18.05% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 63: 23. Who Wants To Live Forever?

章節 63: 23. Who Wants To Live Forever?

I sighed in my mind as I got ready for yet another mission of mercy, but my little ones; were so special and even it pained me, Dresden had told me, and Constantine as well, showed me those prophecies that this was my twins' job. They were twins of salvation and I had to keep them with me. I had not yet even thought about what this meant for me, but I knew I could not put them in the magic house, not yet, as they had their thing to be done.

It was beyond me to ask why, and it was just one time for me to go with the flow, trying to push through this world-saving gig. Not think about my future alone, independent, but I could not stop to think that I might not put babies in the magic house. Not unless I had to, as I would have time to raise them alone, not being part of the pack or being married to anyone.

Except I was not alone. Wulfe and Colin had told me they would live with me and it was not unheard of that Magnum would too live in my castle in Moldova. But I had multiple houses and castles. Money was coming steadily and as my gig had progressed, well, I just had to buy houses here and there and now different sizes. Bigger and smaller too. Few islands as well. 

I had a mate, so I was not technically alone and my new pack, more or less, kept me in shape. I was no more alone, not at all, and Wulfe was more or less almost grown to my hip. Colin was caring for me, as well as Magnum, too. He was not so much a ladies' man anymore as he saw I was free, and I needed him. Now, when there was no one to suck my rage, eat it away, or weaken me, I got stronger, and that meant I needed to keep a grip on myself.

It was not so easy, but Magnum knew me better than anyone else, and we had our gym sessions. He almost felt my rage, saw when I had unleashed it correctly and it was again under control. He had been my rage master for decades, way back when there were shed sessions done in Damon's body or evil medical facilities had worked me over. I had my rage, and he was the one who unleashed it. He was also my physiotherapist, who put me in order. We went way back. Magnum had been a long, long time in my life and he was a support and a very dear friend. 

I had put my gear on and baby prams were safe as ever; they were so cute, just a little boy and baby girl sleeping in a pram but no one would see at first glance just how special these guys were. As they had things to do, I could not bind their power, but I had given them their vaccinations, so there was no danger. At least I hoped so to have some germ making them sick.

It was just my life as I put my bag in order and reeling what had happened. That safety, in our den, before those damn ferals attacked, that feeling of Damon's love had been so wonderful but despite my memory, I felt like I lost that feeling. And I was sad because it had been a wonderful feeling, but then again, maybe it had been so perfect as he had truly felt it.

Why I was feeling like I was losing a lot. Well, I had lost it already as they had moved on and lived elsewhere for years. And this time, well, it might be that there would be no need for me, as they had grown and could have sex without me. Pack had grown and evolved since so much. 

Jack and Jill, two nearly identical infants, had thrived under my care. They were growing beautifully, and my maternal instincts felt completely natural. Love flowed through me effortlessly; it was as if I was born to love them. I knew deep down that I had to do right by them - to raise them, shower them with affection, and teach them. Thankfully, I had a strong support system. Many individuals adored my children and were more than willing to help care for them.

At two months old, my babies were equivalent to four-month-old human infants. Colin, an expert in human child development, diligently measured and examined them daily. He conducted a multitude of tests, using his experience with human babies to ensure their well-being. Amusingly, I imagined what their answer would be if asked about their mother's profession in a normal school setting. Would they say I was a rebel leader, a shooter of the bad guys, or someone who saves lives? And then the inevitable question would arise - what about their father's custody?

Colin was prepared to take on that role, but I had no clue how Salvatore, the father, would react. However, in their perfect world, where their pack and family life were idyllic, my presence seemed unnecessary. Would Salvatore still demand ownership of the babies? Regardless, Colin and Wulfe, who lived with us, would continue to be involved in their upbringing. If the babies called them "daddy," I would have no objections.

As Chaos Kitty had not mentioned when the pack would return, I pushed the prams through the halls of the now deserted, formerly evil medical facility. There was one corridor left to traverse. Engaging in a one-sided conversation with my babies, I assured them I would blow open the door ahead, allowing us to proceed. Murdock, our sniper, remained in the forest, while Magnum and Alaric guarded the perimeter. Wulfe, standing near me, leaned against the wall, finding amusement in my interaction with the infants.

He dryly remarked, "Are you raising them to be soldiers or future leaders, perhaps? They're a bit too young to learn about explosives."

I snorted in response and proceeded to blow open the door. Jack and Jill cooed in delight, sensing the suffering souls on the other side. They were always alert.

Wulfe positioned himself in front of me, fully clad in tactical gear, as was I. Leading the way, he ensured that there were no traps that could harm me or my babies.

When he had meticulously surveyed the surroundings, he whispered into his microphone, "This is boy wonder. We are clear to proceed. Collectors can proceed."

Dexter confirmed, "Hawk acknowledge, we are coming."

Dexter and Higgins, known as collectors, were responsible for safeguarding any and all valuable items here. Every shred of information and drugs were our targets. We had honed these mercy missions to their perfection. 

Amidst the urgency, I had little time to dwell on that as we entered the vast hall filled with helpless victims. My heart raced as my senses heightened. Their eyes, a mesmerizing shade of violet, radiated an increasing intensity as their combined magic awakened.

Soon, a violet mist enveloped the entire hall, imparting a sense of tranquility and serenity. Wulfe and I felt it wash over us, embracing us in its soothing embrace. It was the magic of the babies; they bestowed peace, an escape from suffering. The calmness dissipated all too quickly. I swiftly retrieved my camera and fingerprint kit, methodically capturing images of the lifeless victims.

They appeared undisturbed, their faces etched with an ethereal peace. Meanwhile, Wulfe strategically placed explosives while I gathered identifying information about the deceased. Once our tasks were complete, the collectors finished their duties, and we teleported away from the scene.

Approaching the van, we carefully secured the babies in their pram and settled in. As Wulfe pressed the button, triggering the explosives, the building crumbled behind us as we sped away. It was time to return to base and update the files, ensuring the victims were identified and the information was relayed.

I had five fight clubs awaiting my attention in India, signifying that once again, I would have to entrust my babies to the care of Alaric and the base. It would likely take about a week to complete those damned clubs, leaving me with limited time to spend with my precious little ones. However, even during those brief respites, if mercy missions arose, I would be engulfed in a whirlwind of busyness, leaving no room for a normal life with my babies.

I was thinking my own thoughts as we were driving back to base. I knew that there was a mountain of paperwork to be done, as well as consultations from our clinic. Or it was again mine as the pack had gone to that dimension, which meant they had no time for that and it had been broken off from our hospital back to mine. Colin had found an almost suitable new king for elves, so he was free to spend as much time here as needed, and oh boy, he was needed. If not on the base, then in that clinic.

The car stopped eventually. Wulfe got out, opened the backdoor and he was already taking prams out before I got even out. We walked back to the base. Inside it was hustle and bustle as normal. The twins were asleep. They usually slept well after doing their job.

I walked to my office or tried to, but the flood of people stopped me, asking me about things as usual. Alaric saw me coming, and he strode over, smiling at the twins and taking the pram, pushing it into a special room, our childcare room. I trudged back to my office and took out my gear. Eight hours and I should be in the club, full of rage and need to kill. It was not so easy always.

I had my rage, but I had also my self-restraint, and letting off from that was not so easy. Darkness, the need to kill were some parts of me I had struggled with all my supernatural life, and it was still difficult for me to be the soulless killer and feel that damn enjoyment. it would be a whole different thing if I did not feel that pleasure, but it was something, some part of me I did not want.

God knows Salvatores had suppressed it enough times in my life, pushed it deep, trying to put different stops to it, and still it bursts out, stronger each time. Despite Wulfe's assurances that it does not corrupt me or my soul, it felt wrong. 

But there was no choice. I needed that part of me to be able to kill fast, efficiently, and with minimum damage. Wulfe and Magnum would be there, to make sure that my need to kill did not spill out too much, meaning no killing fuckers unless it was mandatory and no shooting after Sarks and torturing them to death slowly.

It had been one thing that this part of me had enjoyed for years. Sarks, evil ones, were perfect victims for it and god knows that I have tortured enough of them to death over the years. One would think that with my history, a little bit of darkness or a need to torture would not be so bad thing to have, but it was. 

I wanted to be Mimi, mommy, leader, not a soulless killer torturer who enjoyed truly victims' pain, agony, and fear. But I had no choice and as usual. It was just a matter of sacrificing my own needs for the destiny of the world. Wulfe could more or less pull me back if that part would be too out, but it would take time, and effort on his part and we did not have it as these clubs had to be done. I was not sure what my mate, Colin, felt about this part of me. I was no goddess, or then I was a dark goddess.

I sat behind my desk, updating the victims, meaning uploading those fingerprints and pictures, directing them to our database, where we had uploaded all the missing persons we had gotten from police and other authorities. So if there were a hit or several hits, we would have some evidence. Enough for them to put a person legally dead. All of these were someone that I had failed to save. I was not fast enough; I did not find this facility fast enough, meaning all of these people suffered, in the hands of these sadists. 

I was, as usual, blaming myself. Even I should have blamed those evil facilities or someone else. I took the blame. I was not perfect, not in the slightest, and it was just who I was.

It felt like minutes when Wulfe came in and said, "Unicorn, time to go, you ready?"

I nodded. I had changed into my fighting gear and put my laptop down. It would be more than likely that Alaric would take most of the paperwork and decide for me most of the things that needed my okay.

It had been a slow process or not so slowly, but my people were finding their balls, meaning my role as leader, the sole leader, was crumbling fast. It was all fine and dandy. At least I knew we had doers here if I ever wanted to have some time of my own. But now I still had a world to be saved. I groaned in my mind, knowing that soon after the clubs, it would be back to medbay being checked up by Colin and no mercy. 

Wulfe said to me as we teleported close. "Unicorn, your enzymes are fine, so no eating bugs, or else I will kill them with one curse. No playing with them. Try not to get bitten."

His voice was tight enough for me to know that this ancient creature meant every single syllable that had come out of his mouth and he had just denied me my pleasure. I wanted sometimes to make a show, to show how I was eating the most dangerous animals, like scorpions, and spiders, just for fun. But those poisons were not so good for me, and my team was determined to keep me in shape, not to let me be sloppy at all.

It was more or less taunting to know that these would protect me, even from myself. Or they would do their utmost to keep me safe. No worry about them fuck like crazy in the middle of world-saving, no matter just how many sentences came out of the mouth, my sentences did not affect Wulfe or Magnum. Well, Murdock might knock me out if he had had enough of my attitude. 

I could feel my darkness awakening, stretching itself as smells, sounds, and adrenaline, the scent of pain affected that part of me. I lazily strolled to the cage, ready to enter, ready to kill, to see life leaving my victims. My power. I was not sure if it was my vampire side, but then again, I had gone through enough shit, torture, being enough times victim, weak, and suffering that it had given birth to this side of me. Like it is, a circle of twisted life. The victim will become a torturer at some point. It was just how things were. 

As the door opened and I stepped in, a lazy, predatory smile adorned my lips and I was eagerly waiting for my first victims. I could feel Wulfe in my mind and this time my darkness, well, it was less impressed by him, so I used my power and banished him from my mind.

He looked at me, angrily almost but I had no time to taunt him more. The first of my victims came to the cage. It was time to have fun. Slithering sounds of the bugs, and snakes filled the air, and pained grunts and wet squelching sounds as I mercilessly plunged my hand inside my victims. Yanked something out, torturing them. The pain was there, but they died way too fast. I knew how to move, so no snakes bit me but my adversaries; they died a few times before I had time to finish them off properly. Weaklings. 

My babies did not come to my mind, no my ex-pack, no Colin, nothing else but the need to see my victims suffer, to kill and maim. I made this personal more or less. These were trying to kill me and I wanted to feel something. Not being an emotionless killer. I saw Harrison again in the crowd and I was prepared to show him truly who I was, what I was, and I was no longer a victim. Nice little Mimi who tried to save the world. I was a beast, ironically saving the world, but not like that one would think. 

It was morning; the fighting was ending; I had just killed my last victim, and there were no bugs left alive as Wulfe had cursed them to death. It was allowed. Both parties could have their supporters: nasties had fuckers and I could have someone too, but I had no one, but until now. Wulfe had intimate knowledge, and he had told me about this, so he was my support and he could help me.

He could not attack my adversary but he could help and cursing those animals to death, it was allowed. I had been a little wild and not really listened to him. I had taken the most poisonous snake, one type of viper, with poison bad enough to hurt me and really, I had given it one little dental making that animal go crazy from pain and then I had flung it to Harrison; he had gotten a few nasty bites. It would not probably kill him, but it would feel and injure him.

Of course, I had to do it like that it seemed that Harrison was just a random victim. No need to give any idea about our secret to Wulfe. I was protecting him with pretty much I got. I was collecting my weapons and putting a clean shirt on before getting out. Wulfe was standing next to the door. Looking at me very sharply, meaning time to restrain myself, being a good little girl or face whatever that creature had planned to do to me. One club out of five was done, and it was time to face the music, meaning go to my house, to the medbay where Colin was waiting to see me through. 

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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