Just when he was about to pick her up, he noticed something glimmering where her hair was sprawled. He picked up the object, studying it before his gaze landed on Xavier with blood shot eyes.
"This is your ring, isn't it?" He questioned.
Xavier stared at the ring in Xander's hands, then his finger because he didn't remember wearing a ring while he was coming out of the house earlier.
He recognized the ring. It had been a birthday gift from his father on their sixteenth birthday.
"That's my ring, b-but, how did it get there?" He asked.
Xander's fists clenched at his sides, his knuckles whitening as he fought back the urge to punch Xavier. The sting of betrayal hit him like a knife to the chest, sharp and unrelenting, leaving his breath tight with anger.
He quickly pulled out his phone to call an ambulance.