As soon as Broken set his target, he immediately got to work crafting his new arrows. His hands moved swiftly and expertly, each tool clinking rhythmically as he meticulously shaped the shafts and precisely fitted the metal tips.
Freya sat quietly nearby, watching him with silent admiration. The soft light from the forge cast a warm glow on her face as she hesitated to break his concentration. Eventually, she whispered softly, "Broken... I'll be out in a bit, okay?"
Her gentle voice startled him from his trance-like focus. He glanced up slowly, nodding in acknowledgment before returning to his task with renewed determination.
Broken's attention to detail was unwavering as he carefully followed each step outlined in the blueprint. He ensured that every arrow would fly straight and true, striving for perfection with every strike of his hammer. The world around him faded into the background as he became wholly absorbed in his work.
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