27.14% 3rdtester / Chapter 155: 569

章節 155: 569

 [Chapter 153]

[The Price of Changing Life (5)]

While On Taeyang's mother's condition kept worsening,

Lee Yoojung's condition improved day by day.

Thanks to that, the corners of Lee Yucheon's mouth never seemed to come down.

"─Yesterday Yoojung ate steamed buns with me, you know? Until recently Yoojung couldn't eat flour foods. But yesterday she ate 3 steamed buns by herself!" "Oh, she ate a lot?"


"And she even asked me to give her more steamed buns to eat whenever she gets hungry! My little sister eats so well now!" "That's right. Eating well is a good thing."


And Lee Yucheon had sister complex.

After Lee Yoojung drank the Elixir,

He visited Eunha's hospital room every day without fail and talked about Lee Yoojung in great detail.

Since Eunha indulged him, he got excited and talked non-stop.

"...So I brought steamed buns of various types for you guys to taste too, so make sure to take them when you leave later. Eunha, can I use the microwave? I'll make them delicious for you."

Today was the same.

A relaxing weekend.

Eunha who was having a pleasant time in the hospital room with Jung Hayang and Han Seohyun had to receive Lee Yucheon's visit.

Then Lee Yucheon spoke for over an hour, spitting saliva, about how adorable his little sister was.

It was from then that his girlfriend and fiancée, who had tried to accept it at first, gradually spoke less.

"How is it? Hayang, delicious?" "Yes, it's delicious. I like that the red bean paste is fine."

"Yoojung said the same thing. The red bean paste is very fine so the texture is soft..."


By this point, Eunha couldn't help but be conscious of his girlfriend and fiancée's reactions.

With one arm around Jung Hayang,

And the other arm around Han Seohyun,

He smiled bitterly at the two lying on the bed with him providing arm pillows.

I'll probably get scolded later. For interrupting their time together...

But Yucheon hyung is the one who did wrong, so why do I have to get scolded?

He felt somewhat unfair.

Nevertheless, Eunha decided to drive Lee Yucheon out.

As he was about to open his mouth─

"─But Eunha, you're not eating... Ah, I guess you can't eat in that state. Here, I'll feed you instead. Open your mou..."

"Why are you doing that?"

"Why is oppa doing that?"


The timing was really problematic.

Lee Yucheon happened to try feeding Eunha steamed buns with excessive concern at that moment.

Han Seohyun and Jung Hayang who were in Eunha's arms snapped at Lee Yucheon almost simultaneously.

It was natural for Lee Yucheon to cower at the gazes the two sent.


"─Here, eat. Be careful, the red bean paste will be hot."

"Here, say 'ah'. I cooled it so it won't be hot." "...Thank you."

Since he couldn't choose one side,

Eunha had to put the steamed buns they tore for him into his mouth at once.

He ended up putting almost half a steamed bun in his mouth.

...My palate will burn.

Now he no longer felt pain when using mana circuits.

So it was really fortunate.

Eunha was able to endure the sorrow of hot red bean paste burning his mouth.

"Is it delicious?"

"Is it tasty?"

Meanwhile, the two asking after feeding him one bite.

Eunha who was two-timing now knew what he needed to say to survive.

"Y-yes... It's really delicious because you fed me."

While overacting excessively,

Eunha satisfied the two.

Though they knew it was acting, smiles appeared on their faces.

The two who got into it put steamed buns in his mouth again.

Ah... I don't really want to eat steamed buns since I ate them yesterday too...

The steamed buns were delicious.

But he was getting a bit sick of them.

Actually, last night, he shared steamed buns with Lee Yoojung.

'There are steamed buns oppa brought... Try some. I tried them too and they were really delicious.'

'Really? But why are there so many...'

'Huh? Is that so? Last time the Grim Reaper said he eats a lot so I asked for as many as possible... I guess it's a bit... too much.'

'...I was feeling a bit hungry anyway, so this is perfect! You think I can't eat all this? I'll just eat it all!'

'Kik... You'll get indigestion. Don't eat too much or you'll get sick.'

'No! I can eat it all!'

In the end, Eunha had to fill his stomach with steamed buns last night.

To the point he didn't want to eat steamed buns for a while.


"─Since you say it's delicious, I should order a few boxes. I'll give some to family, and to grandmother and mother too."

"Ah, I was thinking the same thing. What flavor are you going to order, unni? Let's not overlap our flavors!"

"Yes, that sounds good. Lee Yucheon. If we order these now, can they be delivered right away? I want to send them to Eunha's house..."

"Come on, why are you trying to buy them? Just tell me the address! I'll send them under noona and Hayang's names!" "No, there's no need for that..."

Han Seohyun and Jung Hayang who didn't know Eunha was sick of steamed buns said they would order boxes of steamed buns.

Eunha sincerely wanted to stop them.

"You said it was delicious."

"Isn't it tasty?" "Huh? Eunha, is this not good?"

Two people and one more person.

When the three asked with puzzled eyes like that, Eunha couldn't speak honestly.

And so a total of 2 boxes of each type,

Were to be delivered to Eunha's house today.

Some would come to his hospital room too.

I'll be living on just steamed buns for a while...

Should I walk around the hospital and distribute steamed buns to patients?

Eunha seriously worried.

About a month after Lee Yoojung took the Elixir,

Finally her visitation ban was lifted. Visits that had been limited to only family until now were allowed for other people too.

"─Want to go see Yoojung with me? I think Yoojung should know who saved her too... I'm sorry. Should I come back later?"

"...Yucheon oppa. Next time you come in, can you please knock...?"

"Yeah, that's right. How embarrassing..."

"...Are you embarrassed to be like this with me? You should have said so."

"Hayang, that's not what I meant... You know. What I want to say." "Hehe, Eunha." "...What?"

"I don't understand a~ny~thing unless you tell me exactly." "Uh... guys? I'm sorry. I'll knock before coming in next time. So please don't fight because of me..."

Lee Yucheon made a surprise visit to Eunha's hospital room to deliver this joyous news.

Unfortunately, Eunha and Hayang who were pressed close together had to greet him with startled faces.

Afterwards, it was a given that Hayang whose face turned bright red took out her frustration on the innocent Eunha.

Meanwhile Lee Yucheon had to face Eunha's resentment.

"So Eunha. If you have time tomorrow, want to go visit Yoojung with me?"


"I want to introduce you to her."

After somehow smoothing over the atmosphere,

Lee Yucheon urged Eunha.

Eunha hugged Hayang from behind and fell into thought.

I want to go meet her but...

Actually, it wasn't even an issue to ponder.

Eunha's mind was already made up.

But the fact was he had already met Yoojung, and she didn't know his identity.

If he meets her, she will realize as soon as she hears his voice that the person she has secret meetings with every night is him.

If that happens...

We probably won't be able to meet comfortably at night anymore.

But even so,

Eunha wanted to meet Lee Yoojung.

He thought it might be time to reveal his identity to Lee Yoojung now.

"Okay, I'll go. You said tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah. I'll come pick you up at lunch tomor..." "I want to go too! I want to see Yoojung after a long time too!"

In the end, Eunha nodded.

Jung Hayang who had been listening to this conversation also suddenly raised her hand saying she wanted to visit her too.

And Jung Hayang told Han Seohyun, so Han Seohyun ended up going to visit too.

"─Huh? Han Seohyun noona is going too?" "Why. Am I not allowed to go?" "Uh... no! Of course noona can go too! Even if not, Yoojung has been wanting to see you so much since you went to Japan..."

And so the next day,

Lee Yucheon, Noh Eunha, Jung Hayang, Han Seohyun.

The four visited Lee Yoojung's hospital room on the top floor of Alice Hospital.

"─Eunha." "Yeah." "As I said yesterday too..."

"I know."

In front of Lee Yoojung's hospital room door,

Lee Yucheon put his hand on the doorknob, then turned to look at Eunha.

Lee Yucheon's face was serious.

Eunha nodded at his words spoken hesitantly.

"I won't think badly of it, and I won't pry into it either. You don't have to worry about what you're concerned about."


"You don't trust me?"

"...Sorry. I don't want to be like this either, but Yoojung was hurt because of this when she was young..."

"I heard. I know. I understand."

The day before, Lee Yucheon confessed to Eunha that Lee Yoojung had a disability.

The family didn't want to hurt her who couldn't see from birth, so they had restricted Lee Yoojung's meetings.

Adding that even the Elixir couldn't cure the disability she had.

Lee Yucheon also asked, though it probably wouldn't happen, to please not say anything that would hurt his little sister.

Words carelessly thrown could become wounds she would never forget.

Asking him to think once before speaking.

Why would I hurt Yoojung?

Anyone with a proper mind wouldn't say such things to Yoojung.

If there was such a person... They'd just die by my hand.

Lee Yucheon seemed worried his little sister might get hurt.

So Eunha nodded and reassured him again that he would absolutely never hurt her.

"─I'll open it."

Eventually Lee Yucheon agreed.

He told the three and knocked on the door with the back of his hand.

"Yoojung, it's me. We're here to visit, can we come in?"

"Yes, come in."

Lee Yucheon's confirmation.

And Lee Yoojung's permission.

Eunha smiled slightly at the voice heard through the door.

When Yoojung hears my voice...

How will she react?

Half worried, half expectant.

Eunha headed towards the open hospital room door.

Lee Yucheon entered first, then Han Seohyun and Jung Hayang, and finally Eunha entered the hospital room.

And when he closed the door and looked for Lee Yoojung─


With help from an attendant,

She greeted them with a bright smile, wearing a pink cardigan over her shoulders.

"Yoojung, are you okay now? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"I'm sorry for worrying you. Yes, I'm fine now. Have you been well?"

Lee Yucheon introduced the people he brought to Lee Yoojung.

Jung Hayang greeted her happily and immediately headed towards her bed.

Lee Yoojung greeted them cheerfully and held out her hand.

Then Jung Hayang took her hand with a familiar action.

The two exchanged greetings.

Not long after, Han Seohyun joined in too.

"─Hello. I'm glad you look healthy."

"Wow... unni, it's been so long. I really missed you. You've been doing well too, right? You're not sick anywhere, right?"

"I'm doing well so don't worry. And don't worry about our bodies, take care of your own body first. But... You do seem to have gotten better. You seem to have more muscle than I remember and look quite healthy."

"Ah, I've been eating a lot lately. So I gained a little weight."

"Me too! I've gained weight from eating too much lately too, right? Good thing it's winter. No one can see. Right, Seohyun unni?"

"That's why I've been exercising at home every night because of someone. But you're attending the academy yet lack exercise..."

"I'm a person who only uses my head, you know? Unni, that's mean... I was already concerned about it..."

"Come on, you don't look like you've gained weight at all? From my memory, your hand feels the same as when we met before. It must be your imagination."

"As expected, only you understand, Yoojung! Seohyun unni is too strict."

"I'm saying this because your hands don't get fat when you gain weight..."

"Hmph! Actually it's because I gained weight up here."

"So in the end, fat increased."

"Sob... Yoojung, Seohyun unni keeps nagging me!"

"Come on, unni is just joking. You know how unni is. So don't feel too hurt. Now, unni should apologize too, right?"

"...I'm sorry if my words were harsh. I just... found Hayang's flustered face quite amusing."

Lee Yucheon was left out.

They chatted pleasantly while exchanging recent news.

They even joked around with each other.

They seem close.

Well... She was originally close with Seohyun, and Seohyun introduced Hayang to Yoojung too, right?

How mean... When introducing Hayang, she should have introduced me too.

Eunha quietly watched them interact comfortably.

Both Han Seohyun and Jung Hayang.

Above all, it was nice to see Lee Yoojung conversing so casually.

He was glad that even in this life, she had friends she could open her heart to.

"─Why are you just standing there?" "That's right. Come here quickly. Yoojung said she wanted to see you before too."

"Eunha, come here. Yoojung, I'll introduce Eunha. I've talked about him a few times before, right?"

At that moment when Eunha was blankly watching,

The people by Lee Yoojung's side called him.

Eunha who came to his senses moved his feet and approached them.


Lee Yoojung holds out her hand.

A procedure for her who can't see to confirm people.

Eunha silently placed his hand on top of hers.


Her expression changed in an instant.

As if trying to confirm something,

She slowly grasped his hand.

Then her face became subtle.

She looks up at him and opens her mouth.

"─Grim... Reaper...?"

She murmurs softly.

"─Hello? I'm Noh Eunha."

Like a child who succeeded in a prank,

Noh Eunha giggled.

'You're a disgrace to the family. How dare a blind person like you try to ingratiate yourself into our family? Don't show your face in front of me.'

'...I'm sorry, Uncle.'

'Don't call me that either.'

It was something that happened when she was young.

Lee Yoojung once tried to talk to her father's older brother, Lee Byungin, who rarely came to the main house, to get close to him.

As a result, what Lee Yoojung received was contempt from Lee Byungin and his family.

After that day, she who received a deep wound in her heart has been given special protection by her family.

The people who take care of her.

And even the people she can be friends with.

Her family thoroughly screened them.

'─Oh my. Didn't you say you wouldn't come next time?'

'...I just said I didn't want to come because your family is so picky. I never said I wouldn't come next time.'

'Yes, I'm sorry. I must have heard wrong. But why did you come today?'

'Just... I felt stuffy so I came out. I came because... I can feel at ease with you since you can't see anything.'


'It's like that.'

Then she met Han Seohyun.

From that day on, she continued her relationship with Han Seohyun.

And she also got to know Jung Hayang through Han Seohyun's introduction.

'─Yes! Eunha really likes sweet things. He even goes to taste the limited edition items that come out at Luminous Suite every month.'

Then at some point,

Both Han Seohyun and Jung Hayang,

When Lee Yoojung talked with the two, she would often hear the name Noh Eunha.

What kind of person was this Noh Eunha?

So she naturally became interested in him.

It was also a time when Noh Eunha's name was becoming known in the political and business world.

She listened to stories of his exploits and let her imagination run wild about a person she hadn't even met yet.

Then one day,

'─What? You're saying Hayang and Seohyun unni decided to date that Noh Eunha person?'

'Yeah, don't even mention it. He boldly said he'd two-time? I didn't know Eunha would be like this, but I really didn't expect Hayang and Han Seohyun noona to be like this either.'

'I guess the two of them liked him a lot. That's good. I'm glad it worked out.'

'Huh? Yoojung, you're not bothered at all? I thought this wasn't right when I heard Eunha was two-timing...'

'What? Is that so? Well... I just thought that's how it is...'

Noh Eunha dating Jung Hayang.

Noh Eunha engaged to Han Seohyun.

Lee Yoojung heard these two facts simultaneously and rejoiced as if it was her own affair.

Because the friends she liked finally bore fruit.

Of course, though it was surprising that Noh Eunha was two-timing, she didn't think it was strange.

After all, she─

─I was born that way too.

She was an illegitimate child.

To be precise, a being born from the womb of a mother who couldn't even become her father's concubine.

Nevertheless, a being who received love like a real child from Lee Yucheon's mother.

So she didn't find it that strange.

She just had a big heart hoping Jung Hayang and Han Seohyun would live happily.

I'd like to meet him once too.

I want to know what kind of person he is.

Anyway, Lee Yoojung was curious about her two friends' lover.

He must be a good person.

Because she thought Jung Hayang and Han Seohyun wouldn't have made such a choice if they knew it would create a harem otherwise.

She thought she wanted to meet him like that, but.

"─Hello? I'm Noh Eunha."

She never thought that person called Noh Eunha,

Would be the Grim Reaper she met every night.

...It's the Grim Reaper's hand.

The voice was unmistakable.

And hands don't lie.

Lee Yoojung was certain Eunha was the Grim Reaper.

Why am I feeling depressed?

On the day her friends came to visit,

She forced a smile but,

She was depressed inside.

She knew the reason.

Because Noh Eunha was the Grim Reaper.

The Grim Reaper... already had people he was dating.

Now... we shouldn't meet anymore, right?

Though she couldn't be certain what feelings she had held for the Grim Reaper all this time,

Lee Yoojung thought that at least from the moment she learned the Grim Reaper's identity,

She could no longer meet the Grim Reaper who had secret meetings with her every night.

Because he already had partners.

And those partners were friends she liked.

"─I want to meet him..."

Though she wanted to meet him,

She shouldn't meet him.

Feelings she couldn't put into words.

No, she had to fold away feelings she shouldn't speak of before they grew even bigger than now.

"He won't come anymore, right?"

That night after everyone left,

Lee Yoojung lay in bed and unknowingly shed tears.

Even so, she waited for him to knock on the window tonight too.

So contradictorily.

And that night too─

─Knock knock

He knocked on the window.

She quickly wiped her tears and got up to approach the window.

"─I waited for you, Grim Reaper." "I keep telling you, I'm not the Grim Reaper. From now on, call me comfortably by my name." "...Eunha... nim?" "Drop that 'nim' too. Just, I'd like it if you spoke comfortably too."

"...Okay. I'll do that, Eunha."

Though she was used to speaking formally,

She dropped formalities awkwardly, wanting to grant his wish.


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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