14.43% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 23: Chapter 22: Shisui

章節 23: Chapter 22: Shisui

Chapter 22: Shisui

Malik was about to make his rounds to all the girls and friends, he made a large batch of super snakes and was planning on handing them out this morning. Trying not to think about unhappy thoughts he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Turning he saw Shisui.

"You about to head out," she said it not being a question, "Yeah," he still answered. "I'll come with you," she said. "As in following me like a ninja or . . .," he asks, "Let's walk together, I have a plan for today for us," Shisui says with a knowing nod. Smiling she slides the food boxes into his robs, she walks behind him putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him out the door, before however, Malik makes sure to grab a pair of gloves..

"You look nice," he tells her. "Thanks," she says. "Did I buy you that outfit?" Malik asks her. "Yes and no, you leave a lot of money lying around, not in public rooms but it's easy to get a hold of, sorry for taking it, stealing isn't normally my thing but . . .," he looks at her a smile growing, "Don't call it stealing what mine is yours, I should have told you that before, take as much as you want, need, doesn't matter." She returned his look, "Good because I've been using a lot of it, I also used it for our date today," Shisui said while navigating the streets.

His smile growing he asks her, "What are we doing my Queen."

"I want to see a Movie," she tells him. "There a new Yukie Fujikaze movie coming out and all I had to do to see it early was to buy the Theatre, with your money of course."

"Oh, is that all . . .Yukie . . .Fujikaze . . .," he said thoughtfully, trying to think why that name was important.

They delivered the food, and talking the whole way through, she noticed that Malik tried to touch the girls as little as possible, which they found confusing yet they still expected his excuses, "I'm not feeling too well," or "Don't let me keep you from your training," were among the most popular.

"Why are you acting like that," she asked him.

It took a few while before he could answer, "I've been having nightmares, and sometimes I hear voices, the voices sometimes sound like me, putting emotions I shouldn't be feeling in my head," he tells her. Shisui looks at Malik with concern, her hand resting on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Malik. That sounds really difficult. Have you talked to anyone about this?" she asks gently.

Malik shakes his head, feeling a mix of embarrassment and fear. "No, I haven't told anyone. I don't want them to think I'm crazy," he admits. Shisui gives him a reassuring smile. "You're not crazy, Malik. It's important to talk about these things. Maybe I can help you find someone to talk to, or we can figure it out together," she offers. Malik feels a wave of gratitude towards Shisui, grateful for her support and understanding. "Thank you, Shisui. That means a lot to me," he says, his voice filled with emotion. Shisui squeezes his shoulder gently. "Of course, Malik." "We don't need to go on a date today," she starts. "No!" I would love a wholesome date to the movies Malik tells her. "Don't try to touch me as little as possible the voices get louder when I'm with . . . people." "Also I've never seen a Yukie Fujikaze movie maybe we could see a few to catch me up," he says looking at her with a real smile but tired eyes. Shisui smiles at Malik's enthusiasm, her heart warmed by his excitement. "Of course, we can watch as many Yukie Fujikaze movies as you want," she reassures him, gently squeezing his hand. As they continue walking, they come across a street vendor selling fresh flowers. Shisui stops and purchases a bright red rose, handing it to Malik. "For you," she says, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

Malik takes the rose, bringing it to his nose and inhaling deeply. "Thank you, Shisui. It's beautiful," he says, his voice filled with gratitude. They continue on their way, the flower adding a touch of romance to their already special day.

As they reach the movie theater, Shisui pulls out two tickets from her purse. "I got us VIP seats, front row," she says with a wink. As he enters the theater, the dimly lit room welcomes him with a comforting warmth. The smell of fresh popcorn fills the air, mingling with the faint scent of Shisui's perfume. She takes his gloved hand, leading him to the front row, where two plush seats await them. The previews are starting, but Shisui leans in close, whispering into his ear, "I'm glad we're doing this, it feels right."

He squeezes her hand, smiling at her words. The anticipation builds as they wait for the feature presentation. The screen flickers to life, revealing the opening scene of the Yukie Fujikaze movie. He feels himself getting lost in the story, his hand still entwined with Shisui's. During one particularly intense scene, he glances over at Shisui. Her eyes are glued to the screen, but he can see the emotion playing out on her face. He squeezes her hand gently, feeling a deep connection with her in this moment. She turns to look at him, smiling softly before returning her gaze to the movie. The story unfolds, taking them both on an emotional journey that leaves them both speechless as the credits begin to roll.

As the lights come back on, they both sit in silence for a moment, soaking in the experience. Shisui turns to him, her eyes shining with emotion. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Malik," she says softly. "It was amazing." "Everybody needs a relaxing period," he says to her letting go of her hand. "I sometimes have nightmares too," she says looking at the now black screen. "I have fears about losing my eyes, I haven't even used my Sharingan since you . . . woke me up," she said picking up her legs and laying up on the seats like a couch. You look at Shisui with concern, seeing the emotions on her face. "That must be hard for you, not being able to use your Sharingan," you say softly. She nods, looking thoughtful. "It is, but I'm learning to cope with it. I've been practicing other techniques and focusing on my other strengths," she explains.

You admire her resilience, knowing how difficult it can be to deal with fears and insecurities. "I'm glad you're finding ways to overcome it. You're an incredibly strong woman, Shisui," you tell her, meaning every word. She smiles at you, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Malik. That means a lot coming from you," she says.

As you both exit the movie theater, the cool air outside feels refreshing after the warmth of the theater. He admires her resilience, knowing how difficult it can be to deal with fears and insecurities. "I'm glad you're finding ways to overcome it. You're an incredibly strong woman, Shisui," he tells her, meaning every word. She smiles at him, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Malik. That means a lot coming from you," she says.

As they both exit the movie theater, the cool air outside feels refreshing after the warmth of the theater. Shisui takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as she savors the fresh air. "I saw you go to the hot springs a while back and that sounds like a good time." She turns to him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, do you want to race to the hot springs? Loser buys dinner," she challenges, a playful smile on her lips.

"Everything you just said is insane," he raises an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across his face. "You're on, but I warn you, I'm pretty fast," he says, a twinkle in his eyes. Shisui laughs, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'll keep that in mind," she says, her tone filled with mock seriousness. With that, she takes off running, her long legs carrying her swiftly down the street. Her figure then flickers away cutting off some of her laughter.

"There is no way I'm racing a ninja," he said walking alone, enjoying the wind, "Even if I did somehow win, she would pay with my money . . .."

GrubGrub pops out of his chest in their pink ball form, Vibrating at Malik. "Grubgrub, I don't run, not when I can help it. As you walk down the street, GrubGrub vibrates with excitement, trying to motivate you to join the race. You can feel the little creature's energy pulsating through your body, and you can't help but smile at its enthusiasm. You consider the challenge Shisui has presented, and although you know you might not win, you decide to give it a try.

With newfound determination, you sprint after Shisui, your footsteps echoing through the empty streets. The wind rushes past your face as you gain speed, and you start to feel a sense of exhilaration. You see Shisui's figure in the distance, and you push yourself harder, your legs moving faster than you ever thought they could.

As you approach the hot springs, you see Shisui waiting for you, a playful smile on her face. "Looks like I won," she says, teasing you gently. You catch your breath, a grin spreading across your face. "I may not have won, but I gave it my best shot," you say proudly. Shisui nods, her eyes shining with admiration. "You definitely did," she says. "Now, let's enjoy the hot springs and forget about the race."

As you enter the hot springs, the warm water envelops your body, soothing your muscles and washing away the tension from the day. You feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you as you relax in the water. Shisui joins you, her eyes sparkling with joy. "This is nice, isn't it?" she says, looking around at the serene surroundings. You nod, a content smile on your lips. "It is," you agree, feeling grateful for this moment of respite. "I should tell you . . .," Malik starts to say. The room was bright, the source of light being the lamp flames. But as Malik started to speak the shadows danced on the walls, creating an atmosphere of mystery and anticipation. Malik and Shisui were seated across from each other, the silence between them heavy with unspoken words. Malik cleared his throat, breaking the silence. His eyes, usually so full of confidence, were clouded with uncertainty. "Shisui," he began, his voice unsure. "There's something I need to tell you." Shisui looked at him, her eyes reflecting the dancing lights and shadows. She nodded, encouraging him again to continue. "I... I haven't been entirely honest with you," Malik confessed, his gaze dropping to his hands. "About my abilities, I mean." Shisui's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she remained silent, waiting for him to continue. "You see," Malik continued, "my powers... they're not entirely my own. They were given to me." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "By a goddess of love." Shisui's eyes widened slightly, but she didn't interrupt. She simply watched him, her expression unreadable. "She bestowed upon me certain abilities," Malik explained, his voice steady despite the gravity of his confession. "Abilities that I've used to please her, to keep her happy but I sometimes feel dirty, none of them too crazy, for the most part." "But that's not all," Malik added, his voice barely a whisper now. "There's another power, one that I've kept hidden. A power given to me by a god." He looked up, meeting Shisui's gaze. "The power to bring the dead back to life." The room fell silent, the only sound being the soft crackling of the candle. Shisui stared at Malik, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. But beneath that, there was something else. Something that looked a lot like hope. And so, in the hot room, Malik revealed his deepest secret. A secret that could change everything. A secret that, despite the risks, he chose to share. Because in the end, honesty was the greatest gift he could give. And perhaps, in its own way, the most powerful magic of all.

Shisui sat in stunned silence for a moment, her mind racing to process the enormity of Malik's revelation. The flickering lights cast a soft glow on her face, illuminating her wide eyes and the slight parting of her lips as she took in his words.

Slowly, she reached across the table, her hand trembling slightly as she placed it over Malik's. Her touch was light, almost hesitant, but it was enough. It was an unspoken acceptance, a silent thank you.

"Malik," she finally spoke, her voice soft yet steady. "Your honesty... it means more to me . . . goddess of love . . .you think the minds of the women you love are . . .alterd"

She squeezed his hand gently, a small smile playing on her lips. "I don't know what the future holds for us, but I'm glad you chose to share this with me. It's... it's a lot to take in, but I'm not afraid. Not when I'm with you. If they are spellbound, and if it is true then it's up to you to make that love real, it's your duty to bring them happiness, give them everything you have, and more,"

Her words hung in the air, a testament to their bond. A bond that was now stronger than ever, fortified by honesty and trust. And in that moment, they both knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

"What about you?" Malik asks her. Shisui looks at Malik, her eyes meeting his with a steady gaze. She takes a deep breath before speaking, "There's something I need to tell you too." She hesitates for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "I've been struggling with my own fears, my own insecurities. I've been afraid to use my Sharingan, afraid of what might happen if I lose it. But I'm learning to cope, to focus on my other strengths."

Malik listens attentively, his expression full of concern and understanding. He reaches out, taking her hand in his. "I admire your resilience, Shisui. You're an incredibly strong woman, and I'm grateful to be by your side."

Shisui smiles, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Malik. But I know, no spell made me fall in love with you." "Thanks . . . wait what do you mean?" Malik says, looking at her. Shisui looks at Malik, her gaze unwavering. "I mean that my love for you is genuine, not influenced by any external force or spell. I fell in love with you because of who you are, not because of any abilities you possess."

Malik looks back at Shisui, a mixture of relief and gratitude on his face. "Thank you for telling me that, Shisui. It means a lot to me."

Shisui squeezes his hand gently, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm glad. And I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. We can face any challenges together."

Malik returns the smile, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over him. "I appreciate that, Shisui. I really do."

The two of them sit in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company.

Love Life: Get 10 people you fall in love with you (10/10) 

Reward: Skill – Cult of Aphrodite 

In the ethereal realm of the goddess, Malik stood before the radiant figure. Her beauty was beyond mortal comprehension, her presence filled with an overwhelming sense of love and warmth. 

"Malik," her voice echoed, soft yet commanding. "You have proven yourself worthy. Your actions have resonated with the essence of love and compassion that I embody."

"Are you sure about that," he asks her, unamused

As she spoke, she extended her hand, a soft light emanating from her palm. "As a reward for your honesty and bravery, I bestow upon you a gift. A skill that is a testament to your character and the path you've chosen."

"Are you the same person?" Malik asks confused.

She shrugs, The light from her hand extended towards Malik, enveloping him in a warm glow. He could feel a surge of power coursing through him, a power unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"You now possess the 'Cult of Aphrodite' skill," She announced, her voice echoing in the divine space. "Use it wisely, Malik. Let it guide you in your journey."

As the light receded, Malik could feel the new skill settling within him. It was a part of him now, a symbol of his connection to the goddess of love. He knew then that his life was about to change, that he was stepping into a new chapter of his journey, and it wasn't a bad feeling but it wasn't a good one either.

And so, Malik was rewarded with the 'Cult of Aphrodite' skill, a divine gift from the goddess of love herself. A skill that would shape his destiny and guide him in his quest.

Charm & Persuasion: As Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty, Malik could have the ability to charm and persuade others, influencing their emotions and decisions.

-Charm and Persuasion skills upgraded.

Healing: Aphrodite's association with love and procreation could translate into healing abilities, particularly those related to emotional and psychological wounds.

-Healing skills upgraded

Love Empowerment: Malik could gain strength or other benefits when he is in the presence of genuine love or during acts of love and kindness.

Beauty Manipulation: Malik could have the ability to manipulate beauty, either enhancing his own or altering the perceived beauty of others or his surroundings.

Emotion Manipulation: Given Aphrodite's domain over love, Malik could potentially influence and manipulate emotions, particularly those related to love and desire.

"I promise to be Good Uncle Ben, I promise, for you, me, and the people I love, also lets me spend some of my points. Malik said to no one.



Harry Houdini Lv.5

Escape Artistry: The ability to escape from any confinement or trap, no matter how complex or secure. This could extend to escaping from metaphysical traps like time loops or mind control.

Illusion Manipulation: The power to create and manipulate illusions, deceiving the senses or minds of others to make them perceive things differently from what they truly are. Illusions are based on your Level.

Enhanced Durability: The ability to withstand physical harm, similar to Houdini's reputed ability to take hard punches to his abdomen.

Pain Suppression: The power to neutralize one's sensitivity to physical pain, much like Houdini who performed even with a fractured ankle.

Death Defiance: The ability to cheat death repeatedly, mirroring Houdini's numerous death-defying acts.

Lock Manipulation: The power to manipulate locks, allowing the user to unlock and lock anything without the need for a key.


Offspring of Cupid and Medusa Lv 5:

Love Inducement: As the child of Cupid, they could have the power to induce love and desire in others. This could be used to create harmony, mend relationships, or even cause distractions when needed.

Petrifying Gaze: Inherited from Medusa, they could have the ability to turn people into stone with their gaze. This could be a powerful defensive mechanism, immobilizing enemies or creating barriers.

Flight: Cupid is often depicted with wings, so their child might have the ability to fly. This would provide great mobility and the ability to escape or navigate through difficult terrains. (You can also give Cupid wings to others) Will last 1 hour X Level

Snake Manipulation: Given that Medusa is depicted with snakes for hair, their child could have the power to control and communicate with snakes. This could be used for gathering information, creating diversions, or even direct attacks.

Emotion Sensing: As an extension of their love-inducing abilities, they might be able to sense and understand the emotions of others, providing them with great empathy and insight into others' feelings and motivations.

Charm Speak: They could have the power to influence others with their voice, persuading them to do as they wish or see things from their perspective.


Waking back up, Malik without looking into the water or a mirror knew that his eyes were permanently pink now.

"Shisui . . .do me a favor," he said as she turned around all ready out of the water drying her hair, her large breasts wobbling.

"When you get back to the house, tell Mit . . .suki . . .Mitsuk . . .ihime . . .Mitsukihime, to start preparing for a trip overseas to the Land of Snow, I just remembered who Yukie Fujikaze is, I'll be too busy saying goodbye to the others, I'm leaving after that." He told her.

"Ok, but where are you going?" Shisui asks him.

"The Village Hidden in the Grass . . .to find Orochimaru."

BlackPolar BlackPolar

Step into the Grand Tour (GRAND TOUR, GRAND TOUR,DRAGONBALL GT!!!)

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