100% Star Wars: The New Game / Chapter 9: Chapter Nine: The Jedi of the Rebellion

章節 9: Chapter Nine: The Jedi of the Rebellion

The first thing Obi-Wan did was check if Bail was alive.

Already through the Force, he could sense he was fine, but with a quick look over at the Senator, he knew he was alive.

Alarms nearby could be heard going off, and Obi-Wan's response was to give orders to the few troops left in Bail's cohort.

"Find safety, get away from the platform and into hiding as soon as you can!" Obi-Wan calmly spoke, the Jedi Master's voice was cool.

Just to be safe, Obi-Wan used a subtle [Mind Touch] on the soldiers.

The difference between this and the [Mind Trick] was that; The latter was more overt and directly changed the thought process of the target, while the former was more subtle and instead merely made the target more persuadable.

Not given the chance nor the time to question him, they helped spirit Bail away.

It was the middle of the day, Fondor was crawling with Imperial troops, But the question that made Obi-Wan's mind ponder;

Who would try to assassinate a Senator loyal to the Empire?

In fact it was exceedingly clear that had Obi-Wan acted just a tad later, the Empire would have arrived in time to assess what happened.

Over the course of a few hours, through the sewer systems of the capital city of Fondor, Obi-Wan was able to hide Bail Organa within one of the many abandoned flats deep within its dozens of manufacturing districts.

Bail awoke on a ruined cot, looking out to see Obi-Wan with his arms crossed, gazing through a shuttered window in deep thought.

"What? What-" Bail shoot up, Going from horizontal to vertical in only a split-second. Bail coughed and wheezed. He was getting lightheaded.

Seeing Bail wake, Obi-Wan's attention snapped to him instantly.

"Take a deep breath." Obi-Wan placed a hand on the Senator's shoulders.

"What happened?" Bail closed his eyes and began to breathe in and out, The Senator's eyes searched their surroundings.

"Are you alright? You've been asleep for hours."

"Must've been winded."

Obi-Wan explained calmly, sitting on the edge of the bed, Bail's head had been bleeding and Obi-Wan patched it up the moment they were able to make camp in their secret room hidden from all sides in a ruined building.

"A bomb was hidden on the bottom of your shuttle; it detonated seconds before you were able to board. I'm afraid we don't know who to trust right now," said Obi-Wan. "Friends or foes."

The Jedi-Master's tone was edged with a cautious tone, His eyes still looked as calm and cool as ever. But there was a slight, yet noticeable edge in them.

"You think Rahm Kota was involved?" Bail's tone was cautious. His eyes conveyed his thoughts.

Obi-Wan looked blank. "I doubt it. He wouldn't compromise the only loyalty he has left in the Senate. No matter how rogue he's gone, he knows that would be foolish. It is not the Jedi way to slay those who help you."

"So then why are we hiding?" Bail raised an eyebrow.

"For all I know, this could've been an Imperial." Obi-Wan voiced his suggestion.

Bail raised an eyebrow. "Imperial? Then why didn't they just arrest us when we reached the platform?"

Obi-Wan gave him a blank look, "This is the Empire." Bail wanted to facepalm. "This is a government that regularly kills off its most competent members for small failures."

"Right. For every competent officer, There has to be at least seven corrupt, incompetent and/or unqualified officers…" Obi-Wan's face gave a ghost of a smile at that.

"You should know firsthand how large of a bureaucracy the Empire is. All the Empire would want is to keep you from leaving until they could figure out just if you betrayed them or not."

"Better safe than sorry?" Bail looked utterly confused.

"I gather that you could be replaced in the Senate rather easily, despite your connections in Alderaan. The Empire sees all its rulers of each world as disposable, considering how many there would be."

"Right." Bail admitted, looking a bit grim.

"So what do we do?"

"For now," sighed out Obi-Wan. "We wait. It's completely uncertain who or what is trying to kill us, or why. But I suggest we stay hidden until I can determine a way to get you off Fondor safely."

Bail didn't appear happy about being stuck on such a miserable planet, but considering Obi-Wan had just saved his life, he wasn't going to complain.

"How many men did I lose?" Bail hesitantly voiced his thoughts to the wizened Jedi-Master. His entire body was visibly tense.

"You're looking at the rest of your household retinue you took with you for this mission."

Bail watched three young men wearing oval shaped white helmets and Alderaniaan uniforms with blaster rifles near the windows, guarding the doors as well.

Bail's eyes slightly darkened and his body subtly clenched.

"I can sense your grief." Obi-Wan gave him a small, empathetic smile. "I know how you feel…"

"I should've been so much more careful," Bail spoke melancholically, looking downward. His fists were clenched.

"It was the job of those men to protect you." Obi-Wan's voice spoke, the wizened-master's voice sounding comforting and empathetic.

"These weren't clones!" Bail continued to clench his fists. "These were men who volunteered to protect me on this mission!"

Obi-Wan insisted respectfully. "Then put your trust in me." Obi-Wan's voice was cool, but not cold. "to make sure their sacrifice was not in vain, and we can get you back to your family safely."

Bail only closed his eyes and nodded, Obi-Wan went off to talk to one of the remaining guards.

Luke was doing drills with other Imperial recruits when an Imperial officer appeared through the sliding electric doors.

"The whole city is on lockdown. Those in Squads 3, 5, and 6 are on patrol through every quadrant of our sector until further notice."

"Sir yes sir!" all the troopers scrambled to follow orders.

"Excuse me sir, what caused the lockdown?"

The officer seemed like he wanted nothing more than to sneer down at Luke for daring to question orders, but understanding that the unit came from Alderaan, the officer spoke calmly.

"Someone attempted to assassinate the dignitary visiting from Alderaan, we believe he might've been captured by rebels." The man's teeth were clenched.

Luke was already prepared for patrol by the time the officer was done speaking.

In full arms and armour, Luke and his friend began to walk through the streets of Fondor during dusk.

Days were shorter on Fondor than Luke was used to, considering Tatooine actually had two suns.

"Hey, what're you doing? Porter and Karl have that side of town covered."

Ignoring him, Luke continued to walk off.

He reached the landing platform where Bail Organa's assassination attempt failed.

Most of it was sectioned off, as Imperial forensics and troops were everywhere covering every inch of the crime scene. It was the first real act of terrorism or high scale crime attempted in Fondor in a very long time, Luke understood why everyone was on such high alert.

However, just by walking towards the crime scene, Luke could sense through the Force that neither Obi-Wan nor Bail were killed. He would've felt their presence lost forever, and the signs of their murder left forever on the platform.

Such acts Luke knew were difficult to erase or obscure from the Force.

"Can we go now?"

Luke barely nodded through his helmet.

"Weirdest guy I've ever met," Luke's friend muttered.

They walked off a bit more soon resuming their patrol, and the communicator on Luke's wrist began to ring. Normally when their commanding officer gave orders he was heard instantly, this was a bit odd.

"You gonna answer that?"

Luke shrunk into a nearby alleyway, and he checked no one was around as he answered it, the other stormtrooper politely waiting nearby.


The other end of the line was scratchy. "Hello? Luke, is that you?"

"Obi-Wan? What's going on?" Luke's voice betrayed a nervous tone. He had to try his hardest not to do something rash.

"I was able to use your Imperial ID number to figure out a way to communicate to your wrist link directly. You need to-"

Luke felt Obi-Wan's side of the line garble out.

"I'll meet up with you back near the third checkpoint when you're done." his friend said from the street, then moving on.

"Sure!" he called back, then speaking back into his comm link. "I couldn't understand what you said. Obi-Wan, I'm on patrol here, I don't know what you're-"

"Listen. If you ever needed a chance to abandon your post, now's the time. You have to visit a tall empty building with broken red windows on the fifth floor by the northeast end of the Tuirun markets, there, you'll find me-"

The line cut out…

"Obi-Wan?" Luke's voice betrayed his nervousness.

There was no response…


Luke looked around the alleyway.

His partner on the patrol had already walked off, it was seeming more and more by the second his mentor's advice to find him was probably the best avenue to take.

Luke was unsure of whether or not to remove his armour.

For all he knew, his partner had gotten tired of following Luke around and him acting strange so he left him and expected him to catch up later as he actually said.

Imperial troops didn't typically abandon each other during patrol, it was a way for them to get picked off by rebels or captured in lockdown scenarios, even if he told him he'd be at an Imperial checkpoint nearby.

But… this was the Empire… Friendships among Comrades was sneered upon, and upcoming officers got their ranks from assassinating their superiors…

The entire system was corrupt and rotten to the core…

However, Luke was under the impression that for whatever reason, his friend no longer viewed him as wholly loyal, or at all what he appeared to be on the surface.

However, if Luke's cover was indeed blown, it'd be easier to identify him in his uniform.

So he decided to store the Stormtrooper outfit in his Inventory in case he'd ever need it later, and changed into some dark-grey robes with a hood to conceal his face in the crowds when he walked towards the location Obi-Wan gave him.

"Someone's approaching the west end of the building." one of Bail's guards said near a screen connected to one of the scopes they'd set up.

Obi-Wan looked up from guarding Bail as he rested. "Who?"

He turned, it was obviously Luke when he walked past the camera.

Luke sped up when he began to walk up the ruined wooden stairs in the building and reached the fifth floor, already Sensing Obi-Wan through the Force.

An Alderaniaan guard opened the door for Luke and he walked in.

"Obi-Wan! What happened?"

"We're trapped for the time being." Obi-Wan began to explain. "I have no idea who it was that tried to murder Bail, but I couldn't risk your cover being blown."

Luke was glad to see Bail Organa injured, but alive.

"Is the mission over? We won't be able to find Rahm Kota, it's been days. He would've shown himself by now."

"Our top priority is finding a way off Fondor as soon as we can. At least Bail here, he can't stay much longer."

Luke frowned. "He'll be okay right?" His concern was evident.

"Health wise he's fine, but we don't know anything else. Who tried to kill him, why, and if anywhere in the city is safe. Even if going back to Alderaan is safe."

"So what do we do?" Luke crossed his arms at his master.

"We wait. Bail will heal up by midday tomorrow, and we can find a transport to sneak on or steal. With how controlled traffic is in and out of the system," Obi-Wan muttered. "It will be difficult, but do-able."

Luke nodded. "Waiting sounds best."

"It's our only option." Obi-Wan sounded grim for the first time.

As Luke rested, he felt a disturbance in the Force.

[Congratulations; you've gained 700 EXP due to increased [Sensory Awareness]!]

Luke awoke slowly from the small sleeping pad Obi-Wan had placed in the empty room across the hall where Bail was being guarded. It was the middle of the night, what exactly did he Sense?

Luke could tell on his mini map there were two people in the floors below him, or at least nearby.

It was their voices, their voices that were carrying Luke from his slumber to being fully alert. He Sensed danger, and had to investigate.

Carrying his lightsaber, Luke began to walk down the steps.

With Bail's life still in danger, and their entire mission in peril, Luke took every step with baited caution, ready to be attacked.

The grim, dark, and dusty building was silent. All Luke could hear was the occasional speeder nearby when he passed a window as he descended.

Luke was able to peer slightly into the third floor of the building where he saw two men muttering to each other.

One leg was broken, and his friend was checking up on him.

These weren't people who were homeless, Luke could tell. They were wearing some kind of uniform, similar to the ones Bail Organa's royal bodyguards wore, but their clothes were tan and grey.

They were carrying blasters and had jump packs on their backs.

"Damn it. Just had to malfunction in the worst part of town." he hissed in pain. "Just my luck."

"We can get back to base soon, just gotta fix your leg."


Luke saw a hole through a nearby boarded-up window, gathering that they happened to fly into the building by coincidence.

Following the men wouldn't be the best idea, Luke was skilled in the Force but couldn't fly. He also had no idea who the men were or what sort of organization they were a part of.

It was then that Luke decided to reveal himself.

"State your business," he said, still holding his lightsaber.

The wounded man on the ground raised his hands defensively, and the other man went for his A280 blaster rifle slung around his shoulder.

Luke summoned the blaster towards him through the air, unsheathed his sword and cut it apart, and dashed forward all in the span of about a second.

Both men saw Luke with complete fear, and Luke repeated himself quietly.

"I'll ask you again, state your business."

"We're members of a resistance group." the wounded man said, hands still raised.

"Y-Yeah, we're just getting some supplies back to base. My friend here just had an equipment malfunction."

Luke was curious, unsheathing his light blue blade with a small hiss. "Who leads your group?"

The men were silent for several seconds before reluctantly answering "General Rahm Kota. He sent us to scout around too."

"Looks like our luck is finally starting to turn around." Luke muttered to himself.

After waking Obi-Wan and telling him what happened, the two Rebels led Luke and Obi-Wan towards the metalworking district of Fondor's main city.

The wounded man had to be carried after his leg was cleaned and dressed, slowing their short journey in the night significantly.

They were taken into a massive factory in charge of all the equipment and machinery needed for all the mining and ship making taking place all over Fondor.

Through a secret number of doors and tunnels, they were taken into a facility where it was clear hundreds of Rebels were being housed.

Families, likely those displaced or hunted by the Empire from Fondor or elsewhere, were in the tunnels and the large underground space Rahm had found. They had hammocks, makeshift tents, and even small actual houses around the cramped and busy refugee area.

It was the largest underground structure that Luke had ever seen, with people still living inside it, the Ancient City beneath Tatooine was completely empty.

"Reporting back from duty sir." his partner struggled to salute when he leaned off Obi-Wan.

A Rebel Sergeant looked up from making sure some rations were given to a pair of Rodian orphans. "Mm. Looks like you brought back company."

The man with stubble listened carefully to his troopers next words. "A pair of Jedi, sir. here to see the commander." The man's eyes widened briefly.

"Very well, take him to the medical bot, you two, come with me."

The Sergeant turned, and led Obi-Wan and Luke inside a tent, where, after holding the flaps up, Rahm Kota stood up from his desk, where all sorts of holograms were set up for his intelligence gathering and battle data.

Luke noted how Rahm Kota was a [LVL 377 - Jedi Master] not surprising to Luke considering that Obi-Wan appeared to be around Rahm's age and likely held the same degree of experience in the Jedi Order.

[Objective 1 Completed! You have gained 2 LVs and 10,000 Credits!]

"Do you know who I am?" asked Obi-Wan politely.

"Well you're either Obi-Wan Kenobi, or a very lucky man who happens to wander around abandoned flats." The man's voice drawled.

Luke was confused. "You knew where we were?"

"Vaguely. Our soldiers radioed in for help when they got lost in your area of the city, when I sensed you two entering our compound." Rahm shrugged. "I figured out what happened."

"I've heard of your exploits during the Clone Wars, very impressive."

"None compared to yours I'm afraid." Rahm replied calmly. "General Kenobi." he nodded a bit.

So far, Luke was impressed by Rahm.

He was a man with clean white hair tied back into a bun, a tanned face scarred by battle for decades. It was clear to Luke that if there was a reason all the hundreds of people hiding beneath Fondor's surface had survived, it was because of him.

Beneath his armour, it was clear Rahm was packed with muscle, despite his age, Luke could Sense his strength, with the Force, on the battlefield, and as a leader. Just by the way he talked and his subordinates in the room didn't even need to be told to leave when Obi-Wan started speaking.

Rahm Kota had a respectful, but extremely powerful gaze. He appeared to have the same level of attunement with the Force that his Master, Obi-Wan, did, but instead of hiding it, Rahm let it shine in his armour and military uniform.

"I still don't understand how you could cut off ties with Bail so fast, you two had been allied since the Fall of the Republic."

"I didn't want to do it." explained Rahm painfully. "I followed the trend."

"Trend?" Luke was confused.

"Rebel cells were pretty much failing everywhere across the galaxy, barely able to hold off any sort of resistance against the Empire." Rahm explained. "Mon Mothma held a big meeting, and gave an even bigger speech."

"She explained the only way we were ever going to survive was to accept her and her party as a leader. After the war ended, she would have to be in charge of organising the new government."

Luke had no idea what that meant. "What was so wrong with that? Seems like she wanted to help you."

He wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but Luke's tone in regards to the state of Rahm's base implied he needed it. At least, the way Obi-Wan heard it.

"Forgive my Padawan, he-"

"No it's no bother," Rahm said quietly. "You're too young to know, but the same structure of government Mothma proposed was the same one that led to the rise of the Empire and the fall of the Jedi Order. One where she was in charge, and as you can guess, not everyone fully agreed with the idea of her as a leader."

"So I take it you refused?"

Rahm nodded. "Not just me. Practically every leader of every Rebel cell in the entire galaxy rejected the idea. The few of us that were left anyway. We broke contact with Bail when he supported Mothma's claim, and I figured I was better off on my own."

"I'm glad your troops happened to be scouting where we were hidden." said Obi-Wan. "Now you can help us."

"Help you?" Rahm raised a thin white eyebrow. He was intrigued and amused by this.

Luke spoke. "Yes, we need a way off this planet. And a way to deal a crippling blow to the Empire, I'm more or less training my own way to strike back too here."

Rahm appeared to respect that, but he spoke indifferently.

"I can't help."

"Why not?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Even though we served the same cause at one point." said Rahm to him quietly. "I just met the boy. Speaking of which, what's your name?"

"I'm Luke, Luke Skywalker." Rahm Kota's eyes studied him for a bit. They had a look of dull surprise.

"Of course. He would break every single part of the Oath." The General grumbled. Obi-Wan merely chuckled. Luke only raised an eyebrow at the two masters.

"Well, Skywalker. I have troops and people of my own to take care of, Bail's fiasco with his own politics is too hot to get near right now with all of the problems I have to deal with."

Obi-Wan and Luke were so confused over what Bail said he could Sense it instantly through the Force.

"Right." Rahm cleared his throat. "I found out earlier yesterday afternoon that someone in Bail's court on Alderaan ordered his assassination."

Both Luke and Obi-Wan's eyes widened, LukeWs moreso.

"Who? And why?" Luke asked.

"I'm not sure. All we were able to find out is that they heard wind of his plans to infiltrate Fondor. Bad idea I'd say, even if Imperial logs are inefficient, Fondor's troop movements are measured finely… well by Imperial Standards at least…"

Obi-Wan knew the reason why now, the Executor was one of the largest ships the galaxy had ever seen. And it was still mostly in development.

"They figured now was a time to try to oust Bail from power and attack his position in the Senate. The assassin they're using has Imperial ties, given Bail's power in the Senate, arresting him would've meant a lengthy trial. I see it as a way to send a message."

Luke immediately thought of the sister he had just met. "What about his family?"

"They should be fine. I alerted Bail's police back home of what happened, I still owed him that much." Kota's voice was grim.

"So you know about the massive ship? The one so large the Empire has divided almost the entire city around, not able to see it?"

Rahm nodded. "Of course I do. The only reason I've stayed this long besides all the refugees is to find a way to destroy it."

"I think we can be of help to each other," said Luke. "I've lived on that base for a few days. Patrol routes, the garrison, weak points, their security and alarm systems. I've got it all in my head."

Rahm looked at Obi-Wan, slightly impressed.

"I only just started training him." Obi-Wan admitted.

"Even more impressive then," admitted Rahm. "I'm curious though. What exactly do you two want from me?"

"It's not me who needs you," said Obi-Wan. "It's him."

Luke spoke up quietly. "I want to take back the Outer Rim from the Hutts, then, your rebellion, can become everyone's. We'd be strong enough to stand up against the Empire."

Rahm chuckled, scratching his stubble. "In a direct battle, no one can stand against the Empire. The Hutts have lasted this long due to bribery, trade deals, and the fact that no one can actually profit more from the Empire's case if the Hutts themselves rule the Outer Rim."

"You have no idea what it's like to live under them," Luke's voice was cool and composed, but underneath was an noticeable edge.

Rahm shrugged. "Alright, Say; That I would be willing to join your little rebellion. Or, the one before the bigger one you're planning. What's in it for me?"

"You don't strike me as a selfish man, Master Kota."

"Never said I was," Rahm looked at the boy. "I'm risking a lot to dedicate what little my troops here amount to, to be dedicated to your faction. First you have to prove yourself, and I need to see you're someone worth following."

"How do I do that?"

"In one week, the Executor is going to reach the halfway point of its development. Our last real shot to destroy it will have slipped through our fingers. The ship will be moved to an orbital shipyard station protected at all times from every angle conceivable by Star Destroyers."

Luke was silent.

"Tell me Skywalker," said Rahm quietly. "Do you think a few hundred troopers with nothing more than some blasters and courage would find a way to blow that whole thing to bits before it'll be a gigantic threat to the galaxy?"

"Yes." Luke's voice was calm, He looked straight into the Jedi Master's eyes when he spoke.

"You do?" Rahm was confused. Still taken aback by the cool-blue eyes.

"We can. We just have to piece away at the Empire bit by bit. And then, we can destroy that thing."

"You'll have to be quite the fighter to do that," Rahm turned in his chair a little. "So, you never answered my question. What's in it for me if I follow you? I've always functioned best by taking my own path, so I'm wondering how we can help each other."

"I can help you rebuild the Jedi Order. That's another goal of mine." Rahm's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Rahm scoffed. "Almost as fruitless a goal as opposing the Empire as a faction directly. But I'm curious as to what your allegiance to the Jedi is exactly."

"Master Obi-Wan has trained me."

"I knew that." he nodded slightly. "But what else?"

"Besides the Hutts, and the Empire. Nothing drives me more than seeking to understand the Force. I've said this before, and I will again. I want to become a Jedi like my father."

Luke had been asked to wait outside while the Jedi Masters spoke.

"His father is Anakin Skywalker, isn't he?"

"I'm sorry?"

Rahm chuckled. "I always found it strange that during the same period of time Darth Vader appeared, the largest hunter of Jedi in the Galaxy. Anakin Skywalker, your Padawan, happened to disappear."

Obi-Wan was silent for a moment.

"He doesn't know. Does he?"

"No, he doesn't."

"I'm not sure of where you two come from. What your plans are, or even if you're both worth following. But I'll say this, for now, the boy has my attention. You tell him the truth."

Rahm was quiet for a moment, and then he began to nod to himself.

"And you'll have my respect. Send him back in, I have a question for him."

Obi-Wan walked out and they changed places.

"You said you have Imperial intelligence right? Any hard data?"

Luke reached into his pockets to access his Inventory. There, he pulled out some small silver data chip pieces with Imperial insignia on it.

"How'd you get that?"

"Using the Force."

That was the truth. Luke only had relatively low [Data Mining] and [Hacking] abilities, he more or less just used Jedi Mind Tricks on Imperial Engineers, Technicians, and Analysis when he could find them alone around the Executor base.

"Let me see them."

He handed them to Rahm Kota, and decently impressed with him, he nodded.

"I'll consider your offer. Tomorrow morning, I want you in our briefing room at 09:00. How good are you at piloting?"

Luke remembered the few times in between his farm work and training he was able to take his land speeder for a spin through the few passes he could race against his prior best times on them. The Gamer certainly accelerated the process, but he could only bring his Piloting skill up to LV 43 the last time he checked.

"Good enough."

"It better be really great," said Rahm. "Anyways, if you want my respect. You'll be there."

"Sure thing, General."

The next morning, Luke walked into the briefing room around a large circular data pad.

It was there where he was informed, alongside a few other young men in orange flight suit outfits, there was a nearby rebel base on Thyferra. A very small one, completely hidden as the planet was somewhat light on Imperial control.

The pilots who arrived included a native Fondorian, similar to humans in every way except their purple blood and complete lack of hair, and only one of them were non-human besides them.

These were assets completely based on volunteers and freelance pilots from the Inner and Mid Rim territories, all of whom had gained Rahm Kota's respect throughout the years.

Over a dozen other Rebel troops, part of Rahm Kota's personal militia, were there, chatting as they prepared for the briefing.

"Gentlemen, take your seats."

The General entered the room, Obi-Wan was listening quietly from nearby, as the dozen or so young men all began to listen, Luke included.

"Given the information provided by recruit Luke Skywalker," Luke didn't say anything about being noted as part of someone else's cause, letting Rahm continue. "I have been able to develop a strategy that will be the first step in fully destroying the Empire's project for the Executor."

"A successful strike against the Executor when it's in orbit will be impossible, so this plan consists of two steps. Step One is Prolonging, consisting of multiple raids on Imperial assets here through the mining and building areas, and a single attack on the main Orbital Shipyard station that will be able to house the Executor."

Rahm Kota continued. "Step Two; with the Executor project delayed significantly. We will be able to have the time necessary, with the codes Skywalker has provided, to be able to completely infiltrate the base here on the surface with the Executor, and destroy it."

The rebels began to mutter and one of them spoke up. "Can't they just build another shipyard?"

"With the time it would take to replace, we would be able to proceed to step two. Even if they could; It would be a massive drain on their resources," replied Rahm turning to his holograms that just appeared.

Luke noted how well Rahm was able to answer the question, but still held the complete respect of the room with how he spoke. It was a testament to how many years as a General Rahm was, and Luke respected that. He also began to take note of how to lead himself.

"Now. For the orbital phase, the main attack will be to prevent the Executor's movement from the surface, to where two Imperial Star Destroyers are currently located. One remains constantly on surveillance for enemy attacks, and the other docked in case of emergencies to assist."

Luke could see the holograms of both ships on the station meant to later house and build the massive Executor, possibly among the largest battleships the galaxy had ever seen.

"A team will pose as Storm Troopers and be part of a regular garrison exchange from here on the surface to Imperial soldiers on the Orbital Station. They'll be able to enter the docked Star Destroyer, place charges amongst the entire station as well as the Destroyer, and leave safely with the next transport before detonation from afar."

Rahm explained as six X-Wing fighters appeared to enter the screen from afar and he began to explain.

"Both of these Imperial Star Destroyers switch positions every thirty hours. However, security clearance codes and patrols would be able to detect more regularly checked areas for bombs such as the main fuselage, central power unit, and engines before we can fully prepare the other ship for detonation. So the most the ground unit could do in this case for the Destroyer undocked, is momentarily disable the shields and communications for a half hour to allow for a direct assault. Above all, complete stealth, efficiency, and timing is necessary in order to allow for success."

Luke saw how the X-Wing fighters began to attack, and three proton torpedoes were detonated directly against the bridge.

"A successful and repeated series of blows will completely be able to disable the battlecruiser." Luke watched the simulated hologram show the Star Destroyer explode.

"Time is of the essence. You have twenty four hours to practise your simulations and go over your direct assignments. Note, after twenty minutes, the silent transmission to Imperial command from the station will go silent after the commencement of the attack and the base's subsequent destruction, and Imperial reinforcements will immediately appear."

"Good luck gentlemen, and may the Force be with you."

Luke realized he was given an orange jumpsuit amongst the other pilots, assuming Obi-Wan had told Rahm he'd be more useful in the air than sneaking about planting bombs and disabling comms and shields.

Sabotage wasn't Luke's strong suit and he was okay with that, knowing that direct combat was where he excelled.

But something special placed on the rebel pilot suit was what surprised him.

There was a tiny gold badge indicating Luke himself would be leading the assault in the air.

Rahm spoke to Luke directly after the hologram was shut off and the meeting concluded.

"You made me the Squadron leader."

"I can Sense your connection to the Force. It radiates off of you like a Beacon." Rahm admitted. "In about half a day, I'll have the team go up and prepare to sabotage the first Star Destroyer. By then, I expect you'll have gotten some real training in."

"How realistic are the simulators?" asked Luke.

"Why don't I show you?" Rahm offered.

[Sub Quest - Main Quest: Remnants of the Order

Assault on the Station:

Help Rahm Kota destroy the Imperial assets preparing for the Executor to help increase your Faction Strength!

Reward: +15 LVs to Piloting, +Reputation with Rahm Kota, and an X-Wing Fighter Pilot perk.

Accept: Y/N]

Luke silently accepted the quest when Rahm turned his back to show him the way to the flight simulators.


Hello everyone, Primo The Fathomless Anomaly has helped Beta this chapter. It's good to be back writing Star Wars, I'm still playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for motivation and inspiration for the fanfic. And as always, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the fanfic feel free to review and or send me a PM. Anyways, thank you all for reading and I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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