48.71% Jobless Reincarnation - Mushoku Tensei / Chapter 112: Life With a House

章節 112: Life With a House

Part 1

Since Sylphy and I got married, two months have passed.

The Magic University is starting a new school term, and I was promoted to a second year student.

My lifestyle has changed greatly.

First, since I've moved out of the dorm, it's become a lifestyle of commuting from home.

I wake up in the morning in a large bed in my own room.

During this time, if Sylphy is sleeping next to me I give her a good morning kiss.

Sylphy starts her mornings early, and so she gets out of bed at the same time as me.

After that, I perform my training that has become a daily routine.

Running in a circle around the neighborhood and then swinging the stone sword I created for the duel with Luke the other day.

The same as always I still can't wear Fighting Spirit.

However, it's not like my training is pointless.

During my training, for some reason Badigadi shows his face at times as well.

If he were to laugh in his usual large voice it would be an annoyance for the neighborhood, but I can't really treat him cruelly.

Badigadi occasionally acts as my opponent in training.

If you were to speak of it in terms of skill he doesn't reach the level of Ruijerd or Ghyslaine.

On the contrary, he'll probably fall behind even Paul and Eris.

No, rather than saying it as falling behind, it's more a feeling of he can do it but he doesn't do it.

He's blatantly cutting corners on the defense side.

Because he possesses an immortal body, he must not feel the necessity.

The advice he occasionally gives is unexpectedly accurate.

If he were to fight seriously he might be considerably strong.

After returning from training, Sylphy greets me after making breakfast.

Badigadi eats meals with us and soon after disappears.

Badigadi's conduct is always a mystery.

I wonder what he's thinking about.

…It doesn't feel like he's thinking about much at all though.

On the days when Badigadi doesn't come, the two of us eat while flirting.

For example, "Ahn~".

Part 2

After breakfast ends we go to the Magic University.

There's about 30 minutes of walking in distance to the school.

Zanoba said, "it's a bit inconvenient", but it doesn't feel all that far.

If you run it's right nearby.

We usually arrive at somewhat of an early time for classes.

I separate with Sylphy in front of the dorms.

After that, I have a bit of time to kill so I go to see Cliff or Zanoba.

Cliff spends the entire morning conducting research on the curse.

After borrowing a research room, he spends the time disassembling magic items bestowed with magic power and looking through books investigating their magic circles.

It seems eventually he intends to start producing an original magic tool.

"Even though we say transfer the curse, I can't even aim a guess at the method after all. But, if my hypothesis is correct, it should be possible to make a magic tool that can negate the curse."

That hypothesis is something along the lines of, "magic items imbued with magic power" and "curses" are the same type of thing.

If an object has a curse, then it's a, "magic item imbued with magic power", if a person has a curse, then it's a "cursed child", is what it means.

In other words, if something can be done about the effect of, "magic items imbued with magic power", it should be possible to do something about "curses" as well.

Something or other are pretty vague words that continued to come out, but the research has only just started so it's just to point things out.

"Up until now, I have nothing that I need to request of you. Since this is my research after all, please let me do it myself. Of course, I have no intention of slighting you, but I have my own pride as well."

He said it with the tone of a child who thinks their toy is about to be taken away.

Putting aside if it was Nanahoshi, but even if I help out I can't imagine it would provide all that much progress.

Incidentally, if I visit in the afternoon there's a high probability that I'll run into Elinalise being all clingy, so I avoid that.

It's often that Zanoba is spending all day everyday in the research room.

Fundamentally he spends most of the time deciphering the notes found in the mansion or rubbing cheeks together with the automatic doll we found.

He still hasn't shown any results yet, but it can't be helped.

Zanoba's passion towards dolls is genuine.

I'm sure he'll eventually solve the mysteries of the automatic doll.

"Please take care of things on Julie's side shisho. I will somehow manage things on this side."

I intend to believe in and leave it to Zanoba.

However, it seems Zanoba is afraid I'll be unable to be patient and meddle with it.

It seems he completely thinks that if I lend a hand the research will quickly be over.

Each and every one of them is placing too much expectation on me.

Even though I wouldn't know about things outside of my specialty.

However, since I'm being left out, it's a bit lonely.

Incidentally, the production of the Red Dragon figure is progressing slowly during the recreation time from the research.

Julie is nearby making a doll.

She was given a single desk for the purpose of working and she dedicates herself to nothing but practice.

"Grand Master, today as well, please take care of me."

Since it's become that I can't teach her magic at night, I teach Julie earth magic in the morning.

It's almost been a year since we met her.

Her growth is something remarkable, but in order to realize the mass production plan, it's still a ways in the future.

For now there's no option other than to honestly continue repetitive practice.

According to Sylphy, if you continue to use the same type of magic from the time when you're young, your precision will get higher as well.

I haven't taught her a single bit of others, she's been learning nothing but earth magic.

If Sylphy's theory is correct, with this she could become an expert of earth magic.

I'm sure it would be fine to wait until she grows a bit more before moving onto the next stage.

There's no need to hurry.

Part 3

At noon I go to the dining hall.

There was the idea to make obento as well, but various things happened and it was abandoned.

The edge of the first floor of the dining hall has become our exclusive seating.

Even though I say us, fundamentally it's just Zanoba, Julie, and I, then occasionally Badigadi, Cliff, Elinalise, Rinia, and Purusena are added on.

Also, everyday Luke or Sylphy show their faces.

It's not like they eat together with us, but they exchange a couple of words with us and then return.

It's supposedly a ploy intended to show that Ariel and I have this sort of connection.

Luke doesn't particularly talk about anything, but recently I've somewhat started flirting with the "Fitts-senpai" who has become more woman-like with her hair growing out.

Even though I say that, since it seems there're still plenty of people who think she's a man, when they see us, there are guys who look at us with weird expressions as well.

During the time when Sylphy is "Fitts", it seems she doesn't want to be very clingy in public.

Once I tried caressing her butt and she made this horribly saddened face towards me.

She didn't get angry or glare at me, she just made a really sad face.

It seems she really wants me to avoid doing perverted things at times when people are looking on.

Naturally I guess.

Even though Sylphy isn't the type to mind public notice very much, it would be unpleasant for your own husband to be thought of as a monkey that gets sexually excited everywhere.

At least in front of her, I want to appear attractive.

After lunch I proceed to classes.

Same as always, it's Advanced healing magic and Intermediate detoxification magic classes.

Purusena sitting in the seat next to me, continues to do nothing but memorize, mutually cast healing magic on each other, or eat meat.

On the days without lessons, I teach Rinia attack magic.

"Recently, boss's body touching has stopped nya."

"Even though the scent of sexual excitement is amazing, since you never lay your hands on us, the sense of discomfort is strong nano."

The two can't hide their surprise over how I can maintain my reason.

Since I decided to protect Sylphy's honor, other women are no touch.

Occasionally Purusena comes out with, "Uffun-nano", but I feel like she's making a fool of me, so I just ignore it.

Since Rinia is indifferent about various things, occasionally her panties are completely visible, but I try not to look at that as much as possible as well.

Just, the depth of my study since the time I was born continues to turn, today it was light blue.

In the early afternoon I show my face in Nanahoshi's place.

She's the same as ever ツン ケン .

After looking at since I returned to my condition with sexual desire and that feeling of misfortune coming on more.

Around here you don't see it very often, it's a figure and features that match up with a Japanese.

Since I got into this body as well there was some changes to my preferred taste, so I won't say it's all that great though.

However, certainly I can feel the nostalgia.

"I'll just say this, but if you lay your hands on me, I'll go crying to Orsted."

"Please pardon me from that."

If I stare at her too much, she comes out saying things like that.

She knows that I excessively fear Orsted.

Of course, I don't have any intention of laying my hands on her either.

Therefore, this exchange is for the sake of maintaining our distance, it's something like a confirmation.


Nanahoshi is usually irritated, moreover, I feel a bit impatient as well.

However, in this past half year, the large pile of failed magic circles she had been saving up have already run out.

I feel like we're getting close to the time when we arrive at the next phase.

After I finish things with Nanahoshi's experiments, I go to meet with Sylphy.

Fundamentally, Sylphy has continued the same until now as the princess's escort.

As expected, even princess Ariel would be considerate over newly-weds. After class, she ends her job of staying in the vicinity of the princess and returns home with me once.

Even though I say that, since there's the guarding at night as well, after eating dinner together, cleaning the house a bit, and entering the bath, she soon returns back to the school.

It feels like I've doubled her workload.

We're causing her trouble.

However, it seems like Sylphy doesn't feel that way herself.

"Somehow, having a house makes me feel relieved."

Were her thoughts on the matter.

Part 4

Guarding at night…I'll start referring to it as the night shift.

Sylphy's night shift is two out of every three days.

In other words, she has a day off once every three days.

If I think about how she never had any days off until now, it's considerably insufficient.

That's thanks to Elinalise.

She bought into being the princess's escort.

I've never actually seen Elinalise and Ariel talking, but it seems they get along considerably well.

The raunchy Elinalise and the tidy Ariel. I thought they would be like water and oil, but it seems that's not the case.

…According to Sylphy, Ariel isn't all that tidy.

Something about her putting on a good face in front of me.

On the days with no night shift, we go shopping together in the market on the way home.

We buy three days' worth of food.

Although, around this area the focus is generally on beans, potatoes, and things such as dried meat that can be preserved well.

It's about time now that I feel like eating rice.

If we were to expand the trade routes that Nanahoshi pioneered, wouldn't we be able to import rice from the south I wonder…

After returning home, we eat dinner.

Different from her appearance as a track and field club girl, Sylphy is skilled at cooking.

It seems her repertoire isn't all that large, though I'm treated to cooking with a nostalgic flavor.

Her sense of seasoning is similar to the stuff I ate in Buina Village.

I guess it's natural since she learned cooking from Lilia.

After putting on an apron and energetically moving around in the kitchen, Sylphy is truly sweet, almost to the point that I want to embrace her from behind.

Once, I offered to help her out with cooking as well, but I was gently refused.

In regards to cooking food, it seems she has something she's not willing to turn over.

Though it's not like she's a cook.

Eventually, I'd like to try proposing something nude apron-like, but for some reason I can't shake the feeling that it would just be refused.

When it comes time for dinner, occasionally visitors stop by.

Even though I call them visitors, fundamentally they're a certain ten people who are invited to this house.

Cliff and Elinalise visit frequently.

I don't know if Zanoba is showing restraint, but he doesn't come very often.

Nanahoshi comes at a rate of about once per month and uses the bath.

It seems she really wants to come more often, but it seems she's showing restraint.

I'll just say it to prevent misunderstandings, but I've never tried peeking in on Nanahoshi in the bath.

I don't know if Nanahoshi is being cautious about that area as well, but she only ever seems to come by at the times when Sylphy is around.

Part 5


Dinner has ended and our visitors have left, the two of us are alone.

It's the beginning of a sweet time.

Sylphy in the daytime as "Fitts-senpai" is imposing.

Looking from a distance and it's enough to turn tail and avoid getting near.

But, she comes desiring attractiveness and integrity from me.

In contrast the "Sylphy" at night is deredere moreover submissive.

She'll listen to whatever I tell to her.

Even if I carelessly desire something extraordinarily abnormal moreover perverse by the time I word that she's already willing to respond to it.

Sylphy's opinion was that, "it's completely normal compared to the people in the Asura Royal Palace."

Sylphy never makes any requests of me from her side.

On the contrary,

"All the things Rudi wants to do are things that I want to do."

After she says such things my reason is beaten down.

Honestly, I feel like my reason has been blown away numerous times and I've ended up doing everything I please.

However, if I take advantage of that and do whatever I please, then I can't help the feeling that I'm treating Sylphy as an object.

That is, I really like erotic things.

This sort of situation is something I always dreamed of.

But, however, Sylphy is my wife.

She's a person who has her own individuality.

There's no way it's good for me to do as I like.

Dignity, right, I want to respect her dignity.

And that's what I think, but I can't oppose the seduction.

If she looks at me with those clouded eyes and says something like, "it's fine if you don't endure it?"

I already feel that trying to be patient is absurd.

I'm a weak person.

The words I wanted to try saying once in my life, the words I wanted to be told once in my life.

The things that I wanted to try doing once in my life, the things I wanted done to me once in my life.

I have the feeling almost all of those in that area have been done in these past two and half months…

I haven't been forcing her to overdo it.

I haven't forced her to do things she doesn't want to.

However I really want to do something for Sylphy from my side as well.

Thinking that I tried to ask her.

"Hey, Sylphy, don't you have anything you want me to do?"

"Eh?…Then, the thing you promised before, do you remember?"

The instant I heard that I immediately fixed my head to the floor.

"I'm very sorry, I don't remember."

I honestly apologized.

Sylphy raised my head in a fluster and forgave me saying, "it was something from a year ago it can't be helped."

I might be no good in places such at this.

"Look, Rudi used it didn't you? 'Ran Ma Magic Disturber'. I want you to teach me that."

"That's a simple order. I will teach you to the best of my ability."

Since that's the case.

It became that after dinner we would teach each other magic.

Particularly teaching each other.

"For the time being, I have learned and can use up to Advanced healing magic. Rudi, you're taking healing magic lessons right. I'll teach you."

I was teaching Sylphy Ran Ma, and Sylphy was teaching me chantless healing magic.

It was that sort of schema.

If it's this then there's no meaning to it.

But, just teaching her, it seems she feels thankful.

I wonder if Sylphy is the type to devote herself.

I wonder if I'm the type who can't feel comfortable without doing something in return.

I wonder if I'm the type who feels sorry towards the other side unless they let me do something for them.

However, chantless healing magic is something that I wasn't able to do until now.

I decided to gratefully accept her teaching me.

Well, I'm sure it will be fine if I watch over Sylphy's situation again and then propose something.

Well then.

If you understand the theory, you can quickly use chantless healing magic.

There was a period when I thought that as well.

"Umm, I don't feel it's any different from other chantless magics though…"

I couldn't use chantless healing magic.

Even after I heard the theory from Sylphy and tried to put into practice as well, I still couldn't do it.

"Rudi, could it be, when you're receiving the technique, you can't understand the sensation of it?"

Now that it's come to it I finally hear it, it's something I realized after it was pointed out, but nothing can be done about the fact that I can't feel even a part of the flow of magic power in regards to healing magic.

Healing magic is when you touch the other side's body and then send a flow of your own magic power inside.

The magic power you send causes a change in the other side's magic power and fixes the wounds.

In other words, it's a feeling of using your own magic power to intervene with a target's magic power to heal their wounds.

I'm on the side that has no sense for intervening.

If I were to say it, if you touch the palm of your left hand with the index finger on your hand, it's the same sensation that you can't feel things from the side of the index finger.

I understand that attack magic has a flow similar to the feeling of flowing blood but… it sure is mysterious.

It's not limited to just healing magic, but all of the so-called support type, buff and debuff type magics, I can't use chantlessly.

I wonder if this is the same as Fighting Spirit, something that all but reincarnated individuals can use.

Although, it could simply be that my weak type is healing magic. We could just say that's the case.

"Somehow, I'm a bit relieved. There are things Rudi can't do after all as well."

While Sylphy's saying that, a shy smile floated to the surface.

To be surpassed in a single field is a bit mortifying, but if there was nothing she could win in, thinking like that I feel sorry for Sylphy as well.

This is fine.

Despite my worthlessness, Sylphy somehow or other managed to understand Ran Ma Magic Disturber.

It seems it will still take some time before she can use it, but I'm sure eventually she'll be able to use it in actual combat.

Sylphy is excellent as a student.

Eris, Ghyslaine, Zanoba, Julie, Rinia, and a variety of others I've taught magic to, but I feel that Sylphy's growth rate was the fastest of them all.

She might be a variety of genius as well.

"But, somehow this, it's unfair right… if you have this used on you, magicians won't be able to do anything."

"Well, technically it is a technique one of the seven world powers used after all."

"Eh? Is that how it is? Rudi, you have an acquaintance among the seven world powers?"

"…No, they're not really mine, but Nanahoshi's acquaintance."

If I were to tell her I was almost killed, as expected, she would worry.

It's probably safer to not let out Orsted's name as well.

After teaching her Ran Ma at my own convenience, it's not out of the question that he would come to attack me again.

"It's better if you don't talk about this very much to other people. About Ran Ma as well. If there's a time when something happens and an opponent shows up from the seven world powers, I won't be able to do anything after all."

"I understand. It's a secret."

Sylphy seriously nodded while saying that.

Part 6

On the days when Sylphy doesn't come home, I work on cleaning and laundry.

It's fundamentally come down to where it's my job to wash Sylphy's clothes as well.

Sylphy's clothing, for example Sylph's panties and bras as well.

Of course, as a husband, I refrain from perverted conduct.

Putting them into my pocket and returning to my room, moreover things like making use of them don't happen.

At most, it's to the degree of sniffing them once.

The young libido that is acquired there is somehow received by Sylphy herself once every three days.

The cleaning, for the time being it's somewhat done, but if Sylphy were to say then it seems it's "crude".

During my adventurer days, whenever I would stay over in a new inn, I thought I was cleaning up properly, although leaving things scattered is still my forte after all.

On the days Sylphy is off as well, she cleans up. We live in a somewhat spacious mansion for two people. Since there are many unused rooms, it's difficult.

While I continue to think it's no good continuing like this as well, it is too spacious.

I wonder if it would be better to hire a maid.

Speaking of maids, it would be Lilia.

I wonder if it's about time for Paul and the others to meet with Zenith.

It was three years ago when Elinalise and the others found out Zenith's location.

From there they cut across the Magic Continent, supposing it took them one or two years to arrive in Milishion.

Begaritto Continent's…Labyrinth City Lapan was it again?

I think it wouldn't even take a year to get from Milishion to there.

The first time I sent a letter out was one and a half years ago.

If it arrived then, then I feel it's about a good time for me to receive a letter in response though…

Still too soon I guess.

Elinalise said not to worry about it, but I'm a bit uneasy.

I'm uneasy, but Roxy is moving as well.

Rather than me going to search in a panic, I'm sure it's better to wait solidly for now.

After giving it some thought, since Buina Village has disappeared, Paul and the others have lost their house as well.

It's fine if they intend to live in Milishion as well, but if they intend to come over here, then it might be good to live together in this house as well.

As an ex-NEET, thinking of supporting my parents…

It's somehow emotionally moving.

Though it would be hard to give up this love nest reserved just for Sylphy and myself.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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