59.84% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1556: 46

章節 1556: 46

Chapter Text


The Journey from Arnor to Dor-en-Ernil was to be taken by the great North-South Road, which was the chief route of communication between the Two Kingdoms except by sea, Númenóreans had ever come, and none had settled there. It was of little concern to the Arnorians, except for the patrolling and upkeep of the great Royal Road. This went all the way from Osgiliath and Minas Tirith to Fornost in the far North, crossed the Fords of Isen and passed through Enedwaith, keeping to the higher land in the centre and north-east until it had to descend to the west lands about the lower Greyflood, which it crossed on a raised causeway leading to a great bridge at Tharbad.


Although Jon had wished to travel by sea, there were too few ships for such a large host, and thus, they must march overland through the lower country and cross into Gondor through the gap in the White Mountains.


During the night, Jon always slept in his tent accompanied by two of his loves since apparently, they had decided so, the first was with Arianne and Daenerys the next with Ashara and Shiera and the most surprising Of all Rhaenys and Írimë were the last. Although Jon did not indulge in the passion of the flesh with his lady loves, the whole camp would hear them, and he was somewhat embarrassed, but this would not discourage Jon from spending the afternoons with his lovers.



The council decided that they would march to the City of Tharbad the guardian of the North built ere the Numenoreans came to the Northern Lands, with long labour a port capable of receiving seagoing vessels had been made at Tharbad, and a fort raised there on great earthworks on both sides of the river, to guard the famed Bridge of Tharbad. But later they penetrated northward as far as the beginning of the great fenlands; though it was still long before they had the need or sufficient men to undertake the great works of drainage and dyke-building that made a great port on the site where Tharbad stood it was the gateway to the North. Enedwaith belonged to neither kingdom nor received no permanent settlements of men of Númenórean origin. But the great North-South Road, which was the chief route of communication between the Two Kingdoms except by sea, ran through it from Tharbad to the Fords of Isen.


According to the instructions of King Elendil, they could be fitted with provisions on Tharbad and then follow the South road to the Fords of Isen before turning westward towards the Isen river and crossing into Gondor through the gap of Ered Nimrale, after which they would turn eastward and travel over the Pinnath Galen and arrive at the seat of Lord Celeborn the fair lands of Dor-en-Ernil.


Glorfindel agreed, considering it an excellent decision since although it would be an exhausting journey, it would be far more straightforward than securing passage for the soldiers aboard several hundred ships.


Though the, even a small one like this, would be a laborious task, especially since the men of Endenwaith eyed them with suspicion, truthfully neither Jon nor Loras nor Robar had led such a great host even during their time among the Tyrells. They would have followed Renly orders, but Renly, the pompous fop that he was, relied on Randyl Tarly's harsh and practical judgment, alas it was not the time for meek hearts and broken wills ... Well, Jon, despite his disdain for Robb, bore grudging respect for his cousin.


To have moved a massive army of 16,000 men from the North to the Riverlands must have been a nightmare made worse after the alliance with the Freys, where Robb's army reached 20,000 men.


Trying to avoid fights between them had already proven exhausting. Jon couldn't imagine what it must be like to lead an army like Robb's being so young despite having the counsel of veterans like the Great Jon Umber and Lady Mormont.


Jon had left Ghost in the woodlands of Arnor as the Direwolf had become the leader of a great pack of wolves that now guarded the borders of the kingdoms, slaying the occasional orc pack or the evil wargs who descended from the mountains to hunt upon the plains. His travels in Middle-Earth were somewhat perilous, so much so that Jon feared to bring his companion into battle, but it seems. Ghost was slightly displeased, and it appeared that Ghost had crossed the ford of Isen and was scouring the countryside preying upon the orcs who were sent to spy upon Isengard.


But despite this, Jon's mind was elsewhere.


Growing up a bastard for most of his life, Jon always dreamed of leading men into battle as a great conqueror. Though his time in Middle-earth had taught him that war was a brutal, bloody and horrid affair, to his shame, Jon felt exhilaration at the thought of winning glory for Arnor ... Although this made him feel like a hypocrite.


... I'm going to a war ... And I only think of the life and royalty yet soon many shall never see their homes again ... There is no doubt that in many ways I am still that bastard who wished for nothing but glory ... Jon thought in disgust.


On Jon's right side were Loras, Robar and Glorfindel, while on the right side were Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys and Írimë, who had accompanied them, intending to spend time with her niece Galadriel much to the ire of Rhaenys, despite the grim mood the ride through Enedwaith was peaceful it was mainly plains, open and mountainless. At the point of the confluence of Glanduin and Mitheithel, the land was almost flat, and the waters become sluggish and tended to spread into fenland.".


Men dressed in silvered plate and mail forged in the foundries of Annúminas all their fastenings were gilded, and the steel was burnished to such a high sheen that it shone like freshly fallen snow, all were armed with shiny and silver weapons, while others bore stout spears of oak and ash with broadheads, their shields were resistant and wide bearing the emblem of the white tree.




Because no matter how imposing his men were, the reality was that they were a small army of three thousand soldiers but all robust, strong and disciplined. However, although skilled, most were young men wholly inexperienced since they had never participated in the great wars of the First and Second ages; most had seen too few winters, they were more akin to the soldiery of Westeros... Hungry for glory but not very cautious and not taking into account that many will probably never return to the beautiful Annuminas and or the fair realms of Arnor.


Despite this, they were all brave and determined to carry out the orders of their king to protect their sister kingdom of Gondor from the shadow of Sauron and his servants.


"This is going to be a long battle," Jon muttered in distress.


"Did you say something, my white wolf?" Asked Arianne curiously.


Jon just smiled.


"No, my dear viper... I'm simply eager to bring the Easterlings to battle," Jon said quickly so they wouldn't notice that he was actually nervous.


Something that did not go unnoticed by anyone because everyone knew him very well.


"Jon, it does you no good to hide your apprehension from us... we are all the same", Robar said with a grim expression.


"Robar speaks truly, Jon, we may have become mightier in thought and deed ... But this is far different," Loras said with a grim expression.


"Did you three not march to war on behalf of that flowery stag Renly Baratheon?" Rhaenys asked, arching an eyebrow, but the knights denied it.


"Alas, it was more a travelling tourney than a true show of force, Rhae .. " Jon said taciturnly.


"King Renly had decided to take a slow march towards King's Landing. Renly spent far more time hunting and hawking, preferring to gather more soldiers from the surrounding countryside," Loras said with some tears in his eyes when he remembers his beloved Renly.


"Is that all? Did he simply stage a grand procession through the Reach?" Arianne asked in surprise.


"No, King Renly hosted tourneys and feast for the men, the greatest of which was the Melee of Bitterbridge, and garrisoned the Rose Road stopping all trade to Kings Landing, causing the citizenry to voice their displeasure when the food ran out, "Robar said with melancholy.


"That was incredibly cruel," Írimë said with great sadness, unable to comprehend the cruelty of the Westerosi.


And though Jon and his brothers wished to rebuke the daughter of Finwë, none could.


"The point is that while we are experienced in battle, we don't actually have experience leading many men, our finest hour was defending Castle Hasty alongside the Holy Hundred shortly after that, we journeyed to Summerhall, and Lord Manwë appeared before me calling us to Middle-Earth, "said Jon.


"Did you waylay the sage?" Glorfindel asked with keen interest.


"Aye, we did... but I speak plainly when I say it was no great feat worthy of songs and verse, more akin to a skirmish than a true battle," said Robar.


"Would you kindly recount this tale..." Glorfindel ordered as Jon, Loras and Robar sighed as they recalled their time as outlaws.


"After the death of King Renly, we travelled for weeks through the" Stormlands ", our travels took us through the lands of House Hasty, a Vassal of House Baratheon... But lords loyal to Stannis had arrived with several hundred men at arms and siegecraft ... They were men who had sworn themselves to Renly unto, but the spineless bastards renounced their oaths. "Loras grunted with resentment and rage as he remembered those traitors.


"Loras ..." Jon said sadly when he saw that his brother in arms still hadn't gotten over Renly's death.


"So we decided to defend lord Hasty's keep and slain as many traitors as we could," Loras grunted.


"You alone?" Rhaenys asked, impressed.


"Not alone Rhaenys.. we had the help of Bonifer Hasty and his group" The Holy Hundred".. Their charge secured our victory," said Jon.


"Being Bonifer Hasty?" Rhaenys asked, impressed.


"Who is he?" Daenerys asked curiously.


"Bonifer Hasty was our grandmother's first love; it is said that they desired each other though nothing came of it as Grandmother married Aerys", Rhaenys replied, remembering what her former mentor Jon Connington had told her about her family.


"Truly?" Daenerys asked, intrigued because her mother had never told her about him.


"Oh yes... But their love did not last as one of such lowly birth was hardly a fitting consort for a princess of House Targaryen; Ser Bonifer then became a man of faith, renouncing his titles and rights as he claimed that no one could replace Queen Rhaella in his heart, instead, he founded an Order of soldiers who are called "The Holy Hundred" knights wholly devoted to the faith of the seven ... It was thanks to their help that we won the battle" said Robar.


"Ser Bonifer's aid was vital as we had never fought in a battle," Jon admitted.


The tale of the three Westerosi made the rest of their companions think.


"You must have faith, Jon; you are a wise warrior, and these men hold great respect for you," Glorfindel said with confidence.


"Despite our naivety of battle?" Jon asked.


"Yes" was the group response.


"Well, from what we have been told, it seems that you have what it takes to lead armies", The noble elf said with a smile.


"Does King Elendil know this tale?" Glorfindel asked.


"Yes", answered Jon,


"In that case, you must calm your heart ... King Elendil has put his faith in you because he sees that you are worthy of command if he did not think you would triumph, he would have never asked you to march to war," Glorfindel said in a reassuring tone that seemed to calm his students.


"Thank you for your kind words, master", Jon, Loras, and Robar said at the same time, causing everyone to laugh.


At that point, Jon decided to change the subject.


"Excuse me, Master Glorfindel, but I wish to know how my dear cousin Arya is taking to your lessons? " Jon asked, interested.


Interest that everyone apparently shared as they waited expectantly for the noble elf who just shrugged.


"She's not bad, your younger cousin Jon; she's very skilled with a bow or daggers, she's relatively swift and agile, which is very good for a warrior like her. But her skill at arms is somewhat lacking, though it is to be expected for one so young I doubt she will ever become skilled in the use of Axes or Morningstars, she shows a savage tenacity that will serve her well in later life.


Jon sighed as he understood that this was inevitable because of Arya's tender age and inexperience.


"Do you think Arya will improve her skills?" Jon asked what Glorfindel looked at him strangely.


"Why would ask such a foolish question? ... Of course, no one is born with an innate ability ... It takes practice and determination; your cousin certainly has the latter, don't worry Jon ... Over time, she will become a mighty warrior, "Said Glorfindel with authority.


The noble elf's words filled Jon with satisfaction, and the young Targaryen smiled as he imagined his savage cousin turning into a warrior.


"That fills my heart with joy, master; my dear cousin always dreamt of being like the warrior queens of old," Jon said, beaming with pride.


"Oh, Jon…" Írimë said, happy to see how much Jon cared for Arya, bringing back memories of her beloved brother Fingolfin.


"And who shall instruct her while we march to Dor-en-Ernil?" Jon asked as Glorfindel put on a slightly mischievous smile.


"Arnor's soldiers will take care of your little cousin Jon," Glorfindel said, remembering how Arya had mocked some of the Arnorian men at arms and was soundly trounced.


Jon and the others shared a look, puzzled by their teacher's smile.


The journey southward took some three weeks, which were quite pleasant as the wildflowers were in bloom and the fields filled with the laughter of children and endless fields of strawberries it was a flat country until finally, they saw the lands and the mouth of the Gwathló river. Tharbad sat astride the river and was a true gem of the kingdom with high earthen wall so thick three knights could walk abreast and a long labour a port capable of receiving seagoing vessels. Everyone was joyful as it meant that they could rest and gather more provisions; Jon was disappointed as he would have liked to learn something from them about the construction of fortresses and harbours, alas there was little time to explore Tharbad they must be received by the Governor and be on their way.


... I can always return when we are at peace ... Jon thought with a sigh.


Though their mood was slightly dampened by the sweltering heat and the presence of mosquitoes, however, they were received by a retinue of the famed Royal Pikemen stout men clad in the most exemplary plate of the Northern Kingdoms, each bearing a Pike that could skewer a mountain troll.


That way, Jon and the others had a welcome reprieve from weeks of travelling on horseback.


They were escorted to the Governor's palace with all due haste as befitted men of the bearing; the Governor was a Numenorean of prodigious age nearing his three hundredth and ninety-seventh birthday he was a jovial man with a snow-white beard, a hooked nose and eyes so blue they appeared to twinkle in the candlelight. He was extremely courteous to Jon and his companions. Like many men, he fell under Írimë's spell much to her amusement, after a fabulous feast the Governor and his Council told them that Isildur and Anárion were preparing their troops to protect their dominions, Minas Ithil, Minas Anor and the capital of Osgiliath, it seemed Lord of Mordor was content to guard his borders and had not made war upon the dominions of Gondor. Still, only a fool would assume Sauron to be idle.



After resting for a day and night, Jon and the others departed Tharbad with fresh horses and a great many provisions; the old Governor even sent a small company of Royal Pikemen as a show of goodwill.


Thirteen days had passed since they had departed Tharbad, and it was a peaceful march; Jon and his companions spent their days admiring the southern countryside; eventually, they came to a small glen through which flowed a dark stream it was protected from the heat by several large willow trees, and they had spied large bushels of berries nearby, they knew it was the ideal place to rest, so Jon ordered the soldiers to set up a camp.


The soldiers of Arnor were quick to establish a camp whether clearing brush or gathering food after several hours, they had a large fire going and meat roasting, while others went to fill waterskins and water the horse's others acted as sentries; some even went in search of game as one could never have enough food at least that is the opinion of most Numenoreans.


The sight of so many soldiers filled Jon, Loras, Robar with pride, knowing that King Elendil had granted them a great honour and in the case of Glorfindel, seeing so many young soldiers brought back memories of happier days when he served King Turgon alongside his dear friend Ecthelion.


But the most wondrous thing, at least for the Westerosi, was the absence of prostitutes in the camp, which was a truly splendid display of honour and pride as it seemed the soldiers of Arnor are far more concerned with serving their king rather than pleasures of the flesh.


Upon the field were many tents, all of various shades of blue, black and silver, but at the centre of this large congregation were three tents of astounding quality.


Two of them were smaller and made of white silk supported by golden poles, each topped with a large diamond; while the central tent was far grander, the roof and walls were decorated with arcades within which are medallions filled with intertwining floral patterns and flowers. Above the oval medallions are cartouches of gold satin with blessings written in Sindarin.


In the main tent amidst many maps sat Jon along with his companions and several Arnorian nobles who were discussing the best course to reach the White mountains.


"How long will it take to cross the White mountains?" Jon asked.


"Well, according to this map and if we maintain this rhythm and we do not find any setbacks in our passage through the White Mountains, I would say ... half a day the greatest part of our journey is over," said Robar with surety.


"Lord Celeborn will be waiting for us in Dor-en-Ernil... We will stay the course and hope we are not waylaid," Glorfindel said with a hand on his chin.


"Then we must travel the White Mountains hurry to receive Lord Celeborn," Loras said.


"He probably hasn't departed Edhellond; we still have some time," Arianne said.


"There is nothing we can do until we bolster our forces with the Elves of Dor-en-Ernil while we could have marched to Isengard, it would do little good as our forces may be too few to repel a direct assault nor do we know if the Easterlings have brought siege engines while this route is rather indirect there is no turning back now unless we forced marched eastwards," Rhaenys said with some annoyance.


"Rhaenys speaks truly as we have no knowledge of the forces marshalled against us nor can we turn back now," said Jon pouring of the maps of Eastern Middle-Earth.


"King Elendil did not know the exact number ... thought King Isildur glimpsed the army through the Palantiri, and there were enemies beyond reckoning ten-thousand at least", Glorfindel said in dismay.


"Knowing who leads this rabble would be rather helpful," Loras said with a worried voice.


"In the East, there are many tribes who worship Sauron as god and king, the men of the east are fierce warriors; fortunately, true leaders are scarce... The Easterlings are content to follow the orders of the Orcish masters seldom does a warrior of true merit rise to command those savages, "Glorfindel said in disgust.


The disgust was shared by Westerosi and Írimë, who remained silent, waiting for the meeting to end.


"So am I right in assuming we know little of our enemy save that they come for Isengard?" Jon asked in a tired voice.


"I am sure that Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel can give us counsel once we arrive in Befelas... Lady Galadriel's is the greatest of the Noldor strong of body, mind and will, take heart, young Westerosi. .. The Lady of Edhellond will know what to do, "Glorfindel said, confident in the abilities of the Lady of light.


It was then that Írimë got up and took Jon by his right arm.


"I have never been a warrior; my mind has never been able to fully understand the way of war... But I believe that there is nothing that can be done for the moment except to continue on our way and join forces with my niece's husband. "Írimë said, wanting to distract Jon from his burden.


This aroused the ire of Arianne, Daenerys and Rhaenys, but they knew this meeting was far too important for petty squabbles.


"Lady Írimë speaks truly; we can do nothing now except continue towards Gondor and hope that the enemy has not learned of our plans we may take counsel with Lady Galadriel once we arrive.


"What do you think, Jon?" Arianne asked curiously as she saw her white wolf staring at the map, clearly in deep contemplation.


"Jon?" Rhaenys asked, seeing her lover close his eyes for a moment.


"They are right... It is very frustrating but for the moment, moving quickly is our best course of action... we are still several days from Dor-en-Ernil but were are fortunate; the passage through the White Mountains is far more forgiving than the Misty Mountains ... rambling about our lack of information solves nothing. "Jon said with a weary expression.


Everyone was of like mind, and one by one, they left the tent eager to rest and perhaps have a bit of supper and maybe a smoke.


But it was more akin to rambling as they truly knew nothing; they could only hope that Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel could bring their considerable powers to bear and learn the enemies intent.


So after having a good supper of roasted boat, everyone went to their respective tent.


After having dinner and taking a bath in the stream, Jon's lady loves dragged him to his tent, eager to spend time with him.


Jon sat in the centre bare-chested while Arianne and Rhaenys were held in his arms and struggled to kiss him at the same time as Daenerys used her arts of healing, hoping to alleviate her beloved nephew's woes; alas, his muscles were knotted and coarse it was not often that one so young carried the burden of so many upon his shoulders and it does little for one's constitution.


The three wore a translucent nightgown that did little to hide their lovely bodies a feast for the eyes by all accounts, and Jon gazed upon them as a man starving.


"Jon, you are very tense," Daenerys said in astonishment.


"I'm sorry, Dany, this whole situation is rather queer, and sparring with Ringil is rather tiring," Jon said, enjoying the massage of his Dragon Princess.


"I know, my silly wolf, but you must be concerned with your constitution", Dany said, annoyed to find another knot in Jon's back.


"By the Valar Dany ... you are truly gifted," Jon said between groans.


"I know", Daenerys replied, renewing her efforts, all the while looking at the jealous expression of Arianne and Rhaenys with some glee.


Meanwhile, Írimë was sipping wine from a crystal goblet, clearly not amused by this turn of events though she held her tongue. The beautiful elf wore an exquisite nightgown of silver lace that did very little to hide her statuesque body; she looked enchanting with her hair falling in golden ringlets.


... I did not know that the young Daenerys possessed such skills ... Írimë thought with some indignation as she wished to ease her lovers' burden as well.


After several minutes Dany finally finished her massage, leaving Jon so relaxed that he felt as if he had died and gone to Valinor.


Seeing her chance, Írimë gestured to Daenerys to move, something the Targaryen Princess did reluctantly.


Seeing her rival so close to her and next to Jon, Rhaenys stared at her, but Írimë ignored her and set her sights upon Jon, while Arianne watched them silently while suppressing a giggle.


"Lalwen?" Jon asked, confused to see his beloved elf behind him, feeling overwhelmed by her intoxicating scent.


"Silence Nin Mel ... Seeing the young Daenerys pamper your tired muscles, I have decided to do something similar," Írimë said, her voice filled with mirth.


"But what…" Jon started to say when Írimë's soft and delicate hands began to massage his head gently.


"My love, what are you doing?" Jon asked, confused by his lover's actions.


"Still your heart, Nin Mel," Said a loving Írimë kissing Jon's neck to the point of leaving a mark.


The feeling was the most marvellous and extraordinary thing Jon had ever experienced.


Írimë began tracing her fingers over Jon's temples and forehead, causing him to groan in pleasure. The noble elf continued this for several minutes, seemingly ignoring all else except for Jon.


Seeing their beloved entirely spellbound by Írimë, Daenarys, Rhaenys, and Arianne watched in amazement as the daughter of Finwë played their beloved like a lyre, especially Dany, who began to study the technique of the beautiful elf.


After half an hour of soothing Jon, Írimë tried something ... she began to massage Jon's head with the palms of her hands until she reached his temples and then cast a spell of soothing.


The sensation of warmth and her lovely scent caused Jon's eyes to feel heavy, and without warning, he fell asleep on the lap of the Noldorian Princess, who only giggled in satisfaction.


"incredible ..." Daenerys said, unable to believe what had happened.


"What did you do to him?" Rhaenys asked curiously, trying to wake Jon up to no avail.


Írimë only smiled in a mischievous way which further accentuated her ethereal beauty.


"I only used something that I learned from my mother Indis in Valinor when I was a child, a head massage to remove tension, my mother would soothe my father like this after he concluded the affairs of the court," Írimë said, remembering her parents with a smile full of sadness.


"Is something wrong, my lady?" Arianne asked when she saw the sadness cross the face of the beautiful elf.


"No ... I just remembered... A little about my family ... those happier days under the light of the" Two Trees ", though some things are better left forgotten", Said the beautiful elf sadly at the thought of her father's selfishness and how he abandoned her and her mother to resurrect his first wife.


His first wife, the selfish woman who had abandoned him and Fëanor in their youth, preferring to remain in the halls of command shunning the outside world she was a cruel bitch who broke her father's heart.


Seeing Írimë's sadness, the three Westerosi Princesses did not want to broach the subject as it seemed to cause her a great deal of pain.


"Well ... it seems that our dragon won't wake up until tomorrow ... Maybe we should sleep now", Rhaenys said with a smile when she heard Jon start snoring.


The others nodded and took places next to Jon.


Arianne on his right, Rhaenys on his left, Daenerys took her place beside Arianne, and Írimë taking her place on his chest.


In this way, the Ladies of Jon slept comfortably next to their beloved dragon until tomorrow when they would finally cross into Gondor.


He had come to a great cavern upheld by many mighty pillars hewn of stone. Before him and on either side stretched an enormous hall filled with gems of all manner and make; its black walls, polished and smooth as glass, flashed and glittered. In the centre, there was a vast forge fed by hot lava, Jon had never seen a forge as grand nor as large even in the lofty halls of Khazad-Dum, but the forge wasn't the most remarkable thing; rather, it was the master of the forge.


He was so tall that Jon knew it could not be a man; the man in question rose like a great tower; he was robust and powerfully built, with a barrel chest and sinewy limbs. He also had a long, finely groomed black beard braided with golden rings given him the appearance of a great dwarf, yet Jon knew this was no dwarf.


This stranger was much taller than Brienne of Tarth and even taller than Gregor Clegane.


At that moment, Jon's sword, Ringil, which was with him, began to glow, and Jon seemed to perceive that the sword was joyful to be near this stranger... the blade was humming with power assuming the swords could experience happiness.


Jon approached unfazed by the suffocating heat that emanated from the blacksmith's forge to the point of being so close to it that he could see the sparks coming from a piece of metal as the great smith hammered away, seemingly unaware of his presence, it was truly beautiful as the sparks scattered across the floor as if falling stars.


Jon only watched the blacksmith work in his forge for several hours, seemingly unaffected by the heat or by the apparent indifference of the blacksmith; Jon was content to watch him work... The piece of metal taking on a broad shape, clearly a breastplate of some sort.


"I'm impressed," blurted the blacksmith causing Jon to jump in surprise.


The blacksmith's voice was robust and powerful; it seemed to reverberate through the stone itself and filled Jon with a measure of courage; he hammered the breastplate several more times before setting down his hammer and leaving the breastplate in a pool of water to cool.


Jon was enraptured by the eyes of the blacksmith, they were very bright, but they did not shine like the stars, but they shone like the fires of his forge.


"Impressed?" Jon replied sheepishly.


"You have stood there for hours, and yet the horrible heat of my forge has not affected you; None save the Noldor and my own children can resist such. The blood of Valyria is rather queer and magical indeed, "The blacksmith said solemnly before grabbing another band of iron and began hammering away.


"Where am I? ... Who are you?" Jon asks in a respectful tone.


"Haven't you guessed it yet? .. Manwë and Ulmo told us of your honour and strength," The blacksmith replied without looking at him, being more focused on his work.


Jon was surprised the stranger addressed the Elder King and Lord of waters as if he was a dear friend. It was then Jon knew who this stranger was.


A surprised Jon quickly bowed, hoping he hadn't aroused the ire of the legendary smith.


"O merciful Erú ... Not only have Lord Manwë and Lord Ulmo honoured me with their presence but now even you ... Lord Aulë," Said Jon with great reverence.


"Well, your manners are excellent ... You will have to forgive me, Jon Snow.. as you are the first of the second born to ever converse with me, and I am rather used to the courtesies of the Noldor, but hearts of men are another matter entirely," Said Aulë without looking away from his forge.


"Lord Aulë, why have you graced me with your presence? " Jon asked, astonished that he was conversing with the blacksmith of the Valar; Who's great labour fashioned all the lands of Arda. He is a smith and a master of all crafts; his are the gems that lie deep in the Earth and the gold that is fair in the hand, no less than the walls of the mountains and the basins of the sea.


With his unmatched skill, he forged Illuin and Ormal, the two lamps of the Valar that in the elder days had illuminated the world with the beauty of Valinor.


His other works were Angainor, the chain that twice bound Morgoth and the containers that cross the skies bearing the last flower of Telperion and the last fruit of Laurelin, the moon and the sun.


But in ages long past before the awakening of the firstborn, he had fashioned his most incredible creation... The race of the Dwarves ... The greatest blacksmiths and craftsmen of Arda, second only to Fëanor.


Aulë examined the blade he had just fashioned and deemed it acceptable before leaving it in a pool of water to cool, causing great plumes of steam to fill the room; the great smith then turned his gaze to Jon.


"We have much to discuss, Jon Snow", Aulë said without losing sight of the expression on Jon's face.


"'What do you mean, my lord?" Jon asked, confused.


"But first ... Would you be kind enough to lend me your sword for a few moments? ... I would like to examine it," Aulë said, stretching out his large hand, and Jon quickly handed his sword to its creator.


Holding Ringil in his hands, Aulë smiled, clearly admiring his finest creation.


"I remember when Finwë and Indis came to me to ask for this weapon ... They wished for a powerful sword for Fingolfin, especially Indis, as she insisted that her son bear a mighty weapon one great enough to match Grond," Aulë said wistfully as if lost in thought.


"Did she know what would misfortune would befall her son?" Jon asked, confused.


"No ... But she foresaw the dangers that he would face in his life, the name that Indis gave him at birth was" Aracáno ", in the ancient tongue it meant High-Chieftain", that foreshadowed his kingship of the Noldor, the Elf women, especially those who live in Aman, have the gift of "foresight" and when they become mothers and give their names to their children, it is known that this gift influences the name they are given. You and your companions have this gift, although they are only just beginning to understand its true purpose," Aulë said, leaving Ringil in his forge. Jon watched as the blade of his sword began to glow white-hot.


"I see ..." Jon said, worried that the great smith would keep Ringil.


"Fear not, young dragon ... I'm simply scoring Ringil with runes, it shall sting with the fury of Valinor that I can promise... though, it's not common for me to re-forge one of my works", Aulë said, readying his hammer again.


"Lord Aulë ... Am I dreaming?" Jon asked.


"Of course you are dreaming; otherwise, I would not have been able to speak with you after your trip to Valinor Manwë has forbidden us to separate your soul from your body... Apparently, he is afraid that next time you will not return to your body, And thus I came to you instead of calling you hence to my realm... However, this is quite real," Aulë said, fanning the heat of his forge as Jon, surprised, bowed again, clearly overwhelmed.


"I am honoured that you visit me even in a dream, my Lord," said the young man respectfully.


"I'm afraid we must dispense with pleasantries Jon, our time is short, and I bring grim tidings," Said Aulë starting to hit Ringil with his hammer.


"What does the great artisan of the Valar want from me?" Jon asked.


"My former student has set a trap for you," Aulë said dryly.


"Your former student?" Jon asked until he understood that there was only one who had studied the arts of Aulë and had betrayed him.


"Sauron .. " Jon whispered, and Aulë's face hardened at the mention of that name.


"Yes, he continues to use my teachings to spread the vile sorceries of his master... And I fear he had forged something of great and terrible power... Although I do not know what it may be, he's going to great lengths to conceal his mind from us," Aulë said with contempt towards his former apprentice before striking Ringil with his hammer once more.


"Can he truly conceal himself from the notice of the Valar?" Jon asked in surprise as that showed that Sauron's power is much greater than he had imagined.


"I'm afraid so; Sauron may not be as powerful as a Valar, but he is still an extremely skilled and competent sorcerer in his own right, never forget that young Targaryen, or it shall lead to an early grave", Aulë replied with his eyes focused on his forge.


"So this great siege is simply a ruse to dispose of men?" Jon asked, recalling the shadow that had fallen upon his heart as if warning him something was amiss.


"It's hard to tell ... My former apprentice was always more cunning than the Great Enemy... But yes, we are inclined to think that yes, he has come to see you as a threat, and he will wish to slay you before he begins his conquest of Middle Earth, "Said Aulë.


"What would you have me do, Lord Aulë? ... I cannot return to Annúminas and turn my back on the people of Gondor," Jon replied firmly, trying not to appear proud or disrespectful.


At that moment, a smile appeared on the Valar blacksmith's face.


"I know, Manwë and Ulmo say that you resemble Fingolfin in countenance and nobility; it gives me great pleasure to see for myself that it is true ... However, you temper your compassion," Said Aulë with severity, and Jon felt fear.


"What are you referring to, my lord?" Jon asked, fearful that he had provoked the blacksmith's ire.


"Compassion can be a dangerous thing if it is not tempered... It can make you impulsive, reckless and careless," Said Aulë staring at Jon, and the young Targaryen suddenly felt as if he was a child again.


Jon had never heard that compassion was a bad thing; however, the Valar never share their wisdom carelessly; he recalled the fall of Gondolin; the pride of King Turgon caused him to ignore the wisdom of Lord Ulmo, causing untold misery and woe for the Noldor.


"I honoured by your counsel and favour, Lord Aulë. I shall heed your counsel," Jon said with reverence.


"I greatly desire to converse with you Jon Snow as the King of Arda, as well as the Lord of the Waters, have a very high opinion of you, but as I said, our time is short, so I may bless Ringil and give you my blessing, "Said the blacksmith as he continued to scry runes onto the blade.


That means that not only Lord Manwë and Lord Ulmo know of me but also Queen Varda? ... Jon wondered, surprised, but at that moment, he realized what Lord Aulë had told him.


"Blessing?" Jon asked, clearly intrigued.


"I shall unleash the true strength of Ringil, and I shall scry it with master runes", Aulë replied.


"Runes?" Asked the young Targaryen, clearly excited.


"Yes, I shall engrave Ringil with the runes of might, dismay, cleaving and breaking," Said Aulë taking Ringil out of his forge and staring at her for a few moments before forging her again.


"Rune of Breaking?" Jon asked, confused.


"this rune was inscribed upon the axes of Dwarven generals during the wars of wraith, it was forged to counter the sorceries of the high elves and the fell magics of Morgoth who's legions bore the fell speech of Aganbad upon their weapons my son's use this rune to reap a terrible toll upon Orc and Elves alike, and now its strength shall pass onto you. Should Ringil strike an enchanted weapon, it shall shatter it like ice," Said Aulë looking at Jon penetratingly.


At the mention of Dwarves, Jon thoughts were drawn back to Khazad-Dûm, where he had suffered under the tutelage of Ranuff, though Aulë's bearing was far grander than any Dwarven Lord.


He is like his sons in every way, Or rather, it's his sons who are so similar to him... And not just because of his love of forging... Jon thought with amusement.


"Did something amuse you, boy?" Said Aulë arching one of his bushy eyebrows, to which Jon grimaced.


"No, my lord, but you remind me a great deal of your sons, Especially those who descended from Durin," Said Jon hoping that Aulë would forgive his blunder; it seems that it was because when he mentioned his Dwarves, causing Aulë to smile a smile that showed fierce pride.


"Ah yes ... My dwarves, my children ... My greatest creation and of which I am most proud, and my greatest reason to praise and thank Erú," Aulë said, unable to hide his affection for his most remarkable creations.


Jon waited patiently for Aulë to finish his work on Ringil, and it seemed the great blacksmith sensed his impatience.


"It won't take long, Jon Snow.. though I cannot share the secrets of rune magic... My skills as a smith and forge master would take centuries to master, and that is something you don't have now... Tis a shame since I had heard that your mind is sharp, and you would be my first apprentice among the Second Born... Well, there is no point in regretting what is hopeless," Aulë said, continuing his work.


While Jon steeled himself, he decided to get closer.


"Excuse me, Lord Aulë… I am curious as to why you seek to aid me in such a way? Lord Manwë and Lord Ulmo gave me the knowledge and the means to confront evil but did not help me in such a direct way? " Jon asked, intrigued.


For a few moments, Aulë did not respond or give any signs of having heard him as he kept hammering the blade; after several minutes, Aulë stared at the blade, judging his craftsmanship before plunging it into the water to cool.


"It's almost finished; now we can inscribe the runes... Well, young man, answering your question, that is twofold," Aulë replied, wiping the sweat from his brow.


"Two reasons?" Jon said curiously.


"Yes, as you have said, my older brothers have given you the knowledge and power to confront and defend others from evil; I felt that I had to contribute in some way," Aulë said, staring at him.


"And the second reason?" Jon asked.


"But I desire to ruin the schemes of my former apprentice as he took all that I taught him and twisted it towards misery, woe and death aiding the Great Enemy for centuries even corrupting the hearts of men... I suppose you know about the Nazgul," Aulë growled, and Jon nodded.


"The arts that turned these men into those abominations, I regret to say that I taught them when Sauron revealed himself I journeyed to Middle-earth to deal with him personally since he was a Maia in my service, but Manwë forbade me believing that the Valar should no longer interfere in the affairs of mortals, so I returned to Valinor and been idle until now. It seems my brother has seen fit to take more active governance of the world, and therefore, I beseech you to act on my behalf and ruin the plans of the upstart," Aulë said with a fierce smile.


... It seems the Dwarves are far more like their father than I thought... They bear a grudge like no other... Jon thought nervously.


"Well, Jon, our conversation was not as long as I would have liked... But my time here is running out .. Listen very well, young man," Said Aulë with his powerful voice echoing in the dreamlike cave.


"Yes, Lord Aulë", Jon said, focusing his attention on the Valar.


"Sauron has sent a great host of Easterlings to sack Isengard; they are a mighty host armed with weapons of iron and steel, this much you know, but I have discovered that they have constructed great siege machines, " Aulë said in a deep voice while Jon listened to everything without losing any detail.


... In that case, They can shatter the gates of Isengard ... Jon thought in alarm.


"But that isn't the only news I bring," Aulë said sternly, and Jon flinched.


"Tell me, Lord Aulë," Jon said fearfully.


"I do not know exactly, Sauron is using his considerable sorceries to conceal his plans, but there is a great shadow lurking in the East a terrible power that leads this fell host", Aulë said gravely.


Jon only felt a chill as he felt a weight in his heart from Aulë's words.


"Oh ... By Erú," Jon said, dismayed, beginning to understand the gravity of the situation but feeling the anguish of the young mortal Aulë put one of his massive hands on his shoulder.


"Do not despair, young warrior, you shall be victorious of that I'm certain; hope has not abandoned you or your companions", Said the great blacksmith trying to encourage the young man.


"What must we do, Lord Aulë? .. How can we hope to achieve victory?" Jon said, trying to stay composed.


"I may only give you counsel, young man; I cannot tell you how you will triumph because this is your war; You must seek out the daughter of Finarfin and her husband and warn them of this calamity for the enemy is far mightier than you could possibly know if you seek to combine your forces before marching back northwards Isengard will fall... They must be fully prepared before they arrive, and you must be ever vigilant for Sauron has taken notice of you, and it is always unwise to draw the eye of my former apprentice," Aulë said in a harsh voice.


"We ... we will, Lord Aulë.. we shall be ever vigilant," Jon said, staying as composed as possible.


"You must not forget the evil of Mordor either, dark things are stirring, and I fear there is something far more sinister at work than the evil of the Easterlings... The sons of Elendil must not lower their guard," Aulë said with severity.


"Thank you, Lord Aulë", Jon said with a slight smile.


"Sauron is exerting all his powers to hide his intentions from us. This will weaken him for a time. Although this will not last, you must not be reckless, " Aulë said sternly.


"I understand Lord Aulë; I caution my companions against impetuous acts," said Jon knowing that Loras, despite his wisdom, would march on the black gates alone if it would spare the peoples of Middle-Earth more suffering.


... According to the sages of the Noldor and the Westernesse, a siege of Mordor would take decades; it is a dead land of ash and fire and corpses they say that its black gates are guarded by much more than Orcs, if Lord Aulë cautions against open war we must heed his counsel, or we shall fall under the shadow of Mordor ... Jon thought worriedly.


"Well, then I'm afraid the time has come to part. I don't think we'll see each other again soon, which is a shame since you seem like an interesting young man, and you would have been a clever apprentice," Said Aulë before removing Ringil from the pool of water.


"When you wake, you shall find Ringil scored with runes, and you must share what I have told you with your companions, especially Glorfindel," Said Aulë looking at Jon gravely, and the young man nodded, understanding that the ancient elf's wisdom would be invaluable.


"Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me, Lord Aulë, as well as for granting me your blessing," Jon said, grateful to the Valar for their help.


While the Blacksmith of the Valar smiled.


"You do not have to thank me, young mortal; it was I who instructed Sauron in the arts of forging, and I bear responsibility for his cruelty, and though I cannot bring him to battle, I shall aid you for the good of all free folk ... It is time for you to wake up young and remember Sauron is extremely cunning and a formidable sorcerer ... You must never underestimate him," Said Aulë starting to separate from Jon.


-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

The first thing Jon felt was the warmth of many bodies around him, and he looked around to realize that his loves were comfortably using him as a pillow.


For a few moments, Jon thought that his meeting with the "Blacksmith of the Valar" was a simple dream, yet Jon knew that would be a rather foolish notion as his dealings with Ulmo and Manwë were similar. Jon laid there and reflected on the wisdom Lord Aulë shared with him; Jon allowed himself to enjoy the warmth of the bodies of his queens who were snoring charmingly.


... Unfortunately, good things never last ... Jon thought with annoyance.


Sighing in resignation, Jon had to wake his Ladies gently.


"Mmm," Lalwen woke first disturbed by the lack of warmth, and Jon couldn't resist kissing her on the forehead, making her smile.


Then Jon woke up Rhaenys and Arianne.


"What? .. Jon? " Rhaenys asked, confused at being woken up so suddenly.


"Is it sun up yet?" Arianne said, rubbing her eyes.


"Not yet... But we can't stay here anymore... Get ready and meet me outside ... There are many things I need to tell you ... I will go wake up the others."


At that moment, Jon realized that Daenerys was still asleep and smiling; Jon began placing small kisses on her forehead.


"Time to wake up, Dany, as much as I like to see you sleep," Jon said with a smile.


"What's happening?" Said the Dragon Princess waking up.


"Get dressed. I'll meet you outside in a few minutes ... I have dire news to share with you; I'll go wake up the others," said Jon standing up and taking his sword from the ground, leaving the tent.


It was beginning to dawn, and Jon noticed the camp was relatively silent except for the sounds of birds and the occasional Stag.


That's when Jon could no longer contain his excitement and drew his sword.


By Erú, Ringil was already magnificent before but now ... After being reforged by its creator ...


Jon's sword was akin to a falling star; the light of the sun shone redly in it, and the light of the moon shone cold, and its edge was hard and keen, and the blade was scorned with many runes truly Aulë is the mightiest of smiths.


"What a magnificent sword," said a familiar voice.


Jon was startled as the voice of his master brought him out of his thoughts, so enthralled was he by Ringil's beauty that he did not notice that his master Glofindel had snuck up behind him.


"It is teacher truly a wonderous sight?" Jon said, smiling and Glorfindel nodded.


"That glow is unmistakable ... It's Ringil but ... how? ... it is now scored with runes of master quality" Glorfindel mesmerized by the beauty of the blade.


"It is as it was reforged with greater magics... Yes, master ... It was reforged by Lord Aulë... In a dream," Jon said, smiling with satisfaction as he contemplated Glorfindel's shocked face.


"By Erú... Did you speak with another of the Aratar?" Glorfindel said impressed.


"Yes, and he counselled me on the mind of Sauron and revealed grim news that I must share with you", Jon said seriously, pulling Glorfindel out of his reverie, and he nodded.


"I'll fetch Loras and Robar, and we must depart soon... We can't waste any more time here," Jon said.


If Glorfindel found those words strange, he did not show it and nodded as he went in the direction of his tent, and Jon entered the tent of Loras and Robar.


Upon entering, he found them sleeping and snoring soundly at seeing them so defenceless, Jon came up with the idea of being able to retaliate for the blows he received before going for the last time to Tol-Morwen as well as the occasion when his brothers in arms forced him to sleep at the guard post.


Seeing a jug of water on the table, a smiling Jon threw it on his brothers in arms, causing both of them to wake up startled.


"WHAT?!" Loras yelled.


"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Robar yelled.


"Wake up, my brothers ... I have news to share, gird yourself for war... We must change our course," Jon said, smiling.


"Jon.. but what ..." Robar growled back to reality.


"By the Valar Jon ... You are going to pay for waking us up like this", Loras said growling.


Despite the funny scene, Jon knew they had no time to waste and dropped his soft expression.


"Get up.. we have work to do ... NOW!" He said with all the authority he could conjure up, and both Robar and Loras realized he wasn't playing games and quickly got to their feet.


"We will be ready as quickly as possible", Loras said, nodding as Robar did the same.


"Good... I will talk to the sentries so that the soldiers can start moving ... When you are dressed, come to the main tent... We will leave as quickly as possible after speaking," Jon said before departing.

-------------------------------------------------- -

After a quick breakfast, Jon met with sentries, who reported the night's activities; it seems the men of Edenwaith had sent a small force to harry the men of Arnor, but they were slain with little effort Jon thanked the man before returning to the main tent to await his brothers in arms.


One by one, they all arrived still rather miserable from being roused so early, but when they saw Jon's face, they understood that this was rather serious, so any complaints that they may have had were quickly throw out.


When everyone was present, Jon recounted his meeting with Lord Aulë, and they were all shocked to learn of his encounter with the Lord of Blacksmiths, but they knew this wasn't the most important news.


When Jon told them that Sauron had shifted his eye upon him and a great shadow of the east was leading the Easterlings", the room darkened, and more when Jon told them about the army was far more numerous and deadly than once thought.


He told them of Aulë's counsel that they could not allow themselves to be besieged as they would undoubtedly lose and needed to have their troops garrisoned at Isengard quickly.


Finally, Jon told them about the enchanting of Ringil by its creator, and before the astonished gaze of everyone, he drew his newly forged sword. It was heartwarming to see the expression of his companions when they gazed upon the beauty of Ringils blade. But when he told them of the incredible power of the sword, the captains of Arnor bowed in reverence to their commander even Glorfindel bowed his head.


"It seems to me that the course of action is clear; we need to get to Isengard as soon as possible ..." Jon said, dropping into one of the chairs as he contemplated the enormity of his task.


"Yes... That will not be easy.. the roads through the White Mountains is treacherous, but we cannot double back on the plains of Enedwaith the Hillmen will harass our soldiers... True, we built secret paths throughout those mountains but traversing them will take time with such a large host... Lord Jon," Said the eldest of the Captains in the tent respectfully.


"Although perhaps there could be another way ..." said another of the Captains.


"Speak then," Loras said to the Captain.


"There is a colony of men who live at the base of those mountains; they are called the 'Men of Dunharrow'," said the young captain.


"I never heard of these men," Jon said, interested.


"They are the descendants of the second group of the Edain who migrated to the West during the First Age; their relatives who came to Beleriand became the Haladin while they themselves stayed in the eastern regions of Middle-earth that would later be colonized by our ancestors, "The young captain said.


"They know those mountains better than anyone if there is a road in them that allows us to shorten the time... They know it, I'm sure, and if I'm wrong, we still have our way," said the young man.


"Can we trust them? ... Why would they help us?" Rhaenys asked, interested.


"They swore allegiance to the eldest son of the Great King Elendil, Isildur ... In the early days of Gondor ..." The elder Captain said.


Jon was not very convinced of that plan, but there was nothing else that could be done they needed to get to Isengard as quickly as possible, and those men from Dunharrow could aid them, yet a shadow approached his spirit at its mere mention, Jon had the premonition that in a time that still remained hidden from him, from those men a misfortune would come.


"Very well then... Search for those men, enlist their help; you must reach Isengard as quickly as possible and prepare your defences... Depart immediately," Jon said to his men.


"Yes, my Lord", Said the knights before leaving the tent.


"Loras, Robar, Arianne, Rhaenys and Dany ... I wish for you to accompany them; you must prepare the defences of the Isengard as best you can," Jon said, looking at the faces of his loves who looked at him with pain since they did not want to be separated from him.


"But Jon", Dany began to cry as a form of manipulation when she saw how it worked very often for Jon's cousins.


But Jon silenced her with a finger to her lips.


"I know love, I know, I don't want to part either, but I need you to go to Isengard," Jon said.


"Where will you go, my white wolf?" Arianne said.


"We will depart to Dor-en-Ernil as soon as possible to convey all we have learned to Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel ... Those were Lord Aulë's instructions," Jon said gravely.


"Shall we leave now?" Rhaenys asked, confused.


"Yes, Glorfindel, Lalwen and I .. Will seek out Galadriel and Celeborn before they depart from Edhellond," Jon said with authority, appeasing all those present.


Actually, the Westerosis Princesses were wroth at the thought of Írimë accompanying Jon, but they knew their reservation mattered nought and so held their toungues.


"Very good then ... Have some breakfast soon because we will leave as quickly as possible", Jon said as he left the tent, followed by everyone.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------


It had been three days since Jon, Glorfindel and Írimë left in the direction of Belfalas they travelled light only taking three horses of Elven stock and some provisions riding along the great south road it was wide and well-paved, and along its eastern edge ran a broad green riding-track, and beyond that a wall.


Finally, after riding for the three days, Jon felt something that he had not felt in two years the sea breeze and the wailing of gulls.


With new vigour filling him, Jon rode even faster, leaving Glorfindel and Írimë surprised and was able to reach the great cliffs where he saw a wide beach of glimmering sand caressed by the sparkling waters of the Great Ocean.


Arrayed before him, Hundreds of white tents with elves all girded for war, at the centre of this grand encampment, was a tent of sky blue that seemed to shimmer in the sun.


Atop the tent, there was a great banner swaying in the breeze; the banner was a beautiful symbol, a great sunburst with eight rays in scarlet silk and just under it another banner that was no less impressive a dazzling blue star on a field of black surrounded by four smaller stars all made from diamonds and silver thread.


"They are the heraldry of the House of Thingol and of my brother Finarfin," Írimë said.


"There is the camp," Glorfindel said.


"Yeah ... Come on, we don't have time to lose ..." Jon said before riding back.


And so the wheels of Jon's destiny began to turn again, not knowing that guiding him unknowingly to a beauty like few in the history of Arda.


A beauty that was as fair as the light of the Two Trees.


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