My class has begun so I was unable to make a chapter during the day, so here it is now.
"Piloswine! My dear Piloswine! You really did come to pick herbs for me. I'm such a fool."
When Pryce finally realized his mistakes over the years, if Ash hadn't woken him up today, he would still have stubbornly believed that he had been betrayed by his most trusted partner!
He couldn't help but kneel in front of Piloswine, "I'm sorry, Piloswine, I was a big fool! That's why I misunderstood that you betrayed me! Forgive me, Piloswine!"
Before repenting, Piloswine still needs to be rescued from the ice.
"Gyarados, come on out!"
The restored red Gyarados appeared in front of Pryce, but he was a little shocked. "Is this the red Gyarados that wreaked havoc in the Lake of Rage yesterday?"
"Gyarados, use Scald!" Ash didn't immediately answer his question.
Compared to using flames to melt the ice, using Scald is obviously gentler on Piloswine. Flame itself is harmful to Piloswine, and now Piloswine can no longer withstand so much damage after being stuck in teh ice for so long.
Scald's is powerful because it sprays boiling hot water at the target. Although it is a Water-type skill, it has a temperature that can sometimes cause the opponent to have a burn. Another thing is that Pokémon that are in the frozen will be released from it after being hit.
Piloswine was quickly rescued from the huge block of ice, but he still couldn't move.
"Pikachu, use Thunder Shock on it!" Ash has already ordered his Pikachu to use Thunder Shock for first aid more than once on his journey.
Under Pikachu's Thunder Shock, Piloswine was finally awakened from its long and deep slumber.
Even after all these year, he still remembers Pryce's smell, meaning it also recognizes Pryce as its Trainer after so long!
After a night's rest in Pokémon, Ash finally got his chance to fight an Official Gym Challenge!
Pryce has been with Piloswine since he rescued it, hoping to make up for the shortcomings over all those years. It can be seen that although it has been a long time, the bond between Pryce and this Piloswine is still very high, something he wants to accomplish with all of his Pokémon's.
"This is the battle venue of the Mahogany Town Gym!"
After Ash and his party arrived, they were warmly welcomed by Pryce and Sheila. Pryce had a smile on his face again after so long, he was no longer the strange old man who was unsmiling.
This is mainly an Ice-type battle venue. The venue is covered with a thick layer of ice, and there are many icicles placed irregularly on the field. There is only a small pool in the center of the venue, which can be used as a place for Water-type Pokémon to stay.
How to fight in such a battle field is the first question that the challengers who come to the Mahogany Town Gym must think about.
Aunt Sheila serves as the referee, which means she is actually an Official Referee certified by the Johto Region Pokémon Alliance.
"Then the Official Gym Battle begins now, with only two Pokémon being used by each of the two Trainers!"
According to the rules of a Gym Battle, Gym Trainer Pryce must be the first to send out Pokémon, so he threw out his Poké Ball.
"Go, Dewgong!"
This Dewgong should have been Pryce's previous Trump Card after he lost his Piloswine. Now that his Piloswine is back, he has already become a part of the starting lineup of Pryce! As a Water-type and Ice-type, Dewgong quickly moved to the pool in the center of the field as soon as he comes out of his Poke Ball. In that place, if he wants to attack it, it will more difficult than if it was on land or the ice in thsi case.
Not to be outdone, Ash said, "Stand by for battle, Tyrouge!"
It's Ash's Tyrouge against Pryces Dewgong again, but this time in such an ice field which heavily helps Pryces Dewgong in how he moves and how strong he is. How Tyrouge defeats this Dewgong again all depends on Ash's strategy!
"Ash, I do apologize for what I said before, but you can never win with just passion alone! You also need the power to back it up!" Pryce thought that Ash was just showing off and deliberately used his Tyrouge to fight Dewgong again without analyzing the current situation!
However, Ash is no longer the past Ash who would most likely have done that!
Ash sent out his Tyrouge because of his Fighting- type, which has super effective on Pryces Dewgong, and he can also move much easier than his other Pokémon's in this ice field.
"Tyrouge, use Mind Reader!"
Seeing this, Pryce smiled as if he expected this, "Dewgong, use Ice Beam!"
This time the Ice Beam was much faster than the one in the previous battle, but Tyrouge had already dodged to the side before the Ice Bema even left Dewgongs mouth!
In front of Pryce and his Dewgong's eyes, Tyrouge suddenly disappeared.
"Double Team!"
Dozens of Tyrouges suddenly ran out from behind an icicle and surrounded the entire pool area in the middle!
"Pryce, do you have a way to detect my Tyrouges movements?" Ash smiled confidently. Previously, Pryce said that he must maintain certain boundaries with his Pokémon. Otherwise, he will not be able to see the actual battle clearly because of his feelings for his Pokémon and the repercussions it comes with.
Now, Ash challenged Pryce in front of him in his own game!
"Dewgong, use Aurora Beam on all the Tyrouges!"
Dewgong suddenly splashed out of the water, and the amazingly powerful Aurora Beam did hit the Tyrouges, but the clones quickly reappeared after disappearing, and Pryce was unable to guess Tyrouges movements!
Ash was ordering his Tyrouge to slowly chip the health of Pryces Dewgong until he saw his golden opportunity.
"The final blow, High Jump Kick!"
Now that Tyrouge was leaping in the air, it was Ash's best opportunity to attack. He immediately ordered his Tyrouge to launch his strongest attacking move and pushed Dewgong away with one kick.
"Dewgong loses the ability to fight, Tyrouge wins this battle!"
Ash patted his Tyrouges head gently and said, "I'll leave it to you to try in the next game too, but don't take it too seriously or you might get injured in the middle of it."
Tyrouge nodded sharply to what his Trainer said, after all he too knew this.
"Then this is my second Pokémon!" Pryce threw out his second Poké Ball.
As expected, it was his Piloswine. It has the highest Bond Value with Pryce, and it is also the easiest to cooperate with even after all these years of not being together.
Sure enough, as soon as Piloswine came out, Pryce seemed to be several years younger, and his whole demeanor was completely different from what Ash previously saw.
"Piloswine, thank you for fighting along my side even after all those years! Now, use Blizzard!"
A very cold wind began blowing throughout the ice venue, mixed with solid ice chunks, and the chill was overwhelming! This freezing air instantly froze the central pool into ice, turning the venue completely into an ice surface.
Tyrouge put his hands in front of him, and soon his arms were covered with a layer of frost, he was about to freeze from the Blizzard!
"Move away!"
Ash did not issue a attack order this time, Tyrouge still listened to him in the middle of this powerful Blizzard!
It began to jump on its toes on the ice, bent over, looking directly at Piloswine in front of it, and kept making punching movements with its hands!
It let out a long breath, melted the snow and ice that fell on him with the constant movement, and then took the initiative to rush towards the Piloswine.
When encountering an enemy, you must draw your weapon!
When we meet on a narrow road, the braver one wins!
The Fighting-type is the type that is truly designed for fighting!
These words from Ash kept ringing in Tyrouges ears. It moved its body, pushing forward against the Blizzard, and then came to the front of Piloswine!
"Piloswine, use the Take Down!"
"Tyrouge, use Karate Chop!"
In that Blizzard, Piloswine and Tyrouges moves suddenly collided fiercely!
Tyrouge, who was too small, was knocked away directly, but Piloswine's huge body was also kicked back several meters!
"Tyrouge loses the ability to fight, Piloswine wins this battle!"
"This Piloswine is so powerful even after all those years being stuck in ice!"
Misty now has a deeper understanding of the courage of this Piloswine, but she also admires Ash's Tyrouge for being so brave enough to attack even though there is such a huge difference in size and power!
"You did a great job, rest for now Tyrouge!"
Ash is very optimistic about his Tyrouge. Although he is small in size, he is very aggressive and almost completely fearless. He will definitely shine at the Silver Conference under him!
At this moment, Piloswine, who received a flying knee from Tyrouge, was panting a little harder. Its body could not fully recover so quickly after being stuck in that place for so long, and he also suffered all the blows from Ash's Tyrouge without being able to dodge because of his size.
The Take Down he used also has recoil damage to it.
"Then it's your time to shown!" Ash threw out his second Poké Ball, "Stand by for battle, Heracross!"
This heroic Heracross is the first Pokémon that Ash had previously caught since coming to the Johto Region, and it is also the first Pokémon that Luke has caught since traveling through to the Pokémon Universe. So of course he is very significant to him as a core memory.
And because of his heroic spirit, he fits well with Ash very well.
But unfortunately, Heracross has no possibility to evolve, so after the Bond Value reached above 200, it rised very slowly compared to his other Pokémon.
Finally, today after some extra taking and training, their Bond Value has finally reached 245, and its compatibility has also reached its peak of 255 as it learned combat skills with Primeape and further understood its use of horns and fists!
In other words, his Bond Evolution is very close happening, it just might happen during his battle with Pryces Piloswine!
"Heracross vs. Piloswine, the battle begins!"
The moment Aunt Sheila as the official referee announced the beginning of teh battle, Ash immediately gave the first order, "Heracross, Mega Horn!"
This is one of the strongest Bug-type moves. This attack did not hit Piloswine, but instead broke the nearest huge icicle of Heracross with one corner, which was taller than itself!
"Oh my Arkoos!" Misty exclaimed, she could not imagine such a violent attack that was not for the target.
Pryce was confused by the actions of Ash and his Heracross. What on earth was going on? But he still remained unchanged in response to the changes around him, "Piloswine, use another Blizzard!"
This is the way he and Piloswine have always fought. First, use Blizzard to freeze the opponent and restrict the opponent's movements, and then use moves like Take Down to complete their battle strategy!
But this is exactly why Ash wants to knock an icicle down!
"Close Combat now!"
Heracross held the huge icicle in its arms, and a frighteningly powerful force burst out. He quickly flapped his two side wings and rushed towards Piloswine holding the large icicle!
The Blizzard made by Piloswine was blocked by the icicle, and the cold ice and snow only made the icicle bigger and bigger, until Heracross came closer and smashed the icicle hard on Piloswine!
Then he began to pounc on him and hit him!
One punch, two punches, another push with the horn, and another palm!
After Primeape's training, this kind of Close Combat is no longer a random fight, but a lock on punch, leaving ten opponent powerless to parry the blows. Ash trained him by telling him to attack when he gets the chance, of course they will first test out if it's a trap or not!
"Piloswine! Use Take Down!"
It was only at this time that Pryce was stunned by the icicle hit just now and reacted to the situation, and he quickly asked Piloswine to counterattack with a powerful Take Down!
But now was already too late!
Heracross: 250/255
Powerful aura was flowing through Heracross's body, and its Bond Value was constantly increasing, allowing him to feel the new but explosive power within his body!
At this moment, Heracross began growing in size at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming a true giant in the field!
"Arm Thrust!"
A palm with terrifying power knocked back half of Piloswine's collision force, and then with another palm, Piloswine was completely stopped on his track!
Seeing this, Pryce knew he had to find a way to deal with Heracross's Arm Thrust move or else he will lose very badly, "Fury Attack!"
Continuous skills collided in an instant, and both parties were pushed back but Piloswine more than Heracross!
This Piloswine was indeed very strong, which shows how powerful Pryce was as a Trainer back then in his time. If he hadn't lost his mentality later and wasted so many years, he would definitely be much stronger now!
Heracross: 253/255
Its size has reached 2 meters, of course, including its giant and horns which are also becoming much bigger than even Mega Heracross!
"Ash, what's going on with your Heracross? I've never seen one so huge and I have seen many during my lifetime!" Pryce was already very confused. This Heracross was so huge that it was even kind of scary to him.
"Our Evolution is not over yet!" Ash looked at the last 2 points of Bond Value with his now red eyes. He must complete the Bond Evolution of Heracross today because he doesn't know when he is going to have a chance the next time!
He has waited for this day for far too long, and he isn't going to back off now!
"Heracross, Close Combat!"
The carapace behind him opened, Heracross flapped its wings, and came down in front of Piloswine in a very fast speed considering his size. Another punch was like a huge wave, and the punch hit him!
"Piloswine, use Icy Wind to slow him down!"
Icy Wind froze the entire body of Heracross from such a close distance!
But this is the moment that will change everything!
Heracross: 255/255
In that frozen form, the dazzling light of Evolution suddenly bloomed form Heracross's body!
Then, the ice began to crumble down, and the evolved Heracross appeared in front of Ash and the others.
Heracross's size has reached over 2 meters, and there was no significant change in his appearance. It has not turned into the giant bug like his Mega Evolution form. The single horn on the forehead became very huge and thick, because the antennae on both sides of the horn also became longer!
The pair of upper arms are not as thick as a Mega Heracross but still looked very powerful, and the original spikes are even more terrifying! There was also a slight change in his wing shape.
Name: Ash-Heracross
Attribute: Bug, Fighting
Ability: Moxie (After you defeat an opponent, you will get an increas in your attack.)
Skill Link (Using continuous moves, you can always use them the highest number of times.)
Skills: Arm Thrust, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Pin Missile, Mega Horn, Close Combat, Sword Dance, Charge Blast…
After completing his Bond Evolution, Heracross has the ability to continuously attack, which will allow it to always use the highest number of consecutive moves such as Arm Thrust, Pin Missile, etc.
In the last attack just now, the Arm Thrust he used hit a total of four times, and now, it can definitely hit five palms in a row with this new ability. In a battle like this, this extra palm could be the key to a victory or a defeat!
"The battle continues!"
The Bond Evolution of Heracross's made Ash feel the new surging power in her body. This is the amazing power contained in Heracross's body!
This made him extremely excited!
Just as he was about to continue his attack, Pryce threw a white towel at him!
"Me and Piloswine surrender the battle, Heracross won this times!" Sheila reacted immediately to what Pryce said, "The Challenger Ash won this Gym Battle!"
"Ash, you are really strong. If it weren't for the fact that you seem to have something to look forward to, I would have already given up the moment your Heracross began to change. It would be too hard for my Piloswine to continue fighting in his state. I so sincerely apologize for that!"
Pryce knew very well that now his Piloswine had reached his limit, and he could no longer withstand the punch of Ash's Heracross.
"Thank you for your hard work, Piloswine!" He took Piloswine back to his Poke Ball ot have rest, "Ash, you can really become the Pokémon Master!"
"Thank you Mr. Pryce." Ash let his Heracross recover before taking him back.
"It's okay!" Pryce walked over, "This is the evidence of winning at this Gym against me, the Glacier Badge. You deserve it more than anyone else."
Finally, there was only one Badge left for him to get for the Silver Conference!