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章節 1730: 25

Chapter 25

A Darker Path

Part Twenty-Five: More Preparations

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

Somewhere Well Outside Brockton Bay

Lisa leaned back in her chair, sucking in air through her teeth. "Jesus Christ," she muttered.

"What?" asked Alec, looking up from the news. "Atropos again?"

"Yeah," she replied absently. "She's been hitting the drug stashes pretty hard. There's going to be more going up tonight."

"Oh, yeah, the one she blew up belonged to Accord, didn't it?" She could hear his smirk. "Bet he was able to crush coal into diamonds with his ass-cheeks after that little stunt."

Lisa pondered that. "Yeah, but she hasn't said anything about him sending anyone in from Boston in retaliation, and normally she wouldn't be shy about that sort of thing at all."

"Maybe he sent someone that she doesn't know about?" He shrugged when she turned and gave him a really? look. "Hey, it could happen."

"Not to Atropos, it doesn't." She stretched in the chair, feeling her back pop into place. "She even knew when Skidmark hadn't heard about the first challenge. She's got her shit more organised than Armsmaster's workshop. Which means Accord isn't going after her, because she somehow made him a better offer."

"What, to kill someone for him?" Alec tilted his head. "Who the fuck is worth that much money?"

"Dunno … oh, and Heartbreaker's going to be totally pissed with her. Given that she's currently yanking his chain like it's an Olympic event, I figure he'll be hitting Brockton Bay in the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours."

Somehow, Alec managed to go from lounging indolently on the sofa to standing beside her without appearing to pass through the intervening space. "What?"

"Heartbreaker. See, right there." She tapped on the screen with her nail. "Four of his kids. They must've come after Atropos en masse, and she dealt with them. But goading him like that … he'll come after her, and soon."

"Good." He went back to the sofa and picked up the remote. "Let me know when she kills him, so I know how much confetti to buy."

One channel change later, she waited until he was engrossed in a game show until she looked over her shoulder at him. She'd had her suspicions about his origins, and now they were confirmed. Not that she felt anything but sympathy for him; she knew exactly what it was like to be under the thumb of a controlling asshole, too.

(Showing page 1 of 11)

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

So, to address this in reverse order.

To absolutely nobody's surprise, our very own *extremely capable* angel of death is once more right on the money when it comes to Heartbreaker's children. An anonymous tip led us to one deceased and one living child, both known to the Canadian authorities for various Master-related crimes. Where the other two are I have no idea, but I am *absolutely* not going to doubt her word on this. Not after the last week.

Heartbreaker, if you know what's good for you, cut your losses and stay away. Just saying.

As for the drug thing, I have absolutely no idea where she's getting her information from, but it kind of matches up with leaks we've had from other sources. But we still don't know where, exactly. And it sounds like she does.

So I'm going to make this one-time suggestion to everyone who is *at all* involved in the illegal hard-drug trade in Brockton Bay. Stop what you're doing, right now. Get out of the business. It's liable to become extremely unhealthy in the next few hours.

Finally, yeah, that revitalization scheme is absolutely a thing. My sources tell me that the Mayor's office has been frantically scrambling to assemble a committee to oversee the disbursement of the ninety-seven million dollars accruing from the ending of the Nine. Something tells me Atropos wants it to go smoothly and without any of the money vanishing into someone's bank account. So when she says she'll be watching, she means it.

I guess we'll find out soon enough if they can take a hint.

I believe the appropriate comment right now is 'we live in interesting times'.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Atropos – Okay, I get it. You work alone. And you are admittedly very effective when you do so. But you don't have to do it all yourself. If you could contact someone—even me—and give us the details of those drug locations, we could pass it on to the BBPD and they could carry out the raid themselves. That way, you're not working for us and we're not getting in your way.

Also, it means you don't have to create a fire and pollution hazard for the city in getting rid of them.

What do you say?

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Reave – Hey there! Thanks for the nice words. It's cool to hear the professionals say that I'm doing a good job. As for your offer, I'm gonna have to turn you down because, frankly speaking, the BBPD is dragging their heels on the whole competence and corruption thing. (The PRT's going well, I'm pleased to say—you go, guys!)

I'd maybe hand the information over to just the PRT, but the fact is, the one at the docks is being massively reinforced with guards and *actual fucking snipers*, and I don't want to make you lose men to that kind of meatgrinder when you don't have to. Every honest, competent law enforcement officer on the streets of Brockton Bay is a good thing, right now.

And yes, I'm totes aware of how ironic it sounds for a remorseless serial killer to be talking about how great it is to have good cops around. But it's true. Every bit you can do to take some of the workload off my shoulders is appreciated. The ones you can't deal with, I'll kill. Sounds good? Sounds good.

As for the other drug clearing-house, they're currently in the process of discreetly moving all the product and cash to a secondary site, one they think I don't know about. (Spoilers: I do. Also, the third site. And the fourth. Whoops, you're out of places to run and hide. Isn't this fun? Wheee!)

I'd bring the BBPD in on this to back you up if I knew for a *fact* that all the drug guys would be arrested and charged, none of the money would mysteriously disappear, and none of the drugs would end up being re-sold on the black market … but right now, that's just not the case. So, I'm not going to put temptation in front of them. Sorry, not sorry.

►GreatAndTerribleAisha (Verified Atropos Fan)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Hahaha wow, BURN!

I guess too many cops got used to looking the other way for a bit of cash, huh? I mean, when it's 'either accept this bribe or die screaming' I can kinda understand, but you'd think there would be the option of transferring to a different beat or whatever.

Don't harsh me; not a cop, no idea how they do stuff. All I know is, they got no sense of humor, so when my girl Atropos called them out like that I might've done a little bit of a victory dance.

So yeah, whoof, that takedown of the Nine, how good was that? She totally cut Jack down to size.

Totally looking forward to the fireworks tonight.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

*turns TV to local news station and readies popcorn conveyor belt*

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) {Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Now, now, GreatAndTerribleAisha, don't go teasing the police.

They might cry, and then where would we be?

Ahh, who am I kidding? Tease them all you want. Maybe they'll clean up their act a little quicker.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

I have to ask … if Atropos took on up to four of Heartbreaker's offspring (whom I *assume* to be Masters in their own right, otherwise why send them?) and beat them handily, killing at least one and scaring another to the point that they surrendered to the authorities (not something that surprises me anymore, just btw) … does this mean she's immune to being Mastered? Or is she *just that damn good*?

*pauses with hands over keyboard*

*re-watches the Nine takedown*

Well, okay, yes, she's just that good, but is she *also* immune to being Mastered?

►TheRealShielder (Verified Cape) (Cape Son) (New Wave Member)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Well, there's no shortage of supervillains right now who would probably say 'Atropos OP, pls nerf' if they thought it would do the slightest bit of good.

I've just got one thing to say.

Sucks to be them.

(Disclaimer: This comment does not in any way reflect the attitudes or opinions of New Wave as a whole).

►Atropos (Original Poster) (Banned) (You Wish) (UnVerified Cape) (Can Actually Kill Anything) (Yes, Really) (Watch Me)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Okay, to cut short the inevitable fifteen-page argument thread about whether or not I'm immune to Mastery, or if I'm just that good …

The answer is 'yes'.

It's not that I'm immune to Mastery as such. It's more that, just like anything else, I can kill Mastery effects before they can make me do anything. And then, of course, I kill the Master who was stupid enough to try to get into my head.

How, you may ask, do I kill Mastery effects?

The answer is simple.

I'm just that good.

► BattleLoaf

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Wait, 4? Assuming the person she killed today is one of them, has she been picking off Heartbreaker's kids over the last week?

Nabbed 3 others between assassinating Coil, Kaiser, Lung and Skids, while planning to Slaughter the Nine?

Fucking hell, she is EFFICIENT. Take your eyes off her for a minute and 3 more supervillains drop like flies.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 9, 10, 11

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►GreatAndTerribleAisha (Verified Atropos Fan)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Hahahaha oh man.

If you guys knew one TENTH of what my girl Atropos has been pulling off behind the scenes … you would shit yourselves then leave town.

Efficient isn't the half of it.

Armsmaster should be begging on bended knee just to learn from her.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Having seen what I've seen … I would not doubt that in the slightest.

I'll be standing over here, not getting in her way.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Me too, Void. Me too.

There are some things you don't ever mess with.

Most of them fall under the category of 'anything Atropos considers important'.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

BattleLoaf - "not getting back" is not the same thing as "Killed".

Only one of them is verified as being dead. One was reported as being turned over to the PRT.

Not sure if I want to speculate about the fate of the other two.

I mean, we've *seen* what happens to capes when Atropos is particularly peeved at them.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

RaRaRa – fair enough. I just figured Atropos saying "you're not getting them back" basically means "they ded."

(I might have missed the mention that one surrendered alive).


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Does this mean Heartbreaker is coming to town?

You know, after he's been specifically warned not to?

Pretty sure we all know what that means … "That's a paddlin'."

(If by 'paddling' we mean 'imminent and possibly ironically excruciating death').

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Um … okay, if Heartbreaker's coming to town, I guess it's a good thing that we know ahead of time. But that was a pretty big list Atropos posted up. I wonder who else we have to worry about.

►Rook (Verified Cape) (Red Hands Member)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Not us. We are staying WAY the hell away from that shitshow.

Hard pass.

►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Oh, good. I've always heard that the Red Hands are smarter than most.

Ominous silence from the rest of them, though.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Nope. The ominous is all on our side.

Like the old joke goes, Atropos doesn't sleep. She *waits*.

Only it's not a joke.

It's really not.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 9, 10, 11


To: Rook

From: SilentWhispers

Subject: Hi there!

Tattletale here, of the Undersiders. We're kinda orphaned since our boss got Atropos'd and one of our members was grabbed up by the PRT in the aftermath. Was wondering if you had room for three more in your group? I'm told red goes great with my complexion. FYI, the other two are Regent and Bitch, but I haven't run this past them yet. Just checking to see if it's even an option.

PM me with a yes, no or other answer.


Brockton Bay Central Library


I stood up from the computer terminal and stretched, first one way and then the other. My back popped nicely; I could feel the vertebrae settling back into place. As I watched, the ongoing discussion jumped onto yet another page. At times I got the impression that some people lived solely for the chance to blast their pet opinions across the internet, come rain or shine.

Dad already knew I was going to be staying out for a while before I came home. I'd already told him when and where to pick Cherie and me up. Having him in the know made setting up my Paths a ton easier.

Which reminded me. I took my phone out and dialled his office number. I'd told him about Cherie and the others, but not that I'd be recruiting her. That was my bad, but one I could correct.

He picked up the phone promptly enough. "Dockworkers' Association, Danny Hebert speaking."

"Hey, Dad," I said. "Could you do me a favour and set an extra place at the table when you get home? I'll be having a friend sleep over tonight, and I don't want her thinking we're uncultured savages or something."

He never hesitated. "Sure, okay. Is this the friend you were talking about this morning?" Oh, yeah, he was on the ball today.

"That's the one," I confirmed. "Thanks a million. You're the best."

"You're only saying that because it's true." A chuckle came down the line. "See you tonight."

"See you then." I ended the call and put my phone away. Leaning over the computer, I cleared the history (and the link to the spoofed channel going through the PRT building) then shut it down. Then I picked up my pack and slung it over my shoulder. Cherie, who had been browsing through magazines nearby, got up and came over. For someone who was due to lose her father in the next forty-eight hours, she looked downright chipper.

I had a lot to do tonight, and only part of it was going to involve utterly wrecking the remaining illegal hard drug supply points in Brockton Bay. Other threats were upcoming, and I needed to be prepared for them.

Fortunately, I knew exactly what I needed, and where to get it from.


Brian paused in front of the door to Director Piggot's office and took a deep breath. He hadn't screwed up in the last twenty-four hours—at least, he didn't think he had—which merely made the unexpected summons all the more unnerving. Had the Director somehow figured out the Riley scam that Atropos was running on the PRT? On the face of it, he didn't think it likely, but shit sometimes just plain happened.

Letting out the breath, he reached up and knocked firmly on the door.


The handle turned easily in his hand, and he walked into the office. Director Piggot sat behind her desk, impassive as ever. He hadn't spent enough time in her presence to know her moods yet, but the stories he'd heard from the other Wards—the paperwork had finally come through that afternoon—indicated that she didn't show anything at all until she was well and truly pissed. And by that time, of course, it was far too late to do anything except duck and cover, and hope that you weren't the target of her ire.

"You wanted to see me, ma'am?"

She nodded once in confirmation. "Yes, Mr Laborn. I understand you will be going out with the rest of the Wards as of tonight. How do you feel about this?"

The rock-hard ball of tension inside his chest began to gradually loosen. "I get along well with my teammates, ma'am. They're good people. Looking forward to backing them up out there."

"Good." A slight creasing around her cheeks suggested the ghost of a smile. Apparently he'd said the right thing? "And your sister. How is she settling in? I know you agreed to take in your cousin, but does she have any problems with the idea?"

"No, ma'am." He suppressed a smile at the idea of Aisha's reaction to such a suggestion. "Aisha and I haven't even met young Riley, but she's enthusiastic at the idea of having a younger sibling of sorts to spend time with. And as for how she's doing right now … well, she might be snarky, but she's told me that PRT housing is a lot better than staying with either of our parents. She's less enthusiastic about having to go to school, but even that's less of an issue with the special classes she's taking."

"That's also good to hear." Piggot placed her hands on the desk and leaned forward slightly. "Has Atropos contacted her again, perhaps in relation to the raids on the drug warehouses tonight?"

Carefully, Brian shook his head. "It seems she believes she can handle this one herself. Personally, I think the main reason she took us on the last expedition was because Aisha hates drugs, and Atropos wanted to show her a good day out."

"Hmm." The Director sat back again. "If she contacts either one of you, I want to know immediately. The last thing we want to do is get in her way. Is that understood?"

"Trust me, ma'am, that's the last thing I want too," Brian agreed fervently. "I'm pretty sure she'll contact Aisha again. I just don't know when."

"Then we're on the same page." Director Piggot nodded to him. "Close the door on your way out, please."

"Yes, ma'am." He turned and left the office, careful to do what she'd said. Only then did he let out the rest of the accumulated tension in a gust of breath.

He'd already been told that Riley would be coming in later that night; they were timing her arrival for shortly after he finished his shift as Tenebrae.

Despite his earlier misgivings, he was kind of looking forward to it.


For all that she was the oldest child of Heartbreaker, Cherie Vasil had never been away from home before. More specifically, she'd never been out from under her father's thumb ever, so she had no idea how other villains approached things. Such as, for instance, serial killing. While she'd seen the footage of Atropos tearing a swathe through the Nine like a combine harvester on angel dust, that had only been half the picture. Now, she was learning what the other half looked like.

And it was not what she'd expected.

As night fell over Brockton Bay, Taylor paused in an alley. Her lips twitched, as though she was talking to herself, then she nodded infinitesimally. Her musical accompaniment became a shade more pleased, though for what reason, Cherie had no idea.

Shrugging off her backpack, she placed it on a piece of flattened cardboard to keep it out of the grime, then unzipped her hoodie. Underneath, she was wearing the formal shirt and tie of Atropos. She was also wearing the slacks and boots, but her body language had made her so forgettable that nobody had bothered to look twice at her.

The hoodie went into the backpack, to be replaced by the long-coat, morph mask, gloves and hat. In a matter of seconds, the gawky, inconsequential schoolgirl was replaced by the far more noticeable—and dangerous—form of Atropos. Had Cherie not been aware of Taylor's emotional accompaniment the whole time, she would have seriously suspected some kind of split personality at work. As it was, the masked killer's harsh intensity of purpose never varied.

Interestingly enough, Atropos didn't strap on the holstered pistol, but instead left it in the backpack. Not that she was in any way unarmed; Cherie had seen her proficiency with the oversized shears, and knew first-hand just how effective she was even without weapons. Although she was curious, she didn't venture a question. If Atropos wanted her to know why, Cherie would find out.

Atropos led the way through a maze of alleyways, never missing her way despite the lowering dusk, somehow managing to cross side-streets when there were no passing cars or inconvenient spectators to catch them at it. Cherie was keeping a vigil on the surrounding people herself, but not once did she 'hear' a flare of music to indicate that they'd been seen. Atropos, she decided (not for the first time), was scary good at what she did.

They stopped behind one particular shop, but between the darkness and the confusing route, Cherie couldn't have figured out where they were with a map and a GPS locator. For all she knew, they'd taken a side-trip to Chicago. Still, even with all she'd seen, she was impressed when Atropos stepped up to the back door of the shop—locked with an impressive-looking electronic code-box—and tapped in a lengthy string of digits. The door beeped agreeably and unlocked itself for them.

"Okay, what's this place?" murmured Cherie as they stepped inside. The door silently swung shut behind them; she looked around to find herself in a short corridor with a door marked STORES next to her. In the room at the end of the corridor, she could hear the music of what felt like an older man, engrossed in some intricate task or other. "Safe house?"

"Mm-mm." Atropos shook her head and held her finger to where her lips would be. Cherie took the hint and shut up, but it was too late. The music had changed; the man knew they were there.

The kchak-chak sound she heard next chilled her to her heels. Everyone, but everyone knew the sound of a pump action shotgun chambering a round. But Atropos never lost her calm.

"I know you're back there," a voice called out. "Dunno how you punks got past the lock, but stick your head through the door and I will blow it the fuck off." And he would too, she knew.

Atropos cleared her throat. "You don't want to do that, Mr Flaherty. Sorry to disturb you at this time of night, but I'm pretty sure I'd raise a few eyebrows if I walked in through your front door during business hours."

There was a long pause, during which Cherie could detect doubt creeping into the shop owner's certainty. "Who's that?" he called out.

"You know who it is," Atropos replied. "I'm coming through." Turning her head toward Cherie, she made a stay-here gesture.

Cherie was fine with that; the only way she was going through the doorway would be to turn down the aggressive intent of the man beyond to zero. Unfortunately, Atropos had told her not to use her power without permission, which took away that option.

Moving with a fearless step, Atropos went through the open doorway, hands open to show that they were empty. The man's musical accompaniment changed abruptly from doubt to certainty, then fear. "Christ on the Cross, it is you," he said. "I've done nothing wrong, I swear." A clatter of metal suggested to her that he'd put the shotgun down. More than that, from the change in tone of voice and music, Cherie could've sworn she heard sweat springing out on his brow.

"Relax. I'm not here to hurt you." From the tone, Cherie was sure Atropos was smiling under the mask. "On the contrary, you're about to make a great deal of money."

He hesitated, as though searching for the trap in what she was saying. "… I'm listening," he said at last.

"You know people," Atropos said, with a certainty that took it far out of the range of being a question. "People who collect weapons. Cape paraphernalia. The more infamous, the better. I have something for you. In return, I'd like to browse your shelves. I'm in need of a few bits and pieces."

In that moment, she had him. Cherie could hear his music change yet again as the realisation went through his mind. Here, standing before him, was the girl who had killed more cape villains than any other person Cherie could name off the top of her head. If anyone could provide provenance for a piece of salvaged cape gear, it was her.

"What have you got?" His voice was a croak, as though his throat had suddenly gone dry.

"Two things," she said lightly. There was a faint clatter, as of something being dropped on a countertop. "The handle of Jack Slash's last knife, plus a little bit of blade. There's the bullet-hole where I shot it out of his hand."

"Uh huh." He was trying desperately to sound nonchalant, but his thoughts were whirling. Atropos could've dropped a gold ingot on the floor for less effect. "And what was the other thing?"

This time, the thump had rather more authority to it. "Oni Lee's pistol, plus his holster and gunbelt. It's what I shot him with. Also, what I used to punch the holes in Lung's head and chest before I burned him alive."

Flaherty abandoned all pretext at calmness. "Jeeeesus Christ. I can't even … I know at least three people who would murder their own mothers to get these things into their private collections."

"That's not my problem." Atropos' voice cut through the air like her shears had slashed through Nicholas' throat. "I'll leave it up to you to arrange the auction or sale or however you do it. I just need to pick up a few items, and then I'll be on my way."

"Take whatever you need." There was an edge of hysteria to his voice. "I could buy my whole stock ten times over for what these are worth."

"Thank you, I will. These are the keys to unlock the cases? Excellent." There was the sound of metal jingling, and another door opening.

Cherie stayed right where she was, keeping tabs on the man in the next room and Atropos, as well as the surrounding area. Nothing untoward seemed to be going on, which was good. There was no treachery in his music, just a bubbling elation.

A moment or so later, Cherie heard the sound of Atropos' footsteps coming back through. "Thank you, Mr Flaherty," she said politely. "And good night."

"Sure, and you too." He paused. "Uh, you didn't take too long there."

Again, Cherie was sure she was smiling. "That's okay. I knew what I was getting, and you didn't have any grenades."

"Yeah, well, that shit's illegal. Quickest way I know to get your license revoked and end up inside the iron bar hotel for a nice long stretch."

Her voice was full of approval. "And it's because you've never involved yourself in the illegal arms trade that I came to you. Good luck with your auction."

He chuckled ruefully. "Come back anytime for any extras you might need. You've barely scratched the surface, there."


"I'll keep that in mind." Leaving Flaherty to gloat over the pieces I'd given him in trade, I went on through to where Cherie waited, the backpack now somewhat heavier. But that wasn't the only change I'd made to my outfit.

In the front room, I'd found a bandolier of blades, wickedly sharp and balanced for throwing. It now resided under my long-coat, as did my new pistol, the holster clipped into my waistband. Oni Lee's weapon had served me well, and now it had fulfilled its final purpose; to get me more weapons with which to explain my unhappiness to those with whom I was unhappy.

I gestured at the exit, and she led the way out to the alley beyond. As the door closed behind us, I heard the beginnings of a phone conversation. "Jay? Yeah, it's me. I need you to set up an auction. All the high rollers. The big money. I just got two pieces dropped in my lap …"

Despite the multitudinous questions I could see in her eyes, Cherie didn't speak until we were several yards down the alleyway. Her eyes were wide as she stared at my new armament, including the sleek stockless shotgun slung over my right shoulder.

"Um, are you looking to start a war with all that?" she asked. "Because it looks to me like you really want to fuck someone's day up. Just saying."

"Well, yes." Hadn't she figured that out about me already? "Fucking up the entire existence of anyone who pisses me off is kind of what I do. And right now, there are several people competing strongly for the distinction of being next on my list. Now, come on. We've got one more stop to make before we head back for dinner."

Cherie had to lengthen her stride to keep up with me. "Yeah, but what are you going to pick up now? You've already gone to a gun shop. And why didn't you grab something like an AR-15 or a Desert Eagle while you were there? You know, something with some real hitting power?"

I ignored her first question. "Hitting power is for those with inadequate aiming capability."


"People who can't shoot straight." I turned briefly to look at her. "If a cape can be stopped by a high-powered bullet, they can also be stopped by a relatively low-powered one, too. You just need to shoot them in exactly the right place. Precision trumps brute force every time."

We exited from the alley, and I turned toward the car that was idling at the curbside.

"Uh, there's someone in there …" Cherie trailed off, as though unsure what to say next.

"I know. This is our ride. Get in the back." I climbed into the front seat next to Dad, and pulled off my hat and mask. "Hey, Dad. This is Cherie. Cherie, meet my dad."

Halfway into the back seat, Cherie froze as Dad turned to look at her. "Hi," he said neutrally. "Taylor vouches for you, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. For your sake, I strongly suggest that you don't fuck up." Holding out his hand, he added, "You can call me Mr Hebert."

"Uh … yes, sir. Mr Hebert." Cherie shook his hand awkwardly, then finished getting into the car. "Uh … how come you're so okay with … well, everything?"

Dad smiled benignly as he turned back to look out through the windshield. "I've spent many years being angry at the corruption, short-sightedness and overall neglect that's been dragging this city down into the quagmire it's in today. I don't necessarily approve of Taylor's methods for cleaning the place up, but I sure as hell can't argue with the results. Just today, Mayor Christner asked me if I could maybe head a committee to apportion funds from the Slaughterhouse Nine bounties according to a plan that's coming in from outside. And that's what I intend to do."

"Ninety-seven is just the start," I said. "There are a lot of capes out there who have upset a lot of people, enough to make them willing to pay bounties on their heads. And of course, there are the Endbringers."

Dad frowned, while I got the impression Cherie had stopped breathing altogether.

"I didn't think there were bounties offered on the Endbringers?" he asked.

"Not officially, no," I agreed. "But I don't think it'll take much of a hint for them to throw money in Brockton Bay's direction once the Simurgh dies."

Cherie showed she'd started breathing again when she let out a tiny squeak. "You're … you're going to fight the Simurgh?"

"Hah, no," I scoffed. "If you fight someone, you have a chance of losing. I'm just going to kill her. Totally different situation."

I meant it, and Cherie had to know I was serious, but she didn't sound reassured. "But how?"

Leaning back in my seat as Dad drove off, I smiled beatifically. "The same way I do all my kills. With the right weapon at the right time."


For someone who had apparently been inured to the supervillain life since she got powers, Cherie Vasil seemed to be thoroughly wrong-footed by Taylor's attitude. As they drove to their next stop, Danny got the strong impression that she'd originally sought out Taylor for protection, but was now wondering if she should be regretting that choice. Taylor seemed to be happy, and she was getting the results she wanted, so Danny had decided to go with the flow.

Also, it was nice to not have the threat of the ABB and the Empire hanging over the Dockworkers for the first time in forever.

Pulling into a darkened side street alongside the confectionary shop, Danny parked the car and stopped the engine. "I'll wait here."

"Thanks. Cherie, stick with Dad. Let him know if anyone's coming." Taylor's voice was slightly muffled, as she was pulling the mask over her head, but it was perfectly understandable all the same.

"Um … okay. You don't want me with you?"

Danny grinned; it seemed Taylor had acquired a rather clingy minion.

"Nope. I've got this." Taylor opened the door and stepped out of the car, then more or less vanished into the shadows.

Danny did his best to relax, but it was difficult. He wasn't used to this. Taylor was the cape, not him. At this time of night, he was more accustomed to sitting at home and watching the news or whatever movie was playing.

"Does she do this often?" Cherie asked from the back seat, her voice barely audible. "Leave you wondering what she's doing and why, I mean."

He chuckled and shook his head. "All the time these days, it feels like. She prefers to work alone, but she's very good at that. Now why she chose to take you on I'm still not sure, but I'm not about to second-guess her choices."

"Oh." From the tone of her voice, he got the impression she wasn't so sure either.

They sat in silence for another thirty seconds or so, until his curiosity overcame him. "So, how did she end up with you as a minion, anyway?"

"Well, it started with me being an idiot." She drew a deep breath. "I thought I could get around her, but I ignored the fact that she was reacting to what I was doing in real-time. So, when I was trying to get information about her out of one of the other girls, I stopped paying attention to her. That was when she snuck up and kicked the snot out of me. The next thing I knew, she was telling me the rules she expected me to follow. And here we are."

The car door opened, and Taylor slipped into the front seat. "And here I am," she finished brightly. Cradled under her left arm was a flat blocky object, encased in one of the confectionary shop's logo-emblazoned bags. "Miss me?"

Danny was impressed despite himself. "Hardly. You weren't even gone five minutes. We barely had time to start talking about you behind your back."

"Meh." Taylor snorted as she peeled off the morph mask again. "Their security wasn't exactly top shelf."

Cherie leaned forward between the seats. "What is it, anyway?"

Taylor chuckled. "I'll show you later. Right now, I'm hungry. Home for dinner, Dad?"

Danny started the car. "Sounds good to me."

She'd be going out again as Atropos afterward, he knew, but right now he was going to enjoy spending quality time with his daughter.

And that was worth all the money in the world.

End of Part Twenty-Five

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