92.85% Sussy Baka in MHA / Chapter 38: The Villain Attack is Here...?

章節 38: The Villain Attack is Here...?

The next day, a few minutes after UA opened their gate and gave start to a new day of classes, the students of class 1-B began entering the classroom one by one.

It was still faintly early, but thanks to the fact that most of the students in class 1-B were quite the early risers and always arrived at least 5 minutes before the class began, it didn't take long before the classroom began bustling with all the students that were supposed to attend.

… Except for one student, of course.

Regardless, thanks to that, and the fact that Vlad-king had yet to arrive, it didn't pass much before the students began chatting among themselves to pass the time until he arrived.

More specifically, they talked about a certain incident that had struck the city yesterday, and that shocked most of the city's population.

"Hey, did you see the news today?"

"Yeah, what the hell man? Thirty people dead in the middle of the street!"


"How did no hero notice thirty people being killed out in the open?"

"Dunno, they didn't say much in the news… Maybe it's still being investigated?"

"What about cameras? Was there no footage of the scene?"

"Oh, I read about that! Apparently, a blackout coincidentally struck that neighborhood during the time of the crime, which deactivated the cameras"

"What the hell? How is that coincidental?! Whoever did it obviously has a quirk that—"


However, they were all forced to stop their chat when the sound of the class door being slid open echoed in everyone's ears, and caused them to turn their heads to look there with a smile, believing that it was their teacher who had arrived.


However, all of the student's eyes widened in unison when they realized that the person standing on the door frame wasn't actually their teacher, but instead—



"... Eeeeeeh?!"

"... It's a lie!"

"... It can't be!"

"… Is the world ending?!"

When they saw him, the entire classroom fell into chaos as everyone around began exclaiming in disbelief at the unnatural event that they had just witnessed.

Suzaku arriving early, that couldn't be!

'What a bunch of weirdos' As he arrived at his seat, Suzaku deadpanned, feeling like they were exaggerating a bit.

"So you can arrive early, huh Suzaku?" Suddenly, someone spoke to him from his neighboring seat.

When he turned around, Suzaku saw a blond kid with blue eyes staring at him with a smug grin.

Neito Monoma, the quirk stealer of class 1-B, or as Suzaku liked to call him—In his head, at least—the nut job of the class.

"I can do a lot of things, arriving early is just one of them" Suzaku scoffed as he turned to look towards his seat neighbor with crossed arms.

"You don't do it that often, though" Neito looked at him strangely.

Suzaku shrugged. "I could conquer the world if I wanted, but you don't see me doing it, do you?"



As Suzaku turned to look back at the front again, ignoring the confused Neito at his side, he noticed Itsuka staring at him blankly, seemingly lost in whatever thoughts she was having.

When he saw that, Suzaku raised an eyebrow and looked at her confusedly. "What? Are my eyes pretty?"


She immediately snapped out of her daze upon hearing that question, averting his eyes the next instant.

Once she recovered her composure, however, she turned to look back at Suzaku and let out a fake cough.

"... Ahem, what happened to your glasses?"

"... My glasses?"

Suzaku puzzledly moved his hand toward his eyes and opened his mouth in an o-shape when he realized the cold touch of his bioglass wasn't there.

"Oh, right" He muttered to himself, before he cleared his throat, and began explaining the truth of the situation. "Nothing much… I just headbutted a bear yesterday after class but forgot that my glasses were there, so they ended up breaking"

"Uh huh…" Itsuka stared at him with a questioning gaze. "There's no bears in Tokyo…"

Suzaku's eyes widened in shock when he heard that.

"Wait... really?!" Then, after acting like he was letting that fact sink in, Suzaku squinted his eyes and began massaging his chin in a suspicious manner. "I wonder how it got there then? What a mystery"

Seeing him act like that, Itsuka felt her mouth twitch.


However, just as Itsuka was about to say something, the door of the class slid open once again, and this time their teacher arrived for real, making all the students including Itsuka and Suzaku turn and look at him.

"Good morning everyone" As he entered the classroom, Vlad King greeted everyone while reading a few papers he had in his hand, arriving at his desk not long after, and letting out a sigh.

When they saw him, most students looked at him strangely.

"Sensei, weren't we supposed to have classes with All Might right now?"

"Yeah, isn't this the basic hero training class?"

Hearing the questions, Vlad King nodded his head before he put down the papers he was carrying.

Then, he sighed. "That would usually be the case, but since we are having a special class today, things have changed"


When hearing that, the entire classroom started getting excited

"Are we finally having a fun class like the first one?!"

"What are we doing today, Vlad-sensei?"

"Are we having battle training again?"

"Finally, I was tired of the theoretical classes!"

In front of the questions, Vlad King began looking through his pockets, before taking out a card that had written the word [rescue] and showing it to the students.

"No, today we are having… Rescue training!" He shouted with emotion, causing the already excited students to turn even more lively. 

The only exception was a certain red-haired teenager who looked at his teacher strangely. 'Was it necessary to take out the card?'

Seeing his students' excited expressions, Vlad King nodded his head, before he continued explaining. "Since it will be a special class, we will be having three instructors today, All Might, me, and another person. However, since the training this time will be more complex than in the battle training, we will be taking the bus to move towards a special location off-campus that has everything we require for this class"

As he said that, Vlad King grabbed a remote control from under the desk, and pointed it at the walls. Making the student's costumes emerge.

"One last thing, for this class you can choose whether to use your hero suits or not, as I know that some of you might have found them not to your taste during the last exercise, or not helpful at all"

Once he finished explaining, he put down the control and frowned faintly.

"Now, I would like to tell you to get ready so we can begin boarding the bus… But I guess we will have to wait for Suzuki to arrive first"

"I'm already here, though," Suzaku said as he raised his hand, gaining the attention of his teacher, who upon seeing him fell silent for a few seconds.


—Only for his eyes to widen like platters at the next second.





|Half an hour later…|

After a fairly short bus ride, Suzaku and the others arrived at the location Vlad King had mentioned.

When Suzaku saw it, he stared at it quite surprised.


Saying that it was big was an understatement.

It was a gigantic dome that, in his very modest and incredibly humble opinion, dwarfed even the most enormous constructions such as soccer stadiums, or—Well, he couldn't think of anything else.

But it was giant, so his point stood.

His classmates also seemed to be surprised by the colossal building in front of them, as some of them were glaring at it completely dazed and agape.

The only one who seemed to be unaffected was their teacher, who was looking at them with an amused expression, probably because this was not the first time he had watched students reacting to this place.


However, the focus of everyone on the dome's size changed to the entrance when, out of nowhere the doors of the dome opened, and from behind them, a mysterious person appeared.

Wearing a puffy jacket instead of an actual suit, and a black helmet with white eyes that hid their appearance completely, the whole person's outfit reassembled in great part that of an astronaut, with the only difference being the strange device on their neck part and the pair of yellow boots they were wearing.


"It's her!"

"She is in UA as well?!"

When they saw the person, some of the students seemed to recognize her as excited cries began echoing amongst the crowd.

Suzaku was one of the surprised students. However, his reasons for being surprised were completely different from those of his classmates.

The instant Suzaku saw the unknown person, his eyes widened enormously and he fell on his knees from the shock.


Fortunately for Suzaku's reputation, however, he was quick to notice the non-divinity of the individual in front of him.

When he realized he had made a mistake, he hurriedly stood up and acted as if nothing had happened. 

Sadly, Itsuka had been next to him since the beginning and had thus seen all of his weird actions, but out of consideration for him, she decided to not say anything, much to Suzaku's gratefulness. Although, she did send him a weird look.

As Suzaku was wondering who in hell was this sinner who dared to copy God's image for their suit, his classmates did the honors of presenting whoever the hero was to him.

"It's the hero thirteen!"

"I can't believe she is in UA too! Her Quirk black hole is amazing!"

"I've seen videos of her using her Quirk to save hundreds of people during disasters!"

'... So it was a hero' Hearing his classmates, Suzaku eyebrow's narrowed as he shot the woman a dissatisfied look. 'It's this how Ibara feels when she sees us?'

He shook his head.

'How sinful'

However, he secretly made some mental notes about what stuff to add to his hero suit later on.

'Maybe a space helmet would look good…'

As he was thinking of different characteristics of her suit to add to his own, Suzaku's eyes suddenly widened as a certain memory passed through his mind.

'Wait… I remember her now!' Suzaku turned to look at the giant dome behind her. '... She appeared in the villain's attack incident!'

When he realized that, his mind immediately fell into a disarray of emotions.

It seemed like the event he so-dreaded was just about to happen!

'What to do? At this rate, the villains will attack and—No wait, that should only happen to class 1-A…' Suzaku grabbed his mouth as he got into deep thought. '... But what if it doesn't? I watched the anime so long ago that I don't remember if they mentioned at any moment if class 1-B was attacked as well… I assumed not since it didn't make much sense for the villains to waste their time and energy on this class since their objective was killing All Might… but what if my class was fodder who in the second season were detailed to have died off-screen, as a way of showcasing the danger that the protagonist faced at the end of the first season?!'

As he considered the worst-case scenarios, Suzaku turned to look at his classmates with a grave expression.

'If the villains truly attack us… What should I do? Should I just wait until everything passes hoping that they are not aiming to kill us, or should I just—?'

However, just as Suzaku's thoughts were turning dark, a shout coming from the female hero forced him to shift his attention away from the apparent incoming threat.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for you!" She said as she pointed to the dome behind her. "Let's go inside without delay, I will explain everything you will be doing today once we are inside"

After that, the class followed through, and soon enough, they all entered the giant dome.

Upon entering, Suzaku's classmates immediately began exclaiming in surprise and shock at the sight.

The dome was divided into five areas where different types of disasters were simulated, from shipwrecks, landslides, fires, windstorms, etc. Giving it a very eye-catching and fantastical appearance that amazed everyone instantly.

However, Suzaku, on the other hand, did not even bat an eye in front of the training ground. Instead, he simply stared blankly at the air, lost in his thoughts.

'Should I tell them about the attack? But how could I justify knowing about it? Besides, there's the possibility that it won't even happen to us, but only to class 1-A… Though, not saying anything is a bit…'

He then glanced at the scenario in front of him.

'It's real villains and psychopaths who will attack this place. If even a single thing doesn't go as smoothly as it went in the anime, someone would actually die today… Then, should I say something? Maybe that way I can avoid such an event' He frowned faintly as he thought like that. However, the next instant, his eyes widened as a certain possibility crossed his mind. '... But, what if my interference is what triggers the shift in how things turn out, and causes the death of someone? I don't care about bad guys, but having someone innocent die because of me isn't something I'd want…'

As he reached a conclusion, Suzaku clicked his tongue.

Then, in the middle of Thirteen's explanation of the dome's purpose and what activity they would be doing for the rest of the class, Suzaku raised his hand, catching the attention of the heroine.

"Yeah, the red-haired student over there, what is it?"

"Uh, it's a bit of an unrelated question," Suzaku said in an apologetic tone as his expression turned faintly tense. "... But when will class 1-A do this training?"

Thirteen raised an eyebrow in confusion at the unexpected question. However, thinking that maybe a friend of Suzaku was in class 1-A and he was curious about when they would do it, she answered nevertheless.

"Oh, they already did it," She said as she waved her hand at him and laughed faintly.

"Yes?" Suzaku asked bewildered.

"They had this class two hours ago, and I have to say, they performed pretty well for being first years, so I'm expecting the same from you guys," Thirteen said as she looked over at Suzaku's classmates, gaining some chuckles from the group.

Suzaku, however, was the only one who didn't laugh.

'They already did it?' He thought, that set of words for some reason not connecting properly with his brain.

As Suzaku was doing his best to process what he had just heard, Thirteen addressed him again.

"Was that everything?"

Snapping out of his daze, Suzaku pondered for a bit, before he launched his last question.

"Did… uh, nothing peculiar happen during their training?"

"Peculiar?" Thirteen looked at the dome's ceiling in thought for a moment "No, not really… Aside from a few students who excelled from the others, there wasn't anything special that happened"

Suzaku nodded his head absentmindedly. "I see… That was all, thank you for answering" Bowing faintly in gratefulness as he occupied his thoughts with something else while doing so.

'So... They had the training and nothing happened?' Suzaku repeated in his head, assimilating the strange phrase.

And, as Thirteen and his class resumed their walk into the dome while she continued to explain more profoundly what the training this time would consist of, Suzaku looked at the center of the building with an uncertain gaze.

'Is the villain attack supposed to happen at a future class in this dome… Or was I wrong about it happening in this place altogether?'

Maybe he had miscalculated the timing, or maybe something had changed from the anime and he hadn't noticed.

Regardless, that didn't take away the fact that Suzaku didn't seem to be finding an answer for the moment.

"Well, whatever..."

Nevertheless, in the end, after giving the entire place a quick glance and seeing that no villains were appearing to try and attack UA, Suzaku shrugged the matter off.

'Maybe I simply remembered wrong, and nothing truly happened at this place'

Once that thought passed through his mind, his face relaxed and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I was worrying for nothing…"




|Somewhere else…|

"Are you sure we shouldn't have attacked today, master? The Nomu is ready, and it would have been the perfect opportunity to attack that sick symbol of peace while he's not in his best state" A youth with strange hands on his face and gray hair said as he played with a bottle while sitting on a stool at a bar.

Then, from a black screen behind him, a deep voice chuckled faintly at his comment.

{"Hahaha… It's fine Tomura, while this would have been a good moment to strike, I think a much better opportunity is just around the corner"}

"...?" The youth looked at the screen with a confused expression.

{"The sports festival"} The voice said, causing the youth to widen his eyes before the voice continued. {"A beautiful event where the entire country gathers to watch the talents of heroes' new generations that will protect them for the years to come… And an event where we can easily get hundreds of hostages, dispose of some heroes… And what's best of all, eliminate the seeds of the future generations before they sprout into something… Troublesome"}

"Do you think the villains we've gathered will want to enter a place so infested with heroes?" The youth asked as he let out a small laugh.

{"Whether they want to or not, that depends on you, Tomura. Convince them, guide them, gather the elite of villains, prepare for the attack… After the incident at Garaki's laboratory, All Might and the authorities have been chasing after us quite thoroughly, which is why we cannot move too freely… But with this attack, it is your opportunity, Shigaraki Tomura, to show the world that we are to be feared!"}

"Yes… Master"

-To be Continued-

(A/N: Visited my parents on another city, because my friend group wanted to have a sleepover.

We had burgers, played UNO, then some Monopoly, and uh... We then went to look for my friend's dog who disappeared for the whole day, only to find him scoring with some street dog lady at the end.

If only I could score as easily as that dog.)


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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