11.85% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Rock Lee 

章節 18: Chapter 18: Rock Lee 

Chapter 18: Rock Lee 

"WHERE THE HELL IS ROCK LEE," Malik said while talking all over town, "How many God damn training Feilds does this Village have, I know there are a lot of "Shinobi" or whatever but," . . . a terrifying thought crossed Maliks mind, "What if she isn't in the Village!" "I need a map, with locations and marks on it, so I can find people and places easier," he said to know one. 

[Flash Quest Visit 10 Important Places in The Hidden Leaf Village] 

[Reward]: Super Map: 

Cartographic Construction: The ability to create accurate maps of any location, even if they've never been there. This could include past or future versions of a location at Higher levels. 

Place Markers: Set markers on a map, this could be on people, locations, or things. All buildings you own will have a marker on them. You can only find people with 100 or more total affection (Love + Lust), or if you have placed a (marking type skill) on them 

Pathfinding: An enhanced sense of direction and the ability to find the fastest, safest, or most efficient route to a location. 

Terrain Summon Adaptation: Summon a mount that can adapt to any terrain type, allowing them to traverse mountains, deserts, oceans, and forests with ease. If the creature is hurt, sick, or killed, you will be too. 

Historical Viewing: The ability to view a location's history by touching a map of it, and seeing past events that have occurred there, is very limited at lower levels. 

Map-Based Clairvoyance: The power to gain information about a location and its current events or people simply by looking at a map of it. 

You will also gain 10 (Sin). 

"That map skill sounds a little op but whatever, the thing I want to know about is Sin," he asked. Typing a text to the Goddess asking what the Sin was. 

She didn't respond but a notification did pop up. 

[When you gain Sin {error}. As you gain Sin you will {error}, once you have 100 Sin you will gain {error}. 

"I have so many questions," Malik said while thinking about 10 locations he could visit. 

3 hours Later 

[Super Map Skill gained] 

Pulling out his phone, with his sweaty hand, he took a look at the new Map function on it. "I'm so tired of all this damn walking, let's see what this mount can do," he said pushing a ride button on his phone. 

Popping out of his chest a Pink glowing ball floated, and without eyes or a face it seemed like it was looking around. 

"That's cute, I'll name you Grubgrub, a loyal, intelligent, good-looking, compassionate companion like you needs a name like Grubgrub," Malik said, patting it on its head. Or it's top half if it doesn't have a head. 

When Grubgrub was done looking around, it made a zipping sound and with a pop turned into a Kirin or Qilin, a creature from East Asian mythology. The Kirin is often depicted with the body of a deer, the tail of an ox, the hooves of a horse, and a body covered in scales, but it was a multitude of shades of pinks. 

"That's a little much, I can't avoid people knowing who I am, but I don't need people following me because I'm on a Mythical creature. If possible, please turn it into something else." 

Grubgrub snorted and turned invisible. 

"That's fair," he said, seeing Grubgrub come back into sight, bowing so he could get on. Both using the Invisibility skill, Grubgrub propelling themselves using a combination of galloping movements and snake-like slithering took off in the air. 

"Oh shit you can fly, . . .now I can look at all the poor people from above like God intended." he said, pulling out his phone to start giving directions to Grubgrub, but it flicked its head, "Oh, so you don't need my help huh, well alright take me to Rock Lee then," he said to Grubgrub as they flew away. 

The sun was going to start beginning to set soon as Malik made his way towards the training grounds. He knew that if there was one place he could find Rock Lee, it would be there. True to his expectations, he found Lee in the midst of an intense training session, her movements a blur of speed and precision. 

"Lee!" Malik called out, causing the other boy to pause and turn around. Sweat was dripping down her face, but her eyes were bright with determination and the fiery spirit of youth. 

"Malik?!" she said looking around but not seeing him. "Up here," she heard, looking up she saw Malik sitting on air. 

"Malik," Lee greeted, a wide grin spreading across her face. "What brings you here? Also, I didn't know you could fly?" 

"I was hoping to talk to you about something," Malik said, scratching the back of his head nervously. He had never asked anyone out like Lee on a date before, and he wasn't quite sure how to go about it. 

"Oh?" Lee's interest was piqued. "What is it?" 

Taking a deep breath, Malik decided to just go for it. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me. I've planned three dates, one for each morning for the next three days. The first one is a training date, the second one is a nature hike, and the third one is a motivational seminar. What do you think?" 

For a moment, Lee just stared at him, surprise evident in her eyes. Then, her surprise morphed into delight, and she pumped her fist into the air. "That sounds like a fantastic idea, Malik! I accept your challenge! Plus, I already agreed to go out with you if you finished running with us!" "Malik, your request burns with the fiery passion of youth! I am honored and excited to spend time with a fellow person who shares the same dedication to training and self-improvement. Let's make these days memorable!" 

Relief washed over Malik, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow morning then." He wanted to tell her it wasn't a challenge but figured it was a love language for Lee, he also never trained a day in his life but kept that to himself. 

With a final wave, Malik turned invisible, a spring in his step. He couldn't wait for their first date. 

He couldn't wait for their first date. As Malik becomes invisible, excitement and anticipation bubble within him for the dates ahead with Lee. He's eager for the next three days, he hopes Lee enjoys the days packed with training, nature hikes, and motivational seminars, Those aren't Malik's things but he'll be happy if she's happy. 


Grubgrub, the mythical creature journeying with Malik, shares this contentment. Having bonded with Malik, it's delighted to assist. Soaring through the skies, Grubgrub skillfully dodges any hindrances, guiding them steadily to their destination. 


Early the next day and nearing the training grounds, Malik spots Lee, already deep in a vigorous training routine. Despite the sweat on her brow, her eyes blaze with unwavering determination and the vibrant spirit of youth. When Malik glimpses Rock Lee in her workout gear, his eyes. He pauses to take in her look, which seamlessly fuses practicality with a feminine touch. "You look incredible, Lee," he remarks earnestly. "That outfit is a perfect match for you." His smile broadens, her training attire practical and straightforward, but with a hint of femininity. 

Her top is a snug green tank top, in line with Rock Lee's signature color scheme, offering freedom of movement for rigorous training. 

Bottom a Black and dark gray yoga pants, providing comfort for various exercises and complementing the green top. 

Footwear Versatile training shoes fit for different terrains, possibly in a neutral shade like white or black. 

Accessories: An orange bandana on her arm. As Malik and Grubgrub descend, Lee notices them and her eyes widen in surprise. "Malik, you're here! And you've brought... a mythical creature?" she says with a chuckle. 


Malik grins, dismounting Grubgrub. "This is Grubgrub, my new companion. I thought it would be fun to have a little extra company on our date," he explains, winking at Lee. 

Lee smiles, petting Grubgrub's head. "Nice to meet you, Grubgrub," she says warmly. grubgrub then turned back into a pink ball and then popped out as a cat, jumping into Lee's arm so she could carrier them. To Rock Lee's credit, she didn't seem all that phased."Now, are you ready for our first date? I've been looking forward to this!" 

"Absolutely!" Malik exclaims, taking Lee's hand. "Let's start with our training session. What would you like to work on today?" "Because I was thinking we (you) could do some waterfall training," Malik said to her, "I know just the spot, its outside the village not to far if you can fly at least." "What do you think?" he asks her. Rock Lee's face lights up with excitement at the suggestion. "Waterfall training sounds amazing, Malik! I've always wanted to try it! I'm sure I can keep up with you, even without flying." "No! please get on my flying friend Lee, let us try to be romantic about this," Malik then taps grubgrub on the paw. 

Grubgrub, sensing Maliks touch, transforms back into the Kirin creature, its multitude of pink scales shimmering in the sunlight. With a nod, it lowers itself, allowing both Malik and Rock Lee to climb onto its back. Not even needing to give Grubgrub the directions to the waterfall training spot, it takes off into the sky, soaring gracefully above the treetops. 


"You might want to hold on," Malik says, Lee grabs his shoulders, "Maybe a little tighter," she then but her hands on his waist leaning up against him her face turning a little pink, "Much better," he says with a small smile. 


The wind rushes through their hair as they fly along, enjoying the thrill of the ride. The sun casts a warm golden hue over the landscape below. As you approach the waterfall, they can feel the mist on thier faces, cooling them down after the flight. Grubgrub gently lands near the base of the waterfall, giving the two a perfect spot for training. 


Landing at the waterfall, they can't help but marvel at its breathtaking beauty. The roaring sound of the water as it crashes into the pool below is almost therapeutic, helping them both feel grounded and centered. 


"This place is incredible," Lee exclaims, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "I can't wait to get started!" 


As they dismount Grubgrub, Malik notices Rock Lee's enthusiasm. "This is incredible, Malik!" 


As Malik and Rock Lee walk towards the noodle shop, they can feel the warmth of the setting sun on their skin. The streets are bustling with people returning home from work, and the aroma of various dishes wafts through the air. They can hear the distant sound of a vendor selling fresh vegetables and fruits, adding to the lively atmosphere. 


As they approach the noodle shop, Rock Lee points it out with a smile. "It's just up ahead," she says. "They have the best noodles in the village." 

They both enter the shop and are greeted by a friendly hostess who seats them at a cozy table near the window. The interior of the restaurant is simple yet inviting, with red paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling and traditional Japanese paintings adorning the walls. The hostess hands them both menus, and they take a moment to peruse the offerings. Malik's eyes widen as he sees the wide variety of noodle dishes, ranging from classic ramen to more exotic options like udon and soba. (I sometimes miss American food,) Malik thought to himself. 

 Rock Lee orders her favorite dish, spicy miso ramen, while Malik opts for a lighter option, a chicken and vegetable stir-fry. The waitress nods and takes their menus, promising to bring their food soon. 


As they wait for their meal, Malik can't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness wash over him. The sound of the bustling streets outside fades into the background, replaced by the soft murmur of conversation and laughter in the restaurant. 


Malik sneaks a glance at Rock Lee, who is staring out the window, lost in thought. She reaches out and takes his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You know, I was so pumped for the date that I ran to the Library," Rock Lee says looking Malik in the eyes, "The Liberians their pointed me to a section where I could learn about what couples do on dates in, they had big smiles and the books I found there were, "interesting". She says her face going a little red, "wanted to try something from one of them, if you don't mind . . .," Malik then felt her foot on his leg, her foot than began to rise and moved to his crotch, with surprising talent she un-zipped his pants and stuck her foot in. Rock Lee's foot brushes against Malik's growing arousal, causing him to catch his breath. He looks at her, surprised but also intrigued by her boldness. She gives him a shy smile, her cheeks flush with color. 


"Is this... okay?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Malik nods, unable to find his words. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he feels her foot exploring him gently. The sensations are intense and incredibly arousing, and he can feel himself growing harder by the second. 

Rock Lee's eyes widen as she realizes the effect she's having on Malik. She bites her lower lip, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. 

"I hope I'm not... embarrassing you," she says, her voice trembling slightly. Malik shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No, not at all. I'm just...surprised, in a good way." He reaches out, gently taking her hand in his. "If you're comfortable with this, then I am too." 


Rock Lee nods, her grip on his hand tightening slightly. She continues to explore him gently, her foot moving with a practiced ease that belies her earlier nervousness. Malik can feel himself growing more and more aroused, his heart racing as he tries to maintain his composure. 

Just then, the waitress arrives with their food, placing the steaming bowls in front of them. The aroma of the spicy miso ramen and the chicken stir-fry fills the air, momentarily distracting them from their intimate moment. The waitress smiles at them, unaware of the secret encounter happening beneath the table. "Enjoy your meal!" she says before walking away. 


Malik and Rock Lee exchange a glance, their faces flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. They take a moment to compose themselves before digging into their food. The spicy miso ramen is a perfect blend of flavors, and the chicken stir-fry is tender and juicy. They eat in silence for a moment, savoring the taste of their meals. 

As they eat, Rock Lee's foot continues to move gently against Malik's growing arousal. He can feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge, his heart pounding in his chest. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. 

Rock Lee notices his discomfort and pulls her foot away, giving him a concerned look. "Are you okay?" She asks, her voice filled with genuine concern. Malik nods, taking another deep breath. "I'm fine, just a little overwhelmed," he admits, giving her a small smile. Rock Lee smiles back at him, understanding in her eyes. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. 


"No, it's okay," Malik reassures her, taking her hand in his. "I actually enjoyed it. It was just... intense." Rock Lee nods, her cheeks flushed with color. "I'm glad," she says, giving his hand a squeeze. "I wanted to try something new, and I'm glad you were open to it." 

They continue to eat their meal, enjoying each other's company. The spicy miso ramen and the chicken stir-fry are both delicious, and they take their time savoring every bite. As they finish their meal, the waitress comes by to clear their dishes. Malik and Rock Lee share a knowing look, still feeling the afterglow of their intimate moment. They decide to take a leisurely stroll back to Rock Lee's place, enjoying the cool evening air. 


The streets are quieter now, with only the occasional passerby. Grubgrub floats along beside them, its pink ball shimmering in the moonlight. Malik reaches out and takes Rock Lee's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. She looks up at him, her eyes shining with happiness. 

As they approach her apartment, Malik can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building inside of him. He knows that this is a moment he's been waiting for, and he's excited to see where it will lead. 

Rock Lee unlocks the door and leads Malik inside. The room is dimly lit, with only the soft glow of a small lamp casting shadows on the walls. There's a cozy futon in the corner, surrounded by a few pillows and blankets. The sound of insects chirping outside fills the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere. 


Rock Lee turns to face Malik, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She takes a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Malik, I want to take our relationship to the next level," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Malik feels his heart skip a beat. He's been waiting for this moment for what feels like an eternity. "Rock Lee, I feel the same way," he says, taking her hand in his. "I want to be with you, in every way possible." 

Rock Lee smiles, her eyes filled with happiness. "But we've only gone on one date," he tells her. 

"I know, but sometimes you just know when it's right," she responds, her voice filled with certainty. She takes a step closer to Malik, closing the distance between them. 


Malik feels his heart racing as Rock Lee steps closer. He can feel the heat radiating off her body, and he can't help but be drawn to her. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. 

Rock Lee reaches up, gently brushing the hair on the top of Malik's head. Her touch is soft and tender, and it sends shivers down Malik's spine. He closes his eyes, savoring the moment. 

When he opens his eyes, he sees Rock Lee looking at him with a mixture of desire and vulnerability. She leans in, pressing her lips against his in a soft, lingering kiss. Malik responds eagerly, deepening the kiss and wrapping his arms around her. He can feel her heart racing in time with his own as they explore each other's mouths, their bodies pressed close together. The intimacy of the moment is heightened by the soft glow of the lamp and the gentle chirping of the insects outside. 


As they continue to kiss, Malik slowly begins to undress Rock Lee, his hands lingering on her skin as he reveals more of her body. She responds in kind, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest as she helps him out of his clothes. Soon, they are both standing before each other in their undergarments, their bodies glowing in the soft light. 

Malik takes a moment to appreciate Rock Lee's beauty, her curves and lines accentuated by the dim light. She looks up at him with a shy smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Malik, feeling his heart pound in his chest, takes a step towards Rock Lee. He reaches out, gently tracing the curve of her waist with his fingers. She gasps softly at his touch, her eyes fluttering closed. Emboldened, Malik leans in, pressing his lips to hers in a soft, tender kiss. 


Rock Lee responds eagerly, her arms winding around his neck as she deepens the kiss. Their bodies press together, the heat and electricity between them palpable. Malik's hands explore her body, tracing the lines of her back and hips. 

As they continue to kiss, Malik begins to lead Rock Lee towards the futon in the corner of the room. She follows willingly, her fingers threaded through his hair. Once they reach the futon, Malik lays her down gently, his body hovering over hers. Malik looks into Rock Lee's eyes as he continues to kiss her, their bodies pressed together in a passionate embrace. His hands explore her body, tracing the curves of her hips and the lines of her back. Rock Lee responds eagerly, her own hands roaming over Malik's chest and shoulders. 

Their kisses grow deeper and more urgent, and Malik can feel himself getting lost in the moment. He can feel his heart racing in his chest, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Rock Lee seems to feel the same way, her body trembling slightly beneath him. 

Malik breaks the kiss for a moment, looking down at Rock Lee with a tender expression. "I love you," he whispers, his voice barely above a whisper. (Gained +1 Sin) 

Rock Lee smiles up at him, her eyes shining with happiness. "I love you too," she responds, her voice filled with emotion. As they both gaze into each other's eyes, the intensity of their connection is undeniable. He leans in, pressing his lips to hers once more as they begin to explore one another's bodies. His hands trace patterns on her skin, while she runs her fingers through his hair. 


The passion between them builds as they continue to kiss, and soon, they find themselves removing each other's clothing. He pauses for a moment, taking in the sight of her nearly-naked body in the soft glow of the lamp. His heart races at the thought of finally being with her in this way. 


He lays Rock Lee down gently on the futon, his body hovering over hers. He looks into her eyes, seeing the desire and vulnerability reflected there. He leans in, kissing her deeply, his hands continuing to roam over her body. She responds eagerly, her own hands exploring his chest and shoulders. As the kiss deepens, Malik's hands venture lower, gently caressing Rock Lee's thighs. She gasps softly, her body trembling beneath his touch. He can feel her heart racing in sync with his, a testament to their mutual desire. 


Malik's fingers find the edge of Rock Lee's undergarments a pair of black Seamless panties and a traing bra, and with her consent, he slowly begins to remove them. She helps him, lifting her hips slightly as he slides them down her legs. Now, she lies before him, fully exposed, her breath hitching in anticipation. Seeing Her small tight breast and her waxed clean pussy. 

Malik takes a moment to admire her beauty, his gaze lingering on her curves and the soft glow of her skin in the dim light. He then leans in, pressing his lips to her collarbone, trailing kisses down her chest. Rock Lee arches her back, her breath coming in short gasps as his lips find her breasts. Malik's mouth finds Rock Lee's nipple, and he teases it gently with his tongue. She moans softly, her hands gripping the sheets beneath her. He continues to explore her body with his mouth, leaving a trail of kisses down her stomach and towards her inner thighs. 


Her legs spread slightly, inviting him in. He can feel her warmth and wetness even before his face reaches her. With gentle pressure, he begins to kiss and lick her delicate folds. She tastes sweet and intoxicating, and Malik can't help but be consumed by her. 

Rock Lee's breathing becomes ragged as Malik continues to pleasure her. Her hips buck and grind against his face, and she tangles her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. He savors every moment of her reaction, feeling himself grow harder with each moan and sigh that escapes her lips. Malik, lost in the moment, continues to explore Rock Lee's body with his mouth, feeling her growing more and more aroused. He can feel her body trembling beneath his touch, and he knows she's close to climaxing. With one last flick of his tongue, she cries out, her body shuddering in pleasure. 

As she comes down from her high, Rock Lee looks up at Malik, her eyes filled with gratitude and love. He smiles back at her, feeling his own arousal growing stronger with every second. He can't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing that he was able to bring her such pleasure. 

Without a word, Rock Lee reaches for Malik, pulling him closer and guiding him inside of her. He gasps as he enters her, feeling her warmth and tightness enveloping him. She wraps her legs around him, pulling him deeper into her. He begins to move, thrusting in and out of her at a steady rhythm. She matches his pace, her hips meeting his with every thrust. They move together in perfect harmony, their bodies moving as one. 

Their breathing becomes ragged as they continue to move together. The sound of their skin slapping against each other fills the room, punctuated by their gasps and moans. Malik can feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge, his heart racing in his chest. 

Rock Lee's nails dig into his back as she feels herself getting closer to another orgasm. He can feel her body tightening around him, her muscles clenching and unclenching as she approaches her peak. 

With one last thrust, they both cry out in pleasure, their bodies shuddering in release. Malik collapses onto Rock Lee, his breath heavy with exertion. She wraps her arms around him, holding him close as they both come down from their high. They lie there for a moment, basking in the afterglow of their intimate encounter. 


After a while, Malik pulls back and looks into Rock Lee's eyes. "I love you," he says again, his voice filled with emotion. 

Rock Lee smiles up at him, her eyes shining with happiness. "I love you too," she responds, her voice soft and gentle. 

They lay there for a few more moments, enjoying each other's company and the feeling of being together. 

Finally, Malik stirs and sits up. "As much as I'd like to stay here all night, I should probably get going," he says, reluctantly. 

Rock Lee nods, understanding. "But before I go can I take a picture of you?" Malik asks her. Rock Lee blushes at his request, but quickly agrees with a nod. She sits up, her hair cascading down in a sweaty mess as she smiles at him. He takes out his phone and snaps a quick picture, capturing her beauty in the soft glow of the lamp. 


As he looks at the photo, he can't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness in his heart. He puts his phone away, turning back to Rock Lee. "Thank you," he says, his voice filled with gratitude. Rock Lee smiles back at him, her eyes filled with affection. "Anytime," she responds, her voice soft and gentle. He starts getting dressed, taking his time to savor the moment. As he finishes tying his shoes, Rock Lee stands up and walks over to him. She wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. "I'm glad we did this," she says. 


He gets dressed and shares one last kiss with Rock Lee before heading out the door. 

"Oh before I go, I have something for you, my love," Malik says pulling a box out of the air. As you present the box to Rock Lee, she looks at you with a mix of curiosity and excitement. She takes the box from your hands and carefully opens it, revealing a beautiful jade bracelet with intricate carvings of intertwining dragons. The bracelet sparkles in the soft light, catching Rock Lee's eye. 


"Wow, it's gorgeous!" she exclaims, her eyes wide with amazement. She takes the bracelet out of the box and slides it onto her wrist. It fits perfectly, and the jade stone seems to glow with an inner light, complementing her skin tone. 

"I wanted to give you something special to remember this moment by," you say, feeling your heart swell with affection. 

Rock Lee looks up at you, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Malik," she says, her voice filled with emotion. "But your real gift is under the Jade bracelet," he says pulling out a pair of Gloves from the box. The moon was high in the sky as The streets of Konoha were quiet, the only sounds being their soft footsteps and the distant hoot of an owl. 

"I have something for you," he said, his voice soft in the quiet night. 


Rock Lee looked at him, curiosity sparkling in her eyes. "What is it?" she asked, accepting the gloves. 


Malik watched as she unwrapped the package to reveal a pair of sleek gloves. "They're called 'The Fist of Youth'," he explained, a proud smile on his face. "These gloves are infused with your chakra and can amplify your physical strength. You can also infuse additional chakra into them to increase their destructive power or to add a burst of speed to your punches." 


Rock Lee's eyes widened in surprise and delight. She slipped the gloves on, marveling at how they fit her hands perfectly. "They're amazing, Malik," she said, her voice filled with awe. "I can't wait to try them out during our training sessions." 


Malik nodded, pleased with her reaction. "I'm glad you like them, Lee," he said, his heart swelling with happiness. "I can't wait to see you put them to use." 


With a final wave, Malik turned to leave, leaving Rock Lee standing at her doorstep, her new gloves shining under the moonlight. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had created something truly special for Rock Lee, and he couldn't wait to see her put it to use. 

As Malik walks away from Rock Lee's doorstep, he can't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. He had just shared an intimate moment with the woman he loves, and it was everything he had hoped it would be. He takes a deep breath, feeling the cool night air fill his lungs, as he makes his way back to his own home. 


Meanwhile, Rock Lee is still standing at her doorstep, her mind racing with thoughts of the evening. She can't believe what just happened between her and Malik. It was more than she ever could have imagined, and she feels more connected to him than ever before. She looks down at the jade bracelet on her wrist, admiring the intricate carvings of intertwining dragons. It's a beautiful reminder of their special night together. 


They also enjoyed 2 more dates. 

Love Life: Get 10 people you fall in love with you (6.5/10) 

Reward: Skill – Cult of Aphrodite 

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