"… Why do you look so stumped?" Galium asked.
The day was beginning to sunk out. I sat, leaning against the window as we were in a palanquin, going back to the Academy. Street's lights are soon to lit up, seemingly automatics as the night arrived. Around the pavement, people are setting up tents and chairs, stocks and items, all around the blocks, with trinkets done up to look like antique stores. The scenery was surreal to look at… I think we'll have fun tonight- I thought.
" Hey, you're listening?" Galium asked, a bit annoyed.
" Yeah, I'm fine, just.. a bit tired." I replied.
" Is that so." Galium spoke coldly as if he wasn't the one that started it first… what a strange guy.
It was a long day, dealing with tensions and fruitless arguments. Even hot-tempered Galium was drained of it that now he has no snarky remarks to make of this moment.
"Thanks.. brother." I told him.
"Huh."- did I hear that right?— Galium thought as he stared at me with goggles eyes.
" I'm sure if it wasn't for you, my already feeble body would have collapsed, torn into to pieces by father's authority.. so thank you for protecting me." I said. I must admit it. No one in that room's quite understood that they are imperial's monsters with immense powers that could potentially stirred the continent up into a mess if they wanted too. If it wasn't for Galium's shielding me, I would have turned into a meat soup by now.
"…Hmph! Since when have the rebel crow become this yielding? Being weak is nothing to be thankful for, Kanna. Compare to many others around, I'd say you're a load of fortunate, to be on a chariot and not the streets and all that, so try not to cause any more trouble from now on, will ya?" Galium said as he eyes me coldly, but his flustered red cheeks said otherwise.
I chuckled and continued- " Haha.. With that foul mouth of yours brother, you're still caring."
" Tsk! Who cares about you?" Galium said tartly. I opened the door, off down as we've arrived at front of the Academy's gate. He faces away to the other window, not even seeing me off.
Try to deny it or not, his words may be cruel, and a total jerk's turkey of a personality, but at that moment when my own father barely acknowledges my being, he did show me empathy.
I stepped off the carriage slowly, staring off into the distance, the world of my dreams.
" If I were to fall off my high chariot and plummet in the dirt, you'll be there to save me, right brother?" I muttered softly.
Galium, the brooding man he is whom would always bicker around with me unconditionally was in a sullen silence. His grip tightened to the grit of the window, staring at my back, devoid of his previous agitation, a sulking Galium.. oh if only I had turned my sight to see it.
"Well it's been great. Same time again, tomorrow colosseum's? Farewell, brother." I said as I raised my forearm, pivoting it sideway to wave him goodbye.
Around dawn of the evening, I dressed up in a nice linen, buttoned up striped shirt, and a black knee-length, single pleat linen trousers to go with a leather shoes.
" Don't you think I look nice?" I asked Ichi, the bizarre critter that's on laying on my bed, belly up like a dog, enjoying the comfort of its owner's crib.
" Gwack! Gwack!" Ichi chirped out.
" I'll take that as a yes." I smiled and turn around, dash on some sweets perfume over the tip of my wrists, my neck, and trailings along my shirt, ready to head out.
" Guard the room when I'm gone, okay?" I said.
Ichi squeaked like a peccary from its skull like snout. It squirmed on my bed, rolled around until it fall splat on the other side of the bed… welp.
" What an odd ball." I said as I closed the door, heading out. Ichi is like a spoiled child. He stayed in my room all day and doesn't hunt for himself. I had to asked for extra takeouts from the canteen anytime I can for the little gremlin that whenever the chef saw me, he would always cook up something for me to go… it's kind of embarrassing.
A thunder roars above the cloud, and flashes lit up the dark hallway of the building for a flickering moment, brought by a windy breeze, grazes my skin.
" Huh… is it going to rain?" I said, maybe I should hurry up… looks like it might be a storm.
I made haze out of the dorm, running through the garden and to the main hall until someone unexpected were there, waiting.
"..! Oh lady Kannavis!" Monica said nervously. Her fingers, fiddling with her cloth, and feet's tapping as if she had been there for awhile.
" Oh. Monica… what are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?" I asked.
"Actually!.. I was looking for you, miss Kannavis." Monica said.
For me?
In the dimly lit hallway, Monica accompanied me, saying that the principal has something to discuss about… but past hours? This feels weird.
" Monica, where's Leslie? Why are you out here alone?" I asked.
Monica seemed out of place, her movements were fretful and she often averted from my gaze as she responded- " umm.. Leslie's out shopping in the town with a couple friends right now. She won't be back for awhile."
Huh, that's surprising. " Oh. Why aren't you out there with her?"
"Well.." Monica said then started to let out a light cough to the side- "Mph! I'm feeling kind of under the weather today.."
" Ah.. alright." I said.
Isolated silence were looming upon us as the sky kept rumbling a storm, and that feeling of uneasiness… I couldn't falter from it.
"Umm.. miss Kannavis!" Monica said as she stopped at her track behind me.
"Mmm?" I mumbled
"There's something I've been meaning to ask of you.." Monica muttered as she kept fidgeting around, "These days, you haven't been spending time with me and Leslie.. is there something we did that bugged you?"
"What? No?…I-" I said.
"Then!.. did something happen?" Monica asked.
"Huh?.. what are you trying to say here-"
"Is there something going on with you and that commoner?" Monica finally spoke it.
*Monica's POV*
That day, when the competition ended , I stumbled behind prince's Cercis, observing something. I was really flustered when his highness hid me behind his back from moving further. And when I took a peek behind, I witnessed that commoner was committing something horrible upon Miss Kannavis.
"I'm sorry miss Kannavis, I was too scared that day to do anything…But! You can tell me now! Did she force herself onto you?" Monica said as she held my hands tightly as if trying to comfort me.
"Wha- NO!" I said. Gosh! how many people saw us?!
"Then.. are you guys in an intimate relationship with each other?" Monica asked with a dreadful look in her eyes.
What should I say?! How many people have even known about this?! If everyone knew..?.. No, I might be able to make something up of this. Monica is asking me for confirmation about it; so most likely, she hasn't told anyone about the situation yet.
" Monica! Can you do me a favor?.. Please keep this a secret for me, even from Leslie." I said as I desperately held onto her shoulder.
" wait.. s-so is it true? And why are you trying to hide it.. could it be? Is she threatening you??" Monica asked with a fearsome look on her face as she imagined me in a Irene's grasp.
"It's nothing of that sort!!! Just! Please trust me." I said and smiled, " I'm fine, alright. I'm lady Kannavis, after all."
After hearing my reassurance, Monica sighed deeply and knead the side of shoulder to ease herself.
"If you say so.. miss, I'll believe you." Monica muttered.
Monica reached for the door knob and turned for me.
"If anything happen, maybe you should inform the principal, he might be able to help out." Monica spoke.
The thunder strikes again, emitting an even louder uproar, and for a split second, I saw her eyes.. her pair of yellow eyes was bright blue.
Huh, did I imagine it?
"I shall take my leave then. Farewell." The blonde girl said and bid off.
That's strange. Was it always blue?.. maybe it was the trick of the light, I shouldn't think too much of it.
As I entered the room, it was pitch black. The light hasn't been turned on and I almost stubbed my toe with the sofa, had it not been for the moonlight, guiding my footsteps through the room.
"Ahhh you're here, little one~"
Wh-what.. This voice!
Across from the desk, at the principal's seat, sat a slender figure with her leg crossed and the other hand placed, holding their sharp cheekbone. Eyes, staring at me and a smile that can make anyone tremble on thier feet.
"..Duchess Vinca?" I asked.
you know I like the rain, but not the one at night. It’s too loud and gave off a sense of.. discomfort. Does anyone feel that way too?