91.89% Testament of Taimanin / Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - Hidden Enemies

章節 32: Chapter 32 - Hidden Enemies

Lilith Multiverse

Taimanin World

Japan, Gosha Village, unknown resident

Day 3.

8:00 Pm, August 13, 2078, Saturday.

The sky was clear and people began to take their time to rest unaware of the danger they were in as two hidden individuals discussing their evil and malicious plans. It was a man around his late twenties having close eyes and parted sleek hair wearing a turtleneck shirt and brown trousers with a lab coat on top of it. He looked an eccentric man at first glances but in truth he was a lot more sinister.

"For how long do you think I'll keep pretending and hang out with bitches!? I'm growing impatience." Near him was a young woman with bob cut blunt bangs and braided side growling in annoyance.

"It's only been a month, why are you so impatience?" The man said, giving off a sinister smile as he looked out the window looking down at the other resident that houses Taimanin.

"I hate that I can get my run back with that bitch! And I had to keep this act in front of her." She clicked her tongue in frustration.

"You'll eventually get your hands on her, Oboro." The man's smile grew wider.

These two were merely disguised with the man who used the fake name Muroi Mitsuhiko, but his true name as Fürst, a human turned demon and executive Nomad, an organization that seems normal at first glance actually hides a sinister scheme behind it all.

Meanwhile the young woman was Oboro, who was the leftover body of Koukawa Oboro, revived with demonic cells and a half-demon soul, now twisted into a shadow of her former self. She is largely the one who inflicted the tragedy that fell on Asagi and wanted to end her knowing she's the one who defeated her a few years prior.

They suddenly tense up when all of sudden a shadow came out of the darkness and the two were perfect on what's happening when they saw a person whose gender was difficult to pinpoint having long sleek ebony straight hair and wine red eyes that peered into their souls.

The two were compelled to kneel down and submit themselves with their emotions taking damage when they saw its gaze in disgust.

"Who are you!? How did you get past security!!?"

Fürst felt his demon blood acting where it trembled in a horrifying way as if there was no escape and everything would be inevitable. However, he was far too arrogant to give up and immediately use his ability to sneakily isolate the room to avoid this person from escaping if they manage to defeat it.

"....how vile. The soul and spirit cries out for justice and vengeance around you." It spoke in a monotone voice yet the air turned colder when it sharply looked at Fürst then shifted to Oboro who shuddered in fear and arousal.

"As for you, you're nothing but a cheap knock off." This simple praise infuriated Oboro and immediately transformed into her true form wearing red Taimanin suit with her cleavage up to her abdomen was showing but despite this obvious design flaws actually have protection unseen by normal people. Their specific design needed to be considered when making a Taimanin suit which is why some looked skimpy at times.

"Enjoy your last moment, bastard!" Oboro snarled, her eyes narrowing as she lunged forward with her deadly claw weapon gleaming in the dim light. Her movements were a blur, far surpassing the speed of sound, as she employed the feared technique known as "Flash Step" or Shukuchi. The ground beneath her feet cracked with the force of her acceleration, and in an instant, she was upon her target.

The air itself seemed to scream as her claws tore through it, the sheer speed creating a sonic boom that echoed through the room. Victory seemed assured as she closed the gap between them in the blink of an eye, her claws poised to deliver a fatal blow.

But just as her weapon was about to make contact, it stopped. Dead. Something invisible had intercepted her strike, halting her momentum with a force that rippled through her entire body. Her eyes widened in shock as she felt an overwhelming pressure gripping her wrist, a sensation that was as cold as death itself.

"Right back at you," the intruder's voice was calm, almost indifferent. Before Oboro could react, she was met with a powerful backhand strike. The impact was instantaneous, sending her flying across the room. She crashed into the stone wall with bone-shattering force, the impact creating a web of cracks that spread out like a spider's web.

Fürst, who had been watching from the sidelines, was stunned. He had witnessed Oboro's speed many times before, but this was different. The intruder had not only matched her speed but surpassed it effortlessly. His ebony hand, still smoking from the strike, remained poised in the air, a testament to his overwhelming power.

Oboro slumped to the ground, unconscious, as the dust settled around her. The intruder, unfazed, turned his cold gaze toward Fürst, who could feel the weight of his presence pressing down on him like a vice. The battle was over before it had even begun.

With a flick of his wrist, the intruder shook off the remnants of the strike as if it were nothing more than a trivial inconvenience.

"Is this the best you can offer?" he murmured, his voice laced with disdain.

The room fell silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Fürst knew in that moment that they were up against an opponent who was far beyond their understanding, someone who was playing a game that they were only just beginning to comprehend.

As Oboro lay motionless amidst the debris, the intruder took a step forward, his presence dominating the space. The fight had been swift, brutal, and decisive, leaving no doubt as to who held the upper hand. And as he advanced, it was clear that this was just the beginning.

"You're strong and I could use someone like you. Tell me what you want from me and maybe I can give it to you?" Fürst tried to negotiate but this only made the air colder and the pressure heavier.

"Don't think you have the power to negotiate with me, vermin." It said still in a monotone voice but clearly angry at him and Fürst expression remained neutral.

"Pity then."

A tense silence blanketed the room, thick with anticipation. Then, with a sudden, malevolent energy, Fürst erupted into his demon form. His body twisted and expanded, splitting into multiple clones, each one a perfect copy of his fiendish self. Without hesitation, the clones lunged at the ebony guest, their tendrils whipping through the air like serpents. But the guest remained unmoved, his gaze steely as he watched the onslaught approach.

In one fluid motion, the guest unsheathed a scythe that shimmered with an ominous light, slicing through the tendrils as if they were nothing but air. Fürst recoiled, a flicker of fear crossing his face, but he quickly shoved it aside. He couldn't afford to hesitate. Summoning his will, he sent a relentless barrage of tentacles toward the ebony reaper, each one more vicious than the last.

The guest moved like a shadow, his scythe a blur as it cleaved through the writhing appendages. The room echoed with the clash of power, each strike met with precise counterstrikes that sent sparks flying. As their battle intensified, Fürst's confidence grew. He could feel his adversary's rhythm faltering, his attacks becoming more forceful, more desperate. A twisted smile curled Fürst's lips—victory was within his grasp.

"Hahaha! You can't run forever! I'll thoroughly enjoy experimenting on your body!" Fürst taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic glee. His eyes gleamed with the thrill of the hunt, every fiber of his being yearning to break the ebony reaper beneath him.

But in an instant, the reaper's hand shot forward, fingers outstretched as a swirling vortex of darkness coiled in his palm. The air around it seemed to freeze, as if the very essence of death had been summoned into that roiling black mass. Fürst's instincts screamed danger, and he reacted without thinking, his body twisting to evade the attack.

The dark projectile shot past him with terrifying speed, grazing his side as it sliced through the space where he had just stood. Fürst felt a searing cold where it touched him, a taste of the annihilation that would have consumed him had it struck true. He stumbled back, eyes wide with shock and newfound respect. This was no ordinary foe; this was death itself, wielded by a being who commanded it with terrifying ease.

For the first time, a sliver of doubt crept into Fürst's mind. The thrill of battle gave way to the chilling realization that he was not the hunter here—he was the prey. And the reaper, with that unyielding, calm demeanor, was no longer merely an adversary. He was a force that could not be outrun, only faced head-on.

But Fürst was not one to back down, not even in the face of death. His eyes narrowed, the fear that had momentarily gripped him now replaced by a burning resolve.

"If I'm going down, I'll take you with me!" he snarled, summoning every ounce of his demonic power as he prepared for the next strike. The room trembled under the weight of their clashing auras, the final showdown looming ever closer.

Unfortunately, his power suddenly vanished and was shocked that his demonic energy was nullified then saw his opponent vanish before reappearing in front of him then slices to pieces before his head was grabbed by his opponent. He tried to regenerate but to no avail and was shocked that he couldn't restore his flesh.

Fürst had always prided himself on his near-invincibility, his body capable of regenerating from the most devastating injuries. He had even laughed off decapitation before, his severed head grinning wickedly as it reattached itself. But now, that terrifying resilience failed him. His wounds remained open, his power waning, and for the first time in his existence, Fürst felt something alien and paralyzing—true fear.

If he had a heart, it would be hammering in his chest, threatening to burst from sheer panic. His wide, frantic eyes locked onto the figure standing over him, the one responsible for his sudden helplessness. The ebony reaper's gaze was like a whirlpool of wine-red blood, swirling with an abyssal depth that seemed to draw Fürst's very soul into it. That gaze penetrated every layer of his being, reaching into the darkest corners of his existence and laying bare his deepest fears. Fürst shuddered involuntarily, a primal terror coursing through him.

"What's wrong… scared?" Their voice was low, almost a whisper, yet it carried the weight of inevitability. The reaper's grip on Fürst's face tightened, fingers digging into the demon's flesh with an ironclad hold. There was no escape, no reprieve. Fürst could feel the overwhelming power radiating from Testament, a suffocating force that left him with no hope of survival.

Desperately, Fürst tried to speak, to plead, to beg for mercy—anything to escape the death that loomed over him. But no sound came. His vocal cords were destroyed, his ability to regenerate useless against the damage wrought by the reaper's dark energy. All he could do was stare into those blood-red eyes, the abyss that promised only oblivion.

Fürst's mind screamed in denial, his instincts urging him to fight, to do anything to survive. But his body betrayed him, too broken to move, too shattered to resist. He knew, with a cold finality, that his end was near. The once mighty demon, reduced to a trembling shadow of his former self, faced his inevitable demise at the hands of a being who had no mercy, no compassion—only the duty to reap.

"I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to die, do you?" Testament's voice was eerily calm, almost soothing, as if trying to offer a twisted form of comfort.

"I can hear your thoughts, Fürst. Don't worry—I assure you, death is not in your future."

For a fleeting moment, a wave of relief washed over Fürst. He clung to the hope that he might yet survive this encounter. Serving someone as powerful as Testament could open new doors, offer him stronger specimens for his grotesque experiments. The thought of continuing his work under the protection of such a force filled him with twisted glee.

But his relief was short-lived.

"Because killing you," Testament continued, the calmness in his voice now laced with a cruel edge.

"Would be far too light of a punishment."

Fürst's eyes widened in horror as the words sank in. A cold, sickening dread surged through him, freezing his thoughts and stealing the air from his lungs. He tried to scream, to voice his terror, but his vocal cords were shredded beyond repair, leaving him in a soundless agony. His body trembled as the full weight of Testament's words bore down on him.

"Yes," Testament said, the dark satisfaction unmistakable in his tone.

"Now, live in endless torment. An illusion you won't escape. A hell where time has no meaning, and pain is eternal."

Fürst's mind spiraled into chaos, the promise of eternal suffering more terrifying than any physical wound. He struggled to resist, to fight against the overwhelming despair, but it was futile. He was trapped, not just in body, but in a nightmarish reality crafted by Testament's will.

Testament released his grip, allowing Fürst's body to slump to the ground, but the torment had only just begun. The reaper looked down at him with cold indifference.

"I won't need you anyway. I'll simply create a familiar with your memories and personality to infiltrate that place. You were just a means to an end."

Fürst's terror-stricken eyes searched desperately for some escape, but there was none. Testament's words continued to echo in his mind, each one a dagger plunging deeper into his soul.

"Oh, but wait," Testament added, a hint of mockery in his voice,

"You can't hear me anymore, can you? Pity."

And with that, the ebony reaper turned away, putting Fürst inside his shadow to writhe in the dark abyss of his own mind, condemned to an eternity of suffering where death would have been a mercy.

"Now then what shall I do with you?" Standing in front of it was the knockout Oboro and decided to use her instead since the ebony reaper, Testament, didn't feel any pity for her and decided to let Asagi choose what he needs to do.

[ Main Mission: Infiltration Interception (Accomplished) ]

[ Description: Two enemies have infiltrated Gosha village disguised as villagers. Their aim is to manipulate events behind the scenes. Your mission is to neutralize this threat. ]

[ Task: ]

[ 1. Capture or kill Oboro

2. Capture or kill Fürst ]

[ Rewards: ]

[ - 1,000 Points for each capture/kill

- 500 Bonus Points for capturing both enemies alive

- Special Weapon: Shadow Dagger (C) for capturing Oboro

- Special Armor: Phantom Cloak (C) for capturing Fürst

- 2,000 Points bonus for completing the mission without civilian casualties

- Healing Elixir (B): Fully restores physical health upon use. Cannot be used on the dead or used as rejuvenation. Damage to the soul will not be healed. ]

[ Penalty: ]

[ Failure to neutralize the enemies will result in their success in manipulating the village, leading to severe consequences. ]

[Time: None ]

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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