25.84% Marvel: Impregnation System / Chapter 42: Chapter 42: John D. Rockefeller

章節 42: Chapter 42: John D. Rockefeller

The next day,


"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Ruth screeched, hitting Ricky's locker shut as the furious pampered girl appeared before his eyes.

"Good morning to you to-" 


"HOW COULD YOU!" Ruth screeched, her face contorting in anger.. 

Ruth had walked into the halls with a smile that seemed to outshine the earth itself, prancing about as if she was mother gaia herself, but everything changed quickly.

As she strutted down the halls, whispers began to circulate, and all eyes turned towards Ruth in a ruthless display. 

Her victorious smile slowly vanished as rumors of her being 'loose' and a 'harlot' reached her ears. 

Upon finally realizing that everything seemed to be out of place, she grabbed the first girl she saw and threatened her to spill the details.

As promised, Henry had used his connections to spread the rumor that he and Ricky had concocted after school the day before, and by morning, it had quadrupled in size. 

For all of these kids who wanted to ruthlessly knock down this ice queen down a peg, they latched onto it like hungry hyena's.

Everyone in the school seemed to be talking about it, even the teachers couldn't help but give their two cents about whether it was true or not. 

And like high schoolers do, the rumor had started to be over exaggerated, growing from involving three guys to encompassing all the guys in the school.

"Ruth you need to calm down-" Ricky raised his hands, seeing that Ruth was seconds from exploding into a tirade of rage.

"ARE YOU DEAF, I OWN YOU, YOU'RE MINE, AND YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Ruth's entitlement spiraled out of control as she demanded Ricky to fall in line, seemingly on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Ms. Steffield, what do you think you're doing!" Ms. Collins demanded as she roamed the halls in an effort to quench the rumors on Ruth's behalf, only to see this shocking scene unfold.

"SHUT UP, HE'S MY TOY AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH HIM, LOOK!" Ruth went to slap Ricky only for him to catch the hand.

"Ruth calm down, I'm not your-"


Ricky allowed her to slap his other cheek with her other hand, making her look even worse. He could have easily blocked her, but he chose not to since it benefited him more.

"RUTH!" Ms. Collins dropped the formalities and rushed over to Ruth, pushing her away so that she couldn't hit Ricky anymore.

"What has gotten into you-"

Ms. Collins tried to reprimand her only to have Ruth's slap, intended for her, be caught by Ricky.

"Ruth stop-"

"STOP TALKING BACK TO ME, YOU'RE MY SLAVE, MY TOY, YOU AND EVERYBODY ELSE ARE JUST MY TOYS!" Ruth started having a full blown rage fueled panic attack as everyone gasped at the overreaction.

Never in her four years had Ruth shown anything other than a smile and seeing this made literally everyone, including members of the skull and bones society, shocked to say the least.

"Ruth calm down-"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Ruth jerked her hands away from Ricky before falling to the ground, starting a tantrum. 

Her arms, legs, and body flailed on the ground as she let out entitled screams, all for the benefit of her audience. 

Only when a handful of staff carried her out did she finally leave, attacking whoever tried to touch her.

Ruth's parents were obviously called, and her father, Harry Steffield, angrily burst into the school before stomping into the principal's office. 

Screams and shouts echoed from the office as the principal could do nothing except listen to the whole tirade, slowly uncovering the reasoning behind Ruth's personality.

During all this, Ricky was escorted to the waiting area outside the principal's office, where he waited with Ms. Collins by his side until he was called in.

"Thank you, Ricky." Ms. Collins quietly thanked Ricky for protecting her in the face of the unbridled privilege that was Ruth.

"It's no problem, Ms. Collins." Ricky held up his hand as if to say it was alright, and Ms. Collins sat down in the chair next to him.

"Are you okay?" Ms. Collins placed a hand on his shoulder though Ricky still showed a smile.

"I'm fine Ms. Collins." Ricky thought of using his skill to flood this hallway but he wanted to use it later today so he held off for later.


Ricky heard a heavy sigh and instinctively looked up to see Lucky with a disgruntled expression, staring plainly at him.

"I didn't-" Ricky tried to explain only for Lucky to pinch his nose.


Lucky didn't say anything as he plopped down on a seat across from Ricky, his expression stern.

"Mr. Luciano-" Ms. Collins tried to speak on behalf of Ricky but Lucky wasn't having it.

"Quiet doll face." Lucky pointed his cane at Ms. Collins and shut her mouth immediately before slowly turning the cane to Ricky.

"What should I do with you? Honestly Ricky, you literally cannot keep yourself out of trouble even if your life depended on it." Lucky let out a tired sigh as Ricky held up a hand.

"When am I ever going out and causing trouble-"


"...." Ricky really fell into that one, having literally destroyed a circus yesterday and naturally, Lucky had found out about it.

Lucky only had to say one word to stop his son's blabbering as he rubbed his eyes, knowing that this had to be another one of Ricky's stupid endeavors.


"Mr. Luciano, Ricky, could you please come in." Under Lucky's watchful eye, the principal opened and requested, prompting Lucky to let out one more sigh before sitting up. 

As he walked in, he immediately received an intimidating and hateful glare from Harry. However, the Mafia boss didn't even blink and sat down.

Ricky didn't immediately walk in, instead, he looked around until he saw Henry in the distance as he gave him a slight nod, causing Henry to nod back.

"Is this him? IS THIS THE BAS-" Harry immediately looked towards the door, seeing Ricky in the doorway.

"Watch your tone Harry Steffield." Lucky promptly spoke as Harry halted his voice before realizing who this was in front of him.

"So my little girl truly fell for a thug." Harry snarled at the two of them who were mirroring each other with an uncaring expression.

"Principal, there is a misunderstanding here since me and Ruth have never done anything-" Ricky tried to be the one to explain but Ruth wasn't having any of it.

"WE MADE LOVE RICKY, I FELT YOU INSIDE OF ME!" Ruth screamed, patting her belly as Harry showed a horrified look.


"Daddy it's true! Yesterday, me and Ricky made love and he came-" 

"STOP! STOP!" Harry put his hands over his ears, since no father wanted to hear the foul things coming out of their daughter's mouth..

"Did you lay your hands on my daughter yesterday because if you did, you'll take responsibility for it." Harry's voice was cold as he turned to Ricky with an accusing glare.

"No sir, I was with Henry yesterday picking out a new car he promised-"

"LIAR, HE'S LYING!" Ruth screeched at him but Lucky only raised an eyebrow, turning towards Ricky.

"Wait, that's where you got that new ford?" Lucky asked since he had seen that same ford parked outside the mansion.

"I didn't tell you, did I? My good friend, Henry Ford II, gifted me a car yesterday." Ricky said his full name on purpose as Lucky raised his eyebrows along with a smile.

"Now I see why this school was so important to you-"


"THIS IS SERIOUS!" Harry slammed his fist on the principal's desk, angered that the two of them were so carefree.

"Sir, I couldn't have done anything with Ruth that day if I literally spent it picking out another car-"

"LIAR! LIAR! DADDY MAKE HIM MARRY ME!" Ruth stood up, pointing at Ricky while stomping her feet as Lucky frowned side-eyeing Ricky who shrugged.

"Where is this Henry Ford, tell him to come here and clear my son's name." Lucky gestured as the principal nodded, walking out into the hall before returning with Henry.

"Henry, tell me everything." Harry came in front of the young man with an intimidating expression though the teenager wasn't the least bit perturbed.

"Of course, Mr. Steffield let me start from the beginning-"

Henry then went on to explain the cover story that Ricky and he had come up with, accurately citing the other three men as being involved with Ruth.

"HENRY YOU BASTARD!" Ruth screeched, clawing at Henry's face only to have her held back by her own father.

"W-We need to go." Harry had a pale expression on his face as he started to slowly believe Henry instead of his delusional daughter after hearing it all.

Though Harry would still need to do his own investigation, he needed to do damage control and take his daughter out of here.

"This isn't over." Harry looked at Lucky and Ricky before storming out with Ruth on his shoulders as she screamed at RIcky.

"YOU'LL BE MINE, ONCE GRANDPA HEARS OF THIS YOU'LL BE MINE!" Ruth screeched out as she was forcefully pulled out of the office.

"What a crazy b*tch." Lucky stood up for the first time, actually believing that his son was the victim in this.

Though Ricky held off on telling him, knowing that if he did, his father would definitely lock him in their house and throw away the key, which would halt his plans to quash the vampires.

"Ricky, we'll hash this out so you and Henry should go back to class." The principal dismissed the two who walked out of the classroom.

"Remember Ricky, you'll eventually meet the most powerful person in the world so be careful." Henry was a little nervous for Ricky though he waved him off.

"He's only an old man, how scary can he be?"

1 hour later,

At a private hospital, two people stood in the empty but fully staffed waiting room as Harry was one of them.

"How bad is it?" The other man dryly spoke as Harry bit his lip.

"I had my people in the school contact me and they said there's rumors that Ruth has been sleeping around with multiple guys-"


"Nonsense." The old man slammed his hand on the chair.

"My grandaughter isn't a harlot-"

The old man was about to say something until he saw the doctor who he had paid way too much money for discretion, walked out from behind the curtain.

"Mr. Rockefeller." The doctor slightly bowed to the most powerful man who almost took control of the entirety of America.

John D. Rockefeller.

"How is she? That man didn't do anything to her?" Rockefeller asked as the doctor rubbed his forehead.

"Mr. Rockefeller I swear on my family I ran all of the tests and-"

"Shut up boy and get on with it." Rockefeller scoffed while already angry about the bad news he was about to hear.

"Ruth is pregnant, which is impossible to happen in a day." The doctor unknowingly proved Ricky's innocence as this was Ricky's last plan.

The unnatural and weirdest skill he had, Apex Fertility, a skill that defied all logic, was used as his greatest strength. 

In reality, all it took was for Ricky to bust one load inside any girl, and she would become pregnant that same day. 

This was unheard of in the medical field and something that wouldn't make sense unless someone saw the system.

Even if logic played a role, could anyone truly judge such a skill through the lens of normalcy, considering all the complexities of this world?

Harry widened his eyes, and Rockefeller showed a scowl as only one thought permeated in their minds.

'My granddaughter is a harlot.'

4 hours later,

Ricky exited the school to find multiple black cars and men in suits waiting outside, but they weren't mobsters. 

The back window of the middle car rolled down, revealing Rockefeller sitting in silence as he slowly turned to Ricky.

"Get in." Rockefeller's tone didn't allow any room for debate. 

Ricky glanced to the right and saw Lucky's bloodshot eyes watching the scene. Lucky was one of, if not the most powerful man in the criminal underworld in New York. 

However, Rockefeller's influence covered the entirety of the country and no matter how much Lucky wanted to go out there and threaten Rockefeller, he knew that Rockefeller could literally wipe away his family in one breath.

Ricky turned back to Rockefeller and got into the car, knowing that this was the exact moment he had been waiting for. 

Ricky wasn't the smartest apple, but with these insane powers at his fingertips and all the useful things they could do, he would be a fool not to try to gamble with them and use them against the most powerful man.

'To me Chester.' Ricky called out through his mental communication.

Chester, who was playing cards with Alexander, jerked his head to the side before grabbing Alexander and rushing out the window.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO, I WAS WINNING!" Alexander tearfully mourned as they flew out of the window.

The door was shut behind him, and the cars slowly drove away from the school, the shuttle of cars completely engulfing the roads. 

The car was dead silent as Ricky waited for literally anything to be said, yet Rockefeller remained silent for the entire drive.


"Quiet boy."

This would be all that Rockefeller spoke while in the car as they eventually drove to a remote town before arriving at a single worn down house, all the while Chester flew above the car with a pouting Alexander. 

Both doors opened as Rockefeller stepped out, and Ricky was basically forced into the rusted-looking house.

Walking inside, Rockefeller slowly made his way to the dining room table, with Ricky following suit and sitting across from him.

"You are probably wondering why we drove for two hours in complete silence to this random house in Richford, correct?" Rockefeller finally spoke an actual sentence for the first time.

"Because of Ruth, right?" Ricky answered a question with a question as Rockeffeller slowly nodded his head.

"Tell me everything that happened yesterday and don't leave a single thing out."



Ricky was silent for a while as he unconsciously looked around though Rockefellar didn't mind.

Around thirty men, all armed to the teeth, were gathered, but Ricky wasn't bothered by the brute force. Instead, he was contemplating what he could do to his family's operations with this brute force.

However, the leader of this group of bodyguards was a man with a large horn protruding from his nose, resembling what a rhinoceros might look like if transformed into human form.

"Is he-"

"He doesn't matter boy, tell me everything." Rockefeller interrupted Ricky, anchoring him to reality with a heavy sigh.


"Yesterday I went to school-"

Ricky then began to talk about the entire situation, with Ruth pulling him aside and confessing that she had tried to kiss him, but he pushed her away. 

Ricky then lied, claiming that Ruth threatened to give him a day to break up with his girlfriend or she'd tell the whole school. 

Despite trying to paint himself in a good light, at this point, he was spewing countless words of nonsense.

"So let me get this straight, you turned down my granddaughter and after she threatened you, the whole school suddenly heard those rumors?" Rockefeller asked as Ricky let out a dry chuckle, seeing how odd it was for these rumors to suddenly spring forth.

"Mr. Rockefeller I can assure you that-"

"Stop." Rockefeller held up his hands, leaned back in his chair, and closed his eyes while continuing to do this for a long time, which weirded out Ricky. 

However, when he glanced around, the guards looked as if they were used to this behavior.

"You know, you never answered the question as to why I brought you to this house." Rockefeller opened his eyes and said firstly.

"To scare me-"

"No, I brought you to my childhood home." Rockefeller confessed as Ricky's guard immediately went up as he remembered Henry's thoughts.

'Rockefeller is a crafty guy, he's ruthless but the scariest part of him is how great he is at making some let their guards down around him.'

"When I made my first million, I bought this house four times above the asking price." Rockefeller lamented while Ricky curiously looked around.

"Do you know why I bought this house?" Rockefeller asked as Ricky shook his head since he obviously didn't know.

"Growing up, this was my dad's pride and joy, this house was everything the Rockefeller name had to it back then." Rockefeller looked around until his calm expression broke in two.

"Disgusting isn't it." Rockefeller then showed a scowl, reminiscing about all the tragedies he faced whilst growing up in this house. 

"My family struggled with money back then, however instead of selling the house, my bastard father was obsessed with maintaining this place and chose to make the payments on this garbage rather than feed his own family." Rockefeller looked around at the rotting walls with disgust.

"My father was so obsessed over achieving materialistic success, he forgot what truly makes life important." Rockefeller leaned back on his chair, staring at the rotted ceilings.

"It's why I worked so hard at a young age, I didn't work for money, but to ensure the well being of my family." Rockefeller then turned to Ricky, gazing sternly at them.

"Wealth and power is nice, but blood is someone's true legacy in this world, family is the true legacy of a Rockefeller." Rockefeller's tone was slowly getting deadlier making even Ricky somewhat nervous.

"Ricky, I'll do anything for my family and even though they are a bunch of spoiled little f*ckers, they're my spoiled little f*ckers, do you understand what I'm saying?" Rockefeller asked Ricky who could only frown.

'Chester make your way into the house, it's time.'

How could Ricky not recognize where this conversation was leading, since he'd experienced this conversation multiple times before?

The fathers of the women he'd knocked up came to him and demanded that he be in their daughters' lives, but it always ended the same way.

"Before this conversation moves on, can we talk alone, man to man without any other glares pointed at me?" Ricky asked as Rockefeller squinted, however waved his hands as the men nodded, immediately clearing out of the one story house and giving them some much needed privacy.

The rhino man squinted at Ricky, seemingly immovable, but Rockefeller's own arrogance dismissed him with a simple wave as he calmly left the house.

"Now boy, speak your mind." Rockefeller said, though bit his lip since he knew it would take a while for Chester to get here.

"I'm not marrying her Mr. Rockefeller." Ricky dropped the bomb that made the old man squinted his eyes.

"What did you say?" Rockefeller showed a large scowl though Ricky stood his ground.

"I haven't once even put my hands on your granddaughter and I know where this is going, you want to save your granddaughter's dignity by having me cave in and marry her but I won't." Ricky's lying words were bold, so bold that it even threw Rockefeller off for a bit but he only let out a dry chuckle.

Ricky decided to see if Rockefeller would even let him off the hook if he said these things though at this point it was just to humor himself.

"I even heard she's had relations with other guys-"

"And?" Rockefeller interrupted Ricky as he shut his mouth with the old man's patience slowly chipping away.

"Why should I care or not, didn't you say it yourself that it was because of you that this situation-"

"This situation would've spiraled out of control regardless since your granddaughter would've dragged my name through the dirt so she could make me her trophy husband." Ricky raised his voice a little since this guy really pissed him off.

"Do you understand how many guys would kill to marry into the Rockefeller family, my blood-"

"Do I look like someone who cares about marrying into a old man's loser family and also, have you ever seen the real side of your granddaughter, she's a f*cking nightmare." Ricky finally lost his patience as he let down his formalities as he let his real side fade away.

"Excuse me-"

"Your excused, anyways, I'd rather hang myself than spend rest of my life married to your granddaughter." Ricky put his hand in front of Rockefeller as the latter flinched.

Chester had speedily made his way over to the house surrounded by the guards while using vast amounts of his chakra to heighten his speed.

Seeing the roof broken apart, he dove down as Alexander hugged his body while trying not to throw up.

"Ha~" Rockefeller let out a genuine baffled laugh since not even the president talked to him like this.

"Ricky or Slick or whatever they call you, I bought this house not to pay tribute to my father, but to make sure no one could ever have it so I could watch in joy as it slowly rotted away." Rockefeller's tone became cold as Ricky squinted his eyes

"You're going to marry my granddaughter whether you're the father of her bastard or not." Rockefeller demanded, squinting his eyes with an immense coldness in his eyes.

"If you don't, I'll not only crush that little gang of your adoptive father's, but dismantle it piece by piece until you watch it rot away from a comfortable distance." Rockefeller's voice was assertive, telling Ricky exactly how he would do so.

"And in that comfortable distance you'll be interlocked with my granddaughter, raising her bastard baby, and all the while being stringed along like the puppet I'll make you." Rockefeller's words even started to make Ricky uncomfortable though continued.

"Do you understand?" Rockefeller asked, finishing his tirade as Ricky laughed slightly.

'Over my dead body.'

"Ricky what is it?" Chester flew onto the table before Ricky pointed at Rockefeeller who flinched at the crow but gazed at Ricky weirdly.

"Let me guess, you are going to use your little freak powers to do something to me, correct?" Rockefeller asked out with slight laughter only for Ricky's face to contort.

"How did you-" 

"How did I know, Ricky, I'm John D. Rockefeller, if I want to know about a person, I know everything about that person." Rockefeller laughed at Ricky's naive attitude before pointing at his fingers.

It was then that Ricky noticed the array of charms and magical objects adorning his body. Intricate amulets hung from his neck, shimmering with mystical symbols, while rings embedded with strange stones adorned his fingers. 

A talisman dangled from his belt, its ancient runes glowing faintly as each item seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, hinting at their powerful enchantments and the protection they offered.

"Do you know how many forces I've had to deal with, boy, you have no idea what lurks within the shadows of this world." Rockefeller laughed at whatever Ricky had concocted through this mere crow.

'Can you do the thing you did to Dutch?' Ricky mentally asked Chester who surveyed the man before him.

Unlike Ricky, Chester was deeply attuned to mystic energies, as his very being was composed of such forces. 

He could sense the powerful waves of energy emanating from the old man with a profound clarity.

However, these energies were solely radiating from the objects adorning Rockefeller's body; he did not possess them internally. 

In reality, Rockefeller was just a man like any other. 

The only distinction was the towering mountain of skulls beneath his conquests, marking his ascent to the position where he now sat.

'I do not know, but I'll try.' Chester wasn't entirely sure he could pierce through these protective shields, but he knew he had to make the attempt.

"And even if it dabbles in the supernatural, do you think I could get to where I am in this terrifying world without knowing of it's dark secrets-" 

"Do it." Ricky pointed, and Chester jerked his head to the right, making eye contact with Rockefeller right before he uttered another word. 

In the next second, both of their eyes dilated, and Ricky let out a sigh of relief, leaning back in his chair while laughing.

"Oh thank god~" Ricky felt relieved, holding his stomach since if it worked on Abraham who hunted vampires, he was banking on it working on this senile old man.

However, Ricky had judged too quickly; within the mindscape of Rockefeller, their battle was just beginning.

Meanwhile in Rockefeller's mindscape,

Standing across from each other stood the two figures standing within the space that comprised Rockefellar's subconscious.

"I must say, I'm impressed that dimwit has such a capable pet." Rockefeller calmly conjured a chair, sitting on it while staring at Chester.

"However this little charade will end now since I have much to discuss with that little fool you probably call your master." Rockefeller flicked his hand, a towering wave of energy suddenly flooding all around Chester.

Chester seemed unfazed as he quietly observed the old man, his suspicion confirmed. 

"Impossible, these objects enforce the essence of the laws of magic-"

"I do not adhere to the laws governing this energy and thus will not bend to your attempts." Chester interrupted, meeting Rockefeller's gaze directly. 

"You are a magical creature-"

"No, I am a being of chakra, not bound by this energy you call magic." Chester clarified politely. Rockefeller's eyes remained steady as he scrutinized Chester.

"Then how is it that my talismans and artifacts are powerless against you within my own mind?" Rockefeller inquired but didn't panic although was clearly perplexed by the situation.

It didn't make sense to Rockefeller since Chester shouldn't have been able to exert such control within his own mind, yet he remained unaffected by all of Rockefeller's attempts to expel him. 

However, instead of telling Rockefeller the reason, he would never understand that Chester was astute enough not to reveal his strategy that the old man was unknowingly trapped in an illusionary construct within his own mind.

Chester had pushed his abilities to their limits, creating an intricate illusionary mindscape entirely composed of chakra within Rockefeller's consciousness. 

As a result, whenever Rockefeller attempted to use magic or any other form of energy, it would be absorbed and neutralized by the chakra-based illusion that had attached itself to his own subconscious.

Chester was correct: the charms were designed to protect Rockefeller, and by embedding his own mind as a shield, Rockefeller was unable to destroy the illusion without risking the destruction of his own consciousness.

The only reason this worked in the first place was that Rockefeller had never encountered such an energy before, and no charm existed to repel or counter Chester's unique form of chakra, at least, not yet.

"It doesn't matter. Just look into my eyes and forget everything." Chester said slowly, coating Rockefeller as he stood from his seat and walked towards the floating Chester.

"I've faced the devil himself and he blinked. Do you truly think I'll fold?" Rockefeller's mind was a fortress of willpower, a realization that struck Chester at that moment. 

Compelling someone of Rockefeller's strength was nearly impossible, leaving Chester with only one option.

"I suppose you're right." Chester conceded with a nod. Rockefeller's lips curled into a smile.

"Now, let-"

"I won't be able to compel you outright, so I'll have to break and fracture your mind until it succumbs to my influence." Chester said, his gaze steady as he met Rockefeller's eyes. The old man's anxiety was evident in the nervous chuckle that escaped him.

"Do you really think you can manage against my mind? Lower your barrier at once." Rockefeller demanded, puffing out his chest. Chester's eyes glowed with swirling blue chakra.

"Perhaps in your youth, it might have been impossible, but you've grown old and weak."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Rockefeller's sudden, ear-piercing scream cut through the air as he fell to his knees before Chester. Chester looked down at him with a cold determination.

"That's why I'll be able to break you."

Meanwhile in the real world,

Chester exhaled softly, a small trickle of blood seeping from his beak as he staggered back slightly. 

Fracturing a mind was no simple task; it required significant backlash on his part but despite the toll, he had succeeded in breaking Rockefeller's mind to comply with his genjutsu.

"You alright, Chester?" Ricky asked though Chester held up a wing, signaling he was fine.

"I am fine, merely out of practice." Chester hid his pain under his own incompetence but Ricky still patted his head.

"I should've known that it wouldn't have mattered regardless if I had evidence or not." Ricky revealed since this was his final excuse as he messed up earlier.

Although Chester had hoped to address Rockefeller in a more isolated environment, he had wanted to see if reason would prevail with the old man. 

"Hey John, would you have made me marry Ruth even if she really asked you out of the blue one day?" Ricky asked, wanting to see how far Rockefeller would go for that spoiled brat as the old man's pupils were dilated heavily.

"Yes, I would have forced you to marry her since my granddaughter gets whatever she wants." Rockefeller confessed in a haze as Ricky became slack jawed.

'Is every daughter of a rich person spoiled rotten?' Ricky wondered since Maria, although way more tolerable than Ruth, was also spoiled rotten and treated like a princess.

"Geez~" Ricky let out a sigh of relief before gazing at tired Chester and a pouting Alexander.

"After this Chester, I'll get you whatever you want-"

"A better bird bath, better grain, and an immense amount of peanuts." Chester spoke his demands as Ricky nodded his head while Alexander crossed his tiny arms.

"What's his deal-" Ricky asked Chester who let out a small sigh, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"You have ruined my game of go fish, I was about to vanquish Chester only to be pulled away from it at the last moment." Alexander's face went red in anger while explaining the dilemma as Chetser smirked.

"I guess we'll have to start over-" Chester let out a tired chuckle but it only infuriated Alexander.


"Guys, can we do this later, after I do this." Ricky gestured to the almost drooling Rockefeller as Alexander huffed in agreement.


"Now John, when you leave today, you are finally going to grow a pair and say no to Ruth." Ricky continued as Rockefellar twitched but after Chetser expelled more chakra, he simmered down.

"This man doesn't seem to be in the presence of that weird energy the man called Abraham had on him, but his mental fortitude is frightening." Chester commented in slight breaths, having to keep his entire focus on this seemingly normal man.

However with Rockefeller's wealth and connections, he of course knew of the peculiarities of this world and made sure to arm himself with protections, especially against the supernatural.

Rockefeller was decked head to toe in charms as well as different artifacts and if Rockfeller would've known that Ricky possessed a different energy that could penetrate the mind and past his defensives, he would've prepared more.

But as Ricky had no way of knowing how far Rockefeller's pockets and money went, so did the old man when it came to the vastness of his power and system.

In reality, it all stemmed from Rockefeller's own arrogance and his underestimation of Ricky, whom he had dismissed as a mere idiot.

"Listen, you're going to send her to some christian boarding school and force her to not be such a spoiled b*tch." Ricky gave out another condition as a weight in his heart let off a bit.

"Next you'll force your family into silence as anyone who talks about it will be shamed and kicked out of the family." Ricky issued another demand, beginning operation 'Get this crazy b*tch away from me'.

"You'll also stop anyone in your family at getting back at me and you'll hold them on a tight leash before doing so." Ricky spoke as his demands were growing longer and longer.

"Then you'll make an excuse that you paid me off with 100,000 dollars which will be delivered to my residence." Ricky then formed a greedy smile before getting to the main topic.

"Before I ask for my final demand, answer how much money you have that is easy to access?" Ricky asked with gold bars shining in his eyes, gazing at the walking money bags in front of him.

"Right now out of my current holdings of over 900 million dollars, the total liquidity I have is around 27.5 million. Adding together both liquid and non-liquid accessible assets it is around 930 million." Rockefeller confessed, but even when it wasn't even one tenth of his wealth, Ricky took in a breath of air.

The reasoning behind this was that the amount the Luciano family made a year per Lucky's words was around 26.5 million.

Then after the countless bribes, salaires, and other expenses, Lucky himself was left with around a yearly salary of 2.8 million dollars though he could only clean about 1,700,000 every year.

However, unlike the other mob bosses who frivolously spent their clean money, Lucky seldom used his funds for anything beyond reinvesting in the properties under his own name.

It was why he was so easily able to gather the necessary seed money for the small bank he wanted to open since in total, Lucky had an emergency fund of around 10,000,000 clean money that was tightly saved which was everything to his name.

The money he didn't clean was used to reinvest into the family and after everything, Lucky usually came down with around 1,200,000.

(Today money: 11,233,175.18)

$1,200,000 was still a lot to maintain a lavish lifestyle, and Lucky also had around $4.5 million of uncleaned money stashed away in case of a secondary emergency, however, the amount that Rockefeller seemingly had stashed away was simply outrageous for Ricky considering the current time.

(27.5 in today's money is $630,430,474.45, no it's not all cash)

"How much of your current wealth could you liquidate without raising suspicion?" Ricky boisterously asked, his greed shining in his eyes.

"My holdings are held through numerous trusts, foundations, holding companies, and on top of that I have been splitting up my various holdings in companies to my most competent children so although my wealth will reach one billion in around 1 or 2 years, the amount I actually can liquidate without raising eyebrows is around 53 million total or around an additional 25.5 millions from my already liquidated wealth." Rockefeller confessed as Ricky's eyes widened as he started to become nervous.

Ricky wasn't an expert but he did understand that a million here was a sh*t ton more than it was in his past life.

(Quick Author's Note: For those wondering why Ricky can't just grab all of Rockefeller's assets, here's a brief explanation and if you don't care, you can skip it: First, Rockefeller is preparing for his death, and his well-known trust, which still stands today, was designed to protect his wealth from inheritance taxes and other government grabs.Second, the wealth of the rich isn't usually in cash—it's tied up in investments, real estate, art, foundations, companies, stocks, etc. No wealthy person keeps a pile of cash or a gold swimming pool like Scrooge McDuck. Instead, they use their assets as collateral to secure loans from banks (in which they often have a significant stake) to get cash quickly for immediate needs. Finally, Rockefeller has around 200 descendants. If Ricky suddenly inherited everything, it would raise suspicions. His family would likely contest any claim to the fortune endlessly, making it impractical for Ricky to gain access to it.)

(Also for reference 53 million dollars in 1932 = 976,815,389.22 which is a f*ck ton to ask for and the reasoning for that will be explained now.)

"Why do you have so much money in hand?" Ricky couldn't help but ask as there is no reason that a sensible man should have this much cash in hand.

Most of someone's money wasn't liquid but tied up in assets since cash depreciates but assets don't.

"I always keep at least $10 million in cash reserves, so I can make bribes, underhanded deals, and purchases without raising any red flags with the IRS or other government agencies. The reason for this is simple: I'm dying. When I'm gone, even the institutions I've lobbied for and the bills I've passed won't be enough to counter the policies that that bastard Theodore Roosevelt put in place to target me. That's why I've been gradually liquidating any assets that could be taxed in an effort to make a bribing slush fund for my family." Rockefeller confided in Ricky, raising an eyebrow at this perfect opportunity.

"And your family also knows about this?" Ricky asked as he had seen a chance to not only get rich, but a chunk of the Rockefeller family's wealth as well.

"Yes, all of the children have been assisting and covering for me as I did it." Rockefeller smoothly spoke as a lightbulb popped above his head.

"Alright, do you have any places that only you and no one in your family knows about?" Ricky asked and Rockefellar nodded in a daze.

"I have a remote farm in upstate New York that I use as a place to get away from all my family." Rockefeller answered as Ricky rubbed his chin greedily.

"How many people know about it and how many of them do you trust?" 

"Ten." Rockefeller said as Ricky had a toothy smile.

 "How long will it take to move all that liquidated money to the farm?" Ricky then got to the final question with eager eyes.

"Seven years."


"The current $27.5 million I have in liquidity will take about four months to collect from all the locations where it's held. Another eight months will be needed to transport it covertly without drawing any attention. This is the result of eight years of carefully funneling money through various holding companies to amass such a sum while minimizing taxes. It will take-"

"Alright wait, before we do anything, transport the 27.5 million while starting the process for the other 25.5." Ricky made a command and it was suggested into Rockfeller's brain as it reworded to follow the plan.

"Then we'll meet after a year-"

"Ricky, Genjutsu doesn't work like that." Chester finally chimed in once Ricky was done while dosing his summoner with a cold bucket of reality.

"What do you mean?"

"Genjutsu, although extremely effective on individuals without chakra, will have an easier time being swayed but it still needs to be reapplied or it will wear off." Chester informed Ricky who let out a sigh since he wished it was even easier than it was now.

"Then how long will it stay?" Ricky asked as Chetser thought about it for a while.

"Around a month if I use all the chakra I have at this moment and strain myself, however it will take one to two weeks for me to recover to full strength to keep this suffocating Genjutsu working, meaning I won't be able to cast other Genjutsu in that time." Chester informed Ricky, the cheat he had just now started to utilize had seemingly up and vanished.

Ricky didn't understand since he knew nothing about Genjutsu, but suggestive and hypnotized Genjutsu was vastly more chakra consuming and way more sophisticated than the regular illusions.

These sorts of Genjutsu really only worked on people weaker than Chester which Rockefeller so happens to be since although he is vastly more influential than the common human, he is really only human without all his little knick knacks.

"There are also effects meaning that any stimulation or energy above my own Genjutsu will break the Genjutsu and they will remember everything though I'll know when it's broken." Chester informed Ricky as he nodded but ultimately shrugged.

"Fine, John, make sure to meet me at this house on the first day of each month, got it?" Ricky said to Rockefeller who hazily nodded along.

"Alright Chester, I promise to make your life the most comfortable one a bird has ever seen if you help me with this." Ricky's eyes shone and Chester thought about it but sighed.

Chester gazed at Rockefeller, his eyes dilating until they nearly reached the edges of his eyelids, before he collapsed. 

Ricky quickly caught him, then looked at Rockefeller, who immediately drooped his head down as Ricky cradled the tired Chester in his hands.

"Wh-What happened?" Rockefeller snapped awake as he gazed up to see RIcky holding a crow and although strange, didn't harp too much about it.

"You were talking about how you'd ruin my life if I ever spoke of your daughter's premarital activities?" Ricky lied as he asked in a questioning tone, as this was his first time ever using suggestions and hypnotism on someone.

"Ah yes, I vaguely remember it now." Rockefeller was about to retort until his subconscious suggested that he needed to agree with Ricky's statement.

"The 100,000 will be delivered to your residence as agreed, and Ricky." Rockefeller quickly stood up as he walked to the door but stopped.

"I'll destroy you if you don't hold up your end of the deal." Rockefeller threatened as Ricky nodded aggressively.

"Yes, sir," Ricky saluted as the old man walked out, his bodyguards following closely behind.

"Hey, Rhino guy-" Ricky had an idea and called out, 

"My fee is $2 million a year." The Rhino guy replied without turning around as Ricky rushed over to the broken window but recoiled, realizing this wasn't the first time someone had tried to poach him. 

However, the Rhino guy would never leave Rockefeller's guard detail, as it was too beneficial.

"Have a good day, Rhino guy," Ricky said, waving as he gave up on that idea. 

The Rhino guy nodded and then helped Rockefeller into the van before the old man gave him one last scowl.

"Ricky, be warned that I needed to create a rift in his mind," Chester said, sitting on the table as Alexander patted his feathers. 

"He might die before then, so you must be prepared." Chester's warning was met with a casual shrug from Ricky, who turned back to the crow.

"It'll all work out."

Author's Note: I've been quite slow in responding and reading comments lately. However instead of addressing them now, I'll be procrastinating until tomorrow cause I'm tired. If you have questions or need answers on other questions asked eariler in the week, I'll get to them tomorrow. Also, I tried to ensure that my logic make sense for those who need clarity. However, if you spot any errors in my logic or it just doesn't make sense in certain areas, please let me know, and I'll make the necessary adjustments.

章節 43: Chapter 43: Unexpected Confrontations

Later that night,

Ricky forgot to hypnotize Rockefeller into giving him a ride, leaving him stranded at the house.

He had no choice but to take the train back to Brooklyn but before boarding public transport, he attempted to use his new X-Gene enhancement to fly all the way back, with disastrous results. 

Although he could envelop himself in the protective barrier, controlling his flight for a long period of time proved difficult, as if he were an unsteady fledgling. 

Short distances were manageable, but flying for extended periods was a different story for Ricky. 

It felt like his mind had to juggle not only navigating his path but also maintaining control over himself within the barrier.

If Ricky had to explain it in his own terms, it was like having an argument with your girlfriend while secretly on the phone with your side piece. 

You had to give your full attention to your girlfriend in front of you, making sure not to slip up, while simultaneously doing everything in your power to keep the other conversation under control, without letting either one catch on. 

It was a balancing act that required constant focus, and one wrong move could send everything spiraling out of control, much like his struggles with flying and keeping the barrier intact.

This explained the multiple holes in Ricky's dirty clothes, evidence of his repeated crashes into nearby trees and bushes.



Name: Ricky Luciano

Titles: Deadbeat, Royal Thug, Prodigal Son

Age: 15 

Born: October, 27, 1918

Race: Human

Strength: 22 (Slightly above peak adult male)

Stamina: 19 (Above average adult male)

Vitality: 20 (Peak adult male)

Agility: 21 (Peak adult male)

Dexterity: 19 (Above average adult male)

Intelligence: 6 (You've grown but that doesn't mean you're not an Idiot)

Charm: 25 (Your charm is extremely high for your age)

Appearance: 26 (The baby fat has melted with age and with it has surfaced your golden jawline, use it well.)

IP: 70,000

Gacha: 100



Chester (Favorability: 54):

Description: The crow of Itachi who died before it could gain Shishui's mangekyou sharingan.


–Chunin Chakra Reserves:

–Eagle Eye: Chester is able to share his sights with you though only if he wishes.

–Elite Jonan Genjutsu: The Crow is adept in the art of trickery, illusion, and hypnotic suggestion.

Alexander The Gerbil (Favorability: 25):

Description: Alexander the great has possessed your Gerbil.

Rare Growth Familiar: Stone Golem Core (Sentience: 0%)

Description: A golem who grows by interacting with different stones, its growth is only progressed by the very stone it wraps around itself.


(Mastery)Battle Tactics

(Mastery)Hand-to-hand Combat


IP Skills:

Apex Fertility: The user's seed will be amongst the peak in the universe and incredibly fertile as your seed can even rejuvenate the womb of a woman who cannot even give birth. All it takes is one load to impregnate any woman in an instant.

Wet To The Touch: A skill that allows for the user to instantly make any girl wet and lubricate their insides for peak insertion.

-Condition: Only can be used once a day.

Promiscuous scent(Passive): 15,000 Impregnation Points

Description: Anyone who owns this skill will passively give off a scent that will make any woman who smells it feel promiscuous.

Addicting Semen(Passive): 20,000 Impregnation Points

Description: Your Semen will become like nicotine in a sense that after having it for a while they will have withdrawals without it.

IP Items: 


–X Gene's:

(X-Gene) Psionic Fabrication: Ricky can manipulate psychic energy to fabricate solid, tangible constructs and generate invisible force fields derived from his own mind. This fusion of abilities allows him to create intricate, durable objects and protective barriers instantaneously, limited only by his imagination and mental focus. 


1.Manifestation and Shape Manipulation: Ricky can materialize psychic energy into solid, intricate objects or powerful weapons, manipulating their shape, size, and complexity according to his will and control them to varying degrees. These constructs can range from simple tools to complex machinery, showcasing his creativity and control. 

2.Durability and Offensive Capabilities: The constructs created by Ricky possess exceptional durability, capable of withstanding significant force and damage. By infusing his constructs with more psychic energy, the user can create cutting edges or even with enough mastery even energy blasts are possible.

3.Defensive Capabilities and Mobility: Ricky can project invisible force fields of varying sizes and shapes, forming protective barriers, shields, or even entire domes. These force fields are highly durable and can block telekinesis, prevent mental intrusion, and shield against various physical and energy-based attacks. Additionally, he can ride these force fields, granting him aerial mobility and maneuverability in battle. 

4.Psionic Infusion and Mental Control: Ricky can infuse his constructs and force fields with his emotions or thoughts akin to programming, enhancing their potency against specific situations. 

Full Counter: The ability to counter any non physical attack at its original user with twice the power


The user must have a conduit or weapon to reflect an attackThe user must be able to react to or swing towards an attack with the proper timing in order to reflect the attackThere must be an attack to reflect.

–Other Skills:

(Epic Skill) Lie Detection: Anyone who tells a lie in front of you will cause a sixth sense to go off in your mind signaling the falsehood of their words.

(Epic Skill) Digital Cloaking: The power to become invisible to surveillance cameras, sensors, and other forms of electronic detection, allowing for stealthy movements in highly monitored areas.

(Epic Skill) Intuitive Genius: This skill functions as perception, as it lets the user possess the ability to visually perceive "mechanical energy" (the kinetic energy and potential energy present in the components of mechanical systems) in action. 

-Effect: This power allows the user to instinctively know and understand the potential and functional operations of any machine or technological device in his visual range, a skill that, combined with natural intelligence, would allow the user to conceive, design, and build mechanical devices; and operate, modify, and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it.

(Epic Skill) Defensive Precognition: A heightened sense of awareness that allows the user to foresee and react to incoming threats, enhancing their ability to dodge attacks and counter adversaries.

(Rare Skill) Green Thumb: Turn waste that won't decompose for more than 50 years into trees.

–Effects: Works on toxic waste, plastic, rubber, and others

(Rare Skill) Proficient Marksmanship: Above the cut of the average joe, you are able to handle anything that requires marksmanship with a solid proficiency

(Rare Skill) Proficient Lockpicking: Able to break any standard lock and even some less advanced safes.

(Rare Skill) Proficient Culinary Arts: Expertise in cooking and food preparation, including knowledge of various cuisines, cooking techniques, flavor combinations, and presentation skills.

(Rare Skill) Proficient Cartography: Skill in reading and creating accurate maps, including terrain and geographical features.


Deadbeat: You have increased odds to flee from the responsibilities of a child and run out like a scumbag.

Royal Thug: You aren't just born into the thug life but are born into the nobility of the thug life

–Effect: A ingrained respect is giving to you by all gangster, mobsters, and thugs

Prodigal Son: Your fame has gained you considerable attention and expectations. 

–Effect: Mobsters will subconsciously demand that you match their level of expectations. Failing to meet their expectations, however, will subject you to their severe judgment and negativity.

–Effect: A ingrained respect is giving to you by all gangster, mobsters, and thugs


(Legendary Item) Storage Space Key: A key that can be turned on any door and will lead to a 36 x 36 yard room that can have anything in the mortal plane stored in it.

(Legendary Item) Blue Eyes White Dragon: An original Blue eyes white dragon, vintage, and sealed delicately within plastic.

–Effect: Makes all those in the vicinity tremble in fear at its mere existence alone.

(Epic Item) Lorestone Pendant: A pendant containing the knowledge of the ancient civilization Cortaj. When worn, it grants the wearer wisdom, language proficiency, and historical insight at random.

(Epic Growth Item) Soulbound Grimoire: A spellbook that absorbs the knowledge and abilities of the caster. As the caster learns new spells, the grimoire becomes more powerful, granting access to a wider range of magic.

(Epic Item) Translation Ring: A ring that allows the wearer to understand and speak any language, facilitating communication with diverse cultures and species.

(Epic Weapon) Solarflare Bow: A bow crafted from the wood of a rare, sun-blessed tree. Its arrows burst into solar flames upon release, capable of piercing through multiple enemies and setting ablaze anything they touch.

(Epic Weapon) Vial of Aurora Borealis: When thrown, it bursts into a vivid display of colors, creating an illusionary landscape of northern lights. Within this illusion, time slows down temporarily for everyone except the user, allowing the wielder to strategize and attack swiftly while enemies are mesmerized.

(Epic Item) Quiver of Chance: The quiver always has an arrow ready for the archer, magically replenishing itself however its effects can be a mystery. These arrows have the possibility of various effects, such as exploding on impact, seeking out targets, or passing through obstacles though they could result in a regular arrow.

(Rare Item) Medieval Cannon: Shoots cannonballs

(Rare Item) Cross Necklace: Makes an unholy being in the area unable to look you in the eye.

(Rare Item) Courageous Thimble: Whoever adorned this thimble on their pinky will be able to gaze upon an army of 100,000 masters and simply laugh at the challenge.

(Rare Item) Brass Knuckles: New Brass knuckles that are ready to bash the skulls of whoever you choose.

-Effect: Caters its size to its user.

Rare Item: Fine China plates

(Rare Item) Blue Print Scanner: A projector that once it scans an object, will be able to accurately make a blueprint of it.

(Rare Item) Forever Lasting Lighter: A lighter that will never run out of fuel no matter how much you use it.

(Rare Item) First Aid Kit: A compact first aid kit containing bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other essentials for treating minor injuries and ailments.

Rare Item: Grappling Hook A handheld device with a hook and rope, useful for climbing, traversing difficult terrain, or disarming opponents.

(Uncommon Item) Stainless Steel Sporks x 23: A set of 23 durable and versatile utensils combining the functionality of a spoon and fork.

(Uncommon Item) Empty Portraits x 2: Two finely crafted portrait frames, waiting to be filled with memories or artwork. Each frame is elegantly designed, offering a blank canvas to showcase cherished moments or creative expressions. Ideal for personalizing your living space or as thoughtful gifts.

(Uncommon Item) Sheet's of mint scented paper x 34: A collection of 34 pristine sheets of paper, delicately infused with a refreshing mint scent.

(Uncommon Item) 9mm pistol: A reliable, compact firearm chambered for 9mm rounds. Known for its accuracy and ease of use, this pistol is an effective choice for self-defense or tactical situations. It comes with a standard magazine and safety features, ready for immediate use.

(Uncommon Item) Medkits x 10: A set of 10 comprehensive medkits, each containing supplies for treating a variety of injuries and emergencies. With enough provisions to care for up to 20 people, these kits are essential for ensuring health and safety in challenging situations, whether at home, in the field, or during emergencies.

(Uncommon Item) Stainless Steel Insulated Mug: A durable, insulated mug to keep beverages hot or cold for extended periods, ideal for coffee, tea, or cold drinks on the go. X 13

(Uncommon Item) Collapsible Water Bowl: A collapsible bowl for pets, allowing them to drink water or eat during walks or travel, promoting their comfort and hydration. X 9

(Uncommon Item) Self-Watering Planters: Planters equipped with a self-watering system, ensuring that indoor plants receive adequate moisture and reducing the frequency of watering. X 6

(Uncommon Item) Stainless Steel Reusable Straw Set: A set of reusable metal straws, often accompanied by a cleaning brush and a travel pouch, reducing single-use plastic waste. X 5

(Uncommon Item) Reading Light: A clip-on or portable reading light with adjustable brightness, allowing for comfortable reading in low-light conditions. X 3 

(Uncommon Item) Portable Clothesline: A lightweight and compact clothesline with clips or hooks, ideal for drying clothes while traveling or camping. X 4

(Uncommon Item) Bike Repair Kit: A compact kit containing essential tools for bicycle repair, including tire levers, patch kits, and a mini pump, ensuring riders can handle common issues during bike trips. X 6

(Common Item) Safety Whistle: An emergency whistle with a loud, piercing sound, essential for attracting attention during outdoor adventures or emergencies. X 12

(Common Item) Foldable Travel Umbrella: A durable and compact umbrella that folds into a small size, making it easy to carry in a purse or backpack for unexpected rain. X 34

(Common Item) Travel Spice Containers: Small, refillable containers for carrying spices and seasonings, allowing travelers to add flavor to meals while on the road. X 23

(Common Item) Travel Sewing Kit: A compact sewing kit with threads, needles, buttons, and scissors, allowing for quick repairs on clothing and fabrics while traveling. X 7

(Common Item) Portable Folding Chair: A lightweight and foldable chair that is easy to carry, perfect for outdoor events, picnics, or camping trips. X 8

(Common Item) Reusable Shopping Bags: Durable, foldable bags that can be reused for grocery shopping, reducing the use of single-use plastic bags and contributing to environmental conservation. X 41

(Common Item) Bike Lock: A sturdy bike lock to secure bicycles and prevent theft, allowing peace of mind when parking bikes in public places. X 20

(Common Item) Cobwebs x 76: A delicate network of sticky silk threads spun by a spider, this cobweb is an emblem of neglect and time's passage. 

(Common Item) Scented Mint Lotion x 10: Gives off the masculine scent of mint.

(Common Item) Broken clocks x 4: Clocks that were once in use but have broken down overtime until they simply stopped working.

(Common Item) LED flashlight: A compact, powerful light source equipped with energy-efficient LED technology. 

(Common Item) Wine Cooler: A sleek, modern appliance designed to chill and store wine at the optimal temperature. 

(Common Item) Napkins: Use it to wipe whatever is dirty. X 99

Gazing at his system, Ricky pondered his newfound strength, letting out a deep sigh as he reflected on his recent haste. 

Ever since escaping those ghouls, he realized he wasn't the only big fish in the pond in New York. 

While still incredibly powerful, he wanted more.

At heart, Ricky had always been greedy, and despite the system tempting him with strength over lustful actions, he simply couldn't resist anymore. 

He knew he was rushing things, that this system might have ill intentions, but circumstances continued to force his hand. 

Now, with the continuous additions of skills and the evolution of his X gene, Ricky felt more confident leaving him finally trusting the system more.

'I need to stop being an idiot and start using these items.' Ricky wasn't perfect and due to his uncaring nature, he tended to ignore different aspects and after seeing the multiple items he could wield, he started to tell himself he'd use them more.

Particularly the 'Solarflare Bow' Ricky saw this weapon but with the new addition of 'Quiver of Chance' he was sure to use it.

Ricky had never used a bow, but if he had to use a weapon then it wouldn't be a sword since he always thought they were pretty dorky.

Actually growing up, he wanted to be like Robin Hood, only instead of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, he'd keep the spoils for himself.

However, what truly unsettled Ricky was his intelligence stat as unlike the other stats that seemed to improve effortlessly, his intelligence stubbornly refused to change. 

This stagnation slowly started to bother him, actually pondering whether or not the system would even give him intelligence points or if he had to manage it all on his own.

'Don't tell me I have to study or ready books-'

"Is this spot taken?" A voice called out, snapping Ricky from his thoughts as he looked up, then immediately scoffed.

"Yes it's taken." Ricky said though much to his annoyance, looked at Dewey, who acted as if he didn't hear him and sat him down in front of him.

"I am Thomas E. Dewey, the new district attorney in Brooklyn and I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second Slick or may I call you Ricky?" Dewey showed a toothy smile while trying to make an attempt to get closer to Ricky.

"Only those close to me call me Ricky, and trust me, I want to be as far away from you as possible." Ricky frowned, torn between his desire to use Chester and the undeniable lure of the $50 million dangling in front of him. 

As much as he could use Chester's help right now, the money was far more tempting than dealing with the douche nozzle standing before him.

"Slick, I'd still very much like to talk to you about your situation." Dewey made an effort to maintain a sense of familiarity with Ricky, who responded by simply resting his head on his hand, showing little interest in the attempt.

"If I let you ramble on, will you leave me alone so I can ride the train in peace?" Ricky asked to which Dewey nodded in compliance.

"First things first, I'm sure you know who I am and my past with Detective Albert." Dewey purposely showed a hurt expression and Ricky raised an eyebrow.


"And on behalf of Detective Albert, I want to apologize for what he did to you." Dewey then spoke from the depths of his heart as Ricky raised the eyebrow even further.


Dewey couldn't help but see Ricky as just another kid, much like Albert. 

But after reading about Ricky's history with Albert, he was shocked by the lengths Albert had gone to reach Lucky, using Ricky as collateral in their twisted back and forth.

Dewey wasn't blind to the situation, but unlike his friend, who understood how much Lucky cared about Ricky, Dewey still had a sense of morality. 

To him, Ricky was just a kid, and that mattered more than anything else which is why he wanted to give the kid a chance to get away from all of this.

"I know what he's put you through, and I promise you, I have no intention of using you to get to Lucky." Dewey looked Ricky right in the eyes as he saw his weird expression, understanding that this lawyer was telling the truth.

"But your father is a cruel man, and I need you to see him for who he truly is." Dewey then brought up his briefcase, and Ricky realized what he was after. 

Ricky had been in police stations numerous times for drunken disturbances, and although he'd had a couple of crimes pinned on him, he was hooking up with a lawyer at the time and was able to avoid serious consequences, getting only community service. 

However, this experience didn't erase his wariness of cops and people in the government who might have ulterior motives. 

Over time, Ricky had become less gullible to their tactics, and with lie detection, he wouldn't fall for them again.

"Have you heard of the freak show?" Dewey spoke, Ricky curiously raised an eyebrow at the multiple things being placed in front of him.

Multiple pictures of the site he himself destroyed were placed in front of his tray as he smirked. 

Ricky had activated digital cloaking, so even if Dewey had taken a picture of him literally slaughtering someone right in front of him, he still wouldn't show up in that picture, although most of these were aftermath pictures.

"I heard that you and your girlfriend Maria Profaci went to this circus or more specifically, the freak show." Dewey spoke out Maria's name making Ricky's eyes squint unconsciously though Dewey was quick to hold up his hands. 

"Listen Ricky, my ways of doing things are different from Albert meaning I won't stoop so low as to go after kids." Dewey told the truth and Ricky picked up one of the pictures before setting it down.

"Ricky, some witness put you there at the scene of the crime." Dewey suddenly spoke as Ricky laughed.

"You're kidding, right?" Ricky noted that while there were some pictures with members in the background, they were blurred at best. 

However, he saw that Dewey was fishing for something, as his skill started blaring sirens in his head causing Ricky to throw the picture at him, sensing deception.

"I thought you said you wouldn't go after me, this seems like you're fishing." Ricky was visibly annoyed and Dewey once again held up his hands.

"I said I wouldn't use you to get to your father-"

"Whatever, speed this up." Ricky waved him away but wanted to learn a bit more about the man who was giving Lucky troubles recently.

"Ricky, make a deal with the government, I can guarantee you protection for not only yourself but your girlfriend Maria as well." Dewey seriously spoke after seeing how Ricky was about to punch him in the face.

"Before you tell me no, the second I walk away, this deal will leave with me-"

"You know what, Dewey?" Ricky chuckled, sighing a bit and leaning back in his chair.

"Albert said the same thing to me about how he wouldn't use me to get to my father. And you know what? You remind me a lot of him." Ricky laughed, seeing Dewey become slightly uncomfortable at the comparison.


"I'm not going to hear you out because, honestly, I don't care about anything you have to say." Ricky shrugged, drawing the line which made Dewey show a look of understanding.

"So you can walk away and take that deal with you, alright?" Ricky shooed Dewey away who had a very disappointed look to him, but nodded.

"Good luck Ricky, but when I'm done with your father, the Luciano name will be-" Dewey was about to issue an underhanded threat when Ricky abruptly stood up.

"Actually I changed my mind, sit back down." Ricky pulled Dewey back and then used his peak adult strength to push him down onto the seat.

Dewey was shocked to say the least since although Ricky looked to be around 5 '10 at the age of only fifteen, he didn't expect to also be so strong.

"I'm actually going to give you a warning Dewey." Ricky pointed at Dewey who was still reeling from how strong he was.

"I'll give you one chance to leave New York and never look back, because from what I see you're a good guy." Ricky said before leaning in as his eyes shone with the utmost brutality.

"But if you keep digging in this rabbit hole, I will personally not only destroy you but everyone around you, ruin everything completely, got it?" Ricky smiled, licking his lips as Dewey immediately thought of his wife for some reason, his expression became increasingly neutral until he stood up once more.

"Good day Slick." Dewey didn't waste any more time and walked away, leaving Ricky to glance around and notice four people withdrawing their hands from their waists.

'He's careful.' Ricky slowly realized that everyone in the train car was allied with Dewey, but he remained calm.

The train doors slid open, and they all stepped out as Dewey lingered for a moment, locking eyes with Ricky one last time as the train slowly chugged forward, the distance between them growing with each passing second.

Ricky didn't look back; his gaze was fixed forward. 

There was one more stop he needed to make before he sought out his second encounter with those monstrous entities parading around for the whims of whatever vampire was pretending to be Dracula.

Ricky felt that if he could secure one more source of power, he would be ready for his confrontation and as the train arrived in the southside of Brooklyn, he steeled himself for what lay ahead.

Walking out of the train station, he half-expected someone to follow him, but no one did, and he walked down the streets alone. 

Instead of heading home, he stopped in front of a beat-up apartment building and walked in. 

Inside the elevator, he made his way towards a particular door and started knocking.



"Who is it?" Marco, the new man of the house, asked cautiously.

"It's me Marco, open the door." Ricky swung the door open, Marco stumbling back a little only to show a surprised look on his face.

"S-Slick?" Marco was surprised at Ricky's sudden intrusion, seeing him stroll into the apartment while looking around.

"Is there a problem?" Marco whispered, thinking something happened while feeling slightly anxious at his sudden arrival.

"Is your sister asleep?" Ricky asked though and got his answer at Marco's nod.

It was only eight o'clock and although his little sister was only three years younger than the ten year old Marco, he still more or less understood.

He gave a thumbs-up, ruffled his hair, and then walked over to the master bedroom as he knocked gently.



"Marco, I said I wanted to be alone." Alina whined through the door, and Ricky shook his head as Marco raised an eyebrow. 

Opening the door, Ricky saw the busty Alina sprawled out on her bed, wearing her pajamas, gazing lifelessly at the ceiling.

"Alina, get dressed, I'm taking you out for some fresh air." Ricky suddenly proclaimed as Alina jerked her head to the side before flinching.

"Slick!?" Alina sat up, shocked at his arrival as Ricky winked at her.

"The one and only." Ricky chuckled, holding out his hands as Marco walked up to his side.

"Ma, I already put Sofia down so you should go with Slick and get some fresh air." Marco misinterpreted why Ricky was here, thinking that Ricky was here to help Alina.

However, Ricky had more sinister intentions as his eyes didn't waver from her massive chest, noting her perky nipples showing through the fabric. 

He knew he was a bastard, and although he wanted to convince himself it was all to gain strength, he'd be lying.

Ricky couldn't deny who he was at heart, a bastard, and this applied to even his deceased friends' mothers.

'Don't worry Rocco, I'll make good by your mom.' Ricky told himself to ease any guilt that might or could appear in the future.

"But I-"

"Great, I'll be waiting in the dining room." 


Alina was left frozen, gazing around at the messy room and back at the plain ceiling, she sighed before sitting up with a puzzled look.

'It's not like it's a date, right?'

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