83.56% One punch man:Traveling between worlds / Chapter 60: Saito The Princess Charmer part 1

章節 60: Saito The Princess Charmer part 1

Continuing where we left off.

I'm sinking to the bottom of the sea with the Kraken falling along with me after a good few hours.

- Ok, I think I'm at the bottom of the sea now..... Are the others okay? Of course they are. - I say that and at the same moment the Kraken wakes up and he was going to try to attack me, but I use my King's Haki and the animal stops attacking immediately.

- Ok, giant octopus, you will obey me now, okay! - I say that and the octopus confirms it.

- Excellent. Now we're both going to find that ship you attacked. Oh yes! Before I forget. You will need a name. - I say that and start to think of a name for the octopus.

💭What to know? I'll use the name Luffy gave. I'm too lazy to think of a new one.

- Ok, your name will be Surume! - I say that and it seems that the octopus liked it.

- Well, without further ado, let's go after my friends! - I say that and Surume starts taking me to where Sunny is.

After a few minutes I arrive where the Sunny is and luckily, I arrived in time to save the Straw Hats from a giant that was going to punch the ship.

I ordered Surume to attack the giant and the octopus did exactly what I ordered. The Straw Hats are surprised to see me alive and with the Kraken with me.

- Saito! Did you manage to tame the Kraken?! - Usopp shouted.

- But of course I did it, it wasn't very difficult. - I say this making Luffy laugh with joy.

- As expected from my Sensei, he wouldn't fall like that. - Said Zoro.

- I told you not to call me Sensei! - I shout this getting angry.

I return to Sunny with the crew, happy to see that I'm okay, but our moment doesn't last long as the volcanoes start to erupt.

Seeing that we won't have time to escape, we decide to use Surume to escape the volcanoes before the worst happens.

During the escape, Nami helps Surume to go in the right direction so the octopus can run faster.

After a while, Surume jumped from a cliff falling deeper into the sea and at the same time running away from the volcanoes, but this didn't last long because soon after an avalanche of rocks started falling on top of us.

Fortunately, Usopp used his plants to hold back the avalanche until Surume was away, this worked, but by bad luck a rock falls on the octopus' head causing him to let go of Sunny and us falling into the abyss of the sea.


Minutes later we all woke up after falling into the abyss of the sea.

- Light? At the bottom of the sea? - Robin said, getting up from the ship's floor.

- What clarity! It even hurts your eyes! Not that I have eyes to hurt myself..... Yohohohoho..... - Brook said laughing and crying at the same time.

- Hey, guys! Look up! - Said Luffy and we all did as he said and saw a wonderful sight.

And Nami confirms that we arrived at the fish men's house after a certain time we arrived at our destination.

To be honest, the anime doesn't describe how beautiful this place is. If I could, I would want to spend my life here without thinking twice.

- We did it! - Luffy shouted celebrating.

- It's a landmark on the Grand Line! - Franky said, striking a pose.

- The mermaids are dancing around here! The beautiful mermaids! Finally! I arrived! The paradise I dreamed of since I was a child! - Sanji said very happily.

💭Wasn't your dream to discover All Blue?

- Marmaid! Marmaid! Marmaid! - Me, Sanji and Brook were singing until Sanji's nose bled.

A drama happened of Sanji falling to the ground due to blood loss, however he soon gets up from the ground swearing that he will see the mermaids with a pink flame around him, Usopp calls this: "Flame of tara".

- Saito, isn't it time for you to order Surume to take us to the entrance of the island? - Nami said to me, holding my coat in her hand.

- Speaking of which, are you going to give me back my coat? - I say that and Nami was going to respond, but some giant sea monsters appeared in front of us.

They are fish men who are totally against humans and they immediately recognize all of us and their leader makes an offer for us to work for him, but I knew that wouldn't happen.

In the middle of all this Surume left us and Nami, knowing that there is no way anyone could fight in the open sea, ordered Franky to use Sunny to send everyone straight into the island's protective bubbles. While Franky went to do this, Luffy starts making fun of the fish men by making faces and saying that we are not going to work under anyone's orders.

Just as a monster was about to devour the ship, Franky got us out of danger at the right time and Sunny flew straight towards the island's bubble.

We managed to get past the bubble, but there was one more to get through and this second one had water.

The moment Sunny entered the second layer we were all thrown out of the ship due to the force of the water.

All the Straw Hats were unable to move due to the currents, but only I had the strength and oxygen to move for a certain time.

💭 Damn! If I had my powers I could have made a barrier for everyone! Now I  don't know who I try to save first. That's if I have the air for it.

Without wasting time I use Geppo to catch Nami who is closest to me and the next one was Franky, but at the moment I was going to catch Robin, I ran out of air and lost consciousness.

💭Damn.... I couldn't....


Coast of Fishman Island


I open my eyes and see that I'm lying on top of a large colorful rock and I hear the sounds of water lapping near me, as well as water on my boots.

I start to spit water out of my mouth and get up from the rock and look around me.

- Ok, it looks like I'm still alive, I didn't die at the bottom of the sea, thankfully, that would be a bad way to die. Looks like I didn't lose my swords, another good thing. Now apparently I'm not close to Luffy, Sanji, Chopper and Sanji and not even close to Zoro. So I can only be close to someone or far from everyone or close to..... - I say this using my knowledge of the anime and I see Nami unconscious next to me.

💭It seems like the sea took us both together. Although it kind of makes sense since I was holding her the moment we entered the sea. Now I have to deal with one more problem....two problems in fact!

Nami needs help to wake up as she must have swallowed a lot of water into her body, normally I would be able to wake her up using my powers, but as I don't have access I will have to do it manually, but there is a small problem. .....

💭Her bra is missing!!!

Due to the strong water currents, Nami's bra probably came loose during this. Because of this accident, Nami's breasts are free for me to see without any problem.

I blush because I had a privileged view that even brought a little blood to my nose, but I quickly regain some "focus".

💭Pay attention Saito! You've seen a woman's breasts twice, even seen her entire body from top to bottom, so you have no reason to act like that! You're not a virgin anymore boy! Act like a macho man!!! You're not Sanji! Just take care of Nami and deal with the consequences later!

(A/N Yes. Saito already did the "act" with someone, obviously he did it with Mina, I just forgot to mention it in the Boku no Hero saga. Izuku and Bakugou didn't interrupt the two when it happened.)

Ignoring my mental war, I start trying to get Nami to agree to try to do what a lifeguard does when someone drowns, but the first way didn't work, leaving only the last one: mouth-to-mouth breathing.

💭100% she will hit me when she wakes up.

Seconds after I do "mouth breathing", Nami wakes up spitting water and soon after she sees me sitting with my back to her.

- Saito..... Where are we? It feels like we've been taken away from everyone. It must have been the sea current that did all this. - Said Nami who still hasn't noticed anything wrong.

- By the way...how you woke me up... I felt like someone was putting air in my mouth. - Nami said, making me nervous about what to say.

- Well..... I don't know if you've heard of it this way, but I used the technique to wake you up who needs me.... Transferring the oxygen..... In your mouth....The only way I can do this is...You know... - I say this looking a bit like Izuku and Nami listening and understanding my explanation starts to turn red and she puts her hands on her cheek . At that moment Nami looks down and sees that she is without a bra.

- Y-You..... - Nami was going to continue, but I already know what she means and I just confirm it.

- Yes... I saw them, but I had no choice! I had to save you from drowning! - I say this already expecting a punch or lightning in my face, but that doesn't happen.

- W-Well... You... Saved me, so... I guess I owe you one. - Nami said being shy. This reminds me of Mina being shy around me, but at that moment I see Nami's lost bra floating in the sea.

- Here. Looks like I found it. - I say this, handing over the bra without looking back, Nami steals the pair. - T-thank you. - Nami thanks her.

The atmosphere became very bad for me after this incident, so I was nervous and decided to do something to break this strange air.

- OK! I'll start looking for the others here at sea. You stay here waiting. - I'll say that while I'm about to jump into the water.

- And you're going to leave me alone here?! - Nami shouted with a certain fear of being alone.

- Don't worry if you're in danger, just shout and I'll appear quickly. - I say this already jumping into the sea with Nami complaining about being left alone.

I rescued Franky and Robin in the middle of the sea and they both woke up. With that, the four of us found a nearby city and decided to look for information.

During our exploration we got some good information and Franky decided that we will have to split into pairs. I follow, Nami and Franky and Robin go to find Sunny and for Robin to do her investigations.

I obviously regretted agreeing to this idea of following Nami, since she herself kept dragging me around to store after store, for a normal person this would be a date.

We both stopped at a clothing store and Nami, not wanting to spend a lot of money, asked the salesperson for a discount.

- The prices here are a steal! Even if the clothes are beautiful.... - Nami said, leaving the seller scared and I just let out a sigh.

💭We're going to be here for a while....

- Well, let's close with 10 thousand Belly. - Nami tries to negotiate with the seller.

- Miss, don't be cruel! That's less than half the price! I beg you, Sir, control your wife. - The salesman said to me, leaving me surprised and a little blushing when he thought we were a couple, but Nami saw this as an advantage.

- Please, dear, convince the seller to give me a discount. Can you do it for me. - Said Nami trying to act like a girl in love towards me.

- Nami don't drag me into your money problems. You solve this alone, don't put me in the middle of this. Another thing, you're a terrible actress. - I say that and Nami responds by sticking her tongue out at me like a child.

In the middle of this, we reunite with Luffy and Usopp with a girl named Camie and a talking starfish who appears to be the owner of the store.

As the group is friends with the owner, he said the products are free. That was enough for Nami to empty her stock so quickly that she leaves Luffy eating meat to shame.

When we were about to leave the store, the owner of the island, King Neptune, came to talk to us.

Because I, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji saved the shark that is the King's daughter's pet.

In gratitude we were invited to enter his palace. Everyone had their own reason for accepting, Luffy for the palace food, Nami for the possible money, Usopp simply accepted and I did the same.

On the way the King thanks us again for saving his daughter's shark and he says that a man was taken to the palace and that he has a good appetite, me, Nami and Usopp already knew who it was Zoro, and that he got lost again.

When we arrived at the entrance to the palace, the King put bubbles around us to protect us from the water and the moment we entered, Luffy was impatient and wanted to eat and that's why he started to separate himself from the group, seeing this I went after him.

-Luffy! We are supposed to be together with others! - I say this going after Luffy who is hitting walls like a ball.

- But I want to eat food and that old man hasn't given it to me so far, so I'm looking for food. - Said Luffy.

- Do you only think about food?! - I say that.

I follow Luffy to a huge door with axes and swords stuck in the concrete and for some reason, I feel like I've already seen it.

- Luffy, I think we better go back. - I say that.

- I won't go until my belly is full. I can smell the food behind that door. - Said Luffy, opening the giant door and we both entered a very dark place.

- Is this the pantry? - Said Luffy, seeing a large table of food and the family feeling became stronger.

- Luffy, that doesn't seem like a dismissal to me. - I say that.

- Well, I'm hungry, so who cares! - Said Luffy, already heading towards the table, but he fell on something soft.

- Saito! Come here to where I am. - Luffy said and I stay next to him.

- Isn't this floor very soft? - Said Luffy, starting to explore a little.

💭That looks more like a bed....

- What is that? It's very soft! - Luffy said, pressing his hands on something and we both heard a groan.

- What was that? - Luffy said and I already have an idea of what it is, I just needed confirmation.

I put my hands on what looks like a giant ball and it feels like it's very soft for a ball, plus it feels like there's something covering something on top and Luffy starts jumping on top of the balls.

- Look, Saito! This coral looks like pudding. - Luffy said laughing and I immediately know what that is.

- Luffy! Get out of there! - I say that, but it's too late.

- There's someone there! - I hear a female voice and then Luffy and I fall towards the giant bed and I see a beautiful giant mermaid in front of us.

- What did you do to my body? - Said the mermaid with a certain fear, but she maintains a certain courage.

- Saito....who is she? - Luffy asks me.

- Who are you, gentlemen? - Asked the giant mermaid.

- She's the daughter of the old man who brought us here. - I'll explain to Luffy.

- Ahhhh... So she's the princess here, but she's too big! - Luffy said, surprised by her size.

- You came to kill me like everyone else, didn't you? Well then, I'm not afraid! Because I am the daughter of Neptune! I'm not afraid! - Said the Princess, trying to act brave, but her plan backfires seconds after she starts crying and asking for help.

At the same moment, giant drops of water fall on top of us and Luffy uses me as a shield.

- Wow, she cries a lot, even though we didn't do anything! Saito do something! - Luffy says this, unable to bear the princess's crying.

- What do you want me to do?! You were the one jumping on top of her! Also don't use me as a shield! - I say this angry that Luffy is throwing this problem at me.

- It's just that you seem to be good with Princesses, so I assumed you know how to deal with her. - Luffy said, leaving me completely confused.

- Do you think I'm some kind of: princess charmer?! - I say this getting irritated.

- Yes! Because you dealt with Vivi, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with another princess. Please, Saito, I already have a headache due to her yelling. - Luffy said, covering his ears in agony.

I look at the princess who is crying like a terrified child.

💭How am I going to do this? Arghh!!!! Leave your doubts alone! Even I'm getting fed up by this!

- Princess Shirahoshi, please calm down and listen to me. We're not here to kill you, trust me, we just want to talk. So I ask you to be calm, we are your father's guests. And if something goes wrong, I will protect you. - I say this sounding very calm, but inside I'm saying anything that comes into my head.

💭There's no chance she'll stop crying because of this.

- D-Do you promise? - Said the princess, stopping crying and she was starting to calm down. This left me in complete shock.


To be continued.....

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