Everyone had gathered in the workshop to witness the final creation of the Unseen Universe Necklace, a joint effort between Toya and Broken. Standing beside her, Broken watched as Toya carefully fitted the Eternal Flame Eye and Soul Stone, crafted with a striking blend of blood red and shimmering blue.
His greatest hope was for a Legendary-grade outcome. Had he perhaps grown too accustomed to success, hoping this result would follow the same path? In reality, even Fokil, a Master Blacksmith himself, had only crafted a Legendary-grade item once in his entire career.
As Toya completed the finishing touches, a surge of green energy suddenly filled the room. Broken smiled and let out a breath, yet Toya remained motionless, her hands trembling slightly as she held the necklace, head bowed.
Yes, the outcome wasn't bad, but given that only Unique or Legendary grades were possible, this was the most expected result for such a creation.
Well, Broken’s done it—he’s got himself a pocket dimension on a floating island. Not too shabby for a guy who just wanted more backpack space, huh?
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