Broken sat in his room with Freya, holding a small black stone he'd taken from his inventory. It was etched with a moon symbol and other mystical markings. It was a Gatestone.
"What's that?" Freya asked.
"This is a Gatestone. It lets me return here instantly, no matter where I am."
"I mean, I can come back from my pocket dimension to wherever I set this stone at."
"Oh, wow! So that's one of the perks of your new pocket dimension? That's incredible!"
"It's not just incredible, it's completely overpowered."
Broken walked to the center of the room.
"If you could allow others to enter your Pocket Dimension, it'd be even more amazing."
"Yes…" he nodded thoughtfully. "And I agree, this is something I need to keep secret. Like you said, it could be a powerful tactic, making people think I'm somewhere else entirely, only to surprise them with an attack from here."
[Do you want to use the Gatestone at this point?]
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