74.19% Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife / Chapter 23: 22

章節 23: 22

Chapter 22


Vince ate a cup of ramen in silence as he looked out of the roof at school with bored look. Yume noticed his unusual silence and decided to speak up. [Vince, are you worried about your ex-girlfriend transfering here?]

"No. Not really."

[Are you sure? You really looked worried when you listened to her voice mail that day.] She said, looking a bit skeptical.

"I'm not worried about her coming here per say." He replied slurping his ramen.

[Then what are you worried about then?] Yume asked raising an eyebrow.

Vince finished eating his ramen and placed his cup on the floor. "I'm more worried about the day she's going to appear in Kuoh Academy."

A look of curiosity appeared on her face. [What day is she going to come exactly? You never told me what she exactly said just that she was coming here.]

"On the same day my mother is coming to Kuoh." Vince answered causing Yume to flinch.

[I-I see now.]

He ran hand through his hair with an annoyed expression. "Yeah. It's not exactly going to be great for me having my ex-girlfriend in the same room with my mom, my childhood friends that have a crush on me and my quote on quote "Fiancé" along with Akeno. And gods know what would happen if my recent romps with Yasaka got out."

[That's quite a messy situation and that's not counting if her parents will come along with her.] Yume added much to his ire.

"Her parents won't come she's a first year college student. It's a bit complicated but it shouldn't matter much from her. We did break up, despite us leaving on good terms so I'm free to do what I want to do." He stated with a shrug.

[I hope she understands that. But is she really a college student?] She asked in a surprised tone.

Vince took out a small bottle of water from his pocket and took a sip. "She will. My ex is cool enough to understand that and to be more precise she's still a college freshman. By the way Yume, I've been meaning to ask you a question for a while. I haven't gotten the chance yet."

Yume blinked twice before nodding. [What's the question Vince?]

"Can you explain to me more about my Sacred Gear, Angel/Devil? I have a feeling there's more to the thing than meets the eye." He said seriously.

[Okay. I'll start from the beginning then.] Yume cleared her throat before continuing. [The Sacred Gear is not exactly what you think it is. When you transform into your respective angel or devil form there's a lot more happening to you.]

Vince raised an eyebrow, now curious. "What do you mean exactly?"

[When you use Angel/Devil it changes your soul and your body into an angel or a devil, depending on what form you choose.] She explained seriously.

"Hmm... Is there anything else to it?" He questioned.

[Angel/Devil can be a bit unstable from time to time. It's also why I'm inside of the Sacred Gear, I moderate and fix any unstability because of the holy and demonic powers clashing almost constantly in the Sacred Gear.] Yume answered sighing.

A frown appeared on his face in response. "I see. But wouldn't the two energies be able to mend well because of the existence of holy-demonic energy?"

[Yes it should or at least reduce the number of clashes, but Angel/Devil isn't that far developed.] She answered.

Vince crossed his arms as he looked up at the sky. "Huh... So what kind of side effects would have happened if you didn't moderate it?"

[Your body and soul would have been very unstable which would cause a lot of problems along with your Element Brand which was the most unstable at the time. Thankfully, that did not happen.] Yume replied smiling.

"Yeah, thanks." Vince nodded as he stretched causing multiple bones in his body to make a "popping" sound. "So how far is Angel/Devil developed as of right now?"

[Well, since you've been practicing on it whenever you get the chance I wouldn't be surprised if you started showing different changes aside from your eyes.] She commented with a knowing nod.

His eyes narrowed immediately. "What type of changes?"

[I can only guess it'll be more angelic or demonic changes in your angel or devil form.] Yume said.

"I'll find out after school. I already had a training session planned out for myself. Unfortunately that will be put on a halt because I said I would explain about Arondight after school." Vince commented with disdain.

[Why are you against it?] She asked curiously.

"I'd rather keep Arondight a secret. Considering how much influence they have it would be best to keep it under wraps. I already have enough attention on me and anymore would be bad. For example, it should be plainly obvious that everyone in the Three Factions and the other factions that exists are keeping a close or are studing Holy-demonic energy." He replied after seeing her questioning look.

Yume nodded before speaking up. [I can see your point but isn't it better that you're telling your friends instead of someone else?]

Vince pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation."Yes, it is a better alternative. But that doesn't mean I still like it."

[I see. So are you going to tell the others about her?] She asked curiously.

"If the topic comes up in some way I don't see why not. It would be amusing to see their reactions." Vince answered with as a mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

[I'm not surprised at this point.] Yume said dryly.

His only response was to shrug. Before he could speak the sound of a bell echoed throughout the school.

Vince kicked the ramen cup over the roof along with a bottle of water. He looked down and smirked when he saw the water bottle smacked Matsuda's face and the cup of ramen land on Motohama's head. "Lucky shot."

"Ow, my head!" Matsuda said rubbing his head.

"Argh! What the hell!?" Motohama shouted.

"...And that's my bad deed for the day." Vince commented with a grin.

[Don't you mean "Good Deed" ?] Yume asked curiously.

"Of course not. At least now class won't be so boring." He answered, causing her to sweatdrop.

(ORC: Clubroom)

Vince stood against the wall of the clubroom as everyone looked at him. To his surprise he saw Kasumi and Akari already there, also looking at him. "I want to keep this brief. So I'll summarize on why I acted the way I did last night. I take it you already told everyone else Rias?"

"Yes I did. You did say you were going to explain to everyone." Rias answered with a nod.

"Fine, fine." Vince took out a small black pocketbook from his pocket and showed it to everyone. "I went a little treasure-hunting near the city limits of the Vatican. I found something at the ocean floor outside of Vatican."

"How did you go underwater?" Issei asked in a confused tone.

He sighed and created a ball of water in his palm. "I can control and create water remember? Going underwater isn't exactly hard for me."

"Why exactly did you go there? I don't recall seeing anything of importance there." Xenovia asked raising an eyebrow.

"Does it have anything to do with the book you have Vince-kun?" Akeno asked curiously.

"In a way." Vince opened the book and turned a page. "After a few hours of looking around underwater I found a temple. That place was more or less a deathtrap and I lost count of how many times I almost died looking for the place and exploring inside of it."

Everyone looked alarmed as Vince went into gruesome details of the death traps in the temple along with the enemies he had to face by the end of it they all looked at him worriedly. He shrugged and looked at them. "It's not as bad as it sounds. Once you get used to the traps."

Kasumi sweatdropped in response. "That's not reassuring us Vince."

"Oh well. Moving on, after I killed that damned fish I found the sword that was once wielded by Lancelot." Vince said surprising everyone, with the exception of Issei who looked confused.

He sighed at seeing Issei's confused expression and spoke up. "The sword is called Arondight. It's a counterpart to Excalibur."

Issei's eyes widened greatly as Vince continued. "It's also a demon-sword now. Lancelot's hatred and resentment corrupted the sword completely."

His hand placed the book on the table as everyone looked at Vince turning to a specific page. "This book explains why the sword was sealed near the Vatican in secret and what happens to a person if they do wield it. I found this book in a treasure chest after I faced my doppelganger. Read the entire page."

Everyone else looked at the book closely as Vince noticed their eyes widening further and further as they continued to read the page. After finishing Xenovia shook her head in disbelief. "To think that a demon-sword was sealed near the Vatican all this time. I know the church wouldn't like being tricked like this."

"Man... Why does Vince get all of the cool weapons?" Issei muttered to himself.

"Vince-kun is everything okay? That book did wrote about the wielder going berserk from wielding the sword." Kiba spoke in a concerned tone.

"I'm okay. Since I'm the most compatible with Arondight it won't have go berserk. It gives me another side effect instead." He answered casually.

"What does the sword do to you Vince?" Akari asked with a worried expression.

"It causes my darker emotions to surface. It's also why I acted differently last night." Vince replied much to everyone's surprise.

"...Darker emotions, Senjutsu..." Koneko muttered sadly.

Vince raised an eyebrow but said nothing as Rias spoke. "Please Vince, don't use Arondight unless it's necessary."


Akeno looked at Vince worriedly. "It would be very dangerous if you lost control of your emotions like that Vince-kun."

"Please don't use the sword Vince-san." Asia pleaded sadly.

Vince sighed and pinched his temples at seeing the worried looks from everyone. He felt a small pain in his chest and after a few moments of silence spoke up. "I won't use Arondight unless it's necessary or training. Would that make everyone feel better?"

"Yes. But someone should watch you train with Arondight just incase." Kasumi answered much to Vince's ire.

"Come on Kasumi. You know I don't like having other people watch me train." He said in annoyed tone.

"But Vince this sword is very dangerous you'll have to be very cautious about it." She replied seriously.

"At least do it for us. Please Vince?" Akari asked looking at him.

Vince slightly flinched at the pleading looks from Kasumi and Akari but nodded hesitantly. "...Alright fine."

Kasumi and Akari smiled. "Thank you."

To his slight surprise neither of them were annoyed for saying the same thing. The sound of a phone vibrating sounded off. Vince took out his cellphone from his pocket and his eyes widened. (It's another text from her.)

(Hey Vince, it's me. I got your message the other day. Thanks for responding back to me, I didn't expect for you to respond back so quickly. I'm glad that you're reunited with your childhood friends and you've made a few friends. We'll have to continue from where we left off last time. We can even go skinny dipping in the night like last time. Take care Vince.) A blush appeared on his face as Vince read the last part.

Rias' eyes narrowed at seeing the blush appear on his face. "Vince, what was the text just now?"

Before Vince could answer his cellphone vibrated again. He checked the message and read it to himself. (P.S. Enjoy the picture Vince.)

Vince scrolled down on his cellphone and to everyone's surprise a small amount of blood came out of his nose. He quickly wiped it away and examined the photo more closely.

A busty young woman with long brunette hair and hazel eyes smiled seductively as she lied down sideways on a soft bed posing seductively wearing a revealing black negligee with two straps that showed off her breasts and curves, with her right hand on her hip and her left hand between her legs.

Vince dropped the cellphone in shock as he covered his nose due to more blood coming out. Everyone's eyes widened greatly at seeing the photo. Issei promptly gained a massive nosebleed as Kiba looked away and blushed in embrassment. Asia's face turned completely red as Xenovia blinked owlishly.

Akeno smiled at the photo and looked at Vince with sparks of electricity surging through her hands. Kasumi and Akari also looked at him, clearly not amused as Rias released some killing intent while glaring at Vince. "Vince. What exactly is going on!?"

Vince sighed as he picked up his cellphone, turned it off and placed it in his pocket. "That was my ex-girlfriend texting me."

Everyone's eyes widened and looked at him in disbelief as Issei shouted. "You have an ex-girlfriend!?"

Vince's eye twitched in annoyance as he saw why people were looking at him in disbelief. "Yes I have an ex-girlfriend. Just because I'm anti-social doesn't mean I can't get a girlfriend."

"How long have you two been dating?" Akari asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hrmm... Well we started dating around the third year of middle school up until moving so... two years." Vince replied surprising everyone.

"When did you two meet?" Rias asked in a tense tone.

He shrugged, "Second year, middle school."

Akeno then spoke up. "How far have you two have gotten?"

His eye twitched in annoyance. "Do I have to really answer that?"

"Yes!" To Vince's surprise Kasumi, Akari, Akeno and Rias said it in perfect unison.

Vince said nothing but held up three fingers which caused everyone's eyes to widen with the exception of Xenovia and Asia who looked confused.

"Why didn't you tell us Vince?" Kasumi questioned with a frown.

"Nobody asked. Besides, I don't recall having an obligation to talk about my past." Vince commented with a frown.

Before anybody could say anything Issei quickly spoke up. "How big is her oppai, Vince?"

Vince immediately facepalmed at the stupid question as he looked at Issei. "Is it really that important to know?"

Issei nodded quickly in response, causing him to sigh. He glanced at Rias and smirked a little. "I don't know the exact size. But her breasts are more or less around Rias' size."

Issei gained another nosebleed as Rias shot Vince annoyed look which caused his smirk to slightly widen, much to her ire.

"Anyway." Vince's voice cut in the conversation. The others noticed the irritation in his tone as he continued. "You'll be seeing meeting her in person soon. She's transfering to Kuoh from my old school."

Everyone's eyes widened as he shrugged. "I'll be leaving now. I don't have a reason to stay here any longer."

"Wait. When will she be coming?" Rias asked crossing her arms, making breasts rise slightly as a result.

"Like I said, she'll be coming soon. I'll let you know when she's here." Vince walked out of the room as Rias and Akeno frowned at his secretive behavior while Kasumi and Akari looked worried.


Vince sighed as he turned on the shower. He let the warm water hit his back with his eyes closed. (That day is going to be hectic. Still, I am a little glad that I'm going to see her I don't want to start a commitment. It's to soon and I'm a bit confused. I still have to sort out everything.)

The door opened causing Vince's eyes to immediately opened. He turned around to see Rias walking into the shower naked. He gazed at her body before shaking his head, she noticed and smiled. "Hello Vince."

"Is the word "Boundaries" not in your dictionary?" Vince asked sarcastically.

Rias puffed her cheeks. "You're one to talk. You just checked me out."

Vince crossed his arms. "Uhuh and you were staring at my chest. So where is Kasumi and Akari, also why you are here?"

Rias pressed her body against his against him. He shuddered a little upon feeling her breasts against his chest. "They're out doing groceries and I wanted to enter bath with you at least once. It's not a bath but a shower is just as good."


"Hey Vince. Do you hate entering the shower with me?" Rias asked him as she rubbed her breasts against his chest.

Vince slightly shuddered at the sensation but rolled his eyes. "No. But you could ask for permission. It is pretty rude to walk in just like that."

Rias pouted. "But whenever I ask you, you always say "No". I want to take a bath or a shower with you. How about once every three days? Or once every five days? I won't like it if it's only once a week."

"You really are greedy." He replied shaking his head.

"I am a devil." She placed his hand on her breast and smiled seductively. "Do you want to attack me?"

Vince rolled his eyes as he embraced Rias. She blushed brightly when she felt something poke her between her legs. "Considering how you're coming into the shower like this. I think you're the one that wants to attack me."

The door suddenly opened thinking quickly, Vince closed the shower curtains and placed Rias on the shower floor. Rias' face turned as red as her hair color as her face was only a few centimeters away from his dick. She stood there completely frozen in shock as Vince turned around to see Akari and Kasumi inside the bathroom.

He shot them a mildly annoyed look and crossed his arms. "What the hell happened to privacy around here?"

Kasumi blushed brightly as she saw Vince's muscular body behind the shower curtains as Akari smiled. "S-Sorry Vince. Is Rias here? We thought we heard her voice coming in the shower."

"She was here. But I sent her away, do you two mind though? I'm trying to shower in peace." Vince answered in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Are you sure Vince? I could lather myself in soap and scrub your back." Akari said with a seductive smile.

Rias' eyes sharpened before her blush deepened as she saw Vince's manhood slightly more erect.

Kasumi's eye twitched as she grabbed Akari by the shirt and led her out of the door. "No Akari. Vince has to finish taking his shower."

Vince sighed in relief as he saw Kasumi close the door. He looked down and helped up Rias who still had a visible blush on her face. "Barely made it. You can go now, before they comeback. Rias?"

Rias shook her head and smiled seductively. "You're pretty big Vince. I'll have to join you for a shower everyday."


She kissed him on the lips as Vince returned the kiss before breaking away. "That's as far as we're gonna go."


"Kasumi and Akari will hear. Also, your first time shouldn't be in the shower. Your first time is special, it wouldn't be exactly good if it's taken in a shower." Vince lectured surprising her.

To his slight surprise Rias smiled. "That's really sweet of you Vince."

"We're still not going to have sex." He replied causing her to pout.


"This isn't a joke!" Rias shouted with an angry expression.

"Indeed, even though it was decided that the meeting of the leaders of the devils, angels, and fallen angels would be held in this town, to think that suddenly the Governor of the fallen angels would intrude in my territory and interfere with our business...!" She said angrily.

Vince walked in the door and raised an eyebrow. "What's with you?"

Kasumi sighed and explained into detail what happened to him with Akari adding a few tibits here and there. Vince blinked twice before shrugging, not really caring.

"And to top it off, to try and lay a hand on my cute Vince, the price is death! I had heard that Azazel was extremely interested in the Sacred Gears. It's definitely because my Vince possesses the Sacred Gear that controls elements along with the ability to freely turn into an Angel or a Devil at will and the Boosted Gear Issei posses that he came in contact with us... It's going to be all right Vince. I will definitely protect you, Vince."

Vince sweatdropped as he took a step away from Rias as Issei looked at him in jealously. He looked at him and whispered in an annoyed tone. "I didn't ask for this crap."

Issei's eye twitched at him admitting that but spoke up. "Seems like Azazel is eyeing our Sacred Gear after all. He's the Governor of the Fallen Angels, right?"

"Pretty much." Vince replied with a shrug.

"I heard from someone that Azazel has deep knowledge about the Sacred Gears. I also heard that he's gathering capable sacred gear holders. But it's going to be all right." Kiba looked at Vince and Issei with determined look.

"I will protect you two."

"...No, um, I am happy but…how should I put this... if I hear such things from a man with a straight face then I'll be troubled on how to respond..." Issei said hesitantly.

"That's the type of thing you say to girl not a guy." Vince added with Issei quickly agreeing.

"It doesn't matter if it's for a girl. I'll say that with a straight face. Issei-kun you saved me and Vince you're my friend who forgave me after I was hostile to you just for you being able to wield a Excalibur fragment and for being chosen to wield your holy-sword. You two are my precious comrades. If I can't save a comrade from crisis then I can't call myself a Knight of the Gremory household." Kiba stated.

Vince rolled his eyes but let a small smirk appear on his face. "I didn't know you were naturally this cheesy Kiba."

"Haha, very funny Vince-kun. But there's no problem. My Sacred Gear that attained Balance Breaker and Issei-kun's Boosted Gear along with your Sacred Gears Vince-kun, if we combine these four, then I feel we can surpass even a dangerous crises. ...Fufu, I wasn't the type to say such things before. After hanging out with you, my readiness for comrades also changed as well. But I don't know why I don't dislike that... It's hot around my chest region."

"...D-Disgusting. You... Don't come near me! Don't touch me!" Issei shouted as he took a few steps away from him.

"...I would rather prefer Akeno to feel that around her chest region rather than you." Vince bluntly admitted much to everyone's surprise.

As if on cue Akeno smiled and hugged Vince from behind. "Ufufu, I'm glad you feel that way Vince-kun. Maybe we can have our affair really soon or that suggestion you made about doing it in classroom."

"Akeno, let go off Vince!" Rias shouted as Akari teleported to Akeno and dragged her off of Vince.

A moment later she hugged Vince from behind. "Let's spend some time alone Vince. We can even go to the gym here and-"

Kasumi's eyes hardened as she dragged Akari off of Vince. "You are not going to do anything to Vince, Akari."

"Why Vince..." Issei said crying anime tears.

"Does it look like I asked for this?" Vince asked scowling.

"N-No way. Issei-kun, Vince-kun..." Kiba said dejectively.

"However, I wonder what happened... Besides not knowing their movements, it's difficult to move here as well. The other side is the Governor of the fallen angels. We can't even come in contact with him." Rias pondered trying to change the subject.

"Azazel has always been like that, Rias." A voice spoke up.

"O-O-O-Onii-sama!" Rias spoke in a surprised tone as Vince turned around to see Sirzechs and Grayfia in the room.

"Azazel won't do anything like Kokabiel did a few days ago. He may do a prank like last time, though. The Governor will come earlier than the planned date." Sirzechs stated making Vince to snort.

"Please relax, I came for private business today." He said causing everyone with the exception of Vince, Kasumi and Akari to raise their heads.

"Hey, my little sister. This room seems like a murder scenery. I wonder how it is possible for this place to be full of magic circles even though young girls gather here." Sirzechs commented looking around the room.

"Your sister does have a weird taste." Vince added with a shrug, causing him to chuckle and Rias to send an annoyed look at him.

"Onii-sama, w-why are you here?" Rias asked doubtfully.

Sirzechs handed over a unfilled printed form. "What are you saying. Classroom visits are coming soon, right? I am also thinking to participate. By all means I want to see my little sister working hard in studies from up close."

Vince flinched at the reminder as he turned to him. "Okaa-sama is also looking forward to meeting you Vince-kun."

"Okaa-sama?! Why does she want to meet Vince?" Rias asked in shock and disbelief.

"You'll see soon enough." Sirzechs replied with a tone full of mirth.

"Grayfia, right? You're the one who told Onii-sama?" Rias questioned.

"Yes, the reports from the school come to me who has been entrusted with the schedule of the Gremory household. Of course I am Sirzechs-sama's "Queen" as well, thus I reported it to my master." Grayfia replied seriously.

"Even if my Maou duties are hard, even if I have to take a day off from my work, I wanted to participate in my little sister's class visit. Don't worry. Otou-ue will come over as well along with Okaa-sama." Sirzechs stated.

"T-That's not true! Isn't onii-sama the Maou? To leave your job and come here! The Maou can't treat a single Devil in a special way!" Rias said to him.

"This is also apart of your job right Lucifier?" Vince asked looking at Sirzechs.

"Yes, Vince-kun is right. This is my work as well, Rias. Actually I thought about conducting the conference between the three factions in this school. I came to inspect the meeting place." Sirzechs explain calmly.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock with the exception of Vince who just scowled. (You've got to be fucking kidding me... God dammit.)

"...Here? Really?"

"Ah, This school somehow seems to have fate tied to it. My little sister, you, the legendary Sekiryuutei, the holy devil sword user, the holy sword Durandal's wielder and Maou Serafall Leviathan's little sister are attached to this place, then there's Vince-kun the one who wields two Sacred Gears with one of them being the ability to transform into an Angel or a Devil who also wields the legendary holy-sword Totsuka-no-Tsurugi. It's also because of him that the Kunoichi of Destiny along with her clone that was destined for destruction are here. Kokabiel and Hakuryuukou attacked this place. This is a phenomenon you can't label as coincidence. Strong powers keep mixing in, it's like wave motion. I think the person accelerating this wave motion is Hyoudou Issei-kun -the Sekiryuutei and the effect is more or less rubbing off on Vince-kun as a result." Sirzechs said glancing at them.

Vince protectively held a hand in front of Akari as he looked at Sirzechs seriously. "And what exactly did you mean by "Destined for destruction" explain."

A small blush appeared on Akari's face as Sirzechs looked at him. "Given by the reports it seemed that Akari was going to die that was certain. But you were the one that changed that. It was certainly a surprise though."

Vince frowned at the statement as he crossed his arms. Akari smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you the Maou? Nice to meet you, I am the one called Xenovia." Xenovia said cutting in the conversation.

"Good day to you, Xenovia. I am Sirzechs Lucifer. I got the report from Rias. The holy sword wielder of Durandal got reincarnated as a devil, and not to mention becoming my sister's family... Truth be told, I was doubting my ears when I heard it the first time." Sirzechs stated.

Vince leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and ignored most of the conversation with Kasumi and Akari looking at him slightly worried. (Dammit. It looks like I won't be able to skip pass the meeting. This was exactly what I wanted to avoided. But then again, it was either this or have Kokabiel destroy Kuoh completely. Damn that bastard. I hope Jigadirasu Uru Zakeruga didn't leave a trace of his soul left when I completely destroyed his body.)

Sirzechs looked at Kasumi and Akari. "By the way, did you two tell the Dragon Ninja and your older brother about the meeting?"

"Yes we did. Ryu and my brother will be attending the meeting as well." Kasumi said politely.

"They'll be coming before the meeting starts. They didn't say when though." Akari added.

"I see. Well thank you. It was actually quite surprising to hear that the you two along with Shinobi of the Wind and the Dragon Ninja were apart of the battle and really unexpected since they're mostly secluded. The most surprising part was that Vince is the reason that this happened." Sirzechs commented.

He paused for a moment before continuing. "Now then, let's continue the difficult conversation somewhere else. Hm, however, even though I came to the human world, it's night time. Would a lodging institution be open right now?"

Vince opened his eyes as he stopped leaning against the wall and headed towards the door. "I'll be leaving now."

"Wait Vince." Rias called out. She then turned to Sirzechs. "Why don't you stay with us for the night Onii-sama? Vince's house has a spare room."

Vince held the back the urge to facepalm as he stopped walking looked towards them. Sirzechs then looked at him. "Is it okay if we stay the night at your house Vince-kun?"

(I might as well go along with it. Mom always did tell me to help those in need. I'm pretty sure it can't be that bad.) Vince thought to himself.

He looked at Sirzechs and Grayfia. "By all means go ahead. I don't mind if it's for the night."

Rias and Sirzechs smiled as Grayfia nodded in thanks.


"I am relieved that my sister wasn't causing you any trouble." Sirzechs said with a small sigh of relief.

"Rias is a bit noisy and clingy but she's not trouble." Vince stated which caused Rias to pout and for Akari to giggle a little.

Everyone else sat down on two medium sized sofas in the living room with a small table in between the sofas. "I'm slightly surprised you have so little furniture in your house. Vince-kun."

"I'm poor. Besides, I do like some extra space around the house. If you still have trouble finding some lodging tomorrow you can stay here longer." Vince offered.

"That's fine with me. I wouldn't mind staying here though, it's pretty simplistic. I also wanted to see the house my sister was boarding in." Sirzechs commented with a small nod.

"No! No!" Rias said shaking her head.

"So is Grayfia apart of your peerage?" Akari asked curiously.

"Yes, Grayfia is also my wife." Sirzechs answered.

"I am the maid, Grayfia. I apologize for my master speaking such boring jokes." Grayfia stated expressionessly as she pinched his cheek.

"It huwts, It huwts, Grayfia." Sirzechs shouted as Rias covered her face in embarrassment.

"I can see your wedding ring Grayfia." Vince pointed out.

Grayfia cleared her throat as she let go of Sirzechs' cheek, which as a result is bright red.

Kasumi walked into the living room with a small tray that has cups filled with tea. Everyone thanked Kasumi as they took a sip of tea.

"The tea is delicious. Thank you Kasumi." Sirzechs said as he took another sip of tea.

"Thank you."

"So. You're trying to mix work with Rias' school to see her a little more, and the parent's visit is to take a small break while seeing her right?" Vince asked curiously.

"Yes, I have taken a break from work, so I thought I could use this chance to see my little sister's school and also how she looks in class. On the day of the visit, my father and mother should be coming as well." Sirzechs explained while taking another sip of tea.

"I see."

"Father helped in the establishment of Kuou Academy, like me, it seems this was a good chance for him to come visit as well. Although frankly speaking I think he just wanted to see Rias's face." Sirzechs added as placed his cup of tea on the table.

(Huh. Well at least that explains why Rias has those privileges in school.) Vince thought taking a glance at Rias, who still looked embarrased.

"So Vince-kun, how is Elena doing?" Sirzechs asked causing Vince's eyes along with Kasumi and Akari's to widen.

Vince's eyes hardened. "How do you know my mother?"

"I haven't met her in person. But my mother knows your mother." Sirzechs explained calmly.

Vince and Rias' eyes widened as he spoke up. "H-How do they know each other?"

"I'll let Okaa-sama and Elena explain when they come for the parent's visit." He replied taking another sip of tea, leaving everyone in the room confused with the exception of Grayfia.


"Vince can I sleep with you for tonight?" Rias asked looking at him.

Vince shook his head in disbelief. "With your family members in the same house? No."

Sirzechs then spoke up. "I want to talk with him a bit while being on the bed. Sorry, Rias, but just for tonight lend me Vince-kun."

"I don't have a bed. Only a few futons also, don't word it like that." Vince said rubbing his temples.

"My apologies. The futons are good though." He replied.

"Vince..." Rias hugged Vince tightly much to Kasumi and Akari's ire. "Can you sleep alone? Are you alright with me not being beside you? I am not alright though. Just by you not being beside me..."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can sleep alone Rias. Besides, we see each other every day. Also, have you been reading that romance manga again?" Vince asked dryly.

"Ojou-sama, now let's return back to our room. I will be there in your room as well. Well then, Sirzechs-sama, good night." Grayfia took Rias away from Vince and walked towards a room.

"We'll be going to bed now. Good night Vince." Kasumi hugged him and as Akari quickly kissed Vince on the lips before walking to their room with a smile.

"Now, shall we enter inside?" Sirzechs asked looking at Vince.

"Might as well." Vince opened the door and walked in with him.

Sirzechs looked around and blinked in surprise, upon seeing only a futon, a half-way opened closet, a small shelf, a small desk and chair. "There's hardly anything in your room. You can add something to liven the room up a bit."

Vince went to the closet and pulled out a futon. "Nah. I'm just good with just this."

He closed the door and laid out the futon as Sirzechs spoke up. "I heard you met Azazel."

"I also did a few jobs for him." Vince added much to his surprise.

"So Azazel is the mysterious client. Did he say something to you?" Sirzechs asked raising an eyebrow.

"Only that he owes me." Vince replied with a shrug.

"I see. ...Azazel has a strong interest in the Sacred Gears. Your Sacred Gears is no exception. Actually, same as Hyoudou Issei-kun, a person possessing the Longinus has gathered alongside him." Sirzechs explained.

"My Sacred Gears aren't a Longinus." Vince pointed out.

"True. But your first Sacred Gear allows you to against what people believe and allows you to turn into either an Angel or a Devil. That just can't be ignored. Your second Sacred Gear works in unison with your first one and allows you to freely use the elements along with it's holy and demonic counterparts." Sirezchs retorted.

Vince sighed heavily and shook his head. "I see. It also doesn't help that I can use the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi. I guess this means I won't be left alone then."

"Don't worry. I guarantee your safety. You've helped Rias gotten out of that engagement and saved her life from Kokabiel, so I'll have them give you a good treatment. ...And also my little sister treats you dearly. I've never seen Rias have so much fun, even in the underworld. I am sure she must be having fun everyday. I feel that it is thanks to you." Sirzechs said smiling.

(Rias is really lucky to have an older brother like that.) Vince thought as he lied down on his futon.

Sirzechs looked at Vince seriously. "Reinhart Vince-kun. Take care of my sister, of Rias, from now on too."

"You're kidding right? I'm already putting up the facade of being engaged to her Sirzechs." He replied frowning.

"I know it's a bit selfish of me to ask you of this. But please take care of her." Sirzechs pleaded.

Vince remained silent for a few minutes, after contemplating he spoke up."...I'll keep an eye out for Rias. But I'm not going to babysit her you know. She'll have to learn how to take care of herself and her peerage. I wouldn't worry to much about it though, I think she's mature enough to take care of herself and her peerage if the situation calls for it."

"Fair enough. Thanks Vince-kun." Sirzechs said in a thankful tone.

"Yeah. Rias is a good friend after all." Vince added with a small shrug.

Sirzechs then lied down on his futon. "I see. Then, Vince-kun, won't you call me by my name? Onii-san is fine as well."

"I'll just call you Sirzechs. You don't mind right?" Vince asked sweatdropping a little.

"Then, let's do it that way. Yeah, however, it's a pity. I wanted to be called Onii-san by the you... Meh, it will become that before long, so it should be fine with this for now." Sirzechs commented to himself.

(I guess self monologuing runs in the family.) Vince thought to himself as he shook his head a little.

"By the way Vince-kun."


"You seem to like girls with big breasts, right?" Sirzechs asked suddenly.

Vince blinked owlishly, not believing what he just heard. He sighed and shook his head. "...I like them but that's not the only thing I like."

Sirzechs looked at Vince, now curious."Oh? What else do you like about girls?"

His eye twitched in annoyance."Why are you asking me this Sirzechs?"

"I'm curious. Humor me."

Vince rolled his eyes in response. "I like older women with big breasts and a nice ass. Happy?"

"Yes, but that's surprising to hear. You know she's older than you. Even as her brother I think that Rias' breasts are bountiful and her butt isn't to far behind." Sirzechs commented.

"...I can't believe we're having this conversation." Vince said in disbelief.

"You know you can have a harem Vince-kun. With you Rias, Akeno, Kasumi and Akari." Sirzechs commented.

Vince shrugged in response. "I'm just a human Sirzechs. Last time I checked harems are for devils only."

"But you can turn into a devil, at least think it over. Good night, Vince-kun." Sirzechs closed his eyes and went to sleep as Vince got up from his bed and quietly left the room.

Vince walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. (Hmm... Where is it? Ah, here it is.)

"It isn't healthy to be eating in the middle of the night." A voice spoke up.

Vince turned around to see Grayfia looking at him. "I wasn't looking for food."

He took out a small bottle of water. Vince opened the bottle of water and took a sip from it.

"My apologies Vince-sama." Grayfia spoke with a small bow.

Vince looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "It's no problem. Why do you use the honorific on me? I don't have any real relation with the Gremories."

"You're currently engaged to Ojou-sama, Vince-sama. It would be rude not to give you the proper title." Grayfia explained to him.

Vince however snorted. "It's only temporary Grayfia. You know that right?"

Grayfia nodded in response. "I am aware of that but Ojou-sama is really attached to you."

He said nothing and took another sip of water. Grayfia looked at him for a moment. "Vince-sama. Is it true that you can use Ice now along with it's holy and demonic counterparts?"

Vince blinked in surprise and nodded hesitantly. "Yeah, I got the ability to use Ice around a few weeks ago from my Sacred Gear."

"I see. Do you have any problems using it?" Grayfia questioned.

"It's a little bit harder to control and it usually makes my body cold." Vince admitted.

"Show me."

"Tch." Vince extended his left hand and enveloped it in ice. Grayfia examined the ice as he started to shiver a little.

Grayfia nodded as Vince removed the ice from his hand. "Your body hasn't adapted yet to the ice. You need to train more before you can get used to it."

"I see. Thanks Grayfia." Vince thanked with a nod.

"You're welcome. You should go to bed soon." She stated.



"No disrespect to you. But I feel as if talking to Sirzechs shaved off ten years of my life." Vince walked to his room and opened the door. He walked in and closed it.


Author's Notes: Finally done with the chapter. I'm still not feeling very good so I couldn't really write much. Now for the explanations, I'll try making them a bit shorter so it doesn't waste to much time. So I'll go over some of the important stuff the rest will be explained later on in a future chapter.

I decided to give a little bit more information on Vince's Sacred Gear, Angel/Devil to give an idea on what it does to Vince. As you can see, it does a lot more than just change his eye color. You can expect to see more side effects to be popping up in a future chapter.

As you can see Vince's Ex-girlfriend had a small sort of interaction with him and showed herself as a result. I did this to show her appearance and for the reactions I had fun writing it. Before anyone asks Vince doesn't know her exact bust size, he was just taking a guess but it is around Rias' size and yes I will keep her name to myself until a later chapter.

Vince will start reacting a bit more when his potential love interests starts to make advances to him. The reason for this is because of Yasaka, although he'll still be cautious and it won't stop him from making a smart remark at them if he gets the chance.

Venelana and Vince's mom do know each other quite a bit. It will be explained how they know each other when the chapter comes for the parent's visit. Which isn't to far off.

That's all I have to say for the explanations from the chapter. I still won't be updating weekly because I'm still recovering from the respiratory infection. I'll try to update when I can. I have a question to ask everyone, what do you think of Vince's Ex sending him text messages and should I continue writing those types of scenes until she comes? Anyway, let me know what you think about the chapter and take care.

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