59.88% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1557: 47

章節 1557: 47

Chapter Text

Jon, Írimë and Glorfindel rode to the camp of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, where they saw that the elves were stripping down the tents and gathering the horses; it seems they have arrived rather on time.


When they saw the newcomers, many saw Jon with surprise and distrust, but when they saw who his companions were, their expressions softened as two of the household guard approached them.


"Welcome, I am Tethgor of the Galadhrim, servant of the Lord and the Lady, I recognize Princess Írimë, daughter of King Finwë the first Great King of the Noldor and kin to our fair Lady, as well as Lord Glorfindel Lord of Golden flowers. but the young mortal who accompanies them is unknown to me. "The young elf who received them spoke no Westron but rather Sindarin.


"We welcome those who are kindreds from the blessed lands of Valinor, but the name Jon snow is not known to my companions nor me." The young elf said with confusion.


Jon and Glorfindel were the first to dismount their horses before Jon rushed to help Írimë off her cream-coloured charger.


"Thank you, Jon", Írimë said with a smile that made Jon blush.


"I am Jon Snow... It seems to me that that name is not unknown to the elves of Middle Earth at this time," replied the young Westerosi in a high strong voice.


And indeed, it was so because instantly that elf's eyes widened in astonishment, and he bowed in reverence.


"Amazing visitors have come to us, although it is strange the time they decided to come because we were about to leave for Dol Belegaer and join our forces with theirs", Said the elf bowing before Jon.


"It seems our march was not in vain praise Eru; we bring dark tidings for your Lord and your Lady, information that will change the course of the battle that will follow ... Counsel given to me by the noble father of the dwarves Lord Aulë. " Jon said with authority rendering the young elf speechless and causing the onlookers to whisper among themselves with glee and fear, for seldom do the powers of the world speak to any save the wisest of the Noldor.


"Did you speak with Lord Aulë?" Tethgor said with barely contained emotion.


"He appeared to me in a dream and shared grim tidings that must make it to the Lady Galadriel and her husband; please take us to them so that we may speak," Jon said with urgency, and the elf nodded quickly.


"Come with me." Tethgor said with authority.


The trio followed Tethgor through the camp drawing the eyes of dozens of elves who began to speak in hushed whispers about the identity of the newcomers as Lord Glorfindel was exceedingly well known among his kindred, they navigated through the sea of tents until arriving at the wondrous sky blue Pavillon they spied from the hills.


At the entrance were two sentries clad in glittering silver plate forged in the fashion of the Noldor at their waist were jewelled daggers, and each bore a stout spear of ashen wood with glittering heads.


"The Lord and Lady are inside enter quickly," Tethgor said, giving Jon, Írimë and Glorfindel a look of agreement.


When the trio entered the tent, Jon was impressed with the place, the tent was apparently made of pure blue cloth, and they could see Lord Celeborn was in a heated discussion with his officers while the Lady Galadriel was seated in a chintz armchair sipping upon a sweet-smelling wine.


Jon realized that the Lady already knew that they had arrived, though this did little to unnerve him as the Lady Galadriel was strongest of body, mind and will among the Noldor... She no doubt saw his coming for a dozen leagues at least.


And although Jon was in awe of the Lady's power in those moments, his attention was diverted to another detail Galadriel was clad in armour.


She was akin to a goddess of the blessed isle Wise and Fair befitting a firstborn of Eru Ilúvatar clad in glittering golden plate and mail forged in the Grand halls of Lindon, her rondels resembled the wings of a seabirds wrought of steel and gold, all her fastenings were silvered, and the steel was burnished to such a high sheen that it shone like the light of the twin trees. While large couter's protected her elbow and arm, these were also silvered; a skirt of fine mail covered her from waist to midthigh, while a solid gorget encircles her throat, under that, she wore a tunic of white silk its sleeves stitched with golden thread. Resting on the table beside her was a shield fashioned in the style of her highborn kin wrought of silver, and set upon the shield were glittering emeralds, each the size of a hen's egg. About her shoulders was a cloak of golden silk that seem to flutter though there was no breeze in the tent. It was fastened by a delicate brooch fashioned to resemble a green leaf veined with silver. In place of a helm, Galadriel wore a circlet of finest silver seven emeralds were set in the circlet. On its summit was a jewel, the light of which went up like a glittering star representing the light Earendil. On her right was a great spear that looked to be carved from the wood of a Mallorn tree, its shaft carved with depictions of songbirds and flowers of every shade and hue very bright was the blade of the spear, for it was forged in the depths of time before such skills were forgotten by all save the greatest smith's and artisans of the Noldor; the light of the sun shone redly in it, and the light of the moon shone cold, and its edge was hard and keen.


Jon had never considered the Lady of Light to be a warrior although he knew she was mighty in the arts of healing and lore; however, But the vision of Finarfin's daughter armed for war left him breathless; Jon swore he had perished and now stood before a warrior goddess come from the old fables to welcome him to eternal rest.


Jon swallowed hard as Lady Galadriel's eyes focused on him, and he felt himself start to sweat and hold his breath.


...Damned Enchantress, she must have peered into my mind again...


It was apparent that he was right when he saw a smile appear on the face of the Lady, who merely nodded as if she was amused by his embarrassment.


"By the Valar... Can't I stop making a fool of myself? ... Jon thought with shame, Galadriel knowing of Jon's embarrassment, began laughing, and while he was somewhat embarrassed, her laughter was like the clattering of bells beautiful beyond all compare.


Seeing the Lady of Light, who is always a composed and controlled woman start laughing like a cat who has gotten into the cream, all the elves looked at her with a mixture of delight at the beautiful sound of her laughter as well as surprise at seeing her lose her composure in such an amusing way.


Seeing her niece in such a state and seeing Jon's embarrassing appearance, Írimë raised an eyebrow as she deduced that Artanis had peered into Jon's mind again without counselling him, something that vexed Írimë to no end but she would hold her tongue for now.


However, the most surprised in the tent was Celeborn, who was surprised to see his wife lose her composure very quickly.


"Wife?" Asked Celeborn with uncertainty, surprised to see Galadriel behave like that.


Hearing his wife call her the daughter of Finarfin stopped her laughter, but Jon noticed that the dazzling smile did not leave her face giving her the appearance of one of the Valar, as if Yavana herself had descended from Valinor to honour them with her presence. That thought made Lady Galadriel look at him again with an arched eyebrow, and Jon's face had turned a rather pleasing shade of scarlet.


"Are you well, dear wife?" Celeborn asked, concerned, but Galadriel reassured him with a smile.


"I am, my husband; I apologize if I worried you and your generals... I heard an amusing joke from the soldiers; I know this is not the time to jape and joke the time for celebrations shall come after this wretched battle is over... I humbly ask your pardon, "said Lady Galadriel, giving Jon a knowing look while bowing slightly.


"The Lady of light is toying with me? ... Jon thought, blushing while Galadriel only smiled in his direction.


Those pleasant moments of laughter came to an end when Lord Glorfindel stepped forward, and as if conveying his thoughts to Lord Celeborn, his and Lady Galadriel's countenance hardened.


"I apologize for not sending a guard to receive our honoured guest; as you can see, we were preparing to march... Lady Írimë, Lord Glorfindel... Jon Herenlounga," said Lord Celeborn bowing in embarrassment, surprising Jon as he never expected an elf of such noble lineage to bow to him.


A smiling Galadriel walked towards her guests and headed towards Írimë.


"My heart fills with joy to see you again, my dear aunt, although I regret that our reunion is not joyous as I would have hoped", Galadriel said lovingly, taking her aunt's hands.


Although for her part, she had a somewhat tense relationship with her niece Írimë had decided to go to see her in large part to question her regarding Jon, to use her spirit to heal him after his fight against the dragon, that something far too queer to ignore, too ... intimate.


But in spite of everything, Artanis was her niece, the daughter of her brother Finarfin and she bore her no ill will despite her actions.


Írimë returned her niece's gesture and kissed her cheek, though he had the feeling that Artanis was slightly shaken.


"Equally dear niece, it is a great pleasure to see you again," Írimë said, smiling sincerely at her relative.


As the renowned hero that he is, Glorfindel was also greeted and praised by the rest of the elves in the tent as Jon approached Celeborn, who was smiling kindly at him.


"How do you know of my duel with the worm Lord Celeborn?" Jon asked, impressed, while Glorfindel and Írimë averted their eyes in annoyance.


"Jon... by now, everyone in the West of Middle-earth knows about your slaying of the dragon. Did you really believe that something like this would go unnoticed? Not since the days of Earendil, the mariner has a worm of the Great Enemy been laid low especially by one of the second-born "Glorfindel said, massaging his temple while Írimë watched Jon with barely contained amusement when she saw him blush her darling lover despite his skill at arms was still rather humble.


"Lord Glorfindel is right, Jon Snow... Your slaying of the dragon has won you great renown in the eyes of our people ... even more so than your alliance with the dwarves of Khazad-Dûm," Galadriel said with a mischievous smile knowing Perfectly well Jon was rather bashful.


Finarfin's daughter did not understand why, but bothering this young man somehow was rather amusing; she knew how her beauty captivated many men and elves, and Galadriel couldn't abstain from teasing him as it was nearly as lovely as spying upon his lovemaking.


Displays of love that now involved her beloved aunt… Galadriel thought, surprised and ashamed of herself she was the daughter of Finarfin, and yet she conducted herself like a slattern.


But Galadriel was more ashamed of the knowledge that she could not look away nor close her connection with Jon... Seeing through Jon Snow's eyes, as her beloved aunt reaches ecstasy... something that had not left her mind since she had witnessed it.


At that precise moment, the young man who confused her so much in mind and spirit giving her sinful sessions of pleasure that she never imagined enjoying took a step forward, facing her and her husband.


"We apologize for our sudden arrival, my Lady, but we bring a counsel from the Valar... A message from Lord Aulë", Jon said.


Jon's news caused the elven generals to begin converse amongst themselves, but Celeborn and Galadriel had a knowing look upon their faces as if they had known his purpose.


"Did you know of my meeting with Lord Aulë"? ... Jon asked, surprised.


"From the moment you set foot in this camp, we could feel the weight of your mind... As if a shadow had fallen upon your heart, it was clear that you bring grim tidings," Celeborn said with a solemn and composed expression.


"We were present for your meeting with Lord Ulmo Jon Snow among the second born only you have spoken with the lords of Valinor at length we would be fools to not know of your intentions," Galadriel said with a slight bow.


And with a sigh, Jon nodded.


He told the elf couple and everyone in the tent about his encounter with Aulë in his dreams; he recounted all Lord Aulë had told him about the Easterling army that they were far mightier and more numerous than once thought.


However, when he told them that Sauron prepared that attack as a trap for him, causing all in the tent to adopt a wrothful expression recalling the murder of Celebrimbor, it seemed that Jon had aroused the ire of the Lord of Mordor just as the great smith had.


Although the elves maintained their composure upon hearing that gloomy news, the mood turned rather dark when he spoke of the shadow of the East was hunting him and that Sauron was using his considerable sorceries to hide his intentions from the elves.


At that moment, one of the younger-looking elves with delicate features and stormy grey eyes approached the Lord and Lady.


"My Lord Celeborn and my Lady Galadriel if the words of this young man are true ... After crushing this Easterling invasion, perhaps we should gather the remaining troops and march before The Black Gate to defeat the Dark Lord," Said the young elf, and for a moment, a glint of consideration appeared in the eyes of both elves.


"No, that is a foolish notion," Jon said, gaining everyone's gaze.


"Jon?" Glorfindel asked, surprised by his friend's frankness.


"Explain Jon Snow", Galadriel said with authority.


"Lord Aulë told me that Sauron's frailty would not last, it would take us years to besiege Barad-Dur ... During which Sauron will regain all his power ... That would be our end; Lord Aulë cautioned me against such foolhardy action, "Jon said wisely as the Lord and the Lady nodded while the elf who suggested the attack bowed and returned to his place.


At that moment, Jon heard Galadriel's voice in his mind, although years since their last meeting, the intrusion of the Lady of Light hardly bothered him as he knew she would eventually peer into his mind.


"Powerful and wise you have become Jon snow; however, counsel and wisdom are not the only things you bring us from Lord Aulë ... You carry something else... Something of great power and beauty ...


Hearing her, Jon smiled at Galadriel and nodded to the excitement of Finarfin's daughter.


Írimë and Glorfindel smiled with joy excitement as they anxiously awaited the moment when Jon would draw Ringil showcasing the talents of noble Lord Aulë.


"However, the Lord Aulë did far more than offer counsel," Jon said with a knowing smile at Galadriel.


Seeing the knowing smile between her love and her niece Írimë's mind began to feel a sense of jealousy; although she hid her thoughts and heart as best she could least, she arouse the suspicions of Celeborn or Glorfindel.


At that moment, Jon unsheathed Ringil, which shone much more intensely than before, leaving all the elves in the tent struck by its beauty, especially Celeborn and Galadriel, who gazed upon the glittering blade with a sense of awe and reverence it was indeed a work of art unrivalled by any craft that they now possess.


"By the Valar ... May I?" Celeborn said, gazing spellbound at the bright silver blade of the sword, which shone like a star in sunlight or moonlight and while the runes glittered a pleasant shade of blue.


Jon nodded and handed the sword to Lord Celeborn, who began to swing the blade with a grace that befitted an Elf of his age and lineage.


"It looks forged anew," Galadriel said looking at the sword with rapt attention.


"It is .. Lord Aulë used his skills to score the blade with runes; he gifted me several runes of great power not seen since the Elder days when Durin II walked these lands," Jon said with a smile.


"A great power?" Celeborn asked.


"Yes, according to Lord Aulë, he inscribed Ringil with a rune of breaking should Ringil strike a weapon of lesser make or lineage it will shatter like ice it is especially deadly to weapons enchanted by the dark lord ", said Jon with a shrug.


"It is a wonderful gift ... A weapon forged by and strengthened by Aulë himself ... simply Glorious, use it well Jon Snow... You have been granted a great honour," Said Celeborn returning his sword to Jon, who bowed before the elven lord.


After that, Galadriel and Celeborn were silent, seemingly in a trace.


None made a sound nor bothered to move as it seemed that the Lord and the Lady were conversing through their thoughts alone; it was an extraordinary ability only found among the noblest and admirable of the Noldor of the West.


After a few minutes, Galadriel and Celeborn opened their eyes and looked at Jon with a slight smile.


"We thank you for fulfilling the wishes of Lord Aulë with such diligence Jon Snow; now we can plan a suitable strategy to prevent the invasion of these Eastern Dogs," Celeborn said.


"But your words about the shadow of the East and the nefarious intentions of Sauron fill our hearts with anguish, I will not ask you not to turn from the battle as Lord Aulë would have not strengthened your blade had he wished you to return north, so I only you be mindful of the struggles ahead many a noble warrior had perished for foolish pride and bravery, "Galadriel said, recognizing Jon's courage.


"Thank you for your words, my Lady", Jon said, bowing.


"However I suggest caution and foresight, there is no doubt that the Enemy considers you a threat to him and desperately seeks to destroy you, the Valar sent you to Middle-earth with a mission, and the Lord of Mordor has no intention of seeking the Valar work done. So you must be vigilant, for the enemy has many servants, whether man or beast,"


Galadriel said a fury in her voice that befitted a beauty such as herself, and Jon accepted her counsel with no argument as he knew the Lady of light was far more formidable than himself.


"I will, My Lady Galadriel," Jon said humbly.


"Very good," Galadriel said with a warm, dazzling smile that made Jon blush.


"In that case, it would be better if you go to rest your trip was surely long; our camp is being stripped, but we shall march until tomorrow when the sun rises ... Go and rest," Celeborn said with authority in his voice.


Jon, Írimë, and Glorfindel nodded, and after bowing appropriately, the trio emerged from the main tent and were led by Celeborn and Galadriel's servants to their respective tents.


It was night, and the full moon was climbing slowly above the hills of Belfalas; across the bay, Jon could make out the great city of Dol-Belegaer its alabaster walls were shining in the pale moonlight, and its swan banner fluttering in the sea breeze there resides the prince who called Elendil his kin. Jon's heart was disquiet, so he thought to walk along the shoreline of Edhellond and let the sounds of the sea soothe him perhaps he could venture to the city before daybreak.


When the servants gave them their tents, his beloved Lalwen looked at him sadly, and Jon knew why.


They could not continue with their idyllic nights of passion in the camp as neither of them wished to be discovered by their companions or Valar forbid Galadriel herself alas tis a cruel fate when you cannot spend moonlit nights in the embrace of your cherished love.


That irritated Lalwen and himself intensely, but Glorfindel, on the other hand, seemed very amused by their predicament, earning him a dark look from Lalwen as if the Lady was promising revenge.


Glorfindel stopped his laughter as he knew that Írimë would hex him should the mood strike her.


However, Jon's heart was troubled from the coming battle or perhaps Aulë's warning of a shadow of the East or perhaps it was because he had rarely slept alone since leaving the shores of Westeros, so perhaps a walk along the coast would soothe his heart.


He walked for several minutes, enjoying the feeling of cool grass on his feet until he saw it the shores of Belfalas, where the long chill river that flows at last to the sea washes the walls of Dol Belegaer.


The waters were dark: a deep blue like clear evening sky seen from a lamp-lit room, and without a doubt, it would be freezing; although Jon was not foolish enough to wade into those waters, no He was just looking for the peace that the sound of the waves gave him. And Jon closed his eyes, taking in the sound of the surf lapping against the white sands, but his musing was ended when he heard the most beautiful sound.


It was a voice as sweet as the summers wind and boundless as the sea; said voice was humming a pleasant tune that filled his heart with warmth.


Jon decided to look for the possessor of such a beautiful voice and walked along the coast until he saw her.


Illuminated by the light of the moon and the stars, she was truly divine, and her hair was held a marvel unmatched. It was golden like the hair of her father and of her foremother Indis, but richer and more radiant, of its gold was touched by some memory of the starlike silver of her mother; this maiden was as beautiful Varda herself.


The Lady Galadriel stood there crowned by a halo of moonlight singing a tune far lovely than any he could compose, and yet seeing the daughter of Finarfin brought back memories of something so long ago it was more akin to fantasy her warmth was familiar to him as if she were his lover.


Jon was enraptured by the beauty of the noble elf ... the niece of his beloved Lalwen.


"Did you enjoy the song, Jon? " Galadriel asked with amusement


The Lady's voice in his mind snapped Jon out of his thoughts, and the young man realized that the Lady was now watching him.


"If you wish, you can come closer" Galadriel whispered.


Jon nodded and approached the Galadriel, who sat down on the sand and gestured for him to sit beside her.


"Couldn't you sleep?" Galadriel asked without looking at him.


"No, my heart is disquiet as is my mind ... I try to sleep but ... My mind starts racing as if I were riding ... so I hoped that venturing to the sea would calm my mind, "said Jon looking out at the sparkling ocean.


"It seems ... that it worked, at least in part," Said the Lady observing him with a smile.


"Yes, though that song did a great deal to soothe my heart, you have a beautiful voice Lady Galadriel," Jon said with a smile, and the noble elf blushed when he gazed upon her, although fortunately, the moonlight did much to conceal her scarlet cheeks.


"I must say that coming from my cousin Maglor's apprentice, who surely has a far grander voice than mine, is high praise indeed," Galadriel said, enjoying the embarrassment of the young man beside her.


"It's rather amusing to tease this young man ... Galadriel thought, holding back her laughter at seeing Jon get embarrassed so easily.


"My Lady Galadriel is very kind with her praise," Jon said.


"Praise that rings true when Lord Círdan, Lord Glorfindel and my beloved aunt show great love for your talents," Galadriel said, standing up and extending a hand to Jon.


Understanding what Galadriel wished of him, Jon took her hand, and her warmth completely intoxicated him, feeling as if her spirit was overwhelming him and setting his blood aflame.


And unknown to him, the same thing happened to Galadriel.


As soon as Galadriel's skin touched Jon's skin, the noble elf felt something she never imagined feeling under these circumstances desire.


Galadriel had shielded her mind when she felt Jon's presence in camp for fear she would be consumed by lust and claim him as her own.


Therefore, Galadriel limited her intrusions to Jon's mind to see the most superficial thoughts of the mind she hadn't dare probe deeper least she was overwhelmed again; she had already learned her lesson after what had transpired in Mithlond.


But now…


All her defences crumbled when she felt the warmth of his skin ... Galadriel began to feel the heat pooling in her core, and she was sure that her cheeks were red as rubies.


At that moment she could see Jon's deepest thoughts ... as he lay with all his lovers one by one filling them with his love, she could feel his kisses, the touch of his skin, hear his moans ... And she could see Through Jon's eyes to observe her wise, loving aunt Írimë, her father's sister, pleasuring herself while watching Jon's lovemaking.


Seeing her dear aunt dishevelled appearance, her face shining with sweat, moaning uncontrollably as she caressed her ample bust and desperately rubbed her most intimate area.


To her shame, Galadriel felt her mouth begin to salivate, and she felt heat pool in her loins; it was at that moment she could see her aunt's arousal dripping down her thighs, and Galadriel's lust was unquenchable at the sight of her aunt Írimë achieving satisfaction.


That was when Galadriel's will was broken; she had discovered her attraction for women, especially those with curvaceous figures ... Only she did not expect that it was her own aunt who would cause her to feel such intense and burning lust.


Without being aware of the truth of her heart, Galadriel gently let go of Jon's hand and began caressing his dark curls before bringing her face to his, and she kissed him.


That kiss was unlike any kiss she had ever given Celeborn.


The kisses that she gave her husband were full of love, affection because she wanted to show him her feelings ... But this was far different, this kiss was much more passionate, but it had no love, only passion, an animal passion that Galadriel never expected to have inside her.


She looked like a beast.


Finarfin's daughter wanted to give that young mortal the most passionate kiss he had ever had in his entire life, she wanted him to forget all his lovers and especially her aunt Írimë .. Galadriel wished to dominate his every waking thought, that he alone among the second-born was worthy of her.


Galadriel wanted Jon to give himself to her ... until the day he left Arda.


At first, Jon Snow was so shocked by the passions of Galadriel, and the Lady of Light took the opportunity to assault his mouth with her tongue, taking his breath away... However, his sedentary behaviour would not last.


His tongue soon danced with her in a passionate waltz, and Galadriel felt Jon Snow's hands snaked around her slender waist, pulling her into his lap, preventing her from escaping.


Galadriel was surprised; this young man was as talented as he was passionate.


They kissed for several minutes until the burning of their lungs forced them to separate; that was when their eyes met, and Galadriel observed herself in those amethyst eyes which shone like two flames with a light that she remembered very well the light of the West.


At that moment, it was as if she had just awakened from a dream and immediately separated from Jon.


She had kissed another man, someone who was not her husband Celeborn; she had tried to claim this young mortal as her own, even if his heart belonged to several others, one of which was her aunt Írimë.


She had betrayed her husband, her aunt, and herself.


She was a whore.


Feeling the tears of guilt and shame run down her cheeks, Galadriel looked at the confused young man in front of her; his mind was chaotic and volatile awash with lust and confusion.


But she was a Princess of the Noldor, the mightiest among her kin now that Fëanor was confined to the halls of Mandos, and this was a grave mistake.


This could not be known; no one should know.


Gathering all her magic, Galadriel felt the darkness consume her heart, and she brought her considerable powers to bear, hoping to cast a spell upon the young Targaryen.




And a brilliant glow that came from her hand struck the chest of a helpless and shocked Jon Snow.


"No ... no, I shall not ..." Jon said with all the strength he could muster, struggling to defend his mind from Galadriel's considerable might.


In the end, Galadriel returned to normal and saw Jon's unconscious body sprawled on the sand.


That young mortal had defended himself with all his might against her, and to the surprise of the ancient elf, she herself had doubts if her spell had worked.


This young man had reduced her to a creature of lust so consumed by her own passion she must sate herself.


Now she understood what she felt for this young man great affection, respect, admiration, curiosity but also ... A lustful longing for him and his lovers, especially her own aunt whose beauty had rivalled her own.


Closing her eyes, seeking to calm her mind, Finarfin's daughter observed Jon's unconscious body.


She could depart and leaving him on the beach, and perhaps he would think it nothing but a dream and their lives would go on ... But if he recalled all that occurred this night, Jon would be wroth with her, and the mere thought of his contempt filled her heart with dread.


Jon Snow was not responsible for her weakness, nor did this young man deserve such cruel indifference on her part, and she had sworn never to allow any kind of harm to come to him if it was in her power to prevent it.


Galadriel scooped the young Targaryen into her arms and carried him back to the camp swift and silent as shadows least she draws the attention of the camp guards or Valar forbid her husband.


After depositing him on his cot and covering him with a sheet, the beautiful elf smiled at the expression of calm and innocence on Jon's face.


She caressed his face and dark hair before kissing his forehead, feeling for a few moments the desire to claim his lips again, but this time, Galadriel resisted the temptation and walked away but not before giving him one last look of longing.


The first thing Jon felt was the rays of the sun entering through the fabric of his tent, and he opened his eyes with difficulty.


At first, he was oblivious as to what had occurred the previous night; the last thing he remembered was going for a walk on the beach and then a beautiful song that filled him with a fierce love of Valinor.


Or was it all a dream?


Jon put a hand to his head as he felt a throbbing pain and confused images gradually enveloped him.


Jon had met someone on the beach ... Of that, he was sure only that he could not clearly remember who ... he remembered someone of incompressible beauty, a woman that much is certain.


He knows her ... that is clear ... And he feels that they are rather close.


Jon, lamenting his own ravings, got up and began to dress after a small drink of whiskey.


Then he saw his Ringil sword at his side, and feeling an almost childish glee, he drew it from its scabbard.


The sunlight made it glow in many hues, and the runes on the blade seem to dapple in the morning light.


A happy Jon put his finger on the edge of the blade to test its strength ... And indeed, the edge of the blade was extraordinarily sharp, causing a small cut along his finger.


And then the spell of the Lady was broken as if a fog had been lifted from his mind.


At first, Jon felt his head throb with pain, and Jon put his hands to it to try to calm himself despite his efforts to contain himself; Jon couldn't help screaming in pain as he rolled on the ground.


That's when all the memories of last night came back to Jon.


He had walked along the beach during the night where he had met Lady Galadriel, and they conversed for a while until lust consumed them.


When they touched their hands, they were both ... Possessed by desire and began to kiss desperately; Jon now remembered being in shock at Galadriel's boldness and although at first, he tried to resist the mastery of Lady Galadriel was too much, and the desire to claim her overwhelmed him.


He returned the kiss with greater desire claiming the niece of his beloved Lalwen; he kissed her with all the desire and passion pouring his heart into every caress and touch.


Thick tears of guilt came from Jon's eyes at the thought of his actions, actions as base as those of his grandfather Aerys and those of Aegon IV.


He had dishonoured Lalwen, Lord Celeborn, who had always been kind to him, and he had also shamed the rest of his loves who had always trusted him.


Jon felt like scum; he had kissed and desired a married woman ... And he had felt no remorse.


But the worst part is that Jon still desired her, now that his memories had returned, so did the feelings he had during their Moonlite walk, and it was apparent the Targaryen desire the Lady of Light.


He wanted her even more than he desired Rhaenys in Khazan-Dum.


In those moments, Jon felt like a craven bastard.


"I am miserable, despite having the love of so many beautiful women, even a maiden of the Royal House of the Noldor, the daughter of Finwë, do I truly desire a married woman? ... have I no shame? .. no true honour? oh, how cruel fortune torments me.


Jon stayed on the ground feeling like scum for betraying Lalwen and Celeborn and didn't realize he wasn't alone.


Hearing Jon's screams, Írimë ran to meet him, and as she entered, she saw Jon on the ground with tears in his eyes and a gloomy expression.


"Jon?" Írimë asked, worried, feeling that something terrible had happened.


Hearing her voice, Jon jumped up from the ground looking at her frightened.


"Jon is always calm and controlled; what happened to him? ... Írimë wondered.


Jon didn't answer and just remained silent until he suddenly pounced on her and hugged her tightly.


A concerned and surprised Írimë could feel Jon's tears on her cheeks.


"Jon.. you're scaring me ... what do you ..." the beautiful elf tried to say, but Jon assaulted her mouth, giving her a fierce kiss.


Although surprised by the actions of her love, Írimë was soon convinced and fiercely responded to Jon's kisses.


"I love you, my beautiful Lalwen", Jon repeatedly said between kisses.


Until the desire for an explanation overcame her passion and Írimë pushed Jon away.


"Nin Mel ... You're scaring me; what has happened?" Finwë's daughter asked, concerned, and Jon just put on a guilty expression and looked down.


"I'm so sorry, Lalwen ... I did ... something terrible," Jon said apologetically, and Írimë had a bad feeling.


"What happened?" Asked the beautiful elf, looking deep into her lovers' eyes.


"I ... I ... I don't know ... How to say it ... Because I don't even understand how it could happen," Jon said, looking into her eyes.


"Calm yourself, my love, I'm here for you," Írimë said with a smile while stroking his dark curls.


And Jon kissed her on the forehead.


"I don't deserve you ... I don't ..." Jon said, stroking her golden tresses.


"You're scaring me ... what's wrong?" Írimë asked, becoming more and more nervous.


And Jon sighed.


"I have to tell you something ... Something that fills me with shame and disgust towards myself, but you, my sweet Lalwen ... You deserve the truth," He said, lowering his gaze, and Írimë began to worry.


"What happened?" Asked the Princess of the Noldor, clasping Jon's hands in her own.


"Last night, I strolled along the bay, hoping the sounds of the sea would calm my aching heart. It was then I heard a beautiful song unlike any I have ever heard and discovered it was Galadriel who had enthralled me so, "Jon said, closing his eyes as Írimë's heart sank.


"What happened?" The noble elf asked fearfully.


"We talked for a while about nothing and everything... She offered me her hand to help me, and when I accepted it ... we were in each other arms consumed by passion," Jon said, looking his beloved Lalwen straight in the eyes with his eyes full of tears.


Hearing the story of their love, Írimë took a few steps back and began to feel anger consume her heart at her eyes stained with tears.


"How?" The beautiful elf asked with pain in her voice.


"I don't know what happened to us ... When my skin touched hers, I felt like it was burning, and my blood was aflame with desire; I don't understand what happened... I don't even know who started kissing whom; I swear, my dear Lalwen. I was not in my right mind; you must believe me, "said Jon, shedding tears.


Despite his difficult situation, Jon did not want to cause a greater rift between Lalwen and her niece, so he hoped to protect the reputation of Galadriel.


Jon could see his beloved Lalwen shedding tears of pain since she undoubtedly felt betrayed by him and her niece; seeing Lalwen's fair visage marred by pain and heartache, Jon felt as if he was skewered upon a hundred daggers he was a craven bastard consumed by lust a rutting dog.


"I'm so sorry.. you gave me your love.. and I betrayed you," Jon said, hoping to leave the tent before he shamed himself further and so his beloved maiden could grieve in peace.


"Lalwen?" Jon said without having the courage to look her in the eye.


"Look me in the eye, Jon," Írimë said with a voice cold and hard as steel.


And Jon looked at his beloved face, her eyes wet with tears and her cheeks flushed with anger.


"Nothing else happened between you?" Írimë asked in a dangerous tone.


"No, I just swear it on my honour... for how little it may matter now", Jon said, waiting for the moment when Írimë repudiated him.


But she just stared at him and, closing her eyes, and sighed.


"What happened between you is unprecedented in the history of the Eldar; Artanis betrayed her husband ... For you," Írimë said with no visible emotions on her face.


"I don't know what happened to us... It was as if we were under the influence of some dark spell, but I swear on my life and honour I had no desire to hurt you, my love," He said, crying, getting down knees before Írimë, who could not help but be surprised by it.


"He is sincere ... But ... If what Jon says is true, then Artanis must be in a similar situation ... by the Valar ... What happened to them? ...


Írimë looked into the eyes of her beloved dragon those beautiful pools of violet were clouded by fear, remorse and shame; seeing him in that way, she could perceive that in the heart of her beloved there was no malice or any impious desire towards her niece there was only pain, anguish, guilt and fear.


... He is afraid that I will disown him ... He feels true guilt for his indiscretion there is something queer afoot, Írimë sighed and placed her foreheads against Jon's, hoping to calm his raging heart.


"Jon ... I believe you," Írimë said, looking at Jon with a slight smile on her face, but the sadness did not leave his gaze.


"Truly?" Jon said hopefully.


"Yes, however... What transpired between you and my dear niece has never happened before, not in all the ages of this world, and if it comes to light, Lord Celeborn will be humiliated, and I shall be forever shamed," Írimë said, staring at Jon with a severity benefitting her heritage.


"I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, my beloved Lalwen, but I couldn't deceive you... It wasn't right" Hearing Jon's naive but sincere words, Írimë's smile widened.


"I know, and thanks for your honesty Jon, so I realize that I was not wrong in choosing you as my love ... But please, for the sake of my honour and the honour of my house, we must never discuss this again... Is it clear? " Írimë said with steel in her voice.


"Yes ..." Jon said, holding back his tears from the pain.


"Good .." Írimë said before claiming Jon's lips in a heated kiss as if she desired to wipe away any memory of her aunt from his mind.


They kissed for several minutes before the burning in the lungs forced them to part; now came the most challenging part ... She had to talk to her niece.


"Lalwen?" Jon asked, confused.


"I have to talk to my niece Jon...this cannot wait... You should get ready to leave," Írimë said in a soft voice.


Jon was going to protest, but he knew in his heart that his love would not be deterred, not counselled otherwise, and Jon dare not seek out Galadriel himself; he sighed and, wiping away his tears, he stood up.


"Of course, my love."


Írimë only kissed him gently on the lips and giving him a smile; she was about to depart before Jon stopped her.


"Lalwen ..." Jon said, looking at her with all the love he could through his mortal eyes.


"Yes?" Finwë's daughter asked in curiosity.


"Thank you for loving me and believing in me," Jon said, releasing her and kissing her forehead.


Írimë just looked at him lovingly and caressed his face.


"How could I not, my love? ..." After which he gave her one last kiss and left the tent in search of Galadriel.


As Írimë walked, she was furious, no ... She was utterly wrothful.


Artanis, the daughter of her brother Finarfin had committed the first act of adultery among the Eldar and had done so with the love of her life.


Oh ... That girl ... She needs a lesson ... Her revenge will be ... Profound.


But first, she needs an explanation of Artanis's actions to heal Jon's spirit was one thing, but to consort with him like some whore was another entirely.


She couldn't believe that her niece had gone against the nature of her people and tainted the bonds of marriage.


Although she was well over six thousand years old, Írimë still remembered what her mother Indis taught her about marriage when they began looking for suitors for her and her older sister Findis.


"Our people marry for love, daughter," her mother said as she gently brushed her hair.


"I don't want to get married yet… How can it be for love?" Irimë asked, annoyed.


Her mother just sighed.


"I know, marrying for love is the most common but not always, unfortunately ... The marriage can be carried out only by the agreement of both parties," Her mother said, all the while braiding Írimë's golden locks.


"But we are still very young," Írimë said, hoping to escape the bonds of matrimony.


"Marriages are usually consummated at an early age, my little songbird", said her mother looking at her reflected in the mirror.


"But you and father weren't young when they got married," Írimë said snidely; unfortunately, her mother was not amused and pinched her cheek, causing her a great deal of pain.


"Shameless.. we weren't young; it's true because your father first married another woman," Indis said, speaking with some bitterness in her voice.


"The mother of Fëanor?" Írimë asked, wanting to know more about her half brother; unlike his strained relationship with her brothers Fingolfin and Finarfin, Fëanor was rather kind to her though this was not out of genuine affection rather he knew Irimë held no threat to his inheritance.


In fact, his commitment to Vaethalas of the Teleri had been devised and almost realized by Fëanor.


"Lalwen," Said her mother Indis, staring into her eyes.


"Yes, mother?" She asked, fearful of some reprimand.


"I know this is very sudden, but please ... try to be open-minded, maybe that young man from the Teleri is someone you will come to love, but if you let your frustrations and misgivings cloud your heart, you shall never find love, "Her mother said with a mixture of authority and kindness.


With that, Írimë gave up and nodded.


"I'll try, mother," Írimë said, earning a smile from her mother.


"Good," Indis said, kissing her daughter's forehead.


... maybe he's not so bad ... Írimë thought resignedly.


Oh, and it wasn't, Vaethalas was everything a maiden her age could hope for in a suitor, kind, courteous, gentle, handsome, and skilled.


She was delighted with him, but their romance ended bitterly during the revolt of her people, and when Fëanor slew the Teleri of Alqualondë, that snivelling fool had rejected as he did not wish to be wed to the sister of Fëanor, he claimed her hands were tainted by the blood of the Teleri.


She carried that pain and that bitterness until she met Jon and that wonderful young mortal had healed her wounded heart and brought her joy beyond measure, and Írimë came to love him even knowing that he belonged to the younger race and would only remain briefly in the world, But that doesn't matter to her, she shall never be parted from Jon until the end of his days.


Even if she had to share his bed not only with him but also with other women who loved him as well.


But she didn't think one of them would be her niece ... her married niece.


Artanis was married to Celeborn, and that bond was almost absolute; adultery for an elf is unthinkable.


By their very nature, they "seldom indulge in the desires of the body" or are influenced by lust.


... Well, I'm an exception ... Írimë thought, blushing, remembering the orgy that Jon and the others had had in front of her.


His mother had told him in his youth that they marry only once because Manwë ruled that, "'Since Elves are by nature permanent in life within Arda, so is their marriage."


Her father, Finwë, the first High King of the Noldor, was the only exception to this rule. The wedding of her father was not pleasing to Fëanor, and he had no great love for Indis, nor for Fingolfin and Finarfin, her sons... But the children of Indis were great and glorious, and their children also; and if they had not lived, the history of the Eldar would have been diminished... Lord Námo pronounced it as the "Statute of Finwë and Míriel" feared by the Eldar.


Artanis best have a good explanation for this, but at least they just kissed ... If it had been something else ... I don't know what I would have done ... Or what would have happened ... Írimë thought with great sadness.


The Elves have always seen the carnal act as sacred for it showed the love you bore for those whom you desired to spend your life with."


But having a lover while married is impossible for them because extramarital sexual relations would go against their nature since, unlike Men, elves can read the hearts and minds of those closest to them, and none could hide anything from the other"


Írimë sighed as she tried to calm her mind and walked through the camp until she reached the tent of her niece and her husband.


There were two guards posted at the entrance dressed in glittering golden plate, each armed with stout spears.


"I want to see my niece", Írimë demanded with authority.


"The Lady Galadriel awaits you," Said one of the guards. Which caused Írimë to raise one of her eyebrows.


... Artanis' foresight is superb as always ... Írimë thought with annoyance.


The guards allowed her inside the tent, and to her surprise, she was greeted with Galadriel's tear-stained face.


"Good morning, aunt ... It seems to me that Jon already told you about our ..." Night encounter "... have you come to kill me?" Galadriel croaked in sadness; it seems she had been weeping for some time, and her voice was somewhat hoarse.


Írimë, despite her anger, felt compassion for her niece and approached her to take her hands gently.


"I for an explanation... Why ... Why did you do it?" Írimë asked, trying to appear as severe as possible, but tears began to cloud her vision.


At that moment, her niece, despite her considerable age, burst into tears and threw herself at Írimë's chest while Írimë did her best to console her dear niece it was truly dreadful to see one so powerful brought so low.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... I never wanted any of this to happen," Galadriel said, starting to cry again, and Írimë hugged her tenderly.


"Jon told me that he was not in his right mind and that he did not remember who started kissing whom ... So perhaps you are under the same enchantment," Írimë said, hugging her niece, who was surprised by his words.


... That was a lie, he ... He protected me, I'm utterly sure that Jon Snow knows perfectly well that I kissed him, that I initiated our meeting ... Galadriel thought grateful to Jon.


At that moment, Galadriel put on a sad smile and looking her aunt in the eye, she stood up.


"My beloved Aunt ... I' shall tell you the truth," Galadriel said, gathering strength to confess to her aunt the truth about her unique bond with Jon.


Írimë looked at her fearfully and put a hand to her mouth.


"Do you love him? .. Do you love Jon?" Írimë asked horrified, but Galadriel shook her head,


"No... At least the way you think ... What I feel for him... It's not love, I don't love him like Celeborn ... It's ... It's a longing... A wish... A wish that I shouldn't feel, I know ... But by the Valar, I swear to you that I never wanted him ... I'm MARRIED! ... I fell into temptation due to the bond we share ... A bond that I hid because of my perversion, "Galadriel said, going to a nearby table to pour herself a glass of wine and draining the whole chalice in a single gulp before pouring herself another while Írimë looked at her with a mixture of pain and confusion.


"I don't understand you, Artanis.. what bond do you share?" Írimë asked, standing up.


"When we met the" Emissaries of the Valar "... I used my powers to enter Jon's mind ..."


"I know what happened, Gil-Galad and Elrond told me the story, the blood that Jon inherited from his mother Lyanna Stark, it caused you no end of misery," Írimë said with a satisfied smile when she saw her nieces face take on a scarlet hue.


However, that did not last because Galadriel again adopted a morose expression.


"Yes, it is true... But shortly after, I discovered that thanks to that... I developed a unique bond with Jon Snow ... That bond allows me to know where he is at all times and listen not only to his thoughts but also to feel what he feels at one point... Celeborn and I tried to understand the sorceries that bound us and break them, but not being able to find a way to do it, we decided to guide them from afar and should the need arise, provide aid, "Galadriel said in a sad tone while Írimë listened in surprise.


... My niece and Jon are connected in such a unique way? ... That means


"Artanis, answer me this... did this bond allow you to heal Jon's spirit after he battled the wyrm?" Írimë asked, utterly sure of her niece's answer, and indeed, she nodded.


"I did not know that that connection gave me that ability... That time I woke up after receiving visions of Jon fighting a dragon at first, I thought they were visions of things to come, but then I understood from his feelings that they were things of the present; I felt that He would die, but he proved to be a worthy student of Glorfindel, and when the battle was over I just wanted to help him, but I was leagues away from him .. "Galadriel said, shedding tears of pain and remorse.


"And you sent him a portion of your spirit," Írimë said in a threatening tone.


For a few moments, Galadriel looked at her aunt with real fear as she believed that she would attack her, but fortunately, she had calmed herself.


"Yes, it was ... But you must believe me, I only used my spirit intending to heal his spirit ... I didn't think he would desire me ... Nor that he would compose poems and songs for me," Galadriel said, blushing.


"Did you hear them? They are beautiful, aren't they?" Írimë asked in a scathing tone.


"Dearest Aunt... I hold no love for Jon ... I'm married, and I love Celeborn," Galadriel said, trying to convince her aunt of her sincerity, but above all, she was trying to convince herself that Jon meant nothing more to her than a Valuable ally and a relief for her carnal desires.


But deep down in Finarfin's daughter, she was no longer sure how she felt about young Westerosi, and that was what tormented her the most.


"I don't believe you, niece ... I see you... And I can feel the fear and doubts seizing your heart ... I believe you when you say that you love Celeborn... But I do not believe you when you tell me that you hold no desire for Jon, you know how sacred it is for our people to use our spirit to heal, but you did something else.. you consoled Jon, you pampered him... As if he were your lover, "said Írimë with harshness looking at Galadriel with cold and hard eyes like the steel.


"Auntie ..." Galadriel said in an impassive tone.


"I don't understand that link you mention between the two of you ... many can get hurt, your husband and Celebrian among them... What happened last night?" Írimë asked.


"Auntie ... I must tell you something else ... Besides knowing Jon's heart and mind, I can feel his lust," Galadriel said, lowering her gaze to a surprised Írimë who just blinked.


"How?" She asked, believing that she had not heard her niece.


"I discovered this when he returned from Tol Morwen ... That night ... He was with his concubines, and I felt my body overcome with desire; I was overwhelmed with pleasure, "Galadriel said, looking at her surprised aunt, who backed away.


"By the Valar, Artanis ... have you seen Jon with his lovers?" Írimë asked, mortified that her niece could have seen her as she pleased herself.


"Yes... I have strengthened my mind to avoid unwanted intrusions... But sometimes it happens," Galadriel said.


"And have you seen me?" Irimë asked nervously, suppressing a groan when Galadriel nodded.


"It was only once ... And I won't tell anyone, I swear by the Valar", Galadriel promised with complete sincerity.


"And what happened last night?" Írimë asked, clenching his fists in anger.


"We both met on the beach, we talked and when I helped him stand up, and our skin touched... I felt my body fill with lust, my blood boiled, I couldn't shield myself from his passion, and then we were consumed by desire; it was intoxicating, "Galadriel said, unable to avoid letting out a bit of emotion as she remembered the love she felt for Jon in those moments.


"By the Valar ..." Írimë said, crying with indignation and shame for her niece's actions, but Galadriel hugged her.


"I haven't told anyone about this, not even Celeborn ... Please... don't hate me, maybe you're right when you say I have feelings for Jon Snow, feelings I shouldn't have.. but I swear not I will act on those feelings due to the bond and the love that binds me to my husband ... and I will never tell anyone what I have seen through his eyes ... I use all my magics to shatter this bond with Jon by the Valar please don't hate me, "Galadriel said, crying.


Írimë for a few moments did not know what to do, her niece had seen her when lust overcame her, and she almost participated in an orgy, but having Galadriel back on her lap and feeling that she was sincere, Írimë cried and reciprocated her hug.


"Artanis ... I don't hate you... It's just that this is all very dangerous, for our loved ones and for ourselves," Írimë said.


"You love him?" Galadriel asked, sure of the answer.


"You told me that I should be parted from him; otherwise, I would suffer ...You were right, but it is too late my curiosity turned into affection and affection into love ... I am his, and he is mine we shall be bonded until we are parted by the bitterness of mortality, "Írimë said stroking his niece's hair.


"How did it come to this?" Galadriel asked.


"I don't know ... But things always happen as they should ... I'm sure ... Eventually we will find out why ... But for now, what you and I have discussed here ... No one can know," Írimë said with seriousness.


"Then niece... Let's go with the others... We must leave now ..." Írimë said, kissing Galadriel's forehead without knowing the desire that awakened in her.


"If you only knew the most impious part of my story.. that I have used my connection with Jon to satisfy "My lust for many years" Galadriel thought with shame


"Artanis, are you well?" Írimë asked.


"I am well, let's go with the others now", Galadriel said in a grim tone.


Írimë felt that her niece had not been completely honest with her; she felt that there was something else afoot, and perhaps she should allow Jon to pursue her niece... But after everything that had happened, Írimë did not want any more surprises ... Then she would know the truth.


"Let's go then," said the elf taking her niece by the hand as the two prepared to march with the others.


Thanks to Great_red my co-author

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