5.56% Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG / Chapter 47: Chapter 47 - He is Really Dangerous

章節 47: Chapter 47 - He is Really Dangerous

Broken had expected that mining the Moonstones wouldn't be as easy as he thought, but upgrading his Mining Technique skill would be no small feat. He would have to mine tens, hundreds, or even thousands of times to improve the skill, and he knew he wouldn't be able to do so in just one night. But he had the time to do it. It was a battle of endurance: either he persevered until he successfully mined those Moonstones, or the Moonstones would disappear from Yunatea!

He decided, "I will do my best tonight, until I try all the Moonstones in this place. Gia said the Moonstone will appear every two days, and I can try again in two more days if I don't succeed tonight."

He continued to mine with great precision, moving from one rock to another each time he failed. After several hours of unsuccessful attempts, the sparkling rocks were no longer visible.

[You failed to mine an unidentified mineral.]

"It seems that the rocks only appear in the middle of the night," Broken said, exhaling deeply.

He dropped to the ground and threw his pickaxe aside, trying to calm himself, although his hands were still trembling with frustration.

"I can't afford to waste any more time," he declared, standing up and firmly gripping his pickaxe as he approached the others.

"I'm gonna head to a nearby cave to mine some iron ores," he said, but all he got in response were confused faces.

"Wait, you did manage to get those sparkling things, didn't you?" PussyCat asked with a curious expression.

"Sadly…." Broken sighed. "I didn't manage to obtain any of them."

"I think that the thing you are mining is a very valuable one, so it must be only natural that it is not easy to get it," Forev suggested, trying to encourage him.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Master." RememberMe chuckled. "We'll accompany you until you successfully mine those sparkling things, or if you're still having trouble, I can buy you the stones from the auction! Hahahah…."

"You dumbass, money can't buy everything," Forev scolded RememberMe. "Do you think everything in Yunatea can be found at an auction?"

Broken continued, "I'll be here for, I don't know, a week, a month. I think you can leave anytime if you feel like accompanying me here would be a waste of time."

RememberMe leaped to his feet with a broad grin on his face. "We said we'd stay with you until your quest is complete, right?"

"No need to worry, Broken, we see this as a vacation. We're having fun," PussyCat said. "Do your thing, and we can also hunt monsters to level up. It's a win-win situation."

Broken nodded, feeling a warm sense of gratitude towards them. "Thanks, I'll be back here after finishing my mining." He then turned and started walking towards the nearby cave.

After Broken disappeared into the darkness, RememberMe turned to his two friends with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I know he was only testing us on our loyalty," he chuckled. "Trying to pull a fast one by mining iron ore to trick us, hahaha! But he should know better that I never give up! I'll show him my loyalty until he opens up to us about his biggest secret, hahaha."

"I don't think so..." PussyCat replied, a smile playing on her lips. "Broken may be secretive, but he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would take advantage of others. So, you better keep your imagination to yourself."

"I think there's something seriously wrong with the inside of his head," Forev chimed in, smirking.

After his initial failure to acquire any Moonstones, Broken established a regular pattern. He would venture out in the middle of the night to attempt to mine Moonstone. When the sun rose, he'd head to the closest cave to level up his Mining Technique by collecting iron ore. During the daytime, he joined the others in hunting monsters. Although he was more passive and let Polly handle most of the battle, he needed to keep the Self Transcendence blessing active to progress.

[Self Transcendence Blessing Activation Progress: 43%]

Each night, Broken carefully timed his attempts, waiting for the Moonstones to appear. He knew it was a test of patience and perseverance, two qualities that he was determined to prove he possessed. The nights were long and often cold, but he found solace in the rhythmic sound of his pickaxe striking the rocks.

During the day, the group worked seamlessly together, their teamwork improving with each hunt.

Unbeknownst to him, Broken had been following the same routine for three weeks of Yunatea time already, yet he still hadn't managed to obtain a single Moonstone.

[Name: Broken

Level: 31

Classes: Unique Super Novice

Health: 980 Mana: 948

Strength: 120 Agility: 80 Intelligence: 90 Constitution: 98 Stamina: 90

Charisma: 50 Luck: 25 Dexterity: 0 Survival: 0 Perception: 0

Available Stat Points: 0

Weight: 369/720]

However, one thing that made him quite happy was that his level was slowly starting to rise, and he had also spent every stats he had accordingly.

One night, as they rested near the tent, PussyCat walked towards him, carrying a plate of freshly grilled meat. The warm aroma of the food wafted through the air. She smiled at Broken, who had just thrown his pickaxe to the ground in frustration.

"You must be hungry, right?" she said, offering him the plate.

Broken nodded in appreciation and accepted the plate. "Thanks," he said, his voice heavy with exhaustion.

PussyCat chuckled, her blonde hair lifting in the wind that blew over the mountains. "I think you are the most determined person I've ever met," she said.

"But…" Broken replied slowly, taking a bite of the meat. "I don't think that determination alone is enough to achieve what I'm looking for. I've come to this place, done my best, but still, success eludes me. I have a feeling this won't change anytime soon."

"I think you need to take a break and give your mind a rest," she suggested gently. "We often push ourselves too hard and forget that our minds need to recuperate too."

Broken paused for a moment, then nodded in agreement. He had been focusing on the game so intensely over the past few days. Although he enjoyed it, he realized that he did need a little break.

"I guess you're right," he replied. "I'm going to log out for a while." He smiled at her.

"Take care," she responded with a warm smile.

With that, he promptly logged out of the game.


"He managed to upgrade his Mining Technique to level 4 within one week?!" Marco, the CEO of Golden Age Company, said emphatically as he gazed at the large screen in front of him.

The other people in the room were equally astonished by the feat they had witnessed.

"He is really dangerous!" Marco continued, his face expressing both surprise and delight. "Imagine what he could accomplish if he applied this level of persistence. Added to the blessing of sloth he has, he is so dangerous."

Marco paused, allowing the magnitude of the situation to sink in. The room fell silent as everyone contemplated the implications of Broken's achievement.

"Is the balance of this game about to be shattered due to his persistent mentality?" he asked, looking around at his colleagues.

Galanteo Galanteo

Three weeks of Yunatea time, and Broken still hasn't cracked a single Moonstone. If persistence was a skill, he'd be max level by now!

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章節 48: Chapter 48 - Gold Immortal Card

Leon stepped out of the capsule device and took a deep breath of the damp air in his room. He hadn't opened the window in several days, so the sunlight was absent from the room. He walked to the window and opened it, allowing the midday sun to flood in and brighten the small space. The fresh air felt invigorating after days of being cooped up inside.

His face, previously pale, turned a slight shade of red when illuminated by the sun. "I've been living like a vampire for the past few days," he murmured.

He had a few plans for the day. Over the past three weeks or so in Yunatea, he had been occupied with a variety of tasks, including hunting monsters and mining. As a result, he had gathered plenty of resources, more than he had managed to accumulate in the past year while playing Immortal Legacy. Consequently, he had also made a considerable amount of money.

He thought to himself, "With the money I've earned, I can afford to have some fun."

Leon was amazed by the assistance provided by RememberMe. Not only did he help him sell the items he got through the courier who came every few days to collect them, but RememberMe also went a step further by providing prepayment for all the items. In a very short time, Leon had collected as many as twenty gold coins, which, if exchanged for real currency, was around twenty thousand dollars. The amount of money he had amassed was beyond anything he had ever imagined.

After getting such a fantastic amount of money, he thought about going to the nearest convenience store to print his own Immortal Card. This would make it easier for him to conduct transactions and convert in-game currency into real currency.

Leon left the room, went to take a shower, and quickly got ready. He was very excited that day, imagining how much money he would get and thinking about the things he wanted to buy, things he would have hesitated to purchase before. He thought about getting a new phone and laptop, items he had needed to replace for a long time but had always put off due to their cost.

The Immortal Legacy player possessed a payment card known as an Immortal Card. This card was utilized to convert in-game currency to real-world currency and back again. Players can shop online or use this card at merchants located around the globe. There were various tiers and types of these cards, ranging from Bronze to Silver, Gold, and Platinum, and each tier had specific criteria, requirements, and features associated with it.

Leon noticed Lily was still not home from school, so he quickly hopped on his bicycle and dashed off to the nearest convenience store to get his new Immortal Card. Unfortunately, the closest convenience store to his house was the one he used to work at. However, he didn't really mind as he no longer cared for his former manager, Bob.

After a few minutes, Leon arrived at the store. He parked his bicycle near the entrance, carefully locking it before quickly stepping inside the convenience store.

He strolled confidently toward the cashier and stopped in front of a girl he recognized. She was not only a familiar face but also one of his colleagues when he used to work at the store.

"Hey, Mia," Leon greeted her warmly.

"Leon?" Mia replied, her eyes widening in surprise. "I heard what happened. How are you holding up?"

Leon smiled casually. "Everything is good," he said with a nonchalant shrug. "Actually, I need to get a new Immortal Card. Could you help me out with that?"

Mia nodded slowly. "Sure," she said quietly. She then reached under the counter and pulled out a small, square-shaped machine. "Please scan your account here. What type of card do you need, Leon?"

"No wonder I sneezed," Bob, the manager, suddenly exclaimed as he walked over to where Leon and Mia were standing. His face twisted with disgust as he continued, "A homeless person broke into my shop."

Leon turned back to Mia, ignoring Bob's rude comment. "I want the gold one, Mia," he said firmly.

Bob couldn't believe what he had just heard. "What kind of joke is he pulling?" he asked with a mocking laugh. "Do you know the requirements for obtaining the gold Immortal Card? Is the inside of your head damaged because you're now without a job?"

Leon clicked his tongue in frustration and turned to face Bob. "I'm a customer, and I'm asking you to treat me with respect as a responsible manager."

With his round belly jiggling, Bob stepped closer to Leon, his face inches away. "What are you talking about? What makes you think I need to care about a customer like you? Do you think this is a joke, ordering a gold Immortal Card? Should I call the security guard to throw you out of here?"

"What's the problem with me ordering a gold Immortal Card?" Leon shot back, his annoyance growing. "If there were another shop nearby, I'd take my business there, but I have no other choice. So, I suggest you back off and let me finish my purchase."

Bob sneered. "The Gold Immortal Card requires a minimum balance of 20,000 dollars and is reserved for players who take the Immortal Legacy game seriously or are popular and ranked players," he said firmly. "Poor people like you should never dream of owning one."

Leon replied calmly, "Then I believe I meet the criteria you just mentioned."

"You big mouth, you're just bragging!" Bob scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "I'll prove you're just bluffing. Why don't you go out and run around naked in the streets if I can show your stupidity in front of a crowd? Are you scared? Do you think I'm that stupid to believe you?"

Leon, still unfazed, asked casually, "Then what do I get if I really have the right to have the Gold Immortal Card?"

With a sly grin, Bob answered, "I'll double the balance on your card."

"Cool, that's a pretty interesting bet," Leon replied and glanced at the other customers, who were now curiously watching their exchange. "I'm sure there are plenty of witnesses."

Bob then turned to Mia and said, "Verify his account, Mia."

Mia's voice suddenly cut through the tension. "Boss... Leon's account is eligible for the Gold Immortal Card."

Bob turned to Mia and asked in disbelief, "Are you kidding me? Did you make sure that's his account?!"

"I've confirmed that his account verification was successful."

"Don't joke with me!" Bob said sternly before pacing around the counter and peering closely at the computer screen. "No way!" he exclaimed, his voice shaking with shock.

Leon cast a glance around the area, taking in the other customers who had already started to form a line, their curiosity piqued. He then focused his gaze on Bob and asked casually, "You're not going to go back on your word, right Bob? You wouldn't want to ruin your reputation in front of all these customers, would you? Now pay me my prize."

Bob's face contorted in anger as he clenched his fists. His teeth gritted in annoyance, yet his finger pressed the machine in front of him with a trembling hand. His face was covered in a cold sweat from the pressure.

"I will make you suffer, Leon," he said slowly.

"Now give me my card," Leon said firmly.

The sound of the card printing machine then filled the air for a few seconds. After carefully packaging the card in its cover, Mia handed over a sleek black card with a gold-patterned emblem and Leon Chambers' name inscribed on it.

"Here you go, Leon. This is your card," she said.

Leon received the card, and with a suppressed smile, he tucked it into his bag. He had been about to purchase some items from the store but had suddenly lost his appetite and decided to leave instead.

"I believe he must have robbed or committed a crime to get that kind of money," Bob declared loudly, watching Leon walk away.

"But, boss," Mia replied hesitantly, "I'm sure Immortal Legacy has a very secure system, so I'm not sure your accusation is accurate."

"Shut up and continue your work," Bob commanded, then stormed off in a huff.

Galanteo Galanteo

Watching Bob squirm was chef’s kiss perfection, right?

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