36.8% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 957: 27

章節 957: 27

Chapter 27: Espionage And How Not To Do It

Chapter Text

Before anything else, I take a moment to express my gratitude to Yasaka for the early warning. "Thank you, Yasaka-hime, for bringing this to me. I realize that you could have used this information against me rather than notifying me as you have."

Yasaka seems surprised at the sudden respect in my tone but I don't think she should be. If I didn't respect her for this, there wouldn't be much she could do to get me to show respect. Still, she smiles gently and looks genuinely pleased with my response to the news. "I wasn't lying earlier Ibaraki-san, I am growing fond of you. You don't hide behind falsehoods like the others I deal with."

I smile smugly at the confirmation that I'm wearing her down. "You are irreverent and overbearing sometimes," Way to take the wind out of my sails, "but you mean well. If I thought you were making deals in the shadows to profit off my people we wouldn't even be having a conversation. No, you aren't that person."

"You weren't born to lead, that is evident in your bearing, even if you don't play the role of a follower well. Not to mention the lack of effort you put into controlling interactions with others. Instead, you had the position thrust upon you and are doing your best. Such earnest effort is endearing." I'm unsure whether I should be happy about that assessment of my character; mad about the unsubtle threat, or embarrassed that she doesn't think I'd be able to run a trafficking ring without her noticing. I'll settle for cheerful petulance, I guess.

"I can not keep this under wraps for too long. Within the next two weeks, my people will be able to collect enough information to take down this group. There are Nobles who are still wary of the Oni returning and will use any slip-up to place sanctions against you. Therefore, If you aren't able to take them down and collect the captives by then, I won't be able to shield you from the consequences." I search Yasaka's words and expressions for any hint that this is untrue. Sadly I am unable to find anything other than the solemn truth.

Nodding I toss that around in my head. Well, if nothing else at least I'll get to fight some new people. I stand up to leave but as I'm turning to the door, I'm hit with some inspiration. "Can I borrow someone?"

"Hm, it would depend on whom you ask to accompany you." Yasaka raises a delicate brow in response to my query.

"Yume-san, the woman who picked us up when we arrived along with Fujiwara-san. She possesses some powerful sensory abilities, right?" The vulpine grin she gives me sends chills down my spine and a sudden warmth through my core. Discomfort and arousal, always a fun combination.

"Yume-chan indeed is far-sighted; I'm surprised you remember, let alone request her help. While she would no doubt be of assistance to your task, I'm afraid she isn't my subordinate to loan out. Dodomeki are rare as is; Yume-chan is rather special and far more perceptive than usual; thus she is kept in reserve unless truly necessary." That answers the question of what kind of Youkai she is. Asking never hurts even if you don't receive what you request. Having a pawn that is too useful to use is fairly moronic though. It makes them as useless as anyone else.

"One more thing. Can you arrange a pair of tutors for my family? I would do it myself but you probably know some who are professional and comfortable working with Yokai." Shuten and Akeno need to continue their studies. I can learn anything I want to in my spare time and I remember everything up to the middle of university education, so I can test for high school equivalency anytime.

"Why would you think I'd have a need for tutors?" I roll my eyes at the vicious glint to Yasaka and the subtle killing intent wafting off her.

"Please, I know a mother when I see one. Your Ki changes on a fundamental level when you bring life into this world." While technically true it isn't something I can actively discern. I can see it in people I know are parents but if I had to use it as a method to deduce whether they had children it would be a guess at best. Virginity is definitely something I can tell though. If Magari can send Nekoshou into heat with a touch using Senjutsu, something like sensing if someone has given birth should be a piece of cake.

"I can have someone set that up for you and your sister." Yasaka pouts as though I've taken the fun out of her threatening me. Really it wasn't a big threat when I've been wanting to fight her for over a month now.

"No, not for me. I'll take the government exam for the diploma equivalent eventually; I'm in no rush since I don't plan to do mundane work. I adopted another kid into the family." Yasaka looks surprised at the confidence I have in my knowledge. I will have to study Japanese history and literature but STEM courses and everything else will be a piece of cake. I'm not some dumb brute, you know?!

Yasaka seems to realize that it would be impossible for me to adopt anyone without an official identity unless I magicked my way through it or kidnapped a kid because her mouth sets into a harsh line. "Is this something I'm going to regret not asking about?"

"...No? It should be fine." Actually, it wouldn't cause any blowback for Yasaka at all. It might for me if Barakiel finds out. Nah, I'll be fine. "My village is a sovereign nation so it's probably legal for me to adopt her if I give her citizenship."

Sighing Yasaka's hand twitches as though she wants to facepalm but can't because of the image she has to uphold. She slides me a dossier across the table, which I take quickly. "Just go. Please."

"Will do! See ya later, Yasaka." Before she can change her mind and press for more information, I hightail it out of there.

After Yasaka had given me the incentives of not losing her support on the condition I am the one to bring down the human trafficking ring, I don't have much of a choice. I could try to say that Yaeko's actions had no bearing on mine and that she was acting on her own but considering I brought her here, and this would be the first real public debut of our kind, it won't look good. Maybe I'm being uncharitable in assuming that she's doing something wrong, it was only a picture after all. She could even be enslaved as well. Yet I still feel it is better to prepare for the worst-case scenario rather than hold onto false hope.

The intel I was given on the Yakuza group known as the Golden Dragons was very sparse in detail. While upsetting, I understood why they had such lacking intel since they had only just started surveilling the group. Yasaka's intelligence squad, as I assume they are who found the information, were only able to find two of their businesses thus far. A club called the Golden Boy, that functioned as an income source, meeting location for executives, and illegal fight club. Initial intel says that the majority of skilled combatants are focused there. A fact that gets my blood pumping.

The other business that is listed is a bathhouse and massage parlor; though the report says it is more of a brothel than anything. Their leader has a terrible naming sense as proven by the second business being called Golden Shine. I'm beginning to sense a trend…

The Golden Boy was clearly their main business and as much as I wanted to go straight there, I was advised to seek out more information first. The dossier states that Yasaka thinks it would be unwise to rush into a battle without knowing my enemy properly. Something about 'collateral damage', 'civilian casualties', and 'hostages'. Clearly, she just doesn't know how amazing I am. Or she is too prideful to admit it.

Therefore, the flavor of the day was espionage. More specifically, I was heading to the Golden Shine and would be getting to the bottom of things. First, though, I had a persona to create!

Shapeshifting, ever a boon for stealth, would come in handy. The question is what form would I take. At what basically amounts to a brothel, a male form would probably be beneficial for going undercover. While I'm sure they have female customers, maybe even those customers who have less traditional tastes, I'm trying not to draw unnecessary attention.

In the end, the form I've gone with is a Japanese male in his early twenties, who is six feet tall, has black hair, and dark brown eyes. Pretty basic I'd say, if not for the fact vestigial character creation instincts took over. What should have been a forgettable easily discarded identity turned into a supermodel, or a shounen anime protagonist.

I couldn't exactly start an assignment of indeterminate length, if shorter than a fortnight, without saying anything to my family so I went home to tell them first.

Over the past month, I've gained enough trust that I can leave Urakyoto without an escort. The fact that no escort means Yasaka doesn't think I'm a threat is comforting if a bit irksome. What I still can't do is enter without a summons or arranging an escort ahead of time. I've seen how they do it enough that I could probably recreate the spell but doing so would cause the trust I've built up to be destroyed. From speaking with Byakko and Akeno, it seems that the spell is basically a passport that links Youki to the concept of home, opening the gate. The Youki is sent through the heart chakra and opens a path to a 'new perspective on the world'. A needlessly complicated key but it's an old spell so the symbolism is important.

Speaking of Akeno, when I open the front door she rushes out and nearly collides with me. Rather than running into me she yelps and jumps, her wings popping out and flapping to give her lift. She manages to clear me fairly easily even though it was clearly an improvised maneuver. "Whoa, where's the fire, kiddo?"

"Obasan is on a warpath. Shuten-san let her 'pet' into the pantry again instead of feeding it herself." That would explain it. I had shown Shuten some guide videos for dog training but it seems canine training methods didn't equate directly to giant centipedes. Who would have thought? Rather than playing fetch, Anzu was more likely to fire a ball of corrosive spit at the projectile. Good target practice if not the original intent.

"Follow me in, I'll protect you from the crossfire." I ruffle Akeno's hair when she eyes me skeptically. Trust big sis more, I've got this! I lead Akeno into the warzone, her using my body for protection as we wade toward imminent danger. I can already imagine the veritable hellscape we are about to descend into. Spires of flame, rivers of blood, the anguished cries of departed spirits!

I find my mother and sister in the living room; Shuten is sitting in seiza with Anzu doing an insect mimicry of the position, my mother is standing in front of the two, scolding them quietly. I have to stifle my amusement when Akeno lifts herself up to glance over my shoulder.

"I have had enough of your misbehavior. I know that you are aware of how to conduct yourself and how your pet is expected to act. You are far too intelligent for me to blame your behavior on ignorance, so why does it persist?" My mother's features are stern as she stares at the offending duo. Her eyes flicker to me and I give her a thumbs up, indicating I don't intend to interfere. While I could extract some promise from my sister that she will behave better, she doesn't think I'll actually enforce it. Because of that, and the fact I'll fold at any hint of cuteness, any promise to me wouldn't hold much weight.

"Anzu likes our food, why should she have to eat other insects or small animals? Besides it isn't like we pay for the food." Shuten grumbles and from behind her, I can see that her arms are crossed petulantly across her chest. Anzu hisses in agreement but a glare from Mother shuts the centipede up swiftly.

"She doesn't need to eat our food and it is unsanitary. You know that." Mother frowns, displeasure at the weak response evident. Even neglect would have been a better answer rather than blatant disrespect. "As for your second response, I'll assume that wasn't mockery since you are better than that and instead address it as an honest remark. Yasaka-sama is kind enough to provide us with this housing and the supplies we need to live comfortably but that doesn't mean it isn't paid for. Every task your sister helps Yasaka-sama with is what pays for your food and housing; or do you think your sister is just enjoying herself here like you seem to be?"

"Onee-sama certainly spends enough time there. I would assume she is enjoying herself or else she would be here, with us." Mother sighs as some honesty finally shines through to the root of the problem.

"So what, you think she has abandoned you? Now that we aren't in the village, you aren't interesting enough to her? If anything she spends more of her free time with you now than she did before." Shuten growls but cuts off the noise when Mother's eyes narrow in rebuke.

"That's different! They aren't our people! Why does she have to spend so much time with them? It was one thing when it was other Oni but now she wastes her time with the Foxy hussy and the feathery bastard. She even brought another kid into our home!" Akeno shrinks back behind me, knowing that Shuten is talking about her. After turning and giving her a reassuring smile and gentle head pats, I debate interrupting. What stops me is the look Mother sends me, pleading that she is the one who handles this.

"She is working with them for our people. When has your sister not worked in our people's best interest? She may be strong but do you think that there aren't others in the world who are too? Think, do you believe she can everywhere at once? She is trying to protect our people from a world they aren't ready to handle." Shuten's little shoulders shake and she suddenly looks her age. Anzu curls around her and Mother's eyes soften as she watches her youngest daughter let out the feelings she has been keeping locked up.

"I just want to spend more time with her!" Kneeling down in front of Shuten, Mother wraps her up in a hug. She deftly maneuvers around the centipede, comforting my sister as I watch from the sidelines.

"There are large periods of time where your sister tries to spend time with you but you always refuse. All you have to do is train with her when she asks." Mother waves us off from over Shutens shoulders and I slowly back us out of the room. "She won't go too hard on you, you know that. If that isn't enough motivation, think of how happy it would make her."

As I lead Akeno away, I hear my sister hiccup and give a quiet 'okay'. Akeno looks at me askance as I throw a fist skyward in celebration.

Sisterly bonding time is a go!

I do notice, however, as we travel to the study that her shoulders are sagging and her head hangs lower than usual. I hadn't expected Shuten's words to affect her that much, especially given how young my sister is. Apparently our opinion of her matters far more than I thought it would by now. I hadn't expected her to get attached this quickly but considering we're nearly the only people she regularly interacts with (The workers at some local stores are quite fond of her. She's made good impressions on weekly shopping trips.) and she is searching for a place in the world after her own was upended, I probably shouldn't be surprised.

After entering the study Akeno sits, getting herself comfortable, and I poke my head out the doorway to make sure we weren't followed. Slowly closing the door, I turn to see Akeno staring at me looking bewildered. Inside the desk, there are hidden compartments, probably meant for sensitive documents. Shuten rarely enters the study, my mother being the only one who comes in by herself; this fact makes it the perfect place to use as a hiding spot. I know better than to hide documents or anything so mundane and have instead used them to hide something of far greater importance.


I place a glorious Kit-Kat variety box on the desk and methodically open it while leveling my most serious stare at Akeno. Carefully, I lay out each flavor. Arrayed between us are Kit-Kat's of all flavors including; Regular, Dark Chocolate, Matcha, Dark Matcha, Hojicha, Momiji Manju, Azuki, and Strawberry, and Saké. With my wares lain out, I lean forward and lace my fingers together. "I am entrusting you with the knowledge of my secret stash. I've gone to great lengths to hide this from my sister, knowing the tragedy that would befall it if she found out. Please, choose one but do not make the choice lightly."

I smile as I sit back, watching Akeno struggle not to laugh at the unnecessary seriousness of the act. She ends up taking a Matcha flavored Kit-Kat, something I nod solemnly in agreement with. A good choice but not the best! I palm a saké flavored bar and pack away the rest, hiding them again.

Since they come in minibars rather than full size I toss mine up and catch it in my mouth; Akeno nibbles on hers daintily, making a point to use proper etiquette even alone with me. It isn't that I have a problem with her being polite but she doesn't need to be so reserved. "Don't take my sister's words to heart. She's just being a child and her opinion isn't the same as my Mothers or mine."

Akeno looks up from her snack startled, apparently having thought she hid her disappointment better or not expecting me to bring it up so bluntly. Her cheeks tint red in embarrassment and she hurriedly sputters out denials. "I don't mind, really. I'm an intruder in your home."

I sigh and deflate at that, having hoped we had been doing a better job than that. "Akeno, you are not an intruder. My sister is the only one who would say anything along those lines and even she doesn't mean it. If you haven't noticed she's a bit vicious. I may love my sister but that doesn't mean I'm blind to her faults."

She's an adorable kid and is hilarious most of the time but she is also petulant, spoiled, and mean-spirited. I shrug and continue on to the actual reassurance."My mother adores you and wishes her children were half as well behaved. Not only that, you actually take interest in her work, unlike her own children. She thinks you're a godsend in this house."

We sit in silence for a minute as Akeno finishes her chocolate while contemplating that information. I just watch her take it all in. While she has definitely noticed that we're fond of her, I think she has been purposefully denying it. Not only that, I think I know why.

"You know she would want you to be happy, right? All good mothers want that for their children, and judging by what you've told me of her: your mother was a great mother." Akeno sighs, and I can see her valiantly holding back fresh tears at the memories that come rushing back when her mother is mentioned.

"How is that fair? I get to live on and be happy while she's dead? What if I don't deserve it? Maybe she should have lived instead, they only came after her because of me." Akeno falls onto her back when I flick her gently in the forehead. I roll my eyes as she stares at me aghast. Really, if she's going to say stupid things she should expect retribution.

"She couldn't have lived if you had died in her place. If she could then she wouldn't deserve to. As for them coming after her because of you? That's an even stupider conclusion. You're a smart kid so why do you have to act so dumb? The Himejima Clan and your Father's enemies would have come after your mother whether you were around or not." Akeno, having recovered and brushed herself off, glares at me.

"So what, I should just forget about her and carry on?" Since she's watching me, this time I have to speed up a bit to flick her before she can try to block. She squawks in indignation as she falls backward again.

"Of course not. You remember your mother and everything you did together. Cherish those memories, hold them tightly and never let go. What you should do is hunt down the people who dared touch something that was yours and take their lives from them." Akeno gapes at me, eyes wide with shock, causing me to snort. "Did you expect me to tell you something about forgiveness and how hating those people would only lead you to ruin?"

Akeno nods haltingly, a clear affirmation of my expectations. "I don't think we've explicitly told you what we are but I'm sure you've pieced together that we are all Oni." I get a more decisive nod this time.

"Not exactly the people to go to if you want to hear about mercy and kindness, kiddo. Instead, I'll help you get stronger and find your quarry. Hell, I'll even cripple them for you if that's what you really want." I place my arms across my chest and examine Akeno's response. Thankfully, I get the answer I wanted to hear.

"No!" She blushes at the outburst and bites her lip. "I mean, I don't want you to hurt them for me. I… I think I need to do this myself or else I'll always regret it."

I certainly don't squee as I speed to Akeno's side and hug her happily. I also don't beam widely as I spin her around in the air. "Excellent! Now I've got two little sisters to train into adorable murder blenders."

Akeno stiffens in my arms and I realize I may have messed up by calling her my little sister. I set her down without doing anything to acknowledge my slip and she seems content to do the same. We lock eyes and both look away without saying anything, an awkward tension filling the air. I go to say something, anything, but snap my mouth shut with an audible click as nothing comes out.

"Thank you for the chocolate and everything else." Akeno smiles to reassure me, I guess, and slowly retreats from the study. "I'll see you later and we can debate magic with Byakko-san?"

"Your welcome, and anytime. Next time you feel unwelcome just come to me and I'll knock some sense into you." I smirk, though the expression feels plastic even for me. "Sure, the grumpy cat should be up from his nap later."

As she slips out of the room I groan and faceplant on the desk. Why did I have to make it awkward?

The next day, after telling Mother, Shuten, and Akeno that I would be out for an indeterminate amount of time -though less than two weeks- I set out to be a spy. While physically I was completely unrecognizable, as a result of shapeshifting, I made sure to change my habits as well to sell the image. Rather than the measured gait I normally used, my walking shifted to something more casual; the way civilians walk, as though there aren't enemies all around them. My hand went to the pockets of my jeans and I slouch like I don't have a care in the world.

I had studied enough modern Japanese in the last month to speak in a way that wouldn't ping on people's radar as weird. I sounded like a normal young man if a bit brash when I spoke now; something that would pull the rest of my guise together. Indeed, Yamamoto Henso was just an ordinary young man. And if anyone thought the name itself weird then I'd blame my parents on the odd first name. Really, who names their kid something that means disguise or masquerade?

Refuge in audacity always works. Well, except when it doesn't. If there was a festival I would have pretended to cosplay as an Oni for fun.

With a wallet full of cash, I arrived outside the Golden Shine. All along the street are salesmen and women handing out fliers. There are also con-men, scam artists, and pickpockets all looking for marks. A set of gangsters are leaning up against the wall outside, lounging near the entrance where a young woman is dressed tastefully if a bit provocatively, and handing out fliers.

I had been watching for a while and a few other customers had gone in or been approached by the flier girl. The ones who had gone straight in did so with a nod from the gangsters. The others had been accosted, clearly being new to the shop. They shift their gaze to me as I approach the woman, and I make a show of discretely noticing them and gulping slightly before straightening. The image of a young man trying to act tough while out of his depth.

"Hello, sir! Would you like a flier?" She shuffles the papers a little, with her arms held tightly in front of her; a sales tactic that shows off her bust. She's cute if not as blessed in the looks department as the other women I've met in this life. Magic is one hell of a cosmetic.

"Thanks babe." I wink at her as I take the flier, eyes openly roving over her body. I nod approvingly as I look over the flyer, not missing that she looks me over as well. Yes, I am gorgeous, thank you.

I go to walk in the front door when one of the thugs puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes. The intimidating gesture is something I don't even feel but I manage a quick wince and turn. The thug is sneering down at me, as though I'm some regular weakling. The rage I feel at that surprises me and I realize that acting is going to be harder than I thought. In my past life, I had no pride to get in the way if I had to humble myself; now, my pride is apparently a whole different beast. "Where do you think you're going, little bro?"

"Ah, I heard about this place from a friend and thought it sounded like a nice place to have a good time?" The sentence starts out confident but by the end comes out as a question. The second thug smirks at the hint of fear he imagines in my tone.

"Do you think just anyone is allowed in this fine establishment, huh?" The skin under his hand feels red hot as my rage continues to boil and I have to fight down the urge to tear the offending limb off of both myself and him. Luckily my hesitance is taken as fear again.

"Tch, your 'friend' should have told you about the entry fee, right?" I square my shoulders and make a show of gathering my breath.

"He said that I would pay inside, yes." The man laughs as though I had said the funniest thing he'd ever heard and swung an arm around my shoulders, jostling me with his other arm.

"Ha, little bro, he must not have been here in a while. We have to collect an entrance fee at the door before you go in and pay for the services. Otherwise, how could we keep up with the flow of customers?" He sweeps an arm widely at our surroundings where clearly nobody is currently waiting to get in. His partner laughs behind him as he insults me and challenges me, wanting to see if I'll disagree.

I take a breath to calm down and imagine all the ways I could kill them. Rip his arm off and beat him to death with it? Maybe, drown his friend in his blood after I finish with him? While fantasizing about their deaths I reach in my pocket and fish out two, thousand yen bills before handing them to him. He makes a show of looking them over and nods to himself. "Thanks for the tip, little bro. Thing is, there are two of us here. You wouldn't leave your older brother, Shinji-sama, empty-handed?"

Gritting my teeth and not even needing to pretend to be pissed, I pull out another two thousand yen. The thug closest to me hands the bills to 'Shinji' and pats me on the back roughly. I see how much effort he puts in and pretend to stumble so he doesn't realize he couldn't move me even if he tried. "Good man, little bro. When you're finished in there, you should come back here. We could use an errand boy."

The deaths I'm imagining become far more violent as I walk inside to the sounds of their laughter.

The inside of the Golden Shine is actually decently decorated, if again a bit gaudy with the emphasis on gold. Thankfully it is limited to accents and not walls of gold blinding everyone as they enter. The fact that it is well decorated speaks to a pride in the owner's wares that an illegal shop normally wouldn't have; especially when permits for these types of operations aren't transferable so you can't keep up to code renovations. Unless the work is done off the books or you have people paid off in the government, I suppose.

The receptionist sends me a flirtatious smile as I approach her, and in the corner of my eye, I catch a patron being led further inside by a scantily clad school girl. I resist the urge to grimace when I see how young she is. I'm not sure if she is actually barely in her teens or whether she's just made up to look like it. Even if it wasn't blatantly illegal due to the fact it's prostitution, a girl that young working this kind of job is horrifying.

Every second I spend here it becomes less likely I'll be able to stay discrete. I'm starting to think I don't even want to; that I should just burn the place down and damn any consequences that may come.

"Hello sir, is this your first time here?" My attention is drawn back to the receptionist as she drags a finger along my jaw. "If that is your type, we can definitely accommodate you. She isn't our only girl that fits that criteria."

"Actually that isn't what I'm looking for. I heard from a friend that you had some… new acquisitions?" Her eyes narrow minutely and she opens her mouth to deny it but I beat her to it. "He said that the girls were magical."

Her eyes widen and she nods. "We do indeed have some new girls and boys that fit that description. You will have to pay a premium up front then choose one though. Mr..."

"Yamamoto Henso, but you can call me daddy. Whatever it takes will be fine, I can cover it." I fish out ten ten-thousand yen bills and place them in her grasp. She frowns slightly and stares at me hesitantly.

After fidgeting and sighing she clears her throat. "I'm sorry sir but these services are a bit more pricey. Services of this sort start at a ten million yen."

I nearly choke at the sum of nearly a hundred thousand U.S. Dollars. I grit my teeth and pull the sum out, the whole time chanting 'Think of the mission' repeatedly. It's fine, Yasaka will pay for it.

The receptionist beams at me and gestures to the door behind her desk. "This way, honored customer. We keep our special products through here." As we pass through she places a sign on her desk that says she will be back soon.

She leads me through a labyrinthine set of hallways before we unceremoniously arrive in what could be generously described as a slave pit. Cages line the walls and a startling array of species sit chained within. Each cage has the mark of a golden hand with a finger outstretched toward the viewer printed on it like a corporate logo. Most of them are beautiful women and some are men handsome enough that I even give them a second glance. Figures, species, and appearances for every possible fetish. Some aren't even humanoid and yet I know that there are people who would pay to fuck them. A cursory examination shows dozens of different species; dryads, nymphs, a lamia, a sphinx, some empousi, a gorgon, tengu, harpies, tanuki, kitsune, a vampire surprisingly, nekomata, mermaids and mermen, a fucking yeti, and a deer woman.

They were cared for well, or comparatively, I should say. It is hard to call being a sex slave in a cage well cared for. Yasaka will be mad but I can't deal with this anymore. Although I should check one thing first. "Is this all your wares, miss?"

The receptionist looks at me askance as though I'm insane for not being in awe of the variety on display. "The boss keeps his favorites at his club but these are all the remaining specimens. Do you have something specific in mind, honored customer? If you pay extra I'm certain the boss won't mind having one of his girls brought here. He is very giving."

"Ya, all of them gone from here. I don't need help for that though." A sharp jab to her temple knocks her out, and I make sure to hold back enough not to kill her. The people in the cages go dead silent as they take in what just happened. I survey the assembled people, trying to figure out how to release them all, where to take them, and in what order when the sharp crack of a pistol echoes through the air.

I don't want anything that happens here to be connected to me or the West Yokai Faction so my disguise stays up and I limit my ability. Because of that I 'barely' dodge the bullet, the projectile tearing through my shirt as I spin and search for the assailant. Another Yakuza member is staring at me in surprise from across the room as smoke coils around the barrel of their pistol.

With my speed limited to peak human or as close as I care to pretend, I have to dodge another two shots before I reach them. His ability with his weapon is amateurish at best. Combined with me eliminating my presence makes closing the gap a joke. Every creature with sentience leaks emotions that other sentient creatures pick up through a 'sixth sense'. It's the primal fear that bubbles up inside you around a predator, the feeling of being watched, your hair standing up when something approaches from behind you. Without that ability you second guess your other senses without even realizing what's wrong.

Along with those limiting factors on his ability; I possess superior body control, instincts, and most importantly speed. Since I can move so much quicker than this, it feels like everything is in slow-motion. I have more than enough time to guess the trajectory they will fire and dodge with the smallest margin possible.

The final shot he manages to squeeze off I dive under and fold into a roll. He is too late looking down to aim at me and I get to watch as their eyes widen comically before I uppercut him in the chin. It brings me a bit of relief hearing his jaw shatter and teeth crack upon impact. I don't have much time to enjoy it though as I can hear the sounds of a group running here.

I don't want them to start firing guns again because I might have to show more prowess if they do. So, I take advantage of the bullet holes in my clothes and poke a few breaks in the skin where the bullets should have hit. Along with the fresh bloodstains there, I bite my tongue and let some blood leak out the side of my mouth. This, along with some shapeshifting to make myself pale dramatically, makes me look like I'm on death's door.

Five Yakuza burst through the door just as I finish my preparations. They all point their guns at me and I turn to the downed weapon of the guard before. As I reach for the pistol, one of them fires at the ground stopping my advance. One of the others, the leader likely, puts his hand on the shooter's weapon. She clearly disagrees from the sour look on her face and is about to complain when the leader snaps at her. "He's on his last legs, we'll beat him down by hand so we don't damage the merchandise. Unless you're willing to explain to the boss why he needed to order new product?"

The shooter pales and hastily places her pistol in her waistband, something that almost makes me tutt in disapproval. Buy holsters for your thugs, morons. The others smile at the prospect of beating me down -fucking meatheads- and two of them even pull out weapons. A tanto and a hatchet are leveled at me 'menacingly'.

The leader snaps his fingers and the other four charge me. I keep up the weakened act until the hatchet wielder gets close enough to take a swing. Kudos to the leader, he keeps his pistol ready to shoot me if he needs to. Too bad he isn't actively tracking my movements with it and won't think to use it until it is too late.

The hatchet wielder swings for my shoulder, an odd choice but it wouldn't matter where he aimed anyway. I step into his swing and punch him in the throat. The shock causes his grip on the hatchet to loosen and I take advantage of that to rip it out of his grip. I leap up above the heads of the rest to get a good angle against their leader. My sudden change in demeanor shakes their confidence and breaks what little formation they moved in as their advance falters.

I watch as his eyes widen and he begins to aim his pistol at me. I'm probably smiling now, if the strain on my cheeks is anything to go by and it only widens as I whip the hatchet around, sending it flying at their leader. I may have thrown it a little too hard, as it bursts through the center of his head and keeps going, clattering to the floor behind him. I say bursts not sliced because my inexperience in hatchet throwing caused the handle to hit rather than the blade.

The time I take to admire my work is nothing but an instant. To me, however, it may as well be minutes. Scum dying is like fine art and should be enjoyed as such. If my sudden confidence caused them to falter, the death of their leader shattered any coherence their assault held.

As my feet touch the ground, the knife-wielder charges me with a scream of terror and I catch his blade hand by the wrist. My free arm crosses the gap between us and a fist slams into his solar plexus. He falls to the ground with a silent cry of agony as pain fills him and his breath is stolen from their lungs.

Of the two remaining, one loses his nerve and starts to back off, the other is struggling to draw her gun. I start to throw the knife I'd just gained at the girl pulling her gun when her pistol goes off. Still in her pants. Amused, I watch as she screams due to the new asshole she just gave herself. I follow through on my throw but change the release and the target; the knife sails through the air spinning and its hilt hits the coward in the head, knocking him out.

One of the Yakuza is dead, two are knocked out, and three are writhing in pain on the ground. The thing that gets me is how boring fighting is against baseline humans now. The next time I have to fight them, I'll do some tricks or something to amuse myself. Throw in some flips or illogical combat maneuvers, I guess. Otherwise, there just won't be a point.

Part of me wants to kill them all but I know that I'd be a hypocrite if I did. The only one I killed right now was the one that would have killed 'Yamato Henso' if he had gotten a shot off. I can get away with this persona dodging bullets against a single opponent but against five? That would be suspicious as hell for someone that good to not have support. I want them to think they are dealing with one guy who had a bout of morals, not the new monster on the block.

Sure the ones with weapons could have killed me as well but they clearly weren't trained, or at least not well. Incompetence shouldn't be punished with death in this case, just pain. I'd say that they should hone their skills and try again next time but they won't have an employer for very long.

I hear a guttural roar from where the hatchet wielder lays and turn to see him standing back up. His muscles are growing at an absurd rate and a heavy magical aura is pouring off him. In the center of his head lies a golden scale, and veins are bulging out around it as he glares at me. Magical steroids, why not?

He leaps at me with decent speed and the cracks on the floor show the strength he now wields. Maybe, mid-class peak? Not bad at all for a baseline human to suddenly jump to. Even without using Touki this much is still nothing, however.

I take a few steps back so he doesn't land on me and he does a gorilla-style forearm slam into the floor. The tiles shatter, dust and shards filling the air around him as the floor ripples. I grab a decent-sized piece out of the air and step in closer to him. As he stands he tries to backhand me but I duck under it and drag the sharpened tile fragment down his arm while it passes overhead. The tile breaks under the pressure and I don't manage to penetrate his skin either.

His left foot rockets up into a sloppy front kick which I trap against my left side. With his leg in my grasp, my free hand goes for his throat and I push forward while pulling up on his leg, slamming him backward into the ground. He may be stronger now but his skill is non-existent and his balance is shit.

I keep the pressure on and start raining blows onto his face from where I've mounted his prone form. I can hear him grunting in pain from each strike which isn't saying much considering how light these are compared to my maximum. What is impressive is the rate he's healing the damage. The swelling and bruises are gone almost the instant they form and every time I break his nose or cheekbones it only takes a few seconds before they snap back into place.

I frown as he catches a fist and then the second and watch him ginning dumbly with his bloodstained face. Smirking I slam my forehead into the bridge of his nose and while he's stunned rip his throat out with my teeth. While he lets go and starts gurgling I can already see that won't put him down for good.

I take a few steps back after getting off him and watch his regeneration. The scale on his forehead has diminished in size considerably during the fight and is fading away even faster as it heals the fatal wound. Ah, so it's one of those troublesome things.

He stands and roars his challenge once the healing is done, the sound echoing through the room. Some of the captives flinch at the cacophony and he beats his chest as he postures. He's essentially running completely on animal instinct at this point. If I was weaker than him that wouldn't be a problem but even someone with similar strength would win against him. When his display is finished he leaps at me again; the most telegraphed opening possible.

I jump to the side as he lands, trying to grab a hold of me with a wide hugging gesture. Stepping around him I grab his arm and use it to swing myself up on his shoulders. His newly enlarged muscles make it so he can't even reach me as I sit on his shoulders, something that amuses me to no end, so he roars at me with his head tilted back. Laughing I slam an elbow onto the scale crushing it. To top it all off the loss of the scale causes him to pass out and start to turn back to normal.

What a shitty power-up.

Against normal people that would make the user invincible and would probably even allow grunts to fight off some of the lower-end supernatural creatures. The problem is that the same could be accomplished with training or even good weaponry and strategy. A fifty-caliber sniper would pop the skull of all middle-class existences outside the ones that only achieved that due to their durability. Sure a lot of them could dodge but that is where strategy comes in. Combining these scales with competent troops could be effective unless the berserker rage is a certain side-effect. If it is a magical euphoria that the scale induces that could be adapted to over time then it could be an effective boost with time and effort.

It isn't something I would ever use or advise others to use but it isn't the worst idea I've heard. Still pretty shitty though.

I cut up the pants of the dead guy and use them as bindings for the rest of the thugs and the receptionist. With them secured, I focus on the prisoners who are all staring at me with complete focus and a hunger for freedom. Some eye me warily wondering if they are just trading their old bonds for new ones but most still have hope.

While I was tying up the thugs, I came up with a plan. Okay, part of a plan. A framework really. That is why the first people I approach are the Yokai. More specifically ones like the kitsune and tanuki, naturally skilled in illusions. They all have manacles engraved with arcane markings binding them, and likely any magic too. As I release each of them I pulse my Youki enough for them to recognize it up close, hoping that will be enough to earn their trust without revealing my identity. By the time I get them all out I have a crowd of twelve Yokai wondering what I want with them specifically.

"I'm here to get you guys home but I don't want to leave everyone else here." Their eyes shine in gratitude as they think about their homes again and only one acknowledges the second half of my sentence. A male tanuki steps up from the rest and stares at me with determination written on his face. He seems to be in his early twenties which makes him look like one of the older individuals here sadly.

"What do you need us to do?" As he speaks the others hesitantly watch the byplay. I've no doubt that they are imagining being forced to do depraved things, even though that would be illogical since I freed them.

"Thank you, I figured you wouldn't be keen on leaving the others here. I'm glad I was right. Since there are so many people here, we need to cover them in an illusion while we travel. I'm unsure how much the human factions in the city know about this so we can't be caught by them either. Please, tell me you all can come up with something?" They huddle up and after a couple of minutes the Tanuki steps out again.

"If we don't have to maintain the illusion for too long then we can do it." I sigh in relief and look over the rest of the prisoners. The non-Yokai are now eyeing me warily again, and the Yokai look almost excited as they await a taste of freedom.

I walk over to a nymph, a Naiad probably from the skin tone and scent, ignoring the Yokai for now since I need the most cooperation possible. I warn them I'm going to open the cage in Japanese and when that fails I try English. Sadly, both fail and she stares at me devoid of comprehension. Then I try Greek. In my past life, I took a class on Greek in University, though Latin was something I had more experience with. I may have perfect recall of those classes along with everything else but I wasn't any good at Greek. It's like reading translations from a conversion dictionary piece by piece. Because of that my speech was… lacking. "I let you out now. Yes?"

The nymph giggles, surprising both of us judging by her expression. I take that as her understanding me and rip open the cage. I slow down as I move inside and approach her with my hands in view. She nods and gives me a smile before I tear off the manacles. As she stares at her freed hands the smile widens and before I can react she cups my cheeks and, unceremoniously, sticks her tongue down my throat.

I don't hesitate to kiss her back, matching her intensity and passion. I may have gotten lost in the softness of her lips and the taste of fresh water, as when my eyes flutter open she is babbling in Greek excitedly. The other nymphs are giggling at the exchange and when I look over they bat their lashes coquettishly. I kind of get why so many Greek Gods spend their time chasing after nymphs now. "You speak to others?"

She claps happily and rushes off to the rest of the Grecian species. With them being reassured I'm left with various other nationalities that I don't speak a lick of their dialects. English is what I use to try to communicate with them and it works for the most part. The deer woman for example speaks some Native American dialect that I can't even guess at. By the time I get to them though, enough varying people are free that they trust me. It takes a while, around forty-five minutes to get everyone freed but eventually I have a crowd of former captives awaiting my orders.

I find Tanuki-san and the rest of the Yokai in the mass of freed prisoners and head over to get everyone moving. "Yo, you guys ready to do this?"

"Yes, we can head out whenever you give the signal." I smile at his reply and look over the assembled crowd. Who needs stealth or infiltration ability? Just walk in and free everyone after subduing any resistance with superior strength. All in a day's work.

"Alright, take everyone and head straight to Urakyoto. The leaders of the West Yokai Faction will handle returning the people from other countries later. It's important you get to safety quickly and discreetly, okay?" I don't know why or how the others got kidnapped and brought here but they probably want to go home after an ordeal like this.

"You aren't coming with us?" The ones who speak Japanese all look nervous at the prospect of going alone. I can't go with them though because I have a few more things to clean up here.

I walk over and place my hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eye. "You can do this. I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't trust you. All of you are far stronger than you know. You will make it to Urakyoto and after that, you will be able to live your lives again, freely and happily."

He clenches his fists and stares at me filled with resolve. The others all feel the same from the look of it. They can do this. "Good man. Take everyone out through the back and make sure to keep the illusion up."

I lead them to the back exit and they all hesitantly head out. As they pass me each one expresses their thanks, or at least I'm fairly sure that is what they all say. The ones whose language I speak definitely did thank me. The Naiad from before kissed me again but not without grabbing my ass, to the amusement of the others. Apparently, she suggested the rest do the same and I received some nice rewards from a dozen sexy Grecian women. Lastly, I got a back-breaking bearhug from the yeti; thankfully his -her, it? Too much fur to tell.- hands didn't wander.

With them, on their way, I set off to search for any paperwork or files that I could bring back to Yasaka. Before I leave the room, however, I realize that most of the files would be digital and sling the receptionist over my shoulder. With my captive in tow, I search through the building for anything incriminating. This means that I run into customers on the way, which sucks for them. The regular customers will wake up with a headache later because I knocked them out; the ones who like their girls young, well, without magical healing they won't be touching anyone sexually again. Basically, there were a few eunuchs in the business now.

I took my money back and handed some out to all the sex workers before telling them to leave. Should be enough to straighten their lives out at least. After that, I pour through their paperwork while I wait for the receptionist to wake up. I don't find anything clearly stating inventory but their bank records and shipping manifests are intriguing. Massive sums being exchanged between the Golden Dragons, or shell companies they own, and both foreign and domestic companies or individuals. Alongside the money, there are large quantities of 'goods' being shipped into Japan by a company based out of Ankara, Turkey. One, Zagreus International has sent dozens of shipments that possess only the bare minimum for descriptions of the cargo itself. With the dock they come to being controlled by the Golden Dragons, I suppose they don't need to worry about searches.

I pocket the manifests just in time to hear a groan from the receptionist as she wakes back up. "Ugh, w-wha… fuck my head hurts."

"Customers not usually so rough with ya, hon?" From the look on her face, she remembers how she ended up with that headache now. She pales and her eyes start to dart around searching for exits. Fear wafts off her, the scent almost overpowering in the small room. Either she is an absurdly good actor or she's just a normal receptionist.

"I-If it's money you want I-I think you should look elsewhere. The boss won't be happy and even if you're tough… he's a real monster. Just run away and forget what you've seen. Please." I boot up the computer and slide a chair over to her.

"I think it's a little late for that. There has been a sharp drop in inventory after all. He ain't gonna be happy anyway." If she was pale before now she looks like a ghost, even shaking. "Now, I need you to open all the files you can access on this. Okay?"

When I see her hesitate I sigh, "He's pissed either way so memorize my face and give him that information. If you do that he should be happy enough with you. Just open the computer for me and get my files; if you do that you can scurry away."

As she types in the login and password, I slap my forehead loudly enough to startle her. "I almost forgot! No alarms or calls to your boss or anyone else." I slide a memory stick I stole from here to her and she grabs it after a few seconds, inserting it into the computer. "Copy everything onto that, sweetie and we'll be done here."

While she does that I spin a pen around and focus on searching for any threats. Through my Ki sense, I can tell nothing is approaching so Receptionist-san has been a good girl. Instead, I track the movements of the escaped prisoners. They are making decent time by the look of things and they are all still together so everything is probably fine. I'm just going off their signatures though so I could be wrong. Still, the odds are good.

"It's finished, sir." I grab the USB after it has been ejected and pat her on the head. Behind my back, I slip the USB into a pocket dimension for safe keeping. She flinches at my touch which causes me to pout, an expression that doesn't work nearly as well on this face.

"Thank you so much, Receptionist-san! I'd make a quick escape if I were you, things will get very warm in here soon." She slowly slinks out of the room as I watch but the moment she crosses the threshold she runs at full speed away. Why do I feel like the bad guy here? It's kind of rude for her to make me feel like that.

After hauling the thugs who still lived out of the building I set it ablaze. I waited for a while to watch the fire and to see if anyone came by. Nobody did other than the fire department. Whether it was because they were worried someone was waiting or didn't want to be linked to the establishment. Eventually, though, it was time to leave.

I had stayed long enough, maybe too long but I had accomplished a lot today. Before I went home though I had to drop off the intel I obtained. That was why I was waiting for a servant to lead me to Yasaka.

Honestly, I'm more than a little excited about the praise I'm about to get. It isn't every day that you go out and bust a slavery ring, saving countless people. I think I can parlay this into full access to Urakyoto, maybe even a medal and a public ceremony. A monument in my name, something fitting of my greatness.

Riding the excitement from the successful mission -which was completed quite quickly if I may say- means I have a wide smile as I step into the room Yasaka is waiting in. I'll admit the sigh and slight frown from Yasaka when I enter causes my smile to dim a bit.

"Is subtlety an alien concept for you? No, don't answer I had already expected an outcome like this." She gestures to the seat in front of her like a principal to a student being sent in for discipline. My eyes narrow but I sit, all the same, tossing the files and USB down in between us.

"There is all the information I could retrieve on them. It details a large number of their dealings and organization structure." Contrary to my expectations she pinches her brow and sends me a flat stare.

"Do you not-" She pauses and examines me again. Once she's done she nods to herself as though coming to a realization. "No, of course, I almost forgot. Let's try this a different way. Why do you think this group only came to our attention now?"

"You already said it was because they started targeting Yokai." She gestures for me to continue so I frown and think about it more. "Before they weren't a concern since they limited themselves to dealings with humans."

"Exactly, so why would you have made yourself so involved in this? I asked you to find my people who were taken, nothing beyond that." That's the problem?

"What, you wanted me to leave the other captives trapped there?" I scoff and cross my arms across my chest. The fucking nerve, assuming that was even a possibility.

Letting out a frustrated exhale she stares at the ceiling, muttering to herself. "She's just ignorant, Yasaka, she isn't purposefully provoking you."

"If you looked weak in your village, someone would challenge you for your position, right?" Probably, it would depend on how weak I looked and whether it would be enough for them to forget who is the strongest.

"A bit of a simple view but basically yes." Yasaka nods as though that was expected.

"You have just made a major criminal organization look weak. The others will now jockey for position. Not only that but from what you've said about the information here, you plan to dismantle them completely. Have you ever heard of a power vacuum, Ibaraki?" I bare my teeth because she knows I'm not that dumb. Yet my heart isn't really in it because I'm starting to understand what she's getting at.

"If you take this organization down are you prepared for all the lives that will be lost when the other groups try to swallow up the resources and territory now up for grabs? This isn't a story and you aren't the hero, not everything is so cut and dry as you believe." The stare she pins me makes me feel small which of course pisses me off.

"So I should do nothing like you then?" My sneer has no effect as she rolls her eyes dismissively.

"That isn't even all the small-scale problems this will cause. The resources that will have to be expended to find the homes of the refugees you saved for example. If they are politically valuable I can gain some leverage but if not they're a burden on resources. The thugs you didn't kill are going to be made an example of by their boss. The sex workers will take the money you gave them and waste it before ending up with a worse employer. And after all that nothing will change." My blood boils at her basically writing off everything I did as worthless but the worst part is I can actually see it happening.

"Why are you saying this? Shouldn't you just mock me internally while praising me like you do your other pawns?" The silence that envelops the room following my accusation is oppressive and cold. Yasaka glares and the fur on her tails bristles.

"Because I want to see what you will do now; knowing the consequences of your actions in full." I bite back the instinctual retort that I'll do whatever I please and take a second to think it over.

"Well… if there is going to be a power vacuum… I just need to fill it myself." I give Yasaka a fierce smile. "I'll take down the leader of the Golden Dragons; install myself as their leader; then systematically topple all the other factions until I alone rule the criminal underworld in the area."

The silence continues for a beat and then Yasaka laughs. Not a reserved dainty thing that one would use in court but a full belly laugh. My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline and she suddenly does the most adorable yip like an actual fox. This clearly wasn't intentional as she freezes in shock. I have to clamp down on my tongue when she glares at me as if daring me to say anything.

"That is why I bother helping you. I mean really, pacifist devils and now an idealist Oni. What're next asexual succubi? Maybe a vegetarian Rakshasa?" She smirks at me. "The things you do are just so fresh and exciting! Here take this."

She slides a tome over to me and when I flip through it, it contains instructions to enter the barrier to Urakyoto. "Really?"

A quick examination of the spell structure shows that entry requires permission that can be revoked at any time, something that makes me smile wryly. It has a watcher function that stores data on when the spell is used so it can be tracked- mother fucker. "You've had people following me?"

She smiles fondly and shakes her head. "Of course I have you are an unknown element no matter how fond I am of you. I've been leading for centuries, this much caution is certain. My intelligence squad was quite impressed by how well you can hide your presence; also the wordplay on the fake name was dumb but amusing to quote the agent tailing you."

"I didn't notice them at all…" How the hell did they not get caught by any of my senses?

"We obviously have ways to evade detection by Sages. How else could we stay in power in this part of the world for so long?" Er, in hindsight that is kind of obvious, isn't it…

"Wait. Are you even here right now?" 'Yasaka' winks cheekily at me and disappears into the ether, her Ki signature winking out at the same time.

I stare blankly at the area for a while as I regain my wits. "Oh fuck off. That's bullshit!"

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