68.96% One piece: Thunderbird / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 - Shimotsuki Village and A Little Mosshead

章節 20: Chapter 20 - Shimotsuki Village and A Little Mosshead

Raiden leaned back against the ship's railing, the ocean breeze ruffling his hair as he spun the final threads of 'his' tale. "And so, in the end, it was exposed that Light Yagami, the man known as Kira, who was behind all those deaths," he said, his voice low and dramatic. "He used the Death Note to kill anyone whose name he wrote in it, all while believing he was creating a new world order."

Ronan's eyes widened in excitement. "No way! That's insane! You really came up with that story yourself?"

Raiden smirked, nodding. "Yeah, it's all mine," he said, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I thought you'd enjoy the twist."

Raiden smiled wryly, looking at the excited fishman who was still gushing over how amazing the story was. 'I'm sorry Tsugumi Ohba. But I'm just propagating your work!'

Ronan grinned, shaking his head in amazement. "You're something else, Raiden. That story was incredible. The way you build up the suspense and the characters... I can't believe you can come up with such good stories."

Raiden chuckled, pleased with his friend's enthusiasm. "Glad you liked it. I figured it would be a fun way to pass the time."

As the excitement of the story faded, Raiden's thoughts drifted back to the previous day. It had been a day since his battle with Captain Gore.

One of the things Raiden found out about his friend, was the fact that he was a decently good navigator. He could understand fishes to a certain extent and that helped him eventually find the destination.

Ronan, who had been scanning the horizon, suddenly straightened. "Hey, Raiden," he called out, pointing ahead. "The island is in sight."

Raiden turned to look, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the distant landmass. A sense of anticipation filled him as he thought about their next destination. "Finally," he muttered. "Shimotsuki Village, here we come."

"We need to be careful," Raiden looked at his friend and said thoughtfully. "Too many people saw you in Shells Town. We can't risk being recognized."

"Do we really have to?" Ronan winced and muttered under his breath.

Raiden grinned, recalling the plan they had concocted earlier. "We stick to the disguise we planned."

Ronan rolled his eyes but went along with it. Before they even left the Black Rock Village, they had planned a proper disguise for Ronan. That was the reason why Raiden was so pissed when the fishman made his grand appearance in Shells Town without it.

Honestly, Raiden didn't blame him either. Ronan's stature made it pretty easy for people to forget that he was just an eleven something year old kid. Obviously it was hard for him to control himself in excitement.

Ronan quickly rushed in and began changing into his new dress. He didn't spend a lot of time and came back fully dressed, "So, how is it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ronan stood before him, dressed in a black hooded cloak, a simple brown full-sleeved shirt with string tassels at the collars, black pants, and boots. His lower face and neck were covered with bandages, and he wore a bandana, effectively covering his entire face barring his eyes.

Raiden stepped back, admiring his selection with a proud grin. "Perfect! No one will recognize that you're a fishman now."

Ronan stared at him with a deadpan expression. "Is this really necessary? So many people have already seen me."

Raiden nodded seriously. "It's important. Even if a lot of people have seen you, there's no point in letting others find out about you too. The fewer people who recognize you, the better our chances of staying under the radar."

Ronan sighed but relented, trusting Raiden's judgment. He would never admit it, but he actually really liked the new look.

Raiden patted him on the back and laughed, "Don't worry, Ronan! You look amazing. The greatest edgelord there is. Hahaha!"

"Shut up..."

They continued their banter as their ship neared Shimotsuki Village. Raiden and Ronan stood at the bow, anticipation palpable in the air. The sun was dipping low on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the waters as they approached the dock. The village, nestled peacefully against the coastline, seemed to beckon them closer with its quiet charm.

Raiden expertly guided their small vessel into place, securing it with ropes as Ronan prepared to disembark. Raiden and Ronan, disguised and ready, made their way to the gangplank.

"This is so awkward. Are you sure that guy you were talking about wouldn't mind me being there?" Ronan said, adjusting his hood and bandana, ensuring his fishman features were concealed.

"Yeah, don't worry. He's a good guy." Raiden said as jumped down next to him.

Stepping onto the dock, which was just a makeshift rock formation, Raiden surveyed their surroundings. Shimotsuki Village sprawled out before them, its dirt roads winding between quaint houses adorned with lanterns that now began to flicker to life with the onset of dusk. Villagers went about their evening routines, the atmosphere serene and undisturbed.

Raiden gestured for Ronan to stay close, his voice low. "Keep your hood up and stay inconspicuous. We don't want to attract unnecessary attention."

Ronan nodded silently, pulling his hood further down to cover his face. "Yeah, I know."

Shimotsuki Village was a quaint, old-school settlement with dirt roads winding between sturdy, wooden houses. The village exuded a peaceful charm, with lanterns casting a warm glow as evening approached. Small gardens and fields surrounded the homes, revealing a farming community where residents lived off the land.

Ronan glanced around, taking in the serene surroundings. "This place seems pretty peaceful."

Raiden nodded. "Yeah, it's—"

Before he could finish, a rude, childish voice cut through the air. "Oi! Who are you two, and what in the world are you doing on our island?"

Raiden and Ronan looked down to see a short, eight-year-old boy with green hair, standing defiantly with two wooden swords strapped to his waist. He had a scowl on his face, clearly not intimidated by the newcomers.

Ronan raised an eyebrow, an amused smile playing on his lips. "And who might you be, kid?"

Raiden, on the other hand, was staring at the boy with wide eyes, his expression a mix of shock and excitement. Mentally, he was squealing with joy. 'No way! That's...'

The boy crossed his arms and replied with a confident grin, "I'm Roronoa Zoro!"

Before the boys could even respond, Zoro's eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement. "Are those real swords? Can I see one? Please?" he asked, staring at the katanas Raiden had on him.

Raiden and Ronan exchanged amused glances. The kid and his mannerisms were pretty adorable.

"There you go. But be careful," Raiden said, unsheathing one of his swords and handing it to the eager boy.

"Woah, this is amazing! Thanks!" Zoro took it with stars in his eyes, swinging it a few times with a surprising amount of control for his age and size. Raiden watched him closely, ready to step in if needed. The boy's enthusiasm was infectious, and Raiden couldn't help but smile.

"Hold on," Raiden said gently, stepping closer. "Let me show you how to handle it properly." He guided Zoro's hands, adjusting his grip and stance. "You want to make sure you have a firm grip, but not too tight. And keep your stance balanced, like this."

Zoro mimicked Raiden's instructions, his eyes wide with concentration. "Like this?"

"Exactly," Raiden said with a nod. "You're a natural."

Raiden stared at the little greenhead with wide eyes. 'Unbelievable, he has an almost perfect stance. How in the world did he lose to Kuina?' He could only imagine what kind of monster that girl was.

Zoro swung the sword a few more times, his movements more controlled and precise. "This is so cool," he said, his voice filled with awe.

After a few swings, Zoro reluctantly handed the sword back to Raiden. "Thank you," he said, his eyes still shining with excitement. "What are you doing on our island?" he asked again, his suspicion returning.

Ronan smiled behind his mask and replied, "We're looking for a dojo."

Zoro's eyes lit up again with interest. "A dojo? You mean like Koushirou-sensei's dojo?"

Raiden nodded. "Yeah, we're here to find it. You see, we're both aspiring swordsmen."

Zoro's expression shifted from suspicion to excitement. "Koushirou-sensei's dojo is the best! Follow me, I'll show you where it is!" He said and motioned for them to follow him.

As they walked through the village, Zoro chatted animatedly about the dojo and his training. "Koushirou-sensei is really strong. No one can touch him, even when he's not serious. I just joined the dojo too, you know. Just a few months back."

Ronan listened with amusement, occasionally glancing at Raiden, who was still somewhat starstruck, something he found pretty weird, but just chalked it up to his friend being weird again. "You must be pretty good then, Zoro," Ronan said, encouraging the young boy.

Zoro puffed out his chest proudly. "Of course I am! I'm going to be the greatest swordsman in the world one day!"

Raiden smiled knowingly, recognizing the determination in Zoro's eyes. "I believe you can do it, Zoro. With that kind of spirit, you'll go far."

Zoro grinned, clearly pleased with the praise. "Thanks! What about you guys? Why do you want to train at Koushirou-sensei's dojo?"

Raiden appeared thoughtful for a moment. "We want to get stronger and improve our skills. Every great swordsman needs a good teacher, and we've heard a lot about Koushirou-sensei."

Zoro nodded sagely. "You won't be disappointed. He's the best teacher there is!"

As they continued walking, Zoro's confident strides began to slow. He glanced around, a hint of confusion creeping into his eyes. Ronan noticed and raised an eyebrow. "Are you lost?" he asked with a deadpan expression.

Zoro blinked, looking slightly embarrassed. "No! I mean, maybe... I might have taken a wrong turn."

Raiden quietly chuckled. He already knew something like this was going to happen. Zoro was very, very bad with directions. "It's okay, Zoro. We'll find the dojo together."

He spotted a passerby, a middle-aged man carrying a basket of vegetables, and approached him with a polite smile. "Excuse me, sir," Raiden began, "could you please point us in the direction of Koushirou-sensei's dojo?"

The man looked up from his basket, his eyes crinkling with warmth. "Ah, you mean Isshin dojo? You want to train under Koushirou, huh? It's just down this road, then take a left at the large oak tree. You can't miss it."

"Thank you very much," Raiden said, bowing slightly in gratitude. He turned back to Zoro and Ronan, ready to relay the directions.

Before he could speak, Zoro suddenly perked up, his eyes wide in realization. "Oh, right! I remember now!" he exclaimed, pointing confidently. "It's just down this road, then a left at the big oak tree. I was just about to say that!"

Ronan raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sure you were," he said dryly.

Raiden chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Alright, let's go then."

Zoro led the way once more, this time with renewed confidence. As they followed the man's directions, Raiden and Ronan couldn't help but exchange a few chuckles. Zoro's enthusiasm was infectious.

The trio soon reached the large oak tree the man had mentioned, its branches spreading wide like welcoming arms. Just beyond it, the familiar sight of Isshin dojo came into view.

"There it is!" Zoro said, his excitement returning in full force. "I told you I'd find it!"

The dojo was a traditional building with a sloped roof, wooden walls, and sliding paper doors; surrounded by a well-kept training ground, it exuded an air of discipline and serenity. The entrance was adorned with kanji characters, indicating the place's importance.

Zoro jumped in front of the entrance and yelled proudly, "Welcome to the Isshin Dojo!"

Before Raiden and Ronan could react, a tall, kind-looking man with glasses and a gentle smile appeared behind Zoro and bonked him lightly on the head. "Zoro, where have you been?" he asked in a soft yet firm voice.

Zoro rubbed his head, wincing. "Ow, that hurt!" he complained, looking up at the man with a mix of surprise and guilt. "I was with them," he said, pointing to Raiden and Ronan. "They wanted to join the dojo, so I brought them here."

"And that took you so long?" Koushirou asked with a raised eyebrow.

Zoro's face became red in embarrassment. He looked away, scratching the back of his and muttered quietly, "I-I got lost."

Koushirou sighed, shaking his head with a small smile. "Zoro...I have no idea how anyone can be this bad at finding directions. But I appreciate your effort." He then looked at Raiden and Ronan. "I'm Koushirou, the master of this dojo. Welcome."

Raiden and Ronan bowed respectfully. "Thank you for having us," Raiden said.

Koushirou nodded. "Zoro, as for you, go and swing your sword three hundred times as punishment."

Zoro's eyes widened in dismay. "Three hundred times? But I just got back!"

Koushirou's smile remained gentle, but his tone was firm. "Three hundred times, Zoro. It's important to practice discipline."

Zoro groaned but nodded, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Yes, sensei," he muttered. He cast a quick, apologetic glance at Raiden and Ronan before running off to start his swings, his wooden swords clattering at his sides.

Raiden watched Zoro go with a mix of amusement and admiration. 'He's got spirit, that's for sure,' he thought. 'No wonder he becomes so strong.'

Koushirou turned back to Raiden and Ronan, his expression welcoming. "Please, come inside. We can talk more comfortably there."

Raiden nodded and followed the middle aged man, with Ronan right after him.

The dojo's interior was spacious and well-maintained, with wooden floors polished to a shine and various training equipment neatly arranged.

Koushirou led them to a small sitting area, motioning for them to take a seat. "So, what brings you to Shimotsuki Village, and why are you interested in joining my dojo?" he asked, his tone curious but kind.

Raiden took a deep breath, ready to explain their journey and aspirations. "We're both sword users and honestly until now, we had just been swinging our blades. We've heard a lot about your dojo and your teaching methods. We believe training here will help us become stronger and more skilled."

Koushirou nodded thoughtfully. "It's always good to have dedicated students. I can see the determination in your eyes. Training here won't be easy, but if you're willing to put in the effort, you're welcome to stay."

Ronan, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "We're ready for any challenge. We want to learn and improve, no matter how tough it gets."

Koushirou smiled warmly. "That's the spirit I like to see. Welcome to the Isshin Dojo. We'll start your training tomorrow. For now, I'll show you around and introduce you to the other students."

"But before that..." Koushirou's expression immediately turned serious as he stared at Ronan. "...I hope you won't mind telling me what a fishman is doing here in the East Blue and that too, a one in disguise."


justadudewithapen justadudewithapen

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