indicate that someone will be entering.

Felix saw this yet he paid it no heed, thinking that it is just the manners of the kind girl.

Visha opened the door for Felix.

Once inside, Felix saw a black bald burly man sitting in Tanya's office.

I see, it is the selection process huh.

He can also see Tanya, behind a blurry wall of mana, currently looking straight at him, beside her are numerous generals of the different regional armies of the Great German Empire. One of these generals is Major General Zettour. 

They all look surprised that the prince is here entering and joining the selection process. They then looked at Tanya in order to ask her, but Tanya just told them, through her actions, to focus on the prince, so they looked back at the prince.

Felix, looked at the burly illusion man in the middle and walk toward him. 

Looking at this, Tanya was a little bit disappointed, thinking that Felix fell for the illusion. The generals are also of the same opinion, they thought that no matter how talented someone is, a proper education and experience is still much better.

As Felix was walking towards the illusion, he raised his right arm and snapped his fingers. 

The whole illusion fell, which greatly surprised those inside the room. They thought that the prince has failed and was going to call him when he suddenly dispel all illusions...

Without the blurry wall of mana, Felix can now see them clearly. He decided to tease them a bit, mainly Tanya.

"So what's the gimmick?"

Tanya was greatly frustrated. 

GIMMICK??! This fucker dared call my selection process as GIMMICK?????

Tanya closed her eyes, breathed in hard, and then opened her eyes again. 

"This is not a gimmick, your highness. This is the selection process for mages that will enter the V601."

Tanya called Felix as 'your highness' since there are numerous generals around her. If she called Felix with just his name then she might be branded as a disrespectful soldier....

Felix knew this so he just swept it aside.

"I see... the burly man surely is intimidating enough for would-be recruits... How about we add some sexy secretary by the side?"

Major General Zettour was confused about the prince's suggestion.

"Your highness, may I know the reasoning behind that suggestion?"

Felix was intending to say that only as a joke.... yet, Zettour wants a follow up.. so he yapped anything that came from his mind.

"Well.. If you really want to know... an officer who was tasked to organize a wing, a prestigious designation, having gone through numerous applications, is sitting alone in a middle of a room? He needs an assistant, a secretary, or an adjutant nearby him to make it more believable."

"We can also test the focus of our mages. If they look continuously or frequently at the direction of the secretary instead of the burly officer then.... you know what it is."

Tanya and the generals scrunched their foreheads and went into their own thinking positions.

Thinking about it.... it really is a good recommendation. In my previous world, as a salaryman, I watched numerous videos in my free time about girls with large boobs and then asking the viewer if they saw King Kong in the background..... 

"It... really is a good opinion, your highness."

"Yeah, it was a good recommendation, your highness."

"Thank you for the recommendation your highness."


"Alright, your highness, we will add a secretary by the side of the burly man."

"That's good. I can also watch the process right?"

"Yes, your highness, please seat here."

Zettour presented his seat to the prince, yet the prince just shook his head and respectfully refused the seat.

"Don't mind it Major General Zettour, I just want to stand here, you guys just sit there, alright?"

Felix then proceed to stood behind Tanya's seat. He then crossed his arms in order to indicate that he is in his 'serious mode'.

The generals then looked at each other and quickly adjusted the output of the illusion. 

After adjusting it, Felix can now see a very sexy secretary, on her hands is a clipboard clipped with numerous papers. 

Looking at the very sexy secretary, Felix thought of a thing.

Hmmm, will Tanya be this sexy when she grew older... Apparently not... I theorized that if she removed the 'curse' afflicting her body, then she can start growing like a normal woman.

It really is a plausible opinion since in the manga, Tanya herself said that her body was cursed by Being-X. Although there are also numerous scientifically reasons such as malnutrition in her early ages, the 'curse' brought by Being-X is still the a prominent reason.

Going back, the generals, Tanya, and Felix heard three knocks on the door. This indicates that someone is entering the office.

Once the door opened, 3 people entered the room. The group is composed of 2 men and a woman. 

The group then walked towards the burly man in the middle and saluted.

All of the generals, Tanya, and Felix looked at each other and reached a conclusion.

Looks like another failed group...

They can see that one man and the woman are looking at the sexy secretary beside the burly man. Their eyes are continually drifting from the burly man and the secretary's big bosoms.

On the other hand, the remaining man just looked straightly at the burly man. He looked at the secretary just once and never looked back since then.

After the burly man gave his 'orders' towards the group, the group left and went on to finish the tasks given by their 'officer'.

One of the generals were frustrated about this since the group belongs to his regional army, the Eastern Regional Army.

"How come all my mages cannot see through the illusion! Are they so incompetent that they had already forgotten their lessons?"

Zettour was also worried about the state of the army.

"The mages belonging to the Southern Regional Army also failed. This makes me worry about them."

He then pointed at the two generals who leads the Eastern and Southern army.

"You, and you, both of you must retrain your armies as soon as possible. If an attack happened at these sides, the Empire will be doomed due to your mages' incompetence."

Zettour then looked at Tanya and called her attention.

"Captain Degurechaff, if we continue this, we fear that almost all of the mages will not reach your standards. How about lessening it to some extent?"

Tanya knew that her standards are a bit high, but if they really want to create a wing that is so powerful that no army can dare to shoot it down, then they must know that compromises are not an option.

"It cannot be Major General Zettour, the test is just a simple optical illusion that is constantly used in the frontlines as decoys, surely you must know why I don't even bother wanting them."

"That's true... but in this case, the remaining mages will only just make up a battalion..."

"Major General, if we can retrain them to a combat worthy unit then we must set up a standard."

Zettour thought about it and considered that the mages will really need to be retrained.

"Alright, I approve of their retraining, how long will it take."

Tanya thought hard about it. She wanted to remain in the rear for as long as possible, but she also knew that by the time they were called to join the war, they must be combat worthy.

"A month will do."


The generals were greatly surprised. Training a mage to be combat worthy would take at least 2 years, yet Tanya here is suggesting a month of training is sufficient...

Felix looked at the disbelieving faces of the generals. Of course he knew the outcome of the retraining, so he believed in Tanya more than anyone else in the room.

Felix could've change history here but Felix knew that this Alps training of the mages will greatly increase their effectiveness and at the same time, they will look at Tanya as a goddess who brought them back from death herself (even though she was the one who put them into that same hell).

Zettour thought about it, at first, he didn't believe in Tanya. Who in their right minds would conclude that a wing will be ready in just a month? But Zettour also thought about the miracles of the Argent. He then also looked at the prince's face and saw that it was full of confidence towards Tanya, so he made his decision.

"Alright. A month. After a month, we will need a demonstration."

"Will do. Major General."

The generals then stood up and went outside of the room, leaving Tanya and Felix inside. 

"What do you plan for the mages training?"

Tanya thought hard about it and thought about the harsh training they had during their Alps 'vacation' during her War College days..."

Tanya sinisterly smiled towards Felix and told him.



"Aight, keep it to yourself."

Felix then attempted to leave the room but his wrist was suddenly grabbed by Tanya.

Looking back at her, Tanya is now tilting her head in a 45-degree angle towards the right. 

"Where are you going?"

"What do you mean 'where are you going?', I will go to my factory now."

"No, no, no, that can't be."

"And why is that?"

"You're coming with me."

"You're joking right?"

Tanya just smiled towards Felix, which greatly unnerved Felix.

"You. Are. Joking. Right?"


And that's how Felix found himself in this situation.

It has already been 36 hours since the bombings started. They haven't had a single wink of a sleep yet...




Another member of the group, a fair-skinned male, asked Tanya if the task is already finished.

"Captain, are we done?"

Tanya scanned the group, and noticed that they still haven't been roughed enough. Apparently, the best training as of the moment is to simulate war as much as possible, so she said the following words with a cute smile that was different from the message she was saying.

"Well ladies and gents, the artillery brigade said that they still have ammunitions left."

Tanya then knocked her head with his knuckles and winked for a bit.

"Te he.."

""Ha ha ha ha...""

The group just laughed....



After a month of training... 

It is now in the last days of August and currently, Felix and Tanya is having a conversation within Felix's Factory.

They are currently testing out guns that will suit the wing the most. 

Felix is garbed in his simple cream colored shirt, while Tanya is currently wearing her typical officer's uniform.

In Tanya's hands is the Hohenzollern-Scharfschützengewehr (Hohenzollern Sniper Rifle, HSG), a gun that was based on the modern world's Dragunov. 

The gun was a bit larger in Tanya's hands and if you looked closely, the gun is almost of the same height as her. Actually, Tanya was very conscious about her height. Felix mentioned this to her and.... an ice age broke loose.

Tanya didn't talked to Felix for 3 days straight. If ever she has to talk to Felix, she will address him with formally such as 'your highness' or 'Prince Felix'. 

In order to save himself from the chilled atmosphere between the two, Felix brought Tanya out for dinner. 

Tanya was happy about this and ate a lot. She ate lots of foods that was inconsistent to her small stature. For dessert, Tanya was very happy to eat a bitter chocolate mousse that the Prince himself personally whipped.

Going back to our current situation, the two are currently at the shooting range near the factory. Behind them is their trusted escorts, Visha for Tanya, and Carl for Felix.


The target 200m far was hit straight at the middle of the head. Tanya was elated seeing that her shot was greatly accurate so she put down the HSG and walked towards Felix who was whistling because the shot was good.

"Hmmm Felix, when can I have these guns?"

"I already have the guns produced, it was easy to create it since it was loosely based on our first gun, the AVH (AK in the modern world)."

"That's great! Though... can you design a gun for me. It is a bit too large for me right now..."

"Only if you say please."

"Fuck you."

The two then looked at each other and laughed.

These banters like this is a normality between the two nowadays. They don't shy away from each other and they are not afraid to curse on each other. Though curses like these are being a normality between the two, they still have utmost respect for each other. 

The two then walked towards a nearby table and sofa to chill for a bit. They sat down on the sofa and Visha handed a black coffee for Tanya while Felix received an apple tea.

The two then succumb themselves into the serene silence permeating in the air, until Felix broke the silence.

"Tanya, do you remember, during the training, we were spending almost all of our time suspended high in the air, at maximum altitude, until our mana runs out."

Tanya was happy yet sad since she does not remember most of the training that had happened...

I don't remember it... I only remembered snips of it... Hell, I don't even remember the last half of our training.... But Felix and my men cannot know that I am a little bit amnesiac or else I might be demoted.

"Yeah, I remember.. What do you think of it?"

Of course, Felix knew about Tanya's curse. When Tanya uses her four-cored orb, she will be corrupted bit by bit to the point that she will forget the things that happened in the past. 

Being-X's corruption is then accumulated in the rosary that Tanya is currently wearing underneath her military uniform. This rosary is ironically helping Tanya counter the said corruption.

Felix knew about Tanya's curse so he is helping her remember what happened during the training, so she may recall it or even visualize it so when brought up, she may remember the things that happened.

"Yeah, the views in the sky is sublime. You see both the beauty of the ragged terrains of the Empire and the ugliness that humans brought to these lands."

"It really was a sublime view.."

"I can't even bother to think how you coerced my security detail to bringing me to that land, but it really was a fruitful experience."

Felix then went on to tell Tanya the different events that happened during the training.

"Do you remember the time when you and my Imperial Guards fired on us while we are crawling below a bed of barbed wires?"

"Yeah, that was fun. Looking at you guys crawling rapidly, scared, was so much fun."

"It was hella scary you know? We were lost out of our wits, and there we go, 500 meters of crawling, back and forth, while carrying our full gear and guns."

"Hahahaha, I remember that, that was so fun. I remember you were at the front barking orders that even others from the group can't hear."

The two then conversed back and forth, with Felix reminding Tanya about the things she had forgotten (he didn't pointed it out, but just yapped). Tanya on the other hand was just laughing, drinking coffee, said random replies, and if she remembered the event, then she will give an appropriate response.

An hour has passed until they both stopped when Lieutenant Colonel Reuger entered the gun range, where Tanya and Felix is situated at. 

Reuger then saluted towards the prince.

"Your highness! I am Lieutenant Colonel Reuger! I am here to present a letter towards Captain Degurechaff for her apparent promotion to Major."

Felix was surprised yet he expected this.

So it's the time huh... Looks like Tanya will have to ready her wing...

Tanya on the other hand has her face a little bit scrunched up. She knew that she was being promoted to Major because she will be sent to the frontlines at the soonest time possible.

"Captain, no... Major, this is your letter of promotion."

Reuger handed a letter to Tanya which contains her promotion notice. Tanya quickly read it and looked straight at Reuger.

"So... Lieutenant Colonel, what's the deal about this? Why am I being promoted rapidly?"

"The higher ups of the military concluded that the wing is already complete."

"But... they still have a lot of things to do! We haven't even gone through Cooperation Training, Applied Technical Course, nor forming an agreement with a Commander!"

"Don't worry Major Degurechaff, after reading your training reports, the higher ups of the military were chilled to the bone. No matter how many wings the Empire have, they can't complete such heavy, rigorous training."


"But, Lieutenant Colonel!-"

"Major, the higher ups are adamant about this. You and your wing will undergo an emergency inspection after a week. You will head over to Turao County, Ransylvania for your emergency inspection."

To the South? Why do we need to be deployed to the south? Dacia? No, they are so weak to even dare attack the Empire. The Hellenic Republic, well they are at war with the Ottoman Sultanate... The Ottomans would not dare attack us since they do not have an active front between us.

"I will deliver your warnings towards the HQ, but consider the decision final. Another thing...."

Reuger then looked at Felix, who just shrugged because he knew what Reuger was talking about. Tanya saw this and was greatly curious on what nation was willing to attack

"As your senior, I suggest to study a bit more Dacian."

I am hinting a war at her... If she smiles at this... then.... 

Tanya smiled greatly at Reuger and told him her thanks.

"Thank you! Lieutenant Colonel!"


What a good senior I have, giving me a heads up on what to expect in the military.

Felix just smiled at this. He knew the misunderstanding between the two... Mainly throughout the story, Tanya was being misunderstood by the top brass of the military, this is because of Being-X's influence upon them.

In this case, Reuger is the one who was correct about the true nature of Tanya. Tanya on the other hand was the one who is misunderstanding the situation.

However, Reuger didn't know that the current Tanya is a little bit chill because of Felix....

Reuger then saluted towards Felix and left the room.

Tanya then looked towards Felix who was looking at the ceiling, wondering about how beautiful the open ceiling looks like. 

Tanya approached Felix and asked.

"So, what was that about?"

Felix closed his eyes and massaged his forehead. He opened it again and looked towards the eyes of Tanya seriously. 

"It is a secret operation."

Tanya then went on to do her signature cute pose. With her hands clasped together, a little bit of a pout, and her purplish blue eyes glistening with puppy tears. 

"You really can't tell me?"

Resist it Felix! Resist it!


GODDESS DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Felix told Tanya a little bit of his plan. Felix withheld the most important details of the operation and he only told Tanya that there was an operation within Dacia and now Dacia is attempting to attack the Empire.

"I see.... then I need to ready my wing... Will you be there at the inspection?"

"Nah, I can't even leave the capital..."

"I see. Then get ready for our return. Whip up some dark chocolate mousse for me again, will you?"

"Aight. Goodluck."

Tanya then smiled and turned around to leave. In tow with her is Visha who follows Tanya religiously.

While walking, Tanya reminded Felix about the guns that they will use. 

"Felix, don't forget about our guns!"

"Yeah yeah."

As Tanya was heading outside, Felix went back to testing his guns. 

Someday Tanya, I will join you in the battlefield. Someday, I will support you not only in the rear, but also in the front. Wait for me.


1 week later, September 7, 1924, in the urban city of Turao County, Ransylvania. 

In the manga, this event happened 2 weeks after, September 24, 1924, but it happened a bit premature in this world.

With an audience full of military inspectors. 

Tanya is giving her speech towards her men. 





As the national anthem plays in the background, all of the military men saluted towards the flag flying high above the sky.

Heil dir im Siegerkranz, 

Herrscher des Vaterlands!

Heil, Kaiser, dir!

Fühl in des Thrones Glanz

Die hohe Wonne ganz,

Liebling des Volks zu sein!

Heil Kaiser, dir!~

(Hail to thee in the victor's wreath,

Ruler of the Fatherland!

Hail to thee, emperor!

Feel in the throne's splendor

The high majesty in full

To be the people's beloved!

Hail to thee, emperor!)

Once the national anthem finished playing, Tanya faced her men again. 

"Listen up! This is our opportunity to shine! We need to show these people what our wing is truly made up of!! So go FLY! FLY! AND FLY HIGHER! FLY FASTER! AND FLY ORGANIZED!"


The wing then flew higher, higher, and higher until they reached the highest possible altitude that they can. They are also doing numerous tricks and practiced maneuvers to impress the others.

Equipped with the advanced Elenium Type-97 "Mobile Assault" operation orb, they quickly flew to an altitude that normal mages can't achieve.

"4,000 feet? 6,000? No, they are still climbing higher!"

Tanya, unimpressed with their current altitude and routine forced them to fly even higher.


"8,000?! That's insane! Normal mages has a maximum effective altitude of 6,000! How can they even go higher?!"

"That is the normal for my wing. My wing boasts a maximum altitude of 10,000 feet. Francois mages can push their limits towards 8,000 feet so we need to fly even more higher than them."

"But... How is that possible? Normally, current orbs cannot handle those altitudes! Have you even thought about singing while blowing your nose? It is near to damn impossible!!"

"Well, that's just the minimum standard of my wing. If they want to keep up with me, then my wing should just do the minimum imposed on them."

Tanya then berated her wing for having a monotonous movements.

"Looks like I need to push them more."

Tanya then casted multiple explosive formula spells with just her finger tips. A circle full of 40+ explosive balls appeared around the hand of Tanya. She then pushed her hands forwards which flew each and every single one of the explosive balls towards her 'comrades'.

Tanya can hear the frantic shouts of her wing, but she paid it no heed.


The wing flew randomly for 5 minutes until a messenger came towards the inspectors bearing news.

"A telegram came from the front! The Dacian Grand Army has already invaded our border!"

One of the head inspectors, announced the end of the inspection and concluded them as battle ready.


Tanya, who was just wishing for a peaceful life, was suddenly thrown into the heat of the battles. She had a stern expression on her face, which to others, looks like a goddess ready to defend her home country.

"I have enough of this! Why does the other nations see the Great German Empire as easy pickings?! Even small nations such as Dacia wanted to have a piece of the Empire! The other nations wanted to see the Empire be burned to the ground, but no more! No more must we tolerate their underestimation! No more must we tolerate this injustice! Now, let them come if they do fucking dare!"

Tanya anticipated this war. She anticipated the looming Great War that is currently peaking at the horizon. She also knew that the invaders were being coerced by someone to attack the Empire. Though they used different Casus Beli (justification of war) in order to wage war against the Empire, Tanya knew that someone must be directing it from behind.

Let them come! Let them come and I will let them taste the rust coming from my bullets! Who ever it was, no matter who they are, I will definitely shoot them straight in the head for ruining my would be peaceful life!



So yeah, sorry for being late, I was busy at work...... Sorry if the dialogues and the general flow of story is the same as the manga, but fret not, it will start to change bit-by-bit during the great war.... But yeah, The great war is coming.

Next chapter will be my version of the Dacian War, and the stuff that happened in the background this past few months.

I might be a bit late since I am a bit busy but.... I am targeting for the chapter to be at least 5k words.... please wait for it and I hope you will enjoy it!

Peace out!

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