39.11% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1017: 12

章節 1017: 12

Chapter Text

Kara was all happy and floaty! Alderaanian rum was so tasty and everything was so nice. "Do you think we can try some other things next time?"

"Sure, we'll probably have to do some research, maybe ask M'gann what won't kill us. I don't feel like dying from alien tequila." Daisy giggled at her own words.

That would be very sad. "You're not allowed to die." Kara hadn't talked so much about Krypton before in her life! It was so nice! She reached out and poked Daisy's nose. "We've just talked about me all night…well except for you being a troublemaker as a kid. What about you?"

"What about me?" Daisy asked with that annoyingly smirky and smug smile on her face.

Kara poked Daisy's nose again, got her cheek instead but it was fine. "You just are always helping me! Like this bar, and this delicious rum and juice thing, or with Siohbon and Leslie, or listening to me talk about James, or dating, or the DEO, and with Ms. Grant. You just are always helping. You even make dinner now!"

"I burned dinner twice before you got home tonight," Daisy kicked at her foot again, a thing she'd been doing all night. It was kinda comforting. "And you've been helping with my apartment, and let me sleep on your couch, and you didn't paste me."

Kara caught Daisy's hand, "There has to be something fun and nice you want to do? I can help! I'm really good at helping people."

"I…I don't know?" Daisy looked kind of lost. "What are people supposed to do besides missions? I mean I know what people do, but I don't know if I like any of that stuff. I've never even lived anywhere longer than two years, and that was the orphanage when I was a kid."

Kara grabbed her purse and dug through it before finding a notepad and pen. She gleefully set them down on the table. "We can make a list of things you want to try or do!" She beamed looking at Daisy. "So, what haven't you gotten to do that you want to learn?"

There was a long moment as Daisy really seemed to ponder it, lovely word, ponder. "I've never been to the zoo?" Her voice was hesitant.

That was sad, what human hadn't been to the zoo? Not that Daisy was a human, still. Kara wrote out 'Zoo' in loopy letters on the top of the clean page. "What about the aquarium? Otters are adorable. Very Adorable."

"Uh, no I guess, add it to the list?" Daisy poked at the table, her eyes staring at her hands. "Do you think…if I got a pet, would…I mean if something happens to me, you'd find it a new home right?"

Kara reached out and poked Daisy's cheek again, "Nothing is going to happen to you. But of course, I would. That's what friends do."

"Then…I always wanted a pet." Daisy huffed, "I should probably keep a plant alive first."

She added 'Plant' to the list, "You could get pretty flowers!"

"How are you so nice?" Daisy stared at her in disbelief, crinkles around her eyes before shaking her head, "Come on, you have to have some human thing you haven't done but want to. Add it to the list."

Kara pouted, "There's so many human things I'm not sure if I do them right, or haven't done them at all."

"Come on, what's something you never tried?" Daisy leaned forward, her elbows on the table.

"I always wanted to try line dancing, it's stupid, we don't have to do that," Kara knew it was silly, Alex had avoided it enough times for her to get the hint.

Daisy plucked the pen out of Kara's hands, yoinked the notepad, and scrawled out 'line dancing' before grinning back up at her. "What else?"


Kara snorted into her third rum and orange juice, "They do look like penguins don't they?"

"Some of 'em even waddle." Daisy nodded overly seriously, before breaking out into giggles.

It was infectious, Kara giggled at Daisy's giggles, and at the thought of waddling nuns. The lights were all shiny and sparkly.

Daisy shook herself slightly, "So no flying to the Arctic and hugging a penguin?"

"No, it'd be really fun though." Kara pouted at the list she was doodling a penguin on.


Kara waved at M'gann before she let Daisy pull her out of the bar. "We should come back!"

"We can come back, karaoke night is twice a month." Daisy caught her hand and pulled her with her toward the exit of the alley. "Come on, I called us an Uber."

Kara let her head fall back staring up at the sky. A human couldn't see them in the city, but Kara could see the stars! "We should fly!"

"Oh that's a terrible idea," Daisy was laughing though. "Come on blondie, we have some ice cream to feed you."

She did love ice cream. "I thought we ate all the ice cream?"

"The last of it is in the freezer and I'm going to the store tomorrow. I'll get more for us." Daisy tugged her along.

Kara stumbled over something as she followed. "It's all so floating but I'm not floating."

"Oh, you're floating on something." Daisy ducked closer and pulled Kara's arm over her shoulders, wrapping an arm around her. "Let's see if we can get to the car without putting your foot through the sidewalk.

It was nice, the warmth of Daisy's side against hers. "You hum."

"I hum?" Daisy asked as they walked down the sidewalk, or Daisy walked, she swayed, a lot of her weight on Daisy's shoulder.

Kara happily leaned into Daisy, "You do, I can feel the…the…vibrations!"

"Really?" Daisy seemed surprised, the quiet laughter in her voice fading a bit.

She nodded, "Especially when I hug you, it's all hummy, like hugging a bee. Or a cat, kinda purring sometimes."

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was leaking like that." And as she spoke the pleasant humming vanished.

Kara dug her heels in, bringing them to a halt. "No! Don't do that! It's nice."

"It's…" Daisy's eyes were wide, mouth slightly open, cocked ever so slightly for a few seconds, and then, slowly, the humming started to come back.

Kara's eyes closed, burrowing her nose into Daisy's shoulder. "It's nice."

A burst of laughter escaped out of Daisy, "Cutting you off was so the right call."


Daisy got the coffee going, yawning as she grabbed the largest glass she could find. She ran the back of her foot against the back of her other calf. Quiet mornings were new, but Daisy was kind of sure she liked them. Not too slow this morning though, she had a shift fixing other people's computers. First, she had time to make sure Kara's inevitable hangover wasn't the absolute worst.

She grabbed the granola and milk before heading to the table. Opening up her laptop she started scrolling through the morning news while she ate. Nothing particularly interesting, or interesting in the way she was becoming concerned about. The facade of perfection this world kept up was freaky. The alien issue was a bubbling nightmare, but the government wasn't even admitting they could deal with aliens. And only an idiot could miss the men in black showing up for cleanup.

Frowning, she skimmed the Tribune's last issue. Fuck, it was so weird, it was like they didn't want to acknowledge their own reality. It was lazy and stupid, and it was something Daisy was more and more sure she was going to have to rip this facade to shreds if anyone was going to be safe from what was just under the surface. Daisy stabbed at her bowl of granola, it'd be so much easier to just root out the worst forces and put some fuckers in the ground. But Kara wasn't wrong that, maybe, she was getting a bit too comfortable with killing. The enemy needed to be given a chance.

Daisy was drawn from her faintly murderous thoughts by the very unhappy-sounding groan from the bed. That was a 'yes' to the question of whether Kryptonians got hangovers or not. She couldn't help the amusement over that. Getting up she went and poured herself a mug of coffee, added the perfect amount of sugar and cream, or a disgusting amount. Potato, patoato.

Grabbing the large glass of water, and her mug, she padded over to the lump of misery. Daisy felt like cackling, first hangovers were rough. "Morning Sunshine."

The sound that Kara made sounded a bit like a drunken yak. Very unhappy though.

Daisy's smile grew as she took a drink of her own coffee. Shaking her head she set the mug down on the bedside table before plopping down on the side of the bed and using one arm to roll Kara onto her side. "Come on, water will help."

Kara cracked her eyes open, ever so slightly, looking up at her. "Nooooo…."

"Come on, sit up, once you get the water down you can have some coffee." Daisy poked and prodded till she'd gotten Kara half rolled upright and drinking water.

Kara's eyes were squeezed shut in protest, but she did manage to drink without breaking the glass.

Daisy grabbed her coffee and sipped quietly, she was enjoying this. Kara had been drunk, but she hadn't been super drunk. Which meant the hangover was killing her more out of not being used to pain than it really being particularly bad. Or maybe alien rum was a killer. It'd be fine, she'd made Kara drink a lot of water last night and like a good plant alien, she could just stick Kara out in the sunlight to recover after getting some more liquid into her.

"Urgh." Kara handed her the empty water glass before thunking backward against the mattress.

She huffed setting the cup aside and standing up. "Come on, let's get you into direct sunlight, which is a cheat. Being miserable for the whole day after getting drunk is a rite of passage for humans."

"Why do people do this?" Kara whined as she let Daisy grab her arms and haul her out of bed.

Daisy half-pulled Kara to the sitting room and left her standing in a beam of sunlight. "It is very self-destructive of us, but so very fun." She poured a second mug of coffee with a lot of cream and sugar before walking back. She paused smiling at Kara sitting on the floor, eyes closed, facing into the sun like a hungover cat. "Such a plant."

"I'm not a plant," Kara mumbled, but she wasn't moving from her position.

She handed Kara the fresh mug of coffee, before dropping onto the couch, sipping from her own mug. "So, I remind you of a cat?"

Kara went very still, "oh no."

"Hmm, something about purring and my hair being soft." Daisy was enjoying watching the horror break through the hangover. "I have to say, I've never had someone try and pet my head before."

Kara was staring at her with bleary, but horrified eyes, "Oh no, I'm so sorry, I don't-"

Daisy couldn't help it, she laughed, cutting off the probably very rambling apologies. She waved a hand. "You're so fine. The weirdest thing you did was decide my vibrations meant I was like a cat, and soft-head pats are fine. You're good. And making sure I got ice cream too was sweet."

Kara buried her face in her hands. "I'm sooo sorry."


"Please, you didn't even puke on a cop, and then on a nun, you're rocking the first-time drinking thing." Daisy glanced at the clock. "And unfortunately you're going to be doing your hydrate and sit in the sun recovery on your own. I've got a shift to get to."

Kara was a bit too miserable looking to pout, "Have a good day fixing computers?"

"So many porn viruses to defeat, so little time." Daisy stretched before getting up. "Granola's on the table still if you want some, and there's still half a pot of coffee. Water, drink all the water, and enjoy the sun."


Daisy rolled her eyes as she realized the current computer with 'glitching' issues just had a virus the owner had downloaded with a special mouse animation that made it ribbit every time you clicked on something. Hilarious animation and sound effects, she could appreciate the humor in that, but who just downloaded free stuff without checking for anything else hitching a ride?

"What's that look for Johnson?" Willard asked from where he was trying to salvage a poor machine that'd had orange juice spilled on it.

She looked up at her coworker, he was in his mid-twenties, a college drop-out to care for a relative, a fairly decent guy from what she could tell from the now two-and-a-half shifts she'd worked with him. "Despairing for people's abilities to download the worst viruses. I think I'm going to have to wipe a few programs to get it off."

"At least it's not someone who can't find the 'on' button." He had a dead-eyed look as he said those words that said he'd had that someone…many, many times. Willard stared at the computer he had in pieces on the table. "I think they let a child chew on this."

Her nose wrinkled, that was disgusting. "Before or after the orange juice?"

"I think after?"


Lucy had had a magical ten hours of sleep last night. She'd have been suspicious of how quiet it'd been if she hadn't been so grateful for the chance to get some rest. However, she was suspicious of Kara. Kara who kept wincing at any sharp sound and was trying very hard not to look like she wanted a nap. She hadn't known Kryptonians could look tired. Her teeth ground slightly. "Supergirl, a word."

The Kryptonian gave her the guiltiest look and fakest smile known to man while zipping to her side with a completely unneeded burst of superspeed. "Yes?"

Lucy grabbed her arm and pulled her slightly to the side, her voice a hiss. "Are you hungover?"

"What? No, pftt, I would never," Kara's sunny smile was so fake it hurt.

Lucy resisted pinching the bridge of her nose, "I didn't even know Kryptonians could get drunk?"


"You stopped a fire, so you didn't lose your powers," Lucy frowned, "Did you drink radioactive waste or something?"

Kara managed to look insulted, "What, who would do that? It was very nice orange juice and rum and…I mean I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Rum? What was it, alien? You found alien rum?!" Lucy's voice pitched up even as she hissed.

Kara waved her arms even as she cringed at her voice. "It…I'm fine, it's all great, I didn't do anything embarrassing at all, so it's all fine."

Lucy stared at her, oh, she didn't believe that at all. She crossed her arms, eyebrow raised. "What did you do?"

"Do you hear that? I hear an emergency, bye!" Supergirl was gone in a blur.

She looked upwards, for the love of god. Whoever thought Supergirl was a threat to anyone's safety except her handlers were sticking their heads into the sand. Lucy, looked over to Vasquez, "Is there actually an emergency of some kind?"


Daisy landed in the middle of the street, ignoring the screaming civilians and general chaos, instead she just called out to Kara who had been getting punched in the face by some kind of alien with four arms. "Need some help, Supergirl?"

"No shooting!" Supergirl yelled as she blocked another punch to the head.

Daisy held up her hands theatrically before her head snapped to one side as a second giant, ugly ass, four-armed alien came crashing out through the front of a bodega. "Well aren't you hideous, are those tusks? Like did a boar fuck a gargoyle, cause if so I'm disappointed you're only aiming to rob that."

The alien let out a roar of sheer rage before charging her.

Daisy so still had it, pissing off assholes was always fun, she grinned under her mask as she wound her arm back and then ducked before slamming her fist, and a lot of vibrations directly into the alien's face an audible crack, flinging him halfway down the street.

Supergirl and the alien who was trying to use her as a punching bag both looked at Daisy.

Daisy dropped a hand on one hip. "So hot stuff, what are these guys? And think I can get your number? I mean two meetings in less than a week, it's got to be fate."

"They're Branx, and are you flirting, right now?" Supergirl kicked the apparent Branx she'd been fighting away from her before landing next to her.

Daisy made sure her body language was as obnoxiously laid back as possible. "Fighting with a hot blonde, is there a better time than this?"

Supergirl was so very Kara right then, blatantly spluttering, cheeks turning pink.

"DAUGHTER OF ALURA! YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR MOTHER'S CRIMES!" The larger of the two Branx roared from where he'd dragged himself back to his feet, two hands helping pull his friend to his feet.

Kara's face went serious, her posture returning to all Supergirl. "You take the left, I'll take the right."

"Sounds fun, not the kind of double teaming I was imagining with you Superhot, but sweaty and rough is good enough for now." Daisy bounced on her toes, it'd been a while since she'd had a fight that hadn't left her feeling tired. This was fun! And the choking noise Kara made to that was hilarious.

Daisy used her vibrations, and the fact she was kind of legit a supersoldier, to launch herself straight for the Branx to the left. At the last second, she dropped into a slide, directly between his legs, sliding back up onto her feet, behind him. Pivoting, she spun, kicking him in the side, sending him crashing into the sidewalk.

The Branx rolled onto his hands and knees before roaring and charging straight for her, narrow horns first.

Unfortunately for him, he was large, bulky, and probably faintly concussed from that first hit she'd landed.

Daisy twisted as she bent, avoiding the hit, and then hooked her legs around him and flipped both of them slamming into the street. He took the impact of the hit.

She rolled off of him and straight back onto her feet, her back facing him. Daisy didn't feel it, but she felt assured to see Supergirl landing a couple of solid hits on her opponent, her form was terrible, but she could clearly tank the damage the Branx was doing and he wasn't going to last long against her. "Hey Supergirl, aim for the jaw."

"I've got it!" Kara shouted at her while blasting her unfortunate alien with heat vision.

Daisy tilted her head, "That is so cool." She ducked the punch that went harmlessly swinging over her head. She turned with the next bend, avoiding yet another punch as she used her arm to block a third one. She slammed her elbow down on the arm in her grip, hard.

There was a horrible, audible snapping sound as whatever bones were in his forearm snapped.

The Branx cried out in pain.

Daisy used her grip on his now broken arm, to keep him in place as she slammed her knee into his gut with enough force to feel ribs cracking from the force of it.

He dropped to his knees, leaving them at the same height.

Daisy punched him across the face, hard.

He swayed back from the force of it, before swaying back towards her.

She grabbed his head and then slammed her own head into his.

He dropped.

Daisy winced under her mask the goggle bit was cracked but not falling apart. And also, ow. Head butting aliens that looked a bit like gargoyles, a bad idea. Very, very noted. Still, it wasn't so much of a bad idea that she couldn't easily hide the brief second of seeing stars. Yay masks, that let her look like a nightmare villain without having to keep some dumb set face all the time.

She walked over and then halted and watched as Kara finished knocking out her opponent. Daisy let one of her hands rest on a hip, her head cocked theatrically. She waited till Branx number two hit the pavement before talking though. "Has no one taught you to box? Cause you'd be a killer boxer."

"What?" Kara blew a tendril of stupidly perfect blond hair out of her face as she looked up at her.

Daisy walked right over the top of the unconscious Branx, "You know, boxing, fist fighting, cause the whole tanking puny weaklings because you can is definitely appealing, but if fighting is your day job you should probably pick up some boxing." She stepped straight into Kara's personal space, "Be so happy to teach you some moves I know you'll love."

Kara took a half step back, face definitely flushed, "I'm, wait, you, do you- did you hit your head?"

"Only star I'm seeing is you," This was delightful, she was going to look up Superman/girl-themed pickup lines for next time. There had to be some. "But boxing, I'll show you some moves, we can call it a date, thoughts?"

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