32.55% This DCverse is Maddening / Chapter 14: Chapter 13: The Gran Broach Part 1

章節 14: Chapter 13: The Gran Broach Part 1

If Albert thought yesterday would be as exciting as that night of ghost hunting, then he would greatly disappointed. All he did was read and train up his Navigate skill. No peril or real work to do. He debated on whether or not to start researching the case of Marian Gran, but he later decided against it. Why some might ask? Simple, he wouldn't be working alone on this case and couldn't continue to act as though he was. It would be better to meet up a delegate duties to everyone than to rush ahead. They might have resources not available to him.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he called upon his status as he dried his hair in the steamy bathroom.

[Albert Nelson

HP: 20/20

MP: 9/9

SAN: 42/45

LCK: 45/45

IP: 1


- Appraise: 25%

- Art/Craft (Photography): 55%

- Disguise: 20%

- Fire Arms (Handgun): 60%

- Library Use: 60%

- Listen: 30%

- Navigate: 14%

- Occult: 35%

- Psychology: 50%

- Spot Hidden: 60%

- Stealth: 40%


- Resourceful

- Lucky

Cthulhu Mythos: 0%]

He had decided to bite the bullet and spend the IP to speed up his learning rate. A thought had entered his mind on the way back to the shelter. What if he spent multiple IP on a single skill? Would it drastically affect him? Would it allow his skill increases to sky rocket? Would it allow for him to grind up multiple skills at once? Or would it just stab his heart with regret at the wasted point? It was certainly something to look into in the future.

But for now, he basked in his progress so far. Kind-of wishing that his stats were visible but oh well. Rules were rules.

He also hadn't been contacted by either Steve or Marceline, it would be disappointing to be left out by at least there would be free IP for him either way.

It didn't take long for Albert to enter the cafeteria and get a plate of food. He then sat in his usual spot next to the eclectic group.

"Good morning."

"Good morning kid," Derek smirked,"I heard you and the princess had quite the adventure the other night.."

"It was nothing like that." The diminutive girl broke in. Who only got waved away by the man himself. It seemed to Albert that final wall between him and the group had somewhat come down. He guessed it was because some, if not all, had their sparks ignited in someway. But seeing as this was a pretty public area, he wouldn't outright say anything even prodding in that direction. Marceline then turned her full attention to the youth.

"After we're done here, I'll take you to our spot."

Nodding in ascent, he fell into silence as the group began their soft conversation. Just enjoying the breakfast casserole before him. The fluffy eggs, piping hot potato cubes and cheese combined together to make something mouth watering. Scrumptious. It was a pity when all he was left with was an empty plate. It didn't take long for the rest to follow in his stead.


Marceline asked.

"Lead the way."


The two teens walked in silence as they flitted through the ever increasing crowd. Albert had been following the girl for the past ten minutes and started to get a sinking suspicion on where they were going. The familiar streets and storefronts validated his concerns. It wasn't long before they stopped in front of an oh-so familiar shop. Coffee Stains. He internally groaned,'Why is this place so damn popular?!'

"I know it might not look like much," Marceline must've completely misread his defeated expression,"But the coffee here is delicious, Lin got me addicted."

Not waiting for his response, she opened the door with a familiar jingle.

"Good morning Marceline, the usual?"

Jeremiah asked absentmindedly.

"Yep, thank you Jeremiah."

"Your friends are over ther-" He locked eyes with Albert defeated gaze,"Ah, your here for my slop again kid?"

"No," The teen sighed," I'm here for a meeting.."

"Oh!" The old man's eyes sparkled with amusement,"Fancy, don't let this old coot keep you."

"You know Jeremiah?" The brown hair girl asked as the two walked towards the back.

"Yeah, I help out here every once and awhile."

After a few steps, a large table with multiple people entered their vision. A large teen with short brown hair sat practically hunched over the table, next to him sat a tall blonde girl wearing a soft blue summer dress and opposite of them sat a scrawny youth with shaggy brown.

"Good morning Marcy."

Michael, the towering teen grunted, cradling a steaming cup of coffee.

"Good morning, how did it go?"

Her question was met with a grimace on his face.

"That bad?"

She winced.

"Worse, after she chewed my ear off I got another earful from my aunt the next morning."

"Same," Steve uncharacteristically grunted in turn," M-my mom took away all my games and b-banned me from the computer for a week. My g-guild leader will be so pissed when I miss t-that raid.."

"Damn right," Angeline added," She might kick us out.."

"I am sorry for getting you all in so much troubl-"

"Don't blame yourself, it was our decision and it's not our first time."

The blonde cut in, interrupting the medium's apology.

"But still, I'll come by each of your houses and try to wiggle you guys out of trouble."

"That'll be nice," Michael smiled," My sister was asking me about you so she might let me go then.."

"Gee," Angeline snorted," At least pretend you aren't going to throw her to the wolves. I swear your sister has a sweet spot for Marcy or something."

"If you're not careful," Marceline teased," I might become your sister in-law."

That caused the giant to blanch.

"Yeah, never mind. Don't come over."

"Oh h-hey Albert!" Steve finally spotted the awkward looking teen next to her," Glad you c-could make it."


He nodded before taking a nearby seat.

"Should we get started?"

Marceline asked, following in step.

"First," Michael started,"Where should we begin?"

"I did a little bit of research and got a hole lot of nothing."

The blonde slumped.

"S-same, this is g-going to be impossible.."

"Before we give up," Albert interjected," I think we can make it easier by splitting it up into smaller bits. We know what year she taught in, and if they were on campus when she died then they had to have either worked or went to school there."

"You think a student could've done something like that?"

Angeline gasped.

"It's possible," He shrugged," Either a staff member or student. That in itself narrows it down dramatically."

"But what if it was just some stalker?"

Michael asked.

"Then we're fucked."

They truly would be. It would be challenging enough just to narrow down the culprit from a couple hundred of people, that number would sky rocket if it was anyone else but someone related to the school.

"W-we can use r-records from that t-time."

Steve added.

"That would be perfect, if we can get a roster of everyone that year. A year book would be excellent."

"There won't be one," Angeline interjected," Remember, the school closed shortly after her death. Meaning no year book was released."

"So we're going to have to look through dusty old text? No thank you."

Michael cut in.

"We'll add it to the docket, what else?"

"Newspapers could help."

"Were photos a thing back then?"

The towering youth asked suddenly.

"I t-think so?"

Steve answered uncertainly.

"There's a possibility we can just find the killer by looking through old photos, we'll just need one of Marian with her broach and compare."

"A newspaper at the time must've had something like that."

The blonde added.

"Now that we know what we need," Marceline started," It would make the most amount of sense to delegate duties"

"I can look through old newspaper," Michael raised his hand," It sounds more fun than reading old documents.."

"A-agreed," Steve shuddered,"Do you think there's enough room to have multiple people look?"

"I don't mind," The tall teen shrugged," It'll be quicker and not as boring."

"I guess that leaves those old documents to us…" Angeline slumped into her chair," It wouldn't be smart to focus on one location though."

"That's true," Albert nodded," We know the library has a high chance of having that roster, but where else?"

"I think City Hall has an archive…" Michael helpfully suggested.

"My mom can probably get me and one other in without any problem," The blonde said," She'll be thrilled to show me her work."

"It's going to have to be me," The short haired girl looked at Albert apologetically," Her mom knows me and she'll throw a stink if Lin brings a boy home.."

That caused the blonde to shiver in horror at the thought, followed by the collective chuckle from her friends. It left the young investigator confused, he knew there must be a story behind that but decided not to pry. He might've been accepted by the group so far but that didn't mean he was entitled to be brought into their inner circle. Little inside jokes like these are the result of years not days of friendships.

"Is there any else you guys want me to look into just in-case the library doesn't have those documents?"

"Umm," Steve rubbed his chin in thought," I d-don't know? Just do w-whatever really."

Albert nodded in agreement, now that it was said out loud no one could get after him for slacking. It shouldn't take long for him find out if the library carried documents like that, if they didn't then it would be an excellent couple days of skill grinding.

"Well it seems like we have everything in hand," Marceline said,"I think it'll be good to meet up again in 2 days?"

"Works for me."

"S-shouldn't be a problem."

"I'll talk to my mom today," Angeline announced," Can you come with me Marcy? It'll help my case more."

"I don't have any other plans today, so sure."

"Come one Steve," Michael stood up from his chair,"I think I can get in contact with a collector."

"S-sure," The youth followed suit," It w-was nice seeing y-you Albert."

With a quick few goodbyes, the group of friends streamed out of the coffee shop. Leaving Albert to his thoughts at the large table. He smacked his lips at the smell of beans in the distance, maybe he would get a cup after all.


The sun was beginning to set over the gloomy city, igniting its persistent smog in an orange fire like hue. The warm air ruffled though Albert's brown hair as he walked down the darkening street. His brown eyes were far away, unfocused on the world around him. The cold feeling of metal against his skin has grown to be somewhat of a comfort for him.

'That was a bust.'

He had looked through every document during that time forty years ago and found nothing. Just some location of closed down mines, building dates, politicians at the time etc. Interesting stuff that could help him in the future but not on this case. Hell he had even asked a nearby librarian and got the same look adults give to slow children. They had patiently explained to him that they wouldn't carry documents like that and the City Hall's Archives would be the place for such information. Causing him to stew in his own thoughts for the whole day. Albert was so distracted that he was glad that he hadn't wasted his last IP else it would've been for naught.

He was glad when the familiar closing bells filled his ears. After a full day of doing nothing, he just wanted to get some food in his belly and sleep on it all. Failure was indeed exhausting. But he couldn't do anything about it. Maybe he did need a hobby of sorts. He would quickly wring himself dry if his mind didn't receive some sort non-bland stimulation. There was a fantasy title that did catch his attention..

He was frankly getting sick and tired of looking through maps and navigation aids. The material was bland that it felt like his mind was shoveling tasteless oatmeal into its gullet. No blueberries, honey, peanut butter, milk, or anything flavorful. Water and oats. If only online novels were a thing. Albert had checked, none of his old frequented sites existed. Sadly. He had thought of starting up a similar site but he had no real experience in programming….well anything. So all he could do was watch some heroes go about their day.

If the paparazzi were insane in his old world, then they didn't have anything on these new monsters. He was a bit shocked at the heavy balls these people had. Especially that guy that got a close shot of Black Canary in...lets so unflattering positions. The lack of anything afterwards speaks loudly of his fate..

He wasn't ashamed to admit that he had went down the rabbit hole through multiple forums with absolutely rabid forums. There were some people critiquing the capes on everything they did. From how they fought crime, to their costumes to even how they breathed. Albert knew that they were people who were unsatisfied at the status quo. Villain does something awful, Hero fights Villain, Hero throws the Villain in jail, they escape and the cycle continues.

Truly, this world's justice system is so weird. Scarecrow couldn't be executed for domestic terrorism but the literal God Among Men could be sued by the very people he saved. No really, Albert was flummoxed at that particular article.

Don't even get him started on the amount of thugs that are rallying to legally take Batman down..

It was a mess. And he was starting to think it was done on purpose.

A series of gruff voices from his back shook him out of his daze. They caused the hair to rise on the back of his neck so instead of turning and alerting them he eyed the reflection of the closed shop next to him. There were three men following in step with him. All three of them wore dark hoodies and black pants. Normally this wouldn't really give anyone pause, until they realized exactly what city they were in. Muggings were common in Gotham. Hell it was one of the more common crimes there. Albert was just lucky so far, but it seemed like his luck has run out.


One of three called out to him, tone more of demand for attention than anything else. Now the young investigator had a couple of options here; he could bolt which would surely result in him getting chased through the streets until they inevitably caught up to him. Beating would most certainly follow. Or he could stop, get roughed up a bit and get out of the situation with only light bruises and an empty wallet. There wasn't really an option here. That was until he noticed the bright purple bandannas that covered the lower half of their faces.

Albert eyed the nearby alleyway and tried to match to his internal map, coming up empty.

'Getting lost is certainly better than getting my corpse dumped somewhere.'

He had read some articles earlier that week about the surge in gang activity. Something about the power vacuum Black Mask left behind after he got sent to Blackgate. Of course, when the tiger is away the monkeys come to play. Or something like that.

The series of footsteps picking up in speed decided his next action. He immediately bolted into the nearby ally. The harsh curses that followed in his wake made him glad of his quick thinking. With feet patted rapidly against the trash cover ground as he ran like his life depended on it. The alley wasn't too wide to begin with and the haphazardly thrown garbage bags didn't help any. Loose cans, rotten food and sludge covered the cement in a slightly slick layer.

The sound of the three running after him caused him to pick up his pace. And on they ran, through a series of intersecting alley's. It was like some sort of urban labyrinth, with twists/turns and dead-ends galore. Albert clenched his hands into fists as he ran, thinking of all the possible options.

'I can't keep up this pace.'

He was already beginning to feel his lungs start to give out, air becoming thick like water as he greedily gulp in that life saving substance. His heart beat rhythmically against an aching rib-cage. Sharp pain entered his side as the familiar fatigue streamed through his muscles.

"I'm going to break your legs for making me run like this!"

A muffled voiced huffed from behind him. He didn't dare look, he knew that the moment he did his ability to keep up this pace would shatter completely. His eyes slid past a variety of different option escapes. All the fire escapes ladders were fully retracted and given the lights that were on from the windows, no one seem to be in mood be a good samaritan that day.

As Albert turned the last corner, he noticed how it then split off into three separate directions. He didn't even pause and took the right most lane before diving headfirst in a pile of trash. The squishy impact almost made his stomach eject everything he had that day. Swallowing the bile, he wiggled around until he was completely hidden by the pile of trash bags.

This smelly darkness encompassed him from all sides, and he tried to ignore the plastic bags oozing warm liquid onto his arms. Albert pulled on Stealth as hard as possible. Letting it guide his movements in such a way that it essentially caused his body to...sag deeper into the pile. Staying rigid in a pile of soft grossness would almost certainly give away his position. He sunk until his back hit the stick brick wall.

It was a revolting experience. Probably the most disgusting thing he's ever done.

'This world fucking sucks.'

He could hear the series of heavy footsteps gradually get louder, and held his breathe. There he crouched. Survivor of the Void, Master Investigator, an all around Bad-ass if someone were to ask him. In a pile of old, soggy, rotten, leaking trash-bags. Albert just knew he would need to scrub every inch of his skin tonight.

'Maybe I'll just throw away this skin entirely…'

He mused to himself. Albert certainly hoped no one would ask any questions when he got back. This is one story he would alter. He did not hide in a pile of garbage, he just continued to run until he heroically outran his would be assailants.

The breathe squeezed out of his lungs as he heard to footsteps slowly fade away into the distance. But he didn't dare move even an inch. If Albert had to, he would stay here all night. No matter how much his stomach churned at the rancid smell and texture.

He had to resist allowing his body to stiffen at the incoming footsteps. From his count, there were three sets and given their hushed conversation it wasn't hard for him guess who they were.

"I can't believe you let him get away!"

One scolded harshly with a slightly nasally voice

"I'm not a fucking runner!" Another harrumphed,"Plus besides its not my job to run after people, its his."

"Don't put that on me!" The last growled," I didn't expect the bitch to scurry with his tail between his legs the moment he saw us! We shouldn't have worn these stupid ass bandannas!"

"Say that again! I dare you!"

"Watch me bitch!"

The sound of bone meeting flesh met Albert's ears, followed by a loud thump that echoes through the alley.

"Did you just hit me? I'll kill you!"

"Bring it on! I've been waiting to smash your ugly face in!"


Finally, one of them decided to cut in between the fighting duo. The same voice continued after a few seconds of silence.

"If you want fight, do it when we're not short on our quota. She'll kill us if we're short again!"

"We wouldn't be in this situation if someone hadn't spent the money on that fucking whore.."

"Watch your mouth!" The voice interjected," We're going to get engaged soon!"

"Dude," The man snorted," I literally saw her take some guy backstage after her show."

"Stop lying!" The other man growled," She might be one of Penguin's Showgirl's but that doesn't means she would have sex with anyone!"

"And the money?"

"She needed it go towards her termination fee."


Even Albert could hear the eye roll in the man's voice.

"You're just jealous!"

"Of what?"

"That I have such a hot babe waiting on me hand and foot! All you have is your right hand to keep you company!"

"Why I outta-"

"Enough, we need to find that kid. If he ran like that then he must have something of value on him."

"I'm going to break his legs."

"Not before I do, lets see him run like that again…"

As there voices faded again into the distance, cold sweat dripped off of Albert's back. He would for sure need to change his route from now on.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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