19.66% Marvel: Impregnation System / Chapter 31: Chapter 31: A Questionable Way To Go About Gaining Strength

章節 31: Chapter 31: A Questionable Way To Go About Gaining Strength


The doors of the Cotton Club were kicked in, making everyone in the area stand on edge. 

Everyone residing in this burrow knew how turbulent Harlem had become since the Luciano family took over and were prepared for anything at this point. 

Instinctively, everyone reached under the table, including the bartender, who let out a relieved sigh when he realized there was no immediate threat upon recognizing the figure.

"Someone give me a bottle of whatever." Ricky didn't care for the anxious expressions and ordered, plopping down onto the chair next to the two old black men.

Ricky had eventually learned the names of these two old souls which were Otis and Rufus, the drunkards of his cotton club.

"You scared us there, Slick!" Otis slapped Ricky's back while Rufus patted his forehead with his handkerchief.

"Seriously Slick, you could've knocked." Rufus gestured only for both the old souls to break out in laughter at the irony of his words.

"Here's your usual Slick." The bartender placed a simple old fashioned whiskey with bitters, sugar, and a twist of citrus rind.

Downing in one full breath, the two old men were surprised while gazing at each other since Ricky always made a joke at this time.

'Say something.' Otis mouthed with his lips but Rufus shook his head in an aggressive manner after understanding.

'No way, you do it-'

"Slick, are you alright there?" The bartender glared at the two of them, gazing at his new boss who tapped his drink while the bartender went to refill his drink.

"Buddy of mine, he-" Ricky tried to tell them only for the words to be stuck in his throat as the three of them immediately understood without him needing to finish.

"Sh*t." Otis and Rufus both said in unison, patting Ricky's back while seeing how his expression was on the verge of crumbling.

"Death is a hell of a b*tch."

"Hell of a b*tch."

They both shook their heads, having lived long enough to witness the deaths of not only those around them but also those close to them.

"But listen here Slick, you could deal with your problems, but you can do all that tomorrow." Otis suddenly gave questionable advice to the impressionable Ricky while Rufus nodded along.

"That old bag of bones there is right, instead of wallowing, why don't you celebrate his life." Rufus patted his shoulder as Ricky downed his newly poured Old Fashioned, then grabbed Otis's straight-up whiskey and downed it as well.

"You're right, I'll put off getting stronger for a little bit and loosen up!" Ricky easily folded under their words, the two of them nodded before realizing what he said.

"Stronger, what is this white boy talking about-"

"Shhhhhh Otis, let him have this one."

2 hours later,

Arriving at the Cotton Club with his trumpet, Booker adjusted his freshly pressed suit while studying his reflection in the mirror.

"Today's the day, Booker. Today's the day you prove you belong headlining at the Cotton Club." Booker encouraged himself, taking a deep breath before donning a confident smile and picking up his trusty old trumpet.

"Puahahahahaha!" Laughter echoed behind him, and Booker turned to see the famed 'Mills Brothers,' also headliners at the club.

They were all black men hailing from Mississippi, their blues performances captivating audiences and establishing them as up-and-comers in the area.

"Well, well, look who we have here, brothers. The rising star himself!" Samuel Jenkings, their lead trumpet player with a thin pencil mustache, remarked, halting in front of Booker with a smirk.

"Hi, I'm Booker Rhodes-"

"Brother, we know who you are." Samuel interrupted, patting Booker on the shoulder while the others chuckled.

"Everyone here knows you're the owner's pet cat, but hey, good on you." Melvin chimed in, offering his own brand of encouragement as Booker frowned.

"The boss's pet?" Booker shifted uncomfortably as Samuel shrugged, strolling over to a nearby couch and flopping down.

"You can play, no doubt about that, but don't kid yourself since you're only on that stage cause the white man put you up there. You didn't really earn it like we did." Samuel said nonchalantly, flashing a wry smile.

"You mean Slick-"



"I told you, I knew that white man's got some fancy name!" Melvin interjected sharply with the snaps of his finger, as Samuel sighed and pulled out a dollar.

"Anyways, good luck out there boy." Samuel saluted him while Melvin scoffed at his friend's words.

"It won't be hard after we got the crowd roaring like dogs-or should I say, cats in heat." Melvin looked at Booker who immediately avoided his eyes while looking to the side while the others started hollering.

Rubbing his shoulder, he walked over to the side of the stage where the crowds were mingling and gazed out the curtain.

"I ain't sveyn drwunk~" Ricky pushed Otis off of him, holding the glass high then pouring it onto his chest, completely missing his mouth.

"Woah there buddy, let's stop here-"


"I gwet it, ysherur asgnsits me too~" Ricky laughed, stretching out his hands as Rufus sighed from the side.

"Kiddo it's not that-"

"Nsho no, I geotsts it, I get's it~" Ricky held up his hands before falling to his knees.

"Arrest me, guilty for grieving!" Ricky yelled at the two who facepalmed while Booker sighed from the side.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, GIVE IT UP TO OUR NEWEST HEADLINER BOOKER RHODES!" The announcement suddenly mentioned, pointing to the side as Booker Rhodes had the spotlight shone down onto his nervous body.

The crowd let out roaring applause, wanting to hear the performance that got this rookie onto the stage so quickly as Booker Rhodes walked out onto the stage.

Adjusting his collar, he gazed back at their members who were looking at him with curiosity as he dabbed his forehead.

"Play off my two, alright?" Booker asked while the other members looked at each other, but shrugged and gave him the nod.

"B-Booker, hey I KNOW BOOKER!" Ricky drunkenly pointed at Booker, waving at him before falling onto the table.

Booker let out a nervous chuckle, adjusting his collar once more while the crowd looked at Ricky's scene.

Gulping nervously, Booker gazed out at the sea of faces before him, his heart pounding against his ribcage. 

The stage lights cast a warm, amber glow over the crowd, their expectant eyes fixed on him. 

Each face blurred into a melting pot of anticipation, their murmurs blending into a distant hum. 

Despite years of practice, a wave of stage fright washed over him, freezing him in place as his fingers trembled slightly as he clutched his trumpet, the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. 

This was the Cotton Club, the pinnacle of jazz in Harlem, where legends were made and broken. 

The spotlight felt like a spotlight, magnifying every doubt and insecurity that had ever welled up within Booker. 

'I-I can't-'

"YEESUS F*CKING CHRIST BOOKER, PLAY THE DAMN TRUMPET!" Ricky yelled in a drunken slur at Booker who flinched but instinctively clutched his trumpet tight.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as he took a steadying breath, reminding himself of the countless hours spent perfecting his craft, the passion that fueled his music.

With renewed resolve, Booker straightened his posture, his gaze steadying as the crowd intently awaited, their energy palpable. 

He closed his eyes briefly, gathering his inner resolve and when he opened them again, his gaze met the expectant faces of the audience with newfound determination. 

This was his moment, his opportunity to shine among the legends of the jazz world while taking in a deep breath while filling his lungs to his peak.

Booker's trumpet blared suddenly, its notes cutting through the air with precision and soul. 

All attention in the room that hadn't been staring at him shifted over to his figure in that long note, drawn by the magnetic pull of his music. 

He was vigorous, preaching out blues as each note he played was infused with the emotion of years spent honing his craft, pouring his heart into every melody. 

The crowd, initially restless with anticipation, now swayed and tapped their feet in sync with the rhythm. 

The bandmates joined in on his two which Booker wailed into, Booker's nerves dissolved as he immersed himself in the music, his fingers moving effortlessly across the valves of his trumpet.

 As he played, Booker's confidence grew with each passing moment while his eyes scanned the room, connecting with individuals who nodded in appreciation or smiled with delight. 

This was more than a performance but a conversation, a dialogue between artist and audience.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ricky laughed, applauding at Booker's playing before falling over from the sway of his music.

Booker finished his playing soon after and when he did, the magnitude of the applause was something that even the most innocent would be captivated by.

Bowing, he walked to the side to see some of the Mills Brothers staring at him with questionable glances but instead of giving in to any provocation, he tipped his hat.

"S-Slick where are you going!" A shout occurred while Booker came from the side to see Ricky stumbling out the door.

"I'm trying to feel the edge!" Ricky yelled back with confusing words, before Booker bit his lip but chased after him only to see a shocking sight.

Finding a coat hanger somehow, Ricky was trying to jack a nearby car which made Booker shocked.

"S-Slick, what are you-"


"Booker, hey man, good performance earlier~" Ricky, able to form coherent sentences, complimented in a drunken tone while continuing to jack the car.

"Hey do me a favor, look out for cops~" Ricky then turned back to the car before jerking his hand to the side as the door unlocked.

"I-Isn't that illegal?" Booker gulped, asking Ricky who shook his head in denial.

"Only if we get caught~'' Ricky hiccuped, reaching under and hardwiring the car with the skills taught to him by Lucky.



Ricky started to car, laughing hysterically before closing the door and rolling down the window.

"You coming or?" Ricky asked, taking out a flask he swiped from Otis as Booker shook his head.

"No way-"

"Suit yourself." Ricky shrugged, skirting off into the distance without any regard for traffic laws.

Swerving left and right, it wasn't known if he was intentionally hitting mail boxes but after the third one it seemed to be a common occurrence.


The car quickly crashed into a narrow alleyway moments later, bricks tumbling onto the hood as Ricky pushed open the door and stumbled out.


Ricky vomited onto the pavement gagging twice more before an insane amount of liquid shot onto the ground below him.

"Oh god~" Ricky wiped his mouth with his coat sleeve, gazing up at the homeless junkies staring at him with freight and confusion.

"H-Hey, give me your drugs~" Ricky gestured, wobbling up to his feet as the junkies weirdly looked at each other.

"Do you know where you are-"


Ricky suddenly kicked the homeless man across the face who was about to reach for his knife while pointing with crazy eyes at the other homeless man.

"GIVE ME YOUR F*CKING DRUGS!" Ricky yelled, the homeless men turning back to see the dead end of the alley before reaching into their coat pockets.

Bags of drugs were thrown at Ricky's feet as he sifted through them, throwing away the weed and heroin until he made his way to the good stuff.

"Oh cocaine, how I've missed you~" Ricky let out a relieved sigh, eagerly unzipping the bag and inhaling the potent aroma of the white powder.


"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ricky yelled out, shaking his head before the scenes around him slowly started to morph.

"Maybe I should take another bump, what do you all think?" Ricky, with white powder on his nose, rubbed his teeth as the homeless people looked at each other.

"S-Sure?" One of the homeless men agreed with a reluctant tone and Ricky nodded, dabbing some of it onto his palm.


"What the-" Ricky wobbled in place, his sights becoming hazy after his cross fade set in, the scene before him seemingly mixing into another


Looking around, swearing he was in the alleyway only seconds ago, looked around to realize he was on the ledge of the building before rubbing his teeth.

Gazing down, he saw the Harlem residents along with a livid Madame gazing at him as if she would strangle him.

"Why are you here-wait, why do I have a pair of drums?" Ricky questioned, seeing the pair of drums in his hands only to realize that he was wearing only a single pair of pants and nothing else.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY AM I HERE!" Madame screeched at him, Ricky still confused at what was happening.

Literally 5 minutes ago,


"I SWEAR I'LL DO IT, I'LL JUMP UNLESS MADAME COMES DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Ricky yelled to the growing audience of Harlem, banging his drums atop the ledge.


Ricky, with white powder all over his face and nothing but a pair of pants, hit a drum while displaying his crazed appearance to all the onlookers,

"COME OUT MADAME, COME OUT OR I'LL LITERALLY EAT THIS DRUM RIGHT NOW!" Ricky yelled, the onlookers giving him questioning stares and whispering amongst themselves.


Present day,

"You sure?" Ricky asked, scratching his head since he didn't remember anything while looking up at the sky.

"Holy sh*t, it's morning?" Ricky asked, since when he left the club it was around midday meaning he blacked out for the entire night.

"SLICK, YOU GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!" Madame demanded, seeing how Ricky looked sensible but the man-child gazed down skeptically.

"No way, you're gonna yell at me!" Ricky yelled back down as Madame grabbed her hair from the frustration of this man.

"YOUR DAMN F*CKING RIGHT I'M GONNA YELL AT YOU, GET YOUR ASS DOWN OFF THAT LEDGE!" Madame yelled, Ricky throwing the drums to the side before patting his pant pockets.

Raising an eyebrow, Ricky reached into his pocket to take out a pair of his rolled up socks and the bag of half emptied cocaine.

"R-RICKY DON'T YOU DARE!" Madame yelled, seeing Ricky holding a bag that was clearly drugs as he gazed down at her then at the drugs.

Ricky contemplated his options, knowing he'd either have to face Madame somewhat sober or find some newfound courage.



Ricky huffed the bag, the dust flowing into his nose like water downstream as Ricky's entire body shivered intensely.

Wobbling backwards off the ledge, Madame looked at Bumpy who understood almost immediately and bolted into the building.

Rushing up the stairs, his momentum didn't break for even a second before kicking the roof door open to see Ricky psyching himself up.

"Come on, COME ON!" Ricky pumped himself up, hitting his head while jumping up and down before Bumpy widened his eyes.


However it was too late, Ricky suddenly leaped over to the next building before clutching onto the ledge, hanging off of it by one hand.

"YEAH, DID YOU SEE THAT!" Ricky yelled out in excitement, turning back to a pale Bumpy whose face was palmed.

Knowing that he would only cause more trouble if he escaped, Bumpy glanced back at the stairs, imagining a disappointed Madame. 

He steeled his eyes and looked forward, determined to face whatever lay ahead.

Backing up a little, Bumpy suddenly ran forward as Ricky widened his eyes but pumped his free arm.

"F*CK YEAH BUMPY, JUMP IT, JUMP IT!" Ricky encouraged his reckless behavior, seeing Bumpy lunge off the ledge but his suit made him inherently slower.

Missing the ledge by a drastic meter, he was about to fall until he grabbed onto Ricky's pant leg which barely holstered him in the air.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Ricky asked, seeing Bumpy barely clinging onto his pant leg.

"Hey my pants are gonna fall-"

"P-Pull me up!" Bumpy yelled, gazing down at the ground which seemed so far away from where he was right now.

"Why are you being so rude, I mean, you're the one who chased after me?" Ricky asked, wiping his nose as Bumpy anxiously readjusted grip on his leg but started to slide down.


"And another thing, you didn't even ask to hang off of me, you just did it, double rude." Ricky commented, rubbing his teeth while they dangled off the ledge of the building.

"Because you've been running for the last day, coked out of your mind-"

"Still, whose fault is that-"

"YOURS?!" Bumpy looked at him speechless at his shamelessness in this scenario.



"Listen Slick okay, I'm sorry, I'M SORRY!" Bumpy yelled, feeling his grip slip as his foreheaded started to sweat.

"SO WILL YOU PLEASE PULL ME UP!" Bumpy pleaded, gazing up at Ricky not even paying attention to him.


Completely ignoring his pleading remarks, Ricky took another huff from the bag of cocaine, further inducing himself.

"WOOO!" Ricky yelled, his eyes reddening as everything seemed to be super detailed in this moment.

"Yeah listen Bumpy, I really want to help you, I swear I do, but my hands are a little full right now." Ricky shook his head to the side, gesturing to the one hand holding the ledge and the other still holding the bag of cocaine.

"Wh-What!" Bumpy shouted out in disbelief while Ricky shrugged.

"I mean, I already jumped over to the next building successfully and now I just wanna get outta here so I'm thinking that we should probably split up-" Ricky, without any guilt, essentially asking Bumpy to let go and basically fall to the ground.

"No, no, no, no, S-Slick your pants, t-there slipping man-" Bumpy could feel his positioning lowering and quickly pleaded.

"Probably because there's this rude 200 pound asshole hanging off of them-"

"185 white boy!" Bumpy yelled out, angered that Ricky actually wanted him to let go.

"Whatever, listen, just try and aim for that dumpster-" Ricky saw the dumpster below them, trying to give him some advice but Bumpy was delirious.

"S-Slick let me climb up you-" Bumpy was in denial, gazing up at the selfish coke riddled man with a pleading gaze


"No, no please Slick don't-"

"Bumpy, buddy, this is happening alright. I can't hold the ledge, my cocaine, and you at the same time so someone's got to fall." Ricky winked at Bumpy, sliding down with Ricky's pants as his eyes widened in horror.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bumpy screamed, holding Ricky's pants while falling towards the ground.


"Holy sh*t, dead center Bumpy!" Ricky yelled out in praise as Bumpy looked as if he flew through the air and crashed into the dumpster below.




"Ohhhhhhhhhh~" Bumpy let out a tired groan as Ricky nodded his head, helpling himself onto the ledged with only a pair of boxers.

"Don't worry Bumpy, I'll come down to rescue after I take another huff from this bag!" Ricky yelled down, seeing the clearly hurt Bumpy groaning in the dumpster.


Ricky huffed the last of the cocaine, shaking his head at the thrill rushing into his nose and invigorating him with energy.

"Wait, what was I going to do again?"

Ricky asked, out rubbing his teeth only to open his eyes to see the surroundings around him change into a suit shop.

"Pardon me Mr. Luciano, but you came in for some clothes." A man gestured from the side, handing him a decent suit as Ricky looked around.

'I could've sworn it was something else-ah, whatever.' Ricky, unable to remember that he was about to go check on Bumpy, shrugged away the thoughts.

Grabbing the suit without paying, Ricky strolled out of the door while wiping his eyes and when they opened back up, he was in a bar.

"Woah." Ricky whispered, gazing around at the completely different surroundings before loosening up.

'This works out in my favor I guess.' Ricky looked around until a sleazy smile morphed on his face.

'Well, let's get stronger shall we?' Ricky thought, gazing around at all the women mingling as he checked his breath against his palm.

Smiling, he strolled over to the bar while rubbing his teeth, leaning against the counter next to a woman nursing her drink.

"Hey beautiful, care to listen to a once in a lifetime offer?" Ricky suddenly propped next to her as she flinched, before raising an eyebrow and a smile.

"Oh yeah and what's that?" The girl asked, seeing Ricky's cute face and deciding to hear him out.

Ricky leaned in to whisper something in her ear, making her smile at first only for her expression to freeze, and her face slowly contorted into an ugly frown.


"Ouch." Ricky messaged his jaw, with the clear handprint on the right side of his face while watching her storm off.

Looking to the side, Ricky saw a girl talking to her friend as he politely tapped on her shoulder, turning to him and seeing his sleazy smile.

"Seven words gorgeous 'you, me, and a dirty bathroom stall' what do you say-"


Ricky couldn't even finish as the drink splashed onto his face, laughing while wiping it off and opening his eyes.

"So, is that a no-"


Ricky was then slapped on the other side of his cheek which turned him to the amused bartender awaiting his order.

"Yeah, I'll have an old fashioned without that sissy garnish." Ricky asked, handing him a couple dollars as the bartender nodded.


Ricky tried to regain himself, the mourning of his friend throwing him off his game and he needed to readjust everything.


His nose started to bleed but he didn't even flinch, grabbing a nearby napkin only to have a hand grab his arm.


[Mission Received: Everlean Carter]

Difficulty: Easy

Character Sheet: C

Description: Recently found out her fiance was cheating on her and decided to go out on the town with her two best friends. All sense of responsibility is gone tonight and you so happened to stumble across the perfect opportunity.

Objective: All it takes is one time in order to get stuck with a kiddo, impregnate this lucky or unlucky girl.

Reward: 10,000 IP

Main Mission:

Impregnante Everlean Once:

Choose: 50 gacha or Everlean Skills

Impregnate Twice:

Rewards: ?????????

Additional Missions:

Cum inside of Everlean while making out with another girl(Incomplete):

Reward: 20,000 IP

F*ck Everlean until she passes out(Incomplete):

Reward: Rare Skill Coupon

Cum inside Everlean's Pussy three times(Incomplete):

Reward: +4 Agility

Bonus Missions:








Ricky instinctively gazed to the side and saw a woman with chocolate skin as her hazel eyes, filled with worry, locked onto his affliction. 

She wore a black sundress that accentuated her captivating presence, drawing the eyes of anyone who looked her way. 

Her smile seemed to light up the entire room, exuding warmth and charm that drew people to her effortlessly. 

Ricky found himself unable to look away for more than a second, mesmerized by the radiant energy she projected. 

Her features were striking: high cheekbones, full lips, and an elegant grace that made her stand out in any crowd. 

Her curly hair framed her face perfectly, adding to the allure that made her impossible to ignore.

His eyes grazed against the mission description until he saw that her fiance cheated on her and immediately adjusted himself.

'Come on Ricky, get in the zone, get in the zone!'

"Yeah I'm-" Ricky was about to say something until he realized that it would be better to take a different approach.


"Is something the matter?" Everlean, noticing his bleeding nose, wanted to offer him a handkerchief, but she hesitated when she saw his distraught expression. 

Ricky tried to muster a smile but suddenly sighed, covering his face as Everlean looked at him in confusion, puzzled by his abrupt change in demeanor.

"No, no it's nothing." Ricky looked at his drink, banking on Everlean to ask why as she immediately took the bait.

"Why is it, isn't there no better solace in a random stranger?" Everlean couldn't help herself as her inherently good nature forced her to ask, joking to lighten up the mood.

"Actually, recently my girlfriend cheated on me and I'm struggling getting back into the scene." Ricky forcefully let out an anxious laugh, Everlean flinching at their similar circumstances.

"O-Oh, I see." Everlean grabbed her chest, feeling her heart ache at the thought of her own significant other cheating on her a week ago.

"I'm Ricky." Ricky held out his hand and Everlean shook it.

"Everlean." Everlean responded only for Ricky to kiss it which caught her off guard until she laughed. 

"Thanks for taking the time to listen to this lonely soul's story, I apologize if I was too forthcoming." Ricky used his era's slang, trying to get pity points from Everlean who looked at her friends but bit her lip.

"Well, me and my friends are drinking over at the black only section if you'd like to come?" Everlean asked, knowing he probably wouldn't want to go with her until he suddenly smiled.

"I'd be delighted to." Ricky smiled warmly, leaning over and asking to take her hand.

Everlean was surprised, but after seeing this similar soul she decided to grab his hand and lead her over to the friends.

Walking over to the very edge of the bar, her two friends were situated at the booth before gazing at the oncoming two instead of one.

"Everlean?" A girl asked, raising an eyebrow of hostility towards Ricky who returned a kind smile back to her.

"Girls, this is Ricky, his girlfriend recently cheated on him and had a drink thrown in his face." Everlean joked with one of the girl's laughing but the other still glaring at Ricky, crossing her arms.

"I'm Mayola, charmed~" Mayola, already on her third drink, friskily held out her hand and Ricky took it with a smile.

Mayola stood a little taller than Everlean, her presence commanding attention in any room if Everlean wasn't present, overshadowed by Everlean pure beauty. 

Her curves were very generous and overly-defined, making her silhouette unmissable.

Her chocolate skin had a natural glow which was a tad darker than Everlean's, contrasting beautifully with her rich, dark curls that cascaded down her back. 

She had full, sensuous lips and striking hazel eyes that seemed to capture and hold the gaze of anyone who looked her way. 

Her assets were more prominent, adding to her allure and the sense of confidence she exuded. 

Wearing a fitted purple sundress, Mayola's figure was accentuated perfectly, her body overtaking any other sight and making her the focal point of the room. 

"Azalea." Azalea didn't even care to extend her hand, showing she had no intentions of shaking his hand.

Azalea was a beauty, though she was shorter and less curvaceous than Mayola and Everlean. 

Her delicate features and graceful presence made her striking in her own right, yet her beauty was often overshadowed by her current perpetual scowl. 

Her almond-shaped eyes, sharp and intelligent, held a hint of annoyance that contrasted with her otherwise captivating appearance. 

With a slender frame and impeccable posture, Azalea carried herself with a certain elegance, but the furrowed brow and tight lips suggested a frustration that marred her otherwise stunning visage.

[Mission Received: Mayola Davis]

Difficulty: Easy

Character Sheet: C

Description: Has had dead end after dead end when it came to dating and has recently become fed up with the local cats in the area. She wants to experience a night she'll never forget until the end of her days

Objective: Give Mayola that special night in more than one way, if you know what I mean.

Reward: 10,000 IP

Main Mission:

Impregnante Mayola Once:

Choose: 50 gacha or Mayola Skills

Impregnate Twice:

Rewards: ?????????

Additional Missions:

Cum inside all three of Mayola's holes(Incomplete):

Reward: Rare Weapon Coupon

–(Secret Mission)Make Mayola organism on each time you came inside her holes(Incomplete):

–Reward: Epic Weapon Coupon

Have Mayola throw away her pride(Incomplete):

Reward: +6 Strength

Fuck Mayola into Submission(Incomplete):

Reward: +4 Vitality

Bonus Missions:







[Do you-

'Yes.' Ricky thought, sitting down at the booth and about to turn over to Everlean only for Azalea to scrunch her brows.

"So 'Ricky' how old are you and what do you do for a living?" Azalea immediately pressed, Everlean turning her head with an angry expression.

"That is incredibly rude Azalea!" Everlean reprimanded, a little disappointed at her sudden integration as the woman immediately looked away in shame.

"Probably something that gives you such strong muscles~" Mayola let out in a tipsy tone and without shame, stroked his arm.

"I'm twenty three and yes I know, baby face." Ricky lied, stroking his chin while Everlean along with Mayola laughed.

"And I work for the truckers union, I sort and organize all paperwork while supervising the mail room." Ricky lied out of his ass though they believed it to be true since it seemed so detailed and on the spot.

"Wow that's so cool~" Mayola lied before seeing Ricky look at Everlean which made her slightly frown.

"I actually have to use the little girl's room, Everlean?" Mayola scooted out of the booth and gazed at Everlean who was slightly anxious.

"I don't' think-"

"It's fine, I'll keep him company." Azalea smiled towards Everlean who wasn't at all reassured.

"Great, come on Everlean." Mayola tugged her towards the side, Ricky waving her goodbye while being dragged towards the girl's bathroom.

"Mayola why are you being so aggressive-"

"Everlean, please, please, please, let me have him!" Mayola immediately begged once they reached the bathroom.

"What are you even talking about-"

"Oh come on Everlean, he totally has the hots for you~" Mayola whined, looking at the mirror to the side and pulling out her makeup.

"He does?" Everlean, the naive and clueless girl of the group, showed a look of surprise which only made Mayola sigh.

"Yes honey, but can't you let me have this one!" Mayola continued, Everlean still shocked at the news.

"I swear, these neighborhood cats have drained the life out of me and I just want one night, one night let loose~" Mayola looked over at Everlean biting her lip since she knew how hard Mayola was having it.

"And besides, you and Milton just broke up, don't you want to take it in before making any big decisions?" Mayola turned back to Everlean who rubbed her shoulder, feeling uncomfortable at her bringing up Milton.

"I guess-"


Meanwhile back at the booth,

"Do you think Everlean is some kind of harlot, one that's easy for you to manipulate." Azalea suddenly accused Ricky who coughed up his drink before laughing.

"Woah, where did that come from?" Ricky was taken aback at the sudden accusation, literally sitting in complete silence of the past three minutes.

Azalea squinted, sitting up and walking over to Ricky with hatred fully glistening within her almond eyes.

"Well it doesn't matter since I won't let Everlean have her heart played with the likes of some white boy." Azalea poked, the system ringing in his head until a carnivorous smile played onto his lips when glancing at the description.

[Mission Received: Azalea Harris]

Difficulty: Easy

Character Sheet: C-

Description: Azalea is secretly in love with her best friend Everlean, however she's desperately afraid of this fact and is content with just being her friend. It might be beneficial to seduce Everlean if you want to have three in your bed.

Objective: Take advantage of Azalea Harris' love and knock her up for it.

Reward: 10,000

Main Mission:

Impregnante Once:

Choose: 50 Gacha or Azalea Harris Skills

Impregnate Twice:

Rewards: ?????????

Additional Missions:

Impregnante Azliee with her first ever time(Completed):

Reward: Rare Equipment Coupon

Get Azilee to beg you to come inside her(Incomplete):

Reward: Rare/Uncommon skill Coupon

Coerce Azilee to confess her love for Everlean after creampieing her(Incomplete):

Reward: Rare Weapon Coupon

Bonus Missions:






'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, YES!' Ricky couldn't believe what he was reading before gazing back at her scrunching face.

"You're in love with Everlean, aren't you?"


Azalea's breath went cold, her heart thumped out her chest at the words uttered from Ricky's smug face which caught her completely off guard.

"N-N-No I-" Azalea's face immediately became guilty, Ricky didn't even try to ease into it and bluntly spoke out her most horrifying secret.

"Oh come on, it's obvious and now that you showed such a guilty expression-"Ricky laughed, thinking she might be cute if she didn't look at him as if she wanted to cut out his eyeballs.

"You simply caught me off guard, do you think I'm some sort of fag?!" Azalea pretended, though very poorly, about her preferences.

Ricky could've waited or used it to bag her at a later date, but Ricky had another plan while wiping his nose.

"Fine then let's see what Everlean has to say-"

"NO!" Azalea screamed, some eyes turning towards them until she coughed and regained herself.

"P-Please." Azalea gritted her teeth, grabbing hold of his shirt.

"I-I'll do anything so please don't tell her." Azalea closed her eyes, ready to throw away her dignity if needed.

"Anything?" Ricky asked, slinking his hands down her waist and leaning in but Azalea simply looked up.

"Anything." Azalea confirmed making his sleazy smile extend to its limits.

"How about we help each other out?" Ricky asked, Azalea immediately shaking her head.

"I won't-"

"What if I let you have a turn with Everlean?" Ricky whispered in a seductive tone as Azalea shook violently in desire.

"I know you've thought about being on top of her while she moaned at your will." Ricky continued to sprout the possibility into her ear which made Azalea freeze.

"What do you mean?" Azalea shamelessly asked, gazing in front of her without meeting his eyes as he chuckled.

"I mean, let's get incredibly wasted and have a fun time." Ricky suggested, clearly uninterested if she wasn't willing, as forcing someone wasn't his style.

"And of course, I was kidding when I said that I'd tell Everlean, in fact, I'm wholly confident that I can bag her without your help." Ricky showed his true face to Azalea who clenched her fists together.

"And if I tell her-"

"Azalea, darling, we both know you're too selfish to let go of Everlean since if you truly loved her, then you would've let her go." Ricky revealed his opinion since one-sided love was like this.

People often claim they want the best for their true love, but in reality, they're merely poisoning themselves with that excuse, staying by their side under the guise of 'protection'. 

The truth is, they are torturing themselves with a fantasy of unreciprocated affection that will never be fulfilled.

"What would you do?" Azalea selfishness leaked out and Ricky nodded while holding up a couple fingers.

"First, let me have a taste of Everlean once or twice, probably three times." Ricky explained while Azalea looked down until he moved her face towards him.

"Then after I'm finished, you can taste her all you want, if I get to have a little fun with you that is." Ricky whispered, Azalea however didn't look in disgust but blushed at the thought of feeling all over Everlean's naked body.

"But if you come, you have to get Mayola with you." Ricky then made the deal almost unreasonable.


"Azalea this isn't a negotiation, this is what it takes to get what you want." Ricky didn't care to hear her rebuttal and simply stated what he wanted.

"Think about it, however once I bag Everlean your time will be up." Ricky scooted away after seeing the girls exit the bathroom.

"Oh and if you tell her-"

"You'll reveal my secret." Azalea stared at him, her expression unreadable when the two of them arrived.

"Who's ready to party~" Mayola danced over to Ricky who smiled, seeing Everlean standing over by the side and avoiding his gaze.

"Alright but first let's go get some drinks, Mayola." Azalea all of a sudden took Mayola's invitation, taking her hand and drawing her over to the dance floor.

Mayola and Everlean were shocked at this initiative since she never did anything unless Everlean begged her too.

Speechless at her friend's behavior, Azalea promptly dragged her off to the bar while the stunned Everlean watched in shock.

"My lady, would you perhaps grant me the honor of a dance?" Ricky stood up and caught the shocked Everlean off guard.


"Great!" Ricky answered for her, taking her hand then shimming with her to the dance floor.

The jazz music blared while the confused and still taken aback Everlean had unknowingly drifted over to the dance floor only to start laughing at Ricky's dance moves.

Ricky was a lot of things, but he wasn't at all a good dancer and it showed at how hysterical Everlean became with every boogey in his step.

The thing that made it work however is Ricky's uncaring nature, it wasn't embarrassing for him since he was too shameless to even care.

Adorning his charming smile, Everlean could only relent from her straight out laughter into a dance while deciding to help him out.

"Oh Ricky, that is not how you dance to the blues." Everlean shook her head only for Ricky's smile to turn sleazy.

"Alright then, show me." Ricky laid on the charm and Everlean laughed, nodding while coming in closer.

"Here, to dance the charlton you have to focus on your feet." Everlean assisted, guiding his sway into proper moves.


Everlean laughed out once again, seeing how hopeless he was but Ricky simply wouldn't stop his awful dancing until Azalea brought over the drinks.

"Bottoms up!" Ricky swiped one of the shots, the three surprised before Mayola and Everlean laughed while following his lead.

"Here." Azalea handed another to Mayola who hesitated but after seeing Ricky's smile on Everlean, she swiped it.

"Whew!" Everlean, downing her shot and shouted, only for Ricky to shimmy over to her and to start dancing as she started doing her thing.

One shot, two shots, three shots, four their bodies danced on the cold, hard floor. 

Five shots, six shots, seven shots, eight, bodies grinded together, careless of their next day's fate. 

Wasted, they partied through the night until the only ones on the dance floor were Ricky and Everlean.

Azalea had purposely fed Mayola more drinks which she was currently throwing up in the nearby restroom.

The band stopped playing a half an hour ago but the two of Ricky and Everlean were slow dancing the night away.

Everlean looked up at the smiling Ricky, clear passion in her eyes before finally relenting to Ricky's sway and leaning in.

Ricky didn't at all refuse her and took her into a passionate kiss, his hands that were laying idle at her waist slowly starting to slide down.

'Wet to the touch.'

"Oh Ricky~" Everlean let out, pulling back before Ricky swarmed her neck as she moaned.

"Spend the night with me Everlean~" Ricky whispered seductively into her ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Ever since her fiance cheated on her, Everlean had been heartbroken and although it wouldn't sew the wound on her heart, she could tell Ricky could ease the pain.

"Ok~" Everlean whispered, letting Ricky guide her out as Azalea walked out of the restroom with Mayola in tow.

"Where is Evelean-"


Mayola was shocked to see Ricky walking out of the bar with Everlean since despite being next to each other the entire night, it still pained her deeply that Everlean had gone against her word.


"Do you want to follow them?" Azalea asked, aware that Mayola's presence was part of the deal, calculating that if Mayola joined them, she could use the opportunity to throw her to the wolf that was Ricky while Azalea spent more time with Everlean.

"But she already got him-" Mayola whined, drunkenly annoyed at having Everlean steal what was supposed to be her all over again.

"Are you simply going to give up and let Everlean take whatever she wants from you like she always does?" Azalea knew what buttons to press and upon pressing them, they lit a fire in her heart with a renewed vigor.


"Yeah you're right, let's go." Mayola drunkenly pulled Azalea after them while the latter started without an emotionless stare.

Azalea was a cold and heartless person who cared about nothing except her light that was Everlean, but the problem was that her feelings would be forever unreciprocated.

Azalea thought she could live her life and be satisfied by being Everlean's closest friend, but she was wrong.

After hearing Ricky's deal she wanted to refuse but started to think about how no matter what she did, Everlean was the type of person people flocked to.

Everlean's fiance was trash, but she was a woman that men vied for and Azalea had seen firsthand the suitors that came to her daily.

Eventually someone would swoop in and steal all her time from Everlean, this was when she started thinking more closely at their deal.

Azalea thought that if she could have one moment, a single moment she could internalize and hold within her heart with Everlean forever and only then would she be satisfied with letting go.

That was her excuse, and Azalea didn't care if it was incredibly poor so when she caught Ricky's side-eye, her resolve only strengthened.

Ricky walked into a nearby hotel that allowed Everlean, throwing down a hundred onto the desk and demanding the hotel key while leaving a whisper to the attendant.

Relenting, Mayola and Azalea strode into the hotel and when Mayola walked past towards a nearby elevator, Azalea side-eyed the attendant who nodded at her.

"Of course Everlean gets a man who can give her a penthouse suite, this is so like her!" Mayola jealousy seethed, walking into the next elevator while Azalea silently walked in.

The elevator doors opened and Azalea's sight was privy to Ricky sticking his tongue down her precious Everlean's throat.

"Oh geez~" Mayola was a little hottened up while seeing how boldly Ricky played with Everlean's body.

Opening the door into the hotel, Ricky purposely left open while undoing Evelrean's dress on their stumble towards the bed.

"One look wouldn't hurt, right?" Azalea asked Mayola who unconsciously bobbed her head.

"Y-Yeah, one peep wouldn't hurt." Mayola drew closer, biting her lips while Azalea walked behind.

"Of course, it's only one peep."

Author's Note: Not gonna lie, I couldn't muster up good pictures so if anyone want's to chip in and donate some pics to the comments, I'll shout you out in the next chapter for thanks. Also this upcoming foursome will probably be a one off thing since like I said in the intro letter, it's just a one off power up and won't happen with future harem members.

章節 32: Chapter 32: F Is For Foursome (R18)

Warning: Slight yuri stuff, not gonna lie I don't think I'll do something like this again so enjoy if your into it and if not, then it's probably just a one-time thing so don't whine about it.

Author's Note: I also picked out the pictures and the respective person who gave their input is next to it.

(Desire_Incarnate) Everlean

(James_Piter) Azalea

(James_Piter) Mayola


Azalea closed the door behind her and held Mayola, who froze in place, anticipating the unfolding moments of Ricky and Everlean's entanglement.

Ripping off her dress, Ricky threw it to the side. He slid his fingers down, softly caressing her wet undergarments while Everlean's legs gave out, causing her to collapse onto the bed.

Mayola stood frozen, her hands covering her shocked mouth, unable to say anything as she anticipated what she was about to witness.

"Oh Ricky~" Everlean moaned out, losing herself in his touch while swaying her body against the rippling tides of the ocean that were Ricky's fingers.

Azalea tolerated it, for her moment, watching Ricky slide Everlean's undergarments down as her eyes locked onto Everlean's beautiful pussy wetted to its very core.

Her breath hastened, seeing the large lips slowly seeping out a glistening fluid, tricking down while slowly caressed by Ricky's aggressive fingers.

Her nails dug into her palms, but her eyes remained locked onto the only thing she had ever wanted as Ricky positioned himself, lining up his cock with those beautiful, pressed folds.

"AH~" Everlean moaned as Ricky pushed her apart slowly, starting to fill her insides completely.

Leaning down, Everlean wrapped her hands around his back, digging her pretty nails into his flesh to anchor herself to the moment.

Thrusting forward, Everlean's head collapsed back onto the bed, letting out a sensual moan as Azalea closed her eyes and started touching herself to that sound.

Registering and cherishing Everlean's sensual voice, Mayola on the other hand watched intently in battered breaths at Ricky's ravaging movements.

Ricky's drunken form was unapologetic, slamming his pent-up emotions into Everlean, who lay beneath him with no choice but to take it all.





The bed frame rocked into the walls with every sway of Ricky's hips, the sensual wails of Everlean following afterwards at the intense feeling coursing through her being.

Her body shook under his force, her subtle breasts swaying haphazardly with each aggressive thrust.

Everlean unconsciously turned her gaze downward, her eyes reflecting the sight of her most sacred part. 

Through a drunken haze, she watched as her lower lips morphed and stretched to accommodate his size. 

Seeing her insides being completely ravished first-hand, yet she found herself unable to look away.

Watching as he slowly pulled his throbbing cock from her creaming pussy, only to shove it back in, her mind seemed to short-circuit. 

The hardwiring within her brain struggled to keep up with the overwhelming sensations as Ricky relentlessly stimulated her pleasure receptors.

"Ah~" Everlean wanted to say something, anything, but all she could manage were increasingly sloppy wet moans that slowly made her surrender completely, as if realizing she was made for this very moment.

Teeth gritted and drool leaking, her eyes darted around as she struggled to handle the overwhelming pleasure slamming into her. 

The sensations that should have given her pain at every thrust turned into an intoxicating addiction that drove her mind into a frenzy.

Tears of pure joy started to constantly lubricate their intertwined body, her walls slathering Ricky's cock in her cream as if inciting even more of his chaotic whims. 

Inside her being, Ricky didn't care for any walls, pushing past them as he reveled in the twitching tightness that threatened to swallow his cock whole.

Everlean's body was like a black hole, hungrily pulling him in as if trying to absorb everything he had to give.

"Ah-" Everlean tried to moan out her desire for more only for Ricky's waist to slam into her pussy, robbing her of her voice.

Opening her mouth, no words came from her wet, plump lips as her body instead shook violently. 

An unexpected climax hit her, overwhelming her senses and causing pleasure to surge throughout her insides uncontrollably, making her unable to comprehend the intense sensation as it exploded out from within her.

Pulsing and twitching, her body's natural response only seemed to drive Ricky to more violent movements, as he gained an even deeper foothold within her.

"F*cking hell~" Ricky grunted, slamming himself deep into Everlean and laughing at the sudden tightness, gritting his teeth with a sleazy smile. 

Meanwhile Everlean's entire brain seemed to shut off as her eyes twitched madly upwards, overwhelmed by the intense rush surging through her insides.

"Mhhhhhhhh~" Everlean's head fell against the bed as she cried out, only to shut her mouth and hum in response, gnawing on her own teeth. 

The relentless pulsing and twisting of frenzied pleasure was so overwhelming that it left her unable to open her mouth, her entire body seized by the chaotic, primal rush.

Leaning into Everlean, his hands traced up her shaking body, caressing her sloppy swaying breasts until they reached her own hands.

Pressing them firmly down, his hips suddenly smacked into her waist, his cock delving into her unexplored depths that only made her breathless.

Her actions were forcefully cut off once more, any response to his gestures had been overwhelmed by the continuous thrusting feeling of Ricky, entering and reaching depths that she never thought possible.

Ricky toyed with her, trailing soft kisses along her neck and collarbone, only to follow with forceful, imposing thrusts that drove his cock deeper into her being.

Everything felt hazy for Everlean as she stared up at the blurry ceiling, her body rocking back and forth under Ricky. 

Her legs swayed uncontrollably from either side of Ricky, wobbling as if too weak to properly control them, leaving them sprawled out in disarray.

Whether it was her sadness that longed for another's touch or the immense amounts of alcohol that heightened the lustful side of herself, she couldn't tell. 

But what anchored her to the moment was the relentless swelling built from Ricky's every thrust, grounding her amidst the fog while holding onto his warm body.

"You're so beautiful Everlean." Ricky whispered in her ear, kissing it tenderly before his movements betrayed that delicate action by increasing the pace.

"AH~" Everlean finally regained her breath, lustfully breathing out her passion while wrapping herself around Ricky.

Digging her nails even further into his back, she clawed and scratched while her legs wrapped around his waist.

Everlean tucked her face into the crevasse of Ricky's neck, holding him tight amidst the flurry of his strokes.

They were more impactful, more rough, and elicited more of a reaction from Everlean who ramped up the pace of her moans.

"I-I feel something, I-" Everlean tried to moan out only for Ricky to simply kiss her, thrusting his cock deeper into her welcoming pussy with even more force.

"It's ok, I'm here~" Ricky's words were akin to the devil's whisper, soothing her into a tempting understanding smile while foolishly trusting him.

Taking her into another passionate and emotional kiss, his next coming thrusts were anything but that warm and understanding.

Ricky's heavy balls slapped against her ass as his cock plunged furiously into her spewing folds as if he were punishing her under his own thrill.

Deeper and deeper, Ricky seemed to gain a little more traction with every movement as he felt that swelling within his meaty balls.

Ricky could feel it, twisting and ramming his length into Everlean's tight, innocent core, with an utmost intensity as she began to cream around him, enveloping him in a thick, white coating, smothering him in her love.

"!" Everlean's eyes fluttered open in the middle of their kiss, screeching out a climax of a moan from within Ricky's mouth.

Everlean's eyes rolled back as she felt Ricky release a hot, thick load of cum into her creaming core, the sensation almost destroying her senses.

Everlean body shuddered uncontrollably, her insides clamping down into a vice grip around Ricky's member that constantly throbbed under it, spurting more of his own creamy white liquid that lathered her pink walls in white and painting her pink walls white.

The warmth surged through her deepest regions, radiating and spreading like a liquid fire that enveloped every inch of her being.

"Ha~" Azalea gently came from the side at Everlean's muffled moan, shivering at the image of her being the one to bring such pleasure to Everlean.

"Mayola this is your chance, if it continues anymore like this then Everlean will have Ricky all to herself for the entire night." Azalea placed her hand, still tingling from her own touch moments before, onto Mayola's locked gaze.

"But they-" Mayola breathlessly whispered, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on Everlean's pulsing, creaming core, which oozed Ricky's milky white cum in thick, shimmering streams.

"It's ok, he won't turn you away~" Azalea whispered in a tempted tone, knowing from his sleazy appearance that Ricky was the type to get sidetracked easily and would eventually start f*cking Mayola.

Then once Ricky was devouring Mayola, Azalea would have Everlean all to herself and make a moment that would last a lifetime.

Pushing Mayola, she stuttered forward while seeing Ricky hover above Everlean who was limply sprawled on the bed.

Huffing out deep breaths, glazed eyed while reeling in from this tsunami of an organism that she creamed out along with the assist of Ricky dumping a warm load to coddle her already hard climax.

"Mayola, come here~" Ricky slicked his hair back, looking to the side to see Mayola breathlessly standing at the side and beckoning her over.

Nodding forward, Mayola aimlessly walked over to him until she fell to his clutches, sealing her fate as he pulled her into his lustful entanglement.

"Ah~" Everlean suddenly moaned out, feeling Ricky restart his thrust but in a slow manner that let her properly relish in the aftermath of her last organism along with the new thrills of this pleasure sway.

Closing her eyes and playing with her own breasts, Everlean didn't even care to notice Ricky sticking his tongue down Mayola's throat while once again thrusting his cock into her cum stuffed pussy.

Reaching his hand under Mayola's skirt, he slid his already drenched fingers littered with Everlean's nectar into her already drenched pussy.

"Ha~" Mayola moaned while interlocked with Ricky's lips, melting into his touch while he thrusted his hungry cock further into Everlean.

Azalea had arrived at the side, hovering over Everlean and watching in a breathless manner at this moment.

Sliding off her clothes, Azalea knew that she wouldn't have any better opportunity to have her memory and crawled onto the bed.

Ricky watched side-eyed Azalea, still kissing Mayola but used his right hand that was holding Everlean's mothering bearing hips and slowly placed it on Azalea's ass.

She didn't care, accepting her end of the deal while her eyes were dead set on the moaning Everlean below her without a care in the world.

Ricky beckoned his fingers inside Mayola with his left and kneaded Azalea's ass with his right as she set it down onto Everlean's swaying stomach.

"Everlean~" Azalea whispered, lowering her head down and taking the love of her life into a passionate kiss.

Confusing Azalea for Ricky, she wrapped her arms around Azalea's neck and continued to close her eyes.

Azalea was excited but slow, taking the lead of their tongues while her pussy wetted and dripped in excitement onto Everlean's stomach.

"I-I'm cumming, Ricky~" Mayola whined, biting her lips while resting her head on his shoulder.

"Then cum for me~" Ricky whispered back in a chuckle, immensely turned on as he held three girls at the will of his touch.

"Ah~" Mayola and Everlean both came at the same time, Ricky kissing Mayola's forehead while increasing his pace with Everlean.

"Everlean~" Azalea continued to moan out, kissing Everlean all over from her mouth to her neck while playing with her breasts.

Ricky undid Mayola's dress, kissing her aggressively while continuing to ready her pussy, increasing the pace of his hips and slamming them down into the excited Everlean.

"I–I-Ah~" Everlean tried to moan out but continued to be halted by the rushing tide of Ricky's cock slamming into her port.

"I'm here Everlean, I'm here." Azalea breathlessly moaned out as well, covering her with her love while biting her lip.

Ricky stuck his tongue down Mayola's throat, tightly clasped Azalea's perky ass, and slammed his cock back into the deepest depths of Everlean's pulsing wet creamy pussy.

'The things I do for strength.' Ricky lamented as if it was a tragedy but was smiling ear to ear.

Ricky, feeling that familiar build up, violently thrusted down his cock into Everlean's pussy once more while preparing to give her another serving of motherhood.





The sound of Ricky's hips slamming into Everlean echoed through the room, mingling with the moans of the three girls.

Ricky couldn't hold out any longer, putting the entirety of his strength into his next thrust as he plunged his everything into Everlean

"AH~" All the girl's moaned out, syncing up their climaxes due to Ricky' influence as he grunted out as well.

Everlean arched her back up, Azalea hugged down onto her, Mayola clutched tightly onto him, and Ricky dumped a big load of his baby batter into the vibrating Everlean.

Filling Everlean up to the brim and then some, she breathlessly slumped back to the bed and closed her eyes before Azalea took her into another sloppy kiss.

"R-Ricky, I'm ready~" Mayola whispered seductively but Ricky simply pecked her lips with a smile.

"I want to save you for last, so I can have all of you to myself, all at once." Ricky's whisper made Mayola shake uncontrollably, his mere tone sending shivers up her spine while Ricky pulled out his cock drenched in Everlean's existence.

His cum splurged from Everlean's lips, the pressure forcing it out as if a dam had suddenly burst. 

It sprawled onto the bed before Ricky who was wiping his cock not on Everlean for thirds, but onto Azalea's untouched and hairless pressed lips.

Clamped together, Ricky was struggling to push them apart with his own tip while smirking heavily at this oncoming feeling.

Azalea shook, knowing what she promised this white devil and actually raised her ass while wrapping her arms around Everlean.

Resting her head in the crevice of Everlean's huffing figure, she prepared herself as Ricky slowly began to push his entire length and girth inside her, those tight lips being forcefully parted under his overbearing size.

Azalea's figure was more slim and thin compared to the two busty women that were Everlean and Mayola.

They could properly take the size of Ricky's with some slight tension yet relative ease, but the figure that was Azalea wasn't exactly built to handle Ricky.

However, Ricky continued onwards anyways, pushing his cock into the trembling figure of Azalea while taking in the sight while Mayola laid drunken sloppy hickies all over his neck.

Azalea didn't complain however, her eyes teary as she hugged Everlean tightly while continuing to take in all of Ricky's size. 

Azalea whispered passionately into her ear, telling Everlean how much she loved her and would do anything for her, even giving her first time to this horrid man if it meant she could have a cherished memory of their time together.



"Oh yeah~" Ricky chuckled out a grunt, slamming the rest of his being into her tight, virgin hold, while she slowly started to seep out small cries.

He was unable to grasp just how tight Azalea truly was until he was fully inside her, since even without movement, he could feel her walls stretched to their absolute limit, filled to the very brim.

The trembling of her small figure was only the icing on the cake, that was the sheer tightness that wholly swallowed him then tried to crush him whole.

Smirking, he started loosening up his future sex doll in which Mayola moaned at having her pussy wanting the attention she so desired.

Starting the sway of his hips, Ricky slightly took out his cock stained with Azalea's innocence, before pushing it back into the sinkhole that was her being.

"Ooooooo~" Azalea let out a gasp, her mouth forming an 'O' as Ricky pushed his entire length into her, the tip managing to kiss the entrance of her womb on the very first thrust.


Azalea froze at what she had just uttered, rigidly looking back at Ricky who had a sleazy smile when they had both suddenly come to the realization that she might not entirely swing one way.

Horrified, Azalea tried to say something but Ricky was faster while pounding his cock once again into her tight little pussy.

Clenching her teeth, Azalea couldn't understand why she felt more pleasure with a man than she ever did while thinking about Everlean.

"Ah~" Azalea unconsciously closed her eyes and moaned out like some street whore.

Tears actually began to stream down Azalea's face as she felt a deep sense of betrayal from her own heart, overwhelmed by the pleasure of another while still longing for Everlean.

"I swear, I love only you Everlean~" Alziee lowered her head back down into Everelan's embrace, reassuring Everlean but in reality, she was simply reassuring herself of this fact.

"Hahahahahaha!" Ricky began to laugh at Azalea, his mocking laughter echoing through the room. 

It was clear how he reveled in her refusal to acknowledge the undeniable pleasure she felt with every thrust of his hips against her perky ass.

"Ricky, pay more attention to me~" Mayola whined from the side, Ricky turning over to her in a smile while relenting to this whining girl.

"Of course baby, anything for you." Ricky whispered the words she wanted to hear, taking Mayola passionately into the kiss she desired above all else.

Ricky started ramping up his pace, ramping his motion into Azalea, who clung tightly to Everlean, her body trembling as she took the entirety of his length. 

Each thrust drove her deeper into a pleasure induced insanity, Azalea tried to fend off the lust yet it started to tickle out of her as she let out muffled moans against Everlean's shoulder.

Everlean, sensing Azalea's breath hitch and the tension in her embrace, gently stroked her hair, offering a soothing touch to calm her turmoil.

Everlean was in and out at this point, but this unconscious act encouraged Azalea amid the intensity of her despair.

"Oh Everlean~" Azalea cried out, undiscerning if it was from her love for Everlean or her primal urge that was constantly being slammed into her ass.

Ricky's pace quickened, his movements growing more urgent as he taunted Azalea with every thrust, his rhythm becoming a relentless, mocking rhythm.

Azalea squeezed down on him, her asshole twitching at the strain of constantly taking the entirety of his cock, each thrust sending ripples of pleasure through them both but Ricky selfishly prioritized his own. 

The room was alive with the raw clash of their bodies furiously colliding, Ricky's hips repeatedly slamming into Azalea's perky ass while hitting a spot that drove her nerves wild in pleasure. 

Her tight, mushy, and twitching insides enveloping his entire length with each forceful thrust, and soon, she began to cream around him, her body finally succumbing to the relentless pleasure.

Lathering his cock in her body's involuntary submission, Azalea's pussy had betrayed her completely, her reactions only spurring Ricky on to drive deeper, her surrender fueling his relentless thrusts into her body.

"A-" Azalea was about to moan but stubbornly buried her head into Everlean's body, masking her sounds with Everlean's scent as she imagined it was Everlean making her feel like this. 

Those very muffled moans grew louder, blending with Mayola's soft whimpers for Ricky to touch her even more. 

Alziee's body felt as if it was on fire, every nerve ending sounding out with her primal need for the pleasure that came from a man's cock. 

It was immensely confusing for Azalea, trying to ground herself from this overwhelming tide of pleasure within Everlean's embrace but finding it more increasingly troubling.

Ramping his cock forward into Azalea with more ferocity, she felt him delve even further while repeatedly kissing her womb.



Azalea couldn't hold in any more, feeling something sprouting within her as she had finally lost herself to Ricky's hold.

With one final, powerful thrust, Ricky pushed them both over the edge while leaning his entire being into her slim figure. 

"AH!" Azalea cried out, her climax crashing forcefully through her like a wave, while Ricky followed moments later, filling her completely. 

Breaking through the gate that had stumped him for so long, his twitching tip forcefully pried her most cherish and deepest palace with his invading cock.

Almost immediately cum plowed into her womb, sowing the seeds of her future child that swirling around her enclosed space. 

Azalea's head jerked up, eyes rolled back while she clenched her teeth hard at the radiating feeling scorching from her tight room that would hold their future child.

For a prolonged time they stayed connected, their breaths heavy, the room filled with the aftermath of their intense encounter.

Collapsing onto Everlean, Azalea was drained of all strength from her climax. 

She looked up at the blurred figure of Everlean, her hand trembling as she stroked her chin while sniffling softly. Ricky, however, could only laugh, reveling in the chaos he had wrought.

"One more thing and she's yours, clean it up." Ricky said behind her, giving one more condition as Azalea slowly turned around.

"And then we're done." Azalea huffed out and glared, staggering over to Ricky while grabbing his cock with a small stream of his cum already flowing down it.

"Of course." Ricky nodded, grabbing her head and messaging her cheek but she only focused on this moment.

Sticking out her tongue, it immediately retreated in disgust until Ricky grabbed the back of her head and slammed his cock down her throat, her eyes almost instantaneously becoming teary.

"Breath." Ricky instructed Azalea instead of letting her pull away, she hatefully gazed up at him but did as she was told and started breathing through her nose.

As she followed his command, a mix of defiance and submission flickered in her eyes, but started to let her head be guided by Ricky's hand.

Trying not to gag at his cock slithering up and down her throat, its slimy and salty texture stung her tongue.

As she struggled to suppress her gag reflex, she focused on the sensations overwhelming her. 

Doing what she did best and imagined it was Everlean pussy, his hands gently guiding her head, the salty tang of his skin mingling with the scent of arousal in the air. 

Each slow slide down his long cock started to elicit a mix of discomfort and a strange, electric pleasure. 

She started to feel exposed, vulnerable, yet oddly empowered by the intimacy of this act only to remember who it is she loved one more. 

Her heartbeat quickened, matching the rhythm of his hips and simply wanting to end this experience as he moved with controlled urgency. 

In that moment, she surrendered to the raw, primal connection they had suddenly formed, unconsciously craving more of this discomfort.

Gripping the back of her head tightly, he intensified his thrusts, forcing her to endure a relentless face-f*ck as she could only surrender to the onslaught.

The tight and swallowing feeling, repeating all over his cock, made him a little more eager in his attempts while Azalea loosened her throat for him.

The sensation of her lips and tongue working around his member, her rhythm matching his increasing urgency while swirling and sucking her lips alongside its veiny hold on her throat. 

Azalea's subtle shifts and slurping sanctions spurred him on, each movement bringing him closer to the edge. 

The sight of her, eyes locked on his before shamefully looking to the side made him fill with a mix of dominance and desire, heightened his arousal. 

"Oh yeah~" Ricky groaned softly, his fingers threading through her short hair while feeling his balls swirl. 

Pulling her head back slightly, instead of serving her stomach with her first serving Ricky had a fun idea.

Ricky's cock suddenly throbbed, and Azalea's eyes widened in shock as a surge of his creamy release flooded her cheeks, catching her completely off guard.

"Now go share your serving with the love of your life."Ricky grunted as he came in her mouth, his release causing her cheeks to balloon with his thick, hot cum.

Azalea's pupils shrunk though when she saw Ricky's sleazy smile, knowing that this would be what it took to have her time with Everlean.

Pulling out his cock, Azalea felt a surge of disgust as she held his cum in her mouth yet despite her revulsion, her tongue involuntarily swirled around the salty, sticky texture, betraying her conflicted emotions.

"Go on." Ricky laughed out towards Azalea, kneading Mayola's ass who eagerly threw herself at Ricky as he started to give his entire embrace to her which made her more aggressive.

Ricky watched with a smirk as Azalea leaned down to kiss Everlean, their lips meeting in a tender yet conflicted exchange. 

As she shared her troubles and their intimate connection, she inadvertently passed on his cum from her mouth to Everlean's.


Everlean, lost in the haze of the moment, unconsciously gulped down his hot serving, her body responding to the unexpected taste. 

Azalea then turned back to Ricky, who watched her intently as he held onto Mayola's large, full breasts.

'Swallow and she's yours.' Ricky watched as Azalea, following his silent cue, swallowed the remainder of his cum. 

With a satisfied smirk, he finally turned away, leaving Azalea to deal with the lingering taste and the complexities of their entangled desires.

Seeing it was finally over, Azalea looked at Everlean with a small smile while caressing her hair with love coursing through her eyes.

"I promise after today Everlean I'll let you go, but for today let's have this memory so that I can cherish it forever."

Ricky collapsed onto the bed, his weight pressing against Mayola, who welcomed him eagerly as she radiated warmth, embracing him with her entire being as their bodies melted into the sheet's beneath them. 

"Oh Ricky, take me~" Mayola moaned with fervent desire, her body aching for his touch. 

She spread her legs wide and in a bold move her hands parted her eager lips for him, openly inviting him in with an almost desperate urgency.

Without hesitation, Ricky plunged his entire length into her, eliciting a hungry grin from Mayola as pleasure washed over her.

"Finally~" Mayola moaned out, finally tasting his cock before she wrapped all her body around Ricky's overbearing figure.

Her legs entwined around his waist, urging him deeper as Ricky melted his entire being into her eager figure while moving together into an aggressive dance of shared desire. 




Mayola exaggerated her moans, a deliberate performance aimed at stirring envy among the other girls since she had endured listening to countless passionate encounters without being part of any of them.

Her cries echoed through the room, a mixture of genuine pleasure and playful theatrics, as she reveled in the thought of their reactions which were nonexistent. 

Ricky, caught up in her infectious energy, grinned against her neck, his own amusement growing with each exaggerated gasp that Mayola let out whenever he drove deeper into her insides. 

Gripping onto the bed, Ricky used it as leverage in order to excite more of Mayola's performance.

"YES, RIGHT THERE~" Mayola screamed out in a delightful cry for Ricky's cock while he drove it further into her being.

Mayola intoxicated the air with her applause for more, completely giving herself to the pleasure that induced her with magnitudes of searing lust she never thought possible before.

In the midst of their passionate embrace, Ricky's movements grew more urgent, each thrust driving deep into Mayola, their bodies melding into the rhythmic slapping of their skin. 

The slick heat between her thighs welcomed him eagerly, her walls gripping him with every push and pull. 

Each slide in and out was accompanied by a wet, slick sound that echoed in the room, a testament to their shared arousal, their sloppy, tangled bodies became a vivid display of their intense, wet desire. 

Mayola's nails dug even further into Ricky's back, scratching her marks over Everlean's while tracing the lines of muscle's already tensing in excitement. 

Her breath hitched with each plunge, her moans blending with his grunts as they lost themselves in the heat of their mutual needs. 

The bed beneath them creaked vigorously, the bedframe slamming into the wall behind it while adding its voice to the symphony of their passion, as they pushed each other closer to the edge of bliss. 

Mayola's body molded into him, responding to his every touch, every thrust, and her body arched to meet his, the subtle shudders coursing through every inch of her body at every single movement of Ricky.

Her inner walls clenched around him, urging him deeper as he savored the exquisite pleasure of being completely consumed by her warmth and wetness, feeling the grip of Mayola take hold of his intruding member while seemingly strangling him.

Ricky's thrusts became more forceful, each one pushing deeper into Mayola, the onslaught of his thrusts offset by the melding in a sweaty tangle of limbs. 

"I WANT IT RICKY, I WANT YOU~" Mayola screamed out, feeling herself about to go over the edge and yelling for Ricky to meet her halfway.

He gripped her hips firmly and slammed even harder into her being Mayola's hands grasped Ricky's shoulders, her nails digging into his skin with a mix of urgency and pleasure while completely letting herself be consumed under his ravaging body. 

"F*ck~" Ricky grunted, with one last desperate thrust, he buried himself completely inside her.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA~" Mayola screeched, her body trembling as Ricky released his pent-up passion into her womb.


Mayola gasped as she felt him pulse within her, his warmth flooding her depths as her pussy clenched down, seemingly milking him dry of every single drop his sweat balls contained.




They huffed out, their bodies clung to each other, sweat-slicked and trembling from the intensity of their own climaxes. 

"Alright, turn over." Ricky then stood up, flipping her over as she turned onto her stomach.

Seeing her twitching folds, he pulled out his slick, cream-coated cock as it popped free, his cum gushed outwards, spilling onto the bed almost immediately.

Grabbing a fistful of her ass, he spread it wide, his gaze locked onto the tight, twitching hole above her ruined folds as he began to line up his cock.

"Spread open your ass Mayola." Ricky almost commanded but surprisingly, she promptly responded and Ricky was able to line up his cock properly.

"Ha-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Mayola let out a breath before letting out a wailing moan, feeling Ricky's cock plunge into her ass while tearing into it apart to accommodate itself.


"I'm glad that I did this with you instead of the others." Ricky smiled at Mayola turning around, realizing that he hadn't done this with the others.

"M-Me too~" Mayola put her face within the sheets, bearing it as Ricky chuckled out.

Still parting her ass for him, Ricky could place his hands anywhere and chose to pin her down by her shoulders.

Pulling out his cock, Ricky didn't care for a soft touch and slammed it down into her ass as a muffled moan sounded from Mayola. 

He gripped her shoulders tightly, driving himself deeper with each thrust, the sound of his hips colliding against her juicy ass echoing through the room. 

Mayola's fingers intently gripped her own ass, her body trying to arch to meet his relentless pace only to be held properly in place.

With each powerful thrust, Ricky felt her body responding to his every move, her muscles contracting and releasing around him. 

The raw pleasure of their connection heightened his senses, every touch and sound amplifying his desire. 

Seeing her struggle, he leaned forward, his breath hot against her ear as he whispered. 

"You feel incredible." Ricky's voice was the relief she needed and continued to bear his size.

Mayola's moans grew louder, her body trembling beneath him as the intensity built between them. 

Ricky's hands started playfully roamed over her skin, exploring every curve and dip while his cock dug into her flesh. 

"OOOOOOOOOOOOO~" Mayola sharply raised her head, letting out an oozing moan once Ricky thrust into her ass.

Smirking, he continuously started to pound that same spot while Mayola's body shook into violent moans of desperation.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes r-r-r-right t-t-t-t-there~" Mayola's stutter was due to pounding of Ricky's cock, interrupting her words and forcing them to repeat.

Eyes rolled back, Mayola felt her mind go blank every time he hit her special spot. The strain built up inside her, growing to a seismic intensity that she desperately needed to release.

He could feel her nearing the edge, her movements becoming more frantic as she actually started pushing her ass back to him like some animal in heat. 

In a final surge of need, Ricky increased his pace, driving into her with relentless force. 


"F*ck me Ricky~"


"Oh Ricky I need it~"


"HAAAAAAAAAA~" Mayola screamed out, her face slamming into the bed while his cock made rammed deep inside her ass.

Their shared climax approached like a raging storm, unstoppable and consuming. Ricky reached his peak, his release pouring into her as she convulsed around him. 

Filling her ass to its very brim, Ricky nearly collapsed, feeling as if Mayola was draining all his energy with every intense, gripping squeeze.

Then once the very last ounce dumped into her ass, Ricky fell back while grabbing his face while letting out deep breaths.

Mayola huffed out breaths, trying to push herself but failing and falling back into the bed.

Eventually, Mayola found the strength to crawl over to Ricky but once she reached his waist, he placed a hand on her head.

Confused, Mayola looked up at the tired Ricky who didn't even mutter out anything but pointed at her face then at his cock.

Smiling devilishly, she grabbed hold of his sword and started licking it clean amidst maintaining hard eye contact with Ricky.

"Atta girl," Ricky whispered, his head plopping onto the bed as he knew he could leave it to Mayola, who eagerly licked clean his slickened cock. 

She kissed her way up to the tip before taking his entire length into her mouth, swallowing him whole in one breath.

Ricky groaned out a chuckle, the sensation of her warm, wet mouth enveloping him sending shivers down his spine. 

Mayola's tongue danced skillfully around his shaft, her lips creating a tight seal as she moved up and down. 

Her eyes locked onto his, a mischievous glint in her gaze as she worked him with expert precision.

With each bob of her head, Ricky felt a new surge of pleasure coursing through him. Mayola's hands gripped his thighs, her nails lightly scratching his skin as she increased her pace. 

Ricky wasn't going to hide the fact he was slightly blown away at this blowjob and caressed her face with his hand as if encouraging her.

This evidently worked, as Mayola vigorously slid her head up then plummeted down onto his cock, repeatedly plunging it faster and faster.

Her movements were relentless, each plunge down his length accompanied by a wet, sloppy, sucking sound that echoed in the room.

The heat of her mouth enveloped him completely, sending waves of sensation that threatened to overwhelm his senses as with each deep, rhythmic suck, she pushed him further into blissful oblivion.

"F*cking hell~" Ricky muttered out, feeling the life sucked out of him as his cock throbbed in the depths of her throat.

Mayola's lips tightened around him after hearing his words, her tongue swirling and teasing with expert precision. 

She worked him in a fervor with the intention of leaving him breathless, her pace never faltering as she brought him closer to the brink.

With each downward motion, she took him deeper, the sensation driving him closer to the edge as he could feel his arousal building to its peak.

Gritting his teeth, his cock throbbed intensely within her mouth as she eagerly hastened to the point of burying her face into his crotch.

The intensity built with each relentless suck and stroke, driving him closer to the edge of blissful release.

Ricky's ball stirred and with one more sloppy suck from Mayola, he spurted out load after load into her gullet as she eagerly devoured his cum.




Mayola took him in deeply, savoring every drop, her eyes locked on his in a mix of satisfaction and desire.

"Alright come here." Ricky let out a breath, holding out his arms for his reward as she crawled over and plummeted onto his chest.

Then with huffed breaths, Ricky slowly dozed off after feeling all his stress f*cked and sucked out of him.

'Wish I had a cigarette right about now.'

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